HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-09, Page 3THE EXETER TJME&ADVQCAT.E
about to luxuriate Id somg really* good
with its dandy sheets of ice came just
I’ve lived and I’ve loved
I’ve sinned and I’ve cussed
Because today was today
Tomorrow we’re dust,
There are a few
enough such offenders
Let us hope that we’re
* * * * #
•Johnny and Mary are back to school, See to it that they have
a good time hut that they are up and dusting,
*. * *' •*-**#-
reckjess drivers through this town. Just
are abroad to make a few first-class funerals.
* -* V » * * •
And then the freeze-up 1
as Bob and Lettie had to pack off to school,
* * * # * * * *
* *
I’d rather be a sinner
Than a plaster-paris saint.
Perched on a dusty altar top
.Sadly in need of paint.
The right kind of people do not
have unpleasant neighbors.* • * *
If ignorance is bliss, why isn’t
there more happiness in this world?
* * *
‘Free speech is O.K.—listening
isn’t compulsory.........yet,♦ * *
I’ve stood atop a wind-swept hill
I’ve known the chill of the dawn
Then came the warmth of the sun
.So why should I fawn?
be a sindei’
plaster-paris saint
I’d rather
Than a
Trying to -seem like t
I was something that I ain’t, * * *
Ideas Make Men Successful
Galileo saw a lamp swinging
and fro in the Cathedral at Pisa—
with this observation came the ‘idea’
(Of measuring time by a pendulum.
other people had
same phenomenon
for Galileo to see
and develop it,
And so, it’s now nineteen forty-one
A brand new year is just begun,
We’ll keep the old, but -make new
By staying true to oui* -aims and
We’ll be just to our fellow man—
Complete each task as best we can.
We’ll be thorough in aim and deed
And do our job with the utmost
Consider our labor a great romance,
Poor old Eira simply coul4 not keep out of -the fight, Just as
•Paddy and his pig and his goat basked in the balmy air of secure
ity, Jerry dropped bombs oh them.
* * *♦♦**. *
Got started on absorbing your system’s due of vitamins and
calories and carbohydrates and calciums and chlorides and such?
You may be in a serious condition, otherwise,
‘.Little glints of humor,
Little rays of light,
Knock our -daily worries,
Highex* than a kite.”
most. The wicked stand in slippery places. As the majority of
the citizens may not, safely, be put in that category, they do other
wise than the wicked, much otherwise in fact. Of course, peciest-
rlans might buttress themselves with protective mattresses, but that
practice has its disadvantages. Thick feather beds and corpulent
pillows would help out in an emergency, hut most of the humans
in this town are featherless bipeds. Will not the council heed our
plea and have the sidewalks sanded and well sanded at that? Of
course, too, each pedestrian might provide himself with a sand
pouch with some air gun attachment that would project a stream
of sand ahead of him that would add considerably to his safety
while using the streets, but we stick to our guns and in most re
spectful terms urge the town fathers to sand our sidewalks as
cumtsances require that -duty to be well and truly done,
* * * * ♦' * *
Thousands of
witnessed this
but it remained
the -opportunity
Newton was taking an afternoon
siesta beneath an apple tree when
an apple bounced- off his bean.........
.and, lo! the natural -law of gravity
became a recognized fact.
iRight around YOU at this very
moment, there are enough ‘ideas’
waiting to be discovered....ideas •
that may make you rich and fam
ous. The trouble with most of us is
that we want oui’ ideas fully de
veloped and -delivered at our door.
* * *
One of the favorite stories of
the ‘pardoning governor of Tennes
see’—the late Bob Taylor—concern-
„ ed an old -colored woman who came
to his office to obtain a pardon for
her husband.
“Marse Govenah,” -said she,
want my Sac pardoned.”
“Where is he, auntie?”
“In de penetentiary.’
“What for?”
“Stealin’ a ham.”
“Did he steal it?”
'". “Yes, sah, he suah did.”
“Is he^a good niggar, auntie?”
“Lawsy, no, suh. -He’s a pow’ful
wo’thless niggah.”
“Then 'why do you want him par
“ ’Cause, yo’ Honoh, we’s plumb
out of ham ag’in.”* * *
It’s the surly worm who gets the
thumb our nose at the god of
may drink deeply of life and
love ,
But, ever mindful of the stays above
We’ll fake each buffeting with a
Steadfast in our courage and the
will -to win
We think John Bull is one grand
guy .
And we renew our pledge
Lending a hand where
quell any ambitious
* * *
That highgrade airplane that swept so low over our good town
the other morning Was bent on seeing the men started on our North
End Bridge, Bright men,’ those air fellows. Nothing outstanding
escapes them,
..................r........ .... I, not
seem to have entered.the minds of Canadians that .the battle of
Britain is bejqg fought in immediate defence of Canada, quite as
much as if the bombs were falling on Halifax or Montreal. Every
falling home and every desecrated church in London is quite ns
much Canada's affair as if the City Hall in Toronto, the home of
the man on the next street or the next concession were being blown
to pieces. That list of casualties posted over there in Liverpool
points with shuddering finger to the blood red palm of London and
Galt and Winnipeg.
■But we have home guards. True, but against whom are they
being prepared? Not against our American cousins surelyj They
are for defence against German invasion, an invasion -that is bound
to follow hard upon, the fall of Britain, Let it be noted that if Bri
tain -falls, our sun has set. Such a fall meaps that we, along with
our American cousins, will be turned face to the wall with uplifted
hands,- while our homes are desecrated and our women given to the
lust of the enemy. Nasty words, these. They are true words,
nevertheless. Every- statesman in the United -States knows the truth
of every syllable we have uttered. Our only course is to prepare
men fox* Britain, not by the afternoon tea and parade route, but by
hard, intensive -soldiering. We have not a minute to lose, in getting
this done. Every municipal council, every church body, and every
red-blooded man must ring the alarm bell till what we have of
wealth and of manpower is thrown into the crisis that is even now
is darkening every household and threatening the very existence
of what is dear to the heart of man. Ten days hence may be too
late to make this effort worthwhile. Some shadows already are
falling on the day of oui’ opportunity.
Canada’s wax* effort simply misses the mark. It does
* * *
Somehow we just can’t get away
from the opinion that the break
fast nook was invented by the same
guy who invented
the telephone
to stand
e’er the
New Year Resolution
Every New Year gives thought tn
a new crop of resolutions chaste..
Our petty vices are abjured, and
virtue manfully embraced. Though
few -of -our resolves survive the
gale. Though empires ridte- to a fall
’t.is better to resolve and fail, than
never to have resolved at all.* * * ■
• Ah, alas, girls—when fancy
work no longer seems necessary on
an apron, the honeymoon is over,• * * *
Let us .have better and shorter
sermons,: statistics prove that few
sinners are repentent after the first
quarter of -an hour.* * *
The way of the transgressor is
‘soft’ for the lawyers.• * * *
We may not all -see alike
Perhaps we cannot, yet
May we not with heart and
Voice en-courage
Those, who seek the light?
I .—House Mother,
• . * * * —
* **
Rainbow’s End
I’ve reached the end of the rain
The tales of its treasures are
The gold I’ve found is our friend
It’s diamonds, my- hours with you.
'The mirage may fade when the
O’ershadows the fold of my quest,
And you may forget I was with
But I’ve filled my memory chest.
—Gay Amelia.* *
Curious Cynic Cants
....a woman is never neutral; she
eithei’ loves or hates.
!......the girl who doesn’t want to
take,her husband’s name is usually
not adverse to taking his alimony
....some women’s greatest wish is
to -be weighed and found wanting.
....the more household magazines
a woman reads, the less time she
has for the household. •
’ ....another example of -a genus ego
idiot is any married man who thinks
he is interested in another woman’s
mind. .* * *
"He who vows vengeance should
■dig two graves.
* * *
Another good test of personality
to borrow money from a
doesnt use slang or swear.
* * *
Pert and Pertinent
is to try
man who
Bet Someoiie is Sorry
“Funeral arrangements to be an
nounced later for the strawberry
festival -and lawn social given by the
ladies of the altai’ society and will
be in charge of ;Sidel and McCormic,
Boss four Food
Cause You Distress?
The impairment of the stomach is
often of serious consequences* for
only by properly digested food is the
system nourished and sustained.
Burdock Blood Bitters is a re
liable remedy for stomach disorders
such as dyspepsia, indigestion, sour
atomach, belching of gas, headaches,
etc.It helps to stimulate the secretion
of saliva and gastric juice, the
main factor in digestion, neutralizes
acidify, tones up tlio fining mem
branes of the stomach, and restores
the natural, 1 healthy process of
Put your stomach right by taking
B.B.B, and See hoW quickly you will
ctart to enjoy your meals free from
digestive troubles.
The T. Milburn Ob., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
enjoy your meals free from
> troubles.
“Wives of great men all reihind
us of. it.”
...and they are nothing to. half-
sisters and' daughters by first
“The intensity of conviction in
most people is directly proportional
to their narrowness -of vision.”
....of course, (Professor, yoxi are
absolutely sure -of that.
“I have told the plain, unvarnish
ed truth.”
....truth is never varnished in
politics; white-wash is lu-sed be
cause it is unore opaque.
“Public speaking is almost a lost
art ’
....did some luncheon club fail to
inVite you to be on theii’ program?
Oley -Okeydofce
* * *
Answering Curious Cynic.,....
When a girl says ‘yes’, it means
she has just about given up hope
of landing someone better.
Dld’ja over know a married man
who didn’t adjust his necktie when
a P,rotty girl looked at him?
If a man marries a wife that is
dumber than he is, he is ashamed
o£ her; if she is more clever than
he is, lie is ashamed of himself.
Girls, beware of promises. The
only man who lteebs 'his promises
Is the man who doesn’t make any.
A rttg in the average man’s room
shows the most wear in front of the
•miss Ophelia I
These women with the knitting needles and those with the
thread and needle are not making garments only, but they are weav
ing the warp and woof of Empire. Those socks, those shirts, thofee
pyjamas, are for some brave soul coming in torn and bleeding from
the battlefield, eager to be strong again to take up musket'and
bomb in your defence. Is it worth while? Suppose that wounded
man were your son,,your sweetheart. We’re just getting going.
. , ********
• ,We have jiust heard of an Exeter boy who had but ten cents
to spend on. his mother for Christm-as presents. With fine judg
ment he gave hei’ a ticket for the Public Library. We do not know
of any way in which he Could have invested his money that would
bring- more pleasure and real advantage as that library card will
put his mother and her family into contact with the best thoughts
of the .best men and women; living and -dead. And it is the 'right
sort of thoughts that build men and nations. ' “As a man thinketh
in his hgart, so is he.”
1941 opened amid unus-ual conditions,
unharvested. Some of the bean crop still
country roads are in- poor condition. Many
These conditions are due, not to lack of thrift and enterprise, but to
severely adverse weather conditions; London has been bombed
mercilessly, many of England’s most prosperous bitiCS are in ruins.
The. United iStates sees their hour of .trial approaching momentarily
nearer, The old maxim that no man knoweth what a day may
bring forth is hourly taking on a new and appalling significance.
Everywhere Cain is abroad with his club for righteous Abel.
Some turnips are still
is in the field. Many
fields are under water.
o .. The Dilatory Bachelors after their regular weekly luncheon
.gave themselves to unusually serious considerations of intense pub
lic interest. The result was that a petition is to be presented to the
powers that be. After a preamble including thirty-five clauses,
the petition requests: That a temper airy bridge be constructed in
•the north end of the town, that the said bridge be made of materials
from the present bridge and that the new ontemperairy- bridge bel
-made from materials of the temper airy bridge and1 that the tem-
» per airy bridge be in constant use till the ontemper afry bridge is
completed. The meeting broke up amid scenes of wild enthusiasm.
The redecorated lodge hat is to be worn on the occasion of the presentation of -the petition.
Premier King and President Roosevelt have told us that we’re
up against a stiff year. Both of them stfeak hopefully of victory for
the democracies. Both of them 'tell of the severity of the struggle
necessary to win that victory. What about it, private citizen? ■ Re
call what Mr. King said. ‘‘You may think of your possible con
tribution to the struggle as being but the dust in the balance. Well,
the -dust in the balance may determine whether the balance rises -or
falls.” That’-s it. Every economy of time and effort and means
and thought is of supreme value. Let us see this and cut our ex
penditures to the place where the unnecessary has no place. Win
ning the war is the matter of supreme and desperately important
concern.« * ♦ * *
Attention has been called to the financial value of oui’ -Schools.
Some thoughtful people believe that all schooling, beyond the
eighth grade in oiur schools, should be at the expense -of the indi
vidual and of his family. People who think in this way .urge that
a great many of our .youth attend High Schools and Universities
simply because they are sent there and who are aware of no- inU'ei’
compulsion driving tliem towards the advantages the higher places
of learning afford them. The result, such thinkers point out, is
that su-ch young, p'ersons return to ordinary life with untrained
minds and a few lazy habits. Their minds never have been lit up.
On the Other hand, there are those who contend that the in
dividual youth cannot pay foi’ the -teachers and equipment neces
sary for real training in any Walk of life where the experience of
the race must be drawn upon and the best knowledge and Skill of
the’times brought into play. The Whole situation is worth looking
into in days when our whole provincial and federal and municipal
relations are in the melting pot.
***** ** *
The authorities in London, England.
have assigned certain du
ties in regard to fire control to every citizen. This regulation is
Of serious character. The failure of citizens in this respect has re
sulted in one of the greatest disasters that fine old city elver has
experienced. Trained fire fighters cannot do all that is heeded in
certain emergencies it has been discovered. '
The lesson is plain and should be heeded by all of us. We are
so wflcudteomqd to being served that we are coming to be a people
who do not wait on ourselves. Self help is coming to be an old-
fashioned virtue. Let us own up. We’re getting soft, and for that
reason we are the easy prey of a few clever people who are hard,
keen, selfish and self-seeking. To bo a bit practical, What would
you do were you to find your place on fire? What-would you do
were you to find your neighbor’s place on fire?
* * * * ■* * * *•
Would it not be well tor the Council to take immediate steps
towards the sanding of the sidewalks of the good town? The
Cost is anything but prohibitive, while the convenience resulting
from such a public service would be definitely advantageous to
everyone. The ice in this burgh has a way of being slippery, tt
has the further obnoxious fashion of turning its hard side upper-
Three firemen were overcome by
smoke in a fire which -caused dam
age estimated at more than $.7,0-00
at the Crich restaurant and bakery
at Seaforth on Tuesday of last
Thb three firemen who were
overcome were 'Frank Kling, M.
Scoins and D’lOrleen Sills, mem
bers of the .volunteer fire brigade.
They were
and later
the scene.
As the
removed .to their homes
were able to return to
.heavy smoke seeped
through the adjoining buildings at
least five families were forced on
io the street. The people were hot
hurried out of their dwellings in
nearby apartments and had plenty
of time to don warm clothing.
Shortly after seven o’clock in the
morning, Glen -Smith, employed as
a baker by John Crich, discovered
Smoke pouring from the basement
under the front part of the build
ing on Main street. He Sent in a
fire alarm but for“ two hours fire
men were unable to enter the
building to discover -the centre of
the fire because of the intense,
smoke. It was not believed -at first
that the fire was serious, and one
line of hose was used. Then shortly
aftex’ nine o’clock the marble floor
of the restaurant crashed into the
baseinent, carrying tables, chairs,
counters and valuable equipment
with it.
That was the first indication fire
men had that the blaze had reach
ed serious proportions. The heavy
smoke came from about three-quar
ters of a ton of waxed paper which
had ignited.
More Hose Laid
Two additional lines of hose were
immediately laid and within a few
seconds two more streams df water
were pouring into the basement. It
was shortly after the floor collaps
ed that firemen beat their way-
through the smoke info the build
ing and it was only a few minutes
later that the firemen were over
An emergency^ call was sent to
Clinton and Mitchell for more hose
but none was available.
The building is part frame and
part brick. The front portion,
which was -completely destroyed,
was frame, while the brick portion,
used as a bake shop, escaped seri
ous damage.
It was believed that a heating
plant in the basement was respon
An adjoining produce store own
ed by W. A. Spence was blackened
by smoke but there was no damage
by fire
■ By Rev. J« W. Down
AH through this brave and tragic
year we called you nineteen-
In spite- .of all our doubts axxd tears,
you tried to keep us sporty.
The -clouds you lined with silver
bright, to bring us sunshine in
the night,
And while we say farewell to you,
we fain would stay youx* flight;
You sure have been the most heroic
of all the passiiig years,
W.e joined your lifting martini -songs
<and shared your griefs and tears,
And as bad news would reach us,
from out the ether wave,
You hid your best to show us how
to live among the brave.
When pagan hordes were gathering
strong, to brush oui’ liberty;
Y.pu rose triumphant in your might
to win the victory.
You heard the viscipus villain’s
dare, to .meet and fight him,
With courage great you called, his
dare, and. beat the brute in battle
You held the field, in spite of fate,
and dared the Hun’s remorseless
Alone you fought supremely great,
too noble to retaliate.
You playpd one act for Father*
Time, and held the balance fair,
And while you knocked the bully,
out, your blows wej’e landed’
Y-oui* foes fell back in icowardly
mass, cowed by your shout, “They
Shall not Pass.’’
The Golden Age, you fought to win,
for every cult and class.
When the days grew dark with
doubt and we began to fear,
You made, dark clouds turn bright
side out and we were-filled with
Our blackouts vanished info day,
as our nightmares passed away,
The Old Year has been prone to say
,that better times will come to stay.
Although the hours that filled your
days have swiftly come and gone,
Yet still you live, in every deed,
your soul goes marching on.
Once more we heai’ the Battle Cry,
for Nineteen Forty-One.
“Fight on, brave hearts, and falter
not,until our Cause is won.”
and a
tries to arouse -a, nation while the
politician tries to lull it to sleep.
difference between a patriot
politician is tbat the patriot
govern"Banker since 1817, ond hundred and twenty-
three years ago, to Governments—Dominion,
Provincial, Municipal—the Bank of Montreal
has given them the special forms of banking
service they require.
Among the people employed by these
ments are thousands of out customers, who keep
•their surplus funds in our savings department, bor
row for personal or home improvement needs, or
'make use of out services in a score of other ways,
Up to forty, a man thinks how
happy he is going to be; after forty
how happy he used to be.
* * *
Proverbs of 1-941: Don’t judge a
book by the company it keeps.
s 1542
Serving Canadians and their institutions in every Section of the tomtnuiiiiy,
we invite you to discuss YOUR banking requirements With id.
Exeter Branch: W»- J» FLOYD, Manager
MOtiMItN, EXPERIENCED ASKING SKAVICfi the tiuftome of Jta>| Ymh-? SuMtsfid