HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-02, Page 5THE EXETER. TIMESADVOCATE ”"''‘ ■' ................■*'"' ■.................■...................................................; Coming to Hensall C. R, Wilkinson, R.O. Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be et W. O. GOOPWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those . that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con­ sult me, Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 16 Hensall r fpr appointment HENSALL Miss Nora Stinson spent Christ­ mas at her home in London. Mr. Jag. Nichol q£ Exeter is vis­ iting- with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Middleton spent Christmas at Bayfield. Miss Grace Brock of London is visiting at the home Of hei* mother, . Mrs. George Brock. An epidemic of chicken pox and whooping cough is prevalent among the children in the village. . Miss Margaret Hobkirk of De­ troit spent a few days recently vis­ iting with friends in the village. ,Dr. Wm. T. Joynt of Brookville spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart of Kippen have moved to the village for the winter months. Mrs. Verne Smith of Exeter vis­ ited this week with her mother. Mrs. Annie* Saudercock. Mr. Jack Murray of Detroit was a'recent visitor with his sister, Miss Hannah Murray. ’ Miss Dorothy Brazier of .London is visiting with Dr, and Mrs. D. G. Steer and Patricia. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hildebrand spent Christmas with relatives in London. </ Mr. Morris Tudor, R,C.A.'F„ of Toronto spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T)i- dor. < Miss Hunt of London spent the Christmas holidays with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. ‘A. ,E. Hunt. Rev. W. A. Young, Mrs. Young and family of .Fergus spent New Year’s with Mr, and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore of Delhi spent Christmas with the for­ mer’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Passmore. Miss Vera MacVicar of London spent Christinas at the home of ' Mr. and■’MrsW. M.’Drysdale. ‘ ■ •' Misses Kathleen and Bernice ■ Brydgman of ‘ St. Marys are holi­ daying with Mrs. D. Walks and Mr, and Mrs. A. Kerslake and iBilly. Mrs. Nichols of iParkhill is spend­ ing the Christmas holidays with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. arid Mrs. Ken Hicks. Mrs. Hannah Workman and Miss Mabel Workman are visiting at the home of Mr, and ,Mrs. Herb iBritton at Dublin. Miss Hattie Sutherland spent a ’ few days recently visiting with re­ latives in London. Mr. and Mrs. Harry‘Cook of To­ ronto visited recently with the for­ mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cor­ nelius Cook. Beginning with ■ the New Year, the stores will be closed’ on Tues- " day nights until the Spring months. Mrs. Rnssel Love and son of Owen Sound spent the Christmas holidays with- Mrs. Love’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald. Major S. Barbour and Mrs. Bar­ bour of St. Hyacinthe, Que., spent Christmas, with the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Hoggarth. Mr. Orville Hedden of St. Cath­ arines visited at the home of his mother, Mrs. Catharine Hedden on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs* Clarence Reid of London visited on Christmas with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Allen. Miss Mary Hemphill of London Spent the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Heriiphill. Miss Jean Bonthron of.’ London spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. J, W. Bonthron. Mrs. P, H. Devlin visited on Christmas at’the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rayn­ ham and children of Exeter spent Christmas with Mrs. Raynham's parents, Mr. and MrS. Deter Moir. Mrs. D. Walks, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kerslake and , Billy, visited on Christmas with relatives in St. MaryS. ., Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Rennie and family spent Christmas with the formers.’ brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Harris. , Miss Gwendolyn Britton of Dublin is visiting at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Hannah Workman, Mr. J. B. Forest returned home after a very pleasant visit with re­ latives in Pontiac and other places in Michigan* Mr. n. E. Cook is having an up* to-date oil burner installed in his dwelling on Main Street. Rev, R. A. Brook conducted ser­ vices in the United Church oh Sun­ day and, the choir rendered two beautiful anthems, Miss Jessie Hodgert visited re­ cently with Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Day­ man. Mr. James Dayman of Sarnia vis­ ited this week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, H. 0. Dayman. A number of the airmen from Sky Harbor and Port Albert were entertained at the various homes in the village on New Year’s Day. ’ Rev, A, M. Hunt delivered a very fine sermon on Sunday morning at the regular service in 'St. Daurs Anglican Church, Miss Joyce Scruton of Toronto visited recently with her mother, Mrs. A, Scruton and sister, Mrs. Peter L. McNaughton, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Sheppard of Toronto spent Christmas with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Smillie and also with Mfr. and Mrs. John Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs, Don Rigby and daughter Donna of Blenheim vis­ ited during the holiday season with Mrs. Rigby’s parents, Mr. and Mr< Stewart McQueen. Mrs. Chas. McDonnell and Pat­ sy spent the Christmas holidays with the former’s son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Ted Taman in Listowel. Dr, D. G. Steer, Mrs. Steer and Patsy Spent Christmas with Mrs. Steer’s mother, Mrs. Brazier, in London and iDr, Steer’s parents, Mr, and Mrs, Steer in Mt. Brydges. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Ab Passmore of Delhi and Mr. Kenneth Passmore of the Air Training School at Galt spent the Christmas holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins were Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn of Lon­ don, Miss Edith Parkins of Exeter and Mr. Murray (Parkins of_ Zurich. Mrs, Jack Corbett and Ross re­ turned ‘home after spending a few days visiting with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz at Dashwood. Miss Annie Coleman left on Sunday for Stratford where she will spend several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Coleman, who is ill. .' . * Carmel Presbyterian Sabbath /School concert was held on Monday evening, December 23rd, with a very large atendance. Rev; Wm. Weir acted as chairman over the very fine program presented by the jun­ iors and the young people, including recitations, songs, dialogues and an “asgit hasket basket”, aftei’ which Santa Claus arrived and distribut­ ed the gifts. Rev.. Wm. Weir conducted ser­ vices in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday and delivered a very ’7 - spiring .sermon at the morning ser­ vice on the’text, “Ye Must be Born Again”. The choir sang “Therefore Will I iGive Thanks”, soloist, Mrs. W. A. MacLaren and “One Sweet­ ly Solemn Thought”, soloist, Miss Irene Hoggarth. Child in Hospital Under Observation Harold, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford, choked on Friday evening when eating pea- ’nuts, and was.brought to Dr. D. G. Steer’s office, where it was found that the peanuts had become lodged in the child’s throat and it was then taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where X-rays ' were taken on Saturday. The child is remain­ ing in the hospital where he is un­ der observation and will probably have to undergo an operation in order to determine the trouble. The Late Walter Fee A former resident of Hensall in the person of Mr. Walter Fee pass­ ed away Thursday in his 9 2nd year, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. J. Harris, in Ailsa Craig. The* de­ ceased was a highly esteemed re­ sident of the Village for a number of years. His Wife predeceased him several years ago, aftei* which Mr. Fee went to Ailsa Craig to reside with his daughter. Surviving are two sons, George and,'Oliver of Hen­ sall and two daughters, (Laura) Mrs. E. J. Harris, Ailsa Craig and (Margaret) Mrs. Boughman, of Chicago. Funeral service was held on Saturday from the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harris. Interment was made in Exeter Cemetery. Faintly Party Held on Friday Evening A Ohurch family party was held on Friday evening in the school­ room of the United Church, with Rev. D. A. Brook presiding. The program opened by singing Christ­ mas carols with Miss Greta Lammie at the piano. Recitations were giv­ en by Elaine Beer, Billy Carlisle and Jean Ingram, followed by a play entitled “Santa Claus Up-to- Dhte”. Dr, I. G. Smillie favored with a vocal solo, “The Holy City” and Mr. Caffey Joynt sang '‘Danny Boy”. Miss Gladys Luker was ac­ companist. Misses Ruth Brook arid Kay Drysdale played a guitar duet and Miss Ruth Brook, and Bob Hess played a piano duet. A. recrea­ tion period followed directed by Rev. R. A. Brook,. Mrs. Ken Hicks and Carrey Joynt; Refreshments were served at the close. Mrs. Andrew Dougall Passes Suddenly A, pioneer resident of Hensall passed suddenly away at her home here on Saturday In the person Of Mrs. Andrew1' Dongall in her 11 th year. The deceased was in her us­ ual health and was able to attend her household duties on Friday and after retiring suffered a heart at­ tack and passed away at 2 a.m« on Saturday. Formerly Christena Fat- erson, a -daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paterson, the de­ ceased was a lifelong resident of the village, Surviving is one daugh­ ter, Cassey, at home and one son, William, of Chicago, one sister, Mrs. Kate Bingough, Hensall, and three brothers, Robert, of Calgary; John of Toronto and James of Hensall; one sister, Mrs. Andrew Murray, passed away one month ago in Cal’ gary, Funeral service was held from the home of Mrs. Kate Bin- gough to Carmel Presbyterian Church, on Monday afternoon, con­ ducted by Rev, Wm. Weir, The floral' tributes were very beautiful, showing the high esteem in which the deceased was held. The pall­ bearers were Messrs. W, A. Mac­ Laren, R. Y. MacLaren, W. R. Dougall, Andrew Doug-all, Malcolm Dougall and Dr. A, R, Campbell. Interment was in Hensall Union Cemetery. Presentation Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren were very pleasantly surprised fol­ lowing the church service on Sun­ day morning when the members of the choir presented them with a silver .relish dish and a iCoffee table in honor of their tweinty- fifth wedding anniversary which Mr. and Mrs, MacLaren celebrated on Saturday, The following ad­ dress was read by Rev. Wm. Weir: Dear Mr, and Mrs. MacLaren! We are given to understand that yesterday it was your joy to cele­ brate the twenty-fifth anniversary of your wedding and at this time we desire to congratulate you on the happy event 'and to extend to you our best wishes for years to come, of which we hope there will be many. We use this occasion not only to mark the eventful day of your wedded bliss, but also to recognize the invaluable work you do iri con­ nection with the service of praise in our congregation. We honor you, Mr. MacLaren, for the splen­ did and faithful leadership you have given the choir for so many years and we thank you, Mrs. Mac­ Laren, for the fine contribution you make through your talents. And now we ask you to- accept from our hands these slight tokens of our esteem. May they ever re­ mind you of this happy time and of oux* best wishes for, you in all things. Carmel Presbyterian Church Choir. Mr. MacLaren has been choir leader “of Carmel' Church ; for the .past fifteen ' years, and although taken by surprise made a very fit­ ting reply. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron made the presentation of the sil­ ver relish dish and Mr. Jas. Mustard Jr., presented the coffee table. ZION The December meeting of the Zion Mission Circle was held at the home of Mary Earl. The meeting was opened by singing hymn num­ ber 64 followed by a prayer , by Erl- ma Jaques. The Lord’s Prayer was repeated. The minutes . were read and adopted and the roll call taken. The business was then ..discussed. Mary Earl read the Scripture and Marjorie Earl gave a reading. Hymn number 5.8 was then .sung, after which Margaret Hern gave the study book, “Men of Africa”. Jean Brock favored with an instrumental; An­ na Brock read a poem and the col­ lection was taken. Hymn 53 was sung and Rev. Mr. Laing closed the meeting. The election of officers was held after’the meeting and the following wilbbe in charge for 1941: Pres., Hazel Hern; vice-pres., Jean ..Brock; sec., Anna Brock; treas., Mary Earl; corr. sec.,.Erlma Jaques; pianist, Marjorie Earl; asst, pianist, Irene Brock; press sec., Hazel Hern; Watch Tower—India, Mary Earl, Africa, Erlma Jacques, Korea, Lyda Stephens,z Japan, Marjorie Earl, Canada, Irene Brock,. Tenxperance, Alma Ratz. The January meeting will ..be held at the home of Jean Brock. Mrs. >H. Kyle of Exeter visited on Monday evening last with Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hern and oh Tues­ day with friends in the community. We are glad to report that Mrs. ROss Hern is improving. Many from the community spent Christmas with friends. Mr. William Stephens of St. Thomas spent Thursday with his sister, Mrs. Ephraim Hern. Miss Jean Brock spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickenson. MiSs Irene Brock spent several days with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Hun­ ter. , Miss Ethel POOIey spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hern and Hazel visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Rogers of KlrktOri. Mrs. Albert Gunning of Exeter is visiting with friends in the com­ munity. The monthly meeting of the Zion Women's Missionary Society will be held on Thursday, January 2nd, at the home of Mrs. James Earl. Several from the community at­ tended Bingo held at Woodham on Friday night DASHWOOD Mr* A. 0. Becker of Kitchener is spending the holidays with his parents. Mrs. Catharine Finkbeiner is vis­ iting with her sister, Mrs. Humble, in Sarnia. Mrs. Matthews of Dorchester, spent Christmas with her mother, ; Mrs. Wm. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Koessel and fam­ ily of Lansing, Mich.,, spent Christ­ mas with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Kuntz. Miss Onieda Restemeyer, R.N., and Hubert of London spent Christ­ mas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Qtto Restemeyer, Mr, and Mrs. Mosher of Pontiac, Mich,, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Neeb. Mr, and Mrs. ^Archie Bender and Mr, and Mrs, Elmore Zimmer of Toronto spent the holidays with their parents here, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Kellerman spent Christmas with her parents> In Fergus, ‘ , Donald Harris of Sarnia spent the Christmas holidays with rela­ tives here, Mr, A. Philips of Detroit spent Christmas as the guest of Miss Rose Guenther. Carl Oestreicher left last week for Guelph where he will take a course at the O.A-C. . Mr,, and Mrs. Henry Hoffman and Gertrude and Mr. and-Mrs. Mervyn Tieman and Nancy Anne were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Nor­ man Evans. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Miles of Sarnia were visitors with Mr. John' Bender. Mrs. Miles, Sr., who has been staying with Mr. Bender, re­ turned to Sarnia with them for the holidays. The annual meeting of the Dash­ wood Public School was held in the school on Thursday morning when Dr. Taylor was re-elected trustee ■for a three-year term. The care-, taking was awarded to Mr. Fred Guettner. , A good crowd attended the Xmas entertainment in the school. There was a good program of songs, re­ citations, dialogues and drills. Mr. W. R. Goulding, musical instructor of this school, assisted with the pro­ gram. Miss Antoinette Ziler of London spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph iZiler. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner spent Christmas in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. George Link visit­ ed with Mrs. J, A. Manson and daughter Beatrice of Zurich on Fri­ day last. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent Christ- mas with friends in London. ■ Murray Wolfe of Fort Erie visit­ ed with his parents over the Christ­ mas holidays.' Mr. and Mrs.' Harold Schwartzen- truber have moved into the house of the late Mr. George Stire. Mr. Wm. Mussel* of Detroit spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Andrew Musser and has returned .$?:• that city. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott of Bowmanville spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver. Fred Hopcroft, who has joined the Navy as a seaman left on Fri- .day for Halifax. Mr. and Mrs. Hop­ croft accompanied him to London before leaving. Miss Lavada Hartleib spent Christmas in London where she vis­ ited her sister, Mrs. Meerburg, in the hospital, who underwent an operation. ■'Mr. Meerburg and twins of Port Frank spent Christmas with Mr. Jonas Hartleib. Mrs. Christina Hartleib of Lon­ don is spending the holidays with relatives here. Mr$. Reid of Thedford spent a few day’s with her daughter, Mrs. A. Goetz. Mrs. Bartcliff of Clinton visited with her mother for a few days over the holidays. Miss Irene Martine of Detroit spent Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. Mary Martine. Mrs. Grace of Detroit is spending New Year’s with her -parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Schroeder. Mr. Leeland Guenther of Hallan- quoist, Sask,, and sisters, Mrs. Fred Cords, of St. Catharines and Grace of Kitchener spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith of Wind­ sor spent Christmas with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gttenther of Windsor spent Christmas With re­ Mrs. Charles Guenther returned latives hero. Mrs. Charles Guen­ ther returned to Windsor with them where she Will spend a few months. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce of Wind­ sor spent Christmas With her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter, Greetings...,Christmas is over and the Season’s festivities are how abating; While the doer Of ID40 has swung shut for eVer, the dodr of 1941 is opening into an unknown but.hopeful future. In other lands the “ past year was marred by , the ravage of war; Fear sorrow and sacrifice stalked through the land without mericy, while our lot here in Canada has been extremely fair. As minister of the Calvary Evangelical Church, Dashwood, we take this means to convoy hearty New Year greetings with best Wishes, hot only to our parislioners but to neighbours and friends throughout the community as well, Those who have met with mis­ fortune, sickness or sorrow during the past year, including all our young trainee soldiers; those on land, sea, or in the air are especial­ ly thought of in this word of cheey and good wishes fpr the coming year. God bless everyone. ''Trust in the Lord and see good”, Mrs. Chas. Keller Succumbs Mrs. Charles Keller, a resident of Dashwood for the past 12 years, died on Sunday, She was a mem-; her of the Lutheran Church at Dashwood, and was in her 68th year. Her maiden name was Louise Mueller and she was born on the 14th concession of Hay Township, She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Erma, and Loretta at home; seven sons, Adolph and Edward, of Hay Township; Arnold and Elmer, of the 16th concession Stephen To whship; (Herbert andt Harold, of Exeter; Reinhard, of Mooresville; two sisters, Mrs. Louis Rader, of Dashwood, and Mrs. Ja­ cob Willert, of the 14th concession, Stephen Township; two brothers, Gustave Mueller, of the 14th Con­ cession, Hay Towpship and Nich­ olas Mueller of Windthorst, Sask, 'Funeral services took place at the residence on Wednesday at 2 p.m. followed by services in the Lu­ theran Church, with Rev. T. Luft officiating. Interment took place in the Lutheran Cemetery, Bronsen Line. 4 GRAND BEND Mr, Stanley Gill of St. Thomas spent Xmas at the ’home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Gill. Miss Beulah Holt, nurse-in-train- ing at Victoria Hospital spent Sat­ urday and Sunday at hex* home. Rev. and Mrs. Beacom and fam­ ily are spending ‘New Year's with friends in Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. Dean ’Brown visit­ ed their daughter, Mrs. Rufus Turn­ bull, on Friday. Mrs. Luther of Crediton is tak­ ing care of Mrs. England who is sick at present. Mr. Burton Green and Miss Cora Oliver of London spent Christmas holidays here. Mrs. (Dr) Kennedy and family of Detroit are spending a couple of weeks at their cottage. The mild weather and rain has left .the roads iri bad condition. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnston en­ tertained Mr. Johnston’s two sons and their families on- Thursday last. Mr. Bud Broderick is spending a few weeks with his family. iMr. ,-and Mrs. -Emmery Des- jardine and son were in Wheatly •for a few days around Xmas. t Prayer services have been held in the church the last two Sunday evenings but will be held at Mr. Johnston’s home on Wednesday, January 7th. Everyone is welcome. Miss Shirley Luther is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Baker, at present. ELIMVILLE The Young People’s Bible Class appointed the following officers on Sunday ✓for the year 1941: Pres., Bill Johns;-vice-pres., Doris Elford; sec., Carl .Stire; asst, sec., Ina Ford; treas., Clarence Ford. The teachers appointed were Mrs. R. Batten, Mrs. R. E. Pooley and Mr. Alvin Pym. Miss Joy Whitlock of St. Thomas is spending the holidays with rela­ tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whiteford of Ingersoll spent Christmas in the village, Pte. W, H. Dickey of Hamilton spent a few days here last week. Christmas Day visitors With Mr. , and Mfs. Hubert Heywood/ were Mr. and Mrs. William Bibby, Jack and Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bibby, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roy, Frances and Norma and Glenn and Rosemary Donohue. Mrs. ’Sherwood Hjinter, Misses Greta and Lulu Hunter, Mr. Roy Hunter and Mr. Glenn Hunter were Christmas guests at Mr. Everett Skinner’§Xt> 1' Mr. and Mrs. Alvin :Pym arid fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ja­ ques spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. P. March and family. Mrs. Routly Of Woodham, Miss Ella Routly of London, Mrs- Alex McjFalls of Exetei* were*at Mr, Will Routly’s for Christmas Day, Mission Band The Friendly Workers’ Mission Band met at the home of Miss Doro­ thy Pooley. The meeting opened With the national anthem followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Marion Murch gave a reading. Hymn 423 was then sung and Ola Johns read the scripture lesson. After a song by Wanda Stephens Mrs. Booley gave ah interesting reading, Betty Bailey sang a song and Etheline arid Eilene Johns played a duet instrumental, Min* ■ utes were read and adopted and the roll call responded to. Isabelle Coo­ per gave a reading and hymn 80S Was sung. Doris Elford gave an instrumental and a reading follow­ ed. A recitation by Edith Down preceded a song by Donna Murch and hymn 295 was sting. Mrs; Doo­ ley closed the meotiftg with prayer, Lunch was then served. CHERITON The annual Red Cross meeting Will be held in the Town Hall, Cre­ diton, Thursday evening. A^ good attendance is retiuested, The Women's Institute will ihold tjieir Ja»uai7 meeting on Tuesday, January lt at 2.30 in the Town Hall, The Crediton arid Ghipka church’' es will observe Holy Communion' on Sunday uext* The minister will officiate, At Brinsley the W.M.S. will hold their annual service when the ministei’ will give the mission address. The newly elected officers •fox* 1941 will he duly installed at this service* A hearty invitation is extended to all to attend these •services, A special offering will be taken up next Sunday in the United Church S.S, for the British War Victims’ fund. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Gcriven and spn Ross of Toronto spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. ‘Chas. Schroeder, The annual S, S. Meeting of the Shipka United Church will be held Thursday evening. The Crediton United S»S. will hold its annual meeting in the base­ ment of the church Friday at 8 p.m, Mrs. Garfield Hill is registering impi'ovement. Mr. M, W. Teller,, while still confined to his home is improving. Mrs, Jos. Lawson, who has been ■confined to her room for several weeks, while still confined is im­ proving, Mrs; Walter Clarke, having been ill for several weeks, is showing signs of improvement. All members of the United church family extend best wishes for the recovery of these members. Rev. and Mrs. L. H- Turner ex­ tend to all members and adherents of the Crediton circuit heartiest greetings and best wishes for the new year of 1941. Bob Blackwell of Brantford spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wein arid son Douglas spent New Year S at St. Marys. Miss Lulu Gaiser of Hamilton is spending the holidays at her home •here. i Mr, Arnold Robertson and Miss Edna Beaver of London spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bea­ ver. Pte. Lloyd England and L.Cpl. Gerald England; have returned to C.R.T.Q, at Chatham after spending a 6-day Xmas leave at home. Miss Lulu Moflock of Windsoi* is spending the holidays with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morlock. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown are spending the holidays in Holmes­ ville and Brantford. J ; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark are spending the holidays with Mr. arid Mrs.‘Harry Dale of Brampton. An unusual and happy experience 'came to a. group of Young People of the Evangelical Church, on Christ­ mas Eve, When .they visited the homes of the sick and shut-ins, bringing joy and .Christmas cheer. The singing was led by Mrs. Free­ man- Morlock. , The real old-time Christmas spirit was manifest by the group in the'joyful and happy participation in this Christmas ser­ vice’Which Was given in the Christ­ mas ' spirit and brought real cheei* and . joy to many throughout the town./- The annual school meeting was held,’ in' the schoolhouse. Rev. Fred Faist was appointed chairman and H. K. Exlber secretary of the meet­ ing. Some discussion took place as to the teaching staff. In view of the small attendance it was de­ cided to reduce the teaching staff of three teachers to two teachers to take effect after midsummer. Lloyd Gaisex* was re-elected txmstee. Aftex* -the adjournment the annual meeting of 'the trustees was held and appointed E. K. Fahner as chairman and H. K. Eilbex* as sec­ retary-treasurer. The care laker, E. Guettinger,' was also i*e-appoint- ed fox* the ensuing year. CORBETT Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mason, Sr., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins and family on Christmas Day. Miss Olive and Miss Velma Mc­ Bryan of Thedford were holiday visitors with Ml*, and Mx*s. Maurice Murray. Mr, arid Mrs. Gordon Ulens, Ray­ burn and Shirley spent Christmas Day at Grand Berid, Mr. Jas. pollock spent Xmas Day With Mr. rind Mrs. Milton Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Car­ ruth ex's and family1 on Christmas Day, Mr. Willis’ Steeper has returned from training at Woodstock Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murray sgent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Malloy of Thedford. Christmas Day guests With Mr. and, Mrs, Garfield Steeper were: Mr. and Mrs. (Nelson Rock and family; Mr, and Mrs; John Rock and fam­ ily; Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Hodglris1 and family; Mr. Charite Hodgins of Grand Bend; Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hbdgiiis and Eleanor of Wiai*tori. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mellin were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Roy Hutchin­ son on Sunday evoning. It was the 2 Otli anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Mellin's wedding. CENTBAOA Mr. and Mrs. Lorna Hicks ’spnt: Xmas with Mr, T. Pollock in Rip­ ley, Mr. R. Borland of the Shamrock Creamery staff spent Xmas at home in Guelph. ' Xmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs* R, Davey were Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil« ' 1 is of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. L. Dav- . ey, Mi*, and Mrs. Joe .Smith of : Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs. ence Smith of Blddulph and fam- ■ illes. Mr* Scotty Raynham of tha r.C.a.f. in Trenton,. Mr. Fred Baynham and Mr, and Mrs. E, Car” : ruthers of London spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham. Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Essery and family,, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Essery and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot and family were Xmas visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Chas* Isaac, Mr. 0. Clark of London, Mrs. L. Harness and Mrs. Greenley spen^ Xmas with Mrs. M. Clark and Mrs, 0, Clark, Mrs. B. Hicks and family and Mr, and Mrs* Wm. Essery and fam­ ily spent Xmas with Mr. -and Mrs. John Essery. Mrs. Herman Hodgson who re­ cently underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils visited at her home in St. Marys during the past week, Miss Iva Brokenshire of Windsor spent Xmas with Jxer mother, Mrs. £3. Rrokenshire, Mr. and Mrs. R, Smith and Mar­ lene, Mr, and Mrs. F. Bowden and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowden. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Smith were Mr, and Mi’s. J. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Flynn and Mr. B. Edwards, of Exe­ ter. , Mr, Wm. Calwill spent Christmas with Mr* and Mrs. Frank Colwill in London. Mr, and Mrs. B’. Cook spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Cook in London. Mrs. Mills visited during Christ­ mas week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Spencer in St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton and Donnie spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, E. Powe in London. Mrs. Skelton and Donnie remained for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. Essex*y and fam­ ily and Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephen were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Penwarden. Mr. Fred Warner spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Morlock, Credi­ ton. * Mr. and Mrs. Herb Harlton and Mabel of Corbett visited on Thurs­ day with Mr. and Mrs. J.' Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Theander spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith. . Mr. Donald Hicks, R.C.A.F., spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hicks. Mrs, Willert who was quite ilk has gone to Windsor for a visit; with hex* daughter, Mrs. Zimmer. (Sunday visitors with "Mrs. Mills; were Mrs. W. Spencer and Jewel of' St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills*, and Marilyn of Wyoming. Marilyn remained for a visit. WOODHAM Mr* Wendell Camm, teach ex* of Burgesville is spending his Xmas holidays at his. home here. Miss Dorothy Camm,' teacher in Toronto is the guest at the home of her parents for the holiday season. Some of the Christmas visitors in and around the village were as fol­ lows: Mr* and Mrs. Whitfield Swit­ zer with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Simm of Sudbury; Mr. and Mrs. ’Arthur Rundle with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle; Mr. and Mrs. James Mills, Rhea and Blanche with Mr. and Mrs, Ray Mills; Mr. and Mrs. How­ ard Anderson and Shirley of Wash­ ington, Mr., and Mrs. Laverne Stone of Kirkton with Mr. and Mrs. James Squire; Mr. and Mrs. Albert ‘ Scott and Audrey with Mr. and. Mrs. Will Rodd; Mr, and Mrs. Ad­ rian Pringle of London with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Copeland. iMr. Sidney Mills, and Mr, Wm. Hanna, R.C.A.F., St, Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills. Ml* .and Mrs. John Selves, Sr., and Mr. and Mrst John Selves, Jr., of Thames Road, Mr. Bert Selves, Mr. Purdy and Miss Dorothy Mc­ Naughton bf St. Marys With Mrs. Jessie Jacques. Mi*, and Mrs. H. Langford and family with Mr. and Mrs. Will Rodd. Dr. and Mrs.,, Geo, Morphy of ■ Hernon, N.Y., were guests here dur­ ing the Christmas' week. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke and Reta of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Orville Cann and Mr, and Mrs. Pei'cy Bass- more and Alice of Thames Roact; Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Earl of Zion were entertained at the home of Mr; arid Mrs. Jas, Squire on Friday of last week, Dingjo A large oro-vvd attended the Bingo held in the orange, Hall itw on •Friday evening last, sponsored by the Orange Lodge. Many prizes were given, such as groceries, gran- itwai*e, blankets, kitchen utensils, geese and a turkey, A ^leasank ev­ ening was spent by those present and ^8*0.00 was oloared, which will be Sent to the British War Victims’ Fund, Toronto.