HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-10-28, Page 9Pages 4f This Newspaper Shopping Begins In The 41. lint on Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON cLiNToti -- EXETER $EAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE 482-7712 At other times contact Local RePrescatotive,-4. W. Steep-482-6642 4 CLERENU AuTo WRECKERS OW WRECKING ... 1965 Oldsmobile, 1962 Pontiac,- 1961 Volks-, wagens, 1961 Oldsmobile F85, 1960 Chevrolet, 1959 Chevrolets, Pontiacs, Oldsmobiles and Fords, and many older models to choose from, WANTED Used Cars For Wrecking Fall Special Prices on New and. Used Snow Tires GIVE US A CALL R.R. 2, CLINTON PHONE 482-3211 Wells Auto Electric °TELCLINTON featuring "CLOUD 9" Room SMORGASBORD Every .Su-nday FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM 'Chicken In a Basket' Friday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight Phone 482-3421 for Reservations We Cater to Dinner Parties and WeddingReceptions rAlmx,,,,,,v'":4.14orneVILNrie4241#24,;t***, 1. University Education 2. Farm Background 3. Proven Record of Community Service MATT EDGAR — YOUR LIBERAL CANDIDATE NOW is the time to. give Huron a voice in a Majority Liberal . 'Government. 110TE N. 0 if, 8 If, for tiny retisOri, you expett to'be obtent from your poli on November 8, you nay vote at the Advonce r)o(r in your are Clirttorr; 8lyth, Sed forth, Exalter or Goderith $oturday, October 30 on Mondeiy, November 1, Published by Iltiren tAbetal Aseecittlieti eve cC y Hoch sac 10 series akes all Wier lightweights t of date and up to 25% overweight ;1.-10: World's lightest direct drive chain saw. 101/2 Opt.* Fast- t fingertip priming. Power-boost carburetor. Idle governor to keep saw running In any position. All heW MAC,10 cutting team, 12," to guide bars. Reboreable cylinder extends saw life. Full half-hour ling time fuel end oil capacity. Right hand starting. ;:2.10: World's lightest automatic oiling chain saw. ipv4 lbe.* With Same quality features as MAC 1-10 plus: Automatic and manual g systems. Full spark arrester and Muffler. Non-slip hand grip. bercUshioned pistol grip. world's lightest, easiest-Operating, most dependable compact In sawe., . they have to be McCulloths. kC 1-10 10% lbs. • MAC 2-10.10% lbs. self oiling 372 Day St., 35 Dunlop St., Toronto Berrie Sunoco Prodects.--Lawn & Garden Equipment 54 KING STREET PHONE 46/4051 e issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn the above indicated' interest, payable half-yearly by cheque. e authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. UST ti G • A ERTIFIC TES 73 Mississaga E., Orillia rfairs Min ster l iar As ides0 Can idate'- - • External.. Endorsts. pomade needs the Stale-West kind of government wi't'h the strongest icind of position," the Hon. Paul Martin, Winistetr of External Affairs for Canada, told; over 300 Persons at Libeval-sponsorea inamm.oth coffee party Harballritite Inn in Qaderiell last Friday after- noon. "It lie important that we have a government that is endowed With the autheritY of dleaharg- big its TetponstibilltY in the most effectiVe Way," the Min- ister continued.' "The easential thing in this election is to make sure we have a majoeity government." The dyearrec Mr. Martin, ap- pearing on behalf of Huron's Liberal candidate Malt Edgar, further urged the assembly to give this riding a voice tin a majority Liberal government. "It is important that men like Malt Edgar, With his beck- ground, be put to work in par- liament," he said. "Regardless of politics, see to it that Mr. Edgar is elected, Strong Argument The Minister backed up his plea for a Liberal majority with a strong argument for the voters' consideration. He HOLMESV1LLE NEWS. Mr, and Mrs. William Nor- Man and Shirley visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norman of Parkhill. Congratulations to Mr. and Mee Win, Harris on the arrival of a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Fare gehar have moved to their new home at Maple Street, Clinton. Mrs. Harry Cuchnore left Saturday for Regina, Sask,, to attend the RCMP pass o&t cer- emonies on October 27th of. their son Paul. On the Tuesday evening, she will attend the dinner given for graduates end their parents. Constable Cud- more will leave on Thursday for his posting with the RCMP detachment at Vancouver, B.C, We are glad to report that Mrs. Prank McCullough has re• turned from the Kitchener- Waterloo hospital where she has been a patient for several weeks. The Gederich Tewnship Fed- eration of Agriculture met in the Holmetville hall on Thurs- day evening, Jack Merrill pre- sided for the business meeting. ft was decided to pineha,se a wreath foe the Iternerribrance Day Service at Clinton on Nov- ember 11th. Final plans were Made for the annual banquet which 'is, to be held on Wednes- day, November 3, at Holmes, vile United Church. The guest speaker for the evening will be Rey Jewell of CPPL, Lon- don. Tickett are available from your local directors. Goderich Township hue three entries' in the, elartnetead linprovement Centennial contest: There Was a good attendance at 1-tolmesville United Church On Friday for the feurth annual enliven-Lion of West Region be Huron Preebyteriat Mrs. kat- Old Phillips of Blyth, president Of West Region, was in Charge Of the metering and afternoon seesient. The guest speeker, Mist Fey rr 8erttoh. of Japan was introduced by the Presby- terial President, Mrs. G, Bee. croft, Miss Struiten told of the great advances welter' of Japan have Made in the last feW years, Personals Mrs. Stan Vander WaI had the raislioirtilhe to Step ter rusty stall and it at present tinder the tioctor'S care, Little Mies, Laurie Maris is Spertdint a tew dayS With her cousin Pastriela, said the Canadian voter was inclined to forget that "ours is the British system of resom- sible government" se unlike! tile American system Where the President and 'the House of 1ePreSentatiVes are completely. divorced from each other. "Government strength a n Canada depends largely on the• Positicel lt has ni Parliament . Itself," Martin instated "Unless it hae sufficient eUrnber, it cannot carter out Its progranf:" He said the Liberal bid for a majority government was pp diffeeent from the Censervative Platform in 1963, He pointed out the recent Liberal minority goveremeat, after two and one half difficult years, is echoing the Conservative plea of that Year. "We need a majority." Mr, Martin told the gather- ing that public opinion polls indicated 48 percent of the Canadian voters would support the Liberal party on November EL He went on to list the ach- ievements realized ender the recent Liberal reign. "This election is taking place against a background of unus- ual prosperity' in this country. Over 5,000,000 more men and women are at work in Comae today, Often the problem Is; not to .get jobs for INOPle but trained people for Sobs, 1 P.M not saying t.4, is 411„,, tirely• due to the government. Surely we are capable of. hav,' ing an objective disettssion and petting. it In its tree 'perePeee Nye, Bat One will have to ad-' it our incentive Arogram has done something • to stimulate the financial greWth of lea! ceentry;" Vereten Relations • "We are not living the won la of Per fathers," the cabinet' minister went on, "No country in the world can escape What is going .lee in the most remote part. This is ,a contracted world. "Make no mistake abcrit it, am relations with the United States are very impertaet to our well- being eriel world Peace" • Announcing the CA pada United States auto trade treaty, which he predicted would bring about an additional $2e6;ocob 000 in annual production, Mr. Mar- tin continued, "It will provide for Canada a greater share in the North American market- I can see a trernenamis industrial deVeleineent all ever South- western Ontexio I acntkt if have 'ever participated in eny- tninz that means as much to 'Canada as a whole, ".It was possible because we had established the most cola dial relations betWeen the tWP P0411tries," he concluded. For The Young Mr, Martin *eased the need for the goveanMeat "to he alive to the .problenie of the young People," "Fifty percent of the Present Cenedian electorate i$. made of people 35 years of age and me, der," he said. Painting to Mait Martin added, "You have in your candidate here a man of lemming, a school teacher, someone who realizes the im- poetance of the younger gen-, elation in the World today," For Huron? Speaking 0131Y briefly to the meeting, Edgar voiced concern about the rapid migration of young people away from Huron County. "You as parents, and I, as a teadher and a parent, have en- couraged sons and daughters to stay. in the claSsroom and pre- pare foe opportunities," Edgar said. "But where are the oppor- tunities 'in Huron? We have invested in education to develop potential but have we received the proper rate of interest for such air investment? "Does not the fact that many move elsewhere prove that we Classified Ads. Bring Quiek Results myth Liberals Mew' Paul Martin Mr. and Mrs Scrimgeour, long-time Liberal enthusiasts from - Blyth are shown here with Hon. Paul Martin at a coffee party in Goderich last Friday afternoon. The minister of external affairs was in Huron riding in support of Mait Edgar, Liberal candidate. • 'Thum, Oct, 21S, News-Record- --Page ....... have not?" ne. asked, :A'tigar 3,4.4*(4 local blatpt-. 1714`.451A fqr fosterxlqg •PPPortP4- ittm to help employees rgein fecioty, "put we mvst help our. sons and 4exi.gfhterg. Oeyelep EigATO h said, 'WQ24940,0. strength .breAfilt :Went by new *4,44t., 404 voll help ..94011. .citizen Hunan refOiclebt5hopeo to make good, find a fnill-Orne ing his training, find. seottritY When fared wilt 1:ke$4or 1,14- ,M110.0,VaIgn't 44c1. 'pi vide 44044419 home ht,s Classified Ads Bring Results .VrAl'1%*. .474.4t7,4 CLniiivq4; N $3 10 White P ON are $3.VY,,RED jr,,,, RB "Oue Pare $4.20 CANADIAN NATIONAL 40.6S Ask about convenient departure and return times = For Information, phone the kee (7: CN Passenger Sales Oaaa