HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-10-28, Page 5ThurS., Oct. 28, 1904 BAY:VIM-0 — A fire which last Sathilday evening: ,comPlet, ely .cleStreyed one barn, contain,. Ing .about 1.5,000 chickens the farm. of G, VonderheAr,± RR a. Bayfield,, and !threatened ark adjacent barn ,eorrtaining 20,. 000 mom ,birds, is believed 'to have started tin a broaden Firemen from BAYfield and Clinton ensWerede the -call bout 9:30 p.m. land .concentra, ted then, pint efforts on a bid. to save the second barn, Clinton fire chief Grant Rath observed . the !extra water supply carried an the Bayfield tanker was of immense value ;to the firefight- ers ID.f. both „communities, "We call had to work to save that barn," sa4i'd Rath, .. -cottage Fire At 9;30 pm, Sunday evening, Gordon Westlake, Bayfield, not- iced 'a blaze at the Pollard cot- tage three miles north of the village on !the 'property of 'Char- les Westiake notified Mrs, Fred Wallis who lives on the neighbouring farm and she called Bayfield firemen. The cottage owned by Mr. Pollard, a Stratford high school teacher was 'a total loss. Clinton. Nows-Rocor4 Paso :5 HARRY WILLIAMS 11U2'1633 R+ZeuNnw EATING OILS*GAS011111 GREASES-M0101101li- turn* NOSE a. Entertainment Nightly AT THE 1 QUEEN'S R HOTEL 4 MR. AND MRS. BEV. WAYNE BOYES St. Paul's United Church, Bancroft, was the setting for the wedding, Saturday, Sept- ember 25, of Margaret Lil- lian Dennis of Toronto, for- therly of Ottawa and Bev. Wayne Boyes, Clinton and Toronto. Rev, J. H. Fungi officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis of Bancroft and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ewes of Clinton. The bride chiose a floor- length French Crepe sheath With lace ;inserts at the ank- les, short sleeves and full- length train'. The head-piece was a diamond Tiera holding . shoulder-length veil of white silk netting. - Mrs. Gordon Dennis, Wat- erloo, was matron of honor and 'Miss Bonnie Bayes, Alma College, St. Thomas, the bridesmaid. They wore floor- length gowns of peau de sole, in rose end gold, respectively. Bayne Boyes, Clinton, was .groomsman for his brother. Ushers' were Jack 'Corpula, Robert Dennis -'and Ed Land, all of Toronto, Budd Reyes, brother of the. groom was the soloist.• For travelling to Florida, Jamaica and Nassau, the bride wore a pink suit with black accessories. The couple will reside in Toronto. Local Churthes Guests At Thankoffering Vanderhaar Chicken Barn Goes Up in Fi-mes This photo was taken by Mrs. Audrey Bell-. of the blaze at the Vanderhaar chicken barn on the chamber, our Bayfield correspondent at the height Bayfield-Clinton road, Saturday night. USE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD. WANT ADS. boy Married At .Bancroft Will Sake Home In Toronto Mrs. James Lob'b, the presi- dent of SS No. 4 Goderich TownShip Community Club, en- tertained the members at her home for the October meeting. There were nine members' pre- sent, who iansWered the roll call, "the name of a flower beginning with the letter of your first name". Orders were taken for Christ- mas cards, and it was decided to sponsor a Tupperware party in, 1,ohtes hall on Tuesday evening, October 19, 'and invite the Summerhili Club to attend. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah Benediction. , The remainder of the after- -noon, was spent in quilting. Lunch Was served by Mrs. James Labh and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt. The November meet- ing will he held at the home of Mrs. Harry Oakes. Ontapie- Street UCW Manic, moping was liekl on Sunday evening, -October 24. Guests Were present .frOM .ethemr ton- churches and .surreuntling area. .The Call tp Worship W4,5 given by lYfrog. C. acPbor§on, lgelsiklentt Aga Mxis. N, Trek wartha read the scripture. Missile ns was the theme of the devotional period, Mrs. G. Pot- ter in her address .said •"Truth as 'allied to, lave, where. Men. and Women of. 'maw nations come together hot in tear, in prejudice, but in 'fellowship, hope, and mutual esteem", Ushers were Mrs, J. Mrs. F. Lobb, Mgrs, M. Batkin, and Mrs, R. Trewartha, A duet was !sung by Mrs, Lorne Sparks ana daughter Beverley, follow- ed by .a vocal solo by Beverley, Mrs. K. Tyndall introduced the guest speaker, Miss. Claire Taylor-, Miss' Taylor who has travelled extensively told a- bout her life in 'a Work. camp in Kenya. Beautiful coloured sl'id'es of. that country illustrated her talk. The work camp was sponsor- ea by the World' Council of Churches and was the first year-long camp to be held. -- Miss! Taylor described the marvelous! scenery of Kenya and told about the people and customs' of that country, After a question and answer period, Mrs. Elliott thanked Miss Taylor for her excellent talk, Following the meeting a soc- ial hour was enjoyed. Goderich Twp. Club Meets Wesley-Willis UCW Meeting Nov. 3 A general meeting of Wes- ley-Willie United Church Wo- men will gather Wednesday, November 3 at 2:30 p.m. in the Sunday, School room'. All ladies are invited to be present. Classified Ads. Bring Results The October birthday party at Huronview Was held in the auditorium on October 20 with the Dashwood Women's Insti- tute tin charge. Mays, Weigand was chairman for a short program of com- munity singing, readings, sev- eral numbers' .by a kitchen band, and a skit by two of the members. Gifts were presented to Mrs. Livermore, Morgan Dalton, Percy Horne, Bessie Stokes, Mrs. Bernard, Mrs, A. Johnston, Sarah Carter, Charles Jackson, Mrs. Iewin, Tena Fowler, Mfrs. Robertson, Mrs. Philipps, Mrs, Bell, Mrs. Chapman, Milne Rennie', Walter Skimin, T. W. Walper and Mns., E. Patten Sandwiches and birthday cake were served for lunch. Finds $100 Coupon In Flour Bag Mrs. G. G. Salt, Mastral Park, tCAF Station Clinton, found a $100 coupon in a seven-pound Purity bag of flour two weeks •ago. She immediate. ly notified Clinton IGA Store where she had made the purchase. On Saturday last, store manager Paul White, left} made the presentation of a $100 cheque from Purity. Coupons for $500, $100 and $10 are contained in some Purity flour bags in the company's Canada-wide promotion still On at grocery stores. (News-Recd a Photo) CASH AWARDS ro' 1Sll0 IN pl.., 4 1JR Personals LAC and Mrs. Bruce Olson and baby son Gary left for France last week. Ladies' Curling League At the first meeting of the Ladies' Curling League at the Community Centre on October 13, the following members for- med.the new executive for 1965- 1966 season. President is Christine Thom- son; vice-preeident Fran Rip- ley; secretary Sandi Bertrand; treasurer Dell Jervis; draw committee Jean McFarlane, Verna Paulin, Ida Snowdon; social committee Alice Brochu arid Lucille Haspeck, - • Ladies who wish to curl on this league should give their names' 'and telephone numbers to Ida Snowdon at 482-7380, no later than November 4. Curling starts on 'the evening of Tues- day, November 16. Notification as to fees and filmes will be made public shortly. Members of the Catholic Women's League and friends from Seaforth, Goderich and Clinton were present at a sol- emn mass at St. Paul's Church on. Sunday, October 24. A breakfast for ninety guests was served at the 'airmen's mess hall 'followed by a lecture on the Missions of Chiclayo in Peru, South America, at the Radar and Communications auditorium, The guest speaker was Rev- erend Mother Mary Julia, Sup- erior 'general, Mount St. Joseph, London. Mrs. Harry Sewell pre- sented the speaker with a sub- stantial cheque to further the maintenance of this Peruvian mission. The CWL executive and the convener of the recent bake sale, Mrs. Eve Slater wish to express their gratitude to all who baked' and helped with this project on October 15. Prize winners were Mrs. Bev. Ficher, a "shampoo and set"; and Mrs. Marion Deline, win, rier of a "candy kisses" guess- ing contest. News Editor: Anne Aileron — Phone HI) 2-7349 Adastral ar Social Notes OWL News They were accompanied by C ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Everyone Welcome 43-4h A HOUSE BECOMES A CASTLE THE FINEST IN THE LAND, FOR THOSE WHO MAKE ME THEO HEM OIL MAN and Mrs. Ray Barr. Mrs. and their family have move to Sept-Isles, P.Q.. and Mrs. Olson are sisters. • IP/ ga, 11 1 a reVere00 Aosoraexel oraci5 JOIN OUR LIST OF , orisFIE'D cuSTGMERS RECEPTION FOR Mr. and Mrs. Boyes (newly-wed) Saturday, November 6 F/Sgt. and Mrs. D. Trete Sgt. and Mrs. J, J. Rousse, Bev. blay and daughter Odette hay' returned from Quebec Cit where they attended the funer of Mr. Tremblay's mother wh passed away on October 8. A farewell party was hei last Thursday evening at ter home of Mrs. J. Hewitt for Mr J. Young who, is leaving with he husband-and two boys, to tale up residence in Dana, Saskat disewan, The guest of hone was presented with a yello rose corsage and a gift of jew ellery as well as the best wish es from her friends. Ladies attendance were Mrs. Z. 'Cher let, Mrs. W. 1VIcGuire, Mrs. all Groves, Mrs. M. McFarland Mrs. J. McKay, Mrs, A. Thomp Son, Mrs. A. Talbot, Mrs. M Stone, Mrs, M. Moody, Mrs. V Paulin and Mrs, J. Hewitt. Young adult's who spent tin weekend. at ' their parents homes and attended commence meat at the Clinton Distric High School on Friday, Octet) 22nd included: from Toront Anita Nells'cher; from Water loo, Lorraine Deveau and Ed ward Grant; from St. Cathay ones, Pamela Servos.; .fron London, Carol Moody and Dian. Slimmonds; from • Stratford Adele and Monique Haspeck Other young residents of th, Park who received their diplo ma:a as well were Rick Russell Maureen Driscoll, Robert Smith, Glenda Wade, Gar Michelle McKenzie Marlene Schultz and Lynn Rees Several of these are. completin Grade 13 at the High School. y g ,,. u d 571 OCTOBER CLASS 28 and 29 168 QUEEN STREET 2 NIGHTS — 8 HOUR E. COLLINS E. R. — 7 o'clock CLASS DOUCETTE 43h 4 RT. . PROGRESSIVE HON. WILL TUESDAY, AT J. VISIT CONSERVATIVE 1:17 NOVEMBER P.M. E DIEFENBAKER CLINTON ASSOCIATION 2 I I.D.A. ege • OCTOBER ---- :„.... .7/1 MINERAL - , Hair Color You just Nice 'n shampoo in Clairol Easy . S2 25 SALE OIL, 40-oz. SPECIALS Reg. 1.39 'Lilt'. s).t" Special 1.09 Le G.E. LIGHT BULBS 40, 60, 100 Watt =-- 2 Bulbs 28c KLEENEX, Pink or White, 200's Only 16c I.D.A. TOILET PAPER, White or Color 8 rolls 88c HALLOWE'EN - LOLLYPOPS, Wrapped 50 for• 44c. CHOCOLATE BARS, Cadbury 20 for 89c COMBS — All Styles and Colors Ladies' or Men's, 15c value--Special lc EDWARD Phone 482-6626 PRESCRIPTIONS .-- S PHARMACY CLINTON, ONT. — 9 Albert St. .• y A . ON GODERICH THEATRE THE SQUARE THURS., MON., Starring THURS., Plus a Featurette Evening Matinee JOINS MATINEE NOV. OCT. "THE DICK NOV, Prices: Prides: 1 ShoWs Shows 28 The - 4 VAN "THE - - at "McHALE'S last TUES., ART at THE SATURDAY Adult Adult FRI., — in FRI, DYKE 7:30 -t:30 750, 50a, "SHENANDOAH" three Color TATTOOED OCT. NOV. OF and AIR and NOV. and Student Student days -- 29 2 9:30 5 9:45 AT JAMES NAVY - of - LOVE" FORCE" p.m. POLICE p.m, 2:30 50c, 550, SAT., WED., SAT., Child Child OCT. 30 NOV. 3 GARNER NOV. 6 HORSE" p.m. 25c grio ieiroSTS'i Dashwood WI Entertains At Huronview Party 0 Federal Election Campaign And The Candidates (Continued from Page 4) reds with five. But it's Ontario, which has been traditionally Conservative since Confederation, where the returns are mast in doubt. The province swung heavily Liberal in 1963, with 52 of the 85 seats going to the Pearson forces. There were 27 PCs and, half a. dozen NDP candidates also elected. It is here that :the Conserva- tives hope to pick up enough seat's to regain power. The West according to most observers, will continue to be bare ground for the Liberals. Tories hold 10 "of Manitoba's 12 seats, all 17 of Saskatchewan's seats and 14 of the 17 in Al- berta. In B.C., tht' NDP came .out en top in 1963 with nine' seats, while seven went Liberal, four PC and two Soared. The Ykdean and Northwest Territor- ies are both considered safe Tory seats. If the Liberals are to get a. majority, it will have to 'be in Ontario. Quebec alone could do the trick, but the result would be a government with more than half its seats from French Canada, and it's doubtful if such government could long survive 'in view of the present unease felt by much of English Canada over Quebec.