HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-10-21, Page 2Page News-Record.., Oct, gi, 19o5 Huronic .Rebekoh 'Lodge. Instal New Officers Iluronic Rebekah Lodge held its installation Of officers on October 1.$ with WS. Edna Caldwell, District Deputy Pre, sident and Amber Rebekah Lodge 'from Hensa11 in charge of installation. Officers are: .Noble Grand, Mrs, William jenkhisl. Vice Grand, Mrs. Kurt VanRiesen; treasurer; Mrs, Benson Sutter; financial secretary, Mrs, Car- men. McPherson,: recording sec- retary, Mrs. John. Hroadfoot, Junior Past Noble Grand, Mrs, Elmer Trick; R.S.N.G, Mrs. Abe Orpen; L,S.N,G., Mrs. cOr- rin Dowson; cR,S.V,G„ Mrs. Al- bert Shaddick; Mrs, D. E. GlideIon, Chaplain, Mrs, Duff Sturdy;. warden, Mrs. Gladstone Grigg; conductor, Mrs, Jack Yeo;• color, bearer, Mrs. Ronald Williams. Inside guardian, Mrs. Harold "Johnston; ou t side guardian, Mrs. Jim idair; musician, Mrs. Edward Grigg; R,S, chaplain, Mrs, Edith Aldington; L.$. chaplain, Mrs, Alvin Cox, R„S,P. Noble Grand, Mrs. Harry Cud:more; L.S.P. Noble Oralld, MM. Wes Holland; Re, bekah, Mrs. Jim Cox; RIAU), Mrs, Harvey Taylor. Miss Clare Taylor To Lecture Here ,.... Miss :Clare Taylor of Toronto will be gtteSi: Speaker at (;),n,t- naig Street "low Tharilteffer- ing on Sunday evening at $ p.m. Miss Talor, a teacher, has travelled extensively. She worked with the Eskimos on Baffin Island and also taught Eskimos in the 'Toronto hos- pitals. Miss Taylor spent a year in Kenya and will talk about the work camps in that country at the Thankofferting. E R 6 M I$` Old 6218 Used For ExcursionS' Only . The above picture was taken by William G. Kiehl, on Sunday afternoon when the northern type CNR steam engine, No. 6218, pulled ten carloads of "steam buffs" of the Michigan Railway Society through Clinton. The engine was the last one to be repaired in the 'former Stratford Motive Power shops. This steam engine is now used mostly for excursion trips, Mr. Riehl is an avid collector of photos of old and obsolete train engines; his collection was on dis- play at the Clinton Hobby and, Craft Exhibition last month. MR. AND MRS. GORDON W. CUNINGHAME THIS WEEKEND AND NEXT The Federal Election Campaign And The Candidates By Ray Argyle (Fifth of a Ten-Week Series on the Federal Election Campaign by Ray Argyle, Editor of the Toronto Telegram News Service) Clinton Branch No. 140 of the Royal Canadian Legion wishes to thank Clinton Citizens for their support of the Paper Drive on Wed., October .13. NEXT PAPER DRIVE — APRIL, 1966 START SAVING YOUR OLD PAPERS NOW! 9. 611 Clinton nude in Clinton, Ont, with the nien Who built it. An Early Picture of Clinton Printed In Ford Motor Co. Publication. Shopping Begins In The Pages Of This Newspaper Finest Selection of • RECLINER CHAIRS • ROCKERS and • SWIVEL ROCKERS EVER SHOWN FOR FALL AND CHRISTMAS LIBE Government today is complex. To understand and formulate legislation requires a high de- gree of academic training. Uni- versity fits a* man to meet this challenge and to better serve you. • 10% DISCOUNT ON THE FOLLOWING • LADIES' DRESSES • LADIES' 2 and 3-PIECE SUITS • GIRLS' DRESSES All Sizes 2 to 14 Compare the Qualifications of the Candidates Before You Vote Give Huron a Voice in a Majority Liberal Government Vote EDGAR Liberal Published by the Huron Liberal Association Malt EDGAR Has This Training The issue of honesty in gov- ernment broke a year ago when Tory Erik. Nielsen of the Yuk- on erase in the }louse of Com- mons to charge that Liberal Party figures were involved in attempts to gain freedom for international narcotics suspect. Lucien Rivard. At first heatedly denied, Niel- sen's' charges were borne out by an inquiry conducted by Que- bec justice Noel Dorian. The Derion probe found that Ray- Mond Denis, executive assist- ant to former immigration min- ister Rene Tremblay, had Of- fered a, $20,000 bribe to a proS- ecution lawyer in a bid to get bail for Rivard. Mr, Jtistice Dorton also found Guy Roulcau, the Liberal MP for lVfontreal Dollard and' form- er parliamentary assistant to Mr, Pm-11ton, had committed a "rprehensible act" in brying to use his influence on ThiVaird's behalf. The upshot Was the transfer of Justice Minister ravreatt the least of president of the privy connell, tind his replace-, Merit by Mn, Tremblay. But there Were other Mt., ,_barresSnients for the govern - The gracious wedgewoed and - wine sitting room and the pri- vate dining room, with attract- ive and apprOpriate decor, at The Little Inn tin Hayfield was the setting on Thanksgiving Day When the family of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Quninghame gathered to commemorate their parents' golden wedding anni- versary. Receiving their guests and felieitations, Mrs. Cuninghame Ware burgandy brocade with corsage centered with dusky pink- sweetheart roses; her necklace of pearls was the groom's gift to `his bride 50 years ago, when they exchang- ed their marriage vows before the altar in Wesley Methodist Churdh, Clinton, on October 14, 1915. On the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniver- sary Mr. Cunningharne's gift Was a gold ring set with three diamonds representing their three childten, Mr. Cuninghiame is the only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Cuninghame of Clinton; and though he has travelled ex- tensively, Clinton has always been his home and here he re- ceived his education.' His only employment hag been with the Canadian National Railways, with Whom, until his retirement in 1946 he served as Express Agent at Clinton; serving 47 years in all. Mrs. Cuninghame, formerly Olive Mae East, is the daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. East of Clinton and Norfolk, Virginia. Until of teen- age Mrs. Cunninghame's home was in Norfolk, Va., where her father died in 1899. She is an honor graduate of Madame Harriette Hall's private school for girls of that dity; her only source of education. In 1900 she came with her mother and family ta Clinton, where, until the time of her marriage she was employed on the staff of the Clinton Post Office. They have three children: a son, John East, an electronics engineer and graduate of the Capital Radar Engineering In- stitute at Washington, D.C., now with Canadian General Elebtric, Toronto. He was mar- ried in 1951 to Mrs. C. John- ston, formerly Peggy Parsons of Goderich; A daughter, Kathleen East, B.A., B.P.H.E., a graduate of Taranto University. She is mar- Classified Ads. Bring Results riled to Prof, Thomas B.A., M.A., Phtl., also a gradu- ate of Toronto University, now director of the Compnter Centre in that same rani, versity, recently of U,B.C.; A daughter, Jo-Anne Clare, /3.A., a graduate of Toronto Univer- city and student in Fine' Arts, She is married to Arthur If, Saunders, chemical engineer cold graduate of pall:aisle and McGill Universities, now •with Dow Chemical, Sarnia. Mr, and Mrs. ,Cuninghame have ten grandchildren: John Craig, Kristen Royce and Kar- en East, children of Mr. and Mrs. John Cuninghame; Diane Elizabeth and Nancy Kathleen, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Bull; Gordon Eugene, Michael Arth- ur, Derek Bruce, John Wallace and Christopher Paul, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Saunders. In memory of their grand- parents' golden wedding anni- versary each grancidhild's gift viras a black leatherette, gold embossed, vest pocket size Book of the Psalms. Mr. and Mrs. Ouningharne enjoy quite good health. Mr. Ouningharne is of a reserve dis- position, enjoys reading, is a great lover of nature and the big out doors. • In his more active years he was fond of his rod and gtin. In former years Mrs. Cuning- When final nominations - for the Nov. 8 election close next Monday, about 1,000 candidates Will zero' in on What may be the only popular issue of the campaign—honesty in govern- ment. Whistle-stopping through the prairies last week, Mr. Diefen- baker gave voters a "solemn pledge" that if elected, he will stamp out the webs of the Mafia, and the corruption of officials. in Canadian public life. The issue was made even more sensitive by the fact that during the past year, all the revelations and charge of cor- ruption have had their base in Quebec and - have: involved French-Canadian names. This has been acutely em- barrassing to Prime Minister Pearson because the Liberals have already been under fire for "giving in" to Quebec on such matters as the flag, bi- lingualism and special treat- ment far the province in fed- ftral-provindial relations. The grisly disclosure that up to 12 people may have been murdered in Quebec came in the wake of a long list of mil, barrassMents for the Liberal Government. hame was active in church Work, Horne and School As- sociation, Red Cross, Hospital, Auxiliary, Goderich Community Concert Association and Huron- view Auxiliary. She has always been an enthusiastic needle- woman and at the age of 70 taught English smocking to a caPaellY elasS in the Clinton Collegiate night courses, and since then for some time held classes in smocking, dressmak- ing and tailoring in her awn home. Mr. and Mrs. Cuninghame are members of the Wesley- Willis United Church where Mr, Cuningihame is now an honorary life elder, Since his retirement they have travelled the length and breadth of this continent and now enjoy their lakeside homes in Hayfield where their family gather for summer vacations and other hoRidays. In winter they enjoy their hobbies of wood-work, reading, art and music. Beautiful and thoughtful gifts were received as well as telegrams and golden greetings from coast to coast. Many pictures were taken and following the festivities Mr. and Mrs. Cuninghame left on a Motor trip into the Muskoka area to enjoy the glories of our Canadian autumn. Crime and Politics ment. Yvon Dupuis, minister without portfolio, was kicked out of the cabinet When he was charged with accepting a bribe to protnute a race track franchise near St, John's, Que. Finally both State Secretary Maurice Lamontagne and Mr. Tremblay admitted taking de- livery of furniture from a com- pany that later went into bank- ruptcy. And they had not paid for the furniture until asked to do so by the Bank of Mon- treal after the bankruptcy. A key figure in one of the bankruptcy scandals — in which firms would buy goods on credit, sell them and then go bankrupt without paying their bills — is Moise Dare- baner, charged with fraud, ar- son and conspiracy. It was Darabaner who acted as notary to the signed state- ments of six Quebec Social Orediters that they would sup-, port Mr. Pearson following the 1963 election, As' a result, the Liberals were called on to form a government. Former Clinton People "Find" Old Nit Office The following letter and the accompanying picture were re- ceived this week from Mr. and Mrs. Paul Husted of Vancouver, British Columbia, Mrs. Husted is the former Frances IVIcCul- lough,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank McCullough of Holmesville, Editor, News-Record, Clinton., Ontario. Dear Sir, "My husband found this photo in the most recent book- let issued by Ford Motor Co. of Canada, entitled "Clues to Suc- cessful Tin& Operation" and wondered if it might be of in- terest to you. "Being a native of the Clin- ton area I wonder if I am right in thinking that is the old Post office building in the background, Hoping this will be of inter- est to you, Yours truly, France's and Paul Husted October 11, 1965. Vancouver, B.C. - Mr. Diefenbaker demanded that federal authorities open up all files' on the bankruptcies, with freedom to talk about them on the hustings', As embarrasing as the scan- dal is to the government; Que- bec observers know the bank- ruptcy racket has been going. on for years and, in fact, the first of the killings unearthed recently occurred in 1959. And some of the aliens involved in other crimes, whom Mr. Dief- enbaker accused the govern- ment of laying out "the wel- come mat" far, were admitted to Canada during the Diefen- baker years. Neutral observer see the current attack on crime as• the consequence of a determined effort by the Quebec provincial government to wipe out a crime syndicate which fastened its tentacles on the province during the years of the cor- rupt Duplessis government. How the voters across Canada will judge the matter remains to he seen. GODERICH On The Square Re-opening Under New Management At The Little Inn 474 Mri„ and Mrs. G. .Cuninghame Observe Caolden Anniversary IBEX BLANKETS, 70x90, Guaranteed No. 1 Quality „,-.„ ........ ..,„,„ $5.75 Pair LADIES' SKI JACKETS, PILE JACKETS WITH HOOD, CAR COATS, ETC. GIRLS' CAR COATS, SKI JACKETS, 3-PC. SNOW SETS, ETC. k PANTS SHIRTS, LINED D- 10% DISCOUNT 21 tigg Zrq ‘41. D °URNLINED 'WINDBREAKERS, WIN ALL MATCHED SETS, HOUSE Of BARGAINS Ltd. 'BRING YOUR BABY BONUS CHEQUES----WE WILL CASH THEM, CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 4827735 "THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE" MEN'S DRESS PANTS, 2 PANT SUITS, CASUAL PANTS, SPORT COATS, CARDIGANS, THERMAL TOPS AND DRAWERS, COMBINATIONS, DRESS SOCKS, WORK SOCKS, BLUE JEANS, COVERALLS, BIB OVERALLS BOYS' DRESS JEANS, BLUE JEANS, SKI JACKETS, CAR COATS, SPORT COATS, 2 PANT SUITS, CARDIGANS, THERMAL TOPS and DRAWERS, SOCKS, ETC. -- PRICED FOR QUICK SALE THE BOSS AT OUR RACE IS CERTAINLY AN EXPERT-sEAR IN MIND, MESA QUALIFIED TECHNICIAN OF THE YERY HIGHEST ' HIND 4 CHILD PORTRAITS JERVIS STUDIO. Phone 482-7006 30tfb With the big demand for quality044, reclinerS this year , you should,F order yours today. We carry 20 recliners in different mode's and colours; also all styles in rockers and swivels,' SMALL DOWN PAYMENT HOLDS ANY ORDER FOR CHRISTMAS •:BEATTIE FURNITURE !ill They reached for their rifles 11;1 in the name of love... not hate...to challenge two mighty armies! H E A E R UNIVERSAL PRESENTS JAMES STE ART PLAYING FOR SIX DAYS STARTS MON., OCT. 25th THRU SAT. 30th When in Southern California visit Universal City Studios Iiii COSTARRING DOUG McCLURE • GLENN CORBETT 111 PATRICK WAYNE • KATHARINE ROSS and ROSEMARY 'FORSYTH with PHILLIP ALFORD • PAUL FIX • JAMES BEST NOES lEE litte(11.Priluiti 41001111111 AjpgrfilPition PLUS ADDED FEATURETTE From The Canadian National Exhibition Water Show jtexttr, 1111i111011011 "THE AQUANAUTS" Two Showing§ Nightly` At. 'MO p.m arid 9:30 n.ni: MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2:30 Evening Prices: Adult 750, Student 50o, Child 25c Matinee Prices: Adult 50c, Student 35o, Child 250 Albert Street — CLINTON Phone 482-9521 A