HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-12-16, Page 6;�i::i:iiiw Cek);YeineE.:�::.a.e{el:, ,.�t'w •fi ,, lb • Page 6--Giinton News-Record—Thurs., Dec 16, 1965 ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT APARTMENT; furnished and heated, suitable for two, Apply 93 Huron S.t, ` 34tfb SMALL Fuxlnishee, heated ap- artment to rent on ,Princess. Street, Phone 482-9794. 50tlb LARGE TRAILER, for rent, ful- ly furnished. Apply at Becker's Trailer Court. 24tfil, GROUND FLOOR, 2 bedroom apartment, heated, available now. Phone 482-3837, 4$tfb MODERN 2 'bedroom cottage for rent, close. to bu'sinest see, tion. Phone 482-9087, 49, 50b BRUCEFIELD— 3 bedroom ;house, oil ,heated, Phone 262- 5047. 4ltfb MODEIi;N 2 Bedroom cottage, Dill ,heated; 345 Victoria St, Available in January, Phone 482-3221, 49tfb 2 BEDROOM HOUSE on Jam- es Street. Apply North End Store or phone 482.3323. 48tfb APARTMENT for rent, heated, private ,entrance, $50 a month. Phone 482-6663 or 482-9568 after 5 p.m. 22tfb UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom a- partment, centrally located, am- ple parking, available now. Phone 482-7661. 35tfb ONE BEDROOM HOUSE, ful- ly modern, stove and refrigera- tor, $45.00, Phone 482.6663 or 482-9568. 48tfb FURNISHED and unfurnished one bedroom and 2 bedroom apartments. Phone 482-6685, Ceriel Van Demme. 45tfb 2 1eE)ROOM uptown apart- ment, furnished; 2 bedroom house in village of Hoilmesville. Phone, 482-6694. 32tfb 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX in ex- cellent condition; gas furnace, available now. H. C. Lawson. Phone 482-9644. 47tfb• LOVELY modern country home, freshly redecorated, one nine north ,of Hensall on No. 4 Highway. J. C. Siriil1ie, Phone 262-5141. 38tfb TWO BEDROOM furnished or partly furnished apartment. Central location. Phone 482- 9005. 46 Princess St. West. 35tfb 2 BEDROOM apartment, newly decorated, at 100 North Street, available now. Apply to Don C. Colquhoun, 482-9506 or 200 Ont- ario Street. 44tfb SMALL QNE-BEDROOM a- partment, unfurnished, redec- orated, 136 Huron St., Phone 482-7702 or 482-9502 or inquire at Crown Bawling Lanes. 29tfb BRUCEFIELD--Modern 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, indivi- dual thermostat controlled heat- ing, available now. Phone 262- 5047. 48tfb EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 3 bedroomapartment in a duplex at 229 James. Street, Clinton. All conveniences. Available January 1. Apply to Mrs. Lang. Phone 482-7858. 50tfb 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Bruce - field. 33/4 miles from RCAF Station. Modern conveniences, newly decorated; 4 piece bath. Service by Clinton high school bus. Phone 482-9820. 50-1b TWO BEDROOM cottage on William St. in Clinton. Avail- able Jen. 15, 1966. Contact Mins. Leo Stephenson, Seaforth dur- ing noon hour or between 6-7 pm. Phone 527-0513. 49, 50p NEWLY DECORATED, unfur- nished 2 bedroom ground floor apartment, heated, private en- trrance, • ample parking. Avail- able now, also furnished and heated 1 bedroom apartment, private bath, washing facilities. Phone 482-3329 at noon or after 5. 47tfb 3 BEDROOM house on No. 8 highway, 4 miles east of Clin- ton, modem conveniences, new- ly decorated, new oil furnace. Phone 482-7548, Doug Hugill. 38tfb HOUSE FOR RENT -.- 1 mile. east of Brucefield, served by Habkirk Bus Service to RCAF Station, Available Oct. 1,. Haugh Brothers, Brucefield 27.0927.. 35tfb LARGE 2 -Bedroom, completely self-contained apartment, free laundry room facilities equip- ped with automatic washer and dryer. Apply 201 King Street, Apt. 1 or phone 482-9227. 17tfb DESIRABLE, ground floor Apt, on Albert St, Two 'bedrooms, gas range supplied. Rent rea- sonable. Available Jan. 1. Ap- ply to John Plumtree, 84 Al- bert St. or phone 482--996995, ONE GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room, heated, umfurnished a- partment. One upstair 2 bed- room, furnished, heated apart- ment. Both self contained, Phone Roy Tyndall at 482-9928, 47bfb ARTICLES FOR SALE PIANO for sale. Phone 482- 9094. 50b NEW POTATOES for sale; also beef by the quarter or half. Phone 482-7578. 29tfb FLEETWOOD hi-fi cornbinat- ion radio and phonograph. Phone 482-7606. 48,-50p SIMPLICITY Washers now a- vailable at T. A, Dutton Appli- ances, Brucefield. Open even- ings. 38tfb SMALL Duo -Therm gas heater about 20,000 B.T.U.'s with flue pipes. John Plumtree, Phone 482-9695. 41•tfb CHINA' CABINET, grained walnut, glass door, 4 shelves; 64" x 41" x 15" deep. Phone 482-9560. 49tfb APPLE SALE -- SPECIAL — Courtlands, excellent far eating or cooking. Sale price $2.00 per bushel in your containers. Other varieties on hand. Follow No. 8 highway to .Holanesville, turn left and follow signs. Art Bell's Fruit Fenn, Phone 524- 8037. 47tfb Christmas Special Free Ukulele with 10 lessons, pay for the lessons only. PULSIFER GUITAR STUDIO 77 Huron Street Open Fridays and Saturdays until Christmas. Phone 482-7166 49-50-1b GIRL'S winter coat, size 12, never worn; child's 3 -piece snowsuit, size 6x, hardly worn; large wooden folding ironing board. 422 Victoria, Clinton. 482-9944. 50p DOLL PRAM; hobby horse; Girl's, 3 -piece winter coat set, size 6x, green and brown; Lad- ies berg coat, size 12. Phone 482-3868. 50p WASHING machine; refriger- ator; kitchen net; dining room table ,and buffet. All in good condition, reasonable. 84 Albert St. Mrs. Earl Switzer or phone 482-9958. 50p CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. tfb Christmas Special Free Guitar included with a course of 40 lessons, yours to keep, PUSIFER GUITAR STUDIO 77 Huron Street Open Fridays and .Saturdays until Christmas or Phone 482-7166 49-50-1b GUITARS 1V 12,5 $15.95 McEwan's Store 50b leleifeeepeeeenerRegreeeeeeeeeeeeneee �01'\•,T`Tiralir PUT THESE ON YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST . . . • LIGHT OR DARK CHRISTMAS CAKE • CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS. • A Variety of CHRISTMAS COOKIES • DINNER ROLLS • MINCE PIE GIFT WRAPPED • CHOCOLATES By Smiles 'n Chuckles Moir BartIifIs Bakery y .Lmted Bakery and Restaurant 482.9721 CLIFTON ID ARTICLES FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES, cooking and eating. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF 'houses. Phone 482-3214, Fred McCly- Mont, 1 mile south of Varna. 47tfb DRAPERY PULL. RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates elven.. Irwln's Dry Goods. tfb. Drum Lessons Beginning soon, 3 age groups, 10 years and under, 14 years and under, ,15 years and over. Free practice pad and sticks given to everyone enrolling be- fore Christmas. PULSIFER GUITAR STUDIO 77 Huron St., Clinton 49-50-1b VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hose,? and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reco,,aditioned mach- 'nes of all makrs for sale. BOB PECK, Varna, phone Hens:4.1 262-6350 DIAMONDS FROM ANSTETT'S Fiery centre diamond soli- taire, white gold with 2 tap- ered baguettes... $1,050.00 Radiant Solitaire Diamond mounted in white gold set- ting. $995.00 Modern new creation set in a dazzling array. 5 dia- monds embraced by 24. small diamonds..... $650.00 Beautiful White Gold Soli- taire of neat simple design. $475.00 Triple Uniform Diamonds in elegant setting of precious gold. $325.00 White Gold Diamond Din- ner Ring of unusual design, 10 diamonds in a leaf ef- fect around a brilliant dia- mond. $325.00 Unusually lovely 22 Dia- mond Dinner Ring, white gold mount. ...,.... $285.00 25 Brilliant Diamonds in modern Marquise Mount. $275.00 "Fashionable" Gents Dia- mond Ring with brilliant diamonds, Florentine finish- ed shoulders. $350.00 "Cluster of Diamonds" Gents Ring Set with 8 dia- monds in yellow gold set- ting. $300.00 "The Statesman", Gents Yellow Gold Ring, set with flashing solitaire diamond. $150.00 Diamond Pierced Earrings. $200.00 Diamond Pendants, 6 dia- monds and cultured pearl. $125.00 The above diamonds and' many more priced from $39.95 up are on display at our store. Phone 482-9525 For An Evening Appointment ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. CLINTON 50b Christmas Trees Pruned Scotch Pine Number of 6 ft, trees left. Choose Your Own From Our Farm • $1.25 to $1.50 WILL DELIVER LLOYD MEDD RR 1, Clinton 482-9836 ARTICLES WAtITED PIANOS WANTED, any -condi,- tion. Please, state height, make and price, Write Beet 473, Clin- ton News -Record. 47-50p AUTOS FOR SALE 1960 PONTIAC convertible, V8 tauter otic, new tires, new top and new paint. Call: weekends' 482-9613 2 CAR SALE . . 1961 Chrysler Saratoga in good coruditiotr and 1060 Fiat :$80.06 peer month. Phone 482-9497. 40; 50b 1960 FORD, rairlane 500 6 autonvatic, blatk with red ire teeter, 40,000 Miles. Phone 482- 9144, 50b CUSTOM 'WORK TV AERIAL sale and service, Phone 482-9859. 48-52p JACK'S FUl1N1TURE REPAIR SHOP, Furniture and other wooden "articles repaired; At rear of No. 84 Albert St; Phone 482 -9095 -John Plumtree. 2ltfb ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd, Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich. 18tfb PAINTING PHONE GORDON CHARTER AT 482.9654. 46tfb CLINTON Saw Sharpening Services saws, 'soissons, shears, clippers and all edge tools sharpened quickly and ac- curately. Saws sharpened, gain- red and set. Bedisaw Sharpall Equipment, Art Levett, 139 Erie St. S., Clinton. 49tfb We Specialize In .. . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations. Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 46 King Street Phone 482-7652 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE RR 2, Brussels Phone 442 W 6, Brussels 37-50p DO IT YOURSELF SAVE MONEY RENT THESE MACHINES FLOOR SANDER FLOOR EDGER HAND SANDERS Belt Finishing Duo Type LARGE POLISHER -SCRUBBER JIG SAW SKIL SAW RUG SHAMPOO MITH WET -DRY VACUUM CREST HARDWARE BALL & MUTCH Ltd. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 tfb CUSTOM OM; WORK WATCH REPAIR is .e job .for experts. Our work assures your atisfaction. counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. tfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair, Our Clinton De- pot is at 55 Albert ,Street at Amsings .Store. Henles Shoe Repair, 71 Hamilton St., Gode- rich, 38tfb HELP WANTED FEMALE MATURE WOMAN, days only or live in, to Dare for elderly lady. To commence 'Work soon- est. Box 460, Clinton News - Record. 48tfb HELP WANTED MALE FREE COOK BOOK GET your Rawleigh Cook ,Book now and information; how to Make money selling Rawleigh Products, full or parttime, Write Rawleigh, ' Dept. L-169- FC, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal. 50b WE GUARANTEE 'to show you earnings of.e$30.00 per day. Must have car and neat ap- pearance. Permanent full time position. Report to Room 1 at Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Mon., Tues., Wed., December 20, 21, 22, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. only. Come prepared to spend the day as aux guest for a job demonstration and interview. 49-51p HERE'S an excellent opportun- ity for a good salesman who wants to earn a minimum of $6,000. a year; 5 day week, 8 hours a day, no Saturday work, age no limit, paid each day in cash, plus monthly bonus. If interested see Mr. G. Smiith, from 7-9 p.m., Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. Also inter- viewing Monday, Tuesday, Wed- nesday, December 20, 21, 22. 50p MISCELLANEOUS LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. tib ATTENTION FARMERS! LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SOWS for sale, due soon. A. L. Shanahan, 142 Joseph St., Clin- ton. 50,1p 1 HOLS'1EIN cow, due in a week, 1 Guernsey cow, due in 2 weeks. Phone 482-9890. 50b PUREBRED 'HEREFORD bull for sale, 14 months old. Phone 482-3221. 46b-48tfb SERVICES ATTENTION FARMERS Marlatt Bros. Dead Stock Re- moval. Highest cash prices paid for dead ar disabled cows and horses. $5.00 and up for weight over 1000 lbs. Please phone promptly. Phone collect 133 Brussels, 24 hr. service. License 390c65. 35tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS -- Call. Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton 482-7269 Licence 350-C-65 7tfb ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for dead and disabled cows and horses. Call Collect 356-2622 Atwood Licence 401-C-65. 45tfb WANTED WANT to buy 50-100 acre grass ferns with house in Clinton area: Write Box 501, Clinton News -Record. 50,1b l1410-101 ir, l,, Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 13.0 p.m. Government Inspected $Caleb Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOI; CO1 EY, Saes Manager` FOR SALE 400 BALES mixed hay for sale. Phone 482-7482. 50b FARROWING crates save baby pigs — all Steel, easy adjust- ment, mounted troughs for easy feeding or trough and bowl: For information: — George. Troyer, RR 2, Hensall, Phone 262-5282 or 236-4072. 50-7b VA CASE tractor, with hy- draulics and PTO complete with 2 furrow mounted plough, 2 row mounted smeller and Henderson loader with Char - Lynn pump. price $425. com- plete. Bent Pepper 482-72 7. 0b JUST 'ARRIVED Another Shipment of —TRACTORS — SWATHERS —COMBINES — MOWERS — RAKES — TEDDERS —WINDROWERS — BALERS --ELEVATORS — WAGONS —GRAIN TANKS And Many Other Farm ' Machines We stock over 1,000 Belts, Hundreds of Pulleys, Bearings, Spark Plugs; Plow Shares, Cul- tivator Points, Bolts, Guards, Sections, Hydraulics, etc. Huron County's Largest Farm Equipment Depot Phone 527-0120 JOHN BACH I.H. Dealer — Seaforth 23tfb SERVICES AUCTIONEER RICHARD H. LOBB 113 Ontario St., Phohe 482-7898 Graduate of World's Largest Reisah American School of Auctioneering 43-65 to 43-66p We dre shipping Cattle every Monday for United Co -Operatives of Ont. We will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later' than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 5270778 MISCELLANEOUS DAILY ,CAR R:N TALS rea- sortable rates. MoGEE'S, .code- rich. Phone 524-8391. 3tfb PET STOCK 2 MONTH {OLP Collie pup, Will give away :for good hone, Phone 482-3812. 00x FORSeALE 5 part�Gerneen $hephrd and husky pups, •8 weeks old, Phone 482-6624, eeb REGISTERED German Shen - herd pups for sale, 10 weeks old, black and tan, 2 males, 1 female. Will' hold for Christmas. Ron Geddes, RR 2, Godericih, Phone 524.7263. 50,1b. COLLIE pup, 3 months old,. male, a good oattle dog, also 2 year old Toy Terrier, male, e good pet. 3. Archie ,Jones, phone 482-7225. 49, 50p FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING We suggest Coffee and End Tables, China Cabinets, Toy Boxes, Desks and Bookcases. Made to your specifications and at your price. KEN McNAIRN 482-7676 47tfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tined and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee STORE FOR ` RENT STORE and office on main street. Phone 482-6694. 32tfb STORE on main corner of High- ways 8 and 4 known as Red and White Grocery. Apply to Roy Tyndall, Phone 482-9928. 19tfb CARDS OF THANKS I wish to express my appre- ciation to my friends and neigh- bours for cards, flowers, visits, trealts, while a patient in Clin- ton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newland, Dr. Walden, and nurses on first floor. — FRED SLAVIN. 50p I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr, Walden, Dr. Flowers :and the nurses of C1in- -tan hospitail for their kindness to me, also the many friends who sent cards and letter's, —EDWARD DAVIES, Auburn. 50b We wish to extend our sin- cere -thanks to all our friends and neighbours who helped us through our recent bereave- ment at the loss of our dear son and blether David. —ROB- ERT and BEATRICE WELSH altd FAMILY. 50p ,:'A sincere thank you to friends ,and neighbours for their cards letters, visits, flowers, gifts and toed sent to the home while I was in Victoria Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Sales, Dr. Page, Dr. Slader acrd nurses. —MRS. ALLAN NEAL. 50p I Would like to thank all those who sent cards, treats and visited me while I was a patient in hospital. Special thanks to doctors and muting staff at Clinton Public Hospital. —IVAN COLEMAN. 50b CARDS OF THANKS We Weal like o. _ .l to thank our :family', frieu'dsrand .neigh:epe s. for cards, glete end flowers sent to us on our recent arletheerearY, Spee'ial thanks to these Who planned the Surprise Peetees and those that called at our home, which all made our 25th anniv ersary a very special and happy .event. — WLLA and 130B TAYLOR,. ,SOp I would, like to 'thank n,y friends ,and staff, 'elle were Iso kind, while I was n patient ee Clinton Public Hospital. --,MRS. ARLENE FITZGERALD. 50p emeeee IN MEMORIAM SHOOBIOROOK - In loving memory of our clear husband and Dad. "We will never forget your !smiling faee, As you lived among us here, And no one can take the glace Of the one we loved so deer," —Sadly missed by Wife, Ethel end children Stanley, Ruth and Ann, 50b ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs. Archer' Fleet wish to enmolitiee the engagement of their daugh- ter, Shlriey Anr} to AC William Alert Todd, on of Mr, and Mrs:'...Alan Todd, Powell River, B.C. ,The wedding will take place on Saturday, January 8, 1966 at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Clinton, Ontario. 50p Mr, an'd Mrs, James Greydanus, RR 1, Bayfield wish to announce 'tile en- gagement of their daugh- ter, Francine Helene to Mr. Leo Dykstra, son of Mr. and Mrs. U, ryylstxa , RR 2 Clinton. The marriage to take place. in Christian Ree formed ,Church, Clinton, on December 23, 1965. 50x Amish Schools . A Question For Education's Study And Debate (By W. E. Elliott) GODERICH — A request by North Norwich township coun- cil that the department of edu- cation take action to upgrade "sub -standard private schools" has received wide endorsement from county councils to which a resolution on this subject' was sent. Clerk Robert Watkins re- ports 13 endorsements to date, seven "nay" replies, one agree- ment in principle, and in one instance a county council. re- ferred the resolution—for some reason not easily understood— to the Dominion government. Huron council's legislative committee, of which Reeve Kenneth Stewart, McKillop, is ohauman, gave the resolution some study and did • not recom- mend concurrence, pending fug-, ler information. The facts are that when cen- tral schools were built in the townships of North and South Norwich, five years ago, the Amish people bought two old single -room schools, one in eaoh township. Since the 1961 fall term, classes have been held, and the schools are operated indepen- dently of departmental stan- dards. Accordingly, noo .inspec- tor has authority to check on .the situation. North Norwich council in its resolution set forth that "pri- vate schools operated by groups who do not give an equal op- portunity in education do not supply adequate school or plant or give students the type of outlook or competition with other children of the 'commvn- ity as has been promoted by the department." The council proposed that the department 'take the neces- sary steps to 'bring sub -stand- ard private schools in this cate- gory up to the standard of pub- lic schools in the same school area ... and that the trustees ofprivate schools comply with these standards or be compel- led to send their children to the public schools." The Amish people set them- selves religiously and socially apart more than Mennonites generally. They shun modern dress and avoid many mech- anical contrivances, They are most numerous in parts of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indi- ana. (The setup iii regard to the (Continued on page 7) TENDERS Tenders Are Invited By The TOWN OF CLINTON FOR A GARBAGE COLLECTION Full information available from the undersigned. Tenders to be in by Friday, December 17, 1965. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN LIVERMORE, Clerk, Town of Clinton, Town Hall, Clinton. Phone 482-9545. 50b 1 GIFT SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS DRESS SHIRTS ARROW WHITE IS ALWAYS RIGHT See the Perma-lron, Never Needs Ironing SWEATERS PULLOVERS CARDIGANS All Sizes -- All Shades From $9.95 Up SWEAT SHIRTS STANFI ELDS All Sizes, All Shades $3.95 ea. GIFT BOXES Pickett MAIN CORNER PYJAMA and ROBE SETS Medium and Large $13.95 to $16.95 4.4114.14,, Gift Suggestions Gloves Scarves Socks Ties Jewellery Belts Hats, Jackets Pyjamas Vests Fur Hats Slippers Gowns Etc. 4 PILE SWEATERS S - M - L $14.95 to $19.95 • GIFT CERTIFICATES -- LAY -AWAY & Campbell Ltd. MEN'S WEAR CLINTON PHONE 482.9732