Clinton News-Record, 1965-11-25, Page 1Zoe 1(rot Column; MY '4 AII).) I Wlairking bp, the .•ass!u?np;tap4 tha€t 'Wleg"e are ,sonne paeple who regard first Coawnn; boat don't get Wound to reading editorials (and Probably F'ac'e versa) we are going to refer to a subject which ,hist week. was lxe4ted in in The editorial column We quote from the Sttratthroy Age Dis'patc'h; "This year for the first time, those lel te;d to of- #rice will serge for :a two• - year toMn and it as most important that the best dole slatte, of. candaclates should' be •selected, The• ttwo years ahead promise to be most tT4aartarrt ones in the growth. and dev'el'opment of the town and the need for sound business -like aper- lattion , of municipal govern- mmt was never more ur- gent. Strang candidates are a v'it'al need at this time." Since 'Clinton voters wilt• this yearbe selecting m.en to serve two years, we feel that this urgency is equal, in our town to that felt in Stiat~hroy , :Be alert on Nomination Night . Your choices will last the en un- til of 197 til 6 ed a -ch from, a ,Received eue r q former Clintornian veteran of I the first War and now a. W pen- sioner r . . e .as e and h s that le this suln , o w"�,�r the Cli� 1an vr11 .. d Clint ion Cenotaph , . ,We have deposit- ed With Town, Clerk John laid now Livermore n can r forward areceipt for the pay- neni to the donor . Its body that reads the • THE NEW ERA, ,-- 98th Year No, 47--,T hQ .Nome 'aper 'With the Nowa PAY NQrV.EM$ER. 25, Y • R , _ din#fin �0�1.�n �Forced •'�� t..eaYe, ouncil Plans Garbage System. o m i n a t In Honolulu H,ospita.lEnrouteA a_ Between now and next Thurs- :.RZ � m.. ting of Olin* .dray' munrci allties all. over Ont, ton own co ' � 'A heart x+eeulacllerxr► decision The :child', ram mo ,e •s A • e N =n b r eral town.. uneii last nplg . ario will have '�m4de xiomina- d to made b 8 s l;. d th. r l !ih oV ._ . e gear. :. (Wednesday) A Committee Was tions Tor their eouricils scholia hta be xn._. y a young Mrs, Florence Wood, who pp-. meeting of Gunton Legion: ointed to MWe fxoin ` ,ux town last Fri, e�rrarte he ,o beauty o at ra c'h on'da . enli e draw up ,a reco.¢n- boards .and u'bAc ulatirties' nom- Yo s her .Wan y sal n b _ n M y ev .. alg, inendlatroi and tspaciF?Liations for i' day, were fire words of Sin ,66 Alb,rt $ e'et• memb+ers autborized that 2.5. signs - K4mid ?n some cases t $ a gage. caklectuon 51'etem ,m missions far tlieSe cuff ne,S Cardew; a reporlter on the Mrs. Jane Brown, no doubt be set aside as: the ,start orf a towp Honolulu Adve6d$em, when, he would like to hoax from friends fund to help the B . family wai11 have :been recorded, reM1is Member's are C er�k. talked to, A. Laurie Colquhoun, in Cornton' her address is; 1VPrs, if financial assistance is net dei, John Locale Oiiril rs noln'inalt on IAVOM'ar'e; Mayer Don. Symons,. Y, i torr pwbinstger of Gunton News- William Brown, 432 Massey Legion Oharplaun riev, R'. u, Reev is on Friday at the town hall: Record on Mania: afternoon• Raad, Mangere East, Aukland, Ruff xlhompson amci y Male ,can and A„ L, Ca7quhoun ¢. b'etween ?;30 and $;30 with a CaunKallors. Cagxx Prpctar :said that (Ark It was 8,50 a,m, Hawaii time New Zealand, gave reports fan five nloident' . public meeting after (1i.50 p.an eastern st'andaxd' � � �� � � ���� Gordon,I:aw's'on; .a -�,, "�' v PAsq',l rz_?,.. <.,.�` Tile• GO y i ,f t , mnla t fandirvgs will tame) axed reporter Cardetiv had Tax s>,a tee's "� .. Ps;> ' � R �. : �, be al�AroYtud or refused aft. the us t :Checked with . Queen's Hos'. J ift.. @ •° ; �.� I} Getnber-rn�e a, .:.,, e etnn of council. r a1 onolulu heir Bill gHarland Boy, pt a -I where Brawn, Three years pfd, was _ � �# ' ; '•�.+` e-> `` " : ? ;max: reported in satiCfacto condi x,. x k Huron,Farniiin Re .o �! ��cc i 9 p ort 'Wins, +A In than. Y=. Pract ealll al Billy along with his mother, a; � y 1 livestock ham two s tens' Catherine five been• housed in prepatition for CCCU Contest is 3 ? „" the winter' in Huron County. Jane Eliza�b.eth, two, and Bach , ', '!tolfeed,, supplies on the' A gorod guess` in the name of ard, seven motvths, left Clinf V i 3 ` + � farmare . Adequate. in fact, 12 -Year-old Daviel Harland' was e'arl>ex last week to make t'h'ey Sd some ixs h - he wirvrrer, th `e � � ')�,>,., � >.._ tipX . ay ills been par^ ii ua e .Gues's th home air Aukland, New Zealand, dhased, 0calIly by farmers in AnIMMt• •ta play Divutleridls" oom- I3er husband and their father, Eastern 'Ontario, test re'centily ':completed by the Will'iami Brown, went n.t t o N ew x. •>,�e ,. I, r „. mMFaerm a « .rater supplies am Olin Zealand in, September. t pn ' C .om mu nity Credit e l i t Y1Brown, originally from oaab e thasYear.Usi n Ltd. , , ast ofthe r.solis now Davids guessWas $53,97(), Scotland, spent eight yews ht/este 0,,C0b1e • therwhofilaonly $1 42 away the RCAF antook his release would _Ixove farm conditions. th c rct fi aof 53 9? 42. in July this yearHe tooIk a � �� �. I : t. ;�°� • � , , ,^, . ,a�• M•e amw h le : grain are for, th be s't e ss as p $5(). .fibhterco fro1 �megator•course still busy'. Other I ingS were,, Harold a CAF Clinton in 1958. sTher is stll,some fall work Parsons, Seafoa second; Tea Mrs. Ir awn and family n al were.. . � to e completed l Hon� McCullough, Clinton,C1ithird;, '. travelling on. the British lmea This report il t us from •t aof-flee r•s. Harold Adams Crto ,Canberra Wllen Bly took Pullen,' as�taltai: fotirtGear Collins, RR 3 poand' do'advised o.S hsTAtal careat Honolulu. cultural 1 rolresenbative: for Hur- C 'intron fifth. All Were within A British covsuute official on, County. $10' of the Winner. in Honlalulu plgomeld the London This picture of Mrs. Brown, :and her. three ' n , c, -0 rd THS HURQN RECORD :82nd Year 0 ionsin Weeke,,_ aleotiM if necessary will be and .two school area trustees,. held on, DecoMber ,6,) H• dlett nolmimtion on Fri- Offices tr -Offices to be filled arse for daps afternoon, from x to .2 px4.. mayor, reeve, deputy reeve, six is Lon.desboro Cornu mt y Hall, cauncilloms', Tows" public r,'tilitiets for reeve, four coo q 1prs, fhyo corri'gnissioneu;rs' . a .six public schoiol area, trustees, sdh, .board. members. I Township of Stanley nsn :n- Tulokersmii'th's� rlomianat ons ates officials on Fr dhy after - are set for Monday afoon, noon, N'ovemb'er 26 bettw�en 1 November 29 betweeneen Itexrland .2 and. 2 p.m. jn. the UW,,=b1 . P.m, in tho Seafonth Town'l Iall hall t V a a deputy At am . f r reeve, depu y for reeve, four councillors and reeve, three councillors and two school, trustterm school tarea trustees. Goderleb TOW49lr'.ip (nominates in the t0wnlsbips; a public on Friday afternoon, November meeting follows nominations. 26, 'between 1 and 2 p,m, in th~ In gall oases, electionifs, net., Ciuniton Town Hall, for reeve, essary will be held .on Decem,' deputy reeve, three councillors ber 6. 1. ■ ,A onNew pp _ Managelr RoyalTo,Bank- ere :3'F•v n{ 3. . 4:e?; >#r+r } E•x.ro:} r 'i si{':•y`iii#.+i:3?iii<:'.•;+:,} a. ni4 ... ::3;•:t/:.'{•Y" : ...v}.. ..: }:.:.{:•S: }':...:....}:: .. �{ Zv ;r News -Record, likely knows H. Free Press Slatirday`morning, oldest children was taken at the home of Mrs, . Sf, Gordon Manning Hes a and the paper in,turn contact- Florence Wood, a few days prior to their leaving 150 Tuckersmith Ratepayers Meet; (Continued on page 12) ed Clinton persons.. to make their home in Aukland, N.Z. ° - �oinr�a f��ld To Pr®test School � �a , . Hel For The ' Stewart "Dick" Fre 'Ian R. J,r "Dick" Dixon sand secre- un lel .� Small Type tary Doug Andrews were re - E f Business the Royal Canadian Legion, The 1966 officears will be in - Monday evening. This and an stalled by a team froth. Mitchell �I' � � Experi�enced.,people will be in ecutve were the only two off- Percy Brow. volunteered to fices contested' at the branch's be bulletin editor for the colrn- elleeii:on. Mr. Freeman defeated Clinton on December 2 and 3 to Stuart Dick and Holwaa'd Tait e Members of lthe new exeou- land reported a net profit orf Live oonnrriittee for 7966 are provide, oauncellinlg service to Harold Black, Percy Brown; and sale of wreaths' for the Stuart Dick; Wan I-loggart, Don Nolverribe�r it remembrance y businesses in the county. The Saundetcadk and Gordon Wade. There will be no Christmas All other offiee�rs went in by Isarrrty this year for 'Legion. mem- acclamation, service being offered by Mid- President for 1966 is Edward The branch authorized the Porter; fit st vide -president, payment of $35 to , the town WUham Chambers; treasurer, western Ontario, Development New Assessor Marrs _. an Work Mondaydeg xaward Harris; Goaxde, begtatr held for then past mite y'ea'rs. work this ,1V1`,dritdepr as &ntali's He Intend to do the work in Association, is promoted locally both caxrirnuriaties, M'r, Harris tiling, Cliantbn to this position. has, connplete�d Ya three year cor-. .Nfr, Morris is &1sb tzmssdr in respomrkctioe course with Queens Rowidk Township, a job he has, Vntiverhity in asstes&inlg. 1Vatioiial Defence Certificate of Appointment of litfr� Htu�ris by the Cllinton and Area Cham- The woollthor As Assessorr was made by CoUn a cid last weak, abd the, salary igh;t.dW % igh14W attached to 'Lha Tots u • $2,500, 1965 7.964 Donal$ Relines, Auburn, who '�, 17 45 W '48 36: ber of Commerce. 18 $ 31 95 M town nit Setafoi*th Was the dtlher 19 4� 32 81 86 arpplioarit for the ''position. 20 42 34 94 23 David Dales, Clinttoft was hur- `121 44 31. 91 20 c)d Iasi; week by ooundir, as Daft Two tea'rris of qualified "con- ti rie dardtalcer for the inuriidi., 23 41 39 Sty 13 b .. e' Aalw Al` Marx: '211me Daldg ig a faririetr ear5ployce Shaw: 3" 'of btii cr Hytir« r the „ emem�ebrwiterf mums at e r . , ,.. Mars, Raftrse p5 J, 112i11'ar cat>S1a sultants are provided by the fin lieti^som Tel b fidex, slid lVtrs. mforre the rest of the town ored. nwolter "bid ldwerS weri~0' 4A ii tJrriulsttte 'td' the tle�ldj azid in' . (Oonbitiuecl till p4ge 12) (Cohl�Aued on page' 12) Ontario Development Agency of z . Mir. Tyndall•'sold• 'iris farm' in the D:ep Otmient off Economics 1 1941 th the R•by;ar Air Forte, and Development. They i xvirte Y And frortn that early wardine private interviews at the Elm -birth, the present busy tralhift-' Haven Motor Hotel, Dec. 2-3. For 'further information a- bout maldng appointments for b these �ialtervrie�vs', either A. to the 'old farm 9110 'are the brily "Red" Garop, president or fA • landmarks to survive the .Air Douglas Ball, secretary of Clin- Force bulls mtrg. ton C of iC, may b'e contacted. The agency consists of m'at- '.: Mr. Tyndall farmed' from ure, 'experienced' people with engineering, technical, finance, accounting and banking back- his farm, Worked at clic air ground, and 11at5 been cleated Kindergarten Pupils 'Eager For Santa! to providLe Advisory, technical and•managen-lenrt services to all Pupils in. Mrs. Dorothy Williams afternoon Kindergarten class at Clinton types off business in Ontario; to Public School don't have that eager look of young folk waiting for Santa Claus st in the introduction of •--they 'a'ppear .a little apprehensive. But really they were eager for a small and o assts or techniques; and to assist Ontario based prink sugar cube. The 'tasty morsels were being dispensed by the Duron Count g p y companies Tal obltauning finance Health Unit as a final dose in the oral vaccine to combat polio. (More •pictures tial assistance :from the regu- inside). (News -Record Photo) lair lerianlg institutions. Legion Holds Elettion For. Executive, "Dick" Freeman Elected Second Vice Stewart "Dick" Fre 'Ian R. J,r "Dick" Dixon sand secre- wias elected second vice' preal- tary Doug Andrews were re - dent of Chntonf Branch 140 of turned to afifice the Royal Canadian Legion, The 1966 officears will be in - Monday evening. This and an stalled by a team froth. Mitchell eletction for the eight-riran ex- on Mone; December 13. ecutve were the only two off- Percy Brow. volunteered to fices contested' at the branch's be bulletin editor for the colrn- elleeii:on. Mr. Freeman defeated Ing :year, Stuart Dick and Holwaa'd Tait Poppy chairman Garnet Har - Members of lthe new exeou- land reported a net profit orf Live oonnrriittee for 7966 are $504.34 from the poppy canvass Harold Black, Percy Brown; and sale of wreaths' for the Stuart Dick; Wan I-loggart, Don Nolverribe�r it remembrance Kempston, Percy Pugh, Cliff ceremionies• Saundetcadk and Gordon Wade. There will be no Christmas All other offiee�rs went in by Isarrrty this year for 'Legion. mem- acclamation, bers' families. President for 1966 is Edward The branch authorized the Porter; fit st vide -president, payment of $35 to , the town WUham Chambers; treasurer, Santa Claus parade ori Dec. 4, New Assessor Marrs _. an Work Mondaydeg xaward Harris; Goaxde, begtatr held for then past mite y'ea'rs. work this ,1V1`,dritdepr as &ntali's He Intend to do the work in assessor tucce-d1bg Jim Man- both caxrirnuriaties, M'r, Harris tiling, Cliantbn to this position. has, connplete�d Ya three year cor-. .Nfr, Morris is &1sb tzmssdr in respomrkctioe course with Queens Rowidk Township, a job he has, Vntiverhity in asstes&inlg. 1Vatioiial Defence Certificate of Appointment of litfr� Htu�ris LAvialle'e, fWr years, child op- The woollthor As Assessorr was made by CoUn �verittually tmed forr the bulilding cid last weak, abd the, salary igh;t.dW % igh14W attached to 'Lha Tots u • $2,500, 1965 7.964 Donal$ Relines, Auburn, who '�, 17 45 W '48 36: i5 presently e;ssbssinJg` en the 18 $ 31 95 M town nit Setafoi*th Was the dtlher 19 4� 32 81 86 arpplioarit for the ''position. 20 42 34 94 23 David Dales, Clinttoft was hur- `121 44 31. 91 20 c)d Iasi; week by ooundir, as Daft 22 41 35 26 10' ti rie dardtalcer for the inuriidi., 23 41 39 Sty 13 1541 buildings, at $1,95 per houur. .. e' Aalw Al` Marx: '211me Daldg ig a faririetr ear5ployce Shaw: 3" 'of btii cr Hytir« r Y About 1:50 Tuckersmith rate -School Area' Boar'd's offer to payers, mostly from E'gmond- i educate Tuckmsmith school N++l•, ,,, �, .J' �1r {"r L,.. ,lV µyl;- ,. ,JAILL Cil Q.{, 11C11AGl.l1, 1'6 .,:.,,.,11,1 O. L. ENG�LSTAD I P. AGGERHOLM ern portion of the township still be arranged'. Retiring Manager Manager gathered 1n Egrcriaridviale sc!htool "I still think lthere is a way Tuesday eventing to, draft plans, open,," he said. "We realize it Clinton, Ont. Clinton, Ont. in -their effort to, upsert the de- is rather late. Our only hope _ The Royal Bank of Canada -recently announced cision on -the proposed central now is to drive a wedge into the appointment of P.' Aggerholm as manager of school near Brucetfiead.. 'the school board. If we could their Clinton branch, Mr. Aggerholm replaces O. L. The new school, for which get two new members, I think Engelstad who is retiring after serving the Bank plreltmihval•y sketches have been we would be alright." for 36 years. Mr. Engels -tad had been manager of atpprroved by the Ontario De- Bayfield Reeve F. A. Olirft the Clinton branch for the past 13°years. partment of Education, is lin- was present at theEgmondville tended to serve the municipal- meeting, Born in Bronderslev, Denmark, Mr. Agger- ities, of Stanley, Tuckersmith "He gave us a good talk;" holm. joined the Bank in Rodney, Ontario do 1935. apq B'a ead• ..Estimatted' cost said Coombs. ,'!He seemed ,tet . Since then. he has held (positions throughout Ontario has: been `quate'd as $61:2,000 have the Pacts an igtaaes" inclixding Kiln'card'ine,.-14mden and' Aaisleyc exclusive of land, sewage, fur- nishings and equipment. Funeral Yesterda The ratepayers present at Y Egmondville meeting believe the central school is too big, too costly and tea e tin , Clinton Florist Chairman of, the meeting,e Cleave Coombs, Egmondville, . told the News-Reeord Wedgies - day afternoon during a tele- o 0 o e s a phone conversation, the gath- 4Z s, A w ering w, In iravour of dividing the school population, in Tuck- One of Clinton's most loved for the next three years. ersnuth unto three paras, and ' respected Personalities, Boom in England! on May 9, He said existing public, sch- Charles Victor Cooke; 106 Jos- 1$87, s'on of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- ools 'in Seaforth, Hensall and eph Street, passed away in ileth Charles Cooke, he name to Clinton could serve the students. Clinton Public Hospital on. Canada in 1915 liming 8n Blyth Well. Monday, November 22, at the and London for short periods. Mr, Coombs reported that age of 78• He had been ill for He, was a florist, and when the Searfor;th wants the school caul- about two months. opportunity aro's'e, he acquired di -en from Egm1'ondville and Mgr. Cooke carne to Clhnton the Canton florist business Harpu,oiey to attend the public in January 1927 from Goderich, from the Jehikin's, family in De - school there. He added that al- where he had been' caretaker cembelr 1926. though Tuckemmilth council has of Maitland Cemetery, He was Mr. Cooke married Ethel once rejected Hay Township caretaker of Clinton Cemetery Hutton, who predeceased trim Norm Tyndall Retires CO Guest Speaker Sold Farm-To'Royal Air'Force -in, 1941 'Veteran . EmployeeHonoueed At Ba hquet The Than who. sold hiis faxim are both gardeners and lovers of National Defence Employees Patrick 'Quinn, 14 years,clean- to, the Royal Aur Force In 1941, of flowers. Association was J. Douglas ing serviceman; James Corran, and who has worked at the, base . Another of Mr. Tyndlall's hob- Thorndike, M edoriek Street, 13 years, labourer; Gordon sinco that time was honored at bies is, his weal -equipped. maeh- Clinton, the president, Jamieson, 13 years, cleaning a formal dinner meeting of the ine shop in his garage, Others who received Depart- serviceman to retire December National Defence Employees Chairman of the first din- m,ent of National Defence certi- 31; Charles Stolkes, 12 years, Association last Thursday, nor meeting of CikAon branch ficates. And silver trays were: carrpenter to retire December Norman. Tyndall, 96 Huron M Street, who r'etire'd October 30 • ��' Y- � Zi } d Awarded tray and Station t After 24 years and two month's 1.4: was the ,hon'cweld ((,,••west at the nine :years, cl'earuu'ig serav6oman'; -. 1 dinner in the ai ens muss www: to talk about them. er 'aria: helper to ser be Decean- ,He continued his interest in He 'i"ede ived a Department of the cerhetory, amid s'etrved on the Awarded Station Clinton ter- Cemetery Board, Through the y, years .he' recognized the need 1Vatioiial Defence Certificate of for ,a ariatisoleiurn theter, and his LAvialle'e, fWr years, child op- _: , � :• �verittually tmed forr the bulilding 1nbi�r A,y�Sre�iati;oal and an engraved Appreciation. ,ead table gtueets at the years ,ago,. bsfzigtict, attend ed by over 1.40 IIis passing br'aught about t'h'e siblua on lot A. • mystery ih Grtiup Captain Ke A. Gxeen.- silver ti.. ry ay y .Chirte..en other re. W awdy, c6rnh1ad1ding• offlebe RC- ,b,raxace Day seivltes herein, .. ,: 3t. k° 'S` ...• y, �� lS .,' . 1,ori as, chief adkz7�riis atioxk - Yee:.. �<,. f';., tiriirg personnel -were. also lion- P 'e .Vast 1.0 yeatt to plAde G"omiri�ali et l rudis Us-% of� a wreath of 'Vv'kiite i'yin"ys�tlite'- .... ,. , .: _ fifer comrii ng A Vii, GS, Arid the „ emem�ebrwiterf mums at e r . , ,.. Mars, Raftrse p5 J, 112i11'ar cat>S1a ue oil ClMton Pobf O;E'tiCe fin lieti^som Tel b fidex, slid lVtrs. mforre the rest of the town ored. nwolter "bid ldwerS weri~0' 4A ftirst 'tic-itresidtj �fDIA; d tJrriulsttte 'td' the tle�ldj azid in' . (Oonbitiuecl till p4ge 12) (Cohl�Aued on page' 12) Mir. Tyndall•'sold• 'iris farm' in 1941 th the R•by;ar Air Forte, Y And frortn that early wardine -birth, the present busy tralhift-' base resulted A few trees and the 'old farm 9110 'are the brily fA • landmarks to survive the .Air Force bulls mtrg. Mr. Tyndall farmed' from 1923 to 1940, and after selling his farm, Worked at clic air base as a civilian pump and x ° sanitation services 6perator, He is marriad to the former Hhldta Votrbes and has dtie sob, Arthur, whb is An electricai � e-nglneer_ With C m6hdh,'ted Pu1'p aid hapeir, Shawiegi:,; ft.m Veteran ttnpioyee' hares of Staill Ft otiebee. lVAxv, Tyiidayi plate td Passaic }'Tis hobbies in rt�*4ffient,' 90 v.., ...,.. �.. .. .z..', Shdwn neige after tike N' MA 1ban tizet hbnouAhig rctlritig diviliah erriipil6y- , . , , .. w .. _ ::. ,....._ , ees at RCAIa"t loon Cl>lztbn'riday e'yeixniig ai"e�. 'l��t _ tp rigllt� e7, Dotlgla is Ari' av16 e6bwtor and, seller, • .of �c%t�v tvior�lls, tcv the dht of l _ ,. Thorncl ke' resi�ent of Cln'iton branch Nt%A G/C` K, I�, CroenaWa , guest � � p � r , , �' l • Ai _ local ii It He as< an Am'- -: ... _ ..... , ... .... .. , . _ .. _ ,, ._ eaker who resented :�1't)iMIfi Tyndall with 'A silver tta arta ;cert�fidate of 311........' y. �' p � .. ' ..:: ,• ...•. ,. dent flslterrrvai'l a fYctti�er hurt,- .. ,. ,..� . ......, , 24y0aft coni letibri of o'V& �� . 0aft 96Mbe Attie stat%rt ahA 11�rs, T call. p y i � Self, and he and Ma's•, '[' gwau �'�C•ElP A616) in 1955. They had two sons, Tom, chief of the air service with the Department of Lands and Forests, Sault Ste, Marie, and Ken who continued the florist business here in Clinton; three daughters, Mrs. Herb (Violet) MaeAdarm, Goderich; Mrs. Eldbn (FJthel) Yeo, RR 3, Clinton,; Mrs. Robert (Betty) Harris, RlR, 1, Seaforth; one sister, Mrs. Joseph (Violet) Juck, Goderich; 17 grandchild- ren and 15 great grandchildren. Mr. Cooke wase. member of St. Paul's Anglican Church, and served on the Board of Mariage- ment for a number of years. Among o't'her activities wittliin the church he was one of the ream siupporters of the Go -Get- ters Club, formed to r'alse funds for the chur±ch work, anld to provide a medium through which, concrete things could be 131'hn Charles: Pilgr, ten year's; aceomtplished ,Tor St. Paul's. trad'e's helper to retire Deceri- Ur. 'Cooke was a. quiet man, bet 31. with t'he theory that it was Awarded trays' for fiver ten beth: fol do good things than years service but who heave a1- > ready received DXD certificates z ' 1� were: Mrs, Margaret McNaitm, G• V. 12 years; food service attend- ant supervisor, • Howard Taut p , 14 years, foreman of cleaning COOKE • { servicers, Edgar Allan, 12 years; d t cleaning serviceman; Alex Pat ersonI1 Years kitchen helperr � ..Planned •.' r , Charles Snelling; tehl years, Clinton kitchen. helper.' Awarded tray and Station mausb(eunl Cliri'ton ce#Mcate for over five years Service were; John) Ryan, nine :years, cl'earuu'ig serav6oman'; Robert Caopor, six :Wars, pack- to talk about them. er 'aria: helper to ser be Decean- ,He continued his interest in her 8. the cerhetory, amid s'etrved on the Awarded Station Clinton ter- Cemetery Board, Through the tit`icatteS only fcr less tiharx five years .he' recognized the need years, of 'seitviae was. lVtetz+ri for ,a ariatisoleiurn theter, and his LAvialle'e, fWr years, child op- plat for thir3 sti ticturte were elating Eng leer to re ire Dec- �verittually tmed forr the bulilding 1nbi�r WbA li Was erected about ter ,ead table gtueets at the years ,ago,. bsfzigtict, attend ed by over 1.40 IIis passing br'aught about emiployees and guests tiVere, t'h'e siblua on lot A. • mystery ih Grtiup Captain Ke A. Gxeen.- onnectioit with the Aemeni- awdy, c6rnh1ad1ding• offlebe RC- ,b,raxace Day seivltes herein, AV Mritori and Mrs, G ffctrreen- Clinton. His ally ttvealed iYrwayt Wing Commander L4nWg that Mr,- Cooke Hall risen eahjy 1,ori as, chief adkz7�riis atioxk - e nt60ni-ber 11 morning ACer, and l�ixi5, oxnas; V(Tiri'g P 'e .Vast 1.0 yeatt to plAde G"omiri�ali et l rudis Us-% of� a wreath of 'Vv'kiite i'yin"ys�tlite'- .... ,. , .: _ fifer comrii ng A Vii, GS, Arid the „ emem�ebrwiterf mums at e r . , ,.. Mars, Raftrse p5 J, 112i11'ar cat>S1a ue oil ClMton Pobf O;E'tiCe fin lieti^som Tel b fidex, slid lVtrs. mforre the rest of the town 112fi11A ; CxoderaCli; Z'dcl ewdtC,: nwolter "bid ldwerS weri~0' 4A ftirst 'tic-itresidtj �fDIA; d tJrriulsttte 'td' the tle�ldj azid in' . (Oonbitiuecl till p4ge 12) (Cohl�Aued on page' 12)