HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-12-12, Page 8page, lilqws-44".Pr4..,,,Th.urs., Dec. 12{ 1943; ti Quite a tuunber from Say,.. the funeral of their ,grantlfa- field attended. the Orange fun,.• lbor, Cecil H, Cooper who pass-,! aril service at. Ball and Mutch • ed. away December Amex* home, Sunday ,evexqng't, for the late Lloyd IceYa, Varna. Mrs, R.,' .Q.airdner re, turned Tuesday night from Chicago where '•she visited her sisters and families in Evan? ston end River Forest,Ill ors, Mr, arid Mrs, Bill p4r1ser, Jr., Charlie and Kim were at the home pf Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser, having .come to attend wmpriai Hospap.i. Aridatifroa 14!; GODERICH ONT. DANCING Every Saturday Night For The Young Crowd This Week --- "The Crescendos" NO SLACKS OR BLUE JEANS NEW YEAR'S EVE TICKETS now on Sale For Reservations - Phone 524-9371 or 524 9264 49-50-1h inomempra.iimmismomumernimanin . CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine Spruce - White Pine EXCELLENT SELECTION and REASONABLE PRICES at ELLIOTT'S Same Location - Behind Clinton Lions Arena - Free Delivery 50-lb Mr. and Mrs, George Fel- lows and daughter, Pam, 134v,' erside, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs Fred. Fraser, Bay- • field.. Mrs. Spencer Ervine left ,011.• Sunday to visit her father, Mr, Garfield Rourke, Southampton, who is a Patient in the Saugepo temettevo Christmas Speci ALL FISHING . TACKLE IN STOCK RODS -- REELS LINES -- LURES TACKLE BOXES -- Etc. 420N/iv Sovch ate ,ably al KING ST. CLINTON - 482-9622 AMOUNT . OF 36 30 20 12 LOAN- months months months months $100 $ $ 550 23.7 750 31.653 1000 41.45 1600 60.88 68.81 2200 83.71 94.62 2500 95.12 107.52 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN $362,86.12 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 147,05 $ 9.46 51.24 69.21 91.56 146.52 201.46 228.93 HOUSEHOLD FINANC G. N. Crawford, Manager 35A Wed Street Telephone 524-7383 GODERICH LAMPS TRI-LIGHTS 0 TABLE 0 LAMP SETS TABLES 0 COFFEE 0 END 0 STEP 0 STACKING 0 CARD TABLE SETS BALL & HUTCH 'FURNITURE DEPARTMENT %00-4104100A-2000 -:cs • . . e C ."„ 1 Pi ' ...7.11 1 1 FOR THE TOPS IN COMPO RT. . See Our Wide :Selection of OCCASIONAL CHAIRS /11,, iirOora Crisp p4I p.441 ,k1, 1 Oil f'.41 ,te 1 p p p 1 p.41 t.:141 p p p 1 ye 1p1p1p1p1p) N'r •^, ,ie• )0, I le I 1 je /e )04- Se:41 GROVES & SON presents an adventure in SIGHT and SOUND by Admiral MODEL 164C1 ADMIRAL 23" CONSOLE TELEVISION Compact styling cabinet of walnut veneer. Alnico front mount- ed speaker. Top front tuning, tone control, push-pull on-off volume control and superfine tuning. Swing out chassis with compactron tube. 281/2 " high, 32" wide, .17" deep. Regularly $329.00 "The Clarity and Depth of the Picture Will Delight You" 1/11.016SOUISER:361TJW' 6146, aosmara Plus Trade 'that only 'through organizing . into such groups could .fann- ers "get somewhere", "The Federation has do n.o things ,.that have paid .off", be stated, Forbes was named as a candidate for second vice, president, but quickly declined., In a report for the Wheat Producers, Russ Bolton, Sea- forth, said .825 farmers in Hu- ron sold wheat this year, and also noted the big s a'1 es to Russia' and Greet Britain, wh- ich had done much to reduce. the bumper crop of the past year. In 1902, Mr, Bolton report- ed, .$592,00() worth of wheat had be-en :sold by HUron farin- ers, Other reports were given bY; Harvey Taylor, Brucefield, representing CIA and Bean producers; Ron $lade, Bruce County F of A fieldman; Nor- man Reid, Middlesex president; Emmerson Crocker, Molesport, director with Hog Marketing Board, who announced he, would retire due to health reasons; Lloyd Stewart, Clin- ton, 'Huron County Hog Pro- ducers Association; Alf Warn- or, Bay-field, director at large with Hog Marketing Board; Horace Delbridge, Usborne Township, Cream Producers president; Bob Broadfoot, Poul- try Producers; Bob McGregor, Kippen, Beef Improvement As- sodiation; Alex McGregor, of FAME. Miss Pat Dernude, Huron's home economist, addresSed the ladies during the meeting, The Rev, D. J. Lane, DD,, Clinton, spoke to the members' To The Electors In Bayfield: THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN ELECT- ING ME AS TRUSTEE FOR 1964. Compliments of the Season. FRED ARKELL Retiring Proxy Reviews .Bust.Termsf. Cites Important Work vt Federation Make Her Dream Come .True . . 'With A Beautiful CEDAR CHEST The Sure Way Tc Be A Perfect Santa Claus •••••••••, OASSOCKS All Shapes '& Sizes CLOTHES HAMPERS ASH TRAY STANDS DOLL CARRIA-GES BAYFIELD - The December meeting of unit one of Hay- field United Church Women was held at the home of the Misses Stirling with a good at- tendance. While the members were assembling, lovely hymns were enjoyed on the record player. ' Mrs. Makins took the chair for the meeting and Mrs, J, MacKenzie acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs, Steckle. The worship period was in keeping with Christmas. Mrs. Makins stressing the question, "Ain I Ready far Christmas?" Are our minds free to think of the Prince of Peace and our hearts open to share His love? Christmas baskets were plan- ned for the shut-ins and the work of the past year was discussed. Mrs. Poth gave a splendid talk on the book, "The Word and the Way", The nominating committee presented the slate of officers for the new year: Devotional leader, Mrs. A. Dunn; assistants„ Mrs. L. Smith and Mrs. H. Hobner; work lea- ders, Mrs. J. Lindsay, Mrs. C. Bell; secretary, Mrs. John MacKenzie; assistant, Mrs. A. G. Pease; treasurer, Miss 3. Stirling; assistant, Mrs. Poth. 0 Mrs. Grace Rapson Funeral services were con- ducted at the Stiles funeral home, Goderich, for Mrs. Grace Rapson who passed away on November 23. She was the former Grace Wright, wife of the 'late Jo- seph Rapson, Hullett Town- ship. Mrs. Rapson passed away in the Goderich Alexandra Marine and General Hospital in her 94th year. She is survived by two sons, Orval, Hensall, and Ira, Gode- rich. Pallbearers were four grand- sons, Gordon Rapson, Murray Milton, Clare McBride and Wil- fred Parent; two great grand- sons, Bab McBride and John Parent. Interment was in Ball's cem- etery, Hullett Township. Elmer Ireland, Wingham, one of the most POtiVa presidents the Huron County Federation has ever had, reported in -his - final address in Londesbere,. Wednesday, that Huron has. been represented .at ever/ meeting "we were expected attend". The retiring president, .who has held the POS4tion ter the past two years, said he- had. attended 70- meetings this year himself, and had driven •"sev- eral thousand. He explained that Warren Zurbrigg, past president, and vice-presidents, Alex McGreg- or and Charles Thomas, had also represented Huron. ' The past year 1,,V0.6, termed "very successful" by Ireland, who said all 16 townships were well organized and that nine county meetings had been held. He also paid tribute to the commodity grOups associated with tbe F of A and reported 4,097,00 bad been paid to the Ontario F of A by Huron. Ireland gave reports of some of the highlights of the four OFA meetings he attended this year, noting in particular the discussion on assessment and taxation., and the plight of the dairy industry. He urged the Federation to offer their services to the com- mittee in charge of the 1966 International Plowing Match; suggested township directors receive pay for attending county meetings; recommended the appointment of two men to represent Huron at the OFA meetings in Toronto. "The Federation is t h e watchdog for the farmer," he stated, "and we are always on the alert to look after the farmer's interests in every way possible and also to be alert and ready to defend our organ- ization -against those forces that would like to tear down what the Federation is trying to support." Hear Reports Brief reports were given by several commodity group rep- resentatives and addresses were also heard from special visitors. Murray Gaunt,, Huron-Bruce 111PP, said the Federation of Agriculture has done a tremen- dous job for farm people and rural communities and said he hated to think what conditions would be like without the gr- oup. "With courage and imagina- tion there won't be any prob- lems go unsolved," he predict- ed. Huron Warden Walter For- bes also paid tribute to the efforts of the*F of A and noted Attendants At Anniversary Of Local Couple HAYFIELD-Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on November 23 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser, Jr. Included among friends, neighbors and relatives who at- tended the party were the best man and bridesmaid of 30 years ago, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Hudson (Mrs. Fraser's sister), Wind- sor. The couple received many lovely, gifts. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Jack Fraser, Jr. and Mrs. William Parker, Jr. The anniversary cake was hnautifully decorated by Mrs. Ken tra.ndon. 0 Lions Organize Special Events To Mark Yule HAYFIELD - Hayfield Lions Club held their regular meeting Tuesday at Cedar Grove and it marked the official visit of the Deputy District Governor, Pet- er Bissonette. He installed two new mem- bers. Plans were completed for the annual distribution of Christ- mas cheer to shut-ins and also for the district school party to be held on December 20. The annual Lions Feather Party will be held on Friday, December 13, in the Hayfield Town Hall. Scout Mothers Consider Pool For Clothing 13AYFIELP -The AuxillarY for Scouts and Cubs met at the home of Mrs, Robert MacVean last Tuesday evening and the president, Mrs. W. Pierson, op- ened the meeting with the. Scout Mothers' Promise. Mrs, Pierson welcomed a new member, Mrs. Peterson, and thariked the past president, Mrs. Arnold Makins, and the retiring officers for their sup- port. The sepretary's report Wasgiven by Barbara Mac- yeah and the treasurer's report by Audrey Helehambers. Discussion of the possibility of setting up a pool of used Scout and Cub uniforms for anyone who would be interest- ed in obtaining or exchanging articles, while belonging to the Bayfield groups, was held. Fees were collected and eight members present are paid to date. prior to the business session and called farmers the most important group of people in Canada "Agriculture is a great ill-, dustry and you are partners and co-operators with the Al- mighty," he stated. rs. P. Weston amid Head Of • . runty Group HAYFIELD The annual meeting of Trinity Church Guild was held Tuesday night at the home•of Mrs. Fred Ar- kell with 12 members present. After the business session the rector took. the chair for the election of officers, which car- ried with the same past year's slate of officers, namely: President, Mrs, Percy Wes- ton; first vice-president, Mrs', R. J. Larson; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs, Lloyd Sootchrner; secretary, Mrs. Alma Bassett; treasurer, Mrs, 144 Smith ; press , reporter, Mrs, Hasse* card secretary, Mrs. Fred Ar- kell; chairman of visiting Cam- mittee, Mrs. Harold King, Mrs. John Cluff, sister of the hostess, assisted during the so- cial hour that followed, and the house was decorated with Christmas decorations. 0 UCW To Pack Yule Treats For Shut-Ins Life insurance available at low group rate Need holiday money? Get an HFC • Shopper's Loan Shop now fOr the best buys on seasonal needs. Pay cash. Repay sensibly. Borrow confidently from the company baCked by 85 years' experience. Above pa ments include principal end Interest, and are based on tempt repayment, but do not Include the cost of life insurance. are gifts everyone can- enjoy ALL OBTAINABLE AT THE BALL & 'MICH FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Albert Street - Clinton - 482.9505 WHEREVER HEATING PROBLEMS DO mg, Vis IS A CHALLENGE "ANT RESISr4 aiimilasiinammosinwassinamilimismio ELECTORS OF BAYFIELD: MY SINCERE THANKS May I Extend To Everyone Best Wishes For Christmas and the Coming Year Respectfully Yours, I. W. PEASE Here Is New Excitement In TV Viewing! The Pictures Are More Alive, More And Vivid Than Ever Before! A New World of Viewing Pleasure Awaits You! • I FREE Record Player STAND • 50 FREE STEREO RECORDS • I SINGALONG MIKE -40-WAII OUTPUT" Only - $551.00 on TV and Appliances CLINTON P1161104024414 AM.,FM PM STEREO COMBINATION 6 SPEAKER - Type "A" GARARD CHANGER 10 Huron Street