HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-12-19, Page 3FARM EQUIPMENT JOHN BACH FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS and ACCESSORIES 114 DEALER — PHONE 17 • SEAFORTH 20tfb , , I f' I j, I ,/,`,1/ e" e" I r I , , ' Y. PRANG From Your Westinghouse Store (1 to Electric go Electric Blankets • Electric Irons • Electric Tea Kettles • Electric Toasters Whole Household Or . . Surprise the • Electric Fry Pans with a Westinghouse Major Appliance . . • Electric Coffee Makers • WASHER • Electric Hair Dryers • DRYER • Electric Mixettes • FREEZER bovettoctictotettolocettomitivegifevetigto • TELEVISION • VACUUM CLEANER •, DISH WASHER • POLISHER • RECORD PLAYER tatmeopetivetivectoopetworetticattottimerlogtowtvg*tortvemoccictoo conference offices in Canada, one in British Columbia and one in Newfoundland, Mr. Park pointed out that there are 300,000 persons in the United Church in London Con- ference (which includes Algo- ma in Northern Ontario). In Middlesex County alone there are 71,626 United Church mem- bers. He said there are 52,- 472 Anglicans and 41,376 Ro- man Catholics. Both the Roman Catholic and Anglican, churches, with smaller numbers, have long had well- established offices at the com- parable level of church gov- ernment, he said. The office will provide meet- ing room facilities for various conference and presbytery com- mittees and will include display facilities. Ray's Shoe Repair Will Be Closed Christmas Week (December 23-28) Merry Christmas To All Happy New Year For Value Shop at RAY'S , SHOE REPAIR 35 Huron St., Clinton MARTIN'S 14 DEPT, A STORE .,i. umelovelmetometesetemetwoitortometeictemtematactelme 0 Of course we Gift Wrap Free Conference 'Meads Meet in Toronto To Evaluate and Set Work of UCW (Photo by Nephew). Exchange Vows In Clinton. Wesley-Willis United Church corsage of yellow roses, WRONT4D—Januag I. is a signifipant date in any year. But for the mere than 260,000 ineMbers'of The United Claireh Women, its birthday number two. For nearly 37 years women of The United Church of Can- ada. had,done their work in two separate groups—the Wo- inan's Missionary Society,, and the Women's. AsSociation. Two years ago, on January 1, 'they came together into one organ- ization, the purpose of which was "to unite all women of the congregation for the total mission of the church." How has the new organiza- lion worked? The first eleven elected presidents of UCW gr oups (representing each church "conference") will assemble in Toronto on January 7 and 8, to confer with the executive of the Board of Women on this point. The wqrk done, in the past two years will be evaluated and a Course charted for the imanecliate future. INSURANCE H. E, HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance — Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost the C"13 way BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice-Pres., Gordon Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow; Mrs. U. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Mrs, Lloyd Taylor, Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell T. ' Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Richard- son, RR 1, Brucefield; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodham. C. H. Magee Secretary-Manager Miss C, E. Piumtree Assistant Secretary For information, call your nearest director or our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 On- tario Street, Clinton, Telephone 482-9751. MISS .Anne T. Ward, ..SKre- Ury of the Poard of Women,. Toronto, says the most enceur- aging aspect has been the way women have "entered into the work as a Whole, This doesn't mean to say We still .bayen't long way to gp," Said Miss Ward. Noticeable also is the acceptance of women by .eori- gregations as members of 'Ses, sion, Official Boards 4114 Com- mittees of Stewards, Membership in the new or, ganization includes many youn- ger women, and women who had never taken office before. Miss Ward stated, They have been willing to prepare for and and give leadership, and have attended workshops held ac- ross Canada for specific train, ing. Conferences with inspiration- al themes have been in Kes- wick and Ivy Lea. in Ontario, and at the Fine Arts School in Banff, said Miss Ward, "We are also trying to have women take an increasing interest in wefare, social and economieaf- INSURANCE K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 • Res. 4E.?-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-7265 GARY COOPER Life Insurance & Annuities ' Representing GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 482-7200 Clinton H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available LoWest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE - REAL. ESTATE. INVESTMENTS Phones: Office 482-9644 Res. 489 -9787 OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST—OPTICIAN Mondays and Wednesdays CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE 482-7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 791 G, B. CLANCY, O.D. OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH 38-tfb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. • BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTAN, Goderloh, Ontario Telephone 524.5521 Box 478 fairs and international events,." she said. "We initiated this year a United Nations .Seminar in New York in which .3Q-wo- men .from across Canada joined With women in the United St ales in a visit to the United Nations where they listened to debates and disenssea issues' coming before the Tn fund-raising,: United Ch arch Women have done well, Miss Ward noted, Total a- mount raised for all purposes in 1962 was $7,352X4.00. Of this amount, $1,539,468 was al- located to the Unified l3udget Fund, The 19G3. objective is .$1,700,000 and up to the end .of September about 70 percent had been received by the Trea- surer of the United Church in Toronto. "For the first , time, women have realized that they are a part — and an important one _of the life of the church," wrote one leader, after .,The United Church Women came into being. Personally, I feel as an individual, my efforts have been given a clearer direction, a practical application, and an outstanding Challenge." Conference Presidents of Un- ited Church Women who will be coming to' Toronto for the January 7th and 8th meetings are: British Columbia, Mrs. Cy- ril H. Shoemaker, Vancouver; Alberta, Mrs. D. K. McElroy, Edmonton; Saskatchewan, Mrs. R. J. Davidson, Regina; Man- itoba, Mrs. W. B. Doerksen, Winnipeg; London, Mrs. K. B. Clysd.ale, St. Marys; Hamilton, Mrs. Percy .Chalmers, Niagara Falls; Toronto, Mrs. W. M. Mc- Intyre, 'Islington; Bay of Quinte Mrs. W, A. Weatherhead„ Sh- arbot Lake; Montreal and Ott- awa, Mrs. F. L. Shonkwiler, Montreal; Maritime, Mrs. W. F. Mooers, Fredericton, N.B.; Newfoundland, Mrs. H. R. Lus- combe, St. John's. J. D. M. Craig An invalid for 20 of his 25 years, Joseph Donald Murray Craig passed away in Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, December 12. He was the son of Sgt. and Mrs. Murray A. Craig, RR 5, Clinton, He was a . member of at. Paul's Roman Catholic Church, RCAF Clinton, and the funeral on Saturday was conducted from there by Father R. Bus- sey, RC Padre. Besides his parents, the de- ceased is survived by one bro- ther, Mark, at home; one sis- ter, Mrs. Joan Harper, RP. 5, Clinton; a grandmother, Mrs. M. H, Taylor, Ottawa; a grand- father, William Craig, Masson, Quebec. Pallbearers at the service were Capt. R. W. R. Horn, S/Sgt. A. S. Field, Sgt. A. Hayward, Sgt, J. A. Arsenault, Vic Sytnick and John Fisher, Nimimmow Leather Goods For Christmas at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD decorated With potted chrysan- themums and candelabra, was the scene of a pretty double ring wedding ceremony on Sat- urday, December 7, when Pat- ricia 'Webster exchanged vows with. Lorne E. Carter, Rev.. C, G, Park officiated at the ceremony between the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Q. H. Webster, Woodstock, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, Clinton. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor length gown of white peau de sole, 'fitted bodice with skirt slightly flared, bustle in back, falling to chapel train, with two pleats in front. A crown of seed pearls held a bouffant illusion veil and she carried a bouquet of red roses and tulle. Mrs. Lloyd Carter, Clinton, was matron of honour and wore a street length gown of turquoise taffeta with a front panel of lace, efaturing a fit- ted bodice and bell-shaped skirt. A small crown of pearls hel da tiny turquoise veil and she had white accessories and carried a bouquet of red car- nations with white tulle. A reception followed at the home of the grooes parents and the hostess received guests wearing a beige brocade sheath with white accessories and a Need Special Care For Retarded After Graduation GODERICH — "Pilot" pro- jects for care and training of retarded children after leav- ing their special schools may be formed in the Huron-Bruce area, Rev. Canon Kenneth Tay- lor indicated in accepting from Goderich Rotary Club a cheque for $200 toward the work for retarded children. The club hopes to make this contribution annually, "I think we should in God- erich set up a pilot project", said Canon Taylor, who is chairman for this area. "Wal- kerton may do the same." "I think we should have something that Will combine the facilities of a sheltered workshop, social and recrea- tional opportunities and prob- ably some continued education- al work, perhaps mantial train- ing or further actual study work." At annual meetings of the Ontario and Canadian Associa- tions in Vancouver, Winnipeg and Halifax, this topic of adult services came up; the problem has become acute, In big cities they have made quite a few attempts, to set up sheltered workshops, and they are suc- Following a wedding trip to Ottawa, the newlyweds took up 'residence in Tillsonburg. The bride donned 'a white sheath of peau de sole, topped by a White coat 'and a corsage' of red roses and red accessories for her wedding trip. Establishment of. a United Church of Canada London Con- ference office in the new resi- dence of Westminster College was announced last week. Rev. Clifford C. Park, Clin- ton, president of London Con- ference, and W. Lockwood Mil- ler, vice-chairman of the board of Westminster College, said the office will be opened Jan,- . uary 6, 1964. The venture reflects a trend that has been gaining momen- tum in other conferences of the' United Church acrqss Canada, Mr. Park said. "It will -be und- ertaken here on a one-year trial basis to. determine the. need for, and usefulness af, a central office for this confer- ence." Mr. Park remarked that con- ference offices are new to the United Church, which tradition- ally has been centralized in goyernrnent and administration. .'-"The United Church is well satisfied with its administration centred in Toronto, but it is very unsatisfied with its com- munications. For this reason we are setting up this office," he said. There are only two other cessful up 'to a point, but the idea of setting up a workshop alone is not feasible in this or smaller communities, he said. To set up some kind of combination, under careful sup- ervision, would mean that graduates of our schools would have a sort of clubhouse to go to, and there are commer- cial firms that can turn over certain work, and it would be something for the children to do, Canon Taylor added. "That sort of facility in any community is feasible if we set our minds to it, and with it there must be continued education of the public so they will recognize that the retarded person has a rightful place 'in the community, the same as any normal person," "The. schools may not get larger, but the number of gr- aduates will keep piling up. Ten years from now we will probably have in 'this commun- ity, 20 adult retardees past school age. We must work out a program: to take care of the Mentally retarded from the cradle to the grave." Service was held at Zion T.V.angelleal Lutheran .Church, .Sratford, Monday fop Elmer W. Goebel, general manager of the Midwestern Ontario Devel, °pi-tient ASSOciartien, who died his home Saturday. Mx', ,Goebel, 47, born in. Hes, peler and a former .Hespeler council member and mayor, will he buried in the lievelerCeme, 'eery. The • Heiniatick funeral home, Stratford, is in charge.. Mr. Gotehel, lived all his life in Hespeler until five years ago When he moved to Stratford as 'temporary general manager of MODA. He became manager in February, 1959, In 'three. espeler, he was councilor for five years and mayor for Tri Stratford, he had served on the • council of the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, was chairman of its steward- ship committee and was a member of the evangelism com- mittee of the district synod, He was a member of the Strat- ford Country Club. Surviving are his wife, the. former Nelda Gremm; daugh- • ters, Mrs. Edward (Shirley) Hansford, Galt; Mrs. Donald (Joy) Mulholland, Hespeler; Karen, at home; son, Ronald, Kitchener; brothers, Victor and Edward, both of Hespeler; and a sister, Mrs. C. C. (Helen) Ostrom, Picton. Thurs., Dec, 19.; 190.3,Cliotoo To Thp: YoterA Who ,Supported Me , THANK YOU. 1. .6., Thompson thte Theatre PARK Tht Goderich sh9wtimq Air-conditioned for your comfort NOW PLAYING—Dec. 19-20-21—In Technicolor "SEVEN SEAS .TO CALAIS" Based on the exploits of Sir Francis Drake Starring 1BaNg, WORTH and ROD TAYLOR MON., TOES„ WED. — December 23-24-25 SANDRA De_E, and. JOHN OAVIN In a family style story about a shanty-boat girl and her education. "TAMMY TELL ME TRUE" THUFt., FRI„ SAT. December 26-27-28 JOCK MAHONEY and WOODY STRODE Filmed in Thailand, Japan and The Philippines "TARZAN'S 3 CHALLENGES"- (11 Color Plus a Three Stooge Comedy "KNUTSY KNIGHTS" Coming—"BYE BYE BIRDIE" with Janet Leigh ••• • , , , ),,••• ; .w••• ; ) • , • • . •• • • MEN WANTED All men available are invited to visit our Complete `TOYLAND on our 2nd Floor Many adults are fascinated by this display every year. Why not you? V By the way, while you are passing through the store Choose a Gift for Her WE SUGGEST: DUSTERS - HOUSECOATS - SWEATERS SLIMS - BLOUSES - GLOVES HOSIERY - LINGERIE PURSES - ETC. ••,•. ac c „et n, c rata Ni xre( •eir" „e' c .•Y tfetcocteamctocteumetmetvatel OPEN EVENINGS 'Till 9 p.m. Starting Until Monday, Dec. 23 TARA-RaDMMIXDOI0M1)1Z***AMM-Dw Every Man Appreciates A The, Quality Gifts You'll Find Here • . ts *-4 DOME TAP — TAPERED FIT WHITE -- STRIPE -- PLAIN Priced from 5.00 to 7.95 • SHELBY and TONY DAY CARDIGANS 9 JEWELLERY — PYJAMAS • JACKETS — HOSIERY • BILTMORE HATS — GLOVES Forsyth Osmalane SHIRTS Britain's Finest Featherweight 'Flannel Red — Gold — All Sizes Only $10 95 MODA Manager, Elmer Goebel, Dies In Stratford } Business and Professional Directory mourarinm.181•00••••moromimommilm11.0, An MN HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 55-57 SOUTH ST., TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. 524-7562 USE THE NIGHT DEPOS, IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET POR DRY CLEANING O R LAUNDRY, DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 13 A.M. AND 12 P. M. It's Time To Have. Your Festive Season Clothes Ready For The Round of Parties LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 2459 Check Your Calendar. If the. numbers match, take Lhe calendar to Our office and claim your $3 credit. Rev. Park Announces Establishment Of Conference Office In London 1 in color ) , , ,w)r,rir „ „ o . Y. . . . . w. . GIFT 'WRAP YOUR CHRISTMAS MALE... With The Right Gifts From HERMAN'S o FORSYTH SHIRTS Clinton Electric 'Shop ey. W. CORNISH, Proprietor uYour Westinghouse; boiler" 402-6646 Clinton 482.9351 CLINTON Herman's Men's Wear MA-M-001-10004-20404070444