HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-12-02, Page 7• a Hallett School Area Board, All five members of the Hullett Township School Area Board gaiie re- ports at the township nomination meeting in Londesboro Friday afternoon. The board plans to have its new central school open in September 1966. Seated, left, Eric Anderson, vice-chairman; and Glen Carter, chairman; standing, left to right, Charles Scanlon, Maurice Bean and Stanley Lyon. Messrs. Bean and Lyon were returned to the board for a two-year term. (News-Record Photo) SANTA SUGGESTS GIFTS FROM Sutter Perdue *Check Our Gift and Hardware Catalogue for Many Ideas SUTTERNPERDUE Hardware Eugene McAdam Phone 482403 Mr. and Mae. Gordon Curting- erne visited last week with rel- tives and friends in Willow- ale, Toronto and New Cooks- ille. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter, their daughter Faye and friend Wally Gaudet attended the aiding last Saturday of Wil- mer Joseph Chambers, son of lfr. and Mrs. Ray Chambers, Condon. The groom is a grand- on of Mr. and Mrs. Carter. hire bride is the farmer Donna arol Dann, daughter of Mrs. iazel Dann. The wedding cere- nony was in Dundas Centre rifted Church Chapel, London. eengreaceitiert •MereherS ," MaNallY added. On Stmdey efternopo Mr. r Kew fist spoke en "Why- Ours an -Age of Violence?" "When a fawner plants wheat he pan .sexpept:to harve.et. Wheat," Mr. Hew eaild, "The. natiagis have planted violence in their training 'of their men to violence through 'world wars, The news today tells of riots, erimes, beatings, analanal the harvest of vielehee that has inevitably come." The speakel pointed out that only a return to the basic ,pninciples of the Bible and the coming • •Chriet`e Kingdom can end the present- world tension and conflict, Walter Gardiner of clinten followed with a summary of the Watchtower journal, the regu- lar Bible .steely publicetion used by ,Jeliovahe Witnesses, Mr, Haw concluded the meet- ing with a discussion.of some of the important civil rights cases in Which he is acting an behalf of Jehovah's Witnesses, The, discourse was entitled, "Stand- ing Firm for Right Principles!' Mr, How' :asked the News- - Record 'to convey his greetings, to his many friends and rela- tives in the area, riot all of Whom he was able to see per- eonelly during his brief In concluding the happy or- cazion of the dedication Mr. McNally said, "We went to ex- tend a warm invitation .to all Bible loving people in the dis- trict to come in any Sunday af- ternoon or Thursday evening to participate in our down-to- earth Bible discussions." ErallaitIsMisesanniaimaramMones110••••10=1.•••*, WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC For Y tar Free Ticket BE SURE AND CALL AT on McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS $1 00,000 SWEEPSTAKES Entries Close Dec. 15 ADASTRAL PARK SOCIAL NOTES were: Group Captain and Mrs. Keith Greenaway; Wing Com- mander L. Lomas; Wing com- mander B. Refuse; S/Leader and Mrs. Merle Traxler; F/Lieut. R. A. Round, retired; the Mayor of Adastral Park, IP/Lieut. Gerald Smith; Ft Lieut. R. Allan; and many rela- tives- of the deceased including his brothers and families from Belleville and Oakville and Mrs. McKenzie's three sisters from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Present also Were F/Sgt. and Mrs. Bud Johnston of Portage-la-Prairie and, F/S.gt. and Mrs. Norman Servos from St, Catharines. Sunday' December 5 10:00 a.M.-Servite in English 2:30 ip.tn.-Service in English Every Sunday 6,415 pm., dial 680 CIILO, St. Thomas; listen to "B God !Tour". EV ack ERY to ONE WE ME Christian Reformed Church Rev. a. J. Heersink, Minister ,Vedleat1,en SerVieRS were hekt lest weekend at the new King- dein, Hail at JelleVall'a Witness- es on Erie St. North in Clinton. Principal speaker at the B'at'h- ering Was Glen How, Q•Ce well- 'Township. On Saturday evening, Hael McNally, Pl,leeiding Minister of the congregation explained 'how the Kingdom Hall had been built, The property wets donn Imearn civil rights lawyer from ated by the late Willialn Me- Toronto, who was ferMerlY a Pherson, resident Of Clinton area, of Who has ManY members of hls "Virtually the entire building was erected thereafter by vol- ,l ereily Still living in Stanley unteer labour pivivided by the You Are Invited To Our First ,,..Anniversary - Party From 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock Friday Afternoon December 3 A Free Rose For Each Lady Coffee Will Be Served ., The Uptown 4'u ' Flower Shoppe JUNE B. SMITH 50 Albert Street - Clinton .Phone 482-7168 ,z ' , Iv v. 341-• • Atr wAPIA -..%. ..1.% .... • SAVE $5.00 PER TON by applying your . a e,eatG 1 AGRICO FERTILIZER with your own tractor and a 4-ton Simosen bulk spreader to your hay and pasture fields or fall plow down for cash crops. • Free Soil-testing Service • Bag and Bulk Delivery Service; Anhydrous Ammonia Contact your local dealer or , • BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT A. J. Mustard, RR 1, Varna ,---- Phone 482-7435 ROBERT TAYLOR, Sales Representative RR 3, Clinton -,' Phone 482-9144 ". ...: ' ANOTHER FIRST ,. • _ci FOR HOTEL 11 4 DA t`i CIIING 3•: 4. CLINTON . _ DAN( I N G In The DINING LOUNGE Friday and Saturday Evenings. Only While Dancing - - - Try Our Special of the Week 1Chicken In a 'Basket' FridayServed from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. • . - Saturday-Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight SMORGASBORD DINNERS ] , , Every Sunday Evening from 5 to 7 Phone 482-3421 for Reservations Now Accepting Reservations for Christmas Parties We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Receptions g 4i }15 t 1 0 VI Featur ing CLOUD ...._ 9 „, Room Brownie News There were many proud par- ents at the Community Centre when Brown Owl (Mrs. Joyce Bullough) enrolled the follow- ing BrownietS into the 3rd Clin- ton RCAF Pack. • They were Penny MacKay, Maureen Sohewaga, Sharon; Ai- ken, Sharlene Tordiff, Debbie LaWson, Melody Himmelman, Kathleen Knight, Wendy Brown, Karen Gans, ,Susan Marsh, Colleen Fraser, Laura La Pointe, Lorna Naven and lVfarin Schlegel. . First year stars were pre- sented 'to Susan Gale, Nancy Delcellier, Jackie Hewitt, Shel- ley Brawn, Dorothy Hiernstra, Colleen 1V1cIlmoyl, Brenda Pau- lin and Linda George. Lorraine Tinsley received her second year star and flew up to Guides on Monday, Novem- ber 29. " Girl' Guide Fly-Up On Monday evening, ,Novem- ber 29, the Second Clinton RC- AF company of Girl Guides had an enrollment ceremony as well as a fly-up. Captain Elsie Kerr enrolled the following fourteen girls: Donna Ursulak, Kristine' Swar- en, Carol Shiloh,' Joanne Pop- pank, Norma Naven, Christine Moody, Lorene Bush, Nancy Naven, Sharon Salt, Celeste Paulin, Laureen, Thomson, Bev- erley Anne Smith, Vicki Hew- itt and Denise Stone. Mrs. Vera Paulin, Mrs. Laurie Hewitt, Mrs. Denyse Priestley helped with the Guide Cere- mony. Brown Owl, Mrs. Mabel Himenelman attended With some of the 3rd Clinton RCAF Brownies. Lorraine, Tinsley flew up to Guides and Mrs. Joyce Gale read a summary •of Loreaines work. Campfire was conducted by Mrs. Paulin. District Commissioner Mrs. Sue Carmichael and District Guider Mrs. Beulah World: were present along with the girls' parents. Mrs. Win Naven and Mrs. Cathy Fortier were in charge of refreshments. Catholic Women's League The CWL will hold a general meeting on December 12 at 8:30 pan. at the Social Centre. All members are asked to at- tend this. gathering; after the business meeting there will 'be a Christmas social with a gift exchange. Cost of present's is not to exceed $1. Personal Items Mrs. D. Hurst has left for a trip to HuMbolt, Saskatchewan. Cpl. R. E. Osborne and fam- ily have been transferred to Came Borden and are living in Barak . Sgt.‘ '.'end. Mrs. A. Arsenault and MAl 'eilyn are moving to St. Thomas , LAC ii and Mrs. Maurite Geaulx kire moving to Begot- vale, Quebec, this week. F/Sgt, and Mrs. Norman Servo's, St. Catharines, spent the weekend with WO2 and Mrs. Ben Russell. A coffee party for Mrs. Kay Simmonds took place at the home of WS. S. Tremblay on November 26. WO1 and MVO. S. Simmonde and son John are gOing to 'take up residence in Loncleal, Sgt. and Mrs. Victor reillion have moved to their new home hi 'Goderich, Two farlerwellpart- ies were held for Mrs. Fillies. On Novetuber 24 at the home of Mrs. G. Salt, Wends gave the guett of honor a five piece dresser set along With their, goad wishes., At the borne of Vire. R. Ilaspeck, on Thursday November 25, ten, ladies pre- sented Mrs. Pillion with an 'im- ported ceratnie fruit bo;WI. Presetit at the funeral service for P/Sgt. Aleot IVI, McKenzie en Tuesday art the RO chapel Wo-He-Lo Yule Meet The We-He-Lo group of Wes- ley-Willis United Church Wom- en are planning a special Christmas meeting to be held in the church parlor on Thurs- day, December 9 at 2:30 pan. One of the special features' of the program will be Mrs. Zalb- locki and her ballet group. 0 Change of Date The date for the social even- ing which' is to be held by the SS 4 Goderich Township Com- munity club has been changed and will be held in James Lobb's Hall (former school) on the evening. of December 10. Joseph Street Gospel Hall CLI NTON • 11:00 A.m.-Breaking of Bread 7:00 Barr. Gospel Service 8:00 p.m, Thursday Prayer Meeting and Bible Beadily. 7:30 p.m, liriday-dbildren's Meeting ('continned. from page 1) damage baS been done through ore visit by the television re- Pair-Man,' than .that done Inoehr house and home many miles °Press-country . That is one of the nice things; of trailer-living,.One need only pack dishes and, breakables' and all of the other things just sit in the cupboards;. and on the shelves, with the deers tape end shut, and when One gets re-located, living can go on Will-font any work, at all , „ * Only one thing. wrong about trailers, that we have found so far, and that is that although . ours is .4 two-bedroom deeige, we find. it just the eight size for one person, and can hardly imagine any family of four or five fitting M. it , * * * We hear that RCAE service vehicles are trying out the practice of daiving with head- lights .on, even in the daytime . if you happen to meet one, don't worry about the bat- teries running down on your taxpayer-bought vehicle . . . Warrant Officer 2 H. Sewell. who directs the Mobile Support Equipment section, reports that there has been no harmful effects on the car batteries . . . * * * Reason for the "on" head- lights is a safety measure • • • Tried in other parts of the continent, and With certain bus lines -here in Ontario, the result has been found to be• a reduction of accidents, since an- caMing traffic is more aware of the approach of the lighted Quality & Service Send a Christmas Card You - Can Put Your Heart 'into PHOTO GREETING CARDS All you need is a negative or slide in color or black & white Black & White 12 CARDS with envelopes 25 CARDS with envelopes 3.00 50 CARDS with envelopes 5,50 100 CARDS with envelopes 10.00 39,00 Single Quantities .20 ea. .60 ea. BIG VALUE REGULAR CHRISTMAS CARDS 51 CARDS - .98 51 CARDS - 1.49 INDIVIDUAL CHRISTMAS CARDS Sc to 1.00 vehicle certainly should help on. these dull days . November to Mixt , „ • * p * We visited. ,on. Tuesday with the .Federation of Agriculture at the annual meeting in Lon- desber0, and ,deeply regretted having to miss dinner .Pf course the diet gained in eta- tare by reason, of this, because never have we been able to resist a. second piece of pie as served by the WoMen's tate of that village , , . Maybe .next year, ladies , . we'll save up an appetite until then „ * * Nice thing happened last week . , Orv. Englestad ins re- tiring , and instead of nle'V, lug out of town. ash some folk Ole when, they retire . . . he's. going to 'stay here . Mr. Engelstatt-has been an asset to the community throughout the 13 yeare he has been here as manager of the Royal Bank, end it is Mee to know that he plans to stay with it4 . has served an the Fair Board, on the Hospital Board, and is am active Lion . . No. doubt e these rand other erNnizations can benefit in the future from his presence in Clinton . . . and we wish 'him and Mrs. .Engel- stad many years of pleasant leisure , . PERSONAL ITEM Mrs. Norman Ball, Ratten- bary St, received a phone call Tuesday night from her dough- ter in Pilot Mound, Manitoba, announcing the arrival of a greatLgrandson., Bradley Ralph Watkins. RUBINSTEIN SETS 2.75 'to 5.75 BUBBLE BATH 980 & 1.50 BOXES. SOAP, 3 Cakes ..,. 1.75 CUTEX SETS 1.25-2.50 MEN'S SHAVING SETS By Currier & Ives 3.00 to 5.25 007 3.00 to 8.00 Citation 2.50 to 9.50 BROXADENT AUTOMATIC ACTION ELECTRIC TOOTH BRUSH 22.95 Jehovah's 'Witness:a .Kingdom Hall Has Toronto .Dwyer At-iDedication Ppc* 1904: ciint9n. Sow4Apc9r4,P.:. 7 THE FIRST COLUMN Seaforth Manor Will Accommodate 36 Patients After extensive renovation as to- fire safety, more adequate lumbing facilities and a new dining room, Seaforth Manor, purchased by Mrs. Bernard Ienderson from Seaiforth Com- unity Hospital, is now in op- eration, With accommodation on the main floor for thirty-six patients. . A lounge in Colonial decor has been provided for the cam- era of the residents. The building has been inspect- ed and passed by the married.- ality as adhereing to the - strict fire prevention code pre- ening in Huron County. Seven doors insure a hasty exit in case of einergency. • Bern Henderson will ,act in the capacity of adrieinestrator, th Mr. and Mrs. Henderson's daughter Mary Jean Kidd, Reg. N. as nursing supervisor and Clifford Kidd in change of the triltling and maintenance. PERSONALS Attend Your Church This Sunday All Services on Standard Time FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Paul Coon, B.A. Sunday, December 5 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:15 a.m.-Family Worship 7:30 p,m.-Song Service ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, December 5 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship TURNER'S 2:00 p.m.--Church Service 3:00 p.m.-Sunday School eoleq- almesbille griiteb artrierciiee REV. CLIk .b ORD G, PARK, M.A., Minister Sunday, December 5 Subject: "WE WOULD SEE CHRIST" HOLMESVILLE 1:00 p.m.-White Gift Service 2:00 pan.-Sunday School WESLEY-WILLIS 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Reception of Members ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Mr. W.-H. Bishop, FRCO. ARCM, Organist ADVENT II - Sunday, December 5 8:00 am.-Holy Communion 9:45 a.m.-Church School 1.1:00 a.m.-Holy Communion. Ladies' Guild meeting postponed one week to Tuesday, December 14. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director Sunday, December 5 9:45 a.m.-Church School 10:45 a.m.-Public Worship Sacrament of Baptism EVERYONE WELCOME MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, December 5 9:45 a.m.-Worship Service 11;00 atne-Sunday School 8:00 p.M.--Evening Service Speaker, Archie McLellan, Strathroy Tuesday-8:00 pen.---Prayer Meeting arid Bible study Subjeet: "God's Good News" Book of Romans ALL WELCOME Color 6.00 10.50 20.25 Real Values from $3.95 to $9.95 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS YARDLEY SETS For Men and Women -- 1.85 to 4.25 New Christmas Lines just arrived! Choose from our 'wide selection of styles, colours and sizes. by McBRINE, SAMSONITE, CARSON and BILLFOLDS KEY CASES WALLETS in Morocco smooth hide or calf leather from $2.25 GOLD LETTERED FREE!