HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-11-28, Page 10ETYU THE E Page 10--Clinton News-Record—Thurs., Nov. 28, 1963 Commencing December 2, 1963 , . the Motor Vehicle Licence Office Will Be Located At The Residence of Mrs. Elizabeth Butler, Huron and North Streets 3 Blocks West of the Traffic Lights 48-9b Trwasvann mtmg.s.w.,=mg Examples one way: Claritoh to Toronto Vancouver ALL COACH SEATS ON SUPER CONTINENTAL RESERVED IN ADVANCE AT NO EXTRA CHAKE RED WHITE & BLUE COAST TO COAST' CANADIAN NATIONAL NEW RAIL FARES NaLIVE BLUE $3.65 $4.40 $47.00 $51.00 CAR AND SLEEPING CAR SPACE EXTRA) TRY ATLANTIC'S "THRIFTY FIFTY" $50.00 costs only 23c till pay day. (ONE WEEK) Atlantic Finance CORPORATION MIKE ELAND 7 RATTENBURY ST. Branch Manager CLINTON, ONT. Phone 482-3486 MOTOR TUNE-UP WE DO ALL THIS FOR ONLY' any six cylinder SCRUTON'S FIRESTONE RETAIL SERVICE CENTRE 238 Albert Street Clinton a-- 482-7681 "The Forme r Hanover Transport Building" I GIFT SUGGESTIONS • FOR THE SMOKER PIPES: BRIER ranging from 97e up BRIER SETS of Two in Gift Box, 3.95 up MURSCHUM PIPES in Cases BAMBOO BRIER, hand carved CORDOBAN BRIER, hand carved LIGHTERS: RONSON VARAFLAME, in Gift Box, 14.95 up CONSUL GAS and GAS NYLON 8.95 up BENTLEY BUTANE LIGHTERS 4.95 'TABLE LIGHTERS 3.95 up HUMIDORS and PIPE RACKS — CAR PIPE TRAYS, TABLE PIPE TRAYS, etc. Buy Your Christmas Smokes and Accessories from Your Favorite Smoke Shop . . . GORD'S BILLIARDS Phone 482-9043 4 Huron Street "Where A Good Smoke Begins" BUY ONE AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND GET SECOND TIRE AT HALF PRICE First Line "Town and Country II 314INNINFINNIANINFEN, Here's Just One Example 750 x 14 TUBELESS '4 PLY REGULAR PRICE 2 for $53.50 SCRUTON'S PRICE 2 for $40.00 YOU SAVE $13.50 Comparable bargains on Firestone Tires in most sizes and price ranges with any old tires. ALL-SEASON TRACTION TIRES III, -440fte A1TRY 41 for only $21495 Resort .Group support Plowing Match Site But Also, Promise Support Na ade To the Editor, We woulal like .to exPress our aPpreciatip4 of the concern shown in Various Parts of the county regarding the loss of the 1966 International Plowing Mate)) at Grand Bend Air Port The executive of the Chamber of Commerce has.discussed the matter, and set up a three-man committee to prepare this let- ter. The plowing match has been a special project here since 1960. in 1961, permission to use the Air Port for the match was received through Elston Cardiff, 34P for Huron. In early 1962, when a promise to Huron County that the Match would come to.Huron in 1966 was re- ceived from the Ontario Plow- men's Association, we were very pleased, The Air Port Site, we feel, is the very best in the county for this huge event. The Air Port has 13/2 miles of paved runway which would keep the tented city drY and the exhibits clean. There is water,.hydro and sewage facilities. As far as road access to the site is concerned, our highways are now being widened in the village to a 4-lane width on Highway 21. (running north and south) and a 3-lane width on Highway 31 (coming in from, the east). By 1966 the Huron- Middlesex boundary coming from Highway 4 over to 21 Will be paved. This will make a to- tal of five paved roads leading to the Grand Bend Air Port site. In addition, the township of Stephen was prepared to put, in a road to the rear of the Air Port to provide other access there, Accommodation •here in Grand Bend is the best in the area, and we are expecting a large $750,000 expansion on the lake and at least one other on High- way 21, •which increase motel ageotrirngdatien. We are deeply concerned tbat the lack of accommodatiorinear Seaforth will :Mean that the County of Perth .(which been in no way concerned with this attempt to have the. Match held in Huron) and the City of Stratford especially, will bene- fit from the 'influx of people during and prior to the match, We have no -objection to this increase of business to Strat- ford, but that fine Shakeopear, eon city does not need it, The business of Grand Bend is geared to handle thousands of both weekly and overnight guests. This is managed very well throughout the summer, and in October there would be no problem to find good living quarters for the people who will attend the Match, It is unfortunate from our viewpoint, that politics - has apparently managed to "rear its ugly head" in this matter. As noted in the Grand Bend Holiday on .July 1, 1961, Gordon McGavin at that time was en- thusiastic for the Grand Bend Air Port site. As quoted from the Holiday in the Clinton News-Record on November 7, McGavin said in 1961: "There is no better farming area in the Province." He also agreed that the Air Port site would be a "natural". Who is McGavin? He's a past member of the executive of the Ontario Plowmen's Association, a former world champion plow- man, the unsuccessful Liberal candidate in the February 1963 federal election, a quite success- ful farm machinery dealer in the north. of Huron, and a direc- tor on the Ontario Plowmen's, Association. We are not so much concern- ed with our financial loss in this. matter, but we are very cons- cious of the many hours of vol- unteer work which went into floats, displays and presenta- tions at the plowing matches of recent years. We believe that this did much to guarantee the Match for Huron in 1966. More than anything, we re- gret the evidence of unjust practice, with which the local committee, set up by the County of Huron, has treated our offering in their behalf. Though Grand Bend is now le- gally a part of Lambton, we are deeply interested in Huron County and feel a strong affilia- tion with the people who live and work there. Our Chamber has a strong membership from Huron Coun- ty, and of course, as in other Chambers, our thought is for the whole area, not for the vil- lage alone. We note that one point Mr. McGavin made in an interview in the Exeter Times-Advocate . was: "The OPA feels that the immi smimmenne..rommonommommonowniti, interest of agricultural organi- -zations is more important than that ,of Chambers of Corn- r41-qe,"" Well, this may be so, but the Chambers of Commerce do not feel this way about agri- cultural organizations, For instance, i n •the village of Brodhagen the Chamber is made up mostly of farmers. We here at Grand Bend have farm,, The Editor„ Clinton News-Record, Clinton, Ontario, Dear Sir: Reference is made to your editorial of. November 7th, 1963, entitled "Odour In Air Needs To Be cleared" which dealt with the choice of a location in Huron County for the 1966 In- ternational Plowing Match. As President of the Ontario Plowmen's Association and a member of the Committee that visited Huron County on Octob- er 29th, I would respectfully point out the following: 1. The decision regarding the location of the site was made by a committee duly appointed by the OPA Executive, The members of that committee were: Alvin Mark, Cameron, President of the OPA; Russell Morrison, Beaverton, Vice Pre- sident; Clark Young, Unionville, Treasurer; Alex McKinney, Brampton, Vice President of the World Ploughing Organiza- tion and Director of the OPA; Ken Bawden, St. Thomas, Chairman of the Lands Com- mittee and Director of the OPA; Mr. Floyd Lashley, Sec- retary-Manager of the OPA; and Mr. Ron Bagg, Assistant Secretary-Manager, OPA. 2. The above committee was accompanied by the Site Com- mittee of Huron County Plow- men's Association; Mr. Doug Miles, Clinton, Agricultural Representative 1 o r Huron County and representatives of the Ontario Provincial Police, Ontario Hydro and Bell Tele- phone Company, 3. The above committee was shown a total of five (suggest- ed) sites in Huron County. 4, At no time prior to or dur- ing the day of October 29, did members of the Huron County Plowmen's Association Site Committee or members of the Huron County Council, or Mr. Gordon McGavin, Huron County Director of the OPA, express a preference for one site over an- other, or exert any pressure to influence the choice of one site over another. 5. The committee in making its selection gave consideration to the location of each site in relation to—access roads, suit- ability of site for Tented City, availabilitiy of essential services and accommodations and avail- ability of adjacent land for plowing match purposes. 6, It was the unanimous de- cision of the committee that the Seaforth site was the most suit- able one for the 1966 Match. The Ontario Plowmen's As- sociation resents the inference that pressures, personalities or prior commitments influenced the above decision. You are as- sured that this was not the case. The amount of money contri- buted by the Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce to the Huron County Campaign to bring the Match to Huron County in 1966, or agreements or understanding, if any, be- or members, and most certainly are concerned with the Well- being of, the farming com- munity. )i'uture plans here include an even greater participation by the farm area surrounding Grand Bend. Both Ontario and Canadian Chambers have strong Agriculture Committees. It may be thought that the tween the Huron County .Coup- cil and the Grand Bend Chaim her of Commerce or between the .1-Inron - County plowmen's Association and the Grand Bend ,chamber of Commerce, are factors outside the jurisdic- tion. of the Ontario Plowmen's Association. Yours very truly, Alvin Mark, President. Room 4508, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario, Ontario Plowmen's Association picks the site for these Matches but we are firmly convinced that the local committee dici have considerable infinenCe the tieetsion to stage it near Sea for We suspect that even now„ a change in site could be arenged if the County of Huron people aPiced fgr it, This would be a major .step-latit we feeV it would be in the best interests of all, if, on. the other hand, the decision remains as it POW stands,we will not withdraw our support from the Match, • If we .are welcome, the Grand Bend area is ready to .offer personnel to work on plans. for 1966, • Our previous contribution financially, we estimate between $550 and $600, This we gave with the Air Port in mind in Particular, but certainly with Huron in mind as well. The money we consider was well spent. It helped bring the Match to Huron. in 1966, Our best wishes to the Huron Plowmen's Association and the. local committee of the -County of Huron, in itheir task of .doing what is best for the County of Huron. Grand Bend and Area Chamber of Commerce. Cubs, And Stouts .enefit , Euchre Party PAYFXM-fl? — The ladles Auxiliary to Scouts and Cubs held a carc1partY in, the parjsh. hall Friday Mrs, Arnold Maitins welcom- ed many friends and supervised Seven tables of euchre and .two tables of bridge, The prize winners. are as fol, lows; Euchre; high, ladies, Mrs.. B. Mcclinchey; .gents, Mr, L, Elliott; low, ladies,. Mrs, Smith; gents, Sgt.' Peterson. Eridge; ladies, Mrs. J, How- ard; gents, Mr, N, Rivers, The ladies served a tasty lunch with Mrs, Bert Eckert and Mrs, Wilfred Castle in Charge- RECEPTION and DANCE Fpr Mr. and Mrs, Ray Gaufrooli (nee Mary Margaret Oesch) in thp Community Centre, ZURICH on Saturday, Nov. 30 Music By KEN MITTELHOLTZ and "The Twylites" Every on e Welcome 4Up4rior PROPANE LTD. MAPLE, ONTARIO K. JORDAN, 159 Monteith Street, STRATFORD, Ont., Ph. 271-0810 Or look in the Yellow Pages for your nearest Superior Propane branch Winter, summer, spring or fall you can enjoy clean, carefree, dependable home heating. Install a Superior Propane automagic home. heating system NOW. No matter how big your home is nor how small...whether two story split level or• bungalow, there is a Superior heating system that fits your needs exactly. Remember with Superior Propane home heating, you save all the way. Fora free home heating survey that can save you money year 'round, telephone today. FOR HEATING... COOKING..? 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