HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-12-12, Page 11Phone 482-9043 4 Huron Street "Where A Good Smoke Begins" Npi.D2AuliDaiimziDiAlkwaiitDai2M00242012matapikUm20121)1100110r ete-imcbaterocieteroMMICKiccitneitKivetizetmetteetcletiicbizictgttleti NOW AT J. We Counter's Builders' Supply Corner Albert and Princess Streets PHONE 482-9612 es %HYMN LARGE, We (2a-maiZaiZga--aaaMwwei-A04.242iA- NApai-21MVIADIMMAN- . gaiell11111 STEREO Or *totem nouvlamiiit Cittstiot itaiald watatRott 129 99V17.18 YOUR FAVORITE CHRISTMAS CAROLS msa Sevens, Orion Sdinven and the Columbus Boychoir sing 11 of the best roved carols. You'd expect to ply $4,08 or More far this distort 12" LP. ‘4144,110111,~MOIMPIN.111111010......111111111111111.0•041,101.0”0.*4.1 Available Only At StRUTON't-while they last Scruton's irestone WAIL IititVta .d0411tt 116 MAW MOT -dLINt014,-,-. PHONE 4814601 . the Former Hanover' tititSPOrt Mr, and Mrs, Rculaid Rath" well, Michael, and Janice, E4ant- ford, spent the weekend with her Parents, _Mr, And Mrs, Gorr don R, Taylor, William Anderson returned last weekend to his position in London after spending ,his VAC- utiPn at his home here. Members of the Auburn AYPA and Knox Presbyterian YPS along With other AYPAs in the Deanery of ,Huron ed. Huron College last Satyr- day and also St. Paul's cath- edral in London, Several from this com- munity attended the funeral services at Goderich for the late Mrs. John McKnight who had resided in this village for many years before going to Gederich. Mr, and Mrs. Durnin Phillips, Lurgon Beach, visited with her cousin, Mrs, Charles Straugh an and 'his relatives in the vii- lage last Thursday, Last week- end they left with Dr, and Mrs. Parker, Wingham, to spend the winter months 'in Florida, Marks Birthday A birthday' dinner was held at Tiger Dunlop Inn for Mrs, Caroline Broclhagen when she celebrated her 79th birthday. Her family were all present for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs, Rueben Brod- hagen, Shirley and Elvey, Brun- ner; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin. Vail and Wanda, Kitchener; Mr, and Mrs. Milton Brodhagen, Brun- new; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ford, Harrington; Mrs. Mary Brod- hagen, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk, Brodhagen, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daer, Au- burn. ' Following the dinner they all went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daer, RR 1, Au- burn, where Mrs, Brodhagen has been making her home with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Daer, Andrea and Larry of Goderich were also, visitors at the Daer home, limarmorr Leather Goods For Christmas at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. GET A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE • INSTALLATION . JOHN BEANE, Jr. 'Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIECD, ONT. ), „±e ) h'.h. ezovetivzimemizismialetatockat BLANKETS GLEN LAINE Satin Bound-100% Wool - $12.50 Glen Line RAINBOW 90% Wool„ 10% Viscose - $11.50 ,Glen Line COTTAGE Twin Bed Size $10.00 Double Bed Size $10.50 Glen Line CRIB $5.00 and $6.00 For LedieS,--- LEATHEtt GLOVES for the fashiodWisc , $1+ to $5. 4#10111101 SiOrl.:1(://12 IN TUClitif BEVERAGES - Exeter a pitisitevom Sparling's Suggestions for Christmas Gifts 40-Cup WEST BEND COFFEE MAKER Regular to 28.95 Now Only - 22.79' CORNING WARE TEA POTS 3-Cup Reg. 5,95-for 4.29 Reg, 7.95-for ..., 6.29 ALL CHROME BINNISTER SET Reg. 13,95 „„„.„ .... . . . 10.59 PYREX CINDERELLA BAKE & SERVE SET Reg. 5.95 BISSELL Reliable CARPET SWEEPER Reg. 12.95 .... .. 8.19 SPARLINGS Hardware Phone 482-$821 - Between Irwin's and Martins „, • ,tx •• y • • • •r, • • 'LA • • • , ••• •-• • • • .J.. w ; ) w ) ; p ) „ „ „ lcv TS. K. TTT TT, twor 1i:es elp'ielp; ) I T. TS. TTM1 OPEN DAILY-9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Except Saturday we close at 6:00 p.m. Look Who's Playing Santa Claus !! That's Right, Fred Merlo from WHOLESALE FURNITURE and APPLIANCES„ Has Caught The Same Spirit As That Jolly Fellow From The North . . . And Is Virtually 61 G AW FURNITURE and APPLIANCES . at . . UNBELIEV LE P \ 41195LEIPISMOSIIKEME:=19 FILL YOUR CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS WITH SOME OF THESE BARGAIN ITEMS PEG• SANTA'S PRICE $227.00 937 - $199.00 '154.77 - $139.00 s 97.73 $449.00 $319.13 - $219.00 $182.12 1964 GE Transformer PORTABLE .19" TV With Stand 1964 GE AUTOMATIC DRYER 1964 GE CONVENTIONAL WASHER 1•11.1 PPM 1964 GE AUTOMATIC WASHER & DRYER - 1964 GE 10 Cubic Foot REFRIGERATOR - SAVE ON FURNITURE NEEDS I REG, SANTA'S PRICE PRICE 5-PieCe.Bronxetone Dinette Suite . ...$ 67.95 $49.77 7-Piece Brometone Dinette Suite $ 97.95 $77.77 9-Piece Brometone Dinette Suite ... , $129.00 $96.77 Beautiful Table Lamps $ 10,95 $ 6.87 Pole Lamps . . ..... ...........................•..• $ 16,95 $11.77 Comfortable Hostess Chairs $ 15.95 $ 8.87 BEVERLEY QUILTED BOX-SPRING or MATTRESS $ 49.96, „.$32.77 NYLON COVERED CHESTERFIELD And CHAIR $119.00 $137.77 Top Qualify By • • TOASTERS • STEAM & DRY IRONS 'S KETTLES • FRY PANS • VACUUM CLEANERS • FLOOR POLISHERS Amatimiu•••••••••sinomm. • FREE DELIVERY (Even Christmas Eve) • EASY CREDIT (Nb Down payment) SMALL APPLIANCE BARGAINS COME SEE COME SHOP - COME 'SAVE' holesale Furniture & Appliances ALBERT STREET (Across From News Record) CLINTON r'r.' ''01404104010410414104414 PONno N).gAt 1*. :PP-4404Y. jn, Thu rs,e Dec, 14,1904,clinton..11e.)ot4ePp.44,,Po9e. 11. G1F S FOR MEN Att CORD'S BILLIARDS PIPES---All Makes From $1,00 up Gift Box Sets from $3,95 up 1,,iGHTERs from $1:00 up CIGARS and CIGARETTES - Boxed far Christmas HUMIDORS and ASH TRAYS WESTCLOX MAGNETIC AUTO WATCHES TIMEX WATCHES BILLFOLDS -- PURSES CIGARETTE CASES DARTS -- DART BOARDS and Accessories CHOCOLATES -- IMPORTED TOBACCOS Buy Your Christmas Smokes and Accessories from Your Favorite Smoke Shop . GORD'S BILLIARDS A THIS WEEK ONLY! long-tite Firestone Mutter with double-wrapped shelliheavy-gouge parti- tions heads and tubes. All internal tubes are ' welded at both ends for extra sstrength and seams are locked to prevent leak. , Mrs, glaie.Vidsley of Goder, it'll •visited on Sunday with Mr. • and Mrs. Ben, Hamilton, Mrs, Amelia Strangban, .God.- Brie*, was a Sunday gpest with Mr. and Mrs. Straugh- an, Mr, and.Mrs . Walter wie- malm .Seaferth„ spew, the weekend. with their family., in the village, Miss Gail Miller was th e holder of the lueky ticket and received a four-pound box of chocolates at a draw at Seers' restaurant last weekend. The annual Vesper Candle, lighting service of 'the Atibinn ec4rr 'grow, will be held on Sunday afternoon, December 15 at 2:30 p.m. Everyone is in- vited to attend this service, Mr. and Mrs„ William coats, Flint, Mich, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Maitland Allen and Mr. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd HUM, phreys visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Bowman and family at Brussels. Christmas day is approach- ing fest, Santa arrived on the Manchester garden and is il- luminated and also three brightly colored strings of lights placed by the Horticul- tural Society brighten up Gode- rich Street at night. Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys was the winner of the blanket at the draw .at Johnston's hard- ware store last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Match- ford and Miss Lynn, Sudbury, were recent visitors with his mother, Mrs. Herbert Gooier. Auburn United Have full House At Yule Concert AUBURN - Knox United Church Sunday school room was filled 'to capacity for their annual Christmas concert, with Walter Cunningham as master of ceremonies and Chairman for the program. Rev. Charles Lewis opened the concert with a prayer, and Christmas carols were sung with Miss Bernice McDougall as pianist, The nursery class with their teacher, Mrs. Leonard Archam- bault sang a welcome song and the class of four to six year olds with their teachers, Misses Bernice McDougall and Marsha Koopmans sang three selec- tions.' The girls' class with their tearher, Mrs. Jack Arm- strong, did a selection, "Acou- stic 'Christmas". The boys' class with William L. Craig as 'teacher had Keith Lapp play a piano solo and, Douglas Durnin sang a solo. Mrs. Bert Craig's class of girls 'sang the chorus, "Silver Bells". and Mrs. Thomas Cunningham's class of boys had Steven Hag- gift and Brian Craig sing a duet. Miss Joan Mills' class of girls had Betty Moss sing a solo accompanied by J e nni f er Grange and Percy Young class had Robert Wilkin play 'a piano solo, Santa arrived and distributed, gifts and candy to all the children. p4) r1. r ) ) ,e" p4) .1ie TISI 14, BAINTON LTD. - MTH, Factory Outlet Invites You To Do All Your Christmas Shopping For Many Items At Wholesale Prices IMMACIOVVOCtetglatMatigtagtei ke svFor a Very Special Gift! GLEN LAINE SHEEPSKIN 10 Lively Colors To Choose From $13.00 iDazaizoom.vollootp**01404 • GLOVES For Men- Beautifully styled and tailor- ed-DRESS GLOVES- Pigskin, GoaSkin and Capeskin-$1.50 to 040 Leather WORK GLOVES 750 to 0.50 pair For Children- LEATHER MITTS - Deer- skin tanned to always dry Soft ,,„, ....... „„ $1450 ELASTIC .CUT=E LEATHER MITTS 750 HEAVY WORK Ock8 '00% Wool, 10% Nylon Aein-foreed, I tg. $1,24-456 gait, ' HAMOis-Various sizes 750 to 0.0 BAINTON LTD. w LYTH WOOL PULLERS Open irony s 4,ino ta 6 p.hl, Alt 00 Wed. and sat.... 5.b l'41400 Auburn and District, MRS, .WES, 8RAPP4OCK,Correspimdent,Phona 526-7595 AASS LOW INSTALLED 54-62 CANADIAN CHEV.-PONTIAC GUARANTEED through ice, mud or snow t OR WE PAY THE TOW! Tirestorst 76trohe WINTER T Mr, and Mrs.' Ed. Davies land Mr, and Mrs, .)lanies 1.-PacI9r, Little Marie P.14nhatt had misfortune to ilaVe her wrist fr4Otgred while playing alt -4'01091 last week, • Student teachers from this district did practise 'teaching at distriet sehocds4: Miss Bernice McDougall at Belgrave school, Miss Marsha Kooprnans ..at ap Ashfield TownshiP school 'and 4dgar .44potheriend at Plerlocis school iii Hallett') Townrrip,.