HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-12-16, Page 111.1....1..... w _... .:........ .„, :,,.> . . :, . .,,.,w. -,, .0 a::.., . ., �,,:,.-...,., �4.r . ,-. .,..
opy, W. n, .A.)
Its, begin_=.A& to feat'as I
it wvree tune to get some pro-
visions; into the ark, and Ixe..
Pam Por the next 40 days oi.
rain , Isn't thss rid :cuktusl
Remember ;last year when
ieveryone was making noises
About a da,"ought 7 and a W ter
shortage? and farm crops were
in troub'1ez? ,.Certainly it nothing
else •can be said about Canada,
ane clan comment upon the var-
fety of climate .,
Remember to stay a few kind
words to the Post Office staff
in these days before ChAstinas
Tbe're putting In their last.
Month in the crowded quarters
they've been trying to get arc-
customod to for years ... and
naturally December is the busi-
est month of all for then .
Just avoid comments like:
Don't you wish you were in the
new building? tar John or Bob
:or Art or somebody pis 'apt to
fling a ruibbgr stamp at you :in
s'lieer desperartipn .. ,
One thing we, miss; in (Minton
are the Wo tondsms we usetd to
pick up w!hde out having a
mane ,X coffee ... Our shaggy
drag story supply is dwindling
. We do Have one about the
hereafter, .however;
Tlie e was 'this city fellow
who died, and strangely enough
ended up in heaven . He
was not surprised 'at this, for
it was a destination he head ex-
pected,. and he found every-
thing much as the place had
been described to him , . He
had a set of wings, and wore
sandals, and there was.a. special
harp in the cupboard for hkn
when he' wanted to play . .
But 'he 'soon -noticed something
unusual about the other angels
. Some of them (though
ressed;,. properly as angels)
were. slowed down by -`2c ball
and chairs attached to one
foot . . .
The city fellow rushed to St.
Peter to ask • what it was all
about , "Wella” quoth St.
Peter, "they're not badpeople,
really ... but they keep ig
about a little country 'town
they once And in for a while
down in Huron County, called
Clinton ... and we !had to .put
on the shackles because far
some sirange .a'easoh they 'all
keep trying •,:fie , go. rack• , .. „
Don't you -think,, Ernie Wal-
ton 'would be !proudof us?
Was in, the hospital the other
day when some sweet voiced
• ladie's went carolling down th'e
hulls.... A thoughtful gesture,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nvt Q The Hgme Paper
I Air Vice Marshal F.
Canadian Forces Traini .
. Martin J. Horne, right,
topping the graduating
ACI W. A. McKinnon of
tions during his 'tour of R
the reccent graduating cla
A/V/M F. R.. S.harrp
ChieF F
l erick R. Sharp, D'F'C, CD,
Cornmzamd= Designate of the
new Canadian Forces Train-
ing Command .due to become
operational Jfanuary 1, 1.966,
visited . RCAF Clinton on
Tuesday, December 14.
He was accmigpanaed by a,statff .of Senior Officers, Commodom R. W. Timbredl, DSC,
CD (RCN); Air.Commo(Tbre
althougb.one of rthe warts in thewoo a v em ewe -visitedsolei, "I
suppose t'h'ey !have the candle'sso they can read the word's ,"Somehow the whole thing warsfraaught wlith serntiment and all -
reaching sort,of love for others
.Carollers may somertimes
feel that their efforts care not
appreciated _ ....but this ds not
so;.nor never was .....
109th Year
}ith the News CWNTQN,
To Request
mound Chief Pre;sonts.Certmfdcca$.es
Sl exp, DFC, CD, Commander Designate of the new
g Command,left, is shown here presenting AC7.of Fnfield, N.S., with ,an honour studentcertificatecass of Food. Services Attendants. rn .the centre is
Sulnme'rside, P.F.I. The A/V/M made 'the presenrta-CAF Station Clinton, Tuesday. Seven airmen weare in
ss at rthe School of Food Services. , (RCAF' Photo)
r. or
-r- $4th YearTHE HURCJN RECQRR T.HUP00Al(, DECEIyi ER 1 7965$4t4 0 .der Year.. 1.L1 dencop , 2. hgppp,
Billy Howne InlrLoun.c i n
s.*w Zedland
Three year-old 1311 y Brown
W, 4p reunited with ` his famiv
New ze and4n
Keevi • . hass
r�•.'ay, ?3Pve4nlber 10, .after re=,coyering from, an, illness wbich
Mayor Don Symons extended.
all ropa'rted that they would
'hixr�ined in hospital
Christmas and holiday greet-
bewithin ilieir bnldget .Pax the
at, Honoaulu, Hawaii fpr three'
ings to his, council, and to ailyear..wee1ts,
qu�s!ts anyone -geeing this 'dam-
agetake place, or Ding any-
Billy's parlents acre Mr, :and
persons who had heap4d and
eo-apem'at�ecl with the 44kninist-(streets)
• Of a $42,500 public works
bu'd'gei,chairmaxx Jin"S:
William Brown, formrierly
ration of CbinNon's affairs, r tArmstrong
reported a balance
of Clinton•. He is, the grandson
the conclusion of the past meet-
of $15,636 at November 3Q At
f 2.Wood, 72 Al-
ing on 11>amday evening,
Monday s rileeting an account
b,e� tStreet, Clinton,
The mayor cautioned citizens
for $11,913 Sar street and dr�lin
h'i's parents 'have expressed
that the pollee force has a dutyxap
xvoric was authorized to be
xeciatlian to the pe=ople of
to perforxan, He reque=sted as-
fid'leaving a balance oSHoh0h4u
an=d many others who
freerCit to keep
$3,723. forr De!cexnber. Coun.
bill's and tine air-
C;lixnto�n free of accidents cur-
Clint n
Arrmstran says there will def-paid`hospital
fare �to New Zealand, 'the
in'g the ;holiday seasoxc;f4n0y's
initely be a surplus unless we
rw home,
Councillor i�a,G Naon'an re-
ha=ve a m,ajoa breaik or a series
Iii this area mgney was xaas�
tyirn'ed the greeting from theed
of ba=d snow storms,
n, Godeiila by an indiividual;
Out of a budget of $23,500
Seai'oth 'teen Town and Clip-
Later this. week the mayor
inthe police budget at Novem-toktBranCh.
x40 Royal Canadian
requested the press to pass on
b'er 30, there is $3,089 left, re-.
tra'inin g programand to brief
htsoT-- a!paal eciatioal of the 1�oveay
Ported 112ayor Symons.
the immediate past presidenwt of
decorating displays bhat busi-
Deputy Reeve GeoTge Wonch
people and hom!e'own'ers
reported a balance of $3,150 in
N" Nance Danny eCoarct,
have purt_up this year in town.
his pttotection to perw. m and
Mr. Stott arrived (on Novern
.comrrvittee ch;aixnxen
p2o!perty Cammibte.
n Decal Car Lots
In past few days damage toc ..a. •.ax~er � 's and •r gar '.ill. eegion, L omd Auxilin -
w,ew rrdr-
ror`s of cars 'on the parking 'lots
of � varibus meeting halls h.t' i atown has becomealarge prob-w,leM for Clintores police depart- stylAgilt
r i
aCni m anci
e w,��,i no.
St SitOlen®
but merely dama'ged,
A: team bf r id' n oI[Y1T1enc
past p, a is f
to and from God'erioh was larg-
would encourage more people
C.41ef H. R. Thomnpson re-
the Mitchell. Leggin• nxs�talled
the 1966 officers of Clinton
RCAF Station
qu�s!ts anyone -geeing this 'dam-
agetake place, or Ding any-
branch. 140 of the Royal Ca!n.
adian Legion and its Ladles
noted a con-6arison with On -
thing albwut it,'tea report tothe
tario• Hydiro which also had
it, if they couldgo: to the city
lines in -service that were not
police office, He ds' hopeful that
A' iaxil art .the Dece• ter
J. K. MacDonald, AFC; :CD
three resident schools at C1in-
the wave of damage can be
meeting Monday evening.
The two Clinton Legion
(RCAF) ; Lieutenant Colonel
ton: School of instructional
groups have as their presidents,
A. M. Reid, CD (Anny);
Technique with. Squadron,
a husband and wife combnna.-'
Lieutenant Colonel A. Milne,
Leader D; G. Timms as Offi'c-
tion, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. R.
CD' (Army) and Captain J.
er Commanding-,. Radar &
80 BirthdayS
Pleur, RR 5, Clinton,
N. Murphy (Army),
Communications, School, Wing
Mrs Albert Collclougb, 247
An=other couple, W. and Mrs.Comm
The purpose- of the vdsdt
nder B. R. Rafuse,
Townsend Street, ;joined the
Douglas Andrews are the sec -
was to familiarize .A/VIM
and School of food Services,
ranks" of the Over 84 Birthday
retari'es of the two or gan;iz!a-
.Sharp' with RCAF' Clinton's
Flight Lllb-
ht Lieutenant J
Club d
uon Saturday, December 11.
tions for 1966. Mn. Andrews is
tra'inin g programand to brief
At her 80th birthday; Mrs. Col-
the immediate past presidenwt of
him on the units role, erg-
A//M Shaap and flus
clough is in: good health. H`er
the Aux ria rY aa1'cd M'r. Anil-
. ,aniza'tion and facilities.
party planned' to leave Wed-
husband Albert wall beG 81 years
.hides br, R. M. M&S ;�y, Older,
Mr. Stott arrived (on Novern
nesday for RCAF Stations of age on: December 26, and
A/V/M Sharp, was welcom-
Centralia and Camp Borden, 1he
is' in fair health.
red tp the; Starti'on by Group`
The board ftWs4ed at some
Muth regarding the laayge
Captain 'K. R, Greenaway,
CD', ' Co¢ ending. , Officer,
groups' of children ioaigregatiiig
ihercn in the lot until school
RCAF- Station C1 1!ton . Tile'
on the streets aril '''I r , irag�
bitted, 'ante, that the Depart-
Commander reviewed a 50-
man Guard of Honour under
A Warning
,ng To Dog Owners,
cbmand of Flying Of-
the !m
in 'the school.
atiCcde?lts sniairaY, on the Streeits
Was sot In a pbsiibri to read
fi¢er Dave Williamson and
presented di!plom'as • to a
P.S. Children Have Been Bitten
graduating class from School
lu6t, of the Stiitleaxts �w'h9ie off
Hoari:uth 4 copy of, the Dopa' —
ing of 'the todtd its 't'h'is' fflaty
of Faod Services,
these dogs and has agreed
,� F
The A/V/M visited the
to co-operate and sde that
CN Passenger
Council of :the town of Clin-
ton will prepare facts concern-
ing the use of Canadian, Na-
ti'onatl Railway facilities, and
will protest the closing of the
passenger service through;town.
They intend to write ,to the
Board of Transport Commis-
sioners asking for an audience
for a delegation from; town as
soon: as they receive word of
the official hearing of the
CNR'5 proposed cuts,
'Me move to make the pro-
test calve at the council meet-
ing Here on Monday night, when
council felt that Huron County
was being discriminated againa
at, while two limes remain in
service to Bruce, County,
Reeve Duff 'Thompson urged
I This is an appeal to aid their animal does not fre-
that though service should re-
the amount of freight hauled '
main, a change of timetable
to and from God'erioh was larg-
would encourage more people
er than on the lines which CN
to travel by trade. "We should
plans to keep open..
have service for the local peo=
Councillor John McFarlane
ple, and not the metropolitan
noted a con-6arison with On -
area. More people would use
tario• Hydiro which also had
it, if they couldgo: to the city
lines in -service that were not
in the miori-A ng to do their
paying their oivm, way:. "Why
business, and shopping, and
not the CNR?" he a=sked
then return the same day," he
Mayor Symons suggested an
alternative to the schedule
Mayor Don Symons reported
proposed by the CNR, as being
that m=any people from Gode-
a train coming east -from Gode-
Ach 'shop in Stratford, and
rich Inthe morning and meet -
,sometimes the train is full. "Of
ing with a line down from
cou=rse," went out the mayor,
Bruce County to go on in. to
"they'll talk cross -subsidy to
the, cities.
us," (The. term. "cross -subsidy"
The new service will bring
refers to the profits on freight
passenger accommodation to
paying for passenger traffic.)
within only 20 miles of Olin -
The reeve pointed out that
ton, at=Wingham or Brussels.
..,-.Y,,. .......y the
.. i 1111. 1111,.' Y'.... ,. •.. .-.• G....._....
This, sket6_ Provided key the Cana.ttian National Pailways tiubtic rd!Ations
office shows the two lin thrill will be kept open � I1uron e.nd , truce
Courntzes, Cl�'s !p td sat tai the Board of''ratigpolrt Coznmisslotaers Will tit out
the Sti�atf6td to' 06dolch tzhe- for Pftm4iig6x"-- 'ofdy.
,dog owners, espeef'ally those
guent this area. Th95 co -
who, live do the vicinity of the
operation is greatly apprec-
Clinton Public School.
rated and should be followed
C C1 Board Sending Smoking
by everyone in the 'vicinity.
There are a number of
Particular animals this
dogs frequenting this 'area
week were 'a smiall black
Where there are small child-
(some terrier) dog with a
ren at noon hours and recess
grey chin; a large brownish
time. A group of dogs, can,
collie and a German
become very vicious when
Shepherd, as well as others.
embroiled an a "dog affec-
understand was wrfitten by Mr.
tions)) fight and along with
If this co-operation is not
the rabies threat, even the:
received, andinals could be'
best of pets can change
picked up. If they carry no
,temperament in an ans'tant,
tag, a fine results, and the
the town,
animals could be destroye
The result.. would be a very
Chajhman. of the board xohn
seriously injured' child1YLaL117, either
As children have been:
from bites or from Tig,
bitten In the lest two weeks.
A child" could die as a result
at the school, I am sure dog
of being bitten by one of
owners who may possibly be
these Animals which happen-
bents of smuali. children
'ed to be carrying the rabies!
also, will see the vital im
portance of 'helping to pre-
asked t; readp the events with
vent serious injury occurring,
Your Protection to Persons
the ,otter.
and Property Chairman would
Tltarnit you ;
like to THANK ilhe dog own,-
er who contacted 'him con-
Mr. Scott had been asked byLP
cerning their- dog as possibly
(Minton Ontario
rews, a former zone cominand-er was returned as Legion Secrertary, R, D. "Dick" Fremldii
is the out -going president of
the Legion.
The Mitchell installation
team, under the chairman+shi!pof Lloyd Morrison, with TopaMcKay as sergeant -at -arms, in -eluded. Keri. Scott, Bill Baillie,
Dalton Ralph and Fred Colqu-
Nelson Howe from Cromartty
piped each group of officers dalfront of the installing party.
Other Clinton 'Legion and
Auxiliary officers installed'were: Sergeant -at -arms', Getmge:
The cow, ici.l was able to p!ar�
,chase a nine acre piece of laj d
on the Bayfield Road adjoining
Clinton last month with .sur-
pluses from the -general gory
ernment and planning board
Councillor Norman Livermore
reported a $5,052 balance at
November 30 in .the general
government .account. The bud-
get was $21,040,
Couftil observed a moment's
silence in honour of the late iC.
V. Cooke, Clinton, f1mist and
member of Clinton Cemetery
,Councillor Gordon Lawson
read bylaw 24 for 1965, to
adopt the 1965 assessment rayl.
n which 1966 taxes, are based.
The ,gross assessment is $2,750,-
986, of which $1.90,$09 is land,
(Continued on page 7)
N t
Campbell and Mrs. Roy Lep-
pington; treasurers, R, J.
"Dick" Dixon and Mrs. Wil -
Hain Jervis; chaplain, Rev, R.
U, MacLean;
Vice-presidents, William
Chambers, :first; Stewart
",Deck" Freeman, second; Mrs.
Don McLean, first and Mrs.
Hartley Managhan, second;
The •eight Legion executive
members are, Don Kempston,
Gordon Wade, Ivan Hoggar!t,'
Stuart Dick, Peaky Brown, Hw-
old Black, Percy Pugh and Cliff
S nde'rcodk.
The auxiliary executive com-
(Continued: on Page Seven)
Couples HoW Top Legimn Positions
Two Clinton couples were insrtalled Monday night 'as presidents and secre-
taries of Clanton Branch 7.40 of the Royal Canadian Legion and its Ladies
Auxiliary. Above, are Mrs. Douglas Andrews; left, secretary of the Auxiliary
and on the right, her husband. Douglas, the Legion secretary. In the ,,centre
are Mac. and Mrs. Fd. Porter, the presidents of the two organizations. An in-
stalling team from Mitchell officiated at the installa'ti'on ceremonies in the
Legion Hall. (Photo by Roy Clynick)
� � .1, .♦ ; n '+�'� ' , � ,, � ,�' ''
being one of the group of
December 15, 1965.
Last week seven airmen
graduated from the School of
C C1 Board Sending Smoking
Services at RCAF Sta.-
tion Clinton, They received
And Health"'Letter
To Council
their graduation diplomas at
the Air Vice Marshal's parade'
on Tuesday, lJecember 14.
The'MCI Board decided last
The board did not receive a
ACI M. J, Horne of Enfield,
Meek tow advise• Clinton tomm
copy of the letter, which they -
Nova Scotia was the . honoar
'ouneil ,of the stand ,taken' by
understand was wrfitten by Mr.
student; he has been . transfer-
ihe Ontardp Department of Ld-
`Wonch :both as {a private buti-
red to AC" Station Summer-
ication on the topic of 11smok-
'Zen, and as the deputy reeve of
ng and health" and to send
the town,
The other graduates were
:ounoil a copy ori' a letter from
-he department on the subject ;
Chajhman. of the board xohn
AC2 A. L. Belliveau, Freder;
coon, lel:B,; ACI G. Ghasboii,
3b that council would be axe'
Lavas, intModucetl the subject at
Heli, M'oantTeal; ACX B•: i' F,tz-
the Dt�cLmruber reciting �- and
referred, to earlier discus siibns
gerarld, Uagog; 'Quebec- AC2
The intent-DepotrnentAl Com-
of the Lopid at the Noveatker
zy W. Poote, Gbod'& Bay, Lab -
i a!dor; A i W. MCK9nii.bb,
nittee out Health education has
melting 1'A ci' ' H6rduth VVas
minOtside, 7, X I., and ACI
titrodnuced, a campaign to em=
asked t; readp the events with
W. SissoYns, 'Wdaxznipeg, Mian,
ulasdxe to sltudebU the possible
the ,otter.
langers of cigarette smoking;
raid t%e is eaxdoa ell by the Dem
Mr. HoarntTth eerpottrtecT t hart
inspector of SecohdaOy Schools,
that a a&ply h' 'M been sent.
yamtrrnent or Eduxhatioai,
Mr. Scott had been asked byLP
PAnldipal Hbntukh. reo'alled that
SpeakersSpeakers on the swbjeiot are
tram aftftg the an�9=
the sizperd7uteildeaxtcre education,
Mr. A, 1131 McKaguef lb tome to
Mr.the D� tiiient hOd afti!sed
;�� that when the pa -
gal NWesision and,
ml the list in-
CHSS' to dliseus�, the matter,
pills are off ,the school property
.hides br, R. M. M&S ;�y, Older,
Mr. Stott arrived (on Novern
they ;are no Iongea� the respon-
10h. as the local bontA; t,
bee 1.0) bAid read parts of a
g1balty o
its hh 1
three page letter to Mr, R10 -
The board ftWs4ed at some
Muth regarding the laayge
they would by Cited to park
e#xgth the details surrounding
groups' of children ioaigregatiiig
ihercn in the lot until school
i leiiter i§cht by Deputy Reeve
on the streets aril '''I r , irag�
bitted, 'ante, that the Depart-
~ ...
xeorge '4V'ionch to the Depart-
hablit d d.not condone miokang
meat of Education c6iicek1&g
Mr, Scott fbid Roffiuth hes
in 'the school.
atiCcde?lts sniairaY, on the Streeits
Was sot In a pbsiibri to read
61heN WoaPds , stilt, Ile-
dear th'e school and tri'"r t cele
�. e
all bit' the letter • aiori to °ve
> gn
�� . . _
math, they baottecl up the i cel-
lu6t, of the Stiitleaxts �w'h9ie off
Hoari:uth 4 copy of, the Dopa' —
ing of 'the todtd its 't'h'is' fflaty
sohobl. proorty.
meiitts reply td *, 'irV`ofth, but
Padre installed
n6v. R. M Mhc.Leran, right,
padre of Clintayn Brandi 140
a the Royal e-thadiarn .Le'gioun
ds shown 'Frere being iris!trubt-
eel. in his duties by Fred Col=
quhbuh, a member of Mitchelrt
Legion, dristaxlatior team.
The beeonoby "took place At a
joint Meeting of Cla0ch
tebioan And, Aux may Von -
day e#0if tg. P!ifpee N"elWn
•How& Of cil6marty escorted
the deers to the front of
the hall at the officer in-
Stalla!tibn n!light.
( botcr by Tt6y Olynick)
Addition Are
Now Approved
r� e
Sketch plan's for a $400,-
000 addition to. Central Hur-
on Secondary School, with:
75elu grant, have been ap-
pproved by provincial and fed-
`eral governments.
The proposed .addition in-
cludes four regular class-
rooms with 725 square feet
each; one classroom of 975
square feet; one typing Wee-
trlc) room,* one niar'kedhg
and merchandWbg room; one
electronics shop -and oho boys,
occupational shod.
The structure will house -
an additional 250 Pupils.
Present ehr6lnienrt 5s 1.,135.
In aldditioh to the $400,000
basic cost, the auohite Vss fees
of $71,572 'wereorpprovedfor
100 percent grd t.
The architect ns pir4oee&Mg
with more detailed pIaals acrid
CDCI Board einpeft to be
able to call tlniders in Feb -
the Weather
Fugh 110w #*h LOW
1065 1064
Deo. 36 20 23 i3
0 42 39 33, 1.$
10 38 31 35 0
it 30 9� 43
i� 43 213` 45 24
13 47 .� 43 3o
1:4 30 Hy�
8$ ,8�2p' 14
Rain., 1.000 ,[Gt n'V1,
Snow: V