HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-12-23, Page 2WOMMW,y, JOY TO ALL. AT THIS CHRISTMAS M.‹VtL41M...,1. AS4W:ute.,,,„*" • Frani GEORG8 8EATTI E DAVID Um-Tit HAROLb TYNDALL DOUGLAS NORMAN H. C. LAWSON Wesley-Willis United Church, decorated with tall lighted tapers and standards of White 'mums, was the setting Satur- day, December 1.4 at four o'clock, for the wedding of Sandra Josephine Addison, Clinton, and Donald William McArthur, Goderich. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and. Mrs. J. A. Addison, Clinton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McArthur, Goderich. The Rev. C. G, Park, minis- ter of the church, conducted the wedding service. The Pil- grim Singers sang during the service, accompanied by Miss Lois Grasby at the organ. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a floor- length sheath of Italian silver White brocade. Offsetting the EMVP104+4440Vettogmte-tMet01 SWINGING IN WITH GREETINGS .4c.ppiripeicicp(Icc.cfcgigt.rf.VCIVf THE 1i40,--47/11E' MERRY CHRIST/fig NVEAIDS #80180#1851 FOR SUPERB FOOD IT'S 74 not RESTAURANT CLIN ON'S FOREMOST 4829076 CLINTON Si HOPING THAT GIFTS OF GREAT JOY WILL COME TO EVERYONE! WILLARD and ART GOOD LUCK GOOD .CHEER GOOD FRIENDS GOOD HEALTH GOOD TIDINGS MERRY CHRISTMAS AUTO SU PPLY afkio,e)-itt4i6- OLD-FASHIONED BOLZDAY CHEER otot ORM) 'MESSAGE This Christmas scroll unfolds our sincerest wishes that this season will bring you the most Joyous, Holiday ever Qm BILL CAMPBELL Your INVESTORS SYNDICATE .UPRO,SONT.ATIVE iiceppg‘egtogictetovOMMCVg-K.topippg-wgtoggwAt,peotiVootomg„ Page 2,---Clinton 14ewi-119corcl twctctweictivitelovoiscuit000ttog meiciamievictommetcovefeimmictateimovoctecozietoctowetettevex c-tcloceetemoetwetctiec 33 HURON ST. — CLINTON PHONE 482-9542, tatatomommmovoncloonmetetekevortoctomogomomtc-rom D. A. KAY & SON INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE May your holiday be watm 'and bright! Moildolf JDec. 2110 ;90 itivevivetcgtomoitottoc, Glowing GOOD WISHES From NORM -- VERNA and SANDRA at FITZSIMONS' FOOD FAIR (Photo by McDowell) To Reside In Goderich Goshen. United Church Women Elect Officers at Christmas Meeting slim line of the gown was a full overskirt of brocade which swept out to the sides and back in a full train. The fitted sleeveless bodice, styled with rounded neckline, was topped with an elbow- length moulded jacket, which buttoned down the back. Her finger-Up veil of French illusion was held by a tiara of pearls and she carried a bou- quet of sweetheart roses. She wore the gift of the groom, a strand of cultured pearls. Short gowns of red old-world velvet were worn by the senior bridal attendants. Miss Mar- garet Jean Addison, Clinton, was her sister's maid of hon- or, and bridesmaids were Miss Kathryne Bosliart, Reg.N., Sea- forth and Miss Joanne Fraser, Reg.N., London. Miss Mary Jean Cameron, Clinton, cousin of the bride, as flower-girl, wore a similar cos- tume in floor-length. Their gowns were fashioned with bell- shaped skirts, with high neck- lines, Their headdresses were of red velvet and net, and they carried nosegays of white car- nations. Joseph E. Craig, Goderich, was groomsman, and guests were ushered by James McAr- thur, Sarnia, brother of The groom, and Robert Addison, Clinton, brother of the bride. At the wedding reception which followed at the Elm Plaven Motor Hotel, the bride's mother received guests wear- ing a short gown of gold, bro- cade with matching mesh 'rib- bon hat, matching accessories and a corsage of Orange De- light roses, She was assisted by the groom's mother who chose a short gown of brocade in pea- cock blue tone, matching tulle hat, and a corsage of yellow chalice roses. For a motor trip to.Northern Ontario, the bride travelled in a brown tweed suit, with gold accessories and a corsage of Orange Delight roses. The bride is a graduate of Victoria School of Nursing, Stanley Clerk Now Secretary Of Phone Group Tuckersmith Telephone Com- mission has appointed Mel Gra- ham, Brucefield, as secretary- 'treasurer, His application was one of eight considered, Mr. Graham will succeed John X. Cornish, who resigned recently after serving 24 years in the position. Effective date of the transfer has not yet been arranged. -The December meeting the Goshen TJCW was held at: the home of Mrs, Elmer Hay-. ter with 23. present. Mrs; ATP" - .00 Keys -opened the Meeting with a Christmas message< Mrs, Melvin' glUcrtt • 0* over for the business. Mrs. Elgin McKinley read a letter eruiting secretary, Mrs. Reyy,: from the stewardsbip, and re, Winghain.. Thank-you notes wore read from Mrs. John McBride, the parke family and Mrs. :Gladys Coleman, It was decided to ,get poinsettias for the shat-ins. Mrs, Elgin McKinley gave the birthday fund report, Mrs, Roy McBride gave the tree-. 'surer's report. It was moved by Mrs, Bob Peck and second- ed by Mrs. Elgin. McKinley that the group make up their allocation. It was moved by Mrs. Bob McKinley and second- ed by Mrs. Elmer Hayter to send in memoriam money to missions. A motion was made by Mrs. Anson McKinley and seconded by Mrs. Russel Errat to keep Home In' Memoriam Money special projects and others for missions. Mrs. Arnold Keys gave the Christmas story, assisted by Mrs. Allen Armstrong, Mrs. 1VI.. Morrison and Mrs. Elmer Hay- ter. Mrs. Bpb Peck and Mrs. Elmer Hayter favoured with a du , Morrison took over for ;tr,, Tuckersmith Names Members On Various Boards Tuckersmith Township Coun- cil held their last meeting for 1963 on December 16. Council passed a by-law setting the first meeting in 1964 for Mon- day, January 6, at 11 o'clock in the Town Hall, Seaforth. The following appointments were made for 1964: Seaforth District High Sch- ool Board, Harry McLeod; Central Huron Secondary Sch- ool Board, George Falconer; South Huron District High School Board, Clarence Sinn- :lie; Scott Memorial Hospital, William Cameron. ,A. total of $115,817.67 was ,paid to local school boards, municipal telephone companies, and the County of Huron, as their share of the money's collected on the 1963 taxes. London, and her husband at- tended Ryerson Institute of Technology, Toronto. They will take up residence in Goderich. Prior to her marriage the bride was feted at several pre- nuptial functions. Miss Mary Elizabeth Lavis, Clinton; Miss Kathryne Boshant and Miss Joanne Fraser, London; and Mrs. Glenn Lockhart, Clinton, were each hostesses at showers. rt2I-DaMarA,MMa0M124N2OrVaaoMV, Closed 7:00 p.m. Dec, 24 Business Open New Year's Day tWOA-Da0z9A-DM-Dt Da4W2aa2t2a*; WWWCWWW4M the elootion of „officers and the . meeting' closed with a ,prayer . by Mr Morrison.. The new officers. are as. fol- lows: president, Mrs. Melvin Elliott; first vice,president, Mrs. .Anson McKinley; .SPC9114 vice-president,. Mrs. Bob. Peck recording secretary, Mrs. Bert. McBride; assistant, Mrs. Clare McBride; corresponding Spere, tary. mrs, George Simons; treasurer, Mrs, Boy McBride; assistant, Mrs. Howard Arm, strong. Community friendship and visitation, Mrs, R. Errat, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Mrs. R, RptriA, son, Mrs, D, Robinson; group leaders, Mrs. Robert McKinley, Mrs. John Robinson, Mrs, Keith MCBride, Mrs, Floyd Arm- strong, Mrs. Ken Parke; Manse committee, Mrs. Mel- vin Elliott, Mrs. Roy McBride; social function, Mrs. R, Errat, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Mrs. B, McBride; supply and welfare, Mrs. W, Eckle, Mrs. J, Eckle, Mrs, J. Keys. Literature, Mrs, Elgin Mc- Kinley; stewardship and re- cruiting secretary, Mrs. Elgin McKinley, Mrs. Bert McBride; Christian citizenship and social action, Mrs. George Simons, Mrs. M. Morrison; organist, Mrs. RUssell Errat, Mrs, ,Bruce Keys; birthday fund, Mrs. Arn- old Keys;•card fund, Mrs. Keith McBride; tea fund, Mrs. Jim Keys. toomommticteimmigi.gtgoclttc ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Albert Street CLINTON- Phone 482- 525 tiPf4tgAgt#M4w4441414-40Ppooppg-twomoktmg-VONt4V4gtg 441VVIMMICOCWWWCWW retztvoctoeictoctetcivittelcomtgoctelocteketclate2gtetwcte Just to hope your ChristniaS Day Is specially hide in every way, And that each day the whole year through rings tOMe new happiness to your AIKEN 482-9352 Clinton ictoctmcw-KtvetclgteteteloetcomommtveKtmcicmcmwevtomoctmumm Clinton Public Utilities Commission Beattie Furniture ******************************************rna***" ' BILL'S TAXI PHONE .402.9031i ""-**************i****** MANAGEMENT and STAFF WILLIAM E. PERDUE JABEZ RANDS Chairman Manager