HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-12-19, Page 12At their regular reefing,,. Thursday,, the Clinton Reerea Committee decided. to .once again sponsor • bePPeleagne for bant.am-noidget age players, The league is -:open to,all boys between the ages Of 12 pmcl. 16 and who .are members of all-star teams in these 'pate, Registration deadline was set at Monday,. December ‘P andr the first games will get under- way at 4:3() on Saturday, pe,, Comber . As yet .an organizer has not been secured .for the league, but secretary Malt Edgar- and chairman Dick. Fremlin were left in charge to secure a per- SOn to fill this post as well as Few Accidents Reported in Area Despite Conditions (continued from Page 1) Goderich report Grover Camp- bell, age 31, Clinton, was in- -volved in a single car mishap when his vehicle went off slippery highway 4 in front of Huronview, Damage was estimated at be- tween $50 and $75. Barry Victor Anderson, 20, RCAF' Clinton, had a similar experience on Monday as his car slid off the road near Tay- lor's corners on highway 8, cast of Goderich, The vehicle snapped 'Off two guard rails and ended up in the ditch, amounting in about $85 damages. The mishap occurred about 8:45 p,m. The final accident in this area reported by Provincial Police was at Egmond'ville, where two cars collided on Thursday at 3:45 p.m, The cars were driven by Dan- iel Steckle, RR 2, Zurich, and Bertram Clarence Walters, RR 1, Brucefield. • There were no injuries re- ported in any of the crashes reported by the OPP. al McEwan's at ?-40 , • • „‘„,. .1-TPa.rci oNPUSPS- from a Flor,- ida-hound. .ntember . as 'to why the- work undertaken by him at . the last meeting bad not been Completed. • 9.• Legion Bodies Conduct Joint ' Installation (Continued from page one) Kingswell and Reg Cudmore. 'Vice:presidents, Mrs,. Doug Andrews. and Mrs. Ed Porter, R. D. Frernlin and Ed. Porter, were installed by .Doug And- rews;. past president Harold McPherson was installed by George Wilson. (Auxiliary past president Mrs. William 'Wet-, loins was absent.), Piper Hec Kingswell and ser- geant-at-arms George Camp- bell paraded each set of offic- ers to the front of the hall, For title installation of the 'two presidents, the audience stood 'at attention while color_ sergeant J. D. Thornlike and two standard 'bearers from each group, the piper and ser- geant-at-arms paraded the pre- sidents,eleet in front' of the in- 'stalling team, President Mrs. Robert Burke of the Auxiliary and' K. W. Colquhoun of the Legion, Were instructed in their duties and officially installed by 3. Ed- ward Dale, The chairman of the install- ing team asked for the fullest co-operation from the member- ships for the 1964 officers. The new president and past president of the Legion pre- sented one another with pins of their respective offices. Each made short speeches. The new presidents presented. the two Legion stewards, Jack Cree and Archie Fleet, with gifts, 'and 3. D. Thorndike pre- sented the out-going Legion president with a gift from the branch. A cheque for $500 was pre- sented by Mrs. Burke from the Auxiliary to the 'Legion, to go towards the recent redecoration of the hall. It was announced that the Auxiliary had also paid over $400 to the Legion to help with the Legion com- mitment to the Clinton Public Hospital building .fund. • Registration For BANTAM—MIDGET Houseleague Hockey All boys between the ages of 12 to 16 (inclu- sive) and who are not members of a Clinton all-star team are invited to register for the Clinton. Recrea- tion Committee Houseleague, Games will be played on Saturday afternoons from 4:30 to 6:30 and the fee is $3.00, to cover insurance and some other operating expenses. Fill out this form and leave at Clinton News- Record Office on or before Monday, December 23. All registered players are also asked to be at the arena at 41:30 on Saturday, December 28. sec Group 'Sponsors Loop: in; Seek 'Facilities For Adult Basketball WHITE STUFFED DOGS and ELEPHANTS Reg. 2,98 Special 1.98 Christmas Stockings ;,,wascriso,,Aggr,o,minmonemp,n-vg,TAIBP1MankillWatrigqisor-riliMalarMaill SALES ITEMS SPECIAL 3,95 to 5,95 four 4P4chos, for the teams, The :Pg./*Tlittgg 'OPP agthor,, ;zed the secretary to ask .the ,board for Monday nights for the operation of an, adult Itetball league. Several .players have :tied their desire to participate an this `'physical fitness" and it formation was br9Vght ab.ont due to the fact several 'athletes around the area will be unable to play industrial' league hockey this season, zf perrilts4011. is granted, the . league would from !Tann-. Ary through to March. It would' bea self-supporting organize,' tion with members meeting any expenses incurred. Make Grants Following a written request, the committed authorized the payment .of .$200 to the Clinton Marching Royals, The money for the band was requested to purchase new shoes for new members of the major- ettes and colour party and al- so some needed musical. equip- ment. George Wonch, director of the band, who is also a mem- ber of the recreation commit- tee, reported $200 would be sufficient, although the group had budgeted $250. for the band. • Wonch suggested the $50 be turned over to a fund for build- ing a new arena, if such a pro- jeet is instituted, The recreation group also voted an honorarium of $100 to treasurer Glen Lockhart, for his "faithful and dedicated ser- vice" for the past two years. Due to the heavy schedule of the treasurer, the group had decided last year to pay him $250 per year, but when their requested budget was shaved by town 'council, Lockhart request- ed his suggested fee be used for recreation purposes. In other business, the group: Requested that all service club representatives advise their respective clubs to make ap- pointments to the committee as soon as possible in the new year. • (Continued From Page One) The two men will instruct for two days a week during the months of January and Febru- ary at a salary of $120 per month. The principal explained that due to the fact some of the students in the class had a low- pr ability range than what had been anticipated, it was diffi- cult for the instructor to give each the time necessary to en- able them to master the vari- ous trades taught. "Some of them need almost individual attention," he ex- plained, It was hinted that skilled men in other occupations would be hired for pant-time teaching if the initial project proved satis- factory. 'occupation course The boys' is given to youths who do not have the needed academic ability for normal high school Vocational training, and the course is given for one year only. Save On Fuel Following the advice of the architects, Page and Steele, the iboard requested the property committee to investigate the possibility of having the fuel oil supplier change the grade of the oil used in the school's heating system. At present the board is be- ing, supplied with a 5A grade by Ross Scott, Brucefield, but the architects reported a 6C grade would be better.. Although the lower grade would require slightly more maintenance, the move would be more economical because it is about one cent cheaper per gallon. George Falconer, property committee chairman, noted the saving would be about $5.00 per day, due to the fact the school uses 500 gallons every 24 hours, The board signed a contract with Scott for supplying the higher grade, but will see if he would be agreeable to a ,change. In a report from the finance committee, Del Philp predicted a small surplus fOr the past year, and due to the complex changes at ,the school, it was termed a "miracle" that the estimates ,had worked out sO Well, Total eXpenditUres for the year were $886,368. Philp and hiS committee, along With L. R. IVIaloney, were congratulated by the board for their accurrate budget, becry Conduot Disapproval was expressed by several Memberr, and seheol officials over the conthict of THIS CHRISTMAS SHOP IN CLINTON ovz-octmm-ealetivelvoctetive-matemtemtemelvemosmovalavelortameletimovelanaletetmateocroctoc atetctatmeIme, PRE • CHRISTMAS TOY SALE TOY PIANOS mamwtemetclatosc-Pocommievetcometemetommetortetvg TAP DRUM SET_eg, i TV HORSES TO RIDE 7.95 K 10.98 .. SPECIAL 7.95 .. SPECIAL 5.95 g RIG-0-SHAY'GUN SET5.98, SPECIAL 4.98 1 TREES or ROPE DESIGNS Christmas Candles 1 1.8E to 2.00 TONKA TOY TRUCKS In METAL 8 9 1 DOLLY BATH SPECIAL 298 For BOYS arici GIRLS Reg, 98c .„.., Special 69c WATCH OUR DISPLAYS FOR MORE A 21Orzi2,141W2r2falaiNirMaWaim2fiiaamiaaamilOnnarVo*Wroi4IWOCIYIUMP444)itoalW411-**-14-243411040042,12420/201*VaarVarwar*VIM kf, b D i i ssEL swEEpER Di POINSETTIA'S SINGLE and DOUBLE' 2 for 25c to 39c McEwan's your Gift Store Phone 482 9766 oaroizzaaa • _ SPECIAL 2,49 iv JEEP in Plastic witli Aou$nli-9eC3LGun, Spec, A9 trounced Zurich 7-i. Stewart Nfus/tard paced, the attack with a hat-trick, 'Scoring his 'team's first three ,ggalS AO give tbem a 3-0 lead at the end of the second Period, In the final stanza, ..Lawrence. Elliott, Bill Stirling, Clare Proctor anct.aohn Anstett fired tallieS• Brian Edgar picked pp a pair of assists in the game, as -did, Greg Burns, whilel3ill Stirling • held on. one, Three of the , goals were registered on sole efforts, John 1VICEinley was the lope 4.014Wie4,1P)P. In -.40i10,10•SqUe” plgy last veek. the .Caoadiens posted 4,1 win over the Hawks, while. the Leafs shnt the Bruins out by a .ceunt .and the Bruins pasted :a 1-0 win over Hawks. Action this week is as fol- lows: Saturday, December :23,; 9:00 a,m,—Bruins vs. Can, adiensi 10:00—Leafs ys Hawks.; IV.Tonda3/i December • 6:00 p.m.--4.1rnins vs, Leafs, The all-star team travels to Seaforth for a genie On .Satur- day at. 7:00 -and then have game at RCAF Clinton, on Monday at 7:00. Both games are evening tilts. - - - 4 Boards Approve 'Stop-Gap' Plan At Clinton School (Continued from page one) D. W, Scott WAS :asked by Seaforth board -01-39irnian, Ed Dearing, if a - further addition would maim the Chown .sehool too big to handle, Theg n:or al agreement seems to be that bigger schOols give more diversification .and are easier to operateX Mr, Scott said, "It is much `better 'to have large ,composite schools " He said 1,800 was a logical size, adding 'that Hamilton schools have reaehed the 2,400 figure and it is quite possible. to handle a school this large. RepresentatIves of the three out-of,town boards • indicated they would be prepared to teach grade nine students in the four and five-year courses an equivalent of indastrialants and also make provision for commercial subjects to some ex- tent, Plans are already underway 'to make an addition to South Huron High School in Exeter. The need for this addition was apparent even before the new agreement was drawn up, A new additoin to the school and equipment for it, would cost the board 25 percent of the cost, as the Provincial and Federal governments each give a grant of 3714 percent., _ Huron Curator Wins Award GODERICH — A very spec- ial honour has come to J. H. Neill, curator of Huron Coun- ty Pioneer Museum, in the award of a certificate of com- mendation from the American Association for State and Local History. This was granted at a meet- ing in Raleigh, North Carolina, with representatives present from all across Canada and the 'united States. Mr. Neill was presented .a few weeks 'ago with the first honourary membership award- ed by the Ontario Historical Society. Leslie R. Gray, of London, Ontario, chairman of the Am- erican Association's awards committee, plans to present the certificate at a meeting in Hu- ron. the members of Huron County 4-H clubs during their recent awards night at the school, It was reported some of the youths had deliberately thrown chocolate milk over the walls in the cafeteria and many had been wandering around other portions of the school that had been marked as out-of-bounds. The youths also failed to ad- here to directions from the cus- todians to leave the sections which had been chained off. The board decided to send a letter to officials pointing out the complaints. In other business, the board: Approved paying $15 for the lunch of visiting technical directors who have organized in the area in an effort to stan- dardize vocational courses at the schools. rametemtosetseectoctatammayi w Christmas If Plants Clinton Greenhouse and Garden Centre gg 182 Church Street Phone 482-7168 1 14 AVIDMIT002124kaMaiDINDMMI:Val This:Christmas Give • •iii Q.,;; — CLINTON. 'COMMUNITY. CRE-DIT • UNION Turkey Bingo TONIGHT Thursday, Dec. 19 CLINTON LEGION HALL 8.30 p.m. — Regular Admission 15 Games for $5.00 — 1 Game for $25.00 3 SHARE-THE-WEALTH GAMES • JACKPOT — $58.00 in 58 NUMBERS 49-50-lb VOCIC-ieleiCifiMiZieldieMiCiMieCKIVCIVOZietei•CiatfiCIMICCIMMOCIfigie Special Hours Of Sale FRIDAY, DEC. 20 ) MONDAY, DEC. 23 i Open to 9 p.m. TUESDAY, DEC. 24 Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. BREWERS' WAREHOUSING COMPANY LIMITED Operators of Brewers' Retail Stores . The "Sweet 16" RCA VICTOR TV "The 1 B Debutante" *Jr 16" Portable Suggested List $209.95 OUR PRICE $189 95 0. Slim, lightweight, Easy-to-Carry • "Space Age" Circuits with Lifetime Guarantee Power Grid Tuner pulls in crisp, detailed picture • Earphone Jack for private listening (Earphone optional, extra) See Our Display of HEDY HILL Costume Jewellery "PERFECT FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING" GALBRAITH Radio & TV 482-3841 — CLINTON SIDaDatZatIOMM-WilaarDMat-DiDilliALM-20iZikt2i2aDiZaD210121-DirriMMilla IBENOMIIMIXIMMOnfaffir ti • P090 11'„,,clinten. NoW.s-Retard . Dec, 190/ Kin Pucksters Win Tilt With Zurich; List Schedule For tiouseleague Play Regular 2,25 to 12.15 Specials, 1.95 to 8.95 4 4 1 HOLLY GARLAND up to 12 ft, lOng 49c to 1.49 Christmas Trees GOLD - SILVER - WHITE New Main Corner Clinten KinSalen PIi-star Pee Zurich sniper, wees made their openinggame in WOA4 =action a winning one, Saturday, when they Name Birth Date Address Phone WREATHS In Poinsettia -- Evergreen -- Holly Etc. 39c, 98c, 1.69 & 1.98 DOOR KNOCKERS 1.25 to,8.95 TABLE CENTRES 1.59 to 3.95 PINE SCENTED CANDLES. TREE DECORATIONS TINSEL -- SNOW STAR -- BAUBLES SNOW SPRAY -- Etc. tIMCIVEMPOVOCIMIZICCOVCIOVEMIC,ZtetVettt0C IPZIVOZ Hope 'Fair' Stimulates Better Reading Board Hires Custodians, Instructors 0;5 1 I ;4•Mi-MiNtaa1-2aarislIM-DamaaiDMiDtDIDIANDarDiZanDiniNDIZMINW;a2A ' tcrziftrevitc-KIMEIMMCIcocteMOVVvelvelmelc-icKWKIValaCtatCW • • 119 • • ? „ Lorne Brown Motors Lid. Your Friendly t hey:cilet, Oldsmobile & Envoy Dealer, Ontario Street CLINTON — Phone 482-9321 GO IN A SAFE CI! r . You owe it to your family to drive a safe car. Arrange now for a Safety Check. Have the motor tuned, and necessary repairs complet- ed well ln advance. Las+ year we could not handle the last minute work. This could have been done earlier. Why not dial 9321 now. Ask for "Butch", and an appointment will be made to suit you. RIST S RIVING?