HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-12-16, Page 5fidelity Unit
Elects; Holds
Christmas Party
Twent.)?,,rdne Inentbers
girests' of the VidelitY Unit ,of
Pnited •Chureh:
Wen-ten :sat flOWn to the pot,
ita* luncheon that preceded
their December meeting on
T'ue'sday', , • December 7, 'Follow,
rig the 1144.1e04, the program
e9P,Vener,. Mrs, Lorne -Jeri*
directed a 'Christmas , Gift''
which was. 'won by Mrs,
F., Andrews,
Mrs, Jervis was assisted, hy-
Nfrs, G, Rathwell in the Christ-
MPS worship service which
opened the after-luncheon meet-
ing, Mrs, R. Gibb was guest
speaker, and spoke on Brazil
where .sbe had lived as a child,
giving many interesting details
about the political structure,
government, customs ,and econ-
omy of the country, as well as
personal reminiscences,
During its business session,
the officers for 1966 were elect,
ed, They Are: leader, Mrs. J.
Carter; assistant leader, Mrs.
F, Andrews; secretary, Mrs. L.
Jervis; treasurer, Mrs. J. Sut-
.1A pup butter
Ye cup -WhIte :SVgar Ye cup sweet milk
3. eggs '40atsn seiMratPly ty2 ipiips. flour -
g teas4pons powder I t4ii,espaor; vanilla
1 teaspoon almond flavouring
Cream 'butter and add sugar, blending well. Add
eggs one .at a time, Mix dry 'ingredients and add.
;alternately with „mint 'beginning Ansi .ending with flour
MIO4Ure. Add flavogriggs. •
• Then am. fruit,
1 14, white raisins,
1/2. lb, candied cherries
VI. lb. almonds (slivered)
Y4 14, pineapple slices
lb. citron 'peel
/2 lb. sweetened cocoanut
Line pan with beavy brown paper and grease well,
preheat oven 'to 275 degrees. Put a pan of water in the
oven and bake for,two hours or until a knitting needle
comes out clean when inserted into the centre of the cake. Do not over-bake or finished product will 'be dry,
Two Ladies In Presidency
Auburn UCW Elects For '66
Sent anywhere in time for the Holidays ,
• 'MUMS •
Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere
Dial 482.7012 Clinton
lie41144 smile last 'WhilIV drill with the .hinny
weak read: m one: of toxzlogi sound nothing to be
owl clail4es about ',the ad 'Pencerned- _ithOttt ji,i.st because it
tist who clobbered tea,' young is .shiny-, sparicly Silver with a
patient because he hacl tittea gaily striped hese,
het.' '44a I'm afraid my, ,Froth', 0010440 tat-sized:
SYMioatir.k$ -OM with Vie child, tzlftgc$ 44.4 chom 44:41 gpAta,sy,
POn't jump to conChlSigns '144 AdePOr are becoming PPP,-
that I think youngsters -Should .monplace in the 'MOM modern
he allowed to give vent to their .ciental ciigica whore the doctors
emotions when they visit the are •dis.g.uise.cl. as smiling, witty
denast. On the. -contrary, kids characters out of a storybook,
Who -elainp their 1.110411S cl-CosVtl: Trito this falry-like atines-
at the sight of . the dentist's phere -steps the innocent trust
office and start to StainP and ing 01410, a Victim of hils moth,
scream upon entrance Can. be er'S 441040 and the 09,W4W5
quite a trial. for parents and specialized training that has.
the doctor , and even to taught bin), that all children are
r Omnseirs7 es . spineless, trembling :creatures
But I don't cotton to this unable to face the world and
new-found theory that the OP, reality with even; so much as
List should be painted as - the a grain of common sense.
-kindly clown with the happy Along with the dentist and
chair that goes up and doiwa., his assistant in the party hat,
Nor de, I agree that young the little one with the cavity in
Johnny should :he told that the his tooth trips merrily into the
• •-•- • -• • •-•-•• ,,,, inner ,Office 'Where he 4s offered
a ride on the magical chain Up
PXE , „ he goes until he is
right beneath the big light. •
Now it is time for the game,
The idea is for Johnny to
show the dancing dentist just
how wide he can open his
mouth . . , and then the dentist
goes to work.
Now I ask you? After a
build-up like this, is it any won-
der Johnny snaps at the nice
man when he feels' the first
slight sensation of discomfort
and what is even more
I humiliating, when he discovers
he has been 'tricked by his own
mother and her doctor friend?
So I salute the young man
who bit the dentist. He struck
a blow for the rights of all
children who deserve the truth.
AUBURN — The - Heart of -Christmas. Miss Jack-
son led in prayer. The offering
was received by Mrs. Elliott
Lapp and 'Mrs. Roy Easom
Beauty Salon
Is Closed Until After The
Holiday Season,
Owner Mrs. Florence Wood
is recovering from a
...fractured arm, .
Pianist, Mrs. B, Hearn; pro-
gram convener, Mrs. N. Hol-
land; social convener, Mrs. N.
Shepherd; supply convener,
Mrs. 13; Diehl; visiting coo-
vener, Mrs. C. Lockwood; flow-
er convener, Mrs. F. AndreWs;
keeper of birthday fund, Mrs.
G. ewes; and keeper of pen-
ny-a-day fund, Mrs. B. Hearn.
Classified Ads.
Bring Results
Arthur Bishop, North Say,
whom at the very last was un-
able to come due to illness,
Also present were the complete
wedding party including, Mrs.
Isabel (Robinson) McKenzie of
Acton, bridesmaid; Harvey
Taylor, Van-4, best man; Mrs-,
Marlene (Jervis) Forbes, RR 2
Clinton, and Mrs. Margery
(Webster) Heuther, Walton,
flowergirl, and Kenneth Ste-
phenson, 'Clinton, who had act-
ed 'as ring-bearer.
The evening was spent in
playing cards and the winners
were; high woman, Isabel Mc-
Kenzie; low woman, Linda
Arms.trang; high man, Ray
Heuther; low man, Kenneth
The bridal party were' then
called 'to the front and the
bridesmaid read an account of
the wedding 25 years ago, and
the best man read an address
which reminisced the past 25
On behalf of their brothers
and sisters, Louis Taylor pre-
sented a beautiful anniversary
clock to the couple and other
lovely gifts were also received.
Watson - Webster and his. dau-
ghter Margery entertained the
group with music while lunch
was „prepared.
Earlier in the day, the
couple's family; Barry, Carol
and Don had presented them
with a lovely kitchen suite,
On Sunday the couple had
another 'surprise party, when
their family took them for a
drive, and after driving them
in circles for several miles they
ended up at' the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Forbes, where
about 25 nieces and nepheWs of
the bride, and other friends had
planned an anniversary dinner.
The dining room was decorated
with white bells and streamers,
and the table was decorated
with a beautifully decorated
cake -and white lighted candles.
Wm. Landsborough, in his
humorous manner, acted ; as
master of ceremonies and the
couple were presented with a
beautiful silver and copper-
lone serving plate from their
nieces and nephews, and little
Miss Sylvia 'Forbes -presented
them with a dainty silver but-
ter,dish and knife, on behalf of
her sisters.
Another surprise was: a visit
from same friends and neigh-
bours in the "Wee" hours- of
Tuesday morning, when they
staged an "Old Fashioned
On Tuesday night, December
7, the day of their 'anniversary,
the couple were treated to a
dinner at Dominion Hotel, Zur-
ich, 'by their family, and during
the afternoon and evening
many 'friends called and extend-
ed their "best wishes" and en-
joyed A piece of anniversary
cake with the Bride and Groom
of 25 years.
Baylield Bingo
Well Attended
BAYFIELD — A hundred
people enjoyed the Lions Club
Feather Bingo, held on Friday,
December 10th.
Winners were', Cal Scotch-
mer, Mrs. A. F. Scatehmer,
Ted Turner (2), Mrs, F. Wes-
ton, Mrs. J. B. Higgins, Carl
Humphries, Mrs. F. Arkell (2), •
Ken Brandon (2), Marion Fran-
cis, G. L. Morgan Smith, Mrs.
R, Blair, Mrs. E. Weston, Fred
Telford, Jim Angus, Doug
Gemeinhardt and Neil Bell-
chamber all of 13ayfield,
Mrs. Ruby Hill, Milton Tal-
bot (2), Mrs. Ralph Stephen-
son, all from Varna,, and Mr. T.
Bedard and Alma. McLean,
Share :the wealth prize win-
ners were, Jack Hammond, $12;
Mrs. P. Telford $11; J. 33,
Higgins, $11 and Mrs. Ruby
Hill, $11.
Pregidenit, Mrs. Bert Craig
took charge of the business
period and opened with prayer.
Minutes were read by secretary,
Miss Elms Mutch.
Mrs. Norman McDowell, trea-
surer gave the financial state-
ment. Mrs. Gordon IVIeClincheY
convener of the finance 'corn-
mittee reported and also the
correspondence secretary, Miss
Margaret Johnston.
Reports were received from
all committee conveners but
the outstanding one was pre-
sented by the convener of sup-
ply, Mrs. Tom Lawlor. She re-
parted that a 629 pound bale
valued at $1,908.85 had been
The question and answer
period with the panel composed
of Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer,
Mrs, Kenneth McDougall, Mrs.
Bert Craig and Rev. John
Wheeler proved very interest-
ing, It was proved that more
Bible Study was wanted at Unit
and general meetings.
All Units had combined to
lay new church carp.et,and as-
sisted in other projects.
Mrs. Norman McClineney,
convener of the Nominating
Committee presented 'the slate
of officers. New • Units were
drawn from the membership
and leaders will be chosen at
the January meeting. Rev. John
Wheeler closed with prayer.
The 1966 officers are: 'past
president, Mrs. Bert Craig;
presidents, Mrs, Oliver Ander-
son, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall;
first vice-president, Mrs. Stew-
art Ament; second vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Norman McClinchey;
Recording secretary, • Mrs.
Robert Arthur; assistant secre-
tary, Miss Elma Mutch; corre,-.
sponding secretary, Miss Mar-
garet Jackson; treasurer, 'Mrs.
Norman McDowell; mission
treasurer, Mrs. Norman Mc-
Press secretary, Miss Viola
Thompson; literature secretary,
Mrs. Charles. Straughan; .kitch-
en committee, Mrs. Robert Tur-
ner, Mrs. George Millian, Mrs.
Wil lam Straughan, Mrs. Keith
Machan; supply committee,
Mrs. William Ernpey, Mrs. Guy
Cunningham, Mrs.: William
Dodd, Mrs. Roy Easom, Miss
Margaret Jackson.
Nominating committee, Mrs.
Ralph Munro, Mrs. Lawrence
Plaetzer, Mrs, Norman IVIcCliiV;
alley; visiting convener, Mrs.
Elliott Lapp: finance, Mrs.
Brnest Durnin; Christian stew-
ardship, Mrs. Sidney Lansing;
Christian citizenship, Mrs. Or-
land Bere;
Representative to manse
eoritnittee, Mrs. Robert Turner;
representative to board of
SteWards, Mrs. Arthur Grange;
music committee, Mrs. William
J. Craig and Mrs. James Jack-
Classified Ads. Bring
Quick Results
key is'Synopymous .With
Mas. But no turkey' is NO04
without, the ideal _stuffing" as
an aCCOMpianinwitt. Try is
"Old Fashioned Pressing , -for that 0401 -touch with roast
.00 vashioned...pressing
B. cups fine, medium-dry.
% cup finely chopped onion 2 tablespoons finely chopped
celery leaves
34 teaspoon salt,
2 to .3 teeSpeons poultrY
Vs teaspoon pepper
Ye cup melted butter
14 teaspoon Accent
• 13-read should; be three to four
days old. To make crumbs, re-
move crust from bread. Place
Ai to 1h lcaf in clean 'tea
towel, form ;bag, and rub be-
tween fingers, Repeat until suf-
ficient bread has been crumbed.
(A 24-ounce loaf yields about
8 cups.)
Combine ingredients thor-
oughly. Taste and adjust sea-
sonings. Stuff lightly into neck
and body cavities of turkey,
and close openings. Increase or
decrease recipe to suit size of
bird to be stuffed.
Prepare, Turkey With Cure
Don't let food poisoning ruin .
your Christmas holiday. In-
stead, follow these suggestions
from home economists at Mac-
donald Institute, Guelph, for
preparing and storing a holiday
turkey properly, to avoid any
Dressing must be -handled,
and consists of many small in:-
gredientS such as' read crumbs,
seasonings and fat. Thus,
chances for bacterial . growth
are great. Therefore, combine
Staffing ingredients just before
cooking time and make sure
any pork being added has been
well cooked. (The stuffing in-
gredients can be prepared the
night before; if refrigerated
until used.)
Stuff the turkey just before
roasting. Otherwise, the :warm,
th of the cavity could inclnee
the growth of bacterio.. Never
partially 'cook a bird. The added
warmth produced hi the dress-
ing can also promote bacterial
growth unless fully cooked to
kill the bacteria,
After the meal, remove all
stuffing from 'the bird. Wrap
separately in foil or wax paper
and refrigerate. It takes too
long for cold to penetrate a
bird's cavity. Also refrigerate
immediately, the broth, gravy,
and remaining turkey. Remem-
ber warmth, moisture, and time
exposed are ideal aids for bac-
terial growth in food.
Classified Ads.
Bring Results
Leftover PrOblete
,Christmas turkey is always
nice, but bow to serve the lefts,
over portion ,can. be a problem,
Creamed Turkey ()Nev. Mee
chicken bouillon cube
1 cup liquid drained from
eat ned trinShroonts and.
1 cup milk
tablespoons butter
1/4 Op flour
1/4 teaspoon. salt
Ye ...teaspoon Pepper
1 teaspoon grated onion
1-1/4 cups coolced tor
can; mushrooms, dPained
34 cup ripe olives, sliced.
• .cup chopped almond's
Ye teaspoon paprika
-Dissolve bouillon cube
mushroom liquid -and, water
over medium heat, Then add
Milk. Melt 3 tablespoons of
butter in the top of 'a double
holler. Add flour and stir over
how heat until blended. Add
bouillon mixture, -Cook, stirring
constantly, until , thickened,
Place over hot water. Add sea-
sonings and turkey. Heat.
Meanwhile, brown mushrooms
in remaining 1 tablespoon of
butter, Add -to creamed turkey.
Add olives and almonds just
before serving. -Serve over rice.
Turkey Pie
• cup butter
5 tablespoons flour
Pups turkey .stoelc
1 cup milk
2 -camps thin strips coolted
12 small white 9r40' cooked 1 ethp, thced, cooked potatoes
1 caps peas .aral carrots,
salt .and' pepper
hispuif't dough
Melt butter in saucepan, add
flour and stir tuitil smooth,
Gradually add stock and
stirring constantly. Continue to
cook and .stir until thickened.
Add turkey, vegetables, and
salt and pepper, Turn into
greased casserole. Cover with
biscuit dough. 'Cut several al:its
Ira tionh to permit eseaPe of
steam, Bake in hot oven.
(450°F) for 25 minutes, or un-
til done.
Biscuit Dough
1336 cups sifted flour
136 teaspoons double-acting
baking powder
5 tablespoons shortening
9 tablespoons milk
% teaspoon salt
Sift dry ingredients together;
cut in shortening. Gradually
add milk, stirring until soft
dough is formed. Turn out .on
lightly floured board. Knead
30 seconds. Roll
of casserole.
Ftrom My widow
(By Wiley KcIlo)t
A surprise party was held
in Varna. Township hall on Sat-
urday, December 4 in honor of
IVfai. and Mrs.' Robert Taylor,-, on
the occasion of their 25th wed-
ding anniversary.
Amongst those present were
all members of both families
except the bride's sister, Mrs.
.1, I .1 C..1
TbUrs., PPc, iOf 1965,Clintori NeWs-404/rd-,--Page
'Serve Your Turkey With A Flourish
The Leftovers' With oyt% flare
VICTORIA ST. --• CLINTON — 482-7661
0Nyouujn. Litt it
meeting of the inked -Church
Women of Knox church was
held in the Sunday school room
with Unit Three in charge, Miss
Margaret R. Jackson gave the
call to, worship and Mrs. Wil-
liam J, Craig was at the piano.
Scripture was read by Mrs.
Gordon 1VicClindhey and the
meditation theme was The
Varna Couple
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor. Feted
By Relatives, Friends on Anniversary
Something To Wear
out to fit top
Open Evenings from Fri., Dec. 17 to Thurs., Dec. 2 3
J. W. Counter
Builders' Supplies
94 ALBERT ST. 4824612
Ciinfoin 482.6623