HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-12-12, Page 12Page 12-Clintori News-Record .--Thurs., eec. 12, 1963 aumasusimommulamemmiow Turkey Bingos ,Thurs., Dec, 12 'Thurs., Dec. 1.9. CLINTON LEGION HALL p.m. ---Regular Admission 8.30 15 Games for $5.00 -1 Game for $25,00 3 SHARE-THE-WEALTH GAMES JACKPOT $57,00 in 57 NUMBERS 49-50-1b EXHIBITION HOCKEY SATURDAY NIGHT LISTOWEL JUNIORS Vs. CLINTON LEGION JUVENILES -Clinton Lions Arena 8.30 p.m. Council Gives (Continued From Page One) details were given: Five cases prosecuted with three convictions and two laid over, five summonses issued, 30 investigations carried Out, $95 in fines collected, two plac- es of business found insecure, 11 accidents investigated with six of them resulting in over $100 in damages, two autos and two bicycles stolen and all recovered. At the conclusion of the meeting, retiring councillor George Rumball noted he had enjoyed working with council, and Mayor Miller also express- ed co-operation to the council members for the past year. Councillor George Wonch made a brief statement in which he said he would wish to see a hard-working indust- rial committee with a budget and also noted he would like to see a planning committee formulated next year. "We should look into that at the first of the year," com- mented Mayor Miller in refer- ence to the planning commit- tee. COMING EVENTS s,$ Your RCA VICTOR Store in Clinton Can Solve All' Your Christmas Gift Problems 169.95 NOW ONLY ril4lacrtVVPclwVVIPPEAPC.11.04000.PrIfIcIPIONV011ltgrw.optigicrsirs This Christmos .Give SHARES. In 'Clinton Community Credit . Union Ltd, 4,4 a*tra2,MD*M1:1201-24-2q1D*Maill2017t042110117411NVilepaail Wit2M20Mati, Assets $1,225,792.35 Credit Unions Have Assets of Over $9,000,000,000.00 GALBRAITH'S RCA VICTOR - NEW 1964 16" PORTABLE TV Lists at 209.95 179.95 ' NOW ONLY NEW TRANSISTORIZED RCA VICTOR - STEREO RECORD PLAYER NEW 23" RCA 1964 TV With Sliding Doors Best of RCA's TV's was 499.95 NOW ONLY With Trade witetwit'etztometoctomaztoctommtowg-twalvetara*- !See Santa Claus in Clinton-Saturdayi at 1:30 p.m.-Treats for Every Child g PARADE' - FLOATS - - BANDS 04-DaiAM.-aa**1104-bi-DIMMI-21/N-Wa4D2-MaIZIDI-ZIWIDI-DIN-,V*1 TRANSISTOR RADIOS 6 Only Priced from 13.95 Only Priced from 19.95 11 Only TRANSISTOR AM & FM Priced at ONLY 59.95 349. MW ti II MASTUri VOICE CHRIST S DRIVING? GO IN A SAFE CAR! You owe it to your family to drive a safe car. e, I wjl r ; u V r ) I Jr I r.41 , )1, I A"' I jr, ; ft, I ;4' • • Y. AIMMar-&."611.16 lairs vfi at i tocteoctmortevoctetwoctetetveloommovetwoctoretevactervelz CHRISTMAS TREES-in Silver, White . and Gold '0 $3.50 - $6:95 - $8.95 Midget Light Sets For Tree, Window, Etc. $4.95 & $5.20 set Bulbs for Midget Indoor and Outdoor 6c and up CHRISTMAS CRACKERS ivetctoctoctelvoctomfocteivccromocpmetepoovetetc-K-14-watetwo McEwan's occietelckgmc-bEtMelocitzlete-womeleteletalcmAtOztialgtettegicietextc BOXED STATIONERY Plain or Decorated In Gift Boxes 59c to 430 tgtvemmtc tetzigoogtelveketveletaztMatvelciocivortocetcictoc g VASES --- Italian pottery or colored glass 1.50 to 10.00 LEAD CRYSTAL in Cream and.Sugar Bowls, Decanters, etc. 3.25 to 10.50 ALUMINUM - Trays, Lazy Susans, Chip & Dip, etc. 1.75 to 10.95 tatccggvcwtcte-tebg-wvvzg-pc-tgtctcw-twete woctomptteteteletetetemtetc TELEPHONE INDEX 3.25 to 15.00 DESK PEN and SETS 4.95 to 20.00 A MI imommetogvetetetwoovvetetemtwommetevemetetztatetetc ICE BUCKETS - in Metal, Plastic, Leather, Aluminum ........ „.4.50 to 14.50 BAROMETERS - in Mahogany, Wal- J nut or Blonde 7.25 to 19.25 HYGROMETER and THERMOMETER COMBINATION 3.75 A tgictctmactgivgtctgtcKtgWgiCtaiagICVOCtetet4tetOitzietCPIRArg(4 PORTABLE In handy carrying case 21.95 SHAVING KIT In leather case Indoor String of 25 lights $6.98 Outdoor String of 15 lights $5.79 Roctoctouvoctroctctoctoctommommetetwometommetelit DOOR DECORATIONS with bells, cones, wreaths 59c to 8.95 GLASTICKS - self adhering glass appliques for window, mirror 79c & 1.49 CHRISTMAS PARTY FAVORS by Hallmark .8 for 1.95 loctrimp.etectma-tvetommtmovecztoctamciztoctovmcvatmc BELLS in paper or metallic 49c•to 1.49 STARS - FANS, etc. in multicolor metallic . .69c & 98c tortagtvemcwvacteacovelegwvgtewelmetetvelommemoctorte TINSEL & HOLIDAY GARLAND 29c to69c See Santa Claus in Cinton-Saturday at 1:30 p.m.-Treats for Every Child PARADE FLOATS BANDS McEwan's your Gift Store STAR DUST flameproof cotton bat „69c 5,25 and 7.00 totemoctogtomottcceettivottosectottookictoctottoclotoe CHRISTMAS CANDLES, TAPERS - 0 LEATHER WALLET for men or wo- Trees, rope, hurricane styles 4 men 3.00 to 10.00 25c pr. to 230 ea. 0 itottt,,..tot*tttottottiot,t,ttotwewvot.t.,,,,,,„„0,60, lc PICTURE PLAQUES -- Blue and sjold arrangement in antique frame 6.95 & 8.95 pair BALLET DANCER PICTURES in white and, gold frame ................ t**********10comettotiootwoloot*****tocitittettoottit*************twoot*titt***mo n Phone 482-9766 1A400404P40441 INDOOR OUTDOOR juveniles Win Two :from Tackle ,1„,,istcowel ors, He:re. Satuji-day Broins ..Maintain Lead In Kin :Loop,: Pee Wee All-Stars Prep For Outing: Clinton's ,defending champion itWeni104.- .started out on the right foot in 'the defense' of their .crown 'with a pair of wins this week, but they will probably have_ a tougher time in a couple of exhibition tilts they baVe lined PP, . The Ugini) crew, ,under the guidance Of Doug Andrews, -pp, aired their home season 'On• Thursday with a 1.0-0 win over Mitchell. Borden _McRae paced the at- ,tack with four goals, three of them coming in the final stanza When the lOcals potted six tal, lies. Laurie Colquhoun triggered three marker, while Doug Macaulay, Murray Morrison and FOndY Glew. each added singles. Bob Glazier and Robbie Far- quhar shared the net minding ditties in the win. On Tuesday, Clinton travel- led back to Mitchell for their first away game and returned home with a decisive 14-1 tri- umph. The first line trip of .John. Cooper, Borden McRae and Laurie Colquhoun led the at- tack with 11 of the tallies. Cooper, who missed the first game, potted five goals, while McRae was right behind with four and Colquhoun added a pair. Single tallies came off the sticks of Bob Batkin, Randy Glew and Dean Reid, Robbie Farquhar was in the nets and had his shut-out bid spoiled when John Partridge dented the twine in the middle frame. Tackle Juniors In a special exhibition slated for the arena this Saturday, the locals host the Listowel' juniors at 8:15 p.m. Proceeds from the match and a special draw will go towards the annual Minor Hockey Day when teams from Dearborn, Michigan, will visit here. The Listowel crew play in fast junior "C" company, and the Legion six will have their hands full in the tilt. Last night '(Wednesday) the juveniles tackled the RCAF Clinton Thunderbolts. The lineups against Mitchell were as follows: Bob Glazier, Robbie Farqu- har, Don Yeo, Doug Macaulay, John Cooper, Laurie Colqu- houn, Borden McRae, Bob Bat- kin, Randy Glew, Murray Mor- rison, Otto Smale, Dean Reid, Mel Crich, Barry Glazier, Ken Osborne, David Pugh and Jim Livermore, RCAF Curlers Open Season With Bonspiel . Curling this year at RCAF Clinton began officially last; SattliV4Y with the opening draw of an inter-section bon- spiel. The Commending Officer, Group Captain Greenaway, st- arted the curling by throiving the first rock. A total of 16 teams were entered the competition wh- ich was completed pn Sunday afternoon. The eventual winners of the bonspiel were a team from the Construction Engineering Sec- tion skipped by Sergeant Mel Reid, with ,F/0 Dave William- son, F/O Jim Lawlor and Bill Grigg as team meinbers. A team entered by StL land came in a close second. The two winning teams were presented with small prizes by the Commanding Officer. (Continued from .page one) president, and was thanked by Alex McGregor. Pass Resolutions The Huron County Federa- tion also passed a resolution asking the government to in- crease the present $3.00 sub- sidy on Grade A hogs "to stim- ulate a constant supply of pre- mium carcasses". The resolutions committee, headed by Mervyn Lobb, a past president, said in its brief that such a move would pro- vide incentive to increase pro- duction of quality product's. Other members of the reso- lution committee were Stan Hopper, RR 5, Brussels; Ted The front running .Brinns suf- fered their first defeat in the Clinton. Kinsmen pee wee leop Slis week, but still lead the pack with four wins in five Starts.. Canadians posted' two wins • in a busy week to move into sole possession of second with seven points, while the Leafs are in third with 'five. The Hawks have yet to win a game.. Cana.icliens started the week off with a convincing 7,2 win over the Hawks on Wednesday as Garry cummipg$ posted the. first ha ,trick of the ,season, Robert Delaney followed him tip with a pair of markers, 'While singles came off the sticks. of Tom '11/TO/Tann and Glen Irwin., 0n Saturday morning, Leafs slowed down the, Canadiens with a hard-fought 4-1 triumph with Mike Aristett pacing the attack with a pair of tallies. Dave McCarty and Grant Delaney potted one each, while Torn Murch Was the lone sniP- er for the losers: Muroh waS ip fine form on MondaY night as he scored both goals as the CanadienS Pulled a major upset with a 2-0 whitewash over the Bruins. The Kinsmen ell-Stars have been working out during the past weeks and will play their first ganle on Saturday when they host their old foes from Zurich. Game time is 10;00 a.m. Mait Edgar will again handle the coaching duties for the all- star club Which will play ag- ainst RCAF Clinton, Mitchell, Seaford), Goderich, Zurich and Exeter in WOAA play. Don Kay will manage the youngsters this year, and the schedule is as follows: December 14-RCAF at Clinton (10:Q0) 16-Clinton at Mitchell (6:00) 21-Clinton at Seaforth (7:00) 23-Clinton at RCAF (7:00) 28-Clinton at Goderich (7:00) Janoary 2-R.CAF at Clinton (7:00) 8-GoderiCh at Clinton (6:30) 10-Clinton at Zurich (7:00) 15-Seaforth at Clinton (6:30) 22-1V1Itchell at Clinton (6:30) 24-Clinton at Exeter (6:45) 30-Exeter at Clinton (6:30) The pee wee schedule at the Clinton arena next week is as follows: Sat., Dec. 14 - Bruins vs. Leafs at 9:00; Clinkin all-stars vs. Zurich at 10:00. Mon., Dec. 16 - Hawks vs, Bruins at 6:00. Wed., Dec. 18 - Leafs vs. Canadiens at 6:30. 0 Several Floats, Two Bands To Greet Santa Claus (Continued tram Dane one) highway four until it reaches the town hail,' where Santa will set up shop and open his big bag of goodies. Assisting Campbell on the committee are Alan Edwards, Art Collins and W. Martin. In charge of the 'various sec- tions responsible for floats were: Ross McEwan, Harold Swan, Clayton Groves, Eugene, McAdam and Bruce Bartliff. The parade starts at 1:30 p.m. Federation , Backs Plowing Match, Learn Of Win In Margarine Fight Dunn, Payfield; Lloyd Stewart, Clinton; Ken Baker, RR 2, Dashwood. Laid over was a resolution asking that a written examina- tion be given to all Ontario grade eight students, so all would enter grade nine on an equal basis. The written exams, which would be set by the depart- ment of education, would con- stitute 50 percent of the mark to enter high school, and the other 50 percent would be on the basis of a recommendation on the student's work. Alf Warner suggested the resolution should be discussed at the next county meeting and Art Bolton, Seafonth, • suggest- ed an area high school princi- pal and inspector be present to advise. He pointed out such a move may not be . beneficial under the new Roberts Plan of edu- cation. A resolution was also passed pledging the support of the Federation towards the 1966 International Plowing Match to be hold near Seaforth. This was unanimous. Elect Officers Following the banquet, which was catered to by the Londes- boro WI, the Federation stag- ed their election of officers, and Alex D. McGregor, RR 2, Kippen, was named president, succeeding Elmer Ireland, RR 5, Wingham, who held the post for two years., Charles Thomas, Brussels, stepped up to first vice-presi- dent and Elmer Hunter, RR 3, Goderich, was named second vice-president. ' Mrs. J. W. Elliott, Clinton, is secretaryAreasurer. 0 Several Win Cash Awards In Kin Draw SiX men ended up with a share of the $500 top prize in the .draw sponsored in connec- tion with the Clinton Kinsmen annual Christmas stag, Friday. Percy Brown, Clinton, ended up with the largest share as he agreed' to split the $500 with Ken McIntosh before the final two tickets were drawn. The ticket held by McIntosh, also of Clinton, was a "com- munity" effort and was shared by five men from RCAF Clin- ton. Deputy clerk-treasurer of Huron County, Bill Hanly, Goderich, won the $100 draw and winners of $50 prizes were: Dick Heard, Baytield; Jim Dod- dick, Clinton; Art Collins, Clin- ton; Wady Kneichele, Kitchen- er, • The four winners of $25.00 prizes were: Jim Eby, Meaford; Jim Helesic, Goderich; Jerry Wilson, Clinton; Howie Greed- is, Clinton. A Kinsmen spokesman re- ported most of the 500 tickets were sold' and the Club enjoy- ed a "successful" night, 0 Assessment And Population Rise (Continued from page one) not clearing snow off the side- walks in front of their places, and suggested council should' set an example, Councillor •Don Symons re- marked that the matter had been drawn to the attention of the caretaker. Commenting on the subject, Mrs. Thompson said that in some communities it was man- datory to remove snow and if it was not done, a workman was employed to do the job and this expense was charged to the prOperty owner. This is a similtW situation as Clinton's weed control bY- law. In other business, council: Approved payment of $12,- 619.42 to Levis Contracting Co. Ltd. for a half mile of pave- ment laid on Clinton streets this year and a paynient of $1,390.00 to B. 1V1. Ross, Gide- rich engineer, as final payment for hit work oni the paving pro- ject Set ThUrSclay, December 26 as Boxing Day, Tuesday; Dec. 17 - BINGO, in Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $55 in 55 numbers. 15 regular games; 3 share-the-wealth gam- es; 1 $25 special game. Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. ltfb Saturday, bee. 14 - Blyth Lions Club final bingo. 12 reg- ular games at $5.00; 2 share- the-wealth; $25 bingo that must go; $60 bingo that must go. In the Blyth Memorial. Hall at 8:30 pm. 50b Arrange now for a Safety Check. Have the motor tuned, and necessary repairs complet- ed well in advance. Last year we could not handle the last minute work. This could have been done earlier. Why not dial 9321 now. Ask for "Butch", and an appointment will be made to suit you.' Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile & Envoy Dealer. Ontario Street CLINTON - Phone 482-9321