HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-12-12, Page 9HOTEL CLINTON. Featuring "Cloud 9" Room SMORGASBORD Every Wednesday & Sunday FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECML IN OUR DINING ROOM Chicken in a Basket" Friday—Served. horn 9:30 patio, fa 12:30 a.m. tatawday,-,-Seioeci froM 0:36 p.th. to Midnight Phone 4824011 for Reservations ate to Oinhei4 fiartleii and Wedding keeentions $50.00 costs only 23c till pay day. (ONE WEEK) Atlantic inance p ,p)e)p-11,--)e p'/ ',1••• '‘•S' See The Beautiful Floats Constructed by Groups of Clinton Stores. S HOP in Clinton's Modern Well-Stocked Stores. BANDS! BANDS! teM/414tt-tak ItACIOC14§VCIele tCP.00IC t•Mt0M-KteAtelekt tC-IVOCK-t414-WOMPOIM Treats For Every Child by Courtesy of Clinton's Service Clubs •Mart1-20)00t2424b**DiA21312MIDIStrasAvailOwDarttarMatkVittraiDr74-74-112420t2MMIZIO1 Students Prefer More Examinations. To Make Better PrograM Of Study New Teacher Was Former Editor Sports Official (By Jayne Yes, 12.A2) At present a physical educa- tion, health. and math teacher at CHSS, Mrs. Harper received her education at Toronto wh- ere she grew up. She was enrolled at Victoria College, of the University of Toronto, where she followed a general arts and physical edu- cation program for four years whereafter she attended OCE for one year, Active 'in intercollegiate work Mrs. Harper was on the Var- sity senior intermural basket- ball team for two years and was also the editor of the university paper, "The Var- sity". Mrs, Harper has taught a variety 'of subjects in 'high schools at Port Colborne, Pembroke and Toronto. For the eleven years follow- ing her teaching at Toronto, she was a full-time housewife. This, 'however, did not prevent her from reforeeing countless basketball games and teaching Red Cross and Royal Life Sav- ing Society swimming, Her other activities include or have included being first treasurer, and then president, of the Huron County Cancer Society Unit and being on the executive of the Maple Leaf Chapter IODE in Goderich. Mrs. Hamper with her four children — two girls and two boys — and her husband live in Goderich. Her husband is a chartered accountant. 0 Cecil H. Cooper Worked For Firm for Sixty Years A life-long resident of Clin- ton, Cecil H. Cooper, passed away Thursday morning fol- lowing a heart attack, He was in 'his 79th year. Son o fthe late Joab Cooper and Mary Ann Higgins, Mr. Cooper was a piano veneer man at Sherlock - Manning Piano Ltd. for 60 years: He is survived 'by his wife, the former Allie Allison; five sons, Clifford, Edwin and Don- ald, all of Clinton; Harvey, Lenclon; Clayton, Toronto; five daughters, Mrs. Percy (Elsie) Elliott, Port Colborne; Mrs. Jack (Helen) Fraser, Hayfield; Mrs, Emmerson (Mildred) Ed- wards, Clinton; Mrs. Edward (Mary) Hudson, Windsor; Mrs. Harry (Frances) HanSford, Toronto; sister, Mrs. Daniel Nash, Stratford. Mr. Cooper was a member (By Rita MeMleliael, 1281) It was 'announced earlier this fall . there would, be only two sets of formal examinations for grades .9 to 12 this year instead of three sets as in previous years, When I asked for opinions on this system, I got 'the fol- lowing answers Agnes Dolmage, 9)31 don't like the idea because you Nave 'to write .all 'the exams.' The other way you might be able to get put of writing some at June, This way you have to pass most of them both times or you fail the year, Arthur McMichael, 9134 — am not in favour of the idea because you will have 'to study a lot more when exams do finally come. Clara Salverda, 10133 — I don't like the. idea of two sets of exams because now you have to write all 'the exams while you could get out of writing some when the finals come, Evelyn Johnston, I2S1 —The examinations will 'be consider- ably hard for us this year, since we. are in the Special New Parliament Stimulates More Competition?? (By Murray Blacker- 1.1A2) This year CHSS is trying a new form of student adminis- tration called "Student Parlia- ment". This has been tried in other areas of Canada and England having success and growing popularity. The student body is divided into four houses: Gold, Orange, Green and Purple. Each house has an executive to plan ac- tivities. EaCh class has the students divided evenly among the four houses with a boy and girl representing each house in each class. Mr. Bob Welsh 'is advisor to the group. This parliament's purpose 'is to stimulate comp- etition among 'the houses 'in academic, athletic and extra -curricular activities. There are points given to winning houses and' achieve- ment bars in specific fields are giVen. This is in its experi- mental state and the future will determine its success at CHSS, Here are varions stud- ents' opinions on this: Mary Ellen Andrews, 11A1— I think It is a very good 'idea because with a school of our size, it presents much less con- fusion. Barb Pegg, 11A2 — I think it is as better system of stud- ent representation for :CHSS. than the student council. The school is now 'too large to have a good council with representa- tion from every class. Danny McCooeye, 11A4 — I think it 'is a very good idea because it gives 'the students a chance to come together in good" competition and to help better the school, Jim. Francis, 1113 — I • don't like the idea where there is no class representative. , of Wesley-Willis. United Chur- ch, and the service was con- ducted on Saturday from the Beattie funeral home by the minister of the church, Rev. C. G. Park, Interment was in Clinton cemetery. Pallbearers included ThomaS Elliott, Keith Cooper, William Cooper, Jack Fraser, Howard Edwards and Gary Cooper, John and Bruce Cooper and Larry Hudson were flower- bearers. Commercial Department. I feel that three sets of exams would have lessened this burden. At June it will be pretty rough to study all the year's work, half of which we have never had exams on before. Three sets do not lessen the hard work, but they do make a bet- ter program of study. Sue Bartriff, 11132 — I think that 'this system of examina- tions 'is quite poor. The res- ults in June, I think, will be enough to show that CHSS should go back to her old way of examinations. Carol Steep, 11132 — I think this. is the worst system that our school has ever adopted. I am sure that when 'the res- ults come out in June they will 'realize that it has been a mistake. All 'the people I asked dis- approved of the new system. However, these are only a few of the students at CHSS. Many probably have good points for the ne* system also. An431inrY The ladies of the WA held. their monthly _rnaotiog Decem- ber 2 in the Ritchie Puzldipg in - the Midst. of a ChriSttn..4e,. cabaret style theme. All the 'tables were tastefolly decorat, ed with ,obri$titnas plPths, Canr, dies and decorations, Mrs, Marg, Bush, president, Welcomed. 14 new ladles. During the ,business portion of the meeting tihe ladies were informed that their Korean foster boy Would no longer 'be for 'their s.UPPort as he had started 'to work, They decided 'to support the W youngster suggested 'to them, The members were also re- minded of the elections at the January meeting, The presi- dent asked that the ladies al/ give this 'their most serious consideration and that Mrs. Gaffney and Mrs. Lesiger of the . nominating committee, would be contacting them all Soon, After the business meeting the Chritmas social was enjoy- ed by everyone. Mrs. Cavanaugh played the role of Santa and assisted Mrs. Gaffney, the entertainment convener, with game of for- feits, dfter which each lady 'received a small 'gift. A most attractive and clelic, ious lunch was served, Christmas Dance The Recreation Centre, br- dens, was the locale fOr a dance Saturday evening, De- Pernher 7, SPonsored by the CYO With 'the help of the IPA, The music was supplied by the "Pine Tones" orchestra. Entertainment chairman was Mike Beaudin. Dkulng the eYerring, Father R. Eussey gave a short address and Samba. Claus 'also made his appearance to the delight of the Young 'adults. Mayor Gordon Duguid was on 'hand to Present some swim., ruling 'awards to a few athletes, Refreshments were served at 11 p.m, Among the parents present were Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. R, Peter- sen and Mr. and Mrs. Des Paquet. The executive 'of the CYO wish 'to 'thank all who helped make this party a suc- cess, particularly F/S and Mrs. McKenzie. The CYO enjoyed a skating party at the Arena Sunday ev- ening; 110 outing 'terminates the - first halt .4: the .meetings, These will 'reSnline. _after New 'ears, PerN9nn4, Arnotkg Ronnie 1\11001 is patient in the Wing:. of'Vidalia 13nRital, London,, .Cmg.r4tOaticom to. Cpl, and. Marcitn$ en the lArith of a ,boy;. Pierre-Andre, on November 30, The same good Wishes go to and Mrs: P. g. L. Paquette on 'the arrival of a. son, on. December at Clinton Public Hospital, .ThursI IX .190,0001.-,News,R00.04,40.90 Is Offering FREE DRAWS To Every Customer Purchasing Gifts and. Auto Accessories in his 2 Store — from now until Christmas Eve. woomAteetemomottalawmocwAtatetommuccw FREE NYLONS to ALL Lady A Customers Until Christmas. tvetvozimocloceovortvatetrovemeroctem-tevercteto 4th Prize TRAVEL BAR 5th Prize — SET -SILVERWARE tcmortetextetetwatmatm-sgteimtwoctwoctovetga To be drawn for at 5:00 p:m. on Christmas Eve fi T PARAD STORE HOURS DURING DECEMBER OPEN NIGHTS-9.30 From Monday, Dec. 16 to Monday, Dec. 23 Open Wed. Afternoon, Dec. 18 Food Stores Open to 9130 p.m, on Fri., Sat. & Mon., Dec. 2041-23 Only 44-1004144, A astra Par Social Notes , News &liter: Anne Aileron -,-- Phone HU '2-7349 A. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD Where Exchanges May Be Courteously Made. SHOP AT HOME 1 . . . IN CLINTON PLAN PARTY AT IOOF ITALL A Christmas party will be held in the ROOF Hall, Princess Street, Thursday, December 12 at 8:30 p.m. for Ocldfellows and 'their wives, and Rebeka'hs and 'their husbands. Euchre will be played. An exchange of gifts not to exceed 50 cents, Please ight wit h Christmas decora- bring lunch, TRY ATLANTIC'S "THRIFTY FIFTY" CORPORATION MIKE ELAND 7 RATTENEURY ST. Branch Manager CLINTON, ONT. Phone 482-3486 bur l I .0, I y." p r i ote r ,t;A FARMERS We are snipping cattle every NIQIIdgy for United Cooperative 9otarl9 and solialt POOP POtronale. We ill Plea pick them up at your farm. Ise RHONE CPU-rECT not later t4at 4Atorday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative S, Hunt, Shipper Phone 69 W 1st Prize CCM BICYCLE 2nd Prize LADY'S NYLON TRAVEL BAG 3rd Prize —SET OF MEN'S LUGGAGE Clayt Dixon's Auto Supply Santa Claus Arriving 1 Clinton On Saturday, December 14 at 1.3 is p.m. During Clinton Retail Merchants' Rattenbury Street Near Clinton Library A Goad Place to do ALL Your Gift Buying ----- Phone 482-7034 J ' • _I-11 'I-1 •