HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-12-05, Page 8O DANCING FROM 10:00 'TIL 2:00 O HORNS, HATS, NOISEMAKERS GALORE TO WELCOME THE NEW YEAR. O COMPLETE ROAST CHICKEN DINNER • ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES ONE COMPLETE PRICE $10:00 Per Couple Pose Clinton:Newstecard-4-ThIlirs.f 5f 1943 Manager Andrews. Claims. Juveniles 'Almost On Par With Former Teams Clinton I-legion'S defending )VOAA champion juveeilee and OW-TA finalists, will start out in defence of their titles en Thursday (tonight) at the local arena against Mitchell.. The game also mark the eleventh year as the eitile's. manager and goech for Doeg AildreWS, The avid sportsman rates this year's club almost on a RESERVE NOW For T.hp Gala. NEW 'YEAR'S :EVE PARTY. A+ The ELM HAVEN BALLROOM Featuring . Barry Clute And His. Popular Dance 'Orchestra Playing Dance Standards Popularized By GLEN MILLER -- DUKE ELLINGTON -- COUNT , BASIE and LES ELGART LIMITED ACCOMMODATION RESERVE EARLY For Further Details Phone 482-3489 ENTERTAINMENT *Ewan's your Toy Store • Near Main Corner Phone 482.9/66 PLAYA-TUNE- 6.98 VIEW-MASTER PROJECTION 14.95 RANCH STYLE DOLL HOUSE 7,98 DOLL TRUNKS ............. • ......... 3.95 8 4.95 DOLL HIGH CHAIR 1.98 to 4.89 DOLLY BATHINETTE DOLL BED ,.„„..,,....„ . . ....... ............... 6.95 8, 7.95 NURSE and DR. SETS 1.98 to 4.98 THEATRE TOY PIANOS 2.10 to 12.15 TYPEWRITER with Standard Key Board , 20.95 • :Cuperio. if airy YER: Just set . and forget. All your clothes are autornagically dried fluffier, whiter, ' fresh as all outdoors... ,and wrinkle free. Nei more 'weather worries, no more lugging, stretch- ing, struggling with soggy, wet clothes baskets. Your new Superior Dryer will ,do the whole jobin a jiffy . . • at a 4 the 'cost Of other fuels. You save work! Save time! And save money too! Complete with propane installation and automatic delivery service. Low low down payment aixi.terrns to suit yogi' budget I YOUR BEST 'eeeeeeeerere!::r.".. • 4, SVMOr PROPANE LtD.. MAPLE, ONTARIO R. JORDAN, 150 Monteith .Street, 'Pl,08113 Oe look to the YelloW,, Pante for your "nearest Superior 'PNitjArtit bi•anCh FOR HEATING., , toeless,- NRYIN6 TOOi SUPERIOR Is AirromesicAuit ate. fdR :but 'Warden Forbes Noised For $ervice. ELM HAVEN h+PiTOR HOTEL CLINTON ONT. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY by "The Standard E I . Road Race Sets Le Mans in Miniature 32.95 Detroit Stock Car ..., 29.95 Deluxe Road Race ,.,. 22.50 Grand Prix 7.25 TRU-SCALE TRACTORS and FARM IMPLEMENTS • 2.15 to 8.25 Flying Models . . . Aeroplanes with Motor PT 19 Flight Trdiner 15.00 N. "` " P51 Bendix Trophy ,. 15.50 -..........,,,A0 tt •;;; Super Club 12.00 A I \ BASKET BALL and GOL SET ,, ,, ., ,„ 4,98 Crokinole Boards 2 GAMES BOARD 4.95 5 GAMES BOARD 5.95 TOY TRAP DRUM SET 10.98 SERVICE CENTRE SERVICE STATION 6.98 METAL TRUCKS 2.98 to 6.95 PICTURE GUN-MACHINE GUN with True-vu Pictures 4.98 MECCANO SETS 3.95 to 20.95 Doll Carriages , 6.98 to 19.95 DOLLS-Debbie, Baby, Kirnmie r Bride, etc. , 98c to 8.95 par with his :entry 'last year,' Attempting to fill the vacan- cy between the pipes are Glazier and POW .'.rarqultart' who. Andrews rotes fen even ar.. :and will :mho)* alter- Pate ',0onsielerably before .inak- ing a final, decielog.. Three defensemon returning are Ken Oebernet Pang. Mace attieW and Den 'Ym along with former midget Parry 'Plazier, who Andrews 'thinks will do .a creditable let). Playing All the first string will be three high-scoring mere, hers of last year's squad in the persons of Laurie colunhouri, John Cooper .and Borden Rae. On the second, line he bee. Randy 'Glow playing with an- other former midget, Bob. Bat- kin, and Murray Morrison of Varna, who is one of the fast- est men on the team, Still fighting for positions as alternates are Otto 'Single, Jim Livermore, David Pugh and Mel .Ceich, The second ()tieing for the Legion squad will be on Tues- day, when, they motor back to Mitchell and then on Wednee, day at the local arena they tackle the RCAF Clinton Thunderbolts, who are entered 'in the oHA Intermediate Big Nine loop, Graduates of the Clinton minor system on the RCAF squad are Ron Livermore, Murray 'Colquhoun, Paul. Drap, er and Ray Game , Another area youth holding down position is • John Varley, Kip- Pen, a former member of the Hensall-Zurich juniors: Game time for all games is 8:30 p,m, Clinton Lions midgets also. open their season in the near (Celltinnedefrealt T'age One) at TIehnesville is ,lacking auditorium, he noted, He re, fern ea'to the Opening of the new 16-roam ,central school in Howick ToWnehile The people in that township net .,only built a school to serve 411 the town- gel), .but they added 'a large ettditoriteln, and •bought their own buses to transport the st- udents. to school, he comment- ed, The new.school replaces '18 "little red school houses." New 4eeVe Speaks Grant I-1. Stirling, who was acclaimed 'the new reeve after serving en the council as coun- cillor and deputy-reeve for the past nine years, reported op the Huron County Road Com- mittee. The new bridge was built at Forrester's, h enated, Wan ap- proximate cost of $45,000, with the approaches ;costing $15,000. The construction of a new bridge at Verna had to be postponed lentil next year, as the county felt it necessary to rebuild a bridge in Turnberry Township, rather than speed $5,000 for temporary repairs. The estimated cost of replac- ing the Varna structure is $100,000, In Goderich Township, one major bridge was built, on the sixth concession, known as the Thomas. East bridge, at an ap- proximate cost of $15,000. A new snowplow has been bought future and get their initiation on Tuesday, December 10, when they host Zurich at the local arena. for the 'ttiellellinegretiele Pe the old plow was a Peer design,. Tit* year the ,council has hired: a. truck e C}r.P;Pe4tyWPl,ZVPg.e. NW. Jverett l\follwain„ 'the new dOtltY,rePYP, is .commencing his sixth 'year on council,Pie spoke ..also on what the •town, setin. council has done in the past year to dmProve the •con- dition at the Holmesville cern- iett"Yeedl ii,141Pa 4eel'ibtatte 'tvh7ttolnly-, ship, raving attended the ;town of Goderich nomination and rate'` payers' meeting Thursday night Mr. •s Mr, that citi, zeris there were aware that the mill have to do something with their sewage treatment plant, lie said he hoped this would end pollution along Lake Huron, ,especially at Bluewater 12eaclitah - engh A the township road superintendent, Roy Tyndall had an ,estimate in his budget to construct P. culvert on the sixth and seventh .concession, between Alvin and Allan Bet, ties' farms, Mr. leIcIlwain re- ported that the high cost of snowplowing had made the township shy on funds, He also termed the matter of snowplowing a controversial subject ,"Everyone wants to be Plowed out - and you can't blame them - the horse-and- buggy days are gone." The school bus routes take priority, he said.' Candidates 'Speak Jack Yeo told the ratepay- ers that while he enjoyed the work on council, he announced he would retire this year. R. Harry Oakes, who quali- fied again to serve as council- or, reported that; "It cost the township $3,300 for bulldozers for snow removal last winter -this used up our money." He stated that the,job done on the installation of wash rooms in the township shed was a good one. The plan to paint the township shed was not carried through. As representative for the township on the Maitland Val-1 ley Conservation Authority, Mr. Oakes said that two farm ponds were completed in 1953 in the township. The townships fee to the Authority for mem, bership was doubled this year, as the Authority's budget had been increased. William Norman of the sch- ool area board said the black- top had been put down east of the school, and that a small tractor had been bought to take care of the grass. The enrolment at Holmesville sch- ool is 215, with six teachers on the staff. He said he favoured an auditorium for the school, Asks To Retire Irvin Tebbutt who has rep- resented Goderich Township for a period of 15 years on the Clinton District Collegiate School Board' asked the coun- cil to appoint another repres- entative. Prior to being ap- pointed to the Clinton' board, Mr. Tebbutt served on the school area board for seven years. The veteran school board member said that the vocation- al addition is now completed at Central Hume Secondary School taking in 'three other areas, Goderich, Exeter and Seaforth. Since Mr. Tebbutt joined the board, three addit- ions were made, and the sch- ool now accommodates seven times as many pupils as it on, lginally did. "They tell us now that we have to build again,'" he Said, Ide explained that the res- ponse to the vocational courses was beyond what was expected, Geverement grants towards cational training exceed those for academic training, Said Mr. Tebbutt, "People demand these things - and they have to be done," he said, • Mr: Tebbutt paid tribute to Principal John ,Cochrane, who leads the staff of 60 teachers, "Such a change in one yeer is a tremendous responsibility - he 1$ responsible for the en- tire •achninistration - both ac- ademic and vocational." Work On Roads Roy Tyndall, road .superiri- teedent, said that the painting of the township shed at iriesviele will be done, that it was Warmed for in .1963, but it was put off until it was too late. He said that snow re, movel 'is going to be expensive - "for we' have to keep our roads open for the school buses and also for the trucks picking up milk." The rented truck to needle snowplowing this win- ter will'werk on the fourth and sixth concessions, H. B, Whitely, treasurer said that the tax roll this year was the "biggest in the township's history." There is still a large amount of unpaid taxes, he said, Gordon Orr, a former reeve who chaired the meeting asked for a minute's silence in mem- ory of George Ginn, who died last summer. The late ivfr. Ginn, a former. reeve, had been chairman of the ratepayers' meeting for a number of years. Township clerk, Robin E. Thompson said that in the past year there were 43 applications under the area of sub-division control - not all were approv- ed. One municipal drain loan and five tile drain loans were made. Mild Controversy Considerable discussion arose over one of the two farm ponds COMING EVENTS Thursday, Dec. 5---:Knights of Columbus turkey bingo at Sea- forth Legion Hall, 8.30 p.m. 15 regular games for turkeys, 4 share-the-wealth gimes; two door prizes. All welcome. 47&49b Friday, Dec. 6 - Dance in Londesboro Hall, sponsored by Londesboro WI. Desjardine's orchestra, dancing 10 to 1. Ad- mission 75c. 49b Saturday, Dec. 7 at 1:00 pm. Turkey and chicken shoot will be held at James East farm, two and a half miles north- east of Clinton. Shells supplied. 49b Saturday, Dec. 7-Reception and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClymont (nee Gail Orpen), Community Centre, Zurich. Music by Ken Mittel- holtz and "The Twylites", Lunch provided. 49x Saturday, Dec. 7-Christmas Tea and Bazaar, 3-5 p.m., On- tario Street Hall. Sponsors: U.C.W. 47-8-9b Tuesday, Dec. 10-Festival of Carols, Junior Choirs of Wes- ley-Willis and Ontario Street United Churches. 44,48,9b Tuesday, Dec. 10 - BINGO in Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $56 in 56 numbers. 15 regular games; 3 share-the-wealth gam- es; 1 $25 special game. Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. ltfb • PUAL 44 4.-uP51 PY Inv 0,144,LAnn Valley CenserValtiell Authority. They were built en the rams of Lorne Bodges and gift). Yee. A former reeve., Edward was PartlY ertY, he person then turn hole there, the assessment en tewnan1P couldn't see where could sell his land, lowered around and MVP- A get and dig a Grigg,, said he understood that a part Of the Yee pond 'was °HAMM DATE QV on township prOPerty, •and he felt that the matter should be MINI:* l)IVNT'INq _. . . „n., looked into. His reasoning was "'"P Pikleling ariPnrany scil. that 'the pond was so close tq eduled for all persons inter- the road, that if a child should &sited' in lending support to the drown, the township Would be annual Clinton. Minor Hockey liable. Day, when Dearborn teams in- None of the township offie- vade town, has been changed ials were able to report definit- ely an whose land the Pone. .3Friday, to December 6, . was situated, It was originally scheduled "If someone gets drowned for Thursday. , there, I think it would be The meeting will be held at measured pretty fast," Grigg the Clinton Legion at 8;00 p,m, stated. and all interested Parties are Grigg 'said that if the pond cordially invited. • Turkey Bingos Thurs., Dec. 12 - Thurs,, Dec. 19 CLINTON LEGION HALL 8.30 p.m. - Regular Admission TONIGHT - REGULAR BINGO 15 Games for $5.00 - I Game for $25.00 3 SHARE-THE-WEALTH GAMES JACKPOT --- $56.00 IN 56 NUMBERS 49-50-lb 4 e vt, ie Oe - ee 40 e . - . e 8:11( LI n \O our ve‘ 1 1 okii • ' . , ‘08\9,1 U? \/4 9-1\? Ns. . .1013 VA P5'5 CAAV%Si -co Prodte \-40/1e1 CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED s f' t 't k' li ' 7 k% ' ,' 4 " . , GUARANTEED TO START! If Your Present 'Car Hos Been Giving You Starting Troubles, Shift The Worry To Us. These Have Been Fully Checked: 63 Corvair Monza - - - $2250 63 Chev. Bel Air Sedan - 2750 62 Chevy II Sedan, 6 cyl. - 1650 60 Plymouth Sedan - - 1350 60 Corvair Two Door - - 1350 60 Chev. Two Door - - 1450 59 Vauxhall Cresta 6 - 750 '57 Meteor 6 Sedan - 675 56 'Chev. Sedan 350 56 Bel Air Iwo Door - - 300 TRUCKS 59 GMC 1/2 Ton Pickup - $1050 (A Very Good One) 55 Ford 1/2 Ton Pickup - 450 OTHER GOOD USED CARS AND TRUCKS ARRIVE DAILY AS WE FILL ORDERS FOR NEW ONES. YOUR INQUIRIES ARE WELCOMED. , You Can Still Have That New Car For Christmas. --TRY US WE ARE NOT HARD TO DEAL WITH. Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. HOUR PR1ENDLY tHEVROLEt, OLDSMOBILE AND ENVOY DEALER HU • 2-9321 ,CLINTON vog.... ALL STAR GAME Thank Y ou The Clinton Lions wish to thank the many persons who supported their annual GREY CUP Draw. Proceeds from the project will be used for service work in the community, The generOus support was very much ap- preciated. TOY TEA SETS in China, 'Plastic and Metal ... 98c to 4.98 GIVE A SHOW PROJECTOR 6.95 Electric Hockey Game N.H.L. ELECTRIC GAME 13.95 STANLEY CUP-Electric . 12.98 CANADIAN-Electric 12.98 8.98 MOVIES CLINTON LEGION HALL Saturday Afternoon, December 7 Playing This Week "You're Never Too Young" Bring Your Children To The Show And Do Your Shopping In Clinton ADMISSION: Children 15c Adults 25c Doors Open 1:45 - Show Starts 2:15