HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-12-23, Page 7GET A BAIRN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER at BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER :ALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. AUBURN — Mr.' and Mrs. Maitland Allen, Egmont Street Auburn, will celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary on December 25. A family dinner will be held on Sunday, Dec- ember 22 to honour this oc- casion, Mr. and 'Mrs. Maitland Al- len were married on December 25, 1913 by the late Rev. An- drew Laing, minister at that time of Knox Presbyterian Church, They were married at the home of the bride's par- ents with twenty guests pres- ent. The bride's sister, Mrs. Wil- liam J. Craig, played the wed- ding march. Mrs. Allen was the former Bell Elliott Stalker, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Rob' cot Stalker and Mr. Allen is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Allen of Maitland Concession, Colborne Township. Mrs. Allen was born in the house where they now reside. After they were married they resided at the CPR station where Mr. Allen was Section Foreman of the Auburn crew. He had been transferred here in 1912 after working for four years at the McGaw section. Mr. Allen worked for many years at Auburn and won the CPR prize three times for- the IMIZIeleteietISCLCICieMiCLCACIOCICLEIWeISIVC-IziCieIMIMOCCECICIZICIeiCieleteK 7-NOEL , • To all our friends: Joy, Peaoe and Good Will — that is our wish to you this wondrous Christmas season! WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC BILLand .HELEN WELLS DON 'ELLWOODERNIE McVITTIE Ellwood Epps. From King St reet Clinton 20 Huron Street Clinton, Ont. oporicoogtoogiogivoc00000Otoc0000ggioogipopottpeigtoovv RoyMann's WHIT ROSE E Service Station • 0 O O Sincerest Greetings on Behalf of Our Management and Staff A. G. GRIGG and SON • Phone 482-9411 Clinton, Ont. "WE SPECIALIZE IN FUEL OIL" t000mlow000mmomoomovoetetvetwommeametwetoc V This sincere' wish we heartily' extend to you, our many loyal friends and customers. SPORTS SHOP And STAFF tooztocietemetozieveleivowocimictome.taveleizietwevevocictomic- 'UM 1.`% ;`Best Wishess kTo Our Friends From . . . JEAN and WEB MARTIN -- RITA YEO • Norma Draper -- Marion Andrews Isabelle Batkin -- Marion McCann — at HARRY WILLIAMS 11112-6633 RN CLINTON EATING OILS- GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOR.OILS— WHITE ROSE DIVIMMA-Vi-DM-200121M-20MatMINDI A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL 40 Herman's Men's Wear CLINTON lommarzmparmaawrivarsizolzaavialstA-Avaristztkaawatsa2012=11 01140gitit kit GODERICH , ONT. Playing Saturday' Night, December 28 The New "BEL-AIRES" NO SLACKS OR BLUE JEANS DiDatntratlMaiMli-N-212M-M-1Wa Wednesday, December 25 "THE DEL-REPS" Door Prize -- Balloon and Special Dances 9:30 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. $1.00 Per Person DIZIDa204204-D*WaDtAZIWOraiM21 Annual New Year's Eve Party Tuesday, December 31 Christmas Night Party Please accept our best wishes for the occasion of Christmas and New Year. May we wish you the best for 1964. CLINTON FEED MILL 28 Willie Street Clinton, 'Orita Two Phones. 2,3815 and HU 2.3484 4040440404041000410010004100M000040104100800004V • .•.4. • • • •,,••• •• 4I4VVVIIIPPMVPV0V .1c44.4 .4PPV. 41; WV(11004 .tftiNtP• AUBURN—Bouquets of red poinsettias, brightly coloured garlands and an attractive Ch- ristmas centre piece with light- ed tapers decorated Auburn Community Memorial Hall for the December meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute. Mrs. Donald Haines, the first vice-president, was in charge of the meeting and Mrs. Rob- ert J, Phillips presided at the piano. Mrs. Haines welcomed those present and several Christmas carols were sung, led by Mrs. William J. Craig. The minutes were read by Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and she gave the fin- ancial statement stating that $163.00 had been spent on equ- ipment for the Hall during the past year. Mrs. Haggitt announced that $5.00 had been sent to the Children's Aid Society al- ong with the gifts. A letter was read from FWIO stating that the annual fees had been raised to $1.00 per member. It was decided to again sp- onsor the spring 4-H project, "What Shall I Wear", in which the girls make a blouse and plan a wardrobe. The convener of the card committee, Mrs. Andrew Kirk- connell, reported on cards sent during the past month and read the thank-you notes. Mrs. Kirkconnell was asked to again send Christmas cards to the sick and shut-ins as the WI has done in past years. A solo was sung by Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor and the Ch- ristmas story was told by Mrs. best upkeep of the track, in his section. When an agent was sent' to the CPR station, Mr. and Mrs. Allen moved. into a home fixed out of two box cars and resided there until her parents passed away and'Ihen in 1921 they moved into the Music And Special Recitations livi°ndaY, Dec. 1"3 C linton News-Record—Page 7 Play, Feature Concert At Hullett School .• ovemorticakiocicic tocitototosistoottOticteIOsicteiewiciOticicteitobtottetzigietc MARTIN'S DEPT. STORE itatovetwocgmogtoomovoctotcmtvoctomcmc ammo- AUBURN —A brightly dee- witted. -Ctal$tinas tree and otb,_ er decomtions for this fegive season made a pmtty setting In Auburn. Community Mern,: when, the. fifty pup- ils af VSS No,. 5 Huliett and their teacher, Mrs, Ralph. 17, .1)441-qp presented their annual concert.' The musical part of the 'pro, gram Was. under the direCtion, of the music supervisor, Mrs, Emmerson Rodgers. The program was opened by all singing the Chortis "Good Evening, Hello", .and the -well-. come recitation by Larry P1- aetzer, The chairman of the even- ing's program was Mr. Frank Raithby. -He gave a few re- marks; thanking the teacher Stalker home which had been rebuilt in 1895 after a fire, Mr, Allen retired in 1952. Mr. and Mrs, Allen attended Knox United Church, Auburn. Mrs, Allen • has two sisters living, Mrs. William J. (Jean) Craig, Auburn and Mrs. Wil- liam (Ethel) Coats, Flint, Michigan. Mr, Allen' has two brothers, Harold, Goderich and Norman on the homestead. in Maitland Concession, Colborne Township, . The Auburn readers join with .their- family in congratu- lating Mr. and Mrs.- Allen on this occasion of their 50th wed- ding anniversary. Clare Longhurst and her small daughter, Maureen, assisted by illustrating • on a colourful flannelgraph . Mrs. Wes Bradnock intro- duced the guest speaker of the afternoon, Rev. R. U. Mac- Lean, minister of Knox Pres- byterian Church, He chose his inspiring message from the Gospel of St. John and stressed the Christian home and asked the members to keep Christ in Christmas. Life is a serious matter, and the best festival at this Christ- mas time .is to share in the Love of Christ with families and relatives, he said. . Mrs. Frank Raithby thanked Mr. MacLean for his message and on behalf of the Branch pres- ented him with a gift. A humorous skit composed by Mrs. Thomas Lawlor out of information learned in the Dessert Course was acted by Mrs, Frank Raithby, chef; Mrs. Arthur Grange, waitress; Mrs. Ed Davies, Mrs. Robert Arthur and Mrs. Lloyd Hum- phreys, guests in a restaurant. A musical reading was given by MTS. Thomas Lawlor and the door prize was won by MrS, Roy Daer, A Christmas lunch was ser- ved by Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Roy Easom, Mrs. Charles Scott Mrs. Charles Straughan and Mrs. Sam Daer, • The lucky cup was held by Mrs, Ed Dav- ies and she received a gift from the hostesses. The roll call was answered, by an ex- change of 25 cent gifts. Classified Ads Bring Quick Results To Mark Anniversary Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen, Egmont Street, Auburn, who will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on Christmas day. (Photo by Bradnock) Former CPR Foreman And Wife Mark Anniversary On Christmas ...and Best frrithes TO OUR MANY FRIENDS And along with our fondest wishes that every wish will come true for you, we also extend our sincere "thank you" for your loyalty during this year. ' From the Staff at SUTTER-PERDUE HARDWARE Setting Helps WI Mark Christmas, - Urged To Keep Christ In Activities for her .excellent work with the A uppupils. -unique part, of the pro,, •gt.W12.' was the .reading of par- agraPhs which pupils had Writ, ten en "What -christinas, means to me". These were read, by Brenda East and Betty MosS, The junions gave small recite- tionsi those taking part were Jayne Arthur, Lortwnp .enam, ney, Nancy Marion., Larry pi- aozer,, Wayne Powell and Billy Marion, A -duet, "Star of the East", was sung by Betty MOSS and Jennifer Grange; the juniors sang, '" Away tin a Manger"; and ,Stephen Haggitt did step-dance number'. An amusing song, The •Rheu, Knatiz", was done in costume by Ronald Arthur, Allan Mc, Dougall, Briggitte Schiichting, Brenda East, Jennifer Grange and Betty Moss. The :Sword dance was done by Patsy and Mary Wilkin accompanied on the bagpipes by Robert Wil- kin, and -the song "The Twelve Days Of CbriStmas"' was sung by the seniors. A comical number, "Topsy Turvey. Christmas'? was done by the Junior pupils behind a white sheet with only their heads showing. A skit, Lein i5i Heck's horse was presented by Jennifer Grange, Betty Moss, Karl Tiechert, Ronald Arthur, Brian Craig, Mark Arthur, Joy- ce. Leatherland and Wayne Ar- thur. A recitation "I Got a Lick'in from my Dad" was given by Paul Chamney and Patsy and Mary Wilkin did the Highland Fling dance, A chorus was sung by all the pupils "Nuttin' For Christmas", with the trio, Brian Craig, Stephen Haggitt and Paul Chamney taking a part of the chorus. A piano solo was played by Doreen McClindh•ey and Lor- raine Chamney, followed by a two-part chorus by the sen- iors, A play, "Dad's Quiet Even- ing", was presented by Allan McDougall, Rouley Lubber, Lorraine Chamney, Paul Cham- ney, Brenda East and Randy Machan. A piano duet was played by Brenda EaSt and Jennifer Grange, a solo, "Holy Night", was sung by Betty Moss and a closing recitation was given by Sherry Plaetzer. To the chorus, "Here Comes Santa Claus" Santa arrived br- inging gifts and candies to all the children. A hearty vote of thanks' to Mrs., Munro, her assistant, Mrs. Wilfred Sand- erson, Mrs. Rodger and the pupils for their excellent pro- gram. mizievocimeicimmicievaogiz-mto Brewers' Retail STORES Open to 9 p.m. Monday Dec. 30 Open Jan. 2 BREWERS' WAREHOUSING COMPANY LIMITED Operators of Brewers' Retail Stores "Bobby Downs and His Orchestra' Tickets Now On Sale Reservations — Dial 524-9371 or 524-9265 FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 W