HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-11-25, Page 6a 0 Pag b CIII�tQh. wews�Re ofd, T*T41urs,. Noy, 25. 1965 ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTI I. S :FOR WE OHILD'S'sr , g horse, lilte new. GA$ HEATER, Used one sea, ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION Mars' Charles 131744d931', Phone Son, Phone 482-9770. 46-7b 48 -927 , 7 FOR RENT FOR RENT _„_ 47 PRA.PERY' I ULL .RODS _ .. . FRESH LAID EGGS .for stale Tack, curtain rods, venetian SMALL APARTMENT, fur 2 BEDROOM uptown apart- Will deliver in Clinton area. blinds, bamboo Jars es win- ni h and ated uitab . for rent furxvi ed, 2 bedroom Phone 482-, 2 3,, 46. b. ,da draperies, s..ed he s . _. .le , . sli , e 7 2 ? , _ blinds, Free .estimates two, .Apply 93 Huron St, 34tfb house in village .of Holmesvzlle. given. Irwin's Dry Goods Phone 48.,.2,-6694, 32tfb BOYS BEIGE Waal and Orlontfb 1a. _ ted 9 -piece MAW utfi • c ` •mina ell 3 p W n er o t, size 3, like new, Phone even- VAQ[JUX 0"A11F.,E%S ing 482-3329, 470 Satesilii Service a . r. ..e FFRIGIDAIRP refr era tor 1. pia Repairs, hasef and. bags for;all no; fumed oak buffet with'suit makes o'f vaCuayn .Gleaners and for; round table and' chairs. Polishers, Reccl;,nUtioned mach- Phone 4$2.3862 after .6 p.m. nes of all malas for sale. 4$-7b130B rUC.K, Verna, 'Alone Hens►.01 262-5360 CURLING BOOTS -- J'ust ar- rived, shearl,ing linedleather curling and winter boosts in new leathers grid ;new styles Olt AIKEN',S, 46-7b. McOLARY KITCHEN STOVE, white enamel. Combination coal, wood ,and gas, propane or nat- ural. Phone 527-0453 after .5 p,m. 46-7b CLOTH QUILT, $5;'2 'formals, ankle length; 2 dresses, size 10; set .of child's skis and poles, Phone 482-668$. 46-7b ONE ;LARGE Quebec Heater also small Quebec Heater; or- dors now being taken for ducats.. Phone, 58R41. Bayfield. 475 ELECTRIC Polisher, Vacuum elea.m ,c+hesterfi4eld', .-,chaft, o'ecasidnal table, table, eleictrac iron, foot stood, pictures, bath- room. scales and' other miscel- FOR RENT —T 3 bedroom pilar?ens. Phone 482-6675, 37tfb: 3 $EDR001VI arouse on. 2 BEDROOM cottage, full M t. g , y highway, 4 xiiiles east of Clin- :ton, modern conveniences, new- modern, oilfurnace, M, Mc ly deooratpd, new oil furnace, Adam 4$2.7070, 42tfb Phone 482-7548,. Doug Hugi1I, BRUCDFIELD — 3 bedroom 38tfb - house oil heated, Pdio e 262- 7, n ltfb 504. 4 _ .. .. . ... HED 2-- ONE UNFURNISHED 2 -bed-. To, $15.95 room . apartment, large Riving MODERN 2 bedroom room, newly :decorated, down- .cottage for rent, close to business se1.c- town; possession December 1. Phone 482.9330. 4ra-7b tion, Phone 482.9087, 464p ofCL4ELdaAs largest national qr, UNFURNISHED 2. bedroom 'a- HOUSE FOR RENT — 1 mile. partsnent, centrally located, am- east of Brucefield, served by P16 parking, available now, HablOrk Bus Service to RCAF Phone 482.7661. 35tfb Station, Available Oct, 1, Haugh 'Brothers, Brgqefield LOVELY modern country 527-0927. 35tfb home, fir eshly redecorated, one mile north of Hensall on. No, LARGE 2 -Bedroom, completely 4 Highway, d. C. S Phone sem-contained apartment, free -Millie, 262-5141. 38t6b laundry room facilities equ p- Evenings and Saturdays ped with automatic washer and FURNISHE, D an'a unfurxi?shed dryer. Apply 201 King Street, one bedroom and 2 bedroom Apt. 1 or phone 482-9227. 1J Law apartments, Phone 482-6685, Geriel Van LARGE TRAILER for rent, ful- .Damm5b 1y furnished. Apply a,t Becker's 2 BEDROOM apartment, ;newly' Trailer Court. 20tfb decorated, at 100 North Street, available now, Apply to Don. C, TWO BEDROOM furnished or Colquhoun, 482-9506 or 200 Onit- partly furnished apartment. location. Phone 482- alio Sheelt 44tfb .Central - 9005. 46 Princess St. West. ONE BEDROOM furnished' 35tfb heated apartment, • reasonable SMALL ONE -BEDROOM A- rent. Phone 482-3837. 45M ' Ment! tuifurxvisbed, redec- 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX in ex- orated, 136 Huron St., Phone 482-7702 ar 482-9502 or inquire cellent condition; gas furnace, available now. H. C. Lawson. Cmwn Bowling Lanes, 29tfb Phone 482.9644. 47t.fb APARTMENT for rent, 'heated, NEWLY DECORATED unfur- private entrance, self contained, a month. Phone 482-6663 ni�shed 2 -!bedroom ground -floor$50.00 or 482-9568 'after 5. 22tfb apartment, heated, private en- trance, ample parking, Avalid- 4 ROOM HOUSE, rent reason- able raw, also, furnislhed and able, with stove. and refriger- heated 2 bedroom arpartmeht a,tor, available immediately; oil Private bath, washing faciyitifes'> .heated, Phone 482-6663 .or 482 - Phone 482-3329 :art noon or after 9568 after 5. 22tfb 5. 47tfb ONE GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- ARTICLES FOR SALE roorp, heated, unfurnished a- partment. One upstair 2 bed- APPLE SALE — SPECIAL -- room, furnished, heated apart- Courtlands, excellent for eating ment. Both self contained. or cooking, Sale price $2.00 Phone Roy Tyndall at 4'82-9928, per bushed in your containers. 47tfib Other varieties on bland, Follow No. 8 highway to Ha7mi'esville, 3 BEDROOlyf unfurn'isheid turn left and follow signs. Art house for rent on highway 8 Bell's Fruit Farm, Phone 524 - between SeaPorth Nand Clifiton; 8087, 47tfb modern corvve dences, pre-', col age children preferred; ail SPRAYED AP'P'LES, cooking stove, 'rent $35,00. Phone -482- slid eating. Free delivery in 9358 or 482-9647. 40tfb Clinton' land RCAF houses. Phone 482-3214. Fred McCly- SMALL 1 Bedroom unfurnish- mont, 1 mile, south of Varna. ed apartment. Ail utilities paid. 47tfb Available Oct. 1. Phone 482-3837 15tfb - - CHRISTMAS TREES — High quality, Pruned Scotch :Pine, 2 -Bedroom, Unfurnished deep green colour, 60c and up. Apartment Exeter, Ont., Dr. M. C. Flet- cher, 235-0117. 45,6,7b Modern clean — large living room — kitchen — 3 piece bath E /\ — gas heat — reasonable TIMEX rent M --�in-anediate possession. Phone 482-9649. 45p-tfb WATCHES FOR RENT -Furnished heat- ed apartments it Bayfield $75. From $7.95 up a month, all conveniences, ideal at for- commuting, Dial Stratford T T 271-2308, 42-470 A N S T E 1 1 SELF-CONTAINED apartment A for rent on John Street, Chn- JEWELLERS LTD. term. Apply to D. A, Kay, Phone 482-9542 or residence 482-9607. CLINTON — 482-9525 24tfb 47b ,ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT NOW RENTING NORTHViEW APARTMENTS North Street of Cowper NEWLY CONSTRUCTED -- 2 BEDROOM GAS HEATED MODERN BALL-MACAUL•AY LTD.P 482-9514 • krinnei, "vp;sei m i nurmay evening, 7:30 to, 9, JfV dayafter- noon,' 2:30 to 4 and Friday evening, 7:30 to 9, 47b TAKING Orders for aluminum storm windows, un to 105 in- ches17.00 ' delivered. $ v red. Ceriei Van Damme, 108 Ontario Sit., Phone 482-6685. 47,8b USED AND NEW 120 bass accordions, $150 and up; small, medium and large, used 'and new electric guitars land ampli- fiers. -Charles Pounder, 196 Widd!e St., phone 524-7541, Goderibh. 45-8b NEW AND USED PIANOS AND ORGANS In stock far immediate delivery or for Christmas. Many ma'ke's, models, and, fin;i'shes at speciial love prices. ReeondWoned pMa- nos (tuned to A-440 'patch) $85 and up, Special quantiity pur- chase of walnut, `mahogirly, and oak piano benches at sale prices. Garnet Farrier Piano and Organ Sales and Service — Whitechurch Phone 357.2068, Wingham, 45,6,7,8,9p GIRL'S Winter Coat, size 14, never worn, 100% wool prin'ces's style. Size 5 girl's white snow boots, .free wilth cola,t. Hoover steam and dry iron — used 4 times, Wooden ironing board. Girl's winter coat, size 12, .never worn. Phone 482-9944 or 422 Victoria St., Clinton. +47b SIMIPLICITY Washers now a- vailable at T. A. Dutton Appli- ances, Brucerfield. Open even- ings. 38tfb SMALL Duo-Thettnn gas heater about 2000 B.T.U.'s with flue pipes, John Plumtree, Phone 482-9695. 41tfb NEW POTATOES ,for sale; also beef by the quarter or half, Phone 482-7578. 29tfb PICTURE FRAMING AT Beattie Furniture 40eow >AREFREE HEATING -- For he only fuel oil insured against Aplosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, shone 482-9411. • tfb 0 , FRUIT CAKE MADE or THE FINEST INGREDIENTS AND BAKED TO P,8,RFECTION ;. Light or D`ark Plain or Almond Iced Philishove Razors SPEF— SHAVER $17,95 SPEEOFLEX -. $24.95 SPEEDFLEX with trimmer -- $29.95 LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS AT' ANSTE T JEWELLERST . .LTD. Clinton -- 482-.9525 47b FEED THE.. BIRDS Bird Feed Mixture' " iSunflower -Seed a' Cut Corn Scratch.Grain * Pigeon Feed - ALL AVAILABLE AT H. F T . WE TLAUFER FEED E MIL 47b ARTICLES WANTED WANTED: Pool Table, 6 ft. 'or 8 ft., for rec. room; in: good condition; with accesisori'es. Ap- ply to ' Box 471 Clinton News. Record. 47p PTANOS WANTED, any condi- tion. Please state height; rrvake and price, Write Box 473, Clin- ton ,News -Record. 47-50p AUTOS FOR SALE 1961 RAMBLER Classic Sta- tion wagon, one owner. One used washing machine. Phome 482.7870, 470 1960 IiUICK 4 -dr. sedan. Aut- omatic, power steeaung, a*adilo, snow tires. A well-maSrvtaineti car. Poor health of owner forc- es sale. $850. Phone 236-4359. 47b 1961 VOLIrS'WAGEN Deluxe Good rardlib, new snow tires. Reconditioned. Write Box 470 Clinton News -Record. 47b 1963 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder s1:andarrd with brand new mot- or; complete car in like new condition; custom radio and whitewalls; must sell mznedl- aitely for low price. Will accept older trade. Phone 524-7718 from 7-9 eyendngs. 47,8b 1963 PLYMOUTH, 6 cylinder, stick,' push button radio, win- terized, Al condition. Phone 527-1814, Seaforth. 46.75 BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION for room- ers. Phone 482-3496. 464p CUSTOM WORK TV AERIAL sales and service. Phone 482-9859. 44-47b WATCH' REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your atisfaction, Counter's Jewellery. Huron. County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store.- tfb JACK'S F'URNIT'URE REPAIR SHOP. F rniture and other wooden articles repaired; At rear of No. 84 Albert St. Phone 482-9695—John Plumtree. 21tfb We Specialize in Furnace Installations Heatiirig Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing C( iUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE, 46 King Street Phone 482.7652 ORTHOPEDIC and generiaJ. Shoe Repair. Over Clihntan De- t is at 55 Albert Street at: Amsiatgs Store, Hemk's Shoe Repair, 71 Harrvilton Sit., Gode, zii;ch, $8tfb PAINTING PHONE GORDON CHARTER' At 482-9654: " 46tfb _ the Loire. I�i,tdien Loiboards h specialty. Phone 492-7616 . Keep- in' mind our0 s Ken McNairn, 23 Variety of rtli'ffs Y a ker SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Chrlttlmcis CooklesModernAll ginerit used: I.�mlted WeRe o (anti aarlat •.... work phone'. Baikart' 'and lkestauranf Lo s BLAKE Other Goodies RR 2, 89 ussels 492-9721 CLiNTON Panne 442 W 6, Btus sal �... •. A X k\'-"5'-i.s,'•.,:•, r'�{,:y��,.''.,,'',..i:,i i. +^ *f E.LP. WANTI"!!. .:i.: ' TR INSTRUCTOR UCTOR for Junior BaijT. <:>,, y� ,, ixianton'ClasS on Satiir'day.ai 0t . noons, Contact Tohn Wise, Sec.-. "els.,. Clu.,ton choose from our Recreatis 4 Coxn- of Shirts" nuttee, Pbone 02.9747 or 7265, From 47b: To, $15.95 HELP WAITED CUSTOM WORK FEMAU CLINTON Saw S1 =.pm DY WANTED -One Services will r-opei f�rusg ofCL4ELdaAs largest national qr, aness •oxi Mogiday, wovember 29,gaai>zatiaas paying the big'hest "'Belga', Sharpall" E0u'ipmeiit, eori�Cxiiss!i:ons fn Its field, ale- Ax i I.evett, 139 Erie .St. S, sires a representative in this Clinton. 475 area, Must be. bondable.. All, re, plies Meld m 'strictest vol deice.. '(fOl ,BO} 472, Olin - truck ietteri& Ilk show cards ton News=Record', 47,8p ^ ,— bulletins and banners MATURE WOMAN, days only silk ,screening process' or live in, as senior lady's REG. SMiTH—Phonq 48,2-9793 companion, `1,'o comtx.ence wont Evenings and Saturdays so.ozaest, I34x 460, Clinton News - 47l Record. 47x DO IT YOU-RSELF SAVE MONEY C,. RENT THESE MACHINES _ N H . M. .NES FLOOR SANDER FLOOR EDGER HAND $ANDERS Belt Finishing LARGE Duo Type POLISHERTSCRUEBER JiG SAW SKIL SAW RUB SHAMPOO, MITH WET -DRY VACUUM -HARD ACREST -HARDWARE BAIL & MUTCH Ltd, 6.9 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 tfb EMPLOYiVIENT WANTED WILL CARE for one or two children in my .gown home While mother works. Phone 482-7150. 471 FORMER- STENOGRAPHER desires typing, at home. Tele- *None 482-7608. 45-8b NOTiC T E GARAGE FOR RENT, • Close to centre of town. Phone 482-9770, 46,7b WE REQUIRE a woman for generall ;kitehen duties, Apply in 'Person to l3artliffs Restaur ant, 47b START AT ONCE -;Earn big. money supplying Avon Christ mus gifts. We train ypu to re- present Avon. One territory ay- a;lable, for information phone .collect evenings, Nirs, M. Mill - son, London, 451-0541. 46-7b HELP WANTED . MALE EARN $50 to $125 weekly, full or part time. Write Rawl'eigh, Dept. K-169-1), 4005 Ridielieu, St. Henry, Montreal. 47b MAN to work in service, sta- tion from 6-9 p.m Monday to Friday, Apply Roy Mann, 482- 9552 or 482-9079, 46,7b BREAD SALESMAN; Must be neat and reliable, Apply I B person to Bartliffs akery Ltd, 47b DOZER Operators, Shovel Op- erators and Sewer Labourers. Full winter's work guaranteed. Graham and Graham Ltd., 764 Wharneliffe Rd. S,, London, Ontario. Apply in person or in writing only. No phone .calls, 43tfb MISCELLANEOUS. DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea- sonable rates, McGEE'S, Gode- rich. Phone 524.8391. 3tfb TTENTION FAR S �E�o1 20 PIG`rS for sale, 7-8 weeks old. Phone 482-7622. 1 475 8 SOWS; , due to farrow Dec- ember 1 through January 1; 8 Iiereford spring calves; 5 young scows, pasture bred, Gm - don Elliott,. Brucefleld, 482- 7165. 47b PIGS FOR SALE •— 20 young pigs, 7 weeks old, Apply J. W. Cr+iioh,' Olinton. Phone 482-9204 4, 47b 2 LACOMBE HOGS and 1 L'andrace hog, all sere cel and purebred. Apply George Townsend, RR 3, Seaforth or phone 527-0096. 47b 4 YORK SOWS, second litter due within 10 days; purebred boar, unregistered. Phone 482- 7578. 46-7b DEKALB Ready to lay pullets, call McKinley's Farrar and. Hat- cheries Ltd., Zurich. phone Hensall 262-2837. 44Ub SERVICES COMBINING Cour — contact George Troyer, RR 2, Hensall, Phone 262-5282 or 236-4072. 42.476 ATTENTION FARMERS Marlatt Bros. Dead Stock Re- moval. Highest cash prices paid for dead or disabled cows and horses. ,$5,00 and up for weight over 1000 lbs. Please phone, promptly. Phone collect 133 Brussels, 24 hr. service. License 390c65. 35tfb DEAD ANIMAL. REMOVAL - For DEAD or DISABLED ANEVAL9 — Call Collect DARLING & Company Of CanadA Limited Phone Clinton. 482-7269 Licence 350-C-65 7tfb ATWOOD PET, rood SlUPPLuns HIGHEST CASH • PRICES paid for dead and diisabled cows anal hol. Cada. Collect 856-2822 Atwood Licence 401-C-65, 45M NOTICE The Grinding and Mixing Facilities' at Wettlaufer's, Miry WILL BE CLOSED Friday, Dec: 3 and Saturday morning; Deo. 4 Mill wily herrtaill open for i- whits. 47b FOR SALE SEVENTY ACRE FARM, forty- five acres. sown M fall wheat. Large barn, implement shad. Seven roomhome, hydro, three pc. bath, out furnace. Vic Syt- Tdok, RR 5, Clinton.•Phone evenings 482-7490. 47,8p i PIONEER and P.M. Canadien chain saws and parts now a- vailable. Chains, bars -and sprockets for most - saws. Robt. Glen, 482-9292 Clinton, Ont. 36 to 47 p JUST 'ARRIVED Another Shipment of —TRACTORS --. SWATHERS --COMBINES — MOWERS -- RAKES --TEDDER$ -- WINDROWERS --BALERS =-ELEVATORS —WAGONS • --GRAIN TANKS And Many Other Farm Machines We stock over 1,000 Belts, Hundreds of Pulleys Bearings, Spark Plugs; Plow Shares, Cul- tivartor Points, Bolts, Guards, Sections, Hydraulics, etc. Huron County's Largest Farm Equipment Depot Phone 527-0120 JOHN BACH I.H. 'Dealer Seaforth 23M LOST AND FOUND LOST -- Jersey heifer, vicinity of Vara. Phone 482-7211. 47b LOST or STRAYED — Red - White faced heifer, Rolstetiii- Hereford crass, Hullett Town- shin; L. Haasjes, phone ' 482- 3269. 47x LAST German Shepherd dog strayed from fairm in Hallett Township, Finder contact Chriis Wetter, Phone 482-9257, 47b LOST Holstein heifer, black with white marldrigs. Due Nov, 24. Ear Tag T680728. Lost from logit 10; Huron Rd. •Concession: Anyone knowing. whereabouts ;please contact Ray .Potter, 'RR 3; Clinton, phone 482-9997. 47b ClintonCommunity Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 1.30 p.m• OdVernanent tfispea;ted Boa fes Cattle sold by weight T5km§- CASH JOI COPM- Y, Stales rilagea SIRTIO — 1n Clixarton .Public' _on Thur,504y, Nov - on a: claug'nzer. MIK E,LANEOUS LETUS x'2• EPAIR AND MAKE your :rings and Jewellery 'like new. Diamond. rings renewed and Stones safely Secured—don't take chances, Expert work lane °DATHS CARDS OF THAM We, would lila to thank Aur friends, nelg�ibors and relatives far ghe' lovely gifts gid' caiide raseeived on our Golder} Wei= reasonably to your satisfaction, .ding Anniirers' It was all Watch repairs and pearl re- vejy flee _ly .a, . is ed,• -.GER, stringing, W. N„ Counter. , P pn t .. � TIE .and GEORDIIl McVI'i'T.'�R 47n ORDER YOUR ,GUITAR NOW for Christmas giving, 3 free I Wish to 'thank all my f!rlends lessons with all guita>Gjs Solite- for cards, visits slid flowers fore Christmas, Beginners only, 'while I was a patieqt in Clinton Phone 482.7166 for .details. Pul- Public Hospital, 66pecial thanks sifer Guitar Studio, 77 Fluron to F.Wst Flour nia<rsing staff, 46tf St. Dr, Thompson, Rev, Xals and Uptown Flower Sho pie r- ART FOR LEVETT. 475 CHRISTMAS DIVING I Wish to �thankI all my fraeilds, .and relatives for flow'- erg, cards and gifts., and those We sug9esi• Coffee and who came to Visit 'while a End Tables China Cabinets pati' { , ent lin Clinton Public Hos- Toy Soxes, Desks qnd Mal. 'Special thanim to Dr. W. A, Qalces and Rev.. G, Jes , He - Bookcases. s hk, the nurses and staff. Made to your , . ificartiohs S, MARGARET STRY- and at your price. I IMR, 47P KEN. McNAIRN 482.7676 47tfb IPiANO TUNING XO&VR PL4140 should be tuned' and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate • the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone. 48213$70, STORE FOR RENT STORE and office on main. street. Phone 482.6694. 32tfb STORE on main corner of High,. ways 8 and 4 known as Red and White Grocery. Apply to Roy Tyndall, Phone 482-9928, 19tfb SERVICES ' ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd, Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514, 153 Lighthouse St,, Goderich, 18tfb AUCTIONEER RICHARD H. LOBB 112 Ontario St., Phone 482-7898 Graduate of World's Largest Reisch American ,School of Auctioneering 43-65 to 43-66p Rervie Cow Sale. -NOW Every Friday Afternoon at 2:00 WClock Always good assortment of Fresh and Springing • Cows and Heifers. Credit up to 3 years. ELTON McLELLAND Phone 2211 Bervie RR 4, Kincardine, Ont. 45.6-7b -W&A� 7b�� ee, �c I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors, for the. Lovely gifts• and flowers sent to Me when a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, also to Dr. Oakes; Dr. Addison -and nurses. +1�2YR7iLE TYNDALL. 47P I would like to express my sincere thanks to my friands, relatives and neighbors for cards, fetters, visits, flowers, treats and many Jdadnewes to the family while I was in vic- toria Hospital, London, —TOM SOWERBY, • 47b I wish to thank fall those who remembered nye with cards, flowers and fruit while I was a aftient ' Clinton bl" uauPu LC Hos- p pitad. Sipeeial thanks, to the nur- seg, Rev. Mills, Dr. Newland, Dr. Waideai, Ont. St. UCW, L013A and LOL 710. HAR- OLD CRITTENDEN. 47p I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for cards, and visits while I was a patient m Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Flowers and the nursing staff. — FRANK FLYNN.. 47b I with to. thank friends and neighbors for cards, flowlem and gifts while I was in Clinton Public -Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr, Addison, the nursing staff .and Father Kelly. Also many thanks to those who tools toare of my kin ly during my illness. — AT S, A. De- GROOF. 47,b I wish to thank my friends for treats and cards while I was ,a. patient In Victoria Hos- pital, London. Special thamk's to Mr. and Um, Bruce Nich- olson, Rev. Malls and the Chn- tonian Club. — MRS. FRED . BIRKMYRE. 47p I 'would like to thank ,all who sent cards, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Thompson and the nursling staff. — MRS. MARGARET CARTER. 47b Classified Ads. Bring Results Long Points ,- Short Points Tabbers -- Button Downs -- Plains W141TES -- COLOURED DRESS SHIRTS ­- SPORT SHIRTS Hundreds to choose from our 'tWall of Shirts" Priced From $2.95 To, $15.95 KEN and BOB SUGGEST... SWEATERS -- PYJAMAS TIES SOCKS -- JEWELLERY — BELTS HATS -- JACKETS SCARVES GLOVES -- SLACKS DRESSING GOWNS, ETC4, GIFT BOXES; GIFT CERTIFICATES USE OUR: LAY -AWAY PLAN 'Pole I kett &Tampbell timited ,. Maiir CtrtreF Ciiitbti, Obi#alio; Ptinna 462-9?