Clinton News-Record, 1963-12-19, Page 7CARR OF THANKS CARD OF 'T'HANKS
I wish to express mY •sincere'
thanks to all my I°iuezrds and.
nolginnom for the acts f kinds•
ne* and eyinpathY cards in the
death of xny 'brlrtIleri William
Glazier.. Thanks else to Rev,.
Mills GEORGE GL,AZ? ,.i3'".
wish to express m3! thanks
to all who sent eards, treats
and flowers and visited lite
while a patient. in Clinton feel?,.
lic Hospita1; s ,eeia1 thanks. to
Drs, Walden and Streetend
the .nursing staff. 1V I $. JQH1Y
We• Wish •to express. our
heartfelt h!apks to. our kind
•friends and neighbors, Yor +the
Many. ,gifts .and congratuiatary
eard's .received which helped to
make our Golden Wedding An
rtiversary a, .inemerial eee4Sion.
We would dike to thank Dr.
Oakes,, Dr, Addison, the nurses
.and rend for :being so kind
to Linila while she was .reeov•
ering in the hosnitai, ft was
•greatly appreciated,—TQM and
VAN DEiy ASSEM, S'Ft, 51p ILA CUNNING-14AM, 57.1?
In Grenade
On behalf of the Retail Merchdnts Committee, I
would like to extendsincere thanks and appreciation
to 911 those who, in any way, helped to make the Santa
Claus Parade in Clinton this year the success it Was,
It is indeed gratifying to have such complete and
•freely -given co-opprgtion, With this calibre of support,
perhaps We will be able to make this an annual event,
grow r. oW bigger and better in the years to come,.
Thank you, one and all.
R. B, CAMPBELL, Secretary,
Clinton Retail Merchants Committee,
Attend Your hur
This Sun .ay
(Baptist Federation of Canada)
Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A.
Sunday -10.00,--Sunday School
11.15 a.m.—Fancily Worship
7.00 p.m. -Candlelight Service
Everyone Is Welcome At This Church
Ontario Street United Church
Sunday, December 22
9.45 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Christmas Service
2.00 p.m.—Christmas Service
3.00 'p.m,—UCW Candlelight Service
Christian Reformed
Sunday, December 22
10.00 a.m.--Service in English
2.30 p.m. -Service in Dutch
Wednesday, December 25
10.00 a.m.—Special Christmas
Every Sunday 6.15 p.m., Dial
680 CHLO, St. Thomas. Listen
to "Back to God Hour."
Joseph Street
11.00 a.m.--Breaking of Bread
3.90 p.m. --Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Gospel Service
8.00 p.m. Thursday—Prayer
Meeting and Bible
• Reading.
Maple Street
Sunday, December 22
9.45 a.m.-Worship Service
11.00 a.m.--Sunday School
8.00 p.m—Gospel Service
Guest Speaker: Mr. John
Aitken, Shelburne.
Tuesday: Prayer & Bible Study
All Welcome
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A.
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist
and Choir Leader
'Sunday, December 22
9.45 a.m.—Sunday School
10.45 a.m.--Morning Worship
ealeg-illise-Aralmesirille gaited: 011lurctles
11,00 a.m.—Church Service
12.10 pan.—Sunday School
1.00 p.m. --CHURCH SERVICE.
Rev. p. L. Dymond, LTh., Rector Charles Merrill, Organist
• 10.00 a.m.—Holy Communion
8.30.a.m.—Holy Communion
11.00 aan.--Morning Prayer '
7.00 p.m. --Evening Prayer
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m,—Morning Worship
7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic Hour'
Guest Speaker: Mr. Eric Cleave, Kitchener, Ontario,
Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service,
You Are Cordially Invited To All Of These Services
Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere
K. C. Cooke
Dint` 4824012 MIinton
T wish :to thank my friends'
for flowers, ears ai#d' treats,
while a patient le Clinten Pube
i l c Hs. to .. o i_..l• Spial thanks to
Dr, Wal. den, Dr. Newland, Rev;
Park, the UCW of Holniesvilie
Vatted .,Church, :aind the purs-
ing staff.
• 510
The family .of 'the late
l'i'on 13.,. Glazier wish to ,express.
their • sincere thanks to rela-
tives, friends and .neighbors, for
the messages of sympathy, nor -
tributes. and many acts of
k'indness Airing 'their recent
bereavement. Special thanks to
the staff of the Goderieh and
Clinton ,:Hospitals, Dr, Me-
Geough, Goderieh and Dr,
Thompson, Quinton; Rey. Mills
of Clinton; pallbearers, flower
bearers and Ball And Mut&.
funeral home, 51p.
Pu'blie Hospital on Thursday,
December 5, 1963, to Mr. and
Mrs. Beverly Broadfoot, Clin-
ton, a daughter,
BROWN — In Clinton Public
Hospital on Friday, Decem-
ber 6, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Brown, Clinton, a son,
CARTER — In Clinton Public
Hospital on Monday, Decem-
ber 9, 1963 ;to. Mr. and Mrs.
J. Carter, Londesboro, a dau-
C14U KE --In Victoria Hospi-
tal, London, on Wednesday,
December 11, 1963, -to Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Clarke .(nee
Bev Merrier), a. son, Gerald
Randall (Randy).
Public Hospital on Tuesday,
December 17, 1963, to Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Cunning-
ham, Londesboro, a son,
ELLIOTT — In Clinton Public
Hospital on Tuesday, Decem-
ber 17, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs,
John Elliott, Blyth, a son.
FISHER — In Clinton Public
Hospital on Saturday, De-
cember 14, 1963, to Mr. and
Mrs. John Fisher, Clinton, a
GREER In Clinton Public
Hospital on Wednesday, De-
cember 11, 1963, to Cpl. and
Mrs. Ken Greer, Clinton, a
HORTON -- In Clinton Public
Hospital on Sunday, Decem-
ber 15, 1963, to Cpl. and Mrs.
Robert Horton, Clinton, a
HUMMEL — In Clinton Public
Hospital an Monday, Decem-
ber 9, 1963, to Mr, and Mrs.
Peter Hummel, Varna, a son.
LeCLAIR — In • Clinton Public
Hospital. on S'aturday, De-
cember 14, 1963, to AC1 and
Mrs. LeClair, Clinton, a son.
MacGREGOR—In Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital on Friday, De-
cember 13, 1963, to Mr. and
Mrs. R. MacGregor, Kippen,
a daughter.
McCLiNCHEY -- In Clinton
Public Hospital on Tuesday,
December 17,. 1963, to Mr.
and Mrs. Don McCiinchey,
Seaforth, a daughter.
McGREGOR—In Clinton Public
Hospital on Saturday, De-
cember 7, 1963, to Mr. and
Mrs. James McGregor; Kip -
pen, a son.
PAOUE'ri'i —In Clinton Public
Hospital on Thursday, De-
cember 5, 1963, to Cpl. and
Mrs. P. Paquette, RCAF
Clinton. a son.
PLUNKETT—In Clinton Public
Hospital, on Thursday, De-
rember 5. 1963. to Mr. and
Mrs, A. Plunkett, Auburn, a
1'tOBINSON In Grace Hospi-
tal, Toronto, on Sarturday,
December 7, 1963, to Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Robinson, a
daughter, a sister for Lorrie
and a granddaughter for Mr.
and Mrs. Fred McClymont,
The First Column
(Continued from page one)
worthwhile knowledge, but it
could be reproduced for any
parties desiring support in eau's -
es along these lines . . The
line forms at the right, men.
READERS of the engage-
ment notices in this issue Will
even note where the editor
has taken the appropriaite
steps to end his show removal
problems, although we trust
our friends will keep that a
secret until at least January 11
ThroughJpreviou's writings,'
we have indicated a preference
to be an the -class of confirmed
bachelors and we're still trying
to figure out what exactly did
happento change our status
. However, there • may be
more truth than fiction in rest-
ing that She just kept chasing
me until 1 caught her . , . In
anstiver to continents of friends
that "our day" would come, our
favourite reply was, "that will
be a frosty Friday in January"
Well, we don't know how
much frost the weatherman
will supply on Friday, i'anttary
10, but those words won't be
too hard to swallow anyway.
TROS1 ' W11O braved the
chilling temperatures to treat
area residents to one of the
beat S,ai to Claus peradat we
have seen outside our neigh-
boring cities, certainly deserve
some 'hearty plaudits.
have otter heard that the jolly
old fellow ;front the North Pole
is so busy then days he has
to eniipioy some Stand-ins, but
if that Was the ease here, they
could ce'rbainly fool US, aS than
chap in the red suit WaS one
of the Most realistic chaps
We've seen ht a day or two
, . And we should know, after
all, you can't go through that
lineup Sig 'bibles without get.'
tbig a good view , However,
we have a sneaking suspicion
there were a few ti.ottlers that
were living under the false iin-
pr'essioti that the pr'tyceed+i.ings
to get a bag of candy weren't
aetttally in "line" form, but
Were more of .a merryxg
Santa Claus Maintain*Busy Pace
J...o.i.'.n,.. ed By Celebrities /fit RcAF.
Despite claims of heggored
shoppers and weary :snow .shQv-
ellerS,, Santa Claus still re-
Mainse the• busiest .tldivtduai in
the area.
He hags made appearances at
many functions of .late and bas
left .gifts for young g ,and old,.
Along With bitter Cold winds,
the jolly chap arrived in Clin-
ton on Saturday, and was
greeted by large throngs of
red-faced well wishers-'=-espeei-
Mr, end Mrs, George C,
Pearson, Burgessvidle, are
pleased to announce the
engagement of '.their dau-
ghter, Kaaren Lynn, to Mr,
William Batten, Clinton,
son di Mrs. Ralph Batten,
and the late Mr, Batten,
Exeter. The marriage to
take .place in Salford Unit-
ed Cliurrh on Friday, Jan-
uary 10, 1964, at 8:30 p,m.
Squadron Leader -a n d
Mrs, J. A. Spano, RCAF
Station Clinton, wish' to
announce the engagement
of their daughter Lorraine
Carol to Mr. David Glen
Corrie, son of Mr.'and Mrs.
Maynard Carrie, Clintpn•
The wedding to take place
on Saturday, January 4,
1964, in the Pr'otes'tant
Chapel, RCAF Staticin
Clinton. 51b
Mr, and Mrs. Victor
Kennedy, Blyth, wish to
announce the engagement
of their only daughter, Eva
Elizabeth Welbanks, to
Paul Edinundson Watson,
only son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. W. N. Watson.
The marriage to take place
on Saturday, December 21,
1963, at 4 o'clock in Trin-
ity Anglican "Church,
Blyth, 51p
Defence Cuts
Not felt Yet
At RCAF Base
(Continued From Page One)
He removed 28,079 persons,
including civilians, from the
rosters and between, $50 and
$75 millions from • the opera-
tions and ma'int'enance budget.
Further reductions in the
offing are said to be in nee
number of radar stations, war-
ships committed to NATO's At-
lantic command and CF -104
nuclear bombers committed to
A communication at RCAF
Clinton following the recent an-
nouncements, skated that
RCAF personnel "need not be
apprehensive" about their jobs.
Although some civilian • re-
leases are "obviously probable"
none have been made at RCAF
Clinton other than the normal
outs made through a decrease
in student strength.
FAL Gibson said a few of
the oivil6an 'instructors have
been given notices that their
einploymenit will be terminated,
but this is due to the fact the
number of students at RCAF
Clinton has dropped, and is in
no way a result of the defence
department cuts.
Exeter Acts
Although the same situation
holds true for RCAF Station
Centralia, in that no cuts have
been announced, officials of the
Town of Exeter have already
taken steps to determine what
the future of their neighbour-
ing RCAF base will be.
Last week, a three-man dele-
gation including Mayor W. E.
Simmons; Ross Tuckey, chair-
man of the Exeter Industrial
Development Corporation, and
Peter Raymond, secretary of
the commission, flew to Ottawa
to talk to the defence depart-
ment about the future.
One of the objectives of the
town delegation was to discuss
with the defence departneent
the possibility of further .ex -
pension at Centralia under the
consolidation program. Within
recent years, schools at London
and Clinton have been trans-.
ferred to the Centralia station
and mare can be accommodated
They had talks scheduled
with Defence 1Vlinister Hellyer.
BARGE — At his home tri
Sarnia on Wednesday, Dec-
ember 11, 1963, George W. D.
Barge, 61, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs, George Barge,
formerly of Clinton. He was
manager and owner of
Btarge's Cleaners, Sarnia.
Survliving besides h'is •wife,
the fettle& fettleCatherine Sterne,
are: sisters, Miss Violet, Tor.-
onto; Mrs, F, J. (La�t'tretta)
Iletattite Har Tilton. `uneral
Was held from D. I, Robb
funeral home, with burial in
IJakeAOW cemetery,
RUMBAY.i In 'Victoria Hos-
pibal, London,. on Friday, De-
Cerribeer .. ,la, 1963, Frederick Ru
Percy mbati 76, of Lon -
den, native of Minton Ile IS
eurvived by his Wife, the for=
'tier Kathleen meGuire; see,
William, London; Sisters, lVii!s,
Mary. Dundas and Mrs, Ed*
1th Heddiniton, both of Laifx.
don;' Mrs, 11ate Evans Dela
reit,- Service' wads held bn
Monday at NeedIianii Meritor*
lel Chanel, London,
ally el the YR'i ger sett,.
In a parade headed by the
Clinton. Legion Pipe Land and
followed tip by the Clinton Mar*
chin g Ro ls he . as t centre
g ..� , , w . he ce tr
of attraction an a parade that
had many attractions.
In an excellent co-operative
effort, most of business
the .. si e
. s
in the community were .repre-
sented in the nine floats which
depicted fairy tales, Christmas
scenes and. =lies,
After a trip through town,
Santa Claus .descended from
his lofty perch, and went into
the warm confines of the conn -
ell chambers to distribute •hum-
.deeds of bags of goodies to his
eager young followers..
He was aided in this cause
by representatives of the Clin-
ton service clubs,
By Fire Truck
On Wednesday of this week,
the North Pole visitor received
his biggest audience as close to
1,200 persons were on hand to
watch him arrive on a fire.
truck at RCAF .Clinton,
Included among the children
of Air Force and civilian per:
sonnei were 75 children of the
Huron County Children's Aid
Santa again had a difficult
tithe in maintaining his posi-
tion as the most popular per-
son, es he "competed" against
several :star performers and
Guest's• arrived at the station
shortly after dinner and were
entertained by .clowns and a
trampoline act, Ct:41, ' L.
, 'R. S,
$it• Louis and LAGS S. L, Bul-
mer And D, Buckland. were the
From then, until 2:.30, four
separate '"aatS!' were Carried on
in different 'floor areas to
amuse the children, Entertain-
ing were: "Miss Dorothy" and.
"Mr. ,Jim" of .CFPL TV, Lon-
don; "")3ig Al" front -CKCO TV,
Kitchener; the Mary Court
Puppets of London,, and "Sgt.
Electro" of Radar and Com-
munioations. School, RCAF
Later pn,. "The Three Chip-
munks" •were produced by WO2
Alex Velleman and a cast of
`Station persona7;ities, •and their
two shows were interspersed
With an appearance of Henry,
the fire eating magician.
Master of ceremonies was
F/4. Dick Alien, Station Rec-
reation Officer, •
Despite these and other cam-
mitments, Santa Claus has in-
formed the NewerRecord by
special communication that he
won't be too tired to visit all
the area's good boys and girls
on his 'yearly visit on Christ-
mss eve.
Londesboro Pair Mark 40 Years
UCW's Stage Christmas Meetings
Correspondent l lrs. Bert Allan
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt
celebrated their 40th wedding
anniversary on Saturday, De-
cember 14 with open house. A
goodly number of their friends
and neighbors braved t h e
stormy weather to bring good
wishes for many more happy
Mrs. Heber Shute poured tea
while Mrs. Mac Hodgert, Mrs.
Jim Howatt and Mrs. Gordon
Howatt served the guests with
a dainty lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Howatt were
honoured at a family dinner at
the home of their daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert,
Kirkton, cluringethe week.
i (other Dies
The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Livingstone in the
loss of his mother who passed
away on Thursday, Dec. 12.
She had been in failing
.health for some time and was
a .patient in Strathmere Nurs-
ing Home, Strathroy.
Funeralservice was conduct-
ed by Rev. W. Carson at
the Ba'nn's funeral home, Brus-
sels. • Interment was in Brus-
sels Cemetery.
WI Meets
The Women's Institute met
on December 10 with a good
attendance. Roll call was an-
swered with donations for the
shut-ins and a motion to send
$5.00 to the War Memorial
Sick Children's Hospital, was
Mrs. Art Colson gave a
Christmas reading. Mrs. Len
Caldwell then introduced Mrs.
Carman McPherson of Clinton,
who had a good d'ispl'ay of use-
ful articles as well as decora-
tive items suitable for Christ-
mas gifts.
The program consisted of a
duet by Glenyce and Helen
Anderson; carols mingled with
excerpts from the Christmas
story; a solo, "Star of the
East" by Mrs. Vincent and a
contralto solo by Mrs. Agnes
The hostesses served a tasty
UCW Unit Meets
The Berean Unit of the UCW
met at the home of Mrs. Earl
Gaunt with 26 present. The
president opened the meeting
with a reading, "The Meaning
of Christmas" and the scripture
passage was taken by Mrs.
Mrs. Harvey Wells suggested
that the following articles be
donated to the Ontario Hospi-
tal at Goderieh to aid in their
projects: candy boxes, used
Christi -nes cards, nylon hose,
costume .jewellery broken or
The study book chapter was
given by Mrs. Nelson Lear and
Mrs, Robert Fairservice gave a
splendid paper on Christmas. A
reading; "The Priceless Gift Of
Christmas" was given by Mrs.
John Armstrong and a prayer
by Mrs. Lily Webster.
The January meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Har-
old Livingstone.
Officers of the group for 1964
are: leader, Mrs. Bert Shob-
brook; assistant, Mrs,. Joseph
Sh'addick; secretary, Mrs, H.
Livingstone; -treasurer, Mrs.
Stanley Lyon; pianist, Mrs. E.
Wood; assistant, Mrs. Stanley
Lyon; social committee, Mrs,
Wilmer HoWatt and Mrs. Geo-
rge Wright; nominations, Mrs.
Clarence Crawford; frieidsshit
and visitation, Mrs, Earl
Gaunt; dress secretary, Mrs
Beit Allen,
The general meeting to have
been held on Monday was can-
Gelled owing to the stormy
Aittiwell Unit
The regular monthly meet-
ing of the Aimwell Unit of the
Loindesbetti UCW was held' in
the church basement recently,
With 13 members and eight
visitors present
The president, Betty 1Vlillar';
opened the Meath* 'With. 'a
timely poem, followed by the
scrititure and prayer.
The taintites were read and
treasureeS report given by
Helen Lee and a sing -song of
Christmas carols with Gail
Lear at the piano was much
Darlene Shobbrook read a
poem, 'The Twelfth Night" and
Betty Millar read a story,
"Sisterhood of 'Heart."
Captain Newman of the Sal-
vation Army at Wingham was
.guest speaker.
The nominating committee
presented the slate of officers
for the new year as follows:
unit leader, Betty Millar; as-
sistant leader, Edith Beacom;
secretary, Margaret Good;
treasurer, Helen Lee; program
convener, Laura Forbes; plan-
ist, Gail Lear; assistant pian-
ists, Ruth Vincent and Gladys
Appointment to the general
UCW: finance, Edith Beacom;
social, Marg Anderson, Celia
Adams and Pearl Bromley;
parsonage, Audrey Thompson;
nominating, Joanne Lyon; sup-
ply secretary, Gladys Josling;
literature secretary, Dorothy
Tarnblyn; friendship and visita-
tion, Darlene Shobbrook; cards,
Marjorie McNall.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hunk-
ing held •a family dinner in
their home on Sunday with all
the family present.
Auburn Courier
Dies In Bed From
Heart Attack
AUBURN — John Thomas
Lewis Ruddy, concession one,
East Wawanosh Township, a
mailcarrier for nine years on
RR 3, Auburn, failed to report
to work yesterday (Tuesday)
morning and when the post-
master went to investigate,
found him dead in bed.
Dr. Crawford, Wingham cor-
oner, determined the cause of
death as being a heart attack.
Mr. Ruddy was in his 62nd
year and had been born on
the farm: where he died, the
son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
William Ruddy.
Eighteen years ago he was
married to Beatrice Welsh, of
Goderieh, and she was working
,.. �' .rr Q i t R
Bayfhid Youngsters Enjoy Festivities
As Guests Qf Trinity Ladies Group
Y34YF JELD -.-. A Christmas
Paty. ar the pre-school. dI1b
dren of the village was held
bast 1'hursday oafterneen in the
Parish Hall, under the auspices
of Trinity Club. The Club de-
serves great credit for reviv-
ing this annual custom for the
younger children of Bayfield.
For many of them it was
their debut at their first big
public party, and it was one
of the :brightest. and happiest
gatherings held in the Parish
Hall all year.
Mrs. George Bellch'arnber, as
chairman of the party, had
been responsible for the very
festive decorations, and with
helpers had decorated a large
Christmas tree on the platform,
hung coloured balloons in all
the windows and wrapped gifts
for each child attending.
Mrs. Brown Higgins, as chair-
man of games, had as her able
assistant, Mrs. Robert P. John -
Mrs. R. J. Larson
Named Prexy
Of Trinity Club
BAYFIELD — The December
meeting of the Women's Aux-
iliary of Trinity Church was
held 'at the hone of Mrs. Har-
old King, with 11 members pre-
It was opened with prayers
by the rector, and the presi-
dent, Mrs. R. 3. Larson, pre-
After the business session --
during which it was passed to
send two Christmas gifts, one
to Rev. George Hamilton, at
Fort Simpson, N.W.T,, and one
to the church treasurer, to be
applied to the year's budget
fund—the president called for
a report of the nominating
committee's slate of officers
for 1964.
Mrs, Brown Higgins, chair-
man of the committee, present-
ed the following names: ,
Honorary president, Mrs.
John Stewart; president, Mrs.
R, 3. Larson; first vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Len Smith; second
vice-president, Mrs. Carl Diehl;
secretary, Mrs. Brown Higgins;
Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Percy
Weston; Living Message sec-
retary, Mrs. W. J. Elliott;
treasurer and educational sec-
retary, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner;
Prayer Partner, Mrs. Harald
King; visiting committee, Mrs.
H. King and Mrs. Len Smith.
The president askedthe rec-
tor to take the chair for the
election of officers, and the
slate of officers as presented,
were unanimously elected.
After closing prayers, cards
were signed to send to absent
members and a happy social
hour followed. The home was
decorated with Christmas' flow-
ers, and the delightful refresh-
ments were traditional in char-
acter. Mrs. Len Smith, assisted
her sister, the hostess, Mrs•
at Goderieh during the wteek
and her 'husband was at home
He was a member of Knox
United Church.
Mr. Ruddy was only the sec-
ond mail carrier to have died
in this area while still an active
duty. The late Harry Govier-
dropped dead in the post office
following completion of his run
some 30 year ago.
Funeral will be held on Fri-
day at 2:00 p.rn, from the Ar-
thur funeral home, with burial
in Blyth Union cemetery.
The service will be conducted
by Rev. Charles Lewis and
Rev., Robert Meally.
rlr r , Ali p r i ;)2i
ston, pianist, All kinds of :mus-
ical garnes Ware Played With
members of the Club leading
the children through thein .ail.
There was marching. to
"Jingle Bells" with a string of
old-fashioned, real sleigh bells
-o.Il this interspercecl with
gleeful shouting and other signs
of baying a happy goad time,
by the Very youngest child.
Mrs. Fred Arkell, as chair-
man of the tea and social hour,
with able assistants, fulfilled
her important part in the pro-
Special thanks Should be giv-
en to Mr. James Cameron for
the gift of the large Christmas
tree; Mr. .'.', J. Hovey for the
Stand; Mr, Robert N. Rivers,
for a box of oranges; Mrs. Ross
Middleton for her gift of ap-
ples for everybody; and also
Mrs, Robert P. Jphnston, whose
skill at the piano, with chil-
dren's music, added, much to
the program.,
Among the guests were:
Mrs. Lloyd Huffman, Crystal
Huffman, Mrs. John Fraser,
Elizabeth Fraser, Mrs. Gordon
Matthew's, Christina Jane Mat.
thews, Mrs. Fred Telford, Tom-
my Telford, Mrs. Arnold Mak-
ins, Brenda Makins, Mrs.
George Telford, Stephen and
Michael Telford, Mrs. J. C.
McKay, Johnny, Debbie and
Terry McKay.
Mrs. Alma Bassett, Maureen
and Heather Matthews, Mrs.
Walter Pierson, Patricia Har-
ris, Mrs. G. Mitchell, Joanne
Mitchell, Mrs. Charles Dungee
with Charlie and Dean, Mrs.
Don Sager, Tommy Sager, Mrs.
John Louch, Debbie, Jimmy and
Gregory Louoh,
Mrs. Ian MacRae, Kevin Mac-
Rae, Mrs. R, A. Kendall, Bobby
Kendall, Mrs. S. Ganderm,
Dawn and Deedee Gander, Mrs.
Keith Gerneinliarcit, Karen
Gemeinhardt, Mrs. F. MacFad-
din, Shirley and Kate MacFad-
din, iVirs. Wilfred Castle, Nancy
and Paul Castle, Mrs. William
Maellwain, Joyce Maellwain,
and the Rev, E. J. B. Harrison.
Present also were the fol-
lowing members and friends of
Trinity Club, who helped to
make the party the delightful
success it was: president, Mrs.
Ross Middleton; Mrs. E. J.
Hovey, Mrs. George Belicham-
ber, Mrs. Brown Higgins, Mrs.
Fred Arkell, Mrs. John Land,
Mrs. Roy Fitzsimons, Mrs. Fred
Hulls, Mrs. George N. Rivers,
Mrs, Don Sager and Mrs. R.
H. F. Gairdner.
Mr, and Mrs, E. A, Feather-
ston left on Friday to spend
the winter months in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Grime
and children, Galt, spent Friday
and Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. George Bellchamber and
Mr. Jos. Dungee, who is a
student at Huron College, Lon-
don, with Mrs. Dungee, were
guests of his brother and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dun -
gee, of Wildwood Motel, over
the weekend.
Name Sangster
Hensall Chief
HENSALL—David Sangster,
a local contractor and a mem-
ber of the Hensall Volunteer
Fire Brigade for the past few
years, was Monday night nam-
ed fire chief.
Mr. Sangster replaced Bryan
Kyle, who retired recently aft-
er holding the position for over
10 years.
While council was appointing
Mr. Sangster, • firemen were
presenting Mr. Kyle with an
engraved gold wrist watch at
the fireh'all•
BOXED SOAPS, 3's 1.75
'COSMETIC SETS by Yardley, Rubinstein;
Lentheric, Shulton, Clifton •••. 1.00 up
HAIR BRUSHES 1.00 to 4.50
CUTEX NAiL SETS 1,00 - 2.50
COLOGNES by Chanel, Yardley, Rub'n-
stein and Lentheric.
BOXED STATIONERY ,......„,.,,... 1.00 to 2,50
FLASH BULBS for all `i'ypes' of Cameras
FILMS: Movie, 35 m,ni, and regular, hi
Color and Black & White,
ELECTRIC RAZORS by Schick, Sunbeam,
19.95 up
SHAVING SETS by Yardley, Old Spice, Bach-
elor, Mennen, Gillette 1.68 up
CHOCOLATES—Christmas Wrapped, by
Smites 'n Chuckles and Jenny Lind -
m/2 lb. to 5 Ib. bytes.
CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS and DECORATiON5.-Christman Cards; Single 8 Boxed
Let Us Check Your Camera for Batteries, Bulbs and f=ilms, for Christmas
Picture taking.
NEW[DMOE Phatmay
hhenc 48244511
Clinton, Ontario-