HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-12-16, Page 11How To Spell Christmas Safely HOCISE a place for the tree which will not block access M T S I RH to doors or windows in the event of an emergency. OLD IT! Before you set up the tree, cut one or two inches from the butt. Then set it in water. Crushed stone in a suitable container will keep it steady. EMEMBER to replenish water regularly throughout the Christmas season. You may need to add more than a pint a day. INSULATION of lighting strings should be checked for damage and possible short circuits. If buying new lights, be sure they arc C.S.A. approved. MOKING near, the tree is foolish and dangerous. Keep cigarettes and matches at a safe distance. INSEL and other decorations should be non-flammable, Don't deck your tree with added fire dangers! AKE sure that matches are kept out of reach of children, and NEVER leave young children unattended even for a minute! LWAYS clear away discarded gift wrappings promptly from the tree area. Even a moist tree will burn if ignited by such a fire around its base. WITCH off the tree lighing when you go to bed, or whenever you leave your home. A S CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS Clinton Stores Open Evenings From ,Fri. Dec. 17 to Thurs. Dec. 23 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16 FRIDAY. DECEMBER 17 SATURDAY. DECEMBER 18 MONDAY, DECEMBER 20 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22 THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24 SATURDAY, 'DECEMBER 25 MONDAY,' DECEMBER 27 CLINTON RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEE Open Till 6:00 P.M. Open Till 9:00 P.M. Open Till 6:00 P.M. Open Till 9:00 P.M. Open Till 9:00 P.M. Open Till 9:00 P.M. Open Till 9:00 P.M. Open Till 6:00 P.M. Closed All Day Closed All Day.. 1965—CLASSIC 550 Four door, 6-cylinder, standard shift, local owner, low mileage. Low, low price, Only $2250.00. License A52476. 1961 Ford 8 cylinder, stick, clean. $1295A)0. License A54406. 1960 Meteor Four door Sedan, 8 cylinder, automatic. One owner. Name your price. 1959 Pontiac Four doer Sedan 6 oylinder, automatic. License A51179. One owner. Open for offers. ►u6urn and. strict MRS, WES :PRAPNOcK. ;e.tre*pfmcipnt-,-,9*Itie, 524,1591: on these Albert Killeugh, visited last week' With Mrs., Russel King and other relatives, The annual carol service of this aorlanuilitY IS, to be held en SundaY evening, December 19 at 8 pin. in Knox PreSbyterian Church. This annual event is sponsored by Auburn Branch of the Canaclign Bible Society. Special music will be supplied by each church in the district. MPS. George.. McKinnon, of the Nile, teacher at US$ 5 Hullett is a pati4nt in Goderieh hospital, Her pupils and friends in this conununity wish her a Speedy recovery. Mrs. Ralph Munro was supply teacher, Classic 770 Classic 660 VS, automatics. Save $600.00 new 1965 models. W6 haVe abaft eight smaller cars, in A-1 Mechanical condition. Olean, No rust. Would make real good second cars. No reasonable offer refused, Models from 1058 to 1962. Make it a pbint to see us during this clearance, CHARLIE'S AUTO SALES RAMBLER DEALER No, 4 HIGHWAY HENSALL 1111.1011111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111 .Ma,ster. Larry Par, Goderich, "visited last • week 'With his. .grandparents,. Kr, and Mrs. .Bey Paer, Congratulations to -Miss Gal - line Broadhagen who celebrated her 81.st -birthday last week at the twine of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Daer and Mr. ,Raer, The lucky .winner at the cliraw held on Saturday might fut the Johnston Hardware store was Torrance Tabb, Miss Mary X. Houston made the -draw. Guests with Mr, ?fad Mrs. „John. Houston and fnmily last Week were W. E. Anidersent. :Brantford and George Goetzen, FUNK'S SEED CORN Supply is short again this year due to the large increase in acreage sown, ORDER NOW In Tuckersmith and Stanley Townships order from HAUGH BROS. BRUCEF I ELD Phone 482-7167 In Goderich Township DON LOBB RR 2, CLINTON Phone 527-0927 49,50,51b Wyandotte, Mich, Friends are pleased to know that Ed Davies 'has returned home after surgery. in Clinton FOhlic Hospital. Ur, end Mrs. Lloyd APAittibvt London ,and Mr. and. Mrs; Ger, den R. Taylor attendcd the fn:-. neral of their .uncle, Gordon last woalc, The annual ve,sper Candle- lighting .serviee of the: Auburn OGIT will be, held Sunday„ Dec, ember 19 at „() Knox PreShyterian Chureh. Friends of Russel, King will be pleased to knew that he is improving in, :health in West- minster Hospital, London. Only four of seven ,Clinton Cubs eligible to go up to _Scouts. showed nP- at - b-.4,,mtib4re ceremony' Monday :Wetting in Clinton Public School, The four. were initiated into F'is't Clinton Scout Troop by Scout Master Lew. Ludlow, assisted by his as- sistant scout master, Pete Bortir, ret, Kenneth Hamilton and, Bob Reid. 'The new scouts are Brien Burke, David Kelly, Ricki Mor- risen and Ken plpinstea Scout meetings are held evel,,Y Monday night in, the public school auditorium at 7 o'clock. This weekend a group of Scouts under the leadership of assistant Scout Master Pete Bourret, are making an over, night hike to the 'Scout camp on the Igaitland River, north. of aolmesvilie. The purpose of the hike is to prepare more Scouts for their various badge. tests.. David R. Welsh Funeral Held Friday Afternoon Funeral service was 'conduct- ed on Friday afternoon, Decern- her '3, bar David Robert Welsh, 20-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert H. Welsh, RR 2, Bay- field. Rev. W, J. Maines, hayfield and the Rev. G. 'Slater, London, officiated at the service held in the Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton. Pall-bearers were Douglas Ball, Gordon Tyndall, Frank Postill, Donald Taylor, Robert Semple and • Wayne Stirling. Flower-bearers were Robert Norman, Clare Cox, Bruce Bet- ties, Rev. Hill and James Storey, Interment was' in Clinton Cemetery, David was born on July 25, 1945' at 'Clinton and had lived with his family near Bayfield since then. He attended SS 10 Goderich Township and Clinton District Collegiate Institute. David attended St. Andrew's United Church, Beyfield. He was a member of Clinton Mar- ching Royals Band' for five years, and Was a member of the Holmesville Hockey For the past three years the family' farm had been his re- sponsibility. Beath came on Tuesday even- ing, November 30, while en route to Victoria Hospital in 'London where he was being taken following a car truck .on the 16th Concession He suffered multiple internal injuries, Surviving besides his parents are one Sister, Mrs. Donald (Catherine) Hyland, London; and two brothers, Donald and Ralph, at home; two grand- mothers, Mrs. Howard Snell, Clinton and Mrs. Nellie Welsh, London. The funeral was largely at- tended by persons from. London, Wingham, Tara, Exeter and Seaforth, as well as the local area. O Ontario Street UCW 3 and 4 Joint Meeting - Units 3 and 4 of Ontario Street United Church Women met Monday evening in .the church 'parlour for their Christ- mas meeting: The theme was "Star of Bethlehem", Scripture reading and prayer by Mrs. H. Plumsteel was followed by songs by Mrs. A. Langdon's pupils "Away in a Manger" and "Jingle Bells". Miss Olive Johnson gave a reading, Miss Joy Langdon sang "Star of the East". A skit "Gifts Money Can't Buy" was presented by members of Group 3. Games and contests were conducted by Mrs. Bert'Pepper 'and Mrs. Murray Forbes. Lunch was served by members of Group 3. Clintonians At End of Year Enjoy Parties The Clintheniart Club met at the home of Mrs. H. 1VIanaghan on Wednesday afternoon with 22 members answering roll call with a Chriatmas reading. During the social afternoon Mrs. Colclough gave two read- ings, and• a game of "It's Your Move" was enjoyed. An ex- change of gifts was followed by a delicious pot4uck supper. Sick and shut-ins Will be again retriembereci this year and plans are already under- way for next year. At the November lb Birth" day Party the club enjoyed tut- key at Hotel Clinton followed by a euchre party at the lionise of Mn.s Vernier. Winners were; high, Mrs, P. Cumrhings; lone hands, Mrs. T. O'COnriell; low, Mrs, teppingten; lucky chair, Mrs. Batkin; balloons, Mrs. Monaghan. Since this Was hot birthday, a •box of chocolates was presented to the hostess in appreciation, We Are Loaded With Used Cars DRASTIC REDUCTIONS FOR THE REST OF DECEMBIT New 1965 Left Overs At Charlie's Auto S les,, HYBRID THE FUNK'S-G TRIO OF HIGH PROFIT CORN PRACTICES: 1 Start with -a high capacity 1 FUNK S C-HYBRID °2 PU041171E10 .3 APPLY ISM FERTIUIEK to feed thrt extra glob 990 Ambassad r Two door Hardtop. Save $900.00 on this beauty. Loaded with extras. License A58602, ' 1965-990 Ambassador Four door Sedan, Y8. automatic. Extra low mileage. Give us an offer. 1963 Rambler Classic FoUr door, 6 cylinder, automatic $1495,00. ' 1963 Pontiac Parisienne Farr door Hardtop, i8 cylinder, auto- matic, showroom condition. 1962 Biscayne Chevrolet Four door, 6-cylinder, Standard, one owner. License A53696. $1895.00 1962 Contut Four door §tdari. A real good second car: License A52268. • $995.00 Henson UCW Elects 1966-67 Officers At Christmas Meeting New Scouts hi First Clinton Troop At an 'investiture ceremony Monday evening 'in Clinton Public School audi- torium, four Cubs were invested into First Clinton Scout Troop. The investiture was in the charge of Scout Master Lew Ludlow. The new Scouts are, from the left, Ken Plumsteel, David Kelly, Ricki Morrison and Brian Burke. Shown in the rear is Assistant Scout Master Pete Bourret who assisted in the cere- mony, (News-Record Photo) representatives, Unit 1, Mrs. James' Taylor; Unit 2, Mrs. Rodger Venner; Unit 3, Mrs. Ken Elder; leader, 4, Mrs. James McAllister. Chairman, Christian citizen- ship and social action, Mrs. Donald Joynt; chairman, com- munity friendship and visitat- ion, Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson; Co- operation in' Christian 'educa- tion and Missionary education, Mrs. Doug Cook. Chairman — finance, Mrs. Welter Spencer; membership, Mrs. Byran Kyle; nominations, Mrs. Ella Drysdale; press and publicity, Mrs. Rodger Venner; programme, Mrs. Robert :Rea- burn; social functions, Mrs. Aid- ( erdice; Stewardship and recruiting, Mrs: V. M. Pyette; supply and welfare, Mrs. Ernest Clip- chase; literature and communi- cations, Mrs. jack Consitt; manse, Mrs. R. M. Peck; lead. ership and development, Mrs. E, Rowe; pianitt, Mrs. J. C. Goddard; Representatives to official board, Mrs, J. McAllister; board of lstewards, Mrs. Ron Mock; missionary and mainten- ance, Mrs. Ross Forrest; Chris- tian end missionary education, Mrs. Doug Cook, Mrs. Edison Forrest. A delicious Christmas lunch was' served.' Decorations in. Christmas motif were used with much effect. 0 Classified Ads. Bring Results CHRISTMAS SPECIAL GINGE 482-9634 Clinton Memorial Sh CHRISTMAS HL December 22 and 23 168 QUEEN STREET, CLINTON Time: 7 o'clock to 11 o'clock 2 NIGHTS — 8 HOUR COURSE NO OTHER CLASS TILL SEPTEMBER 1966 14 YEAR OLDS WELCOME INSTRUCTORS: E, R. DOUCETTE, 482-9741 E. COLLINS, 482-7420 T. PRYDE and SON. CLINTON -,— EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE 482-7712 At 'other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep-482-6642 DISHWASHERS Portable and Under-Counter Models ICH SALES IACNE D CLINTON Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results p !Shur Gain Beef Silasupple ent 'A' --r- THINKIN6 PEOPLE CLAIM 01/R HEAT/NO 0/LS rHE BES7;BE ONE OF THEM AN NOT THE REST .1•1111•0 Increase daily gains by 1/2 lb. and lower feed conversion 20% with SHUR-GAIN'S new 40% Beef Silasupplement "A". This new supplement to be fed with top quality corn silage provides all the neces- sary nutrients to make silage a complete- ly balanced ration. For more profit from your silage and from your' beef cattle, use SHUR-GAIN Beef Silasupplernent 'W'. See your SHUR- GAIN Feed Service Mill operator now ! be .1 feeds HEATING OILS-GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOR,0111 CLINTON 'FEED 28 HURON STREET CLINTON'. beef feeds Phones: 4824484 or 4824446 ILL The UCW General ChriStmas meeting of Hensel]. United Ch- urch was held Monday evening. Each unit met separately at 7:30 to take care of any bus- iness transactions. At eight o'- dock the 71. ladies came to- gether in Friendship Hall for the Christmas meeting. Mrs. Ron Mock gave the De- votional on, "The Miracle of Christmas". :Christmas: carols were sung with. Mrs. William Fuss accompanying. Mrs. Robert Reaburn told the Christmas Story, "Backwards to Christmas". Mrs. Edison Forrest conduct- ed a ' beautiful_ candle lighting service "The light shineth in darkness". She was asSistecl by Mrs. John Corbett, Mrs. Ella Drysdale, Mrs. Harry Hoy, Mrs. Harvey Keys, and Mrs. Wes Richardson, representing, Ex- pectancy, Mystery, Childhood, 'Otherliness, and Thankfulness. We trust that 'they will burn long enough to bring light to every family this Christmas,. Mrs. Howard Currie 'took the chair and was pleasantly sur- prised when .Mrs. Walter Spen- cer, past president, presented her with a gift and expressed how thoroughly she had been appreciated as president, and appreciation that she will carry on for another year. All units are changing for the coming year. It was reported the bale ar- rived 'safely in Toronto anti weighed 238 lbs, All secretaries are to present 'a written re- port for the General meeting on December 29 at 2:30, which is under the superyision of Unit 4, a final meeting to cloSe all transactions' of the year. Mrs. ' Harvey Keys reported on Vriondship and Visitation work, having sent 39 boxes to shut-ins and 46 cards. Mrs. Earle Rowe received the slate of :officers which was presented by Mrs. W. B. Cross. Officers for 196667: honorary presidents, Mrs. George Arm- strong, Miss M. Ellis; past presi- dent, Mrs. Walter Spencer; president, Mrs: Howard Currie; 1st viceLpresideiat, Mrs. James McAllister; 2nd vice-president, Mrs, Vern Alderdice. Recording secretary, Mrs. l-larry Caldwell; assistant, Mrs. P. L. 1VICNaughton: correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. N. E. Cook; treasurer, Miss Mary Goodwin;