HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-12-02, Page 17Auburn Horticulturalists Receive Charter First organized in September, 1950, with 50 charter members, the Auburn Horticultural So- ciety just last week was presented with a charter from the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Shown here at the ceremony are, left to right, Mrs. Ed Davies, acting secretary; Mrs, Wes Braclnock, pMsident, who received \ the charter from Mrs. Charles Straughan, the society's' first secretary- treasurer, and Mrs, Lloyd Humphries, former secre- tary who now resides in Dublin, Auburn Horticultural Society Gets Charter At family Night Clearing Sale of Substandards of our Regular Lines of Ladies Hosiery 6 pair to box — $1.50 Par-Knit Hosiery Ltd. Open 9 to 5 Daily Except Saturdays 49-50b SAVE CLINTON PHONE 482.9521 . fiapPm tutig HOME with ttp,4 1er; ;4'44 71d1c,.:+.. LAY-AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Shop Early, Avoid the Rush and get. the Best Selection. BEATTIE FURNITUR rom My indow . (By Shirley' Keller) Wives, 'husbands I bring you good tidings! Just in time for Christmas, I have. discovered the perfect )answer to the ,question, of what to buy for the man ..or 'woman who 'has everything, It has come to my atten, lion that it is now posSible to giVe a balding inati a head of healthy, handsome hair. ' yes ti.nits.3 and 4 Plan Christmas Meet for December. 13 ljnitS ‘3 and 4 of Ontario Street United Church Women will hold their Christmas meet- ing on Monday, December 13 at S:30 Change Of Date .For Clinton WI Yule Party Clinton Wamen's Institute will meet in Agricultural board rooms on Wednesday, Decem- ber 15 with guest speaker, Rev. C. Park who will give the ChristenaS message. The roll call will be an ex-- change of gifts, The, program will be con- vened by Mrs. Bent Gibbings and Mrs. Norman Tyndall,. The executive Will be the hostesses, Visitors. are welcome to come to the Christmas meeting. Please note change of date. Cyn De Rellas Foundation & Lingerie Shoppe MAIN STREET — BLYTH NOW OPEN We have chosen five of the best manufacturers in this field Warner Bros. Dominion Corset Canadian Lady Stella Lucas Harvey Wood IRENE COLE, Propridtress 20 years of corsetiere experience 48.9b sir and tor the, gal who has grown a little too much in some places and meth. too, little others, there is the "redistribution of assets and liabilities, plan" that is -guar, anteted to please Scientific research has come up with the solution to all your \ what-to-give-this- ChrietMats! worries, For your mother in-law (who has moved in with you becatise she has sluggish liver) you can give a gift coupon to have her biped. rinsed and shot full of all the necessities to vibrant, glowing health. Sister has a sagging, flab- by jawbone and pair of wrin-, kled, weak eye4ids? Give her a pass ,to .a fate lifting clinic Where the damage can be repaired in jig time with sis- ter emerging as a thoroughly revamped and totally grate- ful woman. These popular gift items are Costly but then who can put a price on a delighted relative or friend who is in your debt for beauty and wellbeing? And what else could you give that would bring such fringe benefits as an end to the trials of a nag- ging mothaeln-law and a sober, sullen spouse lacking virility or femininity? Just where to purchase, these ,services must remain: a secret (at least in this col- umn) but rest assured they are 'available . for 'those with 'the wherewithall to buy them and the intestinal fort- "tittle to undergo them. As for me, I prefer to grow old at whatever rate the good Lord wills'. it -...with the old age pension coming to meet me, I think it is best to let nature take its course to a- void a red-tape argument over proof of age. o Reeve-Elect Noakes Draws Names Of Two Winners HENSAiLL — Mrs. Viola Mc- Nichol and Mrs. Ella Drysdale, both of Hen'sall, were the lucky winners of two Christanas cakes drawn for Saturday' . night at Taylor's Ready To Wear. Reeve-elect Mrs. Minnie Noakes drew the lucky tickets. ti It Christmas Tea, Bazaar Has Seasonal :Decor Two sparkling Christmas trees alld a. colourful life-sized Chr'istma's card depictingthe Nativity scene, formed the background for the annual Tea and Bazaar of Ontario Street United Church Women The ,event opened with pray- er by the minister, Rev. G. Mills, and guests were received by president Mrs, Carman Mc- Pherson, Mrs, G, Mills, Mrs, G. Potter and Mrs, W, Mac- Arthur, A lovely poinsettia arrange- ment surrounded by coloured balls and lighted tapers was the centre of attention on the inain tea table Decorations were arranged by Mrs, R„ Smith, Mrs, B, Olde, Mrs. C, VanDamme and Mrs, C. Mc- Pherson. Pouring tea were Mrs. M, Batkin, Mrs. B. Olde, Mrs. M. Wiltse, Mrs. J. B. Lavis, Miss Sybil Courtiee and Miss E. Plumateel. Assisting at the main tea table were Mrs, C. Ball, Mrs. M. Forbes', Mrs. K. Pickett and Mrs. A Aiken; Convening the small tea table was Mrs. Colson assisted by Miss E. Wiltse, Mrs. Elmer Dale, Mrs. A. Matheson, Mrs, N. Nurse, Mrs. D, Watson, Mrs. G. Cox, Mrs. B Pepper, Mrs. V. Dar- nth, Mrs J. Holmes, Mrs. G. Holmes, Mrs. R. Hoffmeyer, Miss Denise Smith, Miss Ber- nice Lobb, and Miss Dianne Pickard. Booth conveners were: bak- ing, Mrs. H. Managhan, Mrs. J, Merrill, Mrs, B. Olde, Mrs. A. Coleman, Mrs. D, Crich, Mrs. A. Jewson, Airs G. Col- dough, and MrS F. McGregor; aprons and sewing, Mrs. A, Mc- Murray, Mrs. B. - Gibbings and Mrs. R. Fear. Wishing well., Mrs. C. ke- Clirrhoy and Mrs. R. Wheeler; Christmas table, Mrs. H, Black and Mrs. R. 'Merrill; produce, Mrs. C. Elliott and Miss O. Johnson; touch and take, Mrs. E. Lawson' and Mrs. A. Groves. Handcraft, Mrs. R. Trewar- and. Mrs: M. Wiltse; candy, "lVlessengers" Mrs'. R. Trewar- tha, Miss Esther Mertrill, Miss Marie Trewartlia, and Miss Sharon ,Colclough.. Kitchen conveners. were Mrs, N. Trewartha and Mrs. E. Rad- ford- assisted by Mrs. K. Tyn- dall, Mrs, Vic Taylor, Mrs. C., Skov, Mrs. D. Howse, Mrs. R. Smith, Mrs, R. Elliott, Mrs. P. Gibbings, Mrs. I. .Carter, Mrs. J. McFarlane, Mrs, N. Tyndall, Mrs. 0. Stanley, Mrs. J. Irwin, Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs. E. LaWson, Mrs, C, Gamow, Mrs. T. M. Falconer, Mrs. G. Potter, and Mrs. B. Gibbings, Classified Ads. Bring Results AUBURN -- The' nnual fam- ily night was held last week in the Auburn Community Hall for the Horticultural Society with members of the Auburn Women's' Institute and their families also attending. ' The hail was ' attractively decorated for the Christmas season, the table centred with large attractive candles and a seasonal at:range:pent. Decorat- ing 'committee was Mrs. Robert Turner, Mrs. Tom Haggitt, Mrs. William Straughan, Mrs. Harry Watson and Mrs. Bert. Craig. Directors of* the WI, Miss Viola Thompson, Mrs. Arnold Craig and Mrs. Robert 3, Phillips as- sisted with the dinner. A door prize drawn by Mrs, Lloyd Humphreys of Dublin was won, by Mrs. Norman Mc- Dowell. President MrS. Wes Brad- nock welcomed all and a carol sing-song was led by Mrs. Gor- don Taylor accompanied 'by Mrs. William J. Craig. A reci- tation was given by Michael Doran and Mrs. Ed Davies gave 4 summary of the year's activ- ities in the Horticultural Soc- iety. Mrs, Gordon Taylor sang a solo. Mrs. Bert Craig, treasurer gave the financial statement and reported there. were 50 members. The guest speaker of the evening, Torrance Tabb, told about his trip to the Holy Land and showed pictures. Bill Stiles sang two solos. Miss Margaret Jackson con- ducted a tree contest, the Win- ner 'being Mrs. Charles MeNee and Mrs. Taylor held a minute contest with the winner,. Steph- en The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Charter to the Auburn Horti- cultural Society. .Mrs. Davies read the minutes of the first meeting which was held on September 7, 1950 when Mrs. 0, 1VfcIlveen was chosen presi- dent and Mrs. Charles Straug- han 'presented the Charter on behalf of the Department of Agriculture to Mrs, l3radnoek, president of the Auburn. Soc- iety. Willi win Straughan end Don; aid Cartwright have offered to place S.anta and his reindeer on the Manchester garden for the Christmas season. Officers for 1966 are: Honorary presidents, Mrs. F. .0. 1VICliveen, Mrs, W. T. -Robi- son, Mrs. Arthur Grange,. Mrs. Gordon. Taylor, Mrs, Bert Craig, Mrs. Kenneth Scott and Mrs. Ed Davies; past preSident, Mrs. Wes' Bradnock; president, Mrs. Frank Raithby; first vice- president, Miss Elma Mutch; second vice-president, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor; third vice- president, Mrs. Bert Doran. Secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig; treasurer, Mrs. Norman' Mc- Dowell; pianist, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor; auditors, Mrs. Sidney Lansing and Mrs. Ralph. Munro. Directors for 1966, Mrs. Wil- liam Straughan, Mrs. Charles. Straughan, Mrs. Arthur Grange; Mrs. Ed, Davies and Mrs. Ken- neth. Scott; directors 1966 and 1967, Mrs. Wes E3raclnock, Miss Viola Thompson, Mrs. William Clark, Mrs. Earl Sherwood and 1VIrs. Rebut J. Phillips.. Kippen •fast WI Planning. Yule Party 1-14N1SALI4 The .Christanes meeting of the Kippen Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs, Vern Ali:, erdice ricia Wednesday, Dcicem- ber 3.5, with roll .0411 to be an- swered by the ,donation of .a favourite Christmas recipe. The evening's entertainment will include the history or Col- borne Township given by MPS, John Sinclair, "It's Your Move" with MM. Joyce Cooper .and Mrs Glenn Bell, the sunshine pal gift exchange and treats from the hand of Santa Claus, Christian Reformed Ladies Aid Bazaar. Nets $592.75 A splendid attendance made the bazaar held in the Chrisitian Reformed Church last Friday a great success, Net proeeedk for the bazaar have been tallied at $592,15. The Ladies Add was the $13011, soring body and the money is to be used for additional floor covering in the church. Prizes were won by G. Van- derllaar, Baytield (a turkey); Mrs. W. Schoem.aker, God'erich (doll) and Mrs. J. Greittanus, Ldndesboro (cake). "An excellent film for a women's meeting." The sound and colour film "Horn of Plenty" is available free to Women's groups. This 27-minute film is packed with information about Canada's an- nual fruit harvest and shows many exciting new ways to serve Canada Choice . canned fruit at home — and at social gatherings. Free recipe folders are also available with the film. Make 'arrangements now for early 1966 showing. Write or call: R. FORD RALPH, Man- aging Director ONTARIO TENDER FRUIT INSTITUTE Ontario Food Terminal, The Queensway, Toronto 18 Phone: 251-1371 LARGE SE4ECTJQN OF figAPTIFYI, SETS 'By CITATION gt,.p SPICE YAR.Q1,4Y MAX FACTOR FABERGE and Others. SPECIAL FEATURE VQ4 HAIR SPRAY 7-oz. with .SCOTCH TAPE (49c) $2.38 ............. .ECQNOMY gpPoni ,Path Salts, 5 10p. Special 399 MAW., Our Brand 090% reg, 909 779 11:;)AVUTa ...... ,.„.. NEW LOW PRICE $2,49 VALU Absorbent Cotton ...,„ .......... .SPECIAL 1413gPt4: Creme Rinse, Value $1.2 MAGN.O4AX, 20-oz, .Pius Antacid, 10's, Free! .$1,80 Value $1.50 TOP BRAS$ Hair Dressing (750) And Top Brass Aerepol peOtlerant Value $1,49 EDWARDS PHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS iih9ne 482-6626 — CLINTON, ONT. — 9 Albert St. At CLINTON LAUNDRY & CLEANERS Pre-Christmas Special DECEMBER 1 TO DECEMBER 15' ONLY n ALL ORDERS 10% Discount taROR ALL ORDERS 15% Discount $AVER" HAVE YOUR FAMILY WARDROBE READY FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON Now is the time to have those fancy party dresses professionally cleaned and finished. Just Call 482-7064 for FREE Pick-up and Delivery Andrew WM$ TQ MePtUteSday The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of St. Andrew's Prestqter- ian Qhurch will meet in the school room, of the church on Tuesday, 'December 14 at 2:-30 pm, Thurs., DeP, 9 1945,-4rl9ntan News-Record,Posoe Shopping Begins In The Pages Of This Newspaper Apricots And Pork Roast Blend For Delicious Dinners Phone 482-7064 Here's something different at moderate cost for that special occasion. Plentiful park, espec- ially the rib end pork loin roast, is such a good meat buy during the winter months, Have your butcher saw 'the rib bones •and cut the loin lengthwise not quite through if your market doesn't stock them this way. The preparation is so easy, Lay the roast open flat and arrange apricot halves on bottom half of roast, drizzle sauce over fruit and fold top half of loin over fruit. Tie securely and 'brush the outside of roast with sauce. Cook in a slow oven, basting several times during roasting, • Result — the prettiest, tasti- est, most attractive pork loin roast wilt delight guests and family, too. Glazed Pork Loin With Apricot Sauce 4-pound rib end pork loin mast, with rib bones sawed and loin Cut lengthwise, not quite through 1 cars (1 pound 14 ozs.) apri- cot halves cup sugar 3, cup tight corn syrup 8 table/Spool-it vinegar teaspoon salt IA teaspoon pepper 14 teaspoon mace 14 teaspoon gronnd cloves Drain apricots; reserve 1-A cup syrup'. Combine apricot syrup, sugar, Corn Syritpo vine- gar) stilt, Pepper, mate and cloves. Bring in boiling poirit and cook a minutes, Lay roast open; arrange 8 to 10 drained apricot halves on bottom half of roaStt. Hold ttp- riciOts at front edge hi place with wooden picks. Drizzle 2 or 3 'tablespoons sauce over apricots. Fold top half of roast over apricots and tie securely. Place in shallow roasting pan; brush with sauce. Roast in slow oven (325°F.) until done, about 2-% hours, basting with sauce sev- eral tines during roastbig per- iod. Add remaining apricot halves to' sauce; simmer gently 10 minutes. Serve with roast. Yield; 6 to 8 servings, 0 Clinton WI Hosts Huronview Birthday Party The December 'birthday party at HurenView was held in the auditoritun on December 1 by the Clinton WOrnen's Institute. Mrs. Colciough was chair- lady for the program. Those taking part were Mrs, Col- elough, Mrs. Groves, MrS. Crich, lVirs; B. Gibbirigs, Ms. Dennis. Bisbaek, Mrs, Holland and Mrs. Gibson. A square dance by Institute members in costume with Nor- man Spear on the violin and lvtrs. E. Radford at the piano was enjoyed. Gifts were presented to Fred JOhtiSten, Herbert Clark, Alice Budhanaii, William. Streets, J. T. WOodall, S. R. Denhoim, I8a6;d Tabb, Mrs, Carless', Mrs, Radar, Mrs, atellek, BiS., sett Mrs, Cornellius, UM, Frank Ryckman and tdgar Mawhinhey. Sandwiches and birthday cake were served, V ; Something To Wear CLINTON HENSALL EXETER LADIES' WEAR DRY GOODS Clinton 4824623