HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-12-23, Page 4Page 4,—Clinton:NUws-.Recurd,',MOnday, Dec, 23,190 ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT EAST SIDE of duplex at 110 Rattenbury Street East, Four bedrooms. Convenient to sch- ools. Phone 482-9530 or apply at Aiken Bros. store. 52p 1 BEDROOM furnisbed apart- ment, 44 Huron Street, avail- able February 1. Apply Jack Elliott, 105 Rattenbury Street, East, phone 482-9332. 52tfb LARGE AND SMALL trailers, fully furnished. Becker's Trail- er Court, Clinton. 37tfb SELF-CONTAINED, two Bed- room, (half a house), phone Seaforth 3. • 41tfb R 0 0 M S FOR RENT, with cooking facilities. Phone 482- 9608. 46tfb ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment, heated. Ceriel Van Demme, phone 482-6685, ' 51tfb TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, Ap- ply 227 Huron Street, phone 482-6610. 49tfb HOUSE FOR RENT, 2-3 bed- rooms, 52 Princess St. West. Available January 1, rent rea- sonable. Phone 482-3209. 51tfb tele-ielegesieetetelzigmeteletetetetetete ACCOMMODATION' FOR RENT THREE-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, available new, Phone 482,3507, ' 49tfb 2 BEDROOM heated apart- ment, School Apartments, Ph- one Ceriel VanDaneme, 482- 6685. 50tfb THREE BEDROOM HOUSE at 384 Matilda Street, possession at end of month. Phone 175, Seaforth, Ont. 49,tfb Modern 2 Bedroom APARTMENT Unfurnished Kitchen Living Room Dining Room Bath AVAILABLE NOW CLINTON APARTMENTS Phone 482-7740 50tfb FURNISHED 3-ROOM apart- ment, heated, private .bath. Phone 482-9500 or 9500. 49-50-1-2b TWO GROUND-FLOOR apart- ments, one furnished, heated, with private bath and fire- place. L. G. Winter Real Est- ate, phone 482-6692, 200 High Street. 51tfb 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located :130 King Street, Phone Seaforth 219-R. 35tfb UPSTAIRS — 2 - BEDROOM apartment, private, entrance, 3- piece bath, hot water heated. Immediate possession. Bayfield Woollen Shop, phone 83, Bay- field, 49tfb 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Brucefield, new stove and re- frigerator. Mail:able soon. Phone Hensall 264J4. 51tfb SELF-CONTAINED HEATED apartment, large living room, one bedroom, kitchen and bath. Lloyd Batkin, phone 482-7057. 50-1-2p FURNISHED APARTMENT, available now. Also, 1 ground floor, unfurnished, heated ap- artment. Phone 482-9928. Roy Tyndall. • 45-tfb LARGE 2 BEDROOM Apart- ment, unfurnished, heated, new- ly decorated, reasonable. Phone 482-9568 evenings or 482-6663. 46tfb DUPLEX HOUSE, unfurnished, living room, bath, two bed- rooms, oil furnace, located 3 miles west of Clinton, at Holmesville. Available Dec. 15 or' January 1. Phone 482-6694. 47tfb 4, Pickett & Campbell Ltd. EMPLOYMENT WANTED BABYSITTING on New Year's Eve in my own home. Phone 482-7164, If no answer phone 482-7351, 52b Weleteietemteteleieteteme-letelielOcteNtelettePoziewleteveieteeVeleiele-teleXteieW lt* Wishes. To Our Friends May all the joys He came to bring Within yOur hearts forever ring! From Everyone at . . . Main Corner, Clinton 482-9732 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. ,and Mrs, Charles Elliott will be at home to their friends. and relatives at their residence' corner of Whitehead and Seeeh. Streets, with an '()Pen House'" on Wednes.clay, Janu- ary 1, 1964 from 2;.3(Y. to 5:00. P.M,' on 'the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. No ,olits.ploaso, BIRTHS COLQUHOUN — In Humber Memorial Hospital, Weston, on. Tuesday, December 3, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Colqahoup, Toronto, for- merly of Clinton, a daughter, Rhonda Lynn. DENO1VIME—To Mr. and Mrs, Donald Denoimpe, Chatham? on December 11, a chosen daughter, Jacqueline Dawn. CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Jaines Livermore, Clar- ence and Mrs. Green Wish to thank all 'their kind friends in and. around Clinton for cards, flowers and visits, after the passing of husband and father, also Rev, Mills and Rev. Park, iheir kindness will never be forgotten. 52b We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our kind friends and neighbours for the many gifts and congratulatory cards received which helped to make. our Golden Wedding An- niversary a memorable' ()CMS, ion. — JOHN and PEARL WOON, 52x The family of 'the late Don- ald Craig wish 'to express their sincere thanks to relatives, . fr- iends, .and neighbours, for the messages of sympathy, floral tributes and many acts of kindness during their recent bereavement, Special thanks to the staff of the Clinton hos- pital, Dr. Newland, and, Rev. Father Bussey, pallbearers and the Beattie funeral home. 52p I wish to express my sin- core thanks to relatives . and friends for flowers, cards and treats ' while a patient in Cl- inton hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, also Rev. M. Carson of Londes'boro United Church- and 'the nursing staff on first floor. Thanks to all. — JOHN SNELL. 52b 0 Over 800 Kids Greet Santa At RCAF Station On the afternoon of Wednes- day,' December 18 a Christmas Party was held in the Recrea- tion Centre for Station Clinton Air • Force and Civilian chil- dren with foster children from the Goderich area Children's Aid Society being specially in- vited. Over 800 children were en- tertained by TV personalities-: Big Al of CKCO TV Kitchen- er and Miss Dorothy and Mr. Jim of CFPL TV London. Additional entertainment was provided by ,' the May Court Puppets„ Sergeant Electro the Mechanical Man with acts by Henry the fire eating man and "The Three Chipmunks" led by WO2 Velleman. The master of ceremonies was F/O Art • Shepherd and responsible for the organization was F/O Dick Allan. F/L J. Gibson was incognito during the program, To conclude a very full pro- gram, Santa Claus made. a guest appearance and he spoke. to all of the children before he set off to the Married Quarters to visit sick children who were. unable to be at the party. FOR SALE CONTROL MASTITIS 'in dairy cows! Use NIXON'S ANTI- MAST 17. Mastitis, Ointment. This liquid formula is the only mastitis ointment guaranteed effective or your money back. Three one-close tubes only. $2.50 Available at Edward's Phar- macy in Clinton. 52b SERVICES DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb SANITATION SERVICE Septic Tank Cleaning DRAINAGE REPAIRS For Immediate Service PHONE— BILL FINCH Grand Bend 238.2291 In Clinton Phone 482-9616 Clinton Plumbing & Heating 49'504-2P WANTED HAY AND STRAW — naled Hay and Straw wanted, any quantity, Box 9, Newbury, Ontario or phone 693-4462. 47 to 15b tglgelPIPP14114 lIticglItroPIPM,VrIMMPPgt.'PPV4i.441044g4Vgt51.44(111“%.046;110 CLINTON MEMORIAL SHOP T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH mowervevetocometetocivocteteleteletmetwateloctetg,mteramette rani WARMEST 1111111111181L. WISHES 4 Vssaini 1111111W 111100=3872115PMCSIMILINEMEMISSIONV May this Christmas glow with joy for you. E FI'S Food id, arket Herb Bridle and Staff FREE DELIVERY Phone 482-3445 rztewetetvebevetmetvetevetevetetetewmemetemtvetveloatewevvve Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere MIClelVeteieleleie-leteleleleletelVete tegleMe-talelelMeie le tete ie Wier,KIMele le IC ‘WANNPilf 134 49A s,= From the Staff at LADIES' 'WEAR 30E and IVY IRWIN . MARGARET CARTER EDITH REID K. Cooke Dial 482-7012 Clinton Classified Ads Bartliffs Bakery Limited Bakery and Restaurant 482-9727 CLINTON ATTENTION FARMERS! ARTICLES FOR SALE OVEN-READY CAPONS, Ph- one 482-7504. 50tfb MAGIC MARKERS—Black and Red only. "The better kind". Only $1.13 (tax included).At Clinton News-Record. 34tfb FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb BUSINESSMEN: If you • use any type of Moore business form, they can be ordered through Clinton News-Record, phone 482-3443. tfb TELEFUNKEN Stereo Corn- binatien; Admiral 23" TV; Slide & Movie Projectors; Sun- beam Mix-Master; Boys' 21" bicycle, All in new condition. For information, 482-7787. 52-lb OIL SPACE HEATERS, in good condition. Apply. Roy Tyndall, phone 482-9928. 43tfb CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. , 23111343db Have An. Extra Key For Your Car . . House We Specialize In CUTTING KEYS Changing Combinations Keying Locks Alike BALL and MUTCH IHA Hardware Phone 482-9505 49tfb COME IN AND SEE OUR Christmas Specials: Something for each member of the family, Bayfield Woollen Shop, phone 83, Bayfield, 49tfb NOW IS THE. TIME to order your aluminum 'windows and doors, free estimates without obligation. Russell Jervis, HU 2-9390., 21tfb We Specialize in . . . Furnace. Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing . CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET CLINTON Phone 482-7652 24tfb WEDDING STATIONERY: In- vitations, reply cards, serviettes, matches, thank you cards„place cards; two complete lines to choose from. When you pur- chase your wedding stationery here, we insert your engage- ment free of charge. Take wed- ding stationery book out over- night and choose your supplies in private. Clinton News- Record. 34tfb DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track,, 'curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given, Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb SINGER SEWING MACHINE Sales and Service Will Whidden 320 Victoria St., Clinton Phone 482-9103 50tfb APPLES — GOOD QUALITY Mac's and Snows, Please Bring your own containers; other varieties available. Small apples, $1.25 per bushel, Follow Highway 8 to Holmesville, turn left, follow the signs. Art Bell, phone Goderich 524-8037. 50tfb SPRAYED APPLES — Spy, Snow, Macs, Taman Sweets, Greenings, cider apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF homes. Phone 482-3214, Fred McClymont and Sons, Varna. 46p-tfb VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Herisall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb ELECTROLUX SALES and SERVICE DON SMITH For Free Demonstration or Service Phone 482-7889 13tfb CUSTOM WORK "THE PIXIE" Beauty Salon. New phone number 482-7792. Perms, tinting, hair cutting a specialty. 48tfb HADCO WELL DIGGING AND DRILLING Specializing in drilled wells and large diameter bored wells 5'4-3' Phone MOhawk 9-3761 Elmira, Ontario 48-9-50-1-2p ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOUND or Rep2ired, any make, any h.p., auto & household radio repairs. Open all day week, dayt. ART LEVM & SONS 139 ERIE ST: S., CLINTON Phone 482-66404 43tfb HELP WANTED MALE , WANTED; Reltable man Dealer in Huron County : Ex, Perience not necessary. Fine opportunity to step into old prefitable hnsioess Where RAW- joigh Products have been sold for years. )3,1g. profits. .Produots furnished on credit. Write .RawleigWs, Dept, L-169-163, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, 52b ' HELP WANTED Music • Supervisor WANTED Hensall Public School Board invites applications for the pos, Wen of Music Supervisor for five class rooms, two half days per week,• salary to be negotia- ted. Duties to commence Jan- nary 1964. Please forward ap- plications containing qualificee tons, age and experience to:' Robert Reaburn, secretary- treasurer, Hensel Public Sell, ool Board, Hensall, Oat, 49-0-2b MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb MacDONALD ELECTRIC , Motor Repairs and Rewinding House Wiring Service Calls 482-7702 29tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20tfb Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone 524-7231 PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. REAL ESTATE 4-- NO .DOWN PAYMENT requir- ed, private, 3 bedroom, modern bungalow, oil heated, close to schools, immediate possession. For information: 482-7787. 52tfb SALESMEN WANTED $12,000 IS NOT TOO MUCH FOR THE MAN WE WANT Because we pay our top men in other cities from $8,000 to $15,000 in a year, this opening in the Clinton area is worth just as much,to the right man. If you are over 40 . . can make short auto trips . . can call on small town, rural and industrial property owners . . I hope to hear from you right away. I would like to have you start with us soon and stay for a long time, All replies confi- dential. T. L. Swallow, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Corp., 534 No. Main St., Fort Worth, Texas. 52b ..4.)4 tOe /eVet0V4WWWWMOVOCICt4tele 'Clinton Community Auction Sales NO SALE FRI.; DEC. 27 JOE COREY Sales Manager,000loopoodl000i000ntallediak .Next Issue January .3 The next-issue of The News- Reoord Will not be printed un- til Friday, January 3, to able the staff to enjoy the fogivo season with their fam lies. .However, it would be appre- ciated. if we .could receive the bulk of our news and advertis, big copy by Monday, December 30, Correspondents are urged to send in the Christmas happen, i4eS in their communities by this date and send in a second budget on January 2, if pos, Sible„ to cover the New Years events, Following the edition of Jan- uary 3, we will revert to our normal publication day of Th- ursday, and news and adver- tising deadlines will be Tues- day noon. Don't forget to send us the names of your holiday visitors 'for publication! Personals Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Lam- arche and Dianne, who have been stationed at Marville, France (1 Fighter Wing) for the past four years arrived at Trenton on the "Yukon" air- craft after an 11-hour non-stop flight. Mr. Lamarche has been posted to North Bay. At pre- sent they are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoy. Lloyd and James Hoy, 10 East Street, Clinton, and Mr. Adrien Lamarche will motor to visit relatives in Montreal then on to North Bay to look for suitable accommodation for himself and family. 0 Storm Blocks District Roads, Detains Students So, what else is new? That about sums up the at- titude of most area residents as they read the stories in daily newspapers of the heavy snows and crippling blizzards that have `become common place in the "snow-belt". Snow, which started over a week ago and has, shown lit- tle sign of letting up, has built up to a: depth of three feet and snow shovelers have been fighting a continual los- ing battle. The area was hit hardest on Friday, when winds gusted up to 50 miles per hour and block- ed all arteries during the af- ternoon. Ontario Provincial Police at Goderich ordered school buses off the roads, but the ban came after all but three of 21 buses at CHSS had departed. The students affected were put up in the homes of school chums for the night. One of the buses' that left was involved in an accident on highway 4, north of the main gate at RCAF Clinton, when it ran into the rear of a car driven by a CHSS teach- er, Mrs. E. Phoenix, who was travelling to her Denfield home. Along with a fellow teacher, Mrs. Doris Rive, RCAF Cen- tralia, she was ,forced to come back to Clinton for the night. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of harses, cattle and hogs at Lot 2, Concession 8, Morris Township, 2 miles North of Blyth on No. 4 Highway on. Saturday, January 4, 1964„ at 1 p.m. Horses — Black mare rising 4 yrs. old, white markings, in foal. Chestnut matched team of Belgian geldings, 2 and 3 yrs. old, light mane and tails. Ch- estnut Belgian filly rising 2 yrs. old with light mane and tail. Cattle — 15 Durham and Here- ford cows, re-bred, 18 Durham and Hereford market steers, (1000 to 1100 lbs.); 5 market heifers; 13 Durham and Here- ford steers rising 1 yr. old; 8 heifers rising 1 yr. old; 2 fall calves; 1 registered Poll Angus bull, 2 yrs. old (Todd breed). Pigs — 5 York sows bred in September; 3 young York sows bred 2 months; 1 York hog; 34 York chunks, 140 lbs.; 17 York pigs, 6 to 10 weeks old. TERMS — Cash No reserve, farm sold WALTER OSTER. Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL Clerk 52-lb lgteetie-leRele-teteletteeteter.cietetete-MCK We wish to express to all our customers in Clinton, and neighboring town who have been so good as to favor us with their 1963 business, our most heartfelt Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year. It has been a pleasure to have served you and keep on gerving you as long as we have health and facilities. It is your patronage that haS kept us in business and al- lowed us to expand as we have done. Guaranteed Watch Repairs Electronic Watch Cleaning Diamonds, Watches, Gifts, Clocks, & Electric Razors. Wholesale Engraving Ser- vice and Trophies. VODDEN WHOLESALE JEWELLERS LTD, Clinton Ontario taicalvamat. toatitaattattititamor