HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-10-14, Page 11.. . ... ....... ...
'75 400 act the 0�tm-
Misses can lio4ston. and, spent Axnksti;
ligi 011 golf 0onfere
,,V moekend Orland 13ere, R h
frXe �n id I C
WWI =,c Qath
Jean Jan spen:
,n - : 11 � 1'�rl 'Bayfleld course last Saturday.
y Wpre IVI
.0a lipson t th.o boli . . _x t,"
Windsor. 130)Je Beret, LQ4,dan, J91 -in mre
do with xr� and W., s, Jd' I It was not ideal goring w�a�
and Mr. an,d J�,T V11,
X. Mrs, Ed. P,4 'a I the i�wres WauJ4
1-160stmi, mqg Ma "Y 4ps "s,
s�$ 01 the Weekipad j'A' Zl�klagd Of 111101W
Francesn and W have, .been mucih better it the
You Mr. hand. Mrs, Ggorge* wrialit
we0ber bAd been, wq=ner.
Xr, and Mrs, 0 le '1*� and Mrs. Wpm 1i 'tt fa
40y of - random v1sito
and� !toss visited last w 4991 r , of
eekend i wwlth Ag.-. :pnd, Mrs. Robert A
,and Ste vj-51ted _0% �$unft 01be -I Phe CHSS te= Torry
Irm their ",00"Ugh- w1g, Vilqr
in. Onto, Wfth Krs. George, Hag V� .1ohnstoo and Bob Durnlrr.f
t Mr. atno X r a d Mrs, R a I
Mass Jan Dobie GO(derich, 5111y McKay from,
. Jarrett n -1c DT
, ADQ gitt, Jo
other rplatives. nny, P&L" and Micliael aod J� A,(Taqtrql Pnrle and. Rill T-TiAle
�Nqisqn. xqtwrsQn vs a a-
Victoria Hospital, ..s. WtIliam, $eers. vWtoO #e;,,t in Vi
!ast 4H_sj
. Saturday witb. Mrs', Car- don,
oihno Sews 44. Stratford' 40s� Donald King of, Strathroy
P1W. WherV, -1he is 4 PatiOnt, •visited on SarMrday w -To. Mrs,
Mass Mary E. Asquith olid' Russell ,Xing
Xr,* and' Mrs, Aeg. As�quith and •
�Tprwta3r K6as of $=!A spent
w�th his parents,
.y of Toronto spent Ow Weelp� '
weekend in +Jie village, Mr. and Mrs',, G.
and TArs, Ren, Ha 11top oos with Mrs.
_mi . Weekend gu
03rd Aninversay
Sunday, October 17 2 P.
GuestSpeake_r, Rev.. A
Scott, 13A., Egmondvlll'e
Guest Soloist: Donald McDonald, Walton
0 C X,
FE E D f -R, S A L.,;E'
TUESDAY, 0CT.19 at 1.Q0 p,
700. HEAD
Consisting of Calves. Caws, Heifers and Steers
For .Consignments Contact The Management
482-7511 .234-6200
Auctioneers -
NOW is the 'time
for that
F I Pyr anent
Every Fall we have a sale on
Helene Curtis', Finest Permanents.
REG. $10.00 ...... FOR ONLY
REG -$12.50 ........................ FOR ONLY
Price includes Cut, Style, Shampoo and get
01a Pent�
y spent the
niotbw, mm
were Mr, And
I Mrs _
3Wi1wri;i'iiiaKW and Mrs:
Hammer, GOrderiCU
-ATT" am
Ui,s, James Oke 'amid; f4wil'
Goderich T hip; Mrs'. Iiqc
Irwin, (�od d Ere
$ Pall'Shifts
Duo to the flooded Xattlam.
ir, Ir traftic! Wa's halt-od- c
a�y lover, the detour bndg
at Donnybrook. The wateq
were, so high that it shifte
the bridge that had been bid,
to itocornmodate, vehicles Whil
the :new county bridge Is! bein
""1114 Mr. and Aft,. John Hild(
brand had to detour 12 nifix
on Sunday morning to atten
Knox.United Church in tb
villuge, The Hildebrands 11V
only f Wemiles-Vom -die ChUr4C]
AH, btmrn Bible Group
Sees African 'Film
AUBURN "Fx1eedom I
Their .Suu1s1?- was the, inte-res'l
ding fdkp shown. in K wx UnAt
Church last Sunday evening i
supp(alt of, -Canadian Bible Sc
The film showed the wor
of the B-ible, Society in Afric
I and how 0agerly the IMble i
being recedved In. that counts3
Lanny Kain, comer of Or-
ange and PN7%,ces15 St., Clin-
t6n., leaves O'c$61ber 23, with
;his Wife foj'L� a two-week va-
leatio,4 in Mexico City when
,311T. Kam's employer, Canada
'I �Paclrers will be their hosts.
Thw;,Pt, O -;t,.- 14 1,90 Clintqfl, No, W_A..Rq; —F,;Foq 11
o a� au ors At Court Cwremonyl
Hwo4 • Cow, itv gatiaed 32
new oltlzm last woOc when
Oanadian citizenship papprs
wore issued by Judge 11R,
Area pers.Qns of Dutch origin
taking *e .Dath were Mx. aad,1
Mrs. Noop Pe Groot, RR 4,
Goderift, Mr. and Mrs, Tievk
Greldginus, and 't*
Mrs., Grei Je!
7ws, e4l of Rig 1, Landes
Mr. And Mrs. LaizZmea+t
Proidanus, *Lonftsboro,; WW
and, Mrs.,LAmbertup Ual*ers,
P-13, 2" ClInton, Mrs. H044h1%us
Tfei%drlks,RR.3, Goderich;
Mr, ,toad Mrs. Pier Solverda,
RR 1, DandeslbcmQR Mr, and
Mrs. Jpba
11,90y, IM 3, Mr. and
Mrs. Maas Vonderlei, AR 1,
Among the :Polish imd-
graAts were 4oso Sud)*, 'fflR.
6, QoderlQU; Mrs, J,44wiga
Kiezlk, Lon,,de9bgro.
.0 F
The Court of Revision on the 1966 Assess-
ment Poll for the Township of Hulleft will hold the
first sitting on Novernber 1, 1965, at the CQM"
munity Hall, LondesWrp, at 3:00,o'clock pm.
All appeals should be in the Clerk's Office
Qt -least 10 d6ys prior to the first si#ting to be given
Clerk Tr6dtukelel ..
40-1-2b I
RR 1, Lon0e*b? I ro, Ont
eque was, 'f big enough,
London were holiday guests -at Bond. Final pl'4,n's were. mode the 'milk ch n
te home of their parents, MY. for the regilanal convention of
and Mrs. Harry Williams.. ' West Huron UCW to 'be held —the 4.H calf was below par
.The, s"athy of, the com- at Holmesville ort October 22. ..— the bull chas
nitly ungoes out t Mr. and MTS. Les Jqrvis was appointed ed the -hired man
VIV0. Jack Yea and f= -Aly in to the office of treasurer on the buyer di-dn'f- fike,. the ;heifer
Jhe sudden death of their son the resignation, of Mrs, r3rand,
loud brother. Donald. McCullough, the steers didn't weigh enough
AbS. Malry Dempsey spent hostesses for the oyening
:he ThaAksgiving we'ek'end in were Xis. Elmer Patter, Mrs
Detroit. Eldon Yea, Mrs, C. Panic and
Mr. and Ms. Lloyd Bond, Mrs. Lloyd Bond.!xcille end'Lax1rellanne attend- _o_
�d a iflamilV dinner, Sunday, at
Jhe home of Mr. and MxL%'. Ken- Huron County D N"T PANIC 'P I LPP t N
ieth Trewartha, London.
r4raxidyn, Yea of Vancouver Forming Report Plan a breeding program for herd improvement, using the A.I.
1 -ow home to attend t1he fun- "Heavy ralm continue to
ral orf his cto Donald Yea. proven sires and selected y641ng sires ®$
UOW Meeting hold -up the harvegtlag of
The fall Thankoffering meet- White be -ants and sila.ffiling,"
ng of. the. Holmesville VCW says D. S. Pullen, Awdstant BR�,Cl
vas held Tuesday eventing, ,'at Agmicultural Representative
Sight alclock, Tcw Huron; County.
M4s. Edward Grigg was do Grain 'carr,. and bean mot ASSOCIATION LU P
�ialrtge of the projj+arn and tune has not lowered during
,a%ened the meeting with, a. the past weekbem se� otf law ow VANN, F
to worship and prayer af Phone weekdays before 10:00 a.m.
er a hynm, Mws, Muriel G6gg air temperature and cloudy for Sunday service, phone Saturday 6-8 p.
cad the Scripture and the weath m".
31ble med1l'tati6n was, talcen by AVInter wheat is showing Listed in your local directory
,Trs. D. Glidd-on. A prayer R up well. Most cattle are still
hauksg1min,%rJ7as. en by Min, on pasture. AI
Te �uet giv�
)&=an and, a. poem
- Mog.Cantelon. A
ecording ci'�,� -anthem based
a the Dutch byran ofTrbanks-
iving, was: enjoyed by 'those
Miss. Katherine McGregor of
lixLtonn gave a talk on her re-
rent trip. to Hong Kong and
'anan_ P]uqf.raflnLT b-ne tAllc
SALES- (lCantinued from page 17 '
A graduate of the, Ivan R. Sales Sohool of Hairdressing,' MAN speak to the gathering, 'as th6s
-'London who.,ha.s.been at Charles? past month. might ]be the last time I am
allowed to )speak to a group
such, as tlyls%
IS A &in salesman, Mr, "The ba3lot chairman at the
-IS HOUSE OF. BEAUTY Kain was notifled last week The
nomination meet-,
CHARLE thatt h& had been awarded ing ga,�,e the'whcKle show away
74 VICTORIA ST. — CLINTON Canada Pa6kers' "Top- Ont- When he a&mtted that the de- ix- .............. x
aria Sales -,man Award!'. 'Me
Phone 482-7065 for Appointment cision to fta�e a young6r candi-
young Clintonian headed a date was not made =01 the ...............
39-41b field of 35 for the honor. executive meeting an the Flli- 011-1.
day rAght, following the Liber-
al noinilnatiDn. They delayed ........
''t ''a until 't -after after
the Liberals, t1pperd their.hand.
NorrnWly the incumbent had
SHUR GAIN F ble r t( i ozer 'been nominated vidthout anyZ.
power. struggle in the party."
ORDERS NOW BEING Kerr alsot sWd he believed
TAKEN FOR BULK the Conservative candidate Bob
McKmiloy would win the No-
vember 8 election: .. ........ ..
BY CLINTON "What will elect him, and elected he will be, will. be the
FEED MILL mach�ne, That tainaus instrut.
ment which is mentioned, Point-
ed at, cursed and damned, but
Which deftes rescription iL4 the
umen't men in ...........
fnstr 'Which puts ......
office and, 110t t1J:401r 0M, hack-
neyeld phrases,"
And there you have it, gentle
reader a, cross�sectloh of
what At being a9d in print a-
boryt the upcon-Ang.vate.
Strikeg ni(� though that at
least ont-',thffig more should be
said, Elee'tion tine is b&61Y
the time to )study the nation's
political parties fofr ift the
Beat of the a aign, 0iih9s
It makes
s gdod sense to have your fertilizer spread On fall tbWn grains ate said and' bzifiaWons -�axe Ift Ch0l 11116010, NOW 1OW-802t ftq-1161F NOW ON&GS 268-000t, 1011-208
Made tbat,.PUt a parties 'i�
on grassl,andtL—hoy and pasture on tdsh- crops—fdr neXt �tprinq 1* to 0 I�If+ 6111 4-i d"L dl," 1i 9161161411
�Iko till =
dtcurately, easily and �et6hbMiCally With the new SHURwGAIN Ftetilizdr 'the Poorest light aft'd hikke Ibs. GM.
Spreodihg Sdevled, M&i�t 966d d6llors b'hd c6h0 too! It may cost you Clioaces tot tme 860nollyt ibty hill i "*or pmt to SO 114wo out's ww'. blah OI&OS,
S-ridaft eleeblon' pron-ises NOW Ifiewi A O"t FAW 1W 4verf job nqtInment In ink welAt WOO GA&44, Ntger fteb, molt
no - ftfi� io have SHUR4AIN 8e4J'Vbr6d'and sptecid thein You are Presently All should -be taiken With the, of Awnht tm61% t% yoon W 11" 9*t 30* 4-804 Ck# Ili 411w_�18 "ghlat, n d them brut true* Wo 01"Olty hAM60
pdyihg prdvWbW "gradin bt Wt" . o . *" 11141dek *16 Qdw tafto 'bijob IM the "am 0A uvbp a V4rj&tWty# Md Atli, Belt
1*ft bh*@# 60
M. p6litim 14 a dog eat: dog bw4h- "fir Wom k"0"11
6100 � , %MIS a 0--- #1$* *40a cipskuty 014 moft light oo TA66ft duty owelt.
up to I 121 Ia6fi� t",
tow V=Mvp awn
epA, lad4ing maby of the cu$ft-
Selected-qramflnted new tosirandOW-06 601 both gis sM DWol ea&u. AM AM Mail Cheek 66 long *og.
ih.bry virtues we nftma* ex hmft wo NO Is* =bonsi
:�w to' t6f *A4 offle's"' tali b" isifth 10*8im fteirdst 11we of thboblot Workower
SHUR-GAIN The FlIn'dSt reffilizers hr YourGood A P,,d le6xft 61na�mtft stde&y - - � e
not 8L Otetty- piditire of thO nd* W C90"Iff 6tilhat with tho W14"t choles tracks lot 160 nowt
. . . . . . . . . . . . . t II got
btttidn. iw - Atot
FERTILIZERS bo4y that goverrn& thid. himes , WOO. Thm A moldoli —hold
Nd, past p6rt6ftiUmdes ot piwiti fight to 6 tho $0om $-spOid $1hebro-111#6 to 16-APW
AtA Im 111, oft bib..
pbdornlaMe . do. I& woAl Md As 411 to, im. wor to otoauiiiog, 00t
izer e V6 as
four L6,dcd SHUPL.dAIN Fertift t11_4 one accul'att. guide AM theret 6116weletlif
VokeiV have whits, We 'enter- titin
soaffit,de btl!,the pallhig b6601 tb thavyli Wit for
maek 'aur X. Acta Bever 10 it. . .4 ,.
be tald •that fho vot& ig unz rhohe yatit thorblit kbout my too it, ftek yoll *"i bigger thligo 1V 01.
CLINTON FEED'' MI.. L ifinpottatt tv 1>14yg tecnd-fid-•
. . . . ......
tiftl Wat6filite. IOX915 C09VIkOLtT'TRU-CK DEALER IN CLINTON."
filial c� rand erre HITE'' -4 C��r����� Of 28 Hatoft Street dtm6&uW, th't, vaevh4l the IL E BROWN MO TOAS LI' ' 0 O.OhTano St''" of 11481-9
UPhmw 499,1494 iw 49:94491 voft 11 Qlml � gat the (WdiAu.
td *be 116AAnta on thO C1304V n6tWO
t de6sift of tho teople, 166if jtttlng� f6f oliAftfibl jJhd JtM&
. .... ...... . . ..... . ..... ........ .... .. . ... ...... ....... . . ....... ..... .... . ... ... .... ...... ....... ...
from Bayf teld, Placed fifth opt
of thp.. sewn, w
Sch9pils entered, and their
total Voor% for the 1�_holq
tourney were, Ust4wel 33,1;
Wiligham nQ; Gpderlch 337;
St, K_ars 35� ClintonClipto -
Exeter 394 and Senforth 396.
The four -,man winning team
frqM Listowol was Pon. Bart,
Cjh.$tqbqqI, Go if COOV6r W101,1Mor,
niw�n, Mike McConnell, DanHi
H'aprlson and, Gary Wilson,
Peter Astles, CHS.S.tteaoher, :who wasc.onv ner
Afourspanie of Goderkhh[igh
Of the Perth .Huron bigb School 901f exWerence
scha0a W -i §. played,an 1$ -hole
lield last Saturday at -the i tojj_,Bayfield Golf
round during the atter4opn,
'course; is pIctured'here, left , WAh A6n,,Bartman n,
OHSS teacher Peter Astles
ListoWel, Who had the 1(YW SCOre of the tourney.
was convener of the affair,
(Photo by Mrs. ReZlchamb0)
The difference fine owe
N,EW$ 0 F
H �O'L
ME, S, V
I -L
beLweeo NewfqWAanda�nd the
o 14
YuxcA is five- aI one u
Kenneth Potter of Listowel
With. may W betautlfiul pictures
The, promotion of research lis
porimw;t wxvong The Carmdiian
s1,P,,q,nt the Thanksgivin
his Thanksgiving ' _9 week
with and
she !had taken, while there.
M'M- D. Oltdclon thanked Miss
'. . is en c-
Awthiphi , d Rlheuniatism So
Wrs. Elmer Patter.
McGregor on behalf of the
iety"s Stm'tOd objel0tives-
Mh$s Sandra Williams of
group, -
6. 1.. 1.
3urhln(gtoxand Mr. and Mrs,
The bushiws was conducted
Barry Pipe' and daughterfts, of
by the president Mrs Lloyd
Thw;,Pt, O -;t,.- 14 1,90 Clintqfl, No, W_A..Rq; —F,;Foq 11
o a� au ors At Court Cwremonyl
Hwo4 • Cow, itv gatiaed 32
new oltlzm last woOc when
Oanadian citizenship papprs
wore issued by Judge 11R,
Area pers.Qns of Dutch origin
taking *e .Dath were Mx. aad,1
Mrs. Noop Pe Groot, RR 4,
Goderift, Mr. and Mrs, Tievk
Greldginus, and 't*
Mrs., Grei Je!
7ws, e4l of Rig 1, Landes
Mr. And Mrs. LaizZmea+t
Proidanus, *Lonftsboro,; WW
and, Mrs.,LAmbertup Ual*ers,
P-13, 2" ClInton, Mrs. H044h1%us
Tfei%drlks,RR.3, Goderich;
Mr, ,toad Mrs. Pier Solverda,
RR 1, DandeslbcmQR Mr, and
Mrs. Jpba
11,90y, IM 3, Mr. and
Mrs. Maas Vonderlei, AR 1,
Among the :Polish imd-
graAts were 4oso Sud)*, 'fflR.
6, QoderlQU; Mrs, J,44wiga
Kiezlk, Lon,,de9bgro.
.0 F
The Court of Revision on the 1966 Assess-
ment Poll for the Township of Hulleft will hold the
first sitting on Novernber 1, 1965, at the CQM"
munity Hall, LondesWrp, at 3:00,o'clock pm.
All appeals should be in the Clerk's Office
Qt -least 10 d6ys prior to the first si#ting to be given
Clerk Tr6dtukelel ..
40-1-2b I
RR 1, Lon0e*b? I ro, Ont
eque was, 'f big enough,
London were holiday guests -at Bond. Final pl'4,n's were. mode the 'milk ch n
te home of their parents, MY. for the regilanal convention of
and Mrs. Harry Williams.. ' West Huron UCW to 'be held —the 4.H calf was below par
.The, s"athy of, the com- at Holmesville ort October 22. ..— the bull chas
nitly ungoes out t Mr. and MTS. Les Jqrvis was appointed ed the -hired man
VIV0. Jack Yea and f= -Aly in to the office of treasurer on the buyer di-dn'f- fike,. the ;heifer
Jhe sudden death of their son the resignation, of Mrs, r3rand,
loud brother. Donald. McCullough, the steers didn't weigh enough
AbS. Malry Dempsey spent hostesses for the oyening
:he ThaAksgiving we'ek'end in were Xis. Elmer Patter, Mrs
Detroit. Eldon Yea, Mrs, C. Panic and
Mr. and Ms. Lloyd Bond, Mrs. Lloyd Bond.!xcille end'Lax1rellanne attend- _o_
�d a iflamilV dinner, Sunday, at
Jhe home of Mr. and MxL%'. Ken- Huron County D N"T PANIC 'P I LPP t N
ieth Trewartha, London.
r4raxidyn, Yea of Vancouver Forming Report Plan a breeding program for herd improvement, using the A.I.
1 -ow home to attend t1he fun- "Heavy ralm continue to
ral orf his cto Donald Yea. proven sires and selected y641ng sires ®$
UOW Meeting hold -up the harvegtlag of
The fall Thankoffering meet- White be -ants and sila.ffiling,"
ng of. the. Holmesville VCW says D. S. Pullen, Awdstant BR�,Cl
vas held Tuesday eventing, ,'at Agmicultural Representative
Sight alclock, Tcw Huron; County.
M4s. Edward Grigg was do Grain 'carr,. and bean mot ASSOCIATION LU P
�ialrtge of the projj+arn and tune has not lowered during
,a%ened the meeting with, a. the past weekbem se� otf law ow VANN, F
to worship and prayer af Phone weekdays before 10:00 a.m.
er a hynm, Mws, Muriel G6gg air temperature and cloudy for Sunday service, phone Saturday 6-8 p.
cad the Scripture and the weath m".
31ble med1l'tati6n was, talcen by AVInter wheat is showing Listed in your local directory
,Trs. D. Glidd-on. A prayer R up well. Most cattle are still
hauksg1min,%rJ7as. en by Min, on pasture. AI
Te �uet giv�
)&=an and, a. poem
- Mog.Cantelon. A
ecording ci'�,� -anthem based
a the Dutch byran ofTrbanks-
iving, was: enjoyed by 'those
Miss. Katherine McGregor of
lixLtonn gave a talk on her re-
rent trip. to Hong Kong and
'anan_ P]uqf.raflnLT b-ne tAllc
SALES- (lCantinued from page 17 '
A graduate of the, Ivan R. Sales Sohool of Hairdressing,' MAN speak to the gathering, 'as th6s
-'London who.,ha.s.been at Charles? past month. might ]be the last time I am
allowed to )speak to a group
such, as tlyls%
IS A &in salesman, Mr, "The ba3lot chairman at the
-IS HOUSE OF. BEAUTY Kain was notifled last week The
nomination meet-,
CHARLE thatt h& had been awarded ing ga,�,e the'whcKle show away
74 VICTORIA ST. — CLINTON Canada Pa6kers' "Top- Ont- When he a&mtted that the de- ix- .............. x
aria Sales -,man Award!'. 'Me
Phone 482-7065 for Appointment cision to fta�e a young6r candi-
young Clintonian headed a date was not made =01 the ...............
39-41b field of 35 for the honor. executive meeting an the Flli- 011-1.
day rAght, following the Liber-
al noinilnatiDn. They delayed ........
''t ''a until 't -after after
the Liberals, t1pperd their.hand.
NorrnWly the incumbent had
SHUR GAIN F ble r t( i ozer 'been nominated vidthout anyZ.
power. struggle in the party."
ORDERS NOW BEING Kerr alsot sWd he believed
TAKEN FOR BULK the Conservative candidate Bob
McKmiloy would win the No-
vember 8 election: .. ........ ..
BY CLINTON "What will elect him, and elected he will be, will. be the
FEED MILL mach�ne, That tainaus instrut.
ment which is mentioned, Point-
ed at, cursed and damned, but
Which deftes rescription iL4 the
umen't men in ...........
fnstr 'Which puts ......
office and, 110t t1J:401r 0M, hack-
neyeld phrases,"
And there you have it, gentle
reader a, cross�sectloh of
what At being a9d in print a-
boryt the upcon-Ang.vate.
Strikeg ni(� though that at
least ont-',thffig more should be
said, Elee'tion tine is b&61Y
the time to )study the nation's
political parties fofr ift the
Beat of the a aign, 0iih9s
It makes
s gdod sense to have your fertilizer spread On fall tbWn grains ate said and' bzifiaWons -�axe Ift Ch0l 11116010, NOW 1OW-802t ftq-1161F NOW ON&GS 268-000t, 1011-208
Made tbat,.PUt a parties 'i�
on grassl,andtL—hoy and pasture on tdsh- crops—fdr neXt �tprinq 1* to 0 I�If+ 6111 4-i d"L dl," 1i 9161161411
�Iko till =
dtcurately, easily and �et6hbMiCally With the new SHURwGAIN Ftetilizdr 'the Poorest light aft'd hikke Ibs. GM.
Spreodihg Sdevled, M&i�t 966d d6llors b'hd c6h0 too! It may cost you Clioaces tot tme 860nollyt ibty hill i "*or pmt to SO 114wo out's ww'. blah OI&OS,
S-ridaft eleeblon' pron-ises NOW Ifiewi A O"t FAW 1W 4verf job nqtInment In ink welAt WOO GA&44, Ntger fteb, molt
no - ftfi� io have SHUR4AIN 8e4J'Vbr6d'and sptecid thein You are Presently All should -be taiken With the, of Awnht tm61% t% yoon W 11" 9*t 30* 4-804 Ck# Ili 411w_�18 "ghlat, n d them brut true* Wo 01"Olty hAM60
pdyihg prdvWbW "gradin bt Wt" . o . *" 11141dek *16 Qdw tafto 'bijob IM the "am 0A uvbp a V4rj&tWty# Md Atli, Belt
1*ft bh*@# 60
M. p6litim 14 a dog eat: dog bw4h- "fir Wom k"0"11
6100 � , %MIS a 0--- #1$* *40a cipskuty 014 moft light oo TA66ft duty owelt.
up to I 121 Ia6fi� t",
tow V=Mvp awn
epA, lad4ing maby of the cu$ft-
Selected-qramflnted new tosirandOW-06 601 both gis sM DWol ea&u. AM AM Mail Cheek 66 long *og.
ih.bry virtues we nftma* ex hmft wo NO Is* =bonsi
:�w to' t6f *A4 offle's"' tali b" isifth 10*8im fteirdst 11we of thboblot Workower
SHUR-GAIN The FlIn'dSt reffilizers hr YourGood A P,,d le6xft 61na�mtft stde&y - - � e
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FERTILIZERS bo4y that goverrn& thid. himes , WOO. Thm A moldoli —hold
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VokeiV have whits, We 'enter- titin
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CLINTON FEED'' MI.. L ifinpottatt tv 1>14yg tecnd-fid-•
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