HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-12-16, Page 2New Brownies On a recent Wednesday even- ing, proud parents watched the following girls being enrolled into the 2nd Clinton RCAF Brownie Pack: Shannon Hodg- son, Kathy Lawson, Sharon Borden, Shelly Borden, Dendte Knight, Diane Bathgate, Bar- bara Thompson, Jessie Cum- mings, Mary Carmichael, Kim Amirault, Dawn Matthews, Jeanita .Snowdon and Claudette Cote. The "Tweerites" walked up a golden path from the magic pool into the Brownie Circle Where they were enrolled by Brown Owl, Mrs. Sandra Sink- er. Madame Commissioner, Mrs. Sue Carmichael and Tawny Owl, Mrs. Vioki Knight were also in the 'Circle to greet the Brownies. A delightful ..skit of the Brownie Story was presented by the Brownies under the (Er- ection of Tawny Owl, Las. Jeanne Thomson and Mrs. Gladys Dawes:'. During the clos- ing ceremony the Brownies sang "This Little Brownie Light of Mine" after which Madame Commissioner took the good night salute. Nursery School On Monday morning, Decem- ber 13, the Nursery School held its closing session before the Christmas holiday recess. Par- ents . of the pre-schoolers at- tended and viewed the progress made by 'the pupils. The 'child- ren sang carols, played games and decorated a tree followed by the distribution of gifts. The group Was under the direction of Mrs. Sue Carmichael and her assistant Mrs. Jessie Mac- Kay. r OWL Social The Catholic Women's Lea- gue held a general meeting and their annual Christmas social at the Social Centre on Sunday, December 12. Santa distributed gifts to all the members as well as 'the the chaplain,. Plans were made • for the activities of the new year. Personals Ars.. R. B. Refuse has return- ed from Pennsylvania where Knox WMS Had 23 Attending Christmas Event AUBURN — The Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. John Houston with 23 present. The president Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. opened the meeting with the Christmas Glad Tidings prayer. Rev. R, U. MacLean gave, an inspiring Christmas message on Advent. The nominating committee composed of Mrs. Wilfred San- derson, Mrs, Jack Hallam and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson presented the slate of officers for 1966: Hon. presidents, Mrs. John Houston, Mrs. Edgar Lawson; president, Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son; vice-president, Mrs. Wes Bradnock; secretary-treasuree, Mrs. Donald Haines; pianist, Mrs. D. Plaines; Glad Tidings, Mrs. John Hallam; welcome and welfare, Mrs. Frank Raith- by; flower convener, Mrs. Al- fred Rollinson; literature and library, Mrs. Alvin. Leather- land; home helpers, MisS Min- nie Wagner, Mrs, Roy Met; stipply, Mrs. Carl Govier; stu- dent and press, Mrs. Ed, DaVies. Ladies' Aid President, Mrs. Major Yotingblut secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Roy Daer, The meeting Was closed with the benediction. Lunch. was ser- ved by MrS. Alfred Rollinson and Mit, Warner AndreWS, as- sisted by Nfigg Fiances Masten,• Classified Ads. Bring Results she attended the funeral of her mother, Mrs. E. Moyer. Mr .and Mrs. A, .13,abbington from Ottawa are visiting their daughter Mrs, H. C. McConnell. Miss, Gayle ,Q00MbS from Tor- onto was visiting friends locally over the last weekend. Cpl. and Mrs. R. L, Clark their children, Kimberley and Tracy, from Gimli are spending a few weeks at Cpl. and Mrs, W. Estabrooks', Steven Kingwell celebrated his 5th birthday on December 8. Others having birthdays this month include, Terry Richard- son, Elise. Rause, Janet 'Gale and George Salt. Mrs. D. Hardy has been a patient in Clinton Public Hos- piltal. • KIPPEN Mrs. Leonard was admitted Wednesday to South Huron Hospital for surgery, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes, London, visited recently with the latter's father, 'Robert Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys were Sunday guests With Mr. and Mrs. William Jones and family, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tor- rance, Larry and Jo-Anne, Mit- chell, visited Sunday with Mrs. Reid Torrance and Miss Jean Ivison. Gordon Wren, a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, is slowly improving. Mrs. Reid Torrance. and Miss Jean Ivison were in London on Friday attending the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. R. H. Barnby. . Ralph Devlaeninck who resid- ed on the Jim McBwan farm nntil one year ago and now re- sides on No. 4 Highway near Centralia, met With an acci- dent last Wednesday. The car was wrecked. He was admitted to South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rown- tree, Weston, were weekend visitors off the former's sister, Mrs. N. Long and Mr. Long. CHRISTMAS TREES PINE TREES AT II maul It Corner of Wellington and Isaac Streets — 482-9514 .04 020PgRuct ,DANCING EVERY SATURPAY441,01T THIS „, „. Rgy$" SPECIAL CHRISTMAS NIGHT DANCE December 25 FREE CORSAGES TO FIRST 100 GIRLS, NEW YEAR'S EYE "KEN 'DUCHARME AND THE ALLSTARS" Tickets Now On Sale For reservations phone 524-9371 or 524-9264 ESTS FROM Sutter Perdue Check Our Gift and Hardware Catalogue for Many Ideas SUTTER-PERDUE Hardware Eugene McAdarn Phone 482-7023 1 Seto NA) lomeil FORSYTH SHIRTS • BLAZER'S an d MOATS • SLACKS SWEATERS • PYJAMAS • SPORT SHIRTS • DUFFLE COATS • TIES and HOSIERY • BELTS and JEWELLERY • BILTMORE HAT GIFT CERTIFICATES Use Our Layaway Plan for Christmas . Gifts. Gift Boxes Gift Certificates klERMAWS MEN'S WEAR (OPEN FRIDAY 'EVENINGS) PHONE 482-9351 CLINTON -for rural children at a younger age, a critical look at our traf- fic laws and our methods of transportation is, in order. As' parents, we are the first to agree that children must be trained to respect our high- Way safety rules!. Parents, tea- chers and buS drivers all have a responsibility here. But experience has shown that this is not the whole an- swer, so various methods are used to ensure safety. Urban centres have crossing guards, safety patrols, etc. But in rural areas where traf- fic speed is much greater and motorists less likely 'to 'be watching for pedestrians, the' child has far less protection. We have flashing lights and 'signs on 'the backs of our school buses, which are some help. But this is obviously not enough. , What seems to happen is; the bus stops — traffic piles up be- hind it — someone becomes im- patient and passes the lineup, bus and all. If the motorist happens to be following a truck, or if visibility is poor, he may have been unaware that there was 'a school bus ahead. . Whatever the reason, the child is not protected. The bus driver is in a position that none of us would envy. And what of the motorist, who for whatever reason finds himself involved in an accident? —In.some 'states of the U.S. traffic stops from both direct- ion's for a school bus. —In parts of Michigan spec- ially trained safety patrol mem- bers get off the bus with each child and crosses with him — presumably focusing both, their attention on safety factors: • Buses serving the separate school at St. Joseph's travel highway' 21 in both directions so that no child needy to cross the highway. —Some bus drivers use the horn 'as a signal to the child — in some oases it means "go", in other cases "stop". —Perhaps a signal arm on the left side of the bus, equip- ped with a flashing light, dropped across the oncoming lane — warning, both oncoming traffic and those who might try to pass the bus would be an answer. We don't know what the so- lution is. We hope that the question will receive immediate attent- ion from all concerned in the interests of our children, their parents, bus drivers, 'and the motorists in general, Those of us interested might express otir concern by. writing to our provincial member's of parliament or A GROUP or. CONCERN- ED PARENTS. December 14, 1965. Bruedield, °Mute. Clinton News-Record cores a complete keleakin or wdading knhoukbinotilii st yled the ihafing, I Used My Credit at ANSTETT'S To Purchase Most of My CHRISTMAS GIFTS ..a Come in , . . See Our Lovely Displays of Gifts for all Members of the family. We Can Offer You An Attractive Time Pay- ment Plan With No Carrying Charges. Free Gift Wrapping Just Ask John or Helen to help you make your gift selection today, ANSTETT JEWELLERS LIMITED )MAIN STREET -- CLINTON 482-9515 HI, THERE! LOOK WHAT I'VE GOT! ?Poo. Noes-Record..-,,Thurs„, Dec. 104 1904 Editorial Safety for Children Highway accidents involving children getting, ofd school buses, point up the need for responsible auth- orities to take another look at rules‘for,d1Sembarking from school buses, We have talked to many Persons closely involved in the actual transportation of the youngsters, and to those responsible for enforcing the rules. The law is that 'traffic overtaking a bus which has its signals flashing must come to a full step, and wait until the bus continues on its WAY again. The youngsters get off the bus and wait on the side of the road until signaled by the driver that the way is clear. Then they walk across to the other side, in front of the bus. Traffic meeting a school bus whose signals are flashing, must slow down to 'a safe rate of speed, (In matter of fact, a good number of cars are now stopping when they meet such a bus.) Here's something else! There is no law against passing' a school bus, even if it Is stopped, if the flashers are not going. In a built up area, where speed is zoned at 35 miles an 'hour or slower, the bus will not set its flashers in action, even when stopped. However, we find that not all bus drivers are doing exactly the same thing when they stop their 'buses. Not all children are required to do the sanie things, either. This leads to a certain amount of confusion on the part of children, their parents, and the travelling public. We find that one bus owner encourages his driv. ers to get off the bus and help the smaller children make their crossing safely. He also asks his drivers to watch the build-up of cars and trucks behind the bus, and to let these other vehicles pass as soon as they can. Probably the answer to safer travel for the children, more peace of mind on the part of the parents, and less confusion, on the part of the motor- ists, is a stepped-up education program for all with consistent instructions to everyone, and a stronger enforcement of the laws as they stand. Parents'Ask for Help More Protection Needed For Children On Buses Huron TB Group Starting New X-ray Program Members of the Huron Coun- ty Tuberculosis Association vot- ed to 'establish a 'Pre-employ- ment', Pre-retirement' X-ray program in the county at a meeting in Clinton Thursday. E. R. Knight said there had been 244 appointments to regu- lar chest clinics since the last meeting. One Huron. Colinty resident ,had been achnitted to sanatorium. President G. A. Watt presid- ed alt the meeting. Miss Lottise Robertson, the 'education chair- man, reported that along with regular , educational materials sent out to industries and medi- cal personnel in the county, a PIPE, TOBACCO MEN'S CIGARETTE LIGHTERS CHOCOLATES •• 2 77C-Ifi 1 lett 0. ,, RACKS $1.98 to $7.00 POUCHES $1.25 to $3.95 WALLETS $1.98 to $5.95 CASES $1.00 to $3.95 97c to $5.95 - $1.10 to $4.55 PIPES A good caosmsoertimn eant.d n We see them, you to Prices range from $L95 to $25.95 CIGARS — Your Choice —Christmas Packed C IGARETTES — The Brand of Your Choice Again we ;invite you 'to come in and look over our fine stock. WISHING YOU . . . ' SEASON'S GREETINGS Gord's‘ Billiards GORDON and GRACE LAWSON 4 HURON ST. CLINTON 4. ---.#, Adastral ark Social Notes Vice-Presidents Taking Oath of Office At the joint meeting of Clinton Branch 140 of the Royal Canadian Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary Monday night, an 'installing team from Mitchell of- ficiated at 'the installation of the 1966 officers. Above the vice-presidents • are being installed, from the left, Mrs, Hartley Managhan, second vice-president; Mrs, Don McLean, first vice-president; William Chambers, first vice-president and Stewart 'Dick' Freeman, second vlce-president. (Photo by Roy Clynick) Dear Editor, In view of the recent fatalit- leg involving school children getting 'off buses, and with the trend toward more bus travel YOUR CHOICE OF ANY ARTICLE ON OUR GRAB TABLE FOR 75c Make excellent Christmas pre- sents, all new articles, including Children's Slippers, Shoes, Run- ning Shoes, etc. at RAY'S SHOE REPAIR 35 HURON ST., CLINTON Legion 'Treasurers Mrs. William Jervis and R. J. "Dick" Dixon were 14. Stalled as treasurers of the , Ladies Auxiliary and. Legion branch of Clinton at 'a joint meeting of the two groups. Monday evening. They are Shown here being installed by an installation team, of past presidents from Mitchell , Legion. (Photo by Ray Clynick) number of pamphlets and re- spiratory system charts had been sent to teachers. It was decided that the booklet, "P13 —The Road To Eradication," be sent to every. public school teacher in the county, Several memibers, along with the secretary, will visit Huron County residents in sanatorium with a remembrance 'from the association in the c oming weeks. Classified Ads. Bring Results