HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-02, Page 2whwpat, jamuw THE EXETER TIMESrAPVOCATE jr January <th, his ring finger amputated in a motiving machine, Mr. W* F, Abbott has received word from Taber, Alta., that his grandson, Master Wm, Delve has been, operated upon for appendici­ tis. Mato St. mprth of the hydro office and is having it fitted up tor bis dental parlors, Messrs, Rtdiie Mots and Lloyd England have joined the Canadian forces to Chatham. at the 78th anniversary of James .St, Church* Mr* Joseph Kestle celebrated, his birthday on New Year’s. Mr. G. A. Cana, who recently purchased the Harvey Bros, mill, will re-open the mill on Saturday. Mrs. Cann and the family will move to Exeter in a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Reed celebrat­ ed their 55th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Dec. 31st, January 11th Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Baker of .Ste­ phen narrowly escaped asphyxiation from coal gas on Wednesday morn- tog. The '‘Hub”, a Grand Bend res- raurant owned. by> D- E. Kent of London, was burned to the ground early Wednesday morning. Cause of fire was unknown. celebrated their 54th wedding an­ niversary oxi Monday, March 4th, Miss Mary Gardiner, bookkeeper for Snell Bros, has won 1st prize for a second time in the accounting contest conducted each year by General Motors. Mr. Milo Snell shipped to the Un­ ited States market 40 head of fat cattle, handsome sum of Arthur Jones. Mr. J. C, Vidt and the staff of the Exeter Locker Service attend­ ed the 'Ontario Conference of Lock­ er operators at the O.A.C. in Guelph on Wednesday, January 18 th Highway Traffic Officers. F. E. Taylor of Watford assumed his new duties on Monday and will be sta­ tioned at Clinton, He is taking the place of Traffic Officer Robinson. Mr. W. J. Smith has purchased from Mr. F. W. Wickwire the build­ ing on Main St. in which is located the office of Jas. P. Bowey and G. Flynn’s barber shop. January 25th A successful ice carnival was held in the Arena on Friday night. Miss Marion Elliot underwent an operation for appendicitis in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, Mrs., E. J. Wethey, Jr., is leaving for England where she will join her husband who is with the Canadian Ordinance Corps. February 1st Mr. and Mrs. B. M. -Francis and Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Francis of St. Marys left Tuesday for Florida where they expect to spend about 6 weeks. Mrs. Valera Armstrong received a nasty gash over her right eye while boarding a London street car. Mr. Robt. Rowecliffe has been a subscriber to the Times-Adyocate for .43 years and states it is like a letter from home. February 8tli Mr. M. Walkei’ last week sold his drug store to Mr. C. L. Robertson of Sarnia. David Kestle and Eleanor Abbott secured first prize, at the Ilderton carnival. Rev. James Anthony, M.|A., for­ merly of Motherwell-Avonbank Un­ ited Church circuit, will retire in Exeter, where he has purchased a residence. February 15th recent- suffer- mo tor- Traffic Officer Robinson, ly transferred to Smithville, ed chest, injuries when his cycle skidded on the icy pavement. The Canadian Legion War Ser­ vice drive for funds is meeting with generous response. Mr. Clarke Fisher, secretary of Exeter Agricultural Society, Rufus Kestle and Mrs. Hugh and John Berry of in London attending Kirkton the 'Dis- which brought him $4,570, Munch 14th the Cyclone LeagueLucan won the Championship last Friday night. The Irish took Exeter in 2 straight games to win the Hoffman trophy. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke cele­ brated; their golden wedding anni­ versary at the home of their son, Newton. March 21st Gary Middleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Middleton suffered a slight head cut and a bruised when struck by an ■Saturday. Mr. Andy Easton, last War, has again now joining the mechanical trans­ port. The Forest Badminton Club lost to the Exeter Club in a tournament on Monday evening. March 28th automobile leg on theveteran of enlisted and is Mr. Thomas Appleton celebrated his 85th birthday on Sunday last and was a guest of honor at the home of his son, Gordon. Rev, Aidworth, Staffa minister, travelled 5, miles on snow shoes to Zion Church to conduct his Sunday services. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Kestle cele­ brated their golden wedding anni­ versary on Monday. April 4tli Mr ,W, H. Moise, for four years manager of the Bank of Montreal has been transferred to Blenheim and With his family will leave next week to assume his new duties. At the I.'O.O.F. meeting on Tues­ day evening Mr. Ed Treble was pre­ sented with a 25-yeai* jewel for his faithful services. April 11th The local hockey team were hon­ ored at a banquet at the Bossenber- ryi Hotel with Reeve B. W. Tuckey, members of the council and some business men present; . Mr. Wm. J. Floyd has taken over the duties as manager of the Bank of Montreal. A 'horse and cutter belonging to Mr. Garnet Hicks were stolen from the James Street Church shed. April 18th Mr. Henry Strang spent several days with his son, Alex, at Hali­ fax. Alex has been a radio opera­ tor with the British merchant mar­ ine. A steel work for the new stacker at the Canadian Canners’ factory has been erected. Southcott Bros, have storehouse at the bacx of eral store. added a their gen- l Mr. and his leg the Mrs. Jack were trict Fair Association. February 22nd. Jack McKnight, son of IMrs* ‘Glen McKnight had fractured at a toboggan party held by the Public School. •Mr. Chas. ZWicker, of Crediton has disposed of his general and is retiring from business 40 years. Mr. Wm. May won the 1st of a gold watch in the Time-Advo­ cate Subscription Contest. 4 store after prize February 29th Mrs. Peter Frayne celebrated her ;8.3rd birthday on Monday. Mr. W. C. 'Dunsford, teller at the local branch of the Bank of Mont; real has been transferred to the City Hall Branch, at London. Mr* Harold Jeffery of concession of Usborne has farm tp Mr, Ed Westcott. the 4th sold 'his April 25th Mr. Ulric Snell has from the C. B. Snell estate the re­ sidence he has been occupying for some time on Ann St. Mr.. Archie Ryckman purchased the residence of Mr. W. H. Dearing and Mr. Dearing in turn has pur­ chased from Mr. Alex -Stewart London the residence occupied Mr. John Payne on -Huron St. May 2nd Mr. Beverley Acheson, manager of the Canadian 'Bank of Commerce branch at College and Spadina has been promoted to manager of the Queen and University Branch with a staff of 20 under him. Mr. A. J. 'Payne while delivering for Jones & May on Saturday frac­ tured his right leg below the knee when kicked by the horse. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Darling and family of Ailsa Craig has moved to Exeter. purchased of by Mr. and Mrs. George Easterbrook March 7th Many a Romance Th® tores of many young people ms mad® miserable by the breaking Out of pimples on the face. Th® trouble not so much physi­ cal pain, but it is tho mental suffer­ ing caused, by the embarrassing dis* figurement of the face which very oftto makes the sufferer ashamed to go out to company. The quickest why to get rid of ptoipleu is to improve the general health by a, thorough cleansing of thb blood of its Impurities. Burdock " Blood Bitters cleanses Ond purifies the blood—‘Get rid of your pimples by taking B.B.B. Th® T. Mllbiim Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont- May 9tl» Fire broke out in the new home of Mr. Wilbur Martin when the re­ frigerator exploded in the early hours of the morning. The cur­ tains, linoleum and cupboards in the kitchen were damaged by fire. June Bferling, 11-year-old daugh­ ter of Mr* and Mrs. Henry Bierling, underwent an operation for appen­ dicitis in the Children’s War Mem­ orial Hospital, London, on Friday. Mr. Jack DaWsoft of London has been .appointed new meter man for Exeter and will move to Exeter in the near future'. May 16th Dr. Fletcher Is remodelling his home on Victoria Street, adding several feet to the front and an addition to the east side. Mr* U* Sturgis of the Exeter High School staff has purchased the re­ sidence of Mr* George Jaques ■on William St* and Mr. Jaques in tutu has purchased the residence Of Mr. May ,23 rd Mr, Mervin 'Dunn of Usborne is confined to the home of his broth­ er-in-law, Mr. Ray Lammie, with a compound fracture of his right leg. Mervin was kicked by a horse. Mr, Ches Mahoney of Mt. Car­ mel, an employee of Snell Bros. & Co., who recently signed up with the R.C.A.F., has been notified to re­ port on the 28th, Mr. Robt, Nor­ ris of the Ford Garage staff, has al­ so been notified to report to the R.C.A.F. Grading on Huron Street pre­ paratory to putting down an asphalt road is now under way. May 30th While calling on a patient, Mr. Samuel Elliott, Dr. 'Dunlop had the misfortune to fall through a trap door fracturing his right heel and a small shoulder bone. Miss Olive Prior, while driving an automobile, lost control, the cai’ crashing the corner of Mr. L. Bea­ ver’s house. Rev. N. J. Woods, forrnei’ pastor of Sparta and Union has been sta­ tioned at Main St. Church, Exeter, and the former pastor, Rev. R. C. Copeland, ion. July 25tll The thermometer hovered close to the 90 mark this week. Twelve junior boys from Exeter are this week attending the Keem- osahbee Camp'north of Goderich. Sid Hodgin's. Clandetboye, vet­ eran racer, and his chestnut pacer, Rayrnjond, the 2.29 Toronto. Express, won all heats in • pace at Dufferin Park, August 1st Mr. Maurice Quance and son Clifford have planted a half acre of potatoes the net proceeds from Which they contributed to the Red Cross. Dr. C, C. Misenpr of Crediton has enlisted as an officer with the 24th Field (Ambulance, a branch, of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. Miss Anne Morgan saved a young lad- from drowning at Grand Bend last Thursday. August Sth October 3rd A very attractive window is that of the Red Cross exhibit in Sandy Elliot’s window. Stan Tudor’s Hensail team will meet Hagersville after eliminating Southampton, Mr, Clifton Hunter, whp is em­ ployed by Dumart Packing Co., returned hpme last week, suffering from blood-poisoning to his hand. October 10th The Lions Club Frolic -held in the Arena Thursday and Friday ev­ enings were largely attended. Of the gross receipts, $1,70'0' to $1,800 should be available for Red Cross purposes. Mr, Gordon May, of the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce leaves for Listowel on Thursday to assume his new duties, Mr, C. L, Robertson has purchas­ ed from Mrs. W. S. Howey- the building now occupied by him as a drug store. * * November #lst Canada’s -oldest practising phys­ ician, Dr. J, W”» Browning,, cele­ brated his 97th birthday on .No­ yember 21st. Mr* A. J, Sweitzer of Grand Rend is constructing a new home on, And­ rew St. Main St. 'Church held a success­ ful anniversary. November 28th While cutting wood at the home of Frank Wood, Wm. Coimish sev­ ered his little finger, . Members of the R.A.F- at Port Albert were entertained at Exeter on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Henry Eilber, highly esteemed residents of Cre­ diton celebrated their 60 th wedding anniversary. Mr, Eric Carscadden has chased the residence of the Henry Welsh. December 5th 'October 17 th Mr. C. goes to Sparta and Un- June 6th Miss Laurene Beavers was award­ ed the Diploma of Graduation which entitles her to append the letters A.'L.C.M. and the privilege of wear­ ing the cap and robe of the college, Twelve hundred people attend­ ed the Centralia frolic and dance at Spruce Grove. The net proceeds amounted to the sum of $3-6'9.4'0 which, was divided between the Red Cross and War Service Unit. August 15 th Mr. Noble Scott had the misfor­ tune to lose his- right hand in a cut­ ting box when his hand was caught in the rollers and drawn into knives, . Dr. Harvey Cowen fractured cheek bone, received in a fall at new building. The Boy Scouts 'held an apple day on Saturday. The net were about $32.*00. the his his October 28th returns t pur- late Mr, John Essery of Centralia was honored at the meeting of the Us­ borne and Hibbert Mutual Fire In­ surance Co* on the occasion of his 87th birthday. Mr. J, L. Hembly, wife, and three children of Wroxeter have moved into the house recently' vacated by Mr. E, R. Hopper. Mr. and Mrs. T- Dinney celebrat­ ed their 2'5th wedding anniversary. December 12th By Bev* James Awthony He V. Pickard was elected president of the Exeter Lions Club at theii’ regular meeting on Mon­ day evening, Mr. Borden Sanders, a student at Western University, has carried off< another scholarship this year, has been awarded -tthe Albert C, Jeffery Scholarship No. yeai’ honor biology. The following young men from Exeter ‘have joined the R.C.R.’s in London: Chester Cornish, Hilton Sanders, Jack Brintnell and Wal­ ter Bentley. June 13 th 2, third of people from Exeter attended the exhibition Hundreds and vicinity of work at the new school and found it very satisfactory. An accident took place at the school corner when - Miss Irene Turkheim of Zurich collided with a car driven by Miss Hazel Johns of Zion.’ Mr. brated sary. ■Little damage was done, and Mrs. Ed Westcott cele- tlieir 25th wedding anniver- June 2Oth Special Board meeting Miss H. Snell, gold medalist in from Toronto University At a Marian classics was -engaged as Latin teacher foi’ the High School. Miss K. McFaul has been confin­ ed to hei’ home tor over a week due- to a scald received when she spilt boiling water on her foot. The Exetei’ races - drew a large crowd on Wednesday although the weather was cool. During the severe thunderstorm on Wednesday morning lightning/ struck the telephone wires leading into the ‘home of Chief Norry,- wrecking the- telephone and blowing fuses, June 27th the Exeter early this to Vancou- Mr. A. J. Fawcett of High School Staff left week on a camping trip ver, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Elliot brated their 25 th wedding vers ary. Messrs. M. W. Telfer and Rivers won light 'Scotch in Seaforth. cele- anni- Bert Twi-1st prize at the Doubles Tounrnament July 4th Two cars were completely, wreck­ ed when Wm. 'Balkwill, Jr., of town collided with a car driven by Wm. Dietrich on the road to .Grand Bend* Mr. Balkwill’s left collar­ bone was broken. Mr. H. U. Carey who has been in the barber business has purchased a business in Glencoe from Clare Fletdher* Mr. way bills was Mrs, The money owner after her find to Chief Memorial Church July 11th b Miss Laura Harvey on her home to -dinner found a roll of containing $350. returned to the Harvey reported Norry. The Trlvitt choir held a successful garden par­ ty on Monday evening. A mixed jitney spohsdred by the Exeter Ladies’" Bowling Club was held on the local gi'eeiis as a fare­ well party tor Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Garey* The dtob presented them with a tri-llght lamp* July 18G1 The -speedy cruiser Delmar owtf- ed by W. Klopp, Stortoh, was en oh Saturday. Jimmie, ^year*old sen of and Mrs* Archie Etherihgtoiij Mr* had Miss Dorothy Welsh has accept­ ed a position with the E. & R. Shoe Store at Sarnia, taking charge of the ladies’ department. Mr. Harold Elliot, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Elliot, left Monday for .Brandon, Manitoba, where he has joined the R.C.A.F.' Notice has been received that persons 16 years and over must re­ gister during the National Regis­ tration. Two units are recruiting in Exe­ ter, the Middlesex-Huron and the First Hussars. \ Dr. Robt. B. McClure, missionary and' Red Cross from Honan, North China, address­ ed the Exeter Lions Club. C.aven Presbyterian Church cele­ brated their 7i9th anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Allison of Thames Road celebrated their gold­ en wedding anniversary. October 3'lst August 22nd got ele- bad Mr. Wallace Seldon fractured two bones in his hand when it caught in a pulley at the grain vator. iMr. Rufus Kestle received a shaking up when he was buried beneath a bundle of sheaves while unloading grain, ligaments in his shoulder, arm and back were torn. Mr. Ed .Lindenfield is moving his household effects into his new home. Dr. E. S. Steiner has purchased from Mrs... Wm. Penhale her fine brick residence on Huron St. August 29th $60.00 was raised in Exeter Tag Day for the Canadian National In­ stitute for the blind. After winning 'the 2nd game of the finals the Exeter Lions Juve­ nile baseball team lost the final game to Clinton with a score of 10-9. Miss Margaret MacLaren of Hen­ sail has been appointed professor of history at Waterloo College. September Sth The British American oil truck of Mr. Wm. Allison turned com­ pletely over near Hensall and while •considerable damage was dohe to the truck, the driver, Roy" Lamport, escaped unhurt. Miss Amelia Acheson has taken over the hotel in Exeter. Mr. R. L. Motz, who has conduct­ ed the Red and White Store in Exeter for 9 years has disposed of his stock to Mrs. C. p. Harvey. September 12th Mr. and Mrs, Bert Ellsmere and little daughter, 'Gwen, have moved to .Golden Valley after spending a few years in Exeter. Mrs. James lAnthony. had the misfortune to fall on the James St. Church steps, She suffered a 'Over 3,000 rotio Rally in afternoon. striking her head, slight concussion, attended the Pat- Sekforth on Sunday September 19th Members on Monday at Thames Mr. ?and of the 1st Hussars left for twb weeks training Valley Camp, London. Mrs. George Grant and family have moved to St. Thomas Where Mr. Grant is engaged in the insurance business. Mr, M. G, Sleamoh of Centralia has sold his general store and dwell­ ing to Mr, G. R. Andrew Of Wey- burh, Sask. September 25th 'The attendance at the Exeter Fair was larger than anticipated despite the rain which fell all that morning. The old landmark of Exeter, the late residence of suae Handford, has been disposed of by Miss Alice Handford to Mr. Gratton of Grand Bend, Dr, Cowen is remodelling the building he recently purchased on medical worker soilFine weather and perfect conditions resulted in a record crowd of more than 1,000 at the South Huron .Plowing match. Rensall won the O.B.'A. Cham­ pionship at Waterloo when they de­ feated 12-9 in Toronto Columbus Grads the final game. November 7th IFire broke out at the home of Mr. Wm. Preszcator, 3rd conces­ sion of Stephen. The prompt action of the 'neighbors to form a bucket brigade -saved the house. Unit No. 17 comprising S.S. No. 4 and No. 5, Usborne, held a success­ ful entertainment and dance with gratifying proceeds. November i4th Exeter Bridge,^ crashes tramg^pH crashes " side. Loomis^ the driver, escaped practic­ ally unhurt. • Mr. Gordon Triebner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Triebner. of Hay fractured a bone to his leg in two places when he fell from a ladder. Large congregations were present after Ernest ( I I Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Heywood celebrated their golden wedding an­ niversary. The officials and players of the Hensail O.B.A. Champions were en­ tertained to a banquet. Exeter community has beep bat­ tling with snow-blocked roads fox- over a week. December 19th The Xmas 'Cheer Fund to be used ’for Xmas enterta'inmenjt of thj© children now amounts to $94.00. The primary pupils of James St. Sunday School held on Friday evening. Mr. Garnet Flynn his new barber shop building. a Xmas party has opened up in 'Dr. Cowen’s i Decemiber 25th Tenders have been called for a new bridge and a temporary bridge. The cost of the temporary bridge is estimated at $19 00.00 and be up in three weeks. . Eight hundred children entertainment at’ Leavitt’s on Saturday. They were the guests of the Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion. Mr. and- Mrs. Clayton have moved from Thames Exeter. should attend theatre Frayne Road to Henry Ford once said: There are two ways of •yourself stand out from the crowd: 'One is by having a job so big that you can go /-home before the bell rings if you want to. . ■* The other, is by finding so much to do that you must stay 'after 4 he others are gone. The one who enjoys the former i once took advantage of the latter. making Scarlet and Gold,” the ah” nual issued lundpi* the shield of the Royal. Canadian Mounted police, to the interests of the retired mem­ bers of the force, is just to hand. This annual is unusually attractive in form, from the front page pic­ ture of a member of the forces with, his quizzical facial expression tell­ ing of the inquiring characteristic of the force, to the last page setting forth the history of the force and supplying pictures of the brave, hard-bitten, daring men who have led the constabulary since its set­ ting UP to 1873, Not a word is wasted in those outstandingly well printed pages, nor is there a single word of boasting. There are side­ splitting funny cartoons poking fun at the force—cartoons drawn by some of its clever members, but there is nothing adulatory. There are stories that tell of the hard,, long-drawn-out labor, combining strenuous physical toil with the severest taxing of mental effort, as this silent constabulary carries out its high purpose set out in their motto, f<Maintain the Right.” /This wonderful body of men has- done strong arm work in dischargp- of duty and it can. do such “work again when properly called upon. It knows what to do on -the river, on the plain with its bewildering storm in the Arctic Circle. It finds its way. amid the silence of the forest and through the moun­ tains and mines and companies familiarly with the ocean fisher­ folk. The settler knows the red coat and breathes easier because he notes its presence, Royalty feels safe as the wearer of the scar­ let and gold acts as escort. But the force knows the way’s of the city, whether duty calls for investi­ gating homes of the rich but law breaking and finds its way in those-, degraded and dangerous places where cunning crime seeks refuge­ in the dens and caves of the great city’s sordid wickedness. However crafty -the criminal may be, he knows that the Mounted are at' least two degrees cleverei’ than" he. These keen-eyed men are found everywhere the provisions of the- criminal code are violated, patient­ ly, silently looking on, considering,, investigating, till finally, the case- is complete and the offender is brought to justice. Everywhere this, mysterious body is out to discharge its simple duty, fairly, intelligent­ ly and thoroughly. Little wonder that such a force is the hardest body in the world to get into and about the easiest body to get out of. This annual is high class from cover to- cover, 'One satisfaction one has in buying Scarlet and Gold is that be­ gets more than the worth of his money. Even greater is the know­ ledge that he helps the fine old men who have done so* much to- make Canada the great country she- is, so'metimes wish . I were the boss, To speak my piece When I get cross. But when the bills come in Great Scott! I sure am glad That I am not. I Canadian Ford War Machines in Action HpO find, conditions severe enough to test the full x capabilities of army Vehicles built in the Canadian Ford plant was difficult* However, a large saxid pit, was located “comprised of hills, holes and deep soft, sand. This appeared to be an impossible place to- , drive heavy gun tractors and army trucks but the impossible is all in the day’s Work for these machines, An artillery tractor, which replaces horses for haul­ ing guns on the battlefield, is shown negotiating some of the tougher spots in the sand pit. Equipped with four-wheel 'drive these tractors can go almost any place. The top photo shows the tractor climbing a steep hill* On the left it is Shown putting to and out of a deep sand hole* These fugged Vehicles are one of the many types of mechanical transport manufac­ tured in the great Eord plant at Windsor, Ontario, The Canadjan Ford Company has supplied more than SO,000 vehicles for military purposes to the armies of Canada, Great Britain and other Empire Countries and has become the Empire’s largest single source of this essential military equipment* In addition to- its war Work the company is continuing production of civilian Ford and Mercury cars and Ford trucks*