Clinton News-Record, 1963-12-19, Page 9Young Dancers Enjoy:Outing. AERCAF Hall. Adastral Park ."'Lads and Lasses" children's square dance club, held their Christmas party on Friday, December 13, raj" lag part were children from Exeter and Tiensall to consti- tute 15 .squares (65 from Ades- tral Park) in ail, Program consisted of round (couple) .dances, square dances, and spot dances complete with prizes, There was pop, dough, nuts, Christmas. Sandy, and door prizes for the dancers .ranging in ages from six to 15 years. Coffee and doughnuts were served adults who brought the children. Caller for -"Lads and Lasses", Berl Bowes, was assisted in, the program by callers Bob Lambie from Hensall, and Norm Whit- ing from Exeter, A hearty vote of thanks goes out to all parents (who appear- ed to enjoy 'the program as much as the children) who took part by bringing their children, and a very .special thank you 'to all the parents who very ably assisted in all the things that must be done in prepara- tion for, and •during, the even- ing dance, 1 COSTUME JEWELLERY $1.98 per set at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. ;;;;;.A '41 • -46 BAINTON' LTD. - kLYTH Factory Outlet Invites You To Do MI Your Christmas Shopping For Many Items At Wholesale' Prices To Reside in G derEch Rev. R. J. Sikkema officiated at the Chris- tian Reformed Church in Clinton on November 23 for the wedding of Corrie Boven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boven, RR 1, 'Seaforth, and Kurt Stryker, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stryker, RR 2, Blyth. The couple are now residing in Goderich. (Photo by Nephew) Christmas Card Setting Helps Make Ontario Street Tea Big Success Store Neecis Sher, Approves .Club CHSS Stu Board Hires atme-Poomomocroatemoccio For a Very Special Gift!A GLEN LAINE SHEEPSKIN 10 Lovely Colors To at, Choose From $13,00 LtbarMIMADMIND12024151 GLOVES For Men— BeWtifully styled and tailor- ed—ORESS GLOVES— Pigskin, Goatskin and Capeskin—$1.50 to $6.00 Leather WORK GLOVES 75c to $2.50 pair For Children— LtAtkEtt MITTS — Deer- ' Skin tanned to alWays dry Soft ......... $1.50 ELASTIC CUFF LEATHER mirts 75c HEAVY WORk SOCKS 90% WOOL- 10% Nylon Rein- forced, Reg, $1.20-75o Pair, • CHAMOIS —VaribuS Sizes 750 to $2,00' C14-1CIAltiglelnaikneICACICiCieleXial *BLANKETS GLEN LAINE Satin Bound-100% . Wool — $12.50 'Glen Laine RAINBOW 90% Wool„ 10% Viscose — $11.50 Glen Laine COTTAGE Twin Bed Size $10.00 Double Bed Size $1030 Swimmers 'Receive Awards Royal Life Saving Society awards were recent- ly. presented to this group of youths at a dance held at RCAF Clinton. The presentations were made by, F/L Gordon Duguid, 'Mayor of Adastral • Park. Back row, left to right: Philip Burns and Dean Reid, bronze medallions; Michael Sutcliffe and Gary Wildish, award of merit, Front row: Diane Simmonds, bar to award of merit; Lynn Rees and Gwen Davies, award of merit. (RCAF Photo) new horizons Time seems to move faster as it grows older. Old ideas make room for new methods, new products and services. We are glad to be part of SHUR-GAIN Feed Service „ a system of local feed manufacturing, backed by the best of Canadian research which, for over a quarter of a century has provided leadership in efficient agricultural production, helping • to make farming a better way of life, TRY ATLANTIC'S "THRIFTY FIFTY" $50.00 costs only 23c till pay day. " (ONE WEEK) - Atlantic Finance CORPORATION MIKE. ELAND 7 RATTENBURY ST. Branch Manager CLINTON, ONT. Phone 482-3486 RESERVE NOW For The Gala NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY At The ELM HAVEN BALLROOM Featuring . • • Barry Clete And His Popular Dance Orchestra Playing Dance Standards Popularized By GLEN MILLER -- DUKE ELLINGTON COUNT BASTE and LES ELGART • DANCING FROM 10:00 'TH. 2:00 • HORNS, HATS, NOISEMAKERS GALORE TO WELCOME THE NEW YEAR. al COMPLETE ROAST CHICKEN DINNER • ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES ,ONE COMPLETE PRICE $10:00 Per Coupie LIMITED ACCOMMODATION . . RESERVE * EARLY For Further Details Phone 4 82-3489 ENTERTAINMENT Wednesday to Saturday PLAYING THIS' WEEKEND "The Wayne Trio" cCiatbreriane 9:Zoom. ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON ONT. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DINNER From 12 noon to 8-30 on Christmas boy For Reservations Phone 4824489 isr4.110m5riew amilm.iiiiiiiiimiamindmindir Norio °A Christmas' card setting of carollers, lamp posts and light- ed Christmas trees provided a RIO Leidie's---- LEATHER GLOVES, for the fa.Shion*ise—$1. ttk $5. BAINTON LTD. MATH WtIOL PULLERS Open FPorn 0 a.m. to 6 'p.nn. All Day md. arid Sat. . gay atmosphere for the annual Christmas tea and bazaar of Ontario Street UCW on Satur- day, December 7. Guests were welcomed by Mrs. Grant Mills, wife of the minister; Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, president, and ' Mrs. Charles Merrill, vice-pesident. Decorations were arranged by Mrs. R. Wheeler, Mrs. H. Black and Mrs. B. Pepper. Red candles and holly formed a Christmas centre piece for the main tea table. Those pouring tea were Mrs. A. J. McMurray, Miss S, Cour- tice, Mrs.. J. B. Lavis, Mrs. W. M. Aiken, Mrs. G. Mills and Mrs. Ira Merrill. Convening the serving tables were Mrs. B. Olde, Mrs. Norman Trewar- tha, The individual tea tables und- er the convenership of Mrs. C. McPherson were looked after by Mrs. K. Tyndall, Mrs, A. Jewson, Mrs. W. Jenkins, Mrs. Elgin Dale, Mrs. G. Irwin, Mrs. D. Crich, Mrs.. C.. Ball, Mrs. J. Irwin, Mrs. C. Elliott, Mrs. R. Hunter, Mrs. H. Plumsteel and Mrs. Art Aiken. In Charge of the booths were: "Kiddie Korner", Mrs, C. Mer- rill and Mrs. J. Mair; "Wish- ing Well", Mrs. C. McClinchey and Mrs. C, VanDamme; bak- ing booth, Mrs. George Potter, Mrs. 'R. ;Connell, Mrs. T. M. Falconer, Mrs. E. Lawson and Mrs. N. Tyndall; "Treasure Is- land", Mrs. Frank McGregor, Miss McQueen; candy booth was convened by the Messeng- ers, Mrs. G. Colclough, Mrs. R. Trewartha, Lois Merrill, Marie Trewartha; Hi-C Group was in charge of calendars, Marie Lobb, Linda Osborn. Produce booth, Mrs. Skov, Mrs. Percy Gibbings; hand craft, Mrs. W. M. Aiken and Mrs. A, Lobb; apron booth, The student Parliament sup, ply store at CMS, which was defended 'against protest of some area merchants on the grounds it provided business experience for the students (plus other benefits) has turn, led out to give an insight into n uneXpeoted phase of • bush Candielighting Features Program At Ontario Street The Christmas meeting of Ontario Street, UCW was held on Wednesday, December 11, with. Mrs. M, Batkin president, in charge. Mrs. G. Mills of unit one took as her theme for devotions, "Jesus Grew Up". The following women, took part in a candle lighting cere- mony based on the growth and life of Christ; Mrs. Jean Rad- ford, Mrs. W. M, Aiken, Mrs. E. -Radford, Mrs. R, Connell„ Mrs, G, Mills, Mrs. B. Olde and Mrs. G. Potter. Miss Margaret Trewartha sang "0 Holy Night". During the routine business reports, Mrs. G. Potter an' nounced that the 1964 budget was set at $2,000. Mrs. Jack Merrill read the report of the nominating committee. It was decided to send Christmas cards and good) cheer boxes tcf the shuteips. Mrs. Keith Tyndall the guest speaker, Mrs. S. Middleton. Mrs. Middleton gave a humorous commentary on the highlights of her recent trip to Ireland. Mr, Middle- ton assisted by the showing of coloured slides. Mrs. Charles Merrill extended a vote of thanks to the guest speaker. A thank you gift in apprecia- tion of her work was presented to the president, Mrs, Mervyn BaLkin. At the January meeting, unit four will be in charge of devo- tions; unit three, the program, and unit one, the lunch. 0 Santa Claus Pays Visit To Friendship Club The Friendship Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church held its annual Christmas party last Wednesday. Carols were sung and games were played after the regular business meeting. Santa Claus took time off to call, bringing each member a gift, after which lunch' was served. Mrs. J. Levis, Mrs. D. Watson, Mrs. F. Potter; delicatessen was looked after by Unit 2, convened by Mrs. Milton Wiitse and Mrs. A. J. McMurray; kit- chen conveners were Mrs. A. Cox and Mrs. W. Aiken. Those who helped in the kit- chen were Mrs. B. Pepper, Mrs. H. Black, Mrs. B. Gibbings, Mrs. 3. Merrill, Mrs. A. Cole- man, Mrs, W. Parker, Mrs. R. Wheeler, Mrs. F. Tyndall, Mrs. Saundercock, Mrs. G. Mann, Mrs. L. Forest and Mrs. E. Dale, poss.—money .-oorrowing After hearing of the "dire Straits" of the store from D, jehil Cochrane, the board of cuss agreed to loan between $800 and $900 far one year to (Tear the debts of the . store, Although it was. reported the .store had an inventory on hand of $2,270,05, the principal stat- ed . it was mainly in a large stock of shop coats that were Unsold.. Main reason why the coats and smocks were unsold is that they' are hi the sizes of 40, 42 ,and even. some 44, which as it was noted, didn't match the size of the students, Due to the fact the gam- ents were ordered in the school colours, the supplying firm would not take them back, .and another order had to be placed for smaller sizes to fit the stu- dents, leaving the surplus of larger siZes. However, the students were not at fault in ordering the wrong sizes, as 'Mr, Cochrane explained the order had been ;placed by a staff member on ;the advice of supplier's repre- sentative. Mr. Cochrane noted the firm had been accustomed to sell- • ing to garages •and similar adult workmen, and said this was perhaps one of the reasons for the large sizes, He said the students may sell the larger coats' ,at a reduced price next year in the hopes that parents would alter them in view of the price reduction. The board &so agreed to al- low the students to defer the $500 payment on the new blea- chers in the gymnasium until December 31, 1964. The . money had been pro- mised. before that time, but to Aernand Nyment would have meant the board. would have. been forced to loan more money to the store. Some members of the board were -critical of the pqrchase, pelnting put the firm should have known there would be lit, tie demand for garments in such large sizes, "I'll bet the company does- n't -sell 44's to any ..school," commented Norm -Counter. "We'll have to fatten them (.students) up," added john Lavils, board chairman. Buy otfee • The \principal asked the board for a decision on who should pay for coffee supplied to tea, PastMistresses Enjoy Games After Sessions Past Mistresses -Club of Qin- ton LOBA met at the home of Mrs. Tom O'Connell for the December meeting. After a short business ses- sion election of officers was as follows: past president, Mrs. Wilfred Glazier; president, Mrs. Tom O'Connell; secretary-trea- surer, Mrs, Wilfred Colclough. After the meeting the mern-' bers joined with guests for a game of court whist, The win- ners were Mrs. Wilfred Col- dough, Mrs. Ron MacDonald, Mrs. Don McLean and Mrs. Bob Burke. A delicious lunch was serv- ed by the hostess. chop 'Ana department heads for their meetings -every month.. 0 Do you wish me to colleet the cost 'fre41 the teachers" or will the board absorb the /cost?" he questienod, He said a meeting of the entire staff WAS held once A. month and the department. heads met twice a month, .and after L. R. Maloney, business administrator, fignred the cost tutabout $1$.Q0 a month, the board agreed to pay,. The board also approved the formation of a student photo, graphy club to be .held in the evening for two hours, twice a month, There have been 12 students indicate their intentions of taking the classes and the prim- 'cipal said he did not think the club work would interfere with their studies. The equipment for a club is available in the boys' occupa- tional shop and E. Hunt, auto shop instructor, has agreed to instruct .the club. Hire Teacher Approval 'was given to the study and welfare committee's recommendation that Murray C. Schmidt he hired to teach 'French, replacing F. Desjarlais, Nows,14.,corct • Page ThuyA, Soy. . 7.903 whose thitieS terminate at Vjp end of December,. The .new teacher bas been eMployed.nt Sutton ..for the -past year and A half and previous to that, taught .in elementary Principal I), John .Cochrane 'noted it would now give the. .school "a Smith and a Schmidt teaotong Frener, Tn other business, the board;. Gave permission to. the .busi- ness. administrator, L. R. MaI- oney, to attend a conference of school business, officials in Niagara Balls from January 1.9 to 22. He reported he had at, tended a similar conference last year and found it extremely .benefiCial. Approved placing .George Bullen in category two, after learning the teacher had receiv- ed the advance rating from the successful completion of a sum- mer course, This was retroac- tive to September, Learned total enrollment was 1,233 students, Eight students having dropped out, three trans- ferred and six new admissions. o Classified Ads Bring Quick Results Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep—HU 2-6642 2ltfb MMEXIME8111111111111111MIL CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine -Spruce White Pine EXCELLENT SELECTION1 a REASONABLE PRICES at ELLIOTT'S Same Location -Li- Behind Clinton Lions Arena - Free Delivery - 50-1b Glen Laine CRIB $5.00 and $6.00 1* I uperiorfris u ha/1k YOUR 'BEST Just set ... and forget. AU , your clothes are autornagically dried fluffier, whiter, fresh as all outdoors...and Wrinkle free. k A • SUPeitOrPROPANE LTD MAPLE, ONTARIO K. JOIADArst, 159 Monteith 'Street STFtATPORO, Ont., Ph. ;771,0810- bo look In the Yellow Paget for your nearest Superior Propane branch NO More weather worries, 'AO Mere. Rigging, Stretch- , ingt stitigeitig with soggy, wet bloth'eS basketb.Ydiir new SiiPerior Dryer Will do the whole johin a jiffy ... at a3,4, the cost of other fuels. You save work! Save time! And save ,money too! _ Complete with propane installation and automatic deliVery service, I,ow low doWn PaYnierit and terms to suit your budget! t6k ikkritio,„ utmNQYobt SUPERIOR IS NitoMAatqta rtittt ro* it is with, pride we display the new SNUB-GAIN crestAs a symbol of 'our determination to keep you provided with the best products and services for the next 25 years and thereafter! Clinton Feed Mill 28 WOO Street elintOn, Ont. Two Phones: 4824815 and 4824484