HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-12-23, Page 3(Color) "Tarzan's Three Challenges" (Color) plus a Three. Stooge Comedy "KNUTSY KNIGHTS" MON., TUES., wErp.—DEc4 3Q-31, JAN. JERRY LEWIS, Dina Merrill &Mickey Shaug y f hness On the sea and under it Jerry will tickle your ribs with a east pf t nautical nonsense. "Don't Give Up The Ship" (Color) g y THURS., FRI., SAT,—JANUARY 2-3-4 Janet Lei h, Dick Van Dke and Ann Margret -One of the season's brightest comedies, a musical sa,ture on the foibl of es mode th .'ern you, "Bye Bye Birdie" Coming'"WEST SIDE STORY", Adult Entertoinmeth • At Air-conditioned for your comfort * Jock Mahoney and Woody Strode in • Goderich NOW—THURS., FRI., $AT.,—DgCgMBER 6-2748 The PARK Theatre stlowtime 1:30 vgicogtmemvomottgtvcogictwomorgteboopmitoppctipimigtvg% A very Merry C, hr. istmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all our many customers in thii area. from Culligan Water Condi- tioning', Goderich, Culligan Water Conditioning Phone 524-9571 Goderich, Ont. %,m1m-DI,00twotvom-ootlovim.024211m2PPaitizeohloadkom teseremewaratcitecielegieleiatIMMMICACteielMieter,00414IMMeteteli t tbI of Tinto We hope that the Spirit of ChriStmas abides with you! MAY HAPPINESS BE YOURS MERRIEST HOLIDAYS, EVERYON El USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY. DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P, M. LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 2335 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match, take the calendar to our office and claim your $3 credit. LAUNDRY &..CLEANERS MICICIeteiekileraIMPOCKICIC-IMAZIOCIMICICICIetCW-4-KtateeKleteterMICIebtaa May the gift bf lating cheer enter your hotte this obristracts. FROM THE STOP AT Phone 402,0505 . Clinton *leocommaioadoor****/**/***nolitoot****/***ant****** BALI and MITCH .114A HARDWARE & FURNITURE STORE Happy Wprkers. Pick Secret Pals, Make Donations The Christmas meeting of the 'Keppy 'Workers .Club was held apt the home of Mrs, Wm, Firm with IS members. and. one visitor present, The meet, ing opened with a enrol. Mrs.. Elgin Dale read the scripture from the Bible and The roll ;call. was answered, Business wad cuscussed and: it was decided things would be left at Mrs. Ken Gibbings to pack two boxes, Secret pals were picked again for • hirth.; days and anniversarys for Election of officers took, place also for 1964 and a lay- ette was sent to the Children's Aid Society; Tea money was collected and 'the kicky draw was won by Mrs. Norman Dale. , Mrs. Henry Klaver gave an interesting talk on "What Christmas is Like in Holland". Then gifts were` exchanged. The meeting closed, with the prayer and a nice lunch was served by the hostess, The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. A, Vanden, dool on the evening of January 8. Roll call will be new ideas' for a program next year. The Ontario Street Couples Club held their Christmas party on Friday, December 13 at the Church and the worship ser- Storm Limits Party Attendance BAYFIELD There was a small attendance at the Lions Christmas Party for the school children held in the town hall on Friday afternoon, owing to the storm, Two carload of children came from SS 3 and otherwise there were only the pupils from Bayfield Public School, (Varna, SS 4 East and SS 4 West Stan- ley being unable to attend). Mrs, W..E. Parker's classes sang as Christmas carol and Mrs. Turner's classes did a group recitation. Lion President, Russell Kerr, set up the projector and LeRoy Path projected three films: A trip to Paris, France, Hop-a- long Cassidy and Bugs Bunny. Lloyd Malcins took Adam Flowers place, on the com- mittee. Santa Claus arrived, and the three Lions assisted him in de- livering oranges and candy to the children. ICICIMMt-143V,WelcrOZIogrOVatele CHRISTMAS GREETINGS VERNA'S BEAUTY SALON 50 Mary 'Street 'Verna Mogan). PPop, otwo)ozootivoommazinuoilo4 Wed at LOndesboro Linda Ann Welbanks, daughter of Mrs. Steven Welbanks, and the late Mr: Welbanks, Londesboro, exchanged wedding vows with Joseph Sidney Freeman, Goderich, on Saturday,' December 7. (Photo by McDowell) Couples Choose Mr. and Mrs. A. Aiken To Head Club For Up-Coming Year Monday, Deco 23, X1963--clinton News-ftc;ord,-Page 3 *:1,;411001:+loofroomazzonwoaltoroal*votimotooPP000lvtzoomslotxt)04 t110011/'0 14`r rtttitToo ML THAT IS cHilISTMAS pea ce, home, freedom, worship, friendship, Igypct ones, happy children may all those blessm9s be yours to enjoy this holiday season, SPARLINGOIARDWARE (Between trwin'.$ and • MOrtins) 482-3821 opproviz tavgivggIcrAtrgicg.. I le .444% akat' Att ..4gw,v.• 4:4 To all of you who have favored. us with continued patronage, we wish the merriest-ever. Christmas! EDWARDS PHARMACY Alan W. Edwards -- Mary E. Edwards, Phm.B. Mrs. Ethel Smith Mrs. Phyllis Rutherford VZ-lelglZ-MICKICIMCIMMICIC-tel-VVCOCAMIM-K-tele-tg-ICIMMCKIISCACIZIMCI t'* 5, ONO M.* MOW MS 4r414100 MO= MOW IMMINNIS IMMO NS LEE'S LADIES, MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR Across- from Post.Offite Cilottit 8421 ******************************* **Dan* .‘t n ,7:17,,,e1,4rf,l : 1.• fc,:\ • GREETINGS Varna Feed Mill J. H. F. Broeze, prop. Phone 482-9219 ROAST GOOSE Orange Sauce PRIME RIB OF BEEF Horseradish BARBECUED SPARERIBS IMI4-14reMae4--MICIMEIVCIelCKICOMICICKWOMeletal•VettVIC-PCIOCKIVe-IMMCM-IMEZICIMISVeleigrOEVeV ';§r,g;t1p Special SMORGASBORD NEW YEAR'S DINNERS SERVED FROM StOo Km. to Om P.M. For Reservations " Call 482-7011 HOTEL CLINTON rK ,IitititintOritititotitiikiottiatetieatittiatanc***********************- vice was in the charge of Mrs. Cecil Elliott. All joined in the singing of several carols, followed 'with the reading by Mrs. Willard Aiken of the Visit of the Wise Men taken from the Bible. Mr. Jack Merrill also read verses Wading through the snow to the garage this morning, climbing the snowbank thrown up by the plow, and nicking up my shovel to commence a typical whiter daY, I couldn't help feeling sorry for poor Geo- rge Cadogan and wife, Elda, whq are wintering in Spain, The cowards! Newspaper people who are taking a year off to write, theY are aettled on the island of Mallorca in the Mediterran- ean, with two cats, a dog and daughter Kathie, 14, • Anyway, as I took a deep breath of that crunchy polar air, and started coughing, my heart went out to them. Here I was, a Virile man of the -true north, red blood, pumping in practically every vein, nose running freely, heart thumping sporadically, battling the ele- ments to begin another day's hunt for meat for ray little family. And where was George? At that very moment, he ,was st- rolling indolently .clown the hill ,in Palma. de Mallorca, on his. way to the bakeshop to buy some of those crusty little roils, hot from the, oven, and take them back to the apart- .merit where be and Elda would sit on their balcony, in, their Shorts, and have breakfast, looking at that same old mon- otonous scene — the Mediter, ranean sparkling in the sun, And as I thought .of this, I was so overcome by pity for them that I started to cry. At least, I think that's what made me commence weeplpg. At any rate, I was still sob- bing When I got into the car and found it, wouldn't start. Think of what they /iris's! There's the happy family jaunt to the Christmas tree lot, and the delightful, democratic ch- oosing of the tree: "That one's scraggly, This one's bushy at the bottom but skinny at the top. I like spruce. No, we're getting a Scotch pine. Too big. Too small. Too much • money." of scripture. Two readings entitled "A Christmas Gift" and "A Shep- herd" were given by Mrs. Cecil Elliott. The president, Ross Trewar- tha, took the chair and` busi- ness was transacted, The slate of officers for 1964 are as fol- lows: Presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Aiken; vice-presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Garrett; secretary, Mr. and Mrs. Rdss Merrill; treasurer, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wheeler; assistant secretary -and treasurer, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott; press reporter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill; flower convener, Mr. and Mrs. Brock Olde. The evening's program was in the charge of Mr. and Mrs. John Lavis who quite capably conducted several much enjoy- ed games. Santa Claus arrived and dis- tributed gifts to all present and lunch was served by the committee and a social half hour followed. first-footing it through the dr- ifts for a drink. No losing your overshoes at the party, No catehing hell on the way home from your wife, for kis, sing all the Other wives at midnight. The Cadogans probably just sit arotind on New Year's Eye in a Spanish cafe, drinking wine with a lot of other lucky dev — uh,lonley souls, listen- ing to a flamenco singer try- ing to cope with Auld Lang Syne! No I wouldn't mind joining 'the Cadogans in Paris in the spring, Or Rome in the fall. But nothing could fame me to miss the brisk joys of winter and the holiday season in the true north, strong and freez- ing. Nothing, that is, except enough money to get out of it! - letteelerOgIer,CleteICIOMICIC MOM And who'd want to be in — Mallorca on Christmas Day? Nothing to look at but palm trees and blue sky and, golden sand and blue sea. No crackle of flames in fireplace. No Boxing Day rabbit hunts or calls on friends for 'eggnog by the fire. No skiing, skating, sliding, No rosy cheeks, no left-over turkey. Feel a pang for the Cadogans. Just sitting there, in their shorts, watching that lousy Mediterranean. And look at the fun they miss on New Year's Eve, No