HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-12-23, Page 57717
(By Shirley Ktaiier)
This rnoming'as I .throve to se;e him wit relein fof, yel1ow�.
week, the ear Milo gave
pill with one of the meet
ibeeentifal theleek unfa?lulhlau`
C>bretrnee eeee, s T. have ever
heard:.. ft wain"t ;that the mu,
slo was so new and melodic
actually, it was the
Words ref the sgng that nni-
Pressed me most:.
The canal "Scene- Children
See Him" eicpressed the v?ew-
poi►nt that Children, no matrt
ter What their skin colour,
pliicture the tiny baby Jesus
in their own iikexiess. "White
yousters :see the little
Christ ' as white and fair,
Negro children see Him as
dark acid lovely, Oriental tots
to the
Wishing you
the blessings
of the Season.
The ;song ends, own the
thought, "Love wws bora? .at
C.h?tst ria:$"
And love does abound at
Ch ?istmas. leighbours who
have ergll,od oven the be'cge-
fence al i. year long suddenly
find themaselveis laughing and
joking together. at Christmas.,,
Friends 17vff have long ,disc,
reed' -pp dust not ,bothered
with each other offer .greet,
brngs'anld best wishes in, veal"
Pete ways, Families draw dos.,
:er together and, forget many
of the petty sl'imfemences of
the past.. Even strange'ns
smile at •straingere . , , un-
heard of for ti t .o the
There us always a ,great
:deal ,of talk at Christmas
about :the bnatherly love .of
't'he aeaeon which seems to
dwindle es New Years moi?-
proaghes and fades almost
entirely as January wears on.
Men say what a wonderful;
change would be wrought i?7u
the world if the spirit of
Christmas could 1a:t the
'whole year through.
But we are all human, and
2ncsse!ssed of human weakness-
es se !let its useless to, suppose
that such a miracle could
come to ,pass. And after all,
that once -a -year e, arie Ice
of goodwill to all men is the
welcome joy that makes
Christmas the besot loved of
all holidays.
Yes love is certainly born
at Christmas . . year after
cam after year. So what
that love lives out its spam
in a few shortweeks due to
our own selfish whims. It
will return aagalin'iv full mea-
sure next Christmas . . . .
end for that, we must be
Merry Christmas!
Drawn For
Draaw for the Eastern Star
Turkey was afield at the Town
Hall with clerk John Liver-
more choosing the tickets.
Winners were Bert Gray,
Mrs. Betty Cartwaiilght and Mrs.
Toon (1V1iary) Ellis.
Each Week One Lucky Customer
Will Win $5.00 Free Cleaning Credit
Phone 482-7064 Clinton, Ont.
to you, our
good friends
and patrons.
194 XG'Wenn 5
Phone 482-9411 Clinton, Ont.
Wkiktmati 9N,4 to slit
P.O. Box 659'
Phone 527-0452
Fifty Years Married
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toll will celebrate their
Golden Wedding Anniversary next Tuesday, Decem-
ber 28 at their home in Auburn.. Mrs. Toll was
Laura Emma Stewart, Both members of Knox
United Church, the couple has lived in Auburn
for the past 20 years and before that, farmed
in East Wawanosh.
Golden Wedding Celebration To Be
Held On December 28 At Auburn
Mr. and Mrs.
Fred W. Toll will celebrate
their 50th wedding anniversary
on Tuesday, December 28 at
their home in Auburn,
Mrs. Toil was the former•
Laura Emma Stewart, daughter
of the late William Stewart and
Selena Trewin of Hallett Town-
ship. Mr. Toll is the son of the
late Fred! Toll and Martha
Kettni:ok of East Wawanosh
The marriage was performed
by the late Rev, C. C. Koine at
the home of the bri'de's parents
on December 28, 1915, Mr, and
Mrs. Toll 'took up residence on
their farm on the third conces-
ion of Ease W for
s a avian. h; os30
In 1945 they moved to their
present argon a in Auburn. Both
are members of Knox United
Church, Auburn: and Mrs. Toll
is a life member of the United
Church Women.
Mr. and Mrs. Toll have a
family of two sans and two
daughters. Aubrey, East Wa-
veanosh; Stewart, Windsor;
Mrs. Kenneth (Marjorie) Mc-
Dougall, Auburn and Mrs.
Hugh (Amy) MacCrostie, Godee
rich and also ten grandchiaden.
The best wishes of the corn-
memi'ty are extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Toll.
Holmesville Village
UCW Elects Officers
Mrs. E. Grigg President
The Chnlstnnas meeting of
the Holmesyille UCW was held
Tuesday alJtemnoon with Mrs.
L. Jervis' and Mrs. E. Grigg's
groups in charge. Opening med-
itation was given by Mrs. Grigg
followed by the slinging of "0
Colne All ye Faithful
Scripture from St. Luke was
taken by Mrs. L. Bond and
comments by Mrs. D. Gladden.
M'rs. Elmer Potter led in pray-
er. Two Chaiistmas poems were
read by Mrs. G. Ginn and a
beautiful Christmas story by
Mrs. 'L. Jervis,
Mrs. L. Bond conducted the
business. It wag decided to give
$35 to -the M & M Fund. of the
dhurdh and $25 to Over and
Above Gifts.
Mrs. C. Park conducted the
election of officer's for 1966
which resulted as follows: past
prerdiident, Mrs. L. Bond; presi-
d'eat, Mrs. E. Grigg; vice-pr'esi-
d'ent, Mrs. D. Gtlhddon; treasur-
er, Mrs, L. Jervis;
Recording secretary, Mrs. R.
Miller; corresponding secretary,
Mrs. F, McCullough; press sec-
retary, Mrs. L. Bond; pianist,
Mrs. J, Rabb, , 4assistan.'t, Mrs.
W. Yeo; finance chairm'an', Mrs.
H. Williams;
Program committee, Mrs. L.
Bond, Mms. H. Cudnn'ore, Mrs.
J. Lobb end: Mrs. C. Tebbutt;
social committee, Mrs. William
Norrnan, Mrs. D. Glidden, Mrs.
H. Yea and Mrs. Jack Tebbutt;
supply and welfare committee,
Mrs. Muriel Grigg, Mrs. Bender,
Mrs. F. Cantelon, and Mrs. N.
Heard; flower comunittee, Mrs.
K. Harris, Mrs. I. Tebbutt, Mrs.
Explorers Get
AN."ard Stars.
Serve Mothers
The Explorers at Wesley-
Willis United Church held an
initiation ceremony on Wedies-
day afternoon, led by Mrs. D.
W. Palmer and Mrs'. Glen Pelee.
Mothers of the children were
Mrs. Clifford Park accompaat-
Jed tat the piano for the Explor-
er hynnri. Mrs. Price explained
the requia"eeneate. far each star,
They were presented by Reay.
C. Palk, who thanked the Wad-
ers for their work and con-
grlatulated tfie Explorers,
Receiving red' stars were
Clathentine Wise, Peggy Cooper,
Kerry F.loiss"evaite Danny Bois-
sevaiar Bran& Boyeef,, Herten
Coldough, Laura. Seaibraok,
First blue sem', Isabel Shipp,
Glenda Blake, J'otaine Paimmer.
8elcds ld' blue tar Ilolatiher
Gold star, Marilynn Wise,
The Exaplorer' girls served tea
and Chi:labiate cake to their
E. Potter and Mrs. E. Yeo.
Buying committee, Mrs. G.
Ginn, Mrs. B. Whitely and Mrs,
0, Blake; coanmunhlty friends' i
and visiting committee, Mrs. B.
Walter and Mm's. S. Farquhar;
nominating committee, Mrs. G.
Ginn, Mars. R. Miller and Mrs.
I. Tebbutt; representative to the
manse committee, Mrs. B. Wal-
ter; co-operation in Christian -
Missionary ednxoatlion, Nims. J.
Stewardship -recruiting, Mrs.
C. Tebbntt; citizenship and
metal action, .Mts. H. Cudrriore;
literature and communications,
Mrs. L. Bond; auditors, Mrs. E.
Potter and Mrs. MadMath,
Hostesses for the day were
Mrs. S. Farquhar, Mra. L. Jer-
vis Arid Mrs. Biggiins.
Stuart Grigg, Toronto, is
spending a three weeks vaca-
tion at his home.
Mrs. Juan Cruickshank Sts
hone froom • Vieto'ria Hospital,
Clinton WI Hears
Rev. C. Park
At Christmas Meeting
Mrs. W. Coielough presided
at the Chtistnme melting of llhe
Women's Institute 'w'h'ich was
held December 15 in the Agri-
cultural Board rooms.
Roll call was answered .by
an exchange of , gifts.
Rev. C. , Park was guest
speaker and .he toad a very in-
teresting Christmas. story.
Mrs. Charles Elliott gave
readings. Mrs. D. Bisback and
Mss. Bill Holland entertained
with several selections of
Christmas carols.
The executive served lunch
and a large 'play of homemade
candy and chocolates was pass-
ed around bet the president,
Mrs, W. Colelough, her Christ-
mas treat
hrist-mas"treat to the WI mennbers.
Jean Andari
Builds Creche
In Barbershop ;
Jean Andari, 1.03 James
Street, is in charge bf the $ar-
bor Shop at RCAF Station
This Christmias he has decor'✓
ated the shoji with ,a Creche,
hand made of paper morc1ne.
Admlih^ing" •atrtiien contend he
Used hamlet hail' to cleaeoraite
the creche; bat Jew dcmdes
Jean?t .birthplace is Lebanon,
Where his parents, Mr. cletd Mrs.
Joseph J, ,Ahdar i still live. J'e'an
has 'a write; $ett t and two" dila
chin, Stephen a arta. ''heretsa
Lasa minutes gifts got yon in
a tizzy? Have yea no time to
shop fox that distant cousin
who suddenly sent youu, An un
expected gift, or the baby*s?t
ter, a kali 'ay hostess, a etiut-'in.,
the unex'pect'ed r'iv'al ,or the
new teacher?
Make it 'yo tt elf quickly
with candy , . a :wonderful
way to say "1Vlerry .Chrietmes"
or "Haappy New Year" if yett'Ve
missred the Yuletide season .,
and, brighten it with a package
You can Drake or buy anywhere;
and w'hiah can be used long
After . ;the candy has d'is 'topeam-
For instance, fill a brandy
spieter with, individually wrap
ped, stuffed dates. Wrap the
dates in pretty coloured' ceilio
phann paapev.
Apothecary jars are no long-
oniger the bounty of . the antique
hunter;: most housewares de-?
partments carry these delight-
ful containers. Present one tied
with fee ti've bow and filled With
glorious Royal Brittle.
Baskets abound everywhere
mn a shapes, sizes and Wades.
Fill a basket with Moeha,Nut
Logs, tie a ribbon on the handle
and watch the shut-in's eyes
light up vvlith pleasure,
For the strictly practical on
your list, give your candies
(Turkish Delight, perhaps?) in
refrigerator, dishes or contain-
ers for the freezer. The gour-
trots would delight in receiving
theirs in covered onion soup
bowls or a casserole dish.
Antique and second-hand
s contain a myriad of won,
derful old jars, carmieters: or
tins — 'all a joy to receive
when filled with interesting
Marzipan shapes.
The giift is the candy and
the fast that you made it.
Wrapped is u cardboard box or
antique tea :caddy, the pleasure
it gives you and the receiver
Will last well after CJhristmnas.
Turkish Delight
3 envelopes unJflavoured gel-
2 cups sugar
=/g teaspoon salt
1 cup water
1 tablespoon lemon or or-
ange juice
1 teaspoon grated lemon or
orange rind
food colouring
icing sugar
Mix 'gelatin, sugar, salt and
cold water' in a. saucepan. Bring
to a boil and simmer, without
stirring, for 10 minutes. Re-
move the pan from heat and
stir do the juice and the rind.
Add a few drops of the desired
food colouring. Pour mixture
into a square pan which has
been rinsed with cold water.
Chill overnight. Cut into
squares and roll in eciaig sugar.
Makes about 1% pounds
Royal Brittle
=/2 cup walnut halves
% cup pecan halves
=/2 cup almonds
34 cup pistachio nuts
=/a cup filberts
1 crap candied cherry halves
1 cup candied ' pineapple
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
Ve 'cup light corn syrup
2 tablespoons batter
=/a teaspoon vanilla or orange
Mix the nuts and the fruit.
Spread in an oiled 15x10x1-ninth
pan. Mix the sugar, water and
corn syrup in a large, heavy
saucepan and cook slowly to
the hard -crack stage, 300°F on
a, eandy thermometer. Remove
from heat and add butter and
Tuckersmith Unit
Has Yule &a feet
At B.rucefield
' Tuckersmith Unit 1 of the
United Church Women of
Brucefieid United Church held
its Christmas meeting on Dec-
ennber 14 at the. -home' of Mrs..
John Broadfoot. Mrs.. G. Rich-
ardson, and Mrs. Broadfoot
were hostesses.
The meeting began with a
poet lack supper served to 25
persons including two visitors
from Seafortll, Mrs. W. Broad -
foot aid Mrs. G. McCartney,
Devotions were conducted by
Mrs. N. Sillery and Mris.
John A: McEwan. •Mrs.
=era read .a Christmas poem
and the scripture; Ma's. Mc-
Ewwn took the utopia,
Mms. J, Her derson ate -lauded
the a business part of the meet-
ing, Mrs. Elgin 'thoanpson gave
the secretary's report and Mrs.
Norris Si fiery the ttreaturer's
revert, Mrs, Suldea*y said $600
had been Liaised by the Tueker-
smith unit in 7965.
Officers for 1965 include
lea>derss Mrs. J. Broadfoot and
Mrs. IL Bcxuy; secretary Mrs
Thompson; treasurer Mrs.11.
Sillery; eciaedg Mrs. X -rami pa`o-
grain Mrs, .M; Wilson, Mrs, W.
Pepper and Mrs. Henderson.
Mitis M. Swan, invited the
ttnit to her home for the Jami.
wry meeting when "Mrs. John
Broadfoot and Mrs. G. Richard,
Sort WJJ1 lie hi charge- of the dee
yodel's, i'R stesses will be M'rs,
B. Walter% Vire. J. Henderson;
Mel, Therrupsoaits and Mrs. W.
candy 'Gifts
flavouring!, POW ev1iy over
the fxuxts and nuts. Do not.
scrape the pan. Cool until fir'rn,
then out into bite saz..e pieces
and coo: ceineletelY, Store in a.
ta'gletly covered eomt i er in a:
cool place. Yield: 3 p'aunds,
Stuffed Pates,
3 pains pitted dater
'4 cup. butter
1=/z cups .iical!!g sugar
% teaspoon salt
1. teaspoon grated orange
% oup finely .chopped wa1-
brandy (op0o11a1)
Split the d'a'tes without Mt -
ting clean through Cream the
butter, icing sugar and salt to-
gether until very light and
fluffy. Add the orange (rind,
walnuts and a little brandy.
Stuff the dates generously. Roll.
in sugar Wand allow to stand 4
to d hour. Yield: 7-8 dozen,
34 pound: almond paste
1 ,e'gg white
3 teaspoon vanili a or other
sifted lacing sugar
food colouring
corn s'yr up
Knead the almond paste un-
tial •loaf. Work in the raw egg
white, flraavouring and enough
icing sugar to form: dough Div-
ide the paste into small a-
mounts and colour each with
food colouaiing. Shape into
fruits' and vegetables. Paint
blushes and ripening tints on g
shapes with :Diluted colouring.
Use cloves for blossom ends,
slivers of green peel for stem
ends. Let dry and brush with
warm corn syrup, Yield: 2
Mocha -Nut Logs
1 :cup , light brown sugar,
firmly packed
% cup evaporated milk
Proper Care
Will Retain
The Christmmas season is here
and so its the seasonal giift.
plant, the poinsettia. Although
its flowers are rather ineon-
spicuous, a colorful show is pro-
vided by the large scarlet or
cream, leaf -like : bracts, Horti-
cul.turalists with the Ontario
Department of Agriculture teal
us that -the "flowering" period
of these plants, can be extend-
ed through the entire festive
season when given proper care.'
The plants should be kept at
a constant temperature of 65°F
and at no time subject to
draughts, since this, in addition
to continue changes in temper-
ature, may cause the lower
leaves to turn yellow and drop
off. Place them in bright sum -
light when possible, but avoid
windew ledges or locations near
a, hot air register.
Watering is a critical factor.
Yellowing and loss of lower
leaves can be caused by either
over- or under -watering. In Dec-
ember when days are dark and
cloudy, over -watering is a com-
mon occurrence. Refrain from
adding water to these plants
until the soil on the top of the
pot is just dry to the touch. If
you have placed the plant pot
in a decorative container that
hat no drainage, remove it to
the kitchen to waiter it, and
'allow it to drain well before it
is returned..
.Poinsettias will respond to
feeding with a complete fertil-
izer about every two weeks.
Nitrogen deficiency causes
stunting along with the devel-
opment of a light green color
in the plant.
act( all
goo' 'tat icO!
Verna Morgan, Prop,
'tebleepoons light Corn syrup
1*.6 •07, package semi -sweet
chocolate 'ices
1 tepoon instant coffee
2 teaspeoms vanilla
1 opp chopped eealnal,ts
(Combine brown sugar, wan,
ojate l lnil1 and PQM $yrup ix
heavy saucepan. Over medium
heat,, bring n'h'tuae to a full'
boil, stirring constantly, Bob. 2
Minutes, stirring. Remove from
heat end star in chocolate
pies, coffee and vanilla, stir-
ring until ebeecinte =egg:. With
woeden spoon, beat until mix-
tare is smooth and thj0k, Stir
in ,nares, 'Divide mixture :,in half
and shape each half into a, log
10 inches long, Wrap in waxed
Winer. Refrigerate about 2
hours or until firm. Cut each
log :iruto 20 slices, Yield: 40
Clinton NewsAccor4i---•Pg, S'
Thers., Dec, 23, 1965
48244021. CLINTON
Lobb's Shoe Store •
Clearing Sale of Substandards
of our Regular Lines of
Seamless Hosiery
6 pair to box — $1,5Q
Micro Mesh, Sheer 15 Denier
Walking Sheer-- 30 Denier; Seamless Stretch
Par -Knit Hosiery Ltd.
Open 9 to 5 Daily Except Saturdays
Mrs. Mary Edwards '
and staff wish to
thank their customers
during the past year ..
and wish everyone
a healthful and
prosperous new year.
Phone 482-6626 --- CLINTON, ONT. — 9 Albert St.
May the blessings of
this Holy Season
be yours in abundance
A joyous Chtlstmas!
Norma Draper .... Edith Reid Elsie Kerr