HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-12-02, Page 23TO THE RATEPAYERS OF TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP: I wish .to thank all who voted for me at the polls on Monday, \December 6, 'andall who worked for me during the election. WISHING ONE AND ALL THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON ELGIN THOMPSON TO THE RATEPAYERS OF HULLETT TOWNSHIP: I wish to thank all those who so ably supported me at the polls on Monday, December 6. ' SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL HUGH FLYNN TO THE ELECTORS HULLETT TOWNSHIP My SINCERE THANKS to Those who voted for me. GEORGE POSTMA I THANK YOU For your support- dt the polls en Monday, Decembee 6, of Which tirne I become yew Hulett TOwnship counciffot Ogoin for 1966. WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS Aktb, A HAPPY NEW YEAR, LEONARD ARCHAMBAULT ,1 " Whiners and Officials At 4-H Awards Night rry Mont omtry Home To A, Members of 4-H clubs across Huron County received their awards at the annual Awards Night at the South Huron District High School Friday evening. Left to right: G, W. Montgomery, guest speaker and former agricultural representative in Huron County; Tom Riley, RR 2 Londesboro, chain- pion showman in 4-H Dairy Clubs in Huron County; Don Pullen, assistant agricultural representative; Iris Marshal, RR 1 Kirkton, who was nominated as outstanding 4-H club member; and Jim Broaxlfoot, RR 1 33rucefield who has completed 12 projects. Gerry Montgomery madea welcomed Warn to .Euron. County Friday night as guest Speaker at the 4 '47I Club A» wards event in Exeter. . Now with Mutual Life Assurance Co, of .Canada in the London °aim Gerry served as agrieuk, tural representative in Huron for the period following the boom years of 1951, Iire, recalled the changes ill agriculture since then noting 1,800 fewer farms in the county now than 41., 1951 .—% and 40 fewer farms In. Canada than there were in 1949, "In 1955 a new word `agri-, business' was coined," recalled Montgomery, "It was defined to include all operations invol, ved in the manufacture, and die- teibution of farm supplies, pro- chtetion operations on the farm, Storage and Facessingand. dis- taihation of farm commodities and items made from them, In such a broad concept, the ndi- vidual :farmer is but a small part. Attention has had to be facused on farm Management" He congratulated Doug Miles,. the present ag. rep. and porn Pullen, assistant on 'the leader-. ship given in helping farmers become better businessmen." An increasing percentage of their time is now being spent in dealing with altogether dif- ferent problems than I faced - ten years ago." Montgomery likened modern farmers to a biological comput- er. -"Let's face it," he said, "the farmer of the future will not only be faced with the problem of managing all his. resources (economic, land, and others) but to be sufficiently flexible to capitalize on new findings, new ideas, new developments and markets, He predicted that organiz- ations not geared to help far- mers would cease to function. The speaker mentioned 4-H programing and 'his hope that things such as linear applicat- ion of feed stuff analysis, more refined soil analysis would be cainmenced at least on an ele- mentary - scale. He advised young people planning to farm to get all the training possible — 4 years high school at least (possibly with agricultural science opt- ion) plus a two year course at an agricultural school. He dis- cussed, the diversity of occupa- tions available in other parts of agribusiness. "And if you do stay in any sector of agribusiness," said lVfontgoMery,"you. will join the 75% of Canada's population that are urban dwellers. You Will find. as I have, the great gap between the urban con- sumer and the produter. Whe- ther you wish to cc not, you will find yourself taking on. the role of Public Relations! Officer, attempting to fill in. for the ;.Poc, 190 .ciinton tiPw4A,,vcc#1. 9 TO THE RATEP.ATERS TOWNSHIP. .1 wish to thank all who 'supported :me ot the polls on Monday, .:Peoernber ,for 1944 .-Coyncil, WISHING EVERYONE THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON, CLARE VINCENT rktP.Pt•PtPrIPPI,PF,P.P.PPPP.PPIPIPP,',11-77,"P"...,.. CONGRATULATIONS To the .Ratepayers of Tuckersmith for the fine way in which they turned out to the polls on. election day, A sincere thank you for your fine support. SEASON'S GREETINGS ROSS J.. FORREST TO THE 'RATEPAYERS OF TUCKERSMITH: We express of sincere thanks for the support you extended to us at the polls on Monday. Compliments of the Season to one and all. ALEX McGREGOR ERVIN SILLERY VICTOR LEE mmo rrmarar Nommonismormosauro onowimirpoweommow.......rimonmamirmonom.mposiopoorproorpo# WE NOW HAVE ON OUR LOT FOR SALE OPEN UNTIL 1:00 A.M. SHORTY'S BA Service VICTORIA ST. -- CLINTON — 482-7661 S SANTA SUGGESTS GIFTS FROM Sutter Perdue Check Our Gift and Hardware Catalogue for Many Ideas SUTTER-PERDUE Hardware Eugene McAdam Phone 482-7023 dress 46•H Clubs Mrs. Harold Kitchen of Hamilton visited last week with her father, J. 3, Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John- Farmers Union To Protest At Durham Event Details of the Ontario Pak H- ers' Union-sponsored "Protest Meeting" in the Durham high school on Saturday, December 11 at 2 p.m., were outlined by Edgar Rathwell, Huron County Director at the annual meeting of Holmesville Local 219, Mon- day night. Fai•mpeople froin the cowl: ties of Huron, Grey, Bruce, Wel- lington, Dufferin: and Simcoe will band together to voice their problems in public. Hon. William Stewart, Min- ister of Agriculture; Everett Biggsr deputy minister and re- spective parliamentary repre- sentatives have been invited to attend. Mr. Rathwell said, "Adverse weather conditions have made the harvesting of crops a real prebiem and in some cases im- possible. If farmers are to re- main on their land and feed the world they should have some protection from crop dis- asters. We need a crop insur- ance program satisfactory to farmers and at a price they can pay. "If governments continue to refuse to recognize the plight •:f farmers, then we have no choice but to take positive act- ion. I have never been. in fav- our of strike action, but when the farmers of Quebec blocked the roads with their tractors they got results and we can easily drive ours into Queen's Park, "Every farmer who can leave his farm for a couple of hours should be in Durham on Dec- ember 11, If you have not suf- fered personally from crop' loss' then you should lend your Sup- port to those who have," Other items of business were discussed, ineluding the consti- tutional amendment presented by this Local at the convention in quelph. This pravicles for the automatic appointment of the women's flea vice-president to the provincial eXecUtiVe. The Local voted in favour and re- Stilts! will be Sent to central Of- fice, Ken Tyndall was elected president, of the Ilahriestillie Local, and "rice-president, Robert Stirling; seeretary, Mrs. reebert Taylor and treasurers VIM, Frank Patter, Junior president is William Dykstra,, Wet§ secretary, Mrs, Dave Martens and legislatiVe director John &mole. Auditors are Jan Keene and John Sent- Next Meeting. Of the Local is in the Ifolmesville sehoel On Jaitaary stop visited with his sister, Mrs, Ray Farrow and Mr. Farrow last Sunday. Mrs. Sam Deer is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, - Mr. and ' Mrs. Ben Hamilton visited recently with his sister, Mrs. Mac Allisbn and Mr. .Al- lison at Masa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Craig, Janet and Bradley of Sarnia were recent visitors with his brother, Bert' Craig and Mrs. Craig. Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, the librarian of the 'Auburn Public Library requests that all County books be in on Decem- ber 11. Mrs. Toynbee Lamb of Gode- rich, West Huron District Pres- ident and Mrs. Wes Bradnock, F.W.1.0. Director attended the Oxford Conference of the Wo- men's Institute last Tuesday at Woodsifock. Friends in the district will be pleased to know that the sick from this community in the neighbouring hospitals are all improving: Mrs. Edgar Law- son, Ed Davies, Mrs. Robert Chimney and Mrs. Stanley Johnston, Two Corporals Promoted At Station Clinton Three Corporals have been promoted to the rank of Ser- geant with effective date, Dec- ember 1. Sergeant John Brennan is an instructor technician at the Radar and Communications School and has been at Station Clinton for the past four years. John will now relinquish his Position of president of the Corporals Club which he has held since September. With his wife Luella and three children Thomas, Gail and Mary, Sergeant Brennan lives in Apartment F6 in Mar- ried Quarters, Adastral Park. Sergeant Robert Arthur Morrison came to Clinton from &ItD Trenton in July this year and he IS employed in Station Workshops as a Shop supervisor and inaohiniot His hometown is Chapleau, Ontario and he was educated at Sticilattry, Mining and Technical hail Si hool. tibb now resides at 7/ Rat- tenbury Street West in Clinton with his Wife and children, Karen aged 14, Riehlard. 11 and Itebert Who is nine years old. Sergeant Prank Glettanien, Radar Technician instritetar, enlisted in November 1953 and during 4 five year term With the Royal Canadian Navy he Served in Korea. He and his wRe Carrie have boon at Clinton for three years and With their children Arthur 11, David q, Peter 7 and Mich, AO aged 6 they liVe in Adastral Park at 34 Regina Rd. GET THEM WHILE THE LAST Children's Skates In Sizes 9-13 W EEKEND A $4.95SPECIAL At RAY'S Shoe Repair 35 Huron St., Clinton I wish to thank the ratepayers of Tuck- ersmith for t h e i r support at the polls on Monday. I would specially I i k e to thank the former trustees who helped me so much. W. D. WILSON THE FUNIVS-G TRIO OF HIGH PROFIT CORN PRACTICES: K'S Start with a high capacitt 1 Min HYBRID /PLANT it MINER 3 APPLY EWA FERTILIO to feed the extra plaids SEED CORN Supply is short again. this year due to the large increase in acreage sown. ORDER NOW In Tuokerstnith and Stanley Townships order from HAUGH BROS, 8aUCEPIELD Phone 482.7167 I , In doderieli "FeWtithip DON LOB RR 2, CLINTON Phone 527.0927 49,50,61b Poor Ptale Relations ;lob be-. g done by Agtionitgro to woo' sound inferniatiern," lie urged young .41,4lence to be willing to work and Will- ing to learn nod quoted Henry Ford' who stated, "by using • their brains, ,coupled with hard werl; and paying attention to simple details, things which most men neglect, many men have become successful and. rich," Huron Trappers Hear Talk By Hespeler Hunter The fall meeting of the Hur- on County Trappers' Associa- tion was held November 2G in the Agrimltural Baud rooms with a large attenclance Over 100 persons saw two films and heard Ed, Meadows' of Hespeler discuss' county yea,- sus township trapping and sko4t:. guns versus rifles, The speaker said that shot- guns were considered the safer hunting weapon and added that nowadays, too many people were hunting to encourage the u'se of rifles. He said only 20 percent of the deer hunters could be classified as good hunters and indicated that many deer got away wounded. He also said hunters should contact county council when a deer season might be needed and refrain from wasting game by neglecting to dress -it until it 'is spoiled. Bob Campbell, Clinton, was the winner of the first prize in the draw, $100 in. cash. A second prize of $50 was won by Bill Vincent, Londesboro and the third prize went to Jim Riehi, RR 2 Goderich. natobwomilnImMIONIENI TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH I wish to thank all who supported me at the polls on Monday, December 6. FRANK FALCONER Let us assist you with your plans for that all important wedding day. COME IN AND SEE On COMPLETE • SELECTION OF Classified Ads. Bring Quick, esu is TO THE ELECTORS OF HULLETT TOWNSHIP I would like to thank one and all for the support at the polls on Monday, aecember 6. WISHING YOU THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. DON BUCHANAN Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. John. Houston. and family were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mc- Kay of Hamilton, Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Thompson of London, Reg Glen. and Miss Jean Glen of Nile, James. Hogg, Miss Janet Hogg of Sea:forth, John Weir and daughter, Miss Joan Weir of Landon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sprung of Atwood spent the Weekend with Miss Margaret R. Jack- son. - Bert Doran was elected a village trustee at the second nomination meeting held in the Fire Hall last Friday evening. Other trustees are William J. Craig and Thomas Haggitt. Clerk Clifton MacDonald was in charge of the meeting. Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 11111"BRID f The Clinton News-Record aaexil a deakgettim efititak9 ifimekkoui • INPITAT1ONS to ANNOUNCEMENTS • 1NFORMAtS • ACCESSORIES Your three ofixtriousjittiertiook 45ft tenant:km .." • ;•14 alakibt • i • Select your wedding iavitatiout,autoeMethenti and accessoriO with compieto confidence a tot quality and CortettUtti 011;MM. AYR ALSO HAVE Pit lOrtattizED wit MO RAMA HATOIIIS AND CAKE )30)3 • Itt";., krol CLINTON NEWS*RECORD S6 Albert St. Clinton, Ontario