HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-02, Page 4KBOfiPW, JAWABT «nd,THE. EKETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Exeter Ladies Wear
b. starting the New Tear with u
January 2 for 1 Clearance Sale
Dresses,, Regular $7-95
Dresses* Regular $6.95
Dresses, Regular $5.95
Droses, Regular $4.95
Presses, Regular $3.95
Dresses, Regular $2.98
House Dresses, Regular $1 and $1.29
for $8,95
for $7.95
for $6.95
for $5.95
; for $4.95
for $3.98
. 89 cents
All Ladies’ and Girls* Coats are greatly reduced.
Bring a friend with you and take advantage of this 2 for 1
sale while the choice is good.
HENNESSEY—In Exeter, on Thurs-"
day, Dec. 26 th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Hennessey, a son Robert Al
FUKiE—In Toronto on Monday, De
cember 16th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Fuke, a son.
WALTER—On Sunday, Dec. 22nd,
1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Melton
Walper# of Dashwood, a daughter.
PATTERSON—-In Hensall at Mrs.
R. J. Patefrson’s Hospital, on
-Sunday, December 29th, to Pte.
Wm. John and Mrs. Miller, a
daughter (Marline Joy).
HARKNESS—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Saturday, December
21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hark
ness, of Hensall, a daughter.
COWARD—In loving memory of
Mrs. George Coward, who passed
away 2 years ago, Jan. 1, 1939.
Deep in our hearts you are fondly
Sweet, happy memories cling ’round
your name.
True hearts that loved you with
deepest affection.
Always will love you in death the
—Sadly missed by Husband, Sons
and Daughters.
McDonald- lovie
Beneath a beautiful evergreen
arch at her parents’ home Marion
jean Lovie# daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. John Lovie, of Centralia, be
came the bride of William Neil Mc
Donald, son of Mr, and Mrs, Wm-
Gordon McDonald, of London, Ont,,
on Saturday, December 28 th. Rev.
Lawrence H. Turner, B.A., of the
United Church, Crediton, perform
ed the ceremony, To the strains
of the Bridal Chorus rendered by
Mrs, l, H. Turner the bride, es
corted by her father, walked to the
altar. She was charmingly gowned
in a floor-length gown of pink net
over taffeta. Her corsage was of
Sweetheart roses and bonvardia,
Miss Audrey Revington, of Lucan,
charmingly garbed in a floor-length
gown of blue net over taffeta, ef
ficiently carried out the duties of
bridesmaid, The groom was at
tended by Mr. Harvey Lovie, bro
thel’ of the bride. A vocal number
entitled ’’Adorning” was rendered
by the minister, Mrs. Lovie, moth
er of the bride, received in a black
dress with a corsage of red car
nations and bouvairdia. The
groom’s mother, Mrs, McDonald, re
ceived in a blue frock with corsage
of pink carnations and bouvardia.
About thirty guests from London,
Sarnia, Detroit, Lucan, Clandeboye,
Centralia and Crediton sat down to
the wedding dinner. Later the
bride changed into her going-away
dress which was of heavenly blue
crepe with matching hat. The hap
py couple left by motor for a short
honeymoon after which they will
reside in London. Their many
friends will join with the Times-Ad-
vocate in congratulations and
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at 3 o’clock# December 28th# at the.
Evangelical parsonage, Crediton#
when Rev. A. E. Pletch united in
marriage Marguerite Elizabeth Get
tinger, youngest daughter of Mr,
and Mr§. Ernest Gettinger to George
Rodney Bowman of Windsor, only
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowman
of Crediton. The bride was lovely
in a white satin gown sprinkled
with silver fashioned on princess
lines, the graceful skirt flaring in-
to a train, The sleeves were leg o’
mutton style ,tapering over the
hands. The net veil in soft folds
was of fingertip length. The bou
quet was of white roses bound in
white tulle making a most effective
contrast to the soft white gown.
The attendants were M;iss Nola;
Faist and Miss Aldonna Wuerth and
Kenneth Lillow of Chatham and R,
J. Blackwell of Brantford, The
bridesmaids were gowned in blue
taffeta with contrasting bows and
wore corsages of pink roses. Sup-
pei* was served at the Hotel London
to the guests including Miss Edna
Beaver and Mr. Arnold Robertson
of London. The bridal couple left
on a trip to Eastern Canada, the
bride travelling in a dress of black,
with beige trimming, black fur coat
and beige turban. They will reside
In Windsor, The groom’s gift to the
bride was a gold locket and to the
attendants gold compacts and sets
of tie clips.
A number from hfere attended
nomination at Crediton on Monday.
Mrs. Earl Stebbins received the
sad news of the death of hor moth
er, Mrs. Jacob Hanover, who pass
ed away Saturday morning at the
home of her daughter# in Buffalo.
The sympathy of this community is
extended to the bereaved family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, D.
Lippert at Melbourne.
Mr. Hy, Zjler of Kitchener spent
Christmas with bis parents, Mr.
and Mrs, L. Ziler.
Mrs, G. Sararas and Mr. Gordon
Sararas, of Zurich. Miss Meta Sara
ras pt Toronto, Miss Eileen Willert
of London spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs,- Otto Willert.
Miss L. Massey is spending her
vacation at her home near St.
Christmas visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Hy. Eagleson were Mr/ and
Mrs. N. Sinclair of Crediton; Mr.
and Mrs. Art Willert and family,
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mason and Ger
ald, Mrs. J. Baker and baby, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Hutchinson and Ruby,
Mrs. D. Hutchinson and Messrs, Al
vin Walper and Stewart Wolfe of
Messrs. Otto Willert and B, Diet-
rich spenUMonday at London,
Miss Ruth Willert and brother
Billy are spending their Christmas
holidays with their grandmother,
Mrs. G. Sararas, of Zurich.
Next Sunday, January Sth, Sacra
ment service will be held at the
United Church, Rev, Turner in
Thursday evening of this week
the annual Sunday School meeting
will be held. All officers will be el
ected for the coining year,
The ratepayers of School Section
No. 7 and 11 held their annual
meeting in the schoolroom on
Thursday, The following are the
trustees fox’ No, 7: Matthew Sweit
zer, Herbert Harleton# Albert Gais-
er# with Matthew Sweitzer as sec
retary-treasurer. Trustees for No.
11: Russell Webb, Clarence Gale,
Wes, England, with Clarence Gale
as secretary-treasurer,
Mx\ Wilfred Mason and friend
from Palmerston called on friends
on Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fipkbeiner
and family, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest
Keyes spent Christmas in Sarnia,
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton. Sweet and
Miss Irene Sweet, Mr, and Mrs. Ed
Westcott and family of Usborne,
Mr. John Fahner, Mr, Ed Fahner,
Miss Pearl Fahner, spent New
Years Eve at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Ratz,
Mr, and Mrs, Glen Brenner and
two children and Mrs. Mary Bren
ner, of Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo, Clark and baby Nancy, of
Thedford, and Miss Evelyn Oliver,
of St. Marys, celebrated a merry
Yuletide with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
of the bride’s parents, Mr.and
Mrs. John Lovie, Stephen, on Sat
urday, December 28th, Marion
Jean Lovie, to Mr. William Neil
McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Gordon McDonald, of
London, formerly of Exeter, by
Rev. Lawrence H. Turner, B.A.
Evangelical parsonage, Crediton,
on Dec. 28, Marguerite Elizabeth
Gettinger, youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gettinger, to
Mr. George Rodney Bowman,
only son
HERN—In loving memory of a lov
ing father, Henry Hern, who sud
denly passed away three years
ago December 31st, 1937.
The years may wipe out many
But this they Tyipe out never,
The memory of those happy days,
When we were all together.
—Ever remembered by his
Daughter, Son and Family
New Year’s Visitors
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
of Crediton.
TOMAN—In loving memory of our
dear father. Ezra Tieman, who
passed away one year ago, De
cember 31st.
Days of sadness still come o’er us,
Tears in silence often flow
For memory keeps you ever near us
Though you died one year ago.
—Sadly missed by Mr. and Mirs.
Addison Tieman and family. pp
Victoria Hospital,Lon-NlUNN—In
idon, on. New Year’s Day, Thomas
William Nunn, in his 63rd year.
.Funeral Friday at 2 p.m. from E.
R. Hopper’s Funeral Parlor un
der the auspices of the Exeter-
Hensall branch of the Canadian
Legion. Interment in Exeter
Cemetery. Members of the Le
gion are requested to meet at
their rooms at 1.45.
WOODS—In Usborne on Thursday,
January 2nd, 1'941, Robert Woods
in his 87th year. The funeral will
be held from the Elimville Unit
ed Church Saturday at two o’clock
•*. -with interment in the Elimville
HEE—At the home of his daughter
in Ailsa Craig on Thursday, De-
-cember 26th, Walter Fee,
'92nd year.
DOUGALL—In Hensail on
day, Dec. 28th, Christena
son, widow of the late Andrew
Dougall, in her 77th year.
in his
... (Continued from Page 1.)
He stated that it should have been
conserved and put into the general
fund to meet the increasing de
Mr. R. N. Creech, chairman of
the Board of Education, outlined
in detail the expenses incurred in
the erection of the new school build
ing, stating, that after meeting sev
eral expenditures that were not in
cluded in the estimates# the build
ing had been erected and equipped
well beneath the estimated cost.
Splendid work was being done in
these departments
The discussion of the municipal
nomination at Elimville dealt main
ly with the purchase of a snow
plow and the keeping open, of the
roads in winter. The purchase of a
plow was comparatively small with
the cost of operation,
ed to
Mr. Glen McTavish of Mitchell,
‘spent New Year’s with his mother,
Mrs. J. McTavish.
Mr. and Mrs. M. -F. Gladman and
family of London, spent New Year’s
with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frayne, of To
ronto, spent New Year’s with
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McClellan and
family, of Staff a, spent New Year’s
with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Aid worth.
Private Hilton Sanders, of Camp
Borden, is home for the New Year
Mr. Thos. Walter, of - Toronto,
spent New Year’s with his father in
town. P •
"Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern, of
Norwich^ spent New Year’s with
•the former’s mother# Mrs. J. Hern.
Miss Ruby Treble, of Toronto, vis
ited for several days last week with
Mrs. C. H. Sanders. She left Sat
urday to spend New Year's in Lon
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman
spent New Year’s with Lieut. Don
and Mrs. Gladman and family at
Oakville. Lieut. Gladman#, who is
stationed at Hamilton, was wifh
his family over the holiday.
Mr. -and Mrs. Eugene Howey, of
Fergus, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Howey, of London, spent New Year’s
with Mrs. L. Howey. Mr. Marvin
Howey, who has been with a branch
of the Bank of Montreal at Lon
don, has been transferred to- a To
ronto branch.
Mrs. Robert Desjardine spent
Friday afternoon with Mrs. Verne
Ridley. *
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter and
family spent Christmas with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statton
of Grand Bend,
Christmas visitors were Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Hutchison and Miss Natha
lie, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Scott and
family of Ravenswood and Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Murray, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray;
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Hotson and Marilyn with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Carruthers; Mr.
and Mrs. Jack and Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Hodgins and families, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Eagleson and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Eagleson and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eagleson
and family-of Gihnd Bend with Mr.
and Mrs. David Eagleson; Mr. Earl
Oljver of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Stewardson with Mrs. A. Ridley;
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and family
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy and
Helen, with Mr. Mansel Hodgins;
Mr. and.Mrs. Ect* Gill and family,
' Mr. John LoVe, *Mi’S. Ed Gill of
Grand Bend, Mr;, and Mrs. Wm.
Love and family, with Mr, and
Mrs. Colin Love; Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Fahner and family and Mr.
Isaac Bestard of Grand Bend with
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bestard; Mr. and
Mrs; Harold Walper, Helen and Al
len with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tay
lor; Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Pfile, Mr.
and Mrs. 'Oscar Greb of Zurich, Mr.
and Mrs. S. Greb of Exeter and
Mr. Kenneth and Miss Doris Greb
of Centralia with Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Love.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville L. Hern of
Zion announce the engagement of
their only daughter, Margaret La
vina to Mr. Malcolm Edwin W.
Spence, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. N.
Spence of (Blanchard, the marriage
to take place the middle of January'.
Mr, and Mrs. Hillary Horton
wish to express their sincere thanks
to all who so kindly remembered
Mrs, Horton in her recent illness
and at Christmas. ' P
We wish to take this opportunity
te thank those Who so kindly re
membered June with books# cards
and boxes when she was confined to
her room with scarlet fever, and to
wish all a Happy New Year.
—Mr, and Mrs, Cutting
Mr. Charles Keller and family
■wish to thank the friends and neigh
bors for their kindness and expres
sions of sympathy extended daring
the loss of their dear mother and to
those who loaned cars; especially
thanking Rev. T. Luft and those
who remembered her while 'in hos*
pital. cd
It was decid-
postpone action for the pre
and Mrs. Charles Glanville
Mrs Bert
Mrs. Mc-
and son, Mrs. Eli Sims and son and
Mr. and Mrs. Bender and daughter
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Kenny at Shipka.
Mrs. Catharine Motz spent Christ
mas in Exeter with Pte. and Mrs.
Roland Motz.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Penhale and
Grace spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs, Louis Masnica near Khiva.
Mr, Eldon Merner and children
spent Christmas with Mrs. Merner
in Stratford at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Rocky.
Mr. Hilton Hau returned to his
home in Akron, Ohio, on Sunday af
ter a week’s visit with his parents#
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ran. •
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kuhn and
son of Baden spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, H. Kuhn,
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Hamilton and
son Barry of Grand Bend spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carruthers
and son Carl spent Christmas in
Christmas Visitors
A.C. Ed Castledine and A.C.
Whittingham of Pt. Albert, were
Christmas visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wildman.
Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall
of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. John
Northcott Of Exeter and Mr. Lyle
Simpson of Clandeboye
Christmas with Mr. and
O’Brien of Hay.
•Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Jack and Mary, spent
with relatives in Clinton.
Knight and children spent the week
there, Mr. McKnight going up for
New Year’s.
Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Southcott,
Jack and Jim, of Sombra, spent
Christmas with the former’s moth
er, Mrs. C. A. Southcott. Jack re
mained for a few days returning
home on Tuesday.
Mr. H. S. Walter of Exeter, Mr.
Thos. Welter of Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Blowes and daughters,
of Hensall, and Mr. Stan Walters#
of Varker# spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Grant in London.
Mr, and Mrs. Horace Delbrldge,
Bruce and Fred; Mr, and,
Squire Herdman and Helen
Miss Anna Delbridge, nurse
Byron Sanatorium# visited
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Delbridge# Mr, and Mrs, E. R.'
Hopper attd family visited at Wing
ham and Brussels for Christmas.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Boyes, Miss
es Lorena and Leola Johns of To
ronto, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Johns and
fatally# Messrs, Hilton and Johnnie
Johns of Lucan# Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Johns and family of Hibbert# Mr.
and Mrs, .Jas, Willis and family of
Shipka# Mr. and Mrs, Bred Cole
of Exeter spent Christmas Day
with their mother# Mrs. John Johns
and Teddy of EHmvlild,
Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ogden and
family spent several days with*
friends at Wingham.
Mr. H. Morley of Detroit spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mor
ley, Miiss Jean Morley accompan
ied him home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire and
Cecil visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Ewart Pym of Exeter,
Miss >Shirley Squire visited with
Mrs. C. Millson of . Prospect for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Heywood of
■Elimville and Mr. and Mrs. Welling
ton (Skinner of Centralia spent New
Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire and fam
ily were New Year’s visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. N. Ogden of Exeter.
'Friends of Mrs: Laverne Morley
will be glad to hear that her con
dition is much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins
and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hodgins
of the 8th line spent New Year’s
with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire.
iJThe annual S.S. concert was held
in the Church, The parts were well
.taken and received. The superin
tendent, Mr. R. Williams, acted as
chairman. Plugtown, Lumley, and.
Thames Rd. day schools presented,
several numbers. The program op
ened by a chorus by Thames Rd.
school accompanied by Mrs. A.
Stewart. Thames Road then pre
sented a drill with Miss Marion
Hodgert in accompaniment. Amus
ing dialogues followed, ’‘The' Lie
Detector”, by Lumley and “Ad
vice to the Lovelorn”, by Plug
town. Various duets and readings
were enjoyed. Bags of candy were
distributed among the children.
Mrs. Aimer Stewart has been
appointed teacher of Thames Road
School and Miss Vera Rowe of Exe
ter for Lumley, in the absence of
Mr. Whitmiore and Mr. Crago on
military duty.
Mr. and Mrs., <A. Hunkin were
visitors with Mr, and. Mrs. Alex Mc-
Beath on Sunday.
Rev. James. Anthony addressed
the S.S. in the morning, and also
the church. The address-was based
on the Scripture from the book of
Daniel: “Neither was there smell
of smoke upon them.”
Mr. Russel Passmore of Ottawa
is holidaying with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Passmore.
Mr. R. Gollings of Ridgetown re-
turned, on Wednesday after spend
ing holiday week with his par
ents. '
A reception was held at Far
quhar iHall Friday evening in hon
or of-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bibby, nee
Edna McCurdy. • .
The Young Men’s Bible Class
was entertained by their teacher,
Mr. Aimer ’Stewart at his home on
Monday night. A very enjoyable
'time was spent.
Visitors this Week with Mf; and
Mrs, C, W. 'Christie were Miss Eth
el Vickery, R.N., of Windsor; Mr,
Eli Christie Of the Ontario Hospital
staff# London; Mr. and Mrs, Geo.
Ferguson, of London; Mr, ElHot
Fells# of Wingham; Miss Violet
Hyde, of Hensalt
The height of irony is to give
Father a bill-fold for Christmas,
Sales Books
are the befit Counter
Check Books made in
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books and always give
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See Your Home Printer First
Mrs . McHardy spent Christmas
Day with friends at Sarnia.
. The annual meeting of the Kirk
ton Public School was held'Dec. 26
with a good attendance. Mr. Arnold
Wiseman ;acted as chairman. The
trustees for the coming year are
Mr. M. Blackler, Clarence Switzer
and the new trustee is Mr. Cecil
Dobson. It was also decided to have
the schoolroom redecorated before
the New Year. Mr. A. Wiseman
and I. N. Marshall acted as auditors
and found the books correct. •
Christmas guests in the commun
ity were: Mil’, and Mrs./T. Baker of
Exetei* and Mr. and Mrs. A. Flet
cher and family with Mr. L. Fletch
er; Mr. and Mrs. Elliott of 'St. Marys
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gregory with
Mr; M. Gregory; Mr, and Mrs. L.
Walters and family with Mr. R.
Morrison; Mr. and Mrs. Gray anti
family with Mr. Roy Francis; Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Marshall; Mrs. ffi".
Pridham and family with G. Fl
Burgin; Mr. and Mrs. Dudey and
sen of Detroit with Mr. W. Scott.
Mrs. Violet Walker of Milverton
spent the holidays With her par-,
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams
spent Christmas day with .their son,
Mr.. W. Williams, at Medina.
Miss Betty Howe# of Lambeth,
is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs.
Mac Howe.
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Hammond
and daughters spout .Christmas Day
with Mr. J. Hammond at Stratford.
Y.P.U Meeting
.some 25 young peoplh mot in the
Kirkton United Church on Monday
night# after the worship service. An
interesting program was given, con
sisting of a vending by Edith Fiet-
chef# scripture lesson by Lome
Doupe; piano duet by Elaine Rob
inson and Wilma McCurdy. Rev. A.
Rapson .gave a very timely address
“Our Endings”# Edwin Tuft favor
ed with a solo. The meeting- clos
ed with the National Anthem.
Mr. and. Mrs, Maurice Simpson
and family spent Christmas with the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Stephenson of Ailsa Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. James McRann
spent Christmas with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Harold Hodgins, Lucan.
Among the winners of this vicin
ity at the draw sponsored by the
Lucan Businessmen’s Association
were Wilfred Cunningham, winner
of a cabinet'of flat silver; Wm. Kil
mer, chair; Mrs. Cecil Carter, war
savings .certificate; Jack Simpson,
turkey; E. J. Cunningham, pair of
blankets; Alfred Kilmer, candy;
Leo .Flanagan, candy; Victor Hod
gins, bath towels; H. J. Ovens, bath
towels; the winner of the $10.00
at 9 p.m. was Mrs. Karl 0’Neil.
The following spent Christmas
Day with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simp
son; Mr.” and Mrs. Clifford Simpson,
London; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simp
son and Keith; Mr. and Mrs. Jack
McEwen and family; Mr, and, Mrs.
K. Thompson and Ivan; Mr. and
Mrs. G. Martin of London'; and'Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Lee, Jr., and Janet.
■Mrs. Harry Neil and family of
London spent Christmas Day with
her sister, Mrs. Wm. Darling.
Miss Mary Simpson of Mooresville
entertained to dinner on Thursday
evening last Miss Audrey Reving
ton, Mr. Gerald Haskett and Mr.
Duncan G. Ross, Jr., of Lucan.
The W.A. of St. James’ Church
was held last Thursday at the home
of Mrs. James Hpdgson.
Mr. and. Mrs. T. McVey and Jackie
spent Sunday with relatives at Den-
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morgan of
Ailsa Craig spent Christmas Day
with the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Schroeder.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brintnell and
family of Exeter spent Christmas
Day with the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Simpson.
Mrs. Elva Dobbs and Mr, Cecil
’Morgan spent ’Friday in London.
Miss Ila Schroeder of London
spent the holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Schroeder,
Mrs. Blanche Hayter entertain
ed her family from Lucan over the
week-end: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zee-
bee, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Jeffery;
Messrs, Alfred and Verdun Hayter
and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miller.
Mrs. Millie Simpson of Moores
ville entertained Mr. and Mrs. Sher
idan Revington and family on Mon
day evening.
Mr. Horatio Simpson is remodel
ing his home after the recent fire.
Miss VOrda Beiber of Exeter has
returned to her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd of St.
Catharines were recent callers of
Mrs. Millie Simpson of Mooresville.
Mvs< Harvey DUndas was the host
ess at the December meeting of the
Women’s Institute.
Visitors in the community over
Christmas were as follows: Mr. and
Mrs. James Horne, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Pym of Kirkton and Miss Joy
Whitlock of St. Thomas with Mr*
and Mrs. L. V. Horne; Mr. and Mrs#
Alf Collier and. Grace of Kirkton,
Mr, and Mrs. George Bailey with
Mr, and Mrs., H. Bailey; Mr. and
Mrs. Wes Johns, Miss Mary Johns#
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elf ord and fam
ily of Elimville, Mrs. M, Elfoi’d,.
of Exeter, with Mrs. W. L Veal; Mr;
and Mrs. Meryin Pym and family#.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Prance and
family of Thedford, Mr. and Mrs-
Wilson Yule of Mt. Pleasant, Mr#
Clarence Prance of London with
Mr, and Mrs. John Prance; Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Clarke. Mr. and
Mrs, Emmerson Gunning and Ron
ald of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne-
Bholdice and family of Watford#
■ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dohles and fam
ily of Saintshury with Mr. and Mrs*
Newton Clarke; Mr. and Mrs, James
Kirkland -and Malcolm of Thames
Road, with Mr. and Mrs. George
Dayis; Mr. and Mrs, Roy Brock
and Shirley* of Kirkton, Mr, and
Mrs. Garnet Johns with Mr. and
Mrs. (Frank Brock; Mr, and Mrs*
Harry Murch and family, of Elim
ville, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Del-
bridge and family of St, Marys, Mr*
and Mrs. Jack Delbridge and Kerin#
with Mrs, George Delbridge,
Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Batten and
Gladys, Mr, A.lf Brooks spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, C. R*
Mr. and Mrs. ’Sherwood Brock
and family spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Heywood of Elim
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Denham of
Sarnia spent a couple of days with
Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Batten,
A very pleasant afternoon was
spent on Friday when the Mission
Band entertained the Mission Circle'
at the home of the Misses Pooley.
A good attendance was present and
an exchange of gifts and lunch was
enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery and
family, and Mr. and Mrs. George
Davis visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wainer McRobertfe of
We’are glad to say that Mr. Reg.
Delbridge is able to be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Glen MacLean of Chiselhurst^
Mr. and Mrs. George Godbolt and
Gerald, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey God
bolt and family, all of Centralia
visited on Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Fletcher.
Mr. and Mrs. ,F. Allen of Far
quhar spent Christmas- with Mr.
and Mrs. Walker Kerslake.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher
and Audrey visited on Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Saintshury.
What They Got
Ma got a fur coat
Bill got a tie
Baby a plate
To hold lots of pie,
Grandma got books
(And Grandpa a pipe
•Tack got some skates
And Mary some hose
Jean got powdei’ to
■Put on her nose.
The cat got same catnip
The dog got his share
But all that poor Dad got
Was a pocket cleaned bare#
Face tlie Sun
Don’t hunt for trouble
But look for success
You’ll find what you look for,
(Don’t look for distress,
If you see but your shadow,
Remember, I pray#
That the sun is still shining,
But you’re in the way.
■ % 8
Don’t grumble, don’t bluster#
Don’t dream and don’t shirk,
Don’t think of your worries,
Bttt think of your \V0rk; ■
The troubles ’vHII vanish-
The work Will be done#
No .man sees his shadow
Who faces-the sun.
■Sweden Is the home of Safety
matches. *rhere people must pass
a medical examination before they
can be united in the holy bonds of
double blessedness.
There is substantial evidence
that in about '20 per cent of child
ren the tonsils are either enlarged
or diseased and therefore have an.
unfavorable influence on the phys
ical development of the child. Such
tonsils should be removed.
The tonsils have assumed an im
portant role in the economy of the
child during the last '30 years. The
beneficial results following remov
al of tonsils in selected cases has
well justified the procedure.
It has been shown that markedly
hypertrophied tonsils and tonsils,
that are repeatedly inflamed, giv
ing rise to attacks of tonsilitis and
swollen neck glands, frequently im
pair normal physical development.
When such a condition exists after
four .years of age it is advisable
to have the tonsils removed, with,
the expectation that-at least 50 per
cent of children so treated will be.
materially improved, .
It is undeniable that the child,
population of the country has ex
perienced better physical develop
ment with fewer interruptions due
to mild and prolonged illnesses in.
the last 30 years. Infant mortality
has 'been reduced and fatal illness,
in the School age occurs less often.
While ths Wide-spread application
of public health procedures such as.
pasteurization of milk, the safe
guarding of Water supplies and care*
of foods,* and the health education
of the public has had the .most in
fluence in this direction, it must be*
admitted that eradication of un*.
healthy tonsils has played a non-*
siderable role in the physical im
provement of the race.
The single question to be de
termined in respect to the tonsils of/
a child is: Ate these tonslis dis*
eased? If go, they shoutd be-
promptly fremoved*