Clinton News-Record, 1963-12-19, Page 11Enrol 14 14 Girls In. RCAF Clinton Brownie Pack District Commissioner, Mrs. Florence Curie, Clinton, was on hand at RCAF Clinton last week to enrol 14 girls into the Brownie Pack. She is shown standing at the left with Mrs. Peggy Russell, Brown Owl. The girls in the middle row, from the left are: Carol Banks, Giselle Betts, Maureen Me- RCAF CLINTON BROWNIES ENROL. Fourteen lweeniesi Graduated Neil, Wendy Katella, Anita Brocher, Cathy Hodg- son and Wendy St. Louis Front row:, Debra. Thom- son, Penny Ranger, Dorothy Cochrane, Elizabeth Ireland, "Helen Gervais, Glenda McNeil and Patricia (RCAF Photo) 0 Adastral Park Anne Aileron, Correspondent Cpl. and Mrs. J. M. Luseier and their family have moved to Summereide, P.E.I. Cpl, and Mrs. Charles Royer and their children will leave December 28 to visit relatives in Montreal and St. Cesaire, P.Q., for the New Year's Day celebrations. Flying Officer and Mrs, J. Ricard and baby son will spend Christmas' with their relatives in Quebec also, F/S'gt. and Mrs.- D. Tremb- lay will have F/Sgi,t. Tremb- lay's mother from Quebec City as a guest for the holidays. Cpl, and Mrs. G. Robertson, sans Terry and Tony, will MO- tor to Ottawa for Christmas. Sgt. and Mrs. Murray Flem- ing and their family will spend Christmas in Sydney, N.S. °AY )06ws soicERELY ,111 4,Sly/Pi "OLD JED;11"-SAYS THE CARDS DONS LIE semeaulamineiemenmenimemoom enenimelonomiiiee• DANCE at the CLINTON LEGION HALL to the DELAEY'S FRIDAY, DEC. 20 from 9:30 to 12:30 5111 BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- PORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER •tatEs - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. ti REDUCED By $20.00 THE "MAC 15" McCULLOCH CHAIN SAW New Price $123.95 Never before has a fop quality saw with a list price' of only $129,95 been trade available to the Canadian public. SEE THIS AND OTHER MODELS AT Wells Auto Electric "THE ORIC41NAL TUhlt,UP 81-100+' Phone 482-3851 RING STREET CLINTON. AMOUR Ermico Sunoco Proituat ,G6646-60, Tire Nita wetccogtottoomoviwtomitvgtoctweetepttootteictoccomcv mfaRGE. cot SE1E;TION NOW AT J. W. Counter's Builders' Supply Corner Albert and Princess Streets PHONE 482.9612 SMALL APPLIANCE BARGAINS Top Qualify By • TOASTERS • STEAM & DRY IRONS • KETTLES • FRY PANS • VACUUM CLEANERS • FLOOR POLISHERS Matioll100111ft • FREE DELIVERY (Even ChhistmaS Eve) • EASY CREDIT (No Down Pbyment) ' ;4-4. ;,•”' I I TN' N4 N.4". n' n. N., N4 OPEN DAILY.-9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Except Saturday we close at 6:00 p.m. ".• L ook Who's Playing Santa Claus!! That's Right, Fred Merlo from WHOLESALE FURNITURE and APPLIANCES, Has Caught The Same Spirit As That Jolly Fellow From The North a . And Is Virtually GIVING AWAY FURNITURE and APPLIANCES • • at • • UNBELIEVABLE PRICES FILL YOUR CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS WITH SOME OF THESE BARGAIN ITEMS 1964 GE Transformer PORTABLE 19" TV With "and- REG, $227.00 SANTA'S PRICE 5189.77 1964 GE AUTOMATIC DRYER $199.00 5154.71 1964 GE CONVENTIONAL WASHER - - $139.00 $ 97.17 1964 GE AUTOMATIC WASHER & DRYER $449.00 $379.7), 1964 GE 10 Cubic Foot REFRIGERATOR - $219.00 5182.73 m.1 .10/10 SAVE ON FURNITURE NEEDS • And CHAIR (COME SEE COME SHOP $199,00 COM SAVE $137.77. Wholesale Furniture & Appliances tAttost From News4totord CLINTON,' ALBERT STREET REG. SANTA'S PRICE PRICE 5-Piece Bronxetone Dinette Suite .,,„„.$ 67.95 $49.77 7-Piece Brometone Dinette Suite ....,...$ 97.95 $77.77 9-Piece Bronzetone Dinette Suite $129.00 $96.77 Beautiful Table Lamps $ 10.95 $ 6.87 Pole Lamps $ 16.95 $11.77 Comfortable Hostess Chairs $ 15.95 $ 8.87 BEVERLEY QUILTED BOX-SPRING or MATTRESS NYLON COVERED CHESTERFIELD $ 49.95., .$32.77 Welgrayelled Vinnitambe Inspects Cadets In 'ICW: Parade Ta most people in the Clin- ton area, Wednesday evening, December 11 had no particular Significance, but to 14 young girls ages eight teenine, it was a memorable one. It was their enrolment as Brownies, after six weeks of training, which took place each Wednesday evening for a period of an hour and a half. Self-concious in their newly ,acquired uniforms, they smiled and fidgeted nervously before a group of shyly proud parents, their leaders and fellow Brown- ies of the 2nd and 3rd RCAF Clinton Brownie Pack. The Brownie enrolment cere- mony is one of the most solemn and impressive occasions in 'a Brownie's experience. This group was honoured to have District Commissioner Mrs. Florence Corrie, Clinton, her- self a novice to such procedur- es, conduct the ceremony. Madam Commisioner was -greeted by Brownies Melanie Pullen. and Sue Ann McDonald and escorted to a colourfully bedecked chair - of - honour. Brownies and their leaders then formed the traditional Fairy Ring, which Madam Commissioner was asked to join by Denise Devoux, A reading of the Brownie Story was given by Fluffy Owl, Mrs. Monica Duguid, for the benefit of, those ,pre_ sent Who were unaware of the meannig to the simple enrol- ment ceremony which followed. Brownies, during their train- ing periods are referred to as Tweenies. They are made to realize during this time that to be a Brownie they must help others, obey the laws of God and country, and be a cheerful helper. This in Brow- nie language is known as the Brownie Promise, Law and Motto. She must also know the sal- ute, sign, handshake, the mean- ing of smile and good turn, the Fairy Ring and Grand HoW1. In -addition she must know how to fold and tie her own tie, brush and part her hair, braid and also how to wash dishes. It goes without saying they put a good deal of effort into their training period, and are very aware of their future res- ponsibilities. (By Mrs. S. Middleton) The Christmas concert pre- sented last Monday evening by the Sunday School of St. James Anglican Church, - Middleton, was a decided success with a. good crowd present in spite of rough weather, The rector, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, was the genial 'chair- man for the occasion, welcom- ing all present and paying tri- bute: to the splendid group of Sunday School teachers, who work faithfully all year -and culminate their efforts with a splendid program. "We rejoice to see all these children here in shining array," stated Mr. Harrison. "They are the potential of the parish for future years," From the opening song, "Away in a Manger" and the "Welcome Recitation" by Linda Wise, the program never drag- ged, but gained interest and momentum. ' The beginners and nursery rhythm band was a novelty in- deed with toy instruments and gadgets, producing a reneark- able effect. The audience was much im- pressed by the quality and var- iety of this concert. The roll call of th eprimary beginners', nursery -was answer- ed by a memory verse. "Fishers of Men", an action song by little folk, was con- ducted by Mrs. Ed Wise. "Christmas Bells", with each child carrying one letter and its song and recitation, was very lovely indeed. Bruce Miller gave a splen- did reading, "The Shepherd Boy" and his effective costume enhanced the effect. We particularly liked the roll call of the junior class conduct- ed by Mrs. Ray Wise in the form of a Bible quiz, pupil san- swelling each question with a After each' new Brownie re- peated the Promise, Madam Commissioner placed the Brow- nie pin on her tie, the Six em- blem on her right breast and gave the Brownie handshake. Each then rejoined the Fairy Ring where Brown Owl, Mrs. Peggy Russell, requested the Grand Howl be performed in honour of IVirs. Corrie and guests. This is the ultimate in greetings a Brownie can give, and is used only on very special Bible verse as their name was called. A special feature of interest was presented by Mr. Kelvin Jervis, in the form of a movie of "The Prodigal Son" as a puppet show, with the rich Eastern colour and background of costume and scenery, During the evening, we had noticed the absehce of the Christmas tree. This was sup- plied very uniquely and effect- ively by the juniors, dressed as carollers with stocking caps, etc., who came marching up the aisle carrying a -lonely big tree, while lustily singing "Deck the Hall", "0 Christmas Tree," etc. The Sunday School superin- tendent, . Mrs. Donald Middle, ton, then led the audience in carol singing, so all present participated hi this old and new-fashioned concert. Mr. Harrison moved a vote of thanks to the SUnday school teachers, Mrs. 'D. Middleton, Mrs. Ray Wise, Mrs. Ed Wise, Mrs. John Cole, Mrs. George Wise, Misses Elaine and Barb- ara Smith, to the organist, Mrs, Joseph Storey, to Mr, Kelvin Jervis and to the appreciative audience. The singing of "Jingle Bells" heralded the arrival of Santa Claus, who distributed presents to all the children. Never have we seen Santa in such an exuberant mood, as he greeted everyone with witticisms and heartily blessed all the girls and teachers' to their confusion and the delight of the audience. After the recent unnerving news events, assassinations, jets blowing up, etc., this lovely Christmas concert, presented throughout with dignity a n d reverence, made us feel that once more our feet were en solid ground and the eternal verities still exist, wonderous and unchanging. 0 Hold Joint Party M IOOF Rooms The OtIclfeliows and Rebekah No. 88 and 306, their wives and husbands, enjoyed a Christmas party in the IOOF hall Thurs- day night, December 12, Progressive euchre was play- ed. Those Winning prizes were: high, Mrs. William Holland and Jack Sturdy; low, Mrs. John Hamilton and Benson Sutter. Music selections by Mr. and Mrs. William Holland and El- mer Trick Were- enjoyed by all. Following an exchange Of gifts, a delicious lunch was served, Wing ,Commander It C, Vinnicombe, CD, Chief Administrative Officer, • RCAF Station -Clinton,. carried -014141P semi annual Inepectien of $,Q. Air. Cadet Squadron, K.it- ellelier-WeiterlOce. Monday,. at Knollweed pat* Armouries.. At the Parade, W,/c Wink, Special Services At Varna UCii Ice Soon Ready (By Fred MeClymont) VARNA-A White Gift Ser- vice was held in the United Church last Sunday with a number of young people taking part in the service. The •chilciree brought their gifts to the front of the church and placed them under a small Christmas tree, The service was in the charge of the pastor, Rev, Murdock Morrison. Special Christmas services will be held next Sunday in the United Church at 10:15 a.m, and at 8:00 p.m. There will be special music by the choir tin- der the direction of the organ- ist, Mrs. Robert Stirling. Ice Ready Soon The annual meeting and election of officers of LOL 1Q35 coinbe presented .three "Flying Scholarship" Pilot's Wings .to mornOers. .of the Squadron. kalligtit Lieutenant A. Hop- kins, CD, Air Qadet. Officer for No, 80 .S.q4adron. AQA0; :acted as Aide to. the. Inspecting Officer. Wing _Commander Vinni, earnbe has. had a long and dis- lingniebed, career in the RCAF and is still an active pilot. A l3Sc from Aeedia University, Wolfviile, be joined title Air Force on June 5, 3,939: N.S. During world War IT ,he serve2l as an opera- tional pilot on both coasts of Canada, At the close of the war he was CO No, 160 Squad- ron, Torbay, Newfoundland. rem 1946 to 1945 he was Chief Instructor at the C0c, ers' Administrative School, Tor, onto, From 1948 to 1950 he served as Chief Administrative Offic- er, RCAF Station St. Hubert, Quee 1950-51 he was Ad, Merit at Royal Military Kingston. His next „al), will be held on Thursday even- ing of this week and it will be proceeded by a supper in the hall for the members at 7:00 p.m. The lodge is again sponsoring the skating rink this winter and ice will be ready in a few days for skating. point.pnot was as Commanding Officer At Searhcore42, pel in basic/ research _end der. volopment ef Radar for the RCAF and. USAF.. Tn 1954. he was appointed CO RCAF Station Edgar, A Pipe Tree Radar ..130.tion, and be- oaing Sector Commander in PP, PreitiP1141 control of three fix-ing-bases end, five, Ontario rad- ar units, He then proceeded Overseas, and was CO 01. Squadron, Met; France, before his, transfer as. .0440 to .04404 Re is a member of Mocha. Temple (Shrine) _London, On- ft*rie and the 1-comporOldi Alas* onto Lodge, Herr*, Ont, W/0 'Virmicombe takes a great pet:- sonar interest in hoekey lie is. an executive of the Clinton Juvenile HeekeY ASseciation and general manager of U. infra-mural hockey team s which serve as "farms" for the RCAF Clinton. "Tienderbo)te", I occasions, Following this, all pack mem- bers performed a. singing-danc- ing game, thence into Pow- Wow where songs, led by Nic'h- ole Ha.epeck, and Christmas hymns were sung. The cere- mony concluded with a Christ- mas story by Madam Commis- sioner, recitation of the Brow- nie prayer and Taps. The RCAF packs are headed by Brown Owl, Mrs. Peggy Russell, who spent one year at Portage La Prairie, Manitoba and 13 inenths at Goderich be- fore 'mov'ing to Station Clinton. She is assisted by Tawny Owls, Mrs. ,Norma Sabourin, Mrs. Effie McCaw, Mrs. Pat Marceil, Mrs, Gladys Banks and Mrs. Monica Duguid. The responsibility of training the Brownies fell to Mrs. Marcell and Mrs. Duguid. In the spirit of . Christmas, the RCAF Clinton packs are donating the money usually spent on, presents among them- selves to obtaining a hamper foiee a needy family. They are purchasing the goods from a local grocer and at their next regular meeting will assemble and deliver the hamper. This is truly the Brownie Motto - Lend A Hand at work. 1,0,4.-.-,.Clinton, New*-RPF901.,41,age. 11 Audience Impressed With Concert As Middleton SS Scholars Perform