HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-12-05, Page 4ARTICLES FOR SALE. ., .c4gpsg. FOR Phorlo, P.14494. 482-740., 49p' APPLES OQQP. ,QUALITY .1Y144'.4 and Snows, Please PiPpe 041.1g your own containers; Other varieties.availahle.t. alSe fresh apple cider, Follow Highway 8 to .Xiciimesville, tarn lett follow the signs, Art Bell, phone Goderich -Potlpi10 524-8937. 41tfb HELP WANTED Massified Ads ARTICLES FOR SAL , OVEN-READY Roasting Roost- erS and daelcs, Phone 482-9158, 4$-91i Notice To 'TO creditors In -t140 Estate 131t f;.t4T.ZSTON STANWPATIt 1140Pf Ow Two. of laIlleten 1.4 CelnaW of Merehant .depeased, All Peraatt,s haying claims. against the, Estate of the above- named who died on the 24th day ,of October, A.D x963, are required to file full Partieniars: thereof with the undersigned en...Cor before the 23rd day of December, after which date the assets,. will be Mstributedt having regard -only to the elanns of which the' Unq,• ersigned shall then have notice, Dated at Clinton,- Oirtaric, this 28th day of November A,D, 7963, B. 1R, ivivz*.TMES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the saki Estate. 46-04b ATTENTION FARMERS! music Supervisor WANTED HDfl$411. Pu b lic $01901, .BQOrd. invites applications for the tion 1V114.PM 'Supervisor for five class 'rooms, two half days per week, aalary to be negotia, .tpci, Duties. to commence 1664, Please forward an,. plications eentaining analifica, tions, age and experience tor Robert ,,laeaburn, • secretary-- treasurer, Hensall Public School I3oard,• Hensall, Cett, Noe 4 ClintOn News-Recetd---Thurs., Dec. •5. 1903 ACCOMMODATION FOR SALE Registered HEREFORD SALE ACCOMMODATION: FOR RENT SPECIAL DISCOUNT 9n 411 Bulk Milk Coolers and Can Co9lers till Christmas. Snider Dairy Equipment co, RR 2, Zurich, phone •98r7. ' 47-8-9-0-a FOR RENT FLIANISHg0 AND, HEATED apartments, aa.VilaeIe soon, newly decorated, with private baths Phene 482-3329, 49p FURNISHED APARTMENT available now. Also, 1 .greand floor, unfurnished, heated 4p, artment, Phone 482-9928. Roy '11P100.11. 45-tfb 4 BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, oil furnace, modern Conven- iences, $45 a month. Bruce Roy, Londesboro, Phone Blyth 523- 4237. 45tfb Western ,Ontario Breeder's Wednesday. Dec* 11 at T:00 CPrey's Sales Barns •Chnten,.00, 4eorecVted. T.13, Vaccinated, Brucellosis prep Area, 12 Horn Hereford .gulls 8 Poll. Hereford. Bulls Eligible for 20% gov"t .poxyt.45. 15 Horn Hereford Females 15 Poll Hereford Females Cows and calves, bred and open heifers. Catalogues Mail- ed on requpst, TerMa: Cash. W. S. & SONS, Managers and. Auctioneers Denfield, Ontario Phone Ei8a1 Granton CHILD'S Ribg-EM Tractor, in good condition. Phone 432- 7368: 49b TRICYCLE for .ages up to 6; playpen, both in excellent pan- dition. May be seen at 44 Mary Street, 49b LARGE AND SMALL trailers, fully furnished. Becker's Trail- er Court, Clinton. 37tf0 SELF-CONTAINED. two Bed-r(half a house), phone Seaforth 3, 41tfb R b OM S FOR RENT, with cooking facilities. P. one 4$2- 8808. 46tfb Use Your Credit ANSTETT JEWELLERS WOWS Calcium. Phosphate helps prevent chewing of bones and Wood by cattle and swine, It. .also. helps to increase milk production in dairy cows. One pound can—$1,25, Contact TWO PARTY DRESSES — shrimp colour, size 12 and 13. Phone 482-,6652. 4 ,p OVEN READY ROASTING Roosters. Harvey Taylor, Var- na, 482-9159. 49b HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED • • • . •• • - • TWO BEDROOM HOUSE. Ap- ply 227 Huron Street, phone 4$2-6510, 49tfb Edwards Pharmacy Clinton.In Satisfactory, results or your money back. 49b LAND WANTED—Quantity of land suitable for crop. Lyle Montgomery, phone 482-7231, 45tfla HAY AND STRAW — 137led. Hay and Straw wanted, any quantity. Box w 9, Newbury, Ontario or phone 693-4462. 47 to 15b GIRLS WANTED for dining- room, must be 21. Apply in person to Elm Haven Motor Hotel Clinton. 48-9b 2 OVERCOATS, 2 SUITS, size 39; several pair of odd trous- ers; dressing gown; hat, 6 and seven-eighth, only 'worn once; very reasonable, Call 482-3451. 49b 7-ROOM HOUSE, ell furnace, available December 15, Phone 482-9512. 48-9P THREE-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, available now. Phone 482-3807. 49tfb COW IN OUR LOVELY DISPLAYS OF GIFTS FOR ALL MEMBERS OF A FAMILY LIVESTOCK FOk SALE 10 PIGS, 8 WEEKS OLD, Harry Watkins, RR 1 Gode- rich. 49p ATTENTION WOMEN: WITHOUT any experience you can earn money for your Christmas shopping by .selling Avon Cosmetics and toiletries in your vicinity, Write Mrs. M. IN/Moon, 17 Hawkesbury Cr„ London or call collect 451-0541 between 7-8 Pam 44-7-50b SELF-CONTAINED HEATED apartment, large living room, one bedroom, kitchen and bath. Lloyd Batkin, phone 482-7057. UPSTAIRS ,2 - BEDROOM apartment, private entrance, 3- piece bath, hot water heated. Immediate possession, Bayfield Woollen Shop, phone 83, Bay- field. 49tfb • TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE, • No. 4 Highway, available Dec. 15. Phone 48a-9512. 49p MAGIC MARKERS Black and Red only. "The better kind". Only $1.13 (tax included). At Clinton News-Record. 34tfb THREE BEDROOM HOUSE in Clinton, gas furnace, 3-piece bath, available now. Phone 482- 7578, 46p-tfb Mr. Farmer 50 PIGS, 8WEEKS OLD. Apply Ken Beattie, RR 4 Wal- ton, phone 834R6, Seaforth. 49b 28 WELL-STARTED PIGS. Charles Reid, Varna. 49b We Can Offer You An Attractive Time Payment Plan With No Carrying Charges. CHILD'S TRICYCLE, made by Thistle of Canada, in good con- dition, Phone 482-7674 or ap- ply 101 Huron Street, 49b VERY GOOD 4-bedroom home, located close to post office. Apply Box 484, Clinton News- Record. 49x YOU CAN NOW FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, five minute walk from main street. Phone 482- 7674 or apply Les Nice, 101 Huron. Street. 49b Anstett Jewellers HELP WANTED MALE LEASE 7 PIGS FOR SALE, 8 Weeks old. Phone 4824262. 49p FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb MODERN, TWO BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, avail- able now, Phone 482-6677. 49p HOUSE FOR RENT on Prin- cess Street West, 2 bedrooms, vacant now, immediate posses- sion, Phone 482-7070, 49p Phone 482-9525 Albe'rt Street — Clinton 47tfb SERVICES wanted for dining- room, must be 21, nights only. Apply in person to Elm Haven Motor Hotel, Clintton, 48-9b ANY TYPE OF 3 ROOM GROUND FLOOR apartment, with private bath, heated and unfurnished. L. G. Winter Real Estate, 200 High St,, phone 482-6692, 45tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given, Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb FARM EQUIPMENT RAWLEIGH DEALERS own their business.. Set their work- ing hours. No fear of lay-offs. Steady work, steady income. Build security for future. Ex- panding population creates need for more dealers in choice dist- ricts. For information about easy starting plans apply Raw- leigh's, Dept. L-169-SPA; 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, 49b MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESSMEN,: If you use any type of Moore business form, they can be ordered through Clinton News-Record, phone HU 2-3443. 34tfb Leasing is lust like hiring extra help or renting additional pasture land. ONE-BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment, central location, pri- vate bath, available now. Phone 482-7774 or 482-9390, 49b TRAILER HOME, fully furn- ished, 1 mile from town, High- way 8, large lawn,,' garden if desired, suitable for couple. Phone 482-7291. 46tfb DARLING SPRAYED APPLES — Spy, Snow, Macs, Tatman. Sweets, Greenings, cider apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF homes. Phone 482-3214, Fred McClymont and Sons, Varna. 46p-tfb AND & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb FAMILY BOX CHOCOLATES, 4% lb. for $4.00. Ideal for the family at Christmas. Order yours now. BARTLIFFS. 49b • • You Pay While You Use Them By leasing you can specify the exact type of equipment you want, and the cost. , — EXAMPLES SNOW BLOWER ATTACHMENTS FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE on Albert Street, centrally located. Phone 482-3816 after 6 p.m, 49b 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED House, with modern conven- iences, available now. Four miles from. RCAF Station on highway between Clinton and Seaforth, Phone 482-9822. 49-50b MODERN 2-BEDROOM Cot- tage, on Victoria Street, oil heated, available Jan. 15. Phone 482-3221, 49b MALANA YARN and PATTERNS Irwin's have a . new ship- ment Knit that sweater now. SANITATION SERVICE Septic Tank Cleaning DRAINAGE REPAIRS For Immediate Service PHONE — BILL FINCH Grand Bend 238-2291 In Clinton Phone 482-9616 Clinton Plumbing & Heating 49-50-1-2p VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb SMALL FURNISHED Apart- ment, heated, private bath, L. G. Winter Real Estate, 200 High Street. Phone 482-6692. 49tfb THREE BEDROOM HOUSE at 384 Matilda Street, possession at end of month. Phone 175, Seaforth, Ont, 49b BARN CLEANER $37.00 A Month CHECK V $7.00 IRWIN'S LADIES' WEAR 49b A Month MacDONALD ELECTRIC Motor Repairs and Rewinding House Wiring Service Calls HU 2-7702 FURNISHED• 3-ROOM apart- ment, heated, private bath. Phone 482-9509 or 9500, 49-50b TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED heated, self-contained apart, meat. Central location, Phone 482-9005, 46 Princess St. West, 49b WEDDING STATIONERY: In- vitations, reply cards, serviettes, matches, thank you cards, place cards; two complete lines to choose from. When you pur- chase your wedding stationery here, we insert your engage- ment free of charge. Take wed ding stationery book out over- night and choose your supplies in private. Clinton News- Record. 34tfb NOW AVAILABLE — BEACH Gas Ranges from $129. Art's Appliance Centre, Brucefield, phone 482-3232. 43tfb THE ADVANTAGES OF LEASING (1)—No Down Payment (2)--=All Equipment Insured (3)—You Preserve Your Cash Resources HOUSE for rent, newly decor- ated, James Street, immediate possession. Phone Seaforth 175. 49b LARGE 2 BEDROOM Apart- merit, unfurnished, heated, new- ly decorated, reasonable. Phone 482-9568 evenings or 482-6663. 46tfb CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 4829411. 23tfb43tfb 29tfb FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment, heated, in School Apts. Contact Ceriel VanDamme, 482- 6685. 48tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20tfb DUPLEX HOUSE, unfurnished, living room, bath, two bed- rooms, oil furnace, located 3 miles west of Clinton, at Holmesville. Available Dec, 15 or January 1. Phone 482-6694. 47tfb Specials On SNOW TIRES — All Sizes OIL SPACE HEATERS, in good condition. Apply Roy Tyndall, phone 482-9928. 43tfb FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE with bath, in Brucefield, oil heated, Immediate possession. Contact Mrs. Ivan Wightman, Belkaave, or phone Clinton 482- 9945. 48-9b ORDER NOW . . . DON'T DELAY NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR Fencing Needs, Paint, Batteries, Baler Twine ELECTROLUX SA D _ Kin ds ISv7 E OITH For Free Demonstration or Service Phone HU 2-7889 1.3tfb GOOD DRY APPLE WOOD, priced for quick sale. Contact William Fotherin,gham, RR 3 Seaforth, 482-9196. 49p Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY COSY, FURNISHED Apart- ment, 67 Rattenbury St, East, self-contained, excellent loca- tion near schools, downtown, etc.; available Nov. 8. Apply Mrs .Percy Atkinson, RR. 9 Lon- don, phone 455-2298.. 45tfb ALLIED Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 3:ROOM APARTMENT, fur- rushed, available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth 219-R. 15tfb Have An Extra Key For Your Car . House We Specialize In CUTTING KEYS Changing Combinations ,Keying Locks Alike BALL and MUTCH @HA Hardware Phone 482-9505 49ttfb at 1:30 p.m. Farm Services DUPLEX FOR RENT, two bedrooms, unfurnished, avail- able now. Phone 482-6675. • 43-4b-46tfb AUTOS FOR SALE LOWER DUPLEX, unfurnish- ed, best central residential lo- cation, 63 Rattenbury St. East, automatic gas heating, one or two bedrooms, near " schools, downtown, etc., very reasonable. Apply ,Mrs. Percy Atkinson, RR 9 London, phone 455-2298. 45tfb Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk 1947 FORD Ye TON PICKUP. Apply after 5 p.m. to 309 Al- bert St. or phone 482-9080, 49b Your Huron County Agent CHARLES R. HARRIS — Ph ne Bayfield 95 4 ROOM APARTMENT, un- furnished, self-contained, gas heating, available now. Phone 482-9090. 46p-itfb PIANO TUNING 1953 Lincoln YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-8870. IMMINOSIMIONIUMINIMIMIMI•11.21:3.1111101/11.16.1•111.6101013.YOMMISIL * Power Seat Power Windows * Power Brakes * Powerful Motor * Powerful Radio * Black with Chrome * Little Rust * $200 Cash. Apply At 65 PRINCESS STREET Apt. 4, Clinton. SHOP NOW! FOR RENT WHY WAIT FOR SPRING . Buy them now: carriage with extras, stroller, commode, high chair, gate, tub. All in good condition. Very reasonable. Phone 482-7828. 49p ARTICLES , WANTED SELECTIONS ARE AT THEIR BEST1 Use Our Lay-Away Plan . . A Small Deposit Holds Any Article Until December 20. IFT L4. Modern 2-Bedroom Apartment SMALL COOK STOVE with oven. Phone 482-7559. 49b REAL ESTATE HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER re quires garage to store Valiant car for the winter. Phone 482- 6676 after 6 p.m. 49b REMINGTON Portable Type- writer, in good condittion. Rea- sonable, Phone 482-7774 or 48,2-9390. 49b 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, bath- room, oil furnace, $4,500, extra lot. Phone 482-3269. 49b Kitchen with built-in cupboards and sink, 3-piece bath, living room, gas heated, central loca- tion, available now. Phone 482-9649 SPORT COATS SLACKS WILL PAY CASH for Pianos ranging from 46" to 52" in height, reasonably plain cased. Apply Box 471, Clinton News- Record. 47-8-9p COME IN AND SEE OUR Christmas Specials: Something for each member of the family. Bayfield Woollen Shop, phone 83, Bayfield. 49tfb FULLY SERVICED LOTS, town approved. L. G. Winter Real Estate, 200 High St., Clin- ton, phone 482-6692. 45tfb 1960 SUNBEAM ALPINE in excellent condition, no rust. Ex- tras include 3 tops, Michelin x tires, seat belts, chains, etc. Low mileage. Phone 482-7283. 48-9b '49p 111n 111111111111111111110111, 11111111111011110MirliallIMMIM All new cloths and colors. See the Country Suit, a perfectly matched sport coat and pants. NOW IS THE TIME to order your aluminum windows and doors, free estimates without obligation. Russell Jervis, HU 2-9390. 21tfb LARGE, beautiful brick home, suitable for two apartments, centrally located. Reasonably priced. Apply Box 483, Clinton News-Record. 48-9b BOARD AND ROOM oVit 4. See Our Selection Of Christmas Cookies - Shortbread ACCOMMODATION for male roomers. Call 482-9376, 45tfb LOOK! CHRISTMAS Shoppers. For Christmas, buy your child ten World Book Encyclopaedia, a wealth of information explain- ed and illustrated in the-most interesting and comprehensive manner possible. One set of World Book and Childcraft, one year old, new condition. Phone Seaforth 610W3 or write Box 490 Clinton News-Record. 49-50b REMODELLED 2 BEDROOM cottage, gas furnace, extra lot included. 148 Victoria Terrace, Clinton. Apply Chapman% phone 482-7082 or 482-3463. 47-8-9-Op from 19.95 up SPORT SHIRTS CUSTOM WORK "THE PIXIE" Beauty Salon. New phone number 482.7792. Perms, tinting, hair cutting a specialty. 48tfb $3,000.00 — 2-bedroom cottage, large lot in good district in Clinton. $4,500.00 — 3-bedroom cottage; built-hi cupboards in kitchen, oil furnace, double lot. 3 Year Old — 3-bedrooms, one- storey frame, mortgage at'm ranged on monthly pay ments. Possession in 60 days, Owner has moved from Clin- ton. Hundreds to choose from. All patterns, all shades, GIFT SUGGESTIONS FRUIT CAKE and CHRISTMAS PUDDING SEPTIC 'TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake ' RR, 2, brus- sels, phone 442 Na? 6, Brussels, 41-50p from 3.95 up TIES SOCKS SWEATERS PYJAMAS JEWELLERY HATS JACKETS -- VESTS SCARVES — Etc. We Specialize In . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERViat 43 KING STREET, bLIN`roN Phone HU 2-7652 24tfb. Our FRIDAY SPECIAL:. From Our Store Only— HONEY DIP DO-NUTS DRESSMAKING — Alterations and reitodelling. Reasonable, Phone 4824288. 48-9-50-lb ARROW WHITE IS ALWAYS RIGHT GIFT CERTIFICATES K. W. Colquhoun HADCO WELL DIGGING AND DRILLING Specializing in drilled wells and large diameter bored wells 6".3' Phone MOhawk 9-3761 Elmira, Ontario 48-9.50-1-2p GIFT BOXES INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Phone 482-9747 imamkr itstriar Regular • 55e doz. Special ,,,,, ,..,„ ..... 49c doz. COLD WEATHER WEARABLES . Rogers Majestic TV Our Racks Are Bulging With Warm Winter Clothing 0 TOPCOATS , 0 CAR COATS 0 WINDBREAKERS 0 SUITS 0 SWEATERS And A Full Line of WINTER UNDERWEAR Penman's & Stanfield's Lines Our SATURDAY SPECIAL: ELECTRIWOUC mND arOks RE or Repaired, any make, any h.p., auto & household radio repairs. Open all day week days, ART LEVETT & SONS 139 ERIE ST, S., CLINTON Phone 40-6640 ARTICLES WANTED 5rorn Our Store only— CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE WITH DATE FILLING Regular mama 69c each Special .„„ ... ...... 59C each 60c ALLOWED UP TO Pei, 16. for your Old Woolens asp trade-In On Beautlfai NEW BLANkETS at FAIRPIELV8. Get leWest Discount Planes- aa Well. Write today for telouted folder giVing full Partietilara tot R, G. FAIRFIELD 39 Man Sty E, Grimsby, OM the blanket aiseount House 43tfb "THINK AlltAb NOW .r011' Christmas: Order your specially made Coffee tables from $14.05.4' sturdy, unpainted deaks... front $22.95; children's toy boxes; lovely chine chine eataileta and Week:, rases; .And for' thee Holiday season have a likiddit bat Stalled. in yottr.ree• itiont Ken 482.:0W2, 47 to 5.11) Pickett & Campbell Ltd. SALES & SERVICE Bartliffs Bakery Illakeey and Restaurant 482.9727 Limited CLINTON Ted Ryder's TV Main Corner CLINTON Dial 4824732 Open All Day Wednesday 'Till Christmas 245 Vittorio St Clinton .HU 14320