HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-11-25, Page 10I PewNov '3's, X965 cwt xa U'l AUTO WRECKER$ Stf►ecials :a11 New and Used Ni►L1 TER $NQ�N TWO Also Oat :E4ctra. Aims for yaiur $.nays+ Tires. Specials for These Two Weeks Only on •REBUILT CARBURETQR$ and MASTER. CYLiND90 While They ,Laot. .$crap Metals,, Batteries orad WANTED Qfd Cars for Wreckin LR,-2, CLINTON PHONE 40.7-3211 Need happy holiday mowyl I Get a>It< QFC Shoppee's Loan, , Give everyone qn your shopping list a happy � tl A holiday this. year -with inoney help from HFC, An: C Shopper'sL i HF an _ Loan will let you shop for - values anywhere -r; of just where you have an n i i accou t. You. avo d . b g , Januarybilts> and repay HFC conveniently. For every seasonal need, bon row with confidence£rom. the .oldest, largest corn- T e- a of its kn d Hous p ny n __ hold Finance. NEW LOWER RATES ON LOANS OVER $1500. Com are oily char&es AMOUNT of LOAN MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN$ 60 a 36 30 20 fl months months months months months months a $. $ $ $ - • 6.12 $9.46 800 550... ,.. Pretaeat omen to 37d° 'n 13,t can have your a?>nual serving (ar tw . or tllreel) of that won- 2333 8.35 32.86 28.37 51.24 1000 L?ne bottom wu'tah bizttez"ed dexful old fastfiad :desse rt, G'hrastmas, 'llhrl)s week, we pff�ir. 41,45 5811 91.56 1600 .. . food desse4+ts bha:t will eaacl 5772 .,.. , ..,. 250073.35 dinkier for 1?hat tnlxt!ter , R on but eat dry, Cream, butter, 90.18 ax► elegant pate. gradually bilexnd in sugar, Add' mnglnt be anything froze a l4ght 3006 ::::A" 88.02 108.22 ...., ;.... ,..,. 400o 101.01 117.37'14430 .of made up well ahead, of time and creamed mixtu4e, aiterogtely In 5000 126.2(; 1146:71180.37 ..... ..... ...... p with what you would pay elsewhere Above payments Include principal and Interest and tre based on prompt repeymen4 but do net Include the costof llte lnsarance.. HousEHo_LD FINANC GODERICH 35A West Street -Telephone 524-7383 (obovethe Signal Star)' Ask about our evening hours ` 411 ANOTHER FIRST FOR FF" OD HOTEL bANCIRG .-...--.� ` CLINTON, r DANCING In The DiNiNG LOUNGE Friday and Satuirday Evenings, Only While Dancing - Try Our Special of the 'Week 'Chick -en In-a-lBasket" Friday --Served from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday -:Served from 9.:30 p.m. to Midnight SMORGASBORD DINNERS Every Sunday Evening'from 5 to 7 ,Phone, 482-3421 for Reservations Now Accepting Reservations for Christmas Parties We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding .Receptions HOTEL,(L.INTON `'CLOUD 9" R®om • J The Clinton News -Record J,571#AffA� Let us assist you with your :. pians 'for that all important wedding dad • C IN " : •�'t5,� COME IN ANDSEE Ot111COMPLM i SELECrioN OF 0INPITATIONS •,;�f �► a .106UNCEURNTS e 1NFbR4lALS � 'r" • .[ccssso41ts y z rjy ly6wdor`ceojwd4ms,papet+lo�,lype $via and Sim J w • ` Vr� Stka root Vtdrii»R ilrr'W101ru, er 400temcntr ,1 1. old MdeMoaes Wrrtin ompkte' coiyGdenoe lits lie ' ' ti ud oont:~wt#nare of Garai.. • : r lit 11T:R0 MV9 PASANAG' 611Ifttfl6 MAMCIN�„!fA'fI ISJ xtilD 1 k7'. SOUS • .f N ew �De, clo Two -N. 11 1,_kU$ Dessert$ F�ar ���i�tr�as � r , �� �n�rti�ne Are you a � and,anti a�?ct � luscious gela Xnol:cl to VVW ;otzl�s whipped =-am gidding hard :.54uue devotee? If so an lop oroam stal?ri e. you're probably anxiously a: A. 1f this is s4 l?4' Your house, I+'4r 'Lrhe fic►xt4 wa�tang Christ7txtas day 'so .then. perhaps. 'yotl'' 0 on the Pretaeat omen to 37d° 'n 13,t can have your a?>nual serving (ar tw . or tllreel) of that won- h'uot ,for a ,novo an?d .exciting tea' two 8-,b?e'h 1aye1* oake pans, dozaert to serve the folks this L?ne bottom wu'tah bizttez"ed dexful old fastfiad :desse rt, G'hrastmas, 'llhrl)s week, we pff�ir. waxed paper. Sift tg!get?4er t'lae But in mgny hones a4oltbe4 two braald, new rempess. rmA r1gu Flour 'and bak§ng pawd'eir', add type .of dessert 4lften takes,, the . food desse4+ts bha:t will eaacl .And rn � 9n wafea• crumbs, place .of pluan pudding or may Ch)+isbmas, dinner ., , 0 any' Tient egg wi?iteas until .stint; en�egx be offetd along wfktla mtt dinkier for 1?hat tnlxt!ter , R on but eat dry, Cream, butter, as second choice, A'nd this ax► elegant pate. gradually bilexnd in sugar, Add' mnglnt be anything froze a l4ght Tested and approved In the ' egg Yolks, ane at .a time, oelt- lcrktchin4s 0 , the Baiuy p'oo�ls ixtl; � well ii,ctner each ac1dutlna4, %, $1 millions,one •, Service Bureau, each and every these desserts can lee Add vanitlla ;a4}'d mutts, Add sifted dry ingredde4 is to Y .of made up well ahead, of time and creamed mixtu4e, aiterogtely In Ten 1 refxlgerated . leaving prec- with -Milk, cO bining,light'tly ears ious last minutes before dinner, Ot011 ' each ,addition. Fold lin On Huron Roads XWe for other tasks•• * °` beaten egg whUes�, Tuan -irtto, prepared prepared span, BWce 01 prebeat- ed oven; 30 to 3$ mlixngtes, Cool ORANGIC-WALNUT TORTIM ; in pans one, rank's'. GOlaT13,ICH .-,.•- It will cost ,cak Hunan county $16,100,000 oyer Sheer elegaxlcg .describes this For 1.'lre Filling the next 'ten,y:ears to ,brie Its I wmder+ful dessert, It has four 'd�esiralble+' road: system to (baked layers (baked hx two Vans and I -Teat mars lows and Or - acceipted Sbandau ds and main:- accepted m split) of good bunter cake filled ange juice inn doubles boiler, stir- tain A aidequiatelY, This is one with a deftious orange ywhippe�d . ring occa�s110nallly, until smooth. of the big facts presented+ Ito cream and marshmallow -max- Stu in lemon juice and ora?Ige cougeil in the recently complet- tur'e. It should be assembled ; r1nd. ()hill until cool. 'Beat . ed -road needs study, Theprapo's- well 'before dinner *ne so, that wWpped cream unity l softly stiff, ed Improvemeguts.' only It will be thoroughly chilled for F011d into marshmallow' mix- .c'aveas road's and bridges clani fired' by 'el"y sere �rbg. bur+e. lit each cake layer; Sp ch ,the highways department as "imitalea+abler'. Orlin e -Walnut Torte g spread ding between layers and on.t'o!p of cake;, refrigerate ". sp'en'ding '$400,000 _a We arra Mapes 8 Servings) ( g) at least: one hour. year on construction, and .cup sifted gall -purpose flour should be sp'en'ding aver' $1,- 21h teaspoons 'bail&Ig .powder MOCITA Pul CAN MOUSSE 1, Engineer 000,004, Ca►I'ntt'S''2 said in revWwwing cups. fine graham wafer, crumbs L'i�ght -and luscious, this des - theBrutnell e 30 a e road study art. tlr a � g dB' ?� . 3 eggs, separated sept will be the perfect endinge- Hisallusion. was to enditture exp �/ cup.soft bunter for is heavy meal, Coffee as the predo .I ant flavor, but toasted met fV40M county rates. The fin= ancial statement to September 1 cup sugar I, teaspoon vanilla pec' add to this. The light 30 shows $1,277,142 spent, with %, cup finely -chopped walnuts ` alry texture, we attribute to, whipped. evaporated milk. $814,802 payable by .the pro- I, cup n-nik v nee. The roadcommittee, int are- 3V4 cups m1i71Uture nwshmol- Mocha,Pecan Mousse (Makes 6 to 8 Servings) part presented by Reeve .Grant Stirling, Goderi'ch Towmsl•Yip, lows 1 cup orange juice 1 envelope unflaivored gala- recomnlm�ended that the present 11h teaspoons lemon; juice tine mill rate of 8,75 be. held, and 3 teaspoons grated orange Out cold water reviewed "when departmental rind 1%s scups (1 large can) evapor- road policies are made known." cup milk "We are assured .there will be •. , 1/2 cup lightly .packed brown soave development road aid," Reeve Stirling told courncil. Special Service sugar 4 teaspoons instant coffee „ Th e i to be m °' - Marks . Bishops i e 2 tabl ons butter i/a cup chapped laeeeaIs relit about November 25, but knowing Mr'. 1VIacN�aughton we • • 1 teaspoon Nlanift Soften gelafiizte liar cold neater, can .be id." there will be some direct aid:" Yisit.To Area . Meat evaporated milk and su- •gax in a saucepan. Add softened "Fwture x+dad coa7mrnittees and AUBURN - Members of gelatine and coffee; stir until oommnd1s," the report stated, ",should consider increasing the St. Ma-rk's Church attended the Trinity dissolved. Chill unlit softly set. M"eanNvt>oi4e, Futter irr a road. levy, as •b14e cont 8.76 special service at Church, Blyth, along witth newt small f small Tying: taro; add pecans WIi11 noit pernTiiit ilne +cauznty to undertake all the work of roads members. 'of the Belgrave and brown lightly. Beat soifitly and bridges deemed deficient Church. Iasit. Sundlay eftemoon set gelatine. mmbure until al- ng t to hear the Bishop, the Right most sniff, Gently fold in nuts i q� . Rev. H. F. Appleyard, M.C. and van -Sia. Pour .into a 11h- B.A., D:D., bishop of Georg- quart mold which has been The committee toured 'the ian Day. rinsed with cold water. county system and :b has now 'lest- It was his annual •parachirrl. Umm�ld and Wrinkle `-with ed seven prajeetg, totalling 28.- VL t. and ho. chose as his ser- chocolate shavings before serv- 25 miles, wilbhout indicating the mon, "The. Movement of the ills. constmuctim year ... The coon- Church Today". The rector o mitteie did not +feel •that it of the. three churches; Deacon. should program, work for more G. E. Paikenham was • im Roll Call than live or stkx year's in aid- charge of the service and the Unique Yq ue vane. In any case, modem ef- 5iment construction method's. re- organist, Miss Alice Rogerson led the sir composed bf One quire that construction. be sa ngem from the three ch -:Uncovers spread aver• a four-year period. Items of the Constr'uctibn, pro- ' ua ches. c Absentee. Voter' gmam, in order' of numbering: anrpart road north ofGad'eritzh, g2uarter m -le; Ndle to Glenns /� �oodlVts Produce Stoll call at Ki Ensu p� H on road 27 five miles - Institute November $ ulenn's Bill to Luclrnow, 6.50 • Millions i Each meetiivg r�evcaledonly one mem- bee ting molt voted at the polls miles; I3hllsgreen to I-1 ghway 34, 2.60 miles; county road 12, Mghvway 86 to Highway 87 2,50 Year Jn Huron on November 8. Subject of roil call was, "Did you vote? And ff not, why not? miles; Road 8, Summerhill to A,ubur n, 6.50 miles; road 30, kbrdwiith south, five miles-, GODEI2ICIH - Wood prop- Dona:tkns. were approved' for the Canaidian National Inlsitai- Reeve Tom Leiper, Hullett, duction in this part oif Ontario Bute for the Blind and the Chil- poiianted out that the Summer- has a value in .millions annually drenfs' Aid Society at Goderkh. !mf!l.-Aubu¢n road is "one of the C0�'ty eouncd7 was told by Lar- Inviitationts. were accepted' to at- nost dangerous .in the county." ry Scales, S�tr'atford, diistrtict tend meetings in Sedtforth on , Eie was unable to gest d�izlite forester. 'We are trying to find out November 29 inCrediton and lnformatho¢n as to time .of cion- �tmuctian'. where hardwood products go on December 1. arm. (t(), J, F. Bell Dist ict �llne needs study forecasts ori ' when marketed from vwaodlots;" Director, gave reports of the hcrease of $400,000 in county he said. "In, the 10 counties of rally in Walton on October 4 u q 'al;z2d atssesmrient do 10 years; Huron: district - +bug y Owen g Heal- and the b'oaard meet Ian nn lan n populat8ion remaining sta- Sound to Goder'ich, or perhaps gall one Noveinlber S. - :ionaxy and urban. population Grand Bend, and ower to Ox- Mrs. June Cooper presented ncrea,sing slightly, for+cl arnd down to Ha7itomn - in an excelleuut history of God'e- any year the value of factory- rich Towmbllip and; the mot:ta, delivered furniture produced „A conitnuanUy is no greater can be $20,000,000; s'o it is abig than its inhabitants,, was dis- Industry and certainly we are cussed by Mrs, Arthur P+inlay- g'dIng to have to do move work soar. Allain Scott of Egmond'- to preserve the woodl, ots which ville spoke on • the integration produce maple, eUn, birch and problems of tine Canadian In - beech, than and chaired a lively ques- ` "A lot of land considered tion and answer period ' �u poor is now laazcl that could be En,tertgiinmo nt included a ;'' : '•' used tar agriculture. As loris contest and musical numbers « '.r ,� rr as you have drainage and fer- Coal Pullman nzm,'cl Mas. Ross ' : ,' • •by ` tilizer you can grow good crops, Bmaidpo'ort. Lunch was served jtfi Q{ andthere is bound to be swne , lVlns. Cecil by the hostess'ng pressure from people wanting pian and the committee, to clear the Iand. Theme may o haiv'e to be- .a court t&lt of the " Brin Results g by'laW sales said no, land was Classified Ads, acquir6d in the year ending March 31 last. Total area, of the coinity forest stands at O. M 1;366 acres'. i carry scheme •half O� �n aft.; roughly the lbrmer trate he,saiid thud s'el all lie YOUR HOME IS A$ COLD Corners of land whti ch coudd AS AN qK/M0S NOSE, " not possilbly be �'r" /YS T/ME MR. It1/J'NrER Deputy •reeve 'E+ Medlwtin WAS �XP05 0 said. that once t'l,tle to 'the IiaEyS .4 t �'bpe0wo ' Bayfield Road, i5 straightened up, a good i'araastriy job ca,ti, be done there t Mr, Scales agreed with Rewe' Stewart Paoctee, Aktrits ih-Ai i "we shonilid- be worr'kiang more I W th d9t aiblished woodlots. Ev- I l cry toftslter in sowt(herh Ont- i N aria '3s 'concerned: 'abou't this." i, ti At the Shieppkigon fracat, ti l M 24,000 whilto, pane tivoie planted x i r the Adberttson 1whot;, a spec; J mal r�Iairale plamrth'ng od liaPlar � i � y a k h F y Amid I s a,. nd Marching .Nle, The entire .Gene - rcombe family; 301 Matilda Street, Clinton, took active part in, th4 ceremony Of Rememtbrailce Day in Clinton on November 11. Corporal ort Gene La'rcombe marched .as a member of the RCAF Squadron whichwas led by Squadron Leader M. E. Traxler. His wife .Joan represented the Clinton RCAF Brownie Pack as its Tawny Owl.. Cub Randy and, Brownie Janet presented. wreaths in the name of the 1st Clinton. Cub Pack and the Clinton Brownies. (RCAF+ Photo) County Council Q All- Hur on Welfare _ GODE41CIJ - Huron caunby ouncil in its first divWon of The November session defeated„ ay 'a 19-18 vote, a committee proposal to establish a ,county welfare system. It would have )e'en set up, February 1 next, )n a trial basis, for a year. On he rail call these was; one' ab- ,ent member, deputy reeve :..obert Squire, Coderdh. Many 'quetstiiloms were asked A John Anderson,, dii,'r'ector of She welfare allowances branch 7f -the deipartment of public velfa,re, and these indicated ' re- luebarnce on. the part of some wuncilloirs to see welfare duties aenttralized. Reeve )DI -gin Thompson, Tuc- -cemszrd;'th, said: "I am dlilsturbed that everything is to be taloen navt of the local council. I have ween welfare officer for some reiar•s. I go into every home mord find out everytbdng I can )efore I ,allow -them•, anything. I 30 not see where the deputy :Ierk-treasurer can, handle-t7hi's, le is; go (busy now."' The committee had reaom- nended that clerk -treasurer J. �. Berry be appointed acting verlfare director, with .the- act- Ial work to be carried on by B. 3. Hanly, his deputy, and: one kf the secretarses in the county >f Ice. Their salaries would be VILE51'LRAG K, �►KE'S iii` } ' •a HUL1.ETT TOWNSHIP NOMINATION NOTICE Take Notice that a Meet- ing of the Electors of the Township of f•iullett will be field in the Community Hall, Wrldesboiro, on y arida , Nnv►a 26 1965, at 1;00 'o'clock "p.m; Par the purpose of nominat- ng;, fit and proper peksogs �d be elected to the offices )f Reeve, Four Councillorsi end 2 School Area Trustee's for the year 1966, t Nomination .tartars• 'must be 'fled With the Cle efore 2t00 Vidl6dk p.m. on the above- d,afe. Pa I blic Meeting k,Dl commence sit ,2stxf o'clock . ` '�w1lS get Wt ore two aor'(�5 In HU. 3 RR 2G�INTON will be discussed, /� the of 1994 These were by HARRY P,BBUTT�. L I N T O N N W RE C O R` D nwds ifiromh 150 ,nark hail,, and tiu ITs E1111NG�IL3-GASOIIt�E Cierkt . $6 Albert St. linitori Ontla�rla , Sweden, aid hot cltaT ed to the, lease GREASES-00,1..6k.01tp 4s -fib RR i', t.bndesboro, boitrnti �rtlrne rilalte verree ..,........�..i.�..,.....�..,...r..;.,� logs evtuallyis da feats. .e For system .. subsidized by the ovem;t4mnent at 50% for time spent on wel- fare. "Bill Haply has a fully -time Job now," said deputy reeve Everett McIlwadn, God'ench township.. "I think you would have to have another full. -time man,)' "I wonder if the cont of an- other man and a secretary would not be greater than the cost to the county naw,", said Reeve John Corbett `of Hay. "We don't know how much is involved, or what we ars get- ting into," remarked Mr. Berry, M,r. Anderson answering a question by Duff 'Mompson, Clinton, said Wentworth, WL -1 - land and Prince E'dw'ard coun- ties and the districts of Stud - bury and Sault Site. Marie Naive county welfare systems; Fire Destroys Bdl'ni CQWSa feed Worth $110 00' AUBUINT Flre of u *49wxr Q"i!giin, last T.huns'day :moxlrl;tg, destroyed a two -store,,,, Barri owrned by 1VI , .amdMx?S. , Ralph LtzbJ�'ers; An 1 Aubum Thee blaze was first noticed by n Ms In motorist Who notiAad t Lubbers, 13y the time the Blyth fire br: gade arrived, the, Am was out of control. 73,A,DBishop of Georg- TWenty-tww holslte�ncows were lost in` the names along with 'a large qu,az4ity c f gram and fray, The loss, esftmated at; more than' $23,000 is ,partially Covered with Jnsurance, Also destroyed was the new zxiNking parloeur ywhictih•had been. Ixsed only a weep. IN MCCULL. 00"I'S: : Q TWIN SA WIN � w DRAW YOU CAN WIN A CHAiN SAW OWS , any of 900 other prizes Includin • an International Haryester Scout, Savage rifle, 15 foot ski boat with trailer and McCulloch 75 hp out. board, a 1966 Pontiac Tempest sedan, an RCA Victor .home entertainment center and many more national prizes. 325 .McCulloch chain saws will be given away :in local drawings, so be sure to see your McCulloch chain saw dealer for details soon and see the all new MAC40 Uries chain saws that, make all ether lightweights overweight 'and out-of-date, Yqu must enter before December 151 1965, to be eligible. Be Sure and Call At WELLS AUTO .ELECTRIC for your ticket on McCulloch $100,000 -Sweepstakes '% FREE DRAW NOTICE TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP Will be open on, Wednesday and Saturday After- noons, from 1;00 p.m, to 5:30 p.m., until Saturday, November 27th, 1965, from which time it will be closed until further notice. No wire fencing, old concrete or car bodies permitted. J. 1. McINTOSH, Clerk. '45-6-7b NOTICE NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS OF Tuckersomith Municipal"Telephone' System on the Bayfield Exchange in the base rate area, that there will be no, change in service ,after December 1, 1965, and also that there will be no new telephones installed after March 1, 1966 until after dial changeover on May 15, 1966. Signed by the ` TUtCiCERSMITH MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 46-76 Mel Graham, Secretary -Treasurer. WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR Seed`acs Garry - Russell -- Rodney Registered Certified or Canada No. q, Highest - ;Prides Paid- W# Q Thom ­.Son P Sons ]Ltd. HENSALL Phone 262,.2527 44-47b INER