HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-11-18, Page 6Vikei- Alt.:ilk 14 DEAD ANIMAL, REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS, — Call Collect DARLING • & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton 482-7269 Licence 350-C-65 7tfb ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLIES HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for dead and disabled cows and horses. Call Collect 356-0600 Atwood Licence 401-C-65. 45tfb Bervie Cow Sale • NOW . Every Friday ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR RENT FOR SALE S1‘1,11VE ITTP.-7 PLEASE: "anti freeze" CAR COATS PARKA COATS SKI JACKETS WINDBREAKERS See them now while the selection is best. From $11.95 Up aaaaattaaasaa.a. • taaaaaaaaaa,a,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaia::aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa PULLOVERS CARDIGANS Plains - - Fancies Wools — Piles From $9.95 Up AN" HALF PRICE Special rack of odds-n-ends Cat Coats, Windbreakers„- 34 to 44. Pickett & Campbell Limited Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482-032 I SAVE in,,SSA gPER TON y your AGRICOP piERTILIZER with your own tractor and a 4-ton Simosen bulk spreader to your hay and pasture fields or fall plow down for cash crops. • Free Soil-testing Service • Bag and Bulk Delivery Service; Anhydrous Ammonia Contact your local dealer or BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT A. J. Mustard, RR 1, Varna — Phone 482-7435 ROBERT TAYLOR, Sales Representative RR 3, Clinton — Phone 482-9144 ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT SMALL APARTMENT, fl-W- niphed and heated, suitable for two. Apply 93 Huron St, 84tfh FOR RENT „— $ bedroom a- Partment Phone 482-6675. 37tfb 2 BEDROOM cottage, fully modern, oil furnace, M. Mc- Adam 482-7070. 42tfb BRUCEFIELD 3 bedroom house, oil heated, Phone 262- 5047. 41tfb MODERN 2 bedroom cottage for rent, close to bnsinesa sec- tion. Phone 482-908i'. 46-7p UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom a- partment, centrally located, am- ple parking, available now. Phone 482-7661. 35tfb LOVELY modern country home, freshly redecorated, one mile north of Hensel' on No. 4 Highway. J. C. Smvillie, Phone 262-5141. 38t.fb . . FURNISHED and unfirrnisated one bedroom and 2 bedroom apartments. Phone 482-6685, °Kiel Van Darinne, 45tfb 2 BEDROOM apartment' newly decorated, at 100 North Street, available now. Apply to Don C. Colquhoun, 482-9506 or 200 Ont- ario Street. 44tfb ONE BEDROOM fUrnished, heated' apartment, reasonable rent. Phone 482-3837. 45tfb 3 BEDROOM unfurnished house for rent bsi highway 8 between Seaforth and Clinton, modern conveniences, pre-sch- ool age children preferred; oil stove, rent $35.00. Phone 482- 9358 or 482-9647. 40tfb SMALL 1 Bedroom unfurnish- ed apartment. All utilities paid.. Available Oct. 1. Phone 482-3837 15tfb 6 ROOM HOUSE un Brucefield, Hwy. 4, oil heated, garage and garden. Apply Mrs. Ivan Wight. man, Belgrave, 357-2568 or Clin- ton 482-9945. 44tfb 2-Bedroom, Unfurnished Apartment Modern --- clean — large living room — kitchen — 3 piece bath — gas heat — reasonable rent --immediate possession. Phone 482-9649. 45p-tfb NEWLY Decorated unfurnished 2 bedroom ground floor apart- ment, heated and private en- trance, ample parking space. Available now. Phone 482-3329. • • • ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT • SEVEN ROOM unfurnished house, modern conveniences, oil furnace, 62 Wellington available in. December„ Phone 482-3221, 46tfb 3 BEDROOM house in Bruce- field, 3% miles from RCAF Station, Modern conveniences, newly decorated, 4 piece bath. Service by Clinton high school bus. Phone 482-9$20, - 4612 COSY APARTMENT, rent very reasonable. Central. Write Box 442, Clinton News-Record, 44,461) ONE UNFURNISHED 2-bed- room apartment, large living room, newly decorated, down- town, possession December 1, Phone 482-9330. 46-7b HOUSE FOR RENT 1 mile east of 13rucefield, served by Habkirk Bus Service to RCAF Station. Available Oct. 1, Haugh Brothers, Brucefield 527-0927.-- 35tfb LARGE 2-Bedroom, completely self-contained apartment, free laundry room facilities equip- ped with automatic washer and dryer. Apply 201 King Street, Apt. 1 or phone 482-9227, 17tfb LARGE TRAILER for rent, ful- ly furnished. Apply at Becker's Trailer Court. 20tfb UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom, ground floor apartment, heated, available October 1. Phone 482-3837, 35tfb FURNISHED, electric heated and newly decorated; also un- furnished, 2 bedroom. Phone 482-9928, Roy Tyndall. 8tfb TWO BEDROOM furnished or partly furnished apartment. Central location. Phone 482- 9005. 46 Princess St, West. 35tfb SMALL ONE-BEDROOM a- partment, tmfurnished, redec- orated, 136 Huron St., Phone 482-7702 or 482-9502 or inquire at Crown Bowling Lanes. 29tfb APARTMENT for rent, heated, private entrance, self contained, $50.00 'a month. Phone 482-6663 or 482-9568 after 5. 4 ROOM HOUSE, rent reason- able, with stove and refriger- ator, available immediately; oil heated. Phone 482-6663 or 482- 9568 after 5. 22tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE CIIRISTMA,SLME , • ARTICLES FOR SALE. GAS HEATER, used one Sea- son. Phone 482-9770, 46-7b OVEN READY DUCKS and roosters for pale, Phone 48.2,- 9159. 49b DEEP FREEZE, 21 Cu. ft., $125 cash. Reason for selling, moving. Phone 523-4497. 49b BUFFET; suitable for rec. room or cottage,' Phone 482-7885 after 6 Para 46b HOCKEY EQUIPMENT to fit boy, 12 to 14 • years, Phone 482- 9832.. 46p SIZE 14 girl's winter coat used only one season. Phone 482-, 7490, evenings after 6. 46p FRESH LAID EGGS for sale— Will deliver in Clinton area. Phone 482-7223. 46-7b EMBROIDERY WORK, lunch- eon cloths and runners. Helen Anderson, Clinton, 482-7696. 46b BINOCULARS 1 Set Wetzlar, 7x35, centre focus, with lens covers and carrying case. $46.50 1, Set Wetzlar, 7x50, centre focus, with lens covers and carrying case, $45.00 At ELLWOOD EPPS Sports Shop, King St., Clinton, 482-9622 46b BOY'S BEIGE wool and Orlon laminated 3,piece winter outfit, size 3, like new. Phone even- ings 482-3329. 46p FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator; pia- no; fumed oak buffet with mir- ror, round table and chairs. Phone 482-3862 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE — One used Elec- trolux vacuum cleaner in good• condition; also a quantity of used tongue and groove lumber. Phone 482-9681, 46p CURLING BOOTS — Just ar- rived, shearling lined leather curling and winter boots in hew leathers and new styles at AIKEN'S. 46-7b 1VMCLAtRY KITCHEN STOVE, white enamel. Combination coal, wood and gas, propane or nat- ural. Phone 527-0453 after 5 p.m, 46-7b 3 CLOTH QUILTS, $6 each; 2 formals, ankle length, wool skirts, slims in sizes 10-12; set of child's skis and poles. Phone 482-6688. , 46-7b USED AND NEW 120 bags accordions, $150 and up; small, medium and large, used and new electric guitars and ampli- fiers. 'Charles Pounder, 196 Widder St., phone 524-7541, area-rasa_ ' _ AUTOS FOR SALE ..„.. 1960 RILEY 1.5, radio, belts, windshield watabera, Ph-one 482-7723 after 6 pan. 45T6p „......... 1957 OHEVROLET, 8 cylinder, automatic; 1959 Thwala-,Onev.„ noIet„ 6 cylinder automatic, both in good condition, For nnick sale. Phone 48277057, 44,46b . .„ 1993 PLYMOUTH, 6 ealinder4 stick, push button 11411-0, win- terized, condition. Phone 527,1814, .Seaforth, 46-7b 1950 CHEVROLET in good eon- ditien, new battery and brakea, engine is in ton shape,. tires good condition. This car is lic- ensed and ready to go. Price $50.00, Phone 482-7497, 46p . 1,56 BUICK 2 door. , hardtop,. antomatie with radio, in good condition, good motet. Will sell reasonable, Phone 482-7623 aftet 5:30 p.m. 45,6p 1959 VAUXHALL, 4 cyl, sta- tion, wagon, mechanically OK., but needs bo'd'y work, radio and block heater; 1959 Thames Van, 4 cyl. brakes need over- battling, O.K. otherwise, pack- age deal; $100 dawn and take over payments of $23.30 covers both, illness forces sale. Write to,Box 430, Clinton News-Re- cod. 4$tfb • BOARD AND ROOM. ACCOMMODATION for room- ers. Phone 482-3496. 46-7p CUSTOM WORK TV AERIAL sales and service. Phone 482-9859. 44-47b WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your atisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store, tfb JACK'S FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP. Furniture and other wooden articles repaired; At rear of Nd. 84 Albert St. Phone 482-9695--John Plumtree. 21tfb We Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 46 King Street Phone 482-7652 THOPEDIC and general Repair. Our Clinton De- is at 55 Albert Street at ings Store. Honk's Shoe air, 71 Hamilton St., Gode- 38t-1b PAINTING NE GORDON CHARTER AT 482-9654. HELP WANTED. FEMALE START AT ONCE—Earn big money supplying Avon Christ- anas gifts. We train' you to re. present Avon, One territory av- ailable, for information phone collect evenings, Mrs. M. son, London, 451-0541. 46-7b HELP WANTED MALE. MAN to work in service sta- tion from 0,9 p.m Monday to Friday, Apply Roy Mann, .482- 95n or 482-9079. .46,Th BREAD SALES KAN: Must he neat and reliable. Apply in person to Battliffa Bakery Ltd, 45b . ............. DOZER Operators, Shovel Qp- eaators and Sewer Labourers, Full winter's work guaranteed. Graham and Graham Ltd., 764 Wiharneliffe Rd. S., London, Ontario, Apply in person, or jia writing only, No phone rolls, 43tab 100 ACRE FARM, second sod, for cropping. Ray Cantelon, RR 5, Clinton, phone 482-3337. 46p 50 ACRE FARM, 25 acres fall plowed, 25 acres grass. Good 4 bedroom house. Indoor plumb- ing. Available Dec. 15. Phone 523-4497. 46b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PUREBRED HEREFORD Bull for sale, 14 months old. Phone 482-3221. 46b 12 STEERS, about 700 lbs. Wayne Taylor, phone 482-9837. 4,6b RED-WHITE FACED HEIFER, Holstein-Hereford crass. Phone 482-3269, 46p 25 CHOICE PIGS for sale. Tom Penhale, phone 71R3, Bay- field. 46b 4 YORK SOWS, second litter due within 10 days;' purebred boar, unregistered. Phone 482- 7578. 46b DEKALB Ready to lay pullets, call. McKinley's Farm and Hat- cheries Ltd., Zurich. Phone Hensel]. 262-2837. 44tfb SERVICES COMBINING Corn — contact George Troyer, RR 2, Hensall, Phone 262-5282 or 236-4072. 42-4Th ATTENTION FARMERS Marlatt Bros. Dead Stock Re- moval. Highest cash prices paid for dead or disabled cows and horses. $5.00 and up for, weight over 1000 lbs. Please phone promptly. Phone collect 133 Brussels, 24 hr. service. License 390c65. 35tfb Afternoon at 2:00 O'Clock Always good assortment of Fresh and Springing Cows and Heifers, Credit up to 3 years. ELTON McLELLAND Phone 1211 Bervie RR 4, Kincardine, Ont. 45-6-7b plWriMpoftinilammilaralrogs rwmaal alimmal.sos".". NOTICE GARAGE FOR RENT. Close to centre of town. Phone 482-9770. 46-7b NOTICE Would the person who borrowed our Tile Roller please return it immediately D A. Kay & Son Phone 482-9542 46b MIXED GRAIN, oats and bar- ley, for sale. Phone 482-7108, 46p 50 ACRE FARM, 25' acres fall plowed, 25 acres grass. Good 4-bedroom house with indoor plumbing. Cheap for quick sale. Low clown payment. Phone 523-4497. 46b WARNER electric bean cookers, new or used, Hydro approved, 3 sizes,_ 25, 40 or 60 gallon. Apply Watt Webster, Varna, Ontario, phone 482-3353. 46b 3 - POINT nrrim SNOW- BLOWER, L. G. Winter, 200 High Street. Phone 482-6692. 45.6b PIONEER and P.M. Canadien chain saws and parts now a- vailable. Chains, bars and sprockets for most saws. Robt. Glen, 482-9292 Clinton, Ont. 36 to 47 p JUST ARRIVED Another Shipment of —TRACTORS — SWATHERS —COMBINES — MOWERS — RAKES —TEDDERS —WINDROWERS — BALERS — ELEVATORS — WAGONS —GRAIN TANKS And Many Other Farm Machines We stock over 1,000 Belts, Hundreds of Pulleys, Bearings, Spark Plugs; Plow Shares, Cul- tivator Points, Bolts, Guards, Sections, Hydraulics, etc. Huron County's Largest Farm Equipment Depot Phone 527-0120 JOHN BACH I.H. Dealer — Seaforth 23tfb BEATTY FARM SERVICE CENTER 17 RATTENBURY ST. E. CLINTON PHONE 482-9561 For Quality Beatty • PAILS • STRAINERS • GAS CANS • FUEL OIL CANS • BUCKETS Your Service Center for Pumps and Mechanized Stable Equipment LOST AND FOUND STRAYED from lot 15, con. 7, Stanley Twp., 1 Hereford steet, 600-700 lbs. Phone 482-3214, Fred McClymont, Varna., 45-6b LOST—Holstein heifer, black with white Markings. Due Nov. 24. Ear Tag T680728, Anyone knowing whereabouts please contact Ray Potter, RR 3, Clin- ton, phone 482-0997. 46p We are shipping cattle Om Monday for United Co-op!ratiyes of Ont. We will pick Up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 074170 FRANCIS HUNT 5274946 80tow TWO SAMOYED PUPPIES for sale, Phone 482.3830, 46x . „. WANTED — A good home for a black, female, .9 month old dog, 'Part Cocker ,Spaniel.. Has been spayed and given. shots. Would make a good Term 40g, Phone 482-9094, 46b. 1421.11.111111:rtemmosiumnor STORE FOR RENT STORE and offiee on main street. Phone 482-6694. 32t-th STORE on main corner of High- ways 8 and 4 known as Red and White Grocery. Apply to Roy Tyndall, Phone 482-9928, 19tfb WANTED TO RENT ONE TRAVEL TRAILER to sleep 4 people for months of January end. February. Contact F. Brabant, Loc. 398, RCAF Station or .482-9382, 45.6p Notice To Creditors In the Estate of THOMAS PARK MILLAR, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 19th day of September, A.D. 1965, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the under- signed on or before the 22nd day of November, A.D. 1965, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 1st day of November, A.D. 1965. E. B, MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 44,5,6b SERVICES. h.LECTROI:11X .Canada. 14td, Sales and Service, ,AlVin.ie 524,6514,.. 1,53 Lighthouse St., Goderich, .1$ffb „.......„. .„ „ AvOTip.Nggri. RJQHARP H. j,c).134 '113 Ontario Si.,. Phene..48.0-7094 Graduate of. World's Largest Reisch Ameriean School of Anctioneering 43755, to .43-66p BIRTHS ,13uNDy___4p prantforcT General Hospital on Monday, Novem, ber 15, 1965, to Mr, and Mrs, D, R, Bundy, Brantford, a daughter„ Elizabeth Lynne. GOWER — In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, Nd, VpMber 11, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Govier, Blyth, a daughter, HEARNS. —. In Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, Novena ber:16, 1965, to AC and Mns. Garnet Hearn,s, Clinton, a daughter, HOPF—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Tuesday, November 16, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kopf, 177 Fulton Street, Clin- ton, a daughter, PRATT .— In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, Novem- ber 12, 1965, to Sgt. and Mrs, H. T. Pratt, RCAF Station Clinton, a daughter,. TURNER — In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, No, yerriber 13, 1965, to LAC and Mrs. Michael Turner, Clinton, a daughter. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who sent flowers, cards, gifts and messages, and helped my fam- ily in any way, while a patient in Seaforth Community Hospi- tal. Special thanks to Drs. Brady and IVIallcus, nurses and Rev. Donaldson. —MRS. FRED TREVENA. 46p 6 We would like to thank our friends, neighbours and rela- tives for the lovely gifts and cards received on our Silver Wedding Anniversary. —HEL- EN and ALBERT CRAIG. 46b I wish to thank all my friends, neighbours for flowers, cards and visits while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newland and the nursing staff. —MRS. GERTRUDE TREFFERS, 46b The members of Murphy LOL No. 710 wish to thank all those who donated articles or assist- ed in any way to make the auction a success. Specials thanks to Richard Lobb, Auc- 46p MISCELLANEOLIIS PET STOCK. Page '6 ci.inton News,Record,,-.Thprs„ Nov... 1'I f 1965 A '1 F.."9. 44/tt,i) „41,S11,411Zotai.-,:litliajmntouNNO,:ake-:*•8040"10.,,:zhli.,it?. RIVIER STENOGRAPHER es typing at hotme. Tele. e 482-7608. 45-8b La., do eiktWing or 4.1.t.eitttidit my home. Mrs. Peter Va4- 163 Vadten or Phone 4827 4346b BALL & MUTCH Led. ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 tfb TIC TANKS CLEANED adorn equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE RR 2, Brussels hone 442 W 6, Brussels 37-50p DO IT YOURSELF AVE MONEY NT THESE MACHINES FLOOR SANDER FLOOR EDGER HAND SANDERS Belt Finishing Duo Type LARGE POLISHER-SCRUBBER JIG SAW SKIL SAW RUG SHAMPOO MITH WET-DRY VACUUM ODELLING, renovations, g and floor laying, expert. one. All odd jobs around home. Kitchen cupboards ty. Phone 482-7676. McNairn. 23tfb RE. WOIVIAN, days, oh]y liVe in, at senior ]ally's nation.. To commence WOrk est rd x . Box 460, Clinton NeWs- , 46 HELP WANTED FEMALE IES -- Turn your spare into cash, Supply families uron COunty with famous leigh Ptoduets. We tarnish color, display sales helps, Write RaWleigh„ Dept. 9-PP, 4005 Riohehetl, St, Montreal. 46b EST HARDWARE EMPLOYMENT WANTED 46tfb ELTABLE WOM.A11 to liVe rom Dbeember. 15 to De. bet 19. 1VInd like children, little hoirseWork, PMQ TOE COREY; Manager Phone 482-7667, 46h 44, Clinton Community Auction Salts EVERY FRIDAY at 130 p.m. GOvernitierit inspected Softie! Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH . „. DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea. savable rates, Gode rieta Phone 52 -..91 Still . „... LET. 'US REPAIR ANDMAKE your rings and jevvellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secored7—don't take chances. :Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch repairs. and pearl re,' stringing. W. N, Counter, tfb MAW) AWING ORDER YOUR GUITAR NOW andan checked f" moth claMaP YOUR othURPeIrANdeOfeestb: reindgruble4rtluyn, tuned for Christmas giving, 3 free lessons with all guitars sold be- appreciata the continued priv-fore liege of servicing many of the Christmas. Beginners only. Phone 482-7166 for details. Put- instruments 4.1 this aree. George slier' Guitar Studio, 77 Huron W' Cox, phone 482-3870' St, 46tfb GRACE McCOWAN, late of the GATES, 4 p I wish to thank my friends, neighbours and school pupils who sent cards and treats and visited me while I was a pat- ient in Clinton Public Hospi- tal. Special thanks to Dr. Flow- Notice To Creditors ers, Rev. G. Mills and to all In the E5.tate of g!-AA the hmital staff, —CHARLBS, Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Widow, De- ceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 5th day of October, A.D., 1965, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the under- signed on or before the 22nd day of November, A.D. 1965, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 1st day of November, A.D. 1965. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 44,5,6b ationeer.