HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-11-11, Page 7BIRTHS ,IiEZZQ--In Straltford General Hospital o Tuesday, Noverri., fico* 2, '1€J6, Mr; dMrs. Will' ri Ilezzo, Stratford, e daughter, $XZZQ In 'Agin General Hos- pineal, Bt Thelma, on We'd- nesday, November 3,. 1965, to Mr. and Airs. Edward (Ted) ezzo,. $t. Thomas, te. dough ter, CARDS OF THANKS 1 wish rbo thaw all my friends in the Summed -411 area for the lonely gifts and good wrsh�s- given me when 1 'took up res;- dance in Godemich. —ROM:a BMX`, 555554. The fanlike orf the late Mrs. Mabel 100att wish to expivss, their Sincere aPPreolatioueta Rent, Pak, Beattie Funeral Nome and also to the many friends fee,tokens of sympathy tendered them during their re,. Bent betr'eateea_ent. 45p 'The family of the :late 11frs. Jame Iiivrermore wish to ex- ls their sincere thanks to relatives and 'friends for their mashy acts of jciindnese, Also for ie/ere and cards received dur- ing their recent sad byereavle, rent, Speciail 'thanks to Mr. and Mfrs, Harvey Johnston ,amd staff at .Huronview, the num- big staff df the Giron Puerile Hospital, Rev. Mills and to the Beattie Funeral Home, 45p The families of the late 1Vfre eetanne Feeney Would lace to thank their relatives, friends and neighbors .tor 'the beauti- ful •floral tributes and sympa- thy cards received during the illness rased passing of a. dear. daughter, another, wife and Blister. Special thanks to Fathers Kelly and McGuire, choir, servers, and pallbearers, Dr. Addison aid Clinton Public 'Hospital -staff; also all those who helped in °airy way. These acts of kindaiess will long be Veered and appreciated. BOURDEAU and FEENEY FAMILIES. 45b TENDERS WANTED SNOW REMOVAL WANTED -- Equipment with operator to plow a portion of Goderich Township roads for 1965-66.. Contractor to state size and type of equipment and price per hour when needed. Lowest or any tender not necessarily .accepted. Tenders to be in by the 15th day of November 1965. R. E. Thompson, Clerk Roy Tyndaii, Road Superintendent 45b Notice To Creditors In, the Estate of THOMAS PARK MILL,AR, late of the Township of `tuokersmith in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 19th day of September, A.D..1965, are required to fie full par- ticulars thereof with the under- signed on or before the 22nd day of November, A.D. 1965, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of whiehh the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this lst day of November, A.D. 1965. E. 13, MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 44,5,6b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ELLA GRACE McCOWAN, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of .Huron, Widow, De- ceased. AI•l persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named bovenamed Who died on the 5th day of October, A.D., 1965, are required to file full par- titulars thereof with the under- signed on or before the 22nd day of November, A.D. 1965, after which date the assets Will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this lst day of November, A.D. 1965, E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 44,5,6b AUCTION SALE At Orange Hall, Clinton, on Chitties Street, hest to iiiigs- well Welceiig, on SATURbAY, NOV, 13 at 1:30 p.t i., oil donated articles AlI stileable 'axties will be welcomed, ea/lettering of live- stock, implement% ferraafture, farm produce, clothitng, an- tiques, baiting. Attibles already donated eta: Ffoleteitn bull cafe 1 week old, 3 point Mitch cultivator, root pt 6•per, I titp jack, oltsy elec- trite stove, Beatty washing n1a- ax; * s7tral, coal oil heater, hat Water radiator, t`oelting t rate, WOO and teal eeter, hot late clod ai , plate, tables, Weer aatand, potatoes, ek etrie ,hot Wafter heater and tank dei goad Condition, iron's winter coat; lar^g'e Site. Leri*&, 'Gents' and Children's Clothes Iglus itvany Other Sterns to cern*: Arerplitar1if Mtirllhy MIL Ledge Me 110 W 11iC. daytoit rtodgihs RtetrtitFd Cltitclti 1<.oliif Auctioneer l rank ttrdernirm Markt LOM Oita OktlitAttit A tel4tItt CO)NI uR Marys Morula Unit PIani Tuesday Meet 'wile Mere end N elthe group of tha, United Church Women Swill met an the ,church parlour 'NOW Neverxuber 16 at $:A0 pan. Worthy Matron Instailed By [astern Star Alblert 100 pops W4sie pre, sant fast .71wroday even* when Um. l7on Watson wag in, stalled as-w'oxbhy mrnatron orf Clilntton Chapter ZYo, 266, Or, der of the llasterrn Star, The frisballartr n w•a's poavduot- ed by matron Mrs. Gordon Steepe, Huls elsville sand part- rtan Pon Wiattsorr, :hatband .of the new worthy matron Whio presented ;his wide with a gavel .for the year. ',Other members of the irastal- lation learn were Marshaly Helen Wells, Clinton, Chaplain Florence Raavie, Wingham .Grana Elccta :af Geta id Chap, ten of Qnteemo, amid organist Gertrude Oureie .and soloist Marjo/0e Gueert, both of sng- nam. Other officers are; Worthy pettron, Gordon Sterepe, Hoh'nes- ville; associate matron, Mrs, Bert Garrett; assoeito pateon, Healey Williams, Heline'sville; secretary, Mrs.:Robert Jervia; treasurer, Mrs. Alex Had iy. Conclectress, Hies, William Norman; associate eondeetress, Mrs. Jerry, Holmes; chaplain, 1Vilzts. Willard Aiken; marshall, Mrs. Keith S.utligam; organ- fst, Mrs, Donald Servers, Adele Mrs, J. C. Reid; Rud, Mrs, Peter Astles; Esther, Mee. Tom Ellis; Martha, 1Vfirs,, Lloyd Carter; Ele'cta, Mrs. Frank Cook; weeder, Mrs. Carl Pow- ell; sentinel, Bert Garrett. Past matron .and past patron jewels were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lobb by each other. CARD OF THANKS I wish to 'thank my friends; neighbours • .and relatives -tor flowers, ,treats rand cards, and those who came to visit me while a patient in Clinton Pub - lit Hospital,. Special thanks to Dr. Newland, Dr. Addison and Rev. C. G. Park and the hos- patal staff. —THOMAS TURN - 45p I would like to thank all those who sent me cards, flow- ers and gifts and those who came to visit me while a pat- ient in; Clinton Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to. Dr. Street and Mr. and Mrs. L. Sralzrean, also the nurses and staff. MRS. MARIA KOBZA. 45p IN MEMORIAM DRISCOLL-1n loving mem- ory of a dear grandson, nephew and cousin, Gordon, who passed away one year' ago on Nov. 14, 1964. "Beautiful memories are woven in gold, This is the picture we tend- erly hold. Deep tie our heaets your memory is kept, To have and to cherish and never forget." —Sadly missed and ever rem eunbered by Grandma, Aunts and Uncles and Cousins. 45p DRIS.CO e --In loving mem- ory of our very dear son, Gor- don Ross, who passed awayone year ago, Nov. 14, 1964. "We little knew when we woke that morning, The sorrow the day would bring. The. call was sudden, the shook severe, To part with one we loved so dear, Sometimes it is hard to utrdeestand, Why some things have to be; But in His wisdom God has plann'e'd Beyond our powers to see. God gave us strengthto take it, And towage to bear the blow, But what lit meant to lose you, son, No one will ever know." —Too dearly loved, to aver be forgotten, Mom and Dad. 45p DRISCOLL --'In levitrg mem- ory of our very dear brother', Garden, who passed away one year ago on Nov, 14, 1964. "Tile dearest brother .and sweetest friend, One of the best wham God cared lend; He was loving, gentle, thought- ful and true, Always Willing a kind eat to do, He went away without saYleg 'Goodbye,' Taut memories of him will ,never clic, Although God has taken hint, to a better land, We'll alwrarys remember the warmth of his hard. Deeip in our heart, his mem- try as kept We loved hiM tee dear to ever forget." —Ever loved and eadly Misled by jam tried Widely Lou, Rout tela Karen, eta Barlbaa. tad Chester~: 451; 1♦112EkiTt7Al`l 1tn 1oi sg treeMe i `y .of a dear Wife and metier; Lydia -. tiV�ei beerr' 13 1962.ed "Only to nieinot'y sof bygoto days And ,a eigh for a. fate 'tin:seek A tOt stanit feeliing that Goya alone KrieWs best what should have been,' i vt rementherect and waist Ftroeetel and ferrite . b missed by husband os Classified Ads* Bring Results 6/C Greenaway away Addresses Hite Croup of 1yers: Group Captakn T , R. Green- away CD, Counalranding Offic- er RCAF Clinton w vest speaker,' at the "War Bird's Reunton at I"llanwolad, Windter, tan November .6, Has atnbjeat. was "The Role of the A;iucra'ft in Modem Wa?fat'e," Ppesiide it Angus dames oaf Detroit introduced iihe017onp Captain to the $0 members -art,. tendi?lg, Appre4ma,rtely. gone-; thirai of .those pre$en.t were flying verterapis of 170004 W+as Q/O Greenaway" w'imier ,of the McKee Trophy and the WkOmey '1vlldd'ai, is fn, gout de- mina as to public speaker, but 1:1e felt especially honoured be address. the "Warr B11c of the Royal Air Force" a very exclu- Give group of ex -p lots. The associiataon was: formed In Detroit in 1:035, and has had annual reunions s'ilnce them.. 1 has been said that the War Birds is the most exclusive of all veterans organizations, since early mernbersiiip wasrestrict- ed to World War I pilots who fought over the enemy liners, Since+ then the ruled$ have been amended to include flying vet- erans of World War II. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter and. Faye were in • Kitchener our Sunday eventing to see a per formannee of the play "The Cru, Thurs a Nor, r 19 5'- Ii 9n Now4,Itecorcl Page 7 Last Minute Activity At Liberal Headquarters The above picture, ta,ken at 6;40 p.M. on federal election day, shows the staff at Mait Edgar's committee rooms, main Corner, Clinton, snaking a last- minute check of voters lists. Their efforts fell three votes short of giving Edgar a majority in his home town. Pictured here, clockwise, are Don Kay, Mrs. J. A. Addison, Bert Clifford, Bill Chowen, Cam Proctor, Eric .Collins and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Collins was secretary to campaign chairman Howard Aiken during the month-long campaign. (News -Record Photo) cible" directed by their - son FSrst use of jewels ass beat Kenneth who is an English tea- lags le watehee dates back to cher at Eastwood Collegiate, 1700, Ontario Street United Church Men's Club presents its TALENT FESTIVAL With Adjudicator ANNA MacDONALD on Saturday November 20 at 8 p.m. In Ontario Street Church Auditorium ADMISSION: Adults 75c; Children 12 & under 35c TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM CLUB MEMBERS 45-Gb Attend Your Church This Sunday All Services on Standard Time FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Paul Coon, B.A, Sunday, November 14 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m,—Family Worship ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, November 14 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship TURNER'S 2:00 p.m.—Church Service 3:00 p.m. -Sunday School cele'~-iClia�-}rolzttesttilie gniteir fitllxtrcties REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister • Sunday, November 14 Subject: "THE CHURCH FOR OTHERS" HOLM ESV ILLE 9:45 a.m.--Church Service 10:45 aro—Sunday School WESLEY-WILLIS 9:45 aro—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.---Church Service ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wonham, L.Th,, Rector Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRC°. ARCM, Organist TRINITY XXii SUNDAY -- Sunday, November 14 :00 al—re—Holy Conrniunion 9:45 a.m.—Church Scheel 11;00 a.m.—Morning Prayer ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, H.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, organist and Choir Director. Sunday, November 14 9:45 axn.---Ohureh Scheel 10:45 a.rri.e-.Piiblic Worship EVERYONE WELCOME, MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL OLtNTON Sunday, Novertiber 14 9:45 a:iln.v- Worship Service 11:00 a.'nz.---Sunday School 8;00 p.m e--Evahiaag Service. Speaker, 1±'red" Mannings, Tuesday -4:00 p.trn. -- 'rayer Meeting and Bible Study $u.'6iect: ``God's Good flews" Book of gonitis ALL WELCOME Christian Reformed Church Rev, J. ►4eetsinik, Minister Bentley, Nes/weber i4 l0:db --,SerV'i d itttngiisii 2:30 p.m.—Setvice nn hutch. Every Salida. 6:15 plat., dial 680 C'HLO St. Thorinek listen to !tank toGod !o'tif", "IO.WELCOME Joseph Street Gospel Hall eLtNToN 1109 a.m - • .Breatdng of tread 8:00 Scheel 1:00 pati. tispel Service 8100 peri, Tht;trsd re Pellee'P wait* thrid bible l(eeil�g4' Debated Brucefield School OK'd; To Name Representatives To Board (Continued from page one) board comprising two mem'berrs each from Tuckersmith and Stanley and one from Bayfield.. Each municipality will nomi- nate and if necessary elect their own representatives to the board at their regular munici- pal nominations and elections this year. Legislation has predetermin- ed the number of school board members to be named by a municipality. Communities with a population under 1,000 shall have one member; those with a population of from 1,000 to 3,000 shall have two represen- tatives, 0 Over 80 Club Miss Katie B'anrett, a resi- dent of Huranvi'erw, will cele- brate her 91'st birthday on Sat- urday, November 20. Miss. Bar- rett is a former resident of Blyth. 0 Shaving was originally a pro- tective measure since long beards were easy for opponents in combat to seize. A Liberal Huddle! Another Group of Liberal workers .checking for potential votes at 6:50 on election night •ait the Liberal committee rooms. From the left, they are Mrs. D. B. Palmer; Clarence Denonane, president of Clinton Liberal Association; "Red" Germ, E. Beecher Menzies and Mrs, Irene Gardiner. (News -Record Photo) Quality & Service Boys and Girls! WiN YOURSELF A BiKE FOR CHRISTMAS Pick Up An Entry Form At Our Store , .. Mail to CKN•X-TV Wingham 2 WINNERS EACH WEEK Drawn Friday Night Over CKNX-TV at 6:30 p.m. Nothing To Buy :..lust Mail Your Entry Special Clearance Sale Yardley Flair Toilet Soap Regular Price 3 Cakee for $2.50 For Quick Clear Out Only 39c a Cake Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario wit. Y � �l5fa PRITIMMESSIMMIMINS Do you know of an easier way to shop or sell? When you make our Wan+ Ads your marketplace, all you do is place your ad and waif foe the phone to ring (and ring if will), or sit back and enjoy reading the Want Ads. Want Ms do the work and quickly! . Clinton 1Fews-Recc>r 56 Albert? Street Phone 48/4443