Clinton News-Record, 1965-10-21, Page 71114TH$
�VNN I:n Cllnton.'Publia Hos- Ontario St M
pitFil ,on; Tuegday, October 19,
190" to mr, and Mrs, Jacl P n �
?c1nn, F, .3 Bayfield, a son.
Hose PV - 1 Clintg Public n�/ e'
YK , 0 1965, to Mr..' an, Oct°. Thankoffering
A I\Ir.`aiid Mrs.
K. Dykstra,, RR 1, Clinton, a
daughter. TD,o October meeting 4of the
,OORF;-fn Victoria Hospital, Ontarlcr S�O'ct, UCvi� •Was held
London, on Sunday October m the, ladles` parlous, with Mrs,
3, 1965,to Mr and• `Mrs, Don Carmen MoPireT son. fat emidhng,
Moore, London (nee Doris
Co4Per1 a d4ltghter, L91vie Mrs'. Ray Fe�ao' and Mrs,—
Crich of Unit 2 conduobe�l. the
Lam` devotiom�al, pea:rigd, Mrs: Fear's
]:CI�1?�RDSON - In Hotel e l
Dieu de St, Joseph's Hospital, themes was' "Tine Mpaniing of
Win on. Seg- Worshlip To Each Of Us
tern 29, 1965, to Mr, and During the 'business session
Mrs. Ken 13aollardsp4 Wind- it ,W'as decided to pack, ,a Daae
;ser, a son, -Kenneth John in Novem?111er. The Fall 'Tixamat-
David, a brother for Dianei
otffeO ng wily. be held on Sun'-
day Octabep 24 at 8 m and
I wish to thank my friends
:and neighbours for cards and
flowers while I was a patient
1n Clinton Public Hospital.
Special .thanks to Dr. Walden,
J13r. Addison and the nursing
staff. -MRS. PETER WEST=
.ERI-IOUT, 42x
I wish to thank :my friends.
.aA0 neighbours for cards, flow-
.ers, treats and vasits while I
-was a patient :in Clinton Public
Hospital. Special thanks to the
.nurses and Chris and Wayne
! y -AN WRIGHT, 42x
I would like to express my
;sincere 'thanks to friends and
:neighbours for kind expressions
of sympathy, cards and .flowers
'nrr our great losis of la dear sis-
ter (Babe) Mrs. C. L. Guest,
who passed :away suddenly in
Guelph, - NINA AND ED
WESTON, Goderich. 42p
The family of the late Cor-
sielius Maaskant wish to thank
relatives, (friends and neigh-
boors, also Beattie Funeral
Nome for their kindness ., and
thoughtfulness in so many ways
in their sad bereavement.•
I would like to take this
.means of expressing to Try
,friends and neighbours sincere
thanks to those who visited me
and to those who sent cards,
flowers and ttreats when I was
a patient in ;Clinton Public
Hospital, I shall always be
grateful, AUDREY THOM-
PSON. 42x
My sincere thanks to all my
.relatives, neighbours and friends
and rbh Lodges ,for flowers,
cards and visits while I was
.a patient in Clinton Public Hos-
pital, Special :thanks to , Rev.
Park, Dr. Newland and Dr.
Walden, also nurses on the first
they a the congregation
are invited.
Unit 1 provided the program
Mrs.. Geoilgp Potter read .see-
eras. Hall'owe'en; poems and
Mrs, Mervyn Batk n gave a
reading entitled "Don't Nurse
a Grievance",
Mrs, Pederson, of West Point
Gray Church in Vancouver
told of the work of the UCW on.
her 0huruoh. following :the pro-
gram lunch wassawed by Unit
3, The next general meetjng
wM1, be held on December 8,
with, Unit 1 On chatr+ge of .de-
votibris, Unit 4, program and
i Unit 2, lunch.
LAWSON -- Passed away in
Clinton on Saturday, October
16, 1965, Harriett Violet Law-
son, dear mother of Mrs. Al-
ice Rumball, in her 75th year,
Funeral services from Ball
and Muteh Funeral Home on
Tuesday, October 19 with in-
terment in Clinton Cemetery.'
WISE --Passed away do Clinton
on Monday, October 18, 1965,
Clara Plewes, widow of the
late John K. Wise in her
9Ut year. Funeral services
from Beattie Funeral Home
on Wednesday, October 20
with interment in Clinton
PARSONS - Passed away at
Huronvlew, Clinton on Tues-
ry, October 19, 1965, .Charles
Parsons, formerly of Har -
lock, Ontario, in this 83rd
year. Funeral service will be
held this afternoon (Thurs-
O�ay) at 2:00 p.m. from Ball
and Match Funeral Home
with dntennent in Burn's
Cemetery, Hullett Township._
The officers of Hurr
1965-66 term were ins
President Mrs. Edna
team from Amber Lod
Rebekah lodge- hall on
evening. Shown here a
LOBB - In •memory of s
dear wife, mother and grand-
mother, (F.lossie Ann Lobb, whc
passed .away October 18, 1962,
"Her life a beautiful memory,
Her death a silent ;grief,"
-Always remembered and sad-
ly missed by husband Clifford
daughter Helen, sons Orval an
Everett and their families. 42•
Attend Your Church
'phis Sunda
I would lake to take this
means of expressing to my
friends, neighbours and rela-
rives sincere ,thanks to those
who visited me and to. those who
sent cards, flowers ,and treats
when I was a patient in Vic-
toria Hospital, London; 'a •n d
special thanks to those who
helped in, any way. I shall at1-
ways .be grateful. -JIM KEYS.
Of Tractor,- Automobile and
Power Tools, etc., for the Wal-
ter McGill Estate on
Thursday, October 21
in the Blyth Arena at 8 p.m.
Ferguson 20-85 tractor in new
condition; 2 furrow wade bot-
tom Ford plow; Choremaster
garden tractor and cultivator;
2 wheel trailer with racks; 1961
Volkswagen, like new :condition.
Power Tooke-Skilsaw, wood
lathe, ;planer with motor, . rip
saw with motor, electric 6111
With router head, coping saw,
electric drill, emery and motor,
paint grin, etc.
All the above .power tools are
as ,good as new. Sorne .have
never been used,
Aaluminutn extension ladder,
tool boxes, lumber, !hand ,tools,
lawn mower, car stop cannier .and
many' other articles.
Terms: Cash
3% tax. in effect-
George Nesbitt, Auctioneer
Props.; Executors of Estate,
J. R. Hetiry, Wm. R. Henry,
Clearing AUotlon .. Sale of
Dairy Cattle at lot 26, coh. 2;
Godeflbh Twp,; 1 yg miles south
of Porter's 1-iilii,or' 6 miles south
of Odder ch and yi mile ° eastoit
Mmiday, Octobe r' 25 -
at 2;Ob p.m.
15 milking and dry ,Holstein
cows, ,$ purebred..7 grade: 6
*m,, milk
Proprietor, Douwa ,11ouin§rrid
r n
Auctioneer• Harold JackSb
Clerk, George Powell 426
ee1e�-�illis-•-�ulxttesiii`11e �Cnite3 (1Silitrclles
Sunday, October 24
Guest Preacher: Rev. Eria' M. Currey, B.A.,
of Scotland) Ont.
9:45 a.m.-Church Service
10:45 a.m.--Sunday School
9:45 a.m.-Sunday School
11:00 a.m.-Church Service
Friday, Oct. 22-8 p.m. Wesley -Willis UCW T,ha.nkoffer-
ing Meeting. Speaker: Miss Fern Scruton of Japan
Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector
Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCb, ARCM, Organist
TRINITY XIX SUNDAY - Sunday, October 24
8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion
9:45 a.m:-Church School
11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer
Thurs., Oct, 21 -Chancel Guild, Rectory, 8:15 p.m.
World Missionary Service in CHS8 on Wed.) Oct. 27
at 8:00 p.m. ,Speaker: The Bishop of Nairobi, Archbishop
of East Africa. Auspices Deanery of Huron,
The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director
Sunday, October 24
9;45 a.m.: Church School.
Guest Speaker: The Rev. T. Owen
Hughes, Watford., Sermon Subject
"The 'Voice of Authority", 'Special
music by ,St, Andrew's Choir. Solo -
"Let N,ot Your Heart Be . Troubled,"
O. Speak 5, Mrs. R. Homuth. Antherrn-
Fear, Ye Not, O Israel", D. Buck.
Sunday, Octobbr 24
9:45 a.'m.--==W6r6Wp Service
11:00 am. ---Sunday Sbhbol
8:00p.m.-Evening Service
Speaker, Gordon McClellan, Stratht;�oy
Tueeday-S:06 "God's
.Meeting aril Bible Study
Stibieot: Gods Good Dewe Boost of Ro#nans
Christ dri Reformed
Eley & J. Heersink, Minister
6unday; October 24
10:00 s-,tn.--SOr doe In Engl#sh
2:30 b,m.•---Servide in Dutch
Joseph Street
Gospel Hall
11:00 a rd..-,...Brealthng of 13re�ad
l3:Oar pd'ri. T - 1
:OQ m �Sixndtt S§&'00
7;00 p m., • Gospcl Service
- p hkirsday Pta�F
ahtel& tng 6n!d 13 ble
Huironic Rebekah Lodge Instals New Officer
odic Rebekah Lodge for the utive, from rove, left t
Called by District• Deputy Riesen; vice grand; Mrs
Caldwell and. an installing Grand, and Mrs. Elmer
ge, Hensall, in the IOOF- back row, left to. right,
Princess Street, Monday cording secretary; Mrs,
re some of the new exec- ancial secretary,and Mrs
" What Is A
Thurs,c 04t, 7, '#S��iST+^•�ril"0P.n. Newvs 4e;-9 1 Paas ',
St. Andrew's Presbyterlanthurch
$e,tffng.dorLoyely.Fall Wedding
(Photo by Jervis Studio)
Officers Candelabra and standards of ~creation of dark jade, Her
o right, Mrs, Kurt Van- bxonxe 'mums graced the Chan- matching hat was. ostrich trim -
William Jenkins, Noble cel of St. Andrew's Presbyter- med and she wore a corsage
Trick, past noble grand; ian Church, Clinton, for the of yellow roses.
wedtding, Saturtday, October 16 For a ehoneyaneoon to be spent
Mrs. John, re- of Kathleen Marry Macaulay, in Montreal, Quebec City
Carman McPherson, fin- daughter sof Mr. -and Mrs. Royce the Laurent ans, the bride
Benson Sutter, treasurer. S. Macaulay,' Clinton, and Ro- gavelled in a two-piece suit
(News -Record Photo) beat Gerald Black, Alliston, of nubby wool burgandy sand
son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Amevican Beauty. Her en-
�' E. Black, Wiiaxdsor, semble was completed by a
H i Rev. R. U. MacLean offic velvet burigarrdy hat, patent
S�O� Tou,
r?, • fated at the 3 p.m. service anti accessories and, a gardenia cor-
soloist Mrs. Robert Homuth sage. ,
,> ,
dow and the saleslady didn't
speak English.
I wish to thank all my friends
.and neighbours for !their kind-
ness, remembering me with
All Services on Daylight Saving Time
flowers, cards :and treats also
visits while a patient in Clin-
ton Public Hospital and since
ings could be seen until we
reached our hotel, the St.
1 came home. Special thanks
(Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec)
to all 2nd floor nurses and to
Drs. Walden +and Newland for
Pastor: Paul Coon, B.A.
their kindness. All was very
Sunda y, October 24
much appreciated. -- . MRS.
10:00 am. -Sunday School
11:15 a.m: Family Worship
lake gave an oVwcoa't etfifect October 14 and were each
Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon, Cun-
while the .back cascaded to a fanned $30 and costs for causing
romantic chapel train. A tiny a ditistuxbatnce in a pubthe place
inghame wishto extend to their.
neighbours and friends in •Clip-
Ontario Street United Church
toil and Bayfield their ;sincere
�� ¢y
appreciation for their many
kind felicitations, +good wishes
and thoughtful gifts on the
occasion of their Golden Wed-
r Sunda October 24
ding Anniversary. To Miss
M 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School
Hayman and •her staff at The
11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship
Little Inn a special thank you
for their gracious co-operation.
2:00 ,ppm. --Church Service
42b •
3 •DO p m -Sunday School
I would lake to take this
means of expressing to my
friends, neighbours and rela-
rives sincere ,thanks to those
who visited me and to. those who
sent cards, flowers ,and treats
when I was a patient in Vic-
toria Hospital, London; 'a •n d
special thanks to those who
helped in, any way. I shall at1-
ways .be grateful. -JIM KEYS.
Of Tractor,- Automobile and
Power Tools, etc., for the Wal-
ter McGill Estate on
Thursday, October 21
in the Blyth Arena at 8 p.m.
Ferguson 20-85 tractor in new
condition; 2 furrow wade bot-
tom Ford plow; Choremaster
garden tractor and cultivator;
2 wheel trailer with racks; 1961
Volkswagen, like new :condition.
Power Tooke-Skilsaw, wood
lathe, ;planer with motor, . rip
saw with motor, electric 6111
With router head, coping saw,
electric drill, emery and motor,
paint grin, etc.
All the above .power tools are
as ,good as new. Sorne .have
never been used,
Aaluminutn extension ladder,
tool boxes, lumber, !hand ,tools,
lawn mower, car stop cannier .and
many' other articles.
Terms: Cash
3% tax. in effect-
George Nesbitt, Auctioneer
Props.; Executors of Estate,
J. R. Hetiry, Wm. R. Henry,
Clearing AUotlon .. Sale of
Dairy Cattle at lot 26, coh. 2;
Godeflbh Twp,; 1 yg miles south
of Porter's 1-iilii,or' 6 miles south
of Odder ch and yi mile ° eastoit
Mmiday, Octobe r' 25 -
at 2;Ob p.m.
15 milking and dry ,Holstein
cows, ,$ purebred..7 grade: 6
*m,, milk
Proprietor, Douwa ,11ouin§rrid
r n
Auctioneer• Harold JackSb
Clerk, George Powell 426
ee1e�-�illis-•-�ulxttesiii`11e �Cnite3 (1Silitrclles
Sunday, October 24
Guest Preacher: Rev. Eria' M. Currey, B.A.,
of Scotland) Ont.
9:45 a.m.-Church Service
10:45 a.m.--Sunday School
9:45 a.m.-Sunday School
11:00 a.m.-Church Service
Friday, Oct. 22-8 p.m. Wesley -Willis UCW T,ha.nkoffer-
ing Meeting. Speaker: Miss Fern Scruton of Japan
Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector
Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCb, ARCM, Organist
TRINITY XIX SUNDAY - Sunday, October 24
8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion
9:45 a.m:-Church School
11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer
Thurs., Oct, 21 -Chancel Guild, Rectory, 8:15 p.m.
World Missionary Service in CHS8 on Wed.) Oct. 27
at 8:00 p.m. ,Speaker: The Bishop of Nairobi, Archbishop
of East Africa. Auspices Deanery of Huron,
The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director
Sunday, October 24
9;45 a.m.: Church School.
Guest Speaker: The Rev. T. Owen
Hughes, Watford., Sermon Subject
"The 'Voice of Authority", 'Special
music by ,St, Andrew's Choir. Solo -
"Let N,ot Your Heart Be . Troubled,"
O. Speak 5, Mrs. R. Homuth. Antherrn-
Fear, Ye Not, O Israel", D. Buck.
Sunday, Octobbr 24
9:45 a.'m.--==W6r6Wp Service
11:00 am. ---Sunday Sbhbol
8:00p.m.-Evening Service
Speaker, Gordon McClellan, Stratht;�oy
Tueeday-S:06 "God's
.Meeting aril Bible Study
Stibieot: Gods Good Dewe Boost of Ro#nans
Christ dri Reformed
Eley & J. Heersink, Minister
6unday; October 24
10:00 s-,tn.--SOr doe In Engl#sh
2:30 b,m.•---Servide in Dutch
Joseph Street
Gospel Hall
11:00 a rd..-,...Brealthng of 13re�ad
l3:Oar pd'ri. T - 1
:OQ m �Sixndtt S§&'00
7;00 p m., • Gospcl Service
- p hkirsday Pta�F
ahtel& tng 6n!d 13 ble
Huironic Rebekah Lodge Instals New Officer
odic Rebekah Lodge for the utive, from rove, left t
Called by District• Deputy Riesen; vice grand; Mrs
Caldwell and. an installing Grand, and Mrs. Elmer
ge, Hensall, in the IOOF- back row, left to. right,
Princess Street, Monday cording secretary; Mrs,
re some of the new exec- ancial secretary,and Mrs
" What Is A
Thurs,c 04t, 7, '#S��iST+^•�ril"0P.n. Newvs 4e;-9 1 Paas ',
St. Andrew's Presbyterlanthurch
$e,tffng.dorLoyely.Fall Wedding
(Photo by Jervis Studio)
Officers Candelabra and standards of ~creation of dark jade, Her
o right, Mrs, Kurt Van- bxonxe 'mums graced the Chan- matching hat was. ostrich trim -
William Jenkins, Noble cel of St. Andrew's Presbyter- med and she wore a corsage
Trick, past noble grand; ian Church, Clinton, for the of yellow roses.
wedtding, Saturtday, October 16 For a ehoneyaneoon to be spent
Mrs. John, re- of Kathleen Marry Macaulay, in Montreal, Quebec City
Carman McPherson, fin- daughter sof Mr. -and Mrs. Royce the Laurent ans, the bride
Benson Sutter, treasurer. S. Macaulay,' Clinton, and Ro- gavelled in a two-piece suit
(News -Record Photo) beat Gerald Black, Alliston, of nubby wool burgandy sand
son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Amevican Beauty. Her en-
�' E. Black, Wiiaxdsor, semble was completed by a
H i Rev. R. U. MacLean offic velvet burigarrdy hat, patent
S�O� Tou,
r?, • fated at the 3 p.m. service anti accessories and, a gardenia cor-
soloist Mrs. Robert Homuth sage. ,
,> ,
dow and the saleslady didn't
speak English.
wed -Ing gown. of white pure o
silk peau de sole. The bodice •
Two Boys Fined
was accompanied at the organ
by Mrs, Morgan. Agnew,
Mm. and Mrs, Black wild re• -
snide in A;llistan, Mr, Black is
The afternoon; included a vis-
length sleeves and a bateau For Disturbance
ings could be seen until we
reached our hotel, the St.
it to, the citadel of Quebec.
Herne we sane a wtond&ful view
Ori •the arra of her fafiiher',
the bride wore a flour -length
a raduate oef the University
of Detroit.
Recently, 43 honor History
p students from Centrad Huron
Secondary School .travelled to
Morntreal and Quebec City.
The trip wiv paid by the
students themselves but as in-
dicated by :the following essay
written by Penny Bateman, a
Grade 12B pupil, the money of
the parents, the time of the
student, and the work of the
teachers who omgamdzed the ex-
crmv0bn was not wasted.
What ;is: a history tonin to
Montreal and Quebec City?
It ,is the endless train trips,
staying up all night, speaking
English to ,noninlglish. speak-
ing Canadians and speaking
French to non -French speialdrig
It is backing up traffic for
two blocks an Montreal and
trying to understand wily
people walk on red lights and
no one walks when the signs
say "walk-marche'.
'But most nPartant, it is
touring Notre Dame, exploring
St, Joseph's' Shritne, staying at
Quebec where Champlain start-
ed the permanent settlement
of Canada, seeing the iron cross
on Mount Royal, braveUmg
over the Plains of Abraham
where the possession of our
country changed 'hand's from
French, to English and resulted
in today's problems in Quebec.
On Thursday evening, Sept-.
ember 23, we set out from
Stratford by brain., .After stay-
ing up all night talking, -ting-
ing and playing cards, it is a
wonder anyone saw the gest of
the trip. But out of blurry
eyes -and •thraugh driving rain
we did manage to see Momtreal
and stay ,awake until the next
Montreal! To someone Who
has never seen. it, it looks just
like Toronto, It is only when
you look a little deeper that
you find a distinct flavour not
found in Ontario. With the
help of two buses. and' two very
dnlfommative gui'd'es .we were
shown wth.ere to look.
Built on and by history, Mon-
treal is filled with statuees' Of
explorers and leaders of the
country. It has small lacom-
spi�cuous buildi:n6 that have
lasted' since the sixteen hun#
d'reds', Its narrow tiny streets
tell of a time before card amu:!
It was here in Marntmeal that
we toured Notre Dame a� Sit.
Joseph's shrine, For beauty, I
am sure not Very many places
can exceed) the former. It it
filled with soulpture!s, pfl3rrit-
ings, woad 6arc+ jigs and omnta.-
mented' with gold and • capp'eir.
St. Joseph was a hela!ie'r of
the sick and his shrnhne is a
pilgriimNge for h'uhicireds who
are afni'ctea Wu`tli any disease.
'It Is a hod-tGrenaing sight, to
see the- thousands of &uncles
and special boots left by. t'he
many who have been c'uatd-
A drive through the most
i>sshionable r6sidentuil di'str`ict
in Montreal completed bur tour
leaering five htinirs to auits'elves,
pte many,, it Wag spent iii, the
shop.tAltg 1�1�zza of place 'Vale
Ma&, p"11locl VOth the 1 t+e9t
ffisihio7i's` 7n slices, 66thes, artr .
pertfurrigs, it i t 0, certainly a,
16t o?~ fcln to 16ok atnd a v
good place •io,spe d rnonely`,
laic itnnie Passed quickly
i though sand so6�tt, we weiv once
ti+gain iri a traits dh ohitr way itb
-Quebec Qty.
Being late at night, di
,> ,
dow and the saleslady didn't
speak English.
wed -Ing gown. of white pure o
silk peau de sole. The bodice •
Two Boys Fined
no s-
was highliigltted by elbow-
tinguished landmarks or 'bWl'd-
The afternoon; included a vis-
length sleeves and a bateau For Disturbance
ings could be seen until we
reached our hotel, the St.
it to, the citadel of Quebec.
Herne we sane a wtond&ful view
neckline wbile elegance was Andy De Putter, RR 2 Bay -
Laulis. It was built among nar-
of the St. Lawrence River. In
portrayed in a gently coTntrol- field, -and Gerald Hall, RCAF
led A-line skirt. A front insert Station - Clinton -,• appeared
row ,cabblestonie streets:'and old
Montreal tine river teas bz butur
of the most delicate chantilly Gold'erich !Court on Thursday,
stone buildings with. red the
roofs and multi -paned windows.
cluttered with dames, docks,
brlid'ges, land smoke. Here, with
lake gave an oVwcoa't etfifect October 14 and were each
Since we were in the upper
the Lourentiarm hi the back-
while the .back cascaded to a fanned $30 and costs for causing
romantic chapel train. A tiny a ditistuxbatnce in a pubthe place
town, the lights o+f the entire
city could be from
giround, the chateau on the
bow at the front accented a place in Clinton. Glenn Hays,
seen our
steep cliff to our night and the
delicate empire ,waast leading QC was the presiding magis'-
blue of the river' itself below,
to an extra fullness at the back. trate.
It was here, between trying
it was really something, to see.
To complete her bridal outAt, o -
keep water in the sink and
If we had done nothing else
the :brWet wore a custom made
out of -the bathtub, somebody
but sit -and listen to the guides
smacked pibl�box of candle_
Years Old,
practising judo or something
as they showed. ups around, it
light peau d'e sone from winch
in the next moan, having the
would hale ;been a worthwhile
was draped a barrel . shaped •
Mrs. 'Clara Wise
windows open . when it was
trip. By looking at each -, paint
pure silk illusion veil waist-
about 35 degrees out8lde and
of .interest such as the Plains of
with !potato chip crumbs all
Abraham and by Listening to a
A floor -length A-line dress o2-�uneral Oct 20
over the place, we got a good
gdid'e talk, the event like the
Imperial green crystal charm. ► n
night's sleep.
battle between Motrntcalm. and
was the choice of the maid of . Funeral service for the late
Quebec City must be fun to
Wolfe came a little closer to
honor Miss Anaitie Hosie, Lon- Clara Wise, 44 North St., was
visit 'anytime, but I. think when
becoming real in our rndnds.
don. It featwed! an empire ori' Wednesday, October 20 from
y0:u are With a group of friends
Again the .trine to leave ar-
waist, detachable train, round the Beattie Funeral Home with
and axe not quite sure What you
rived quickly and after going
neckline �a sn d elbow - length Rev. G. L. Mills, of Ontario
are doing, it is even more en-
around hair-raising turns and
sleeves. She aarrie!d a spray of Street United Church in
joyable. -
barely missing walls, cliffs and
orange delight roses and rib- change.
There were airy little French-
cars and tvavaing down two:-
bon corsage. Mrs. Wise passed away on
Canadian re'staur'ants dawn
wait' streets one itnclr wider
Bridesmal& Miss Carol Kra'-
J Monday in Clinton Public
narrow streets at which to eat.
than. the ,bus, we arnived calm
nik and Miss Janice: Carr both Hospital in her 91st year. She
There were read rushes to, the
and composed at the railway
of London Were :gowns sky d,- born in Tuckersmith
terrific shopping district (every
station! .
arty. Township Os December 18,
other store was a shoe store,) .
That really is 'the end of our
Groomrsm'an, was R o b e r t d of
ate was the daughter
There was a wick walk the
q up
trip. We did :have two 'hours in
Gardner, Wiind'sor. Ushers were the late Robert and Harriet
the et
street to look around the Chat-
Montreal to. be on our own, but
Douglas Macaulay, Clinton, Plewes. Her husband John K.
eau Ftrontenac and of course
I ltnow that .for myself I was
brother of the bride, and Jack Wise whom she married on
there was the actual planned
Sound :asleep after two o'clock
Scott, Montreal, Quebec. January 8, 1898
y predeceased
Saturdaynight and really did-
The church parlor was de'c- her.
By walking down the street
n't wakeup, until we arrived an
orated with white candies and The deceased had resided in
from the hotel we passed
Clinton at 11 o'clock the next
bronze 'muans 'for the wedding Clinton, for the past 4Q years
thro gih , one of the old and
reception. Mrs. Macaulay, the ,and was: a meember of Ontario
weather -worn gates of Old
It has been. rumoured that
bride's mother gre'etad guests Street United Church.
Quebec and as we did go, we
there were some who were
end wore a street -length rgold ,She is survived by one d'au-
entered the modern world of
bowling ,down: the aisle of the
sheath. &M. ,s: flecked with silver ghter Mfrs. Cliff (Viola) Proc-
stores, traffic and theatre.
train at about four o'clock. I
and styleed' with a round neck- tor, Clinton; .one gratn!ddaugh-
Only one thing kept with
Iasi t vouch for such people but
tine, three-quarter length sleev- ter, Mrs. Clarence J. (Shirley)
tradition and that was the Parr
I know that all would say that
es and a cutaway train at the Margeson, Rivers, Manitoba;
liament Buad'ircngs,. With the
they had a wonderful time.
waist. She chose matching ac- and four eat
gr grandchildren.
help of a vary friendly, very
Everyone of 'them• would thank
cessmries ,and a corsage of or- Vallbearer+s were William
bind and very witty guide, we
W. McKellar and his wife and
ange, dellight roses. Miller, ,Howard Crich, C. J.
slant/ the beautiful Legisaartive
Mr. lkgazeau for their sumer-
Assisting her, Mrs, Black, the Livermore, William Riehl, Mer -
Assembly and the Legislature
vision, and understanding and
groom's mother selected ,& peau vyn B'atlflin• and Norman Tyn-
Council Chamber. We learned
their interest in us and the
satin and chantilly ribbon lace dill,
a little 'about the proceedings
trip. `
of each ani somet-n ng of Que- -0-
bee's past irigtory.
Later in, the afternoon there ���� �+��
were two hours for shopping' Month Baby
which included trying to explain a e�
that you would like the pair Dies In Hospital
of shoes in the window when
you had forgotten the French
wordls :far "sho'es" and "whir- Gary sties, infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. James Watt Jr.,
PERSONALS War 5 Clinton-riprised away do
'W"arc 1vIerrr�arial Chiltlrem's Hos-
pital, London, on Tuesday, Oat,
Mr, and d Mrs: W. D. Murray, often 19. The baby _ had been
Norval, were vlisitors With Mrs, confined to hospital since. his
F, W, Jolnnceton, 20 Rattenbu�ry birth on September 16, 1965.
St. on Suxnday. Besides his r wilts- the in,
_. :_ _ par ,
Elwin McMll and BLit 'W11-. Pant was 'suMved by one Ws -
son of Lond'om, heave returned ter, Stacy Lynn tLt hotnue his
FrO01 & Motor +brills to the Sou» maternal grandpati�erA% 'Mr,
them Stares and Mexico, going and bins. Harbkl . Nieeholson, of
by way off, Chic nnat�i, Nash- Sboke, B.e( .;. b� patewral
vile, New Orlieans, Ilouston grandparents Mm'. ,and Mrs, Jh-A
rexa�s; rand Mexico, and return,- Nott Sr., Clinton; and his great
zd by #..erado, 'San. Antonio, gf+andm6ther!3 Mints. Biaxnclne
Dallas, Tulsa, and Chl6agb. Nott of Clinton, 1Mrs. Gerod
Sgt, 1L F, and Mars. Martdll, Reeves bf S -ea 6*th, Mrs, E:
Jenice and B111y have retut�iied �, of Victbtria, B.C: ati l
donne frons Shape, France; and Mr&•. E:, Brentis of Victoria,
sive been visitintg with tihd B.C.
�dyas pairexnts Mr. 'and, Mrs+.. The pu+ivatte +funeral from
John Carter, 156' Jaants St. Bail and Match Funeral Hom'
Phe) dre Crow settled in 6dr tool, place Thursday fi'Ofthng.
tow` htm'nee at the ACAV Stagy inter n6n't wag Lir MillsClinton. Cern-
ton, Centt'alenar et'er�y, Rev, G. L, Mof Orcin,
OPP Corcistable, Lemli, and ardc'x Street United Chea -ch ot -
vtrs. Cart etr and d'arne of Wood-
ood spent lash weelt i'vti.t�h Mr:
itid Ales, T,6hh Oartcrc'', 155'
flames St. �s
Mr, bAd. Mtg, Dancan Cart- CNa�issiti4d Ads:
Mright f We�tnnd aro gU§ts
�tvr' a few &n t with luir. slid •
w��ng R�su��s
�'rs. ''W1 ]1Wta Land'sborbugh.
For 0 �g Days o 7 B• ONLY
ITO, 'h1G1,,.-AP M U C H
k >� `,�' ' s•
Vitamins $having Needs
Christmas Paper, Ribbons;
Decorations, W abes, Cosine-
„••...<."::" :: •::;:::
tics Hair' Brushes Stationer yj
,. .x
Tooth Paste and Brushes
Electric Vaporisers
Transistor Radios
Tape Recorders
.• ,sir
`,.,. •�,��•: • ��.•#•�,:;z�. ,
Hair Dryers
Bathroom Seal
Hot Water 13bt
a e -les
Card§) Tags; Sesta
And Many More items �-
SAW96. �',OCTOW 23
' •.