HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-10-14, Page 10.... ...... w ,66; :Ads, Unty, Auburn, ON 'en Fr umaricsk, For- CA$,50C Nr M_ gimbol.r. r direptorp, it. w.- a w v 4,prung W44 vo# of boom4 -ft'Tow" Alt7*ft 9 n of �u����ers.M��..� totes .49 0 �_t -4 X_Vlvl� pw* S I H= 14 es I met W04[jIl"4%, eVeMn �m tpigVt�jb: M-nuread r w1M. �V_ the Ms� '004 UIM ft bw;�� g when t; y Igal pro their, roily,: e$ �7 "Y 14117 1101, another deux of >t Hupon, Abs. F, Go -per. membp 4MKI NOTICE OF FIRST POVINCT 'y de to be� It of V�t We g S c, �_. r . h N Mrs �a 'Mrs, H ljg-�,4A-re d M.''; - LIST Was -)laying lost �Olr= ]OF VOTERS, Wei. V9 j��ejmned, all a �nd verx YgViifpr the -gjjrqn q0jKty -Xisto, e 1 .4 , ii " r prartts!t• dos the gr me, 4. had. Of Mos. male ;Zpyna lied ��J* P w hqopl�y, givep that.1,b c , �A y , QAI ca SQ'iet hie! 11 - b"e-en T bi Vm, U. 'W, I a started on r, w. e�.q bzlq�% , , lyt e tih r years ggq at. the saint Miss SpruZi ers' Lists Act 9LP4 tb4t, �hAye p e4 411 Aid reported po 4 t mg Mrs; Tcyaill�ee Ina ?k1, hu u !$�Ion 9 pf ,the Vot the. pla ,P,411Z Y. Pffice At Tu 42;oide�20, ift 7th Aq .of .00pber, n; 'hold ='Ck4erl n tfOrM gpo x he out Of Wep.,Huron D$,., her letter -t 106 PnIal0s, anil A1 pr .hq work qf the society m—A �S,;mdva, 19 e list 60, iilih Q� all P.047som 044ti Ito Vote. in A40 'Mum trot by Beer, pposr. U�t _0''ft 4elegateS an, men 0$1�_MM Pb L Q ell read 0 - 4 Mu*CW Mec#OM and, that suo list 4 a"�o X A And , J�_e* Tm. _a6V-b ie ad - dress of L good 10 remains • lror owolm f, �ves, sho. P�s 417, or Urs, Jdh4, gacLean, Sea- were presented by PAnun P for irrspoct , lop, Time to, Kay_e ypyr h=d b'"4 presentipo! tb.ls a Mrs, Hanna, M4skQ Kpopin4m, forth, TRa(I %g.., 'th .0 girl D. M46h 'pr4esident,of �R�ur- Elaine. -.'Snejj,a id ,� s* '. W - And I 'beZeby gall Upon 411 Vot at W p Anne de'Gr':'ot, r have q�eeA. ward� 1)�, the CAPS on C pjiLf vote ?$ to take immediate . Q C . lyn Iftanked her friends W* Jroja d for Proceedings to have any errors or omiss�qps porrecteO fpr Infor d completed hairdressing who Was. in �0 'their gift _n the rt t =4 lunch w4's ax4',Lanqthpp, gkrl b4d 4CW-1vV oofif6rence. Shq urj�od M*, Koqpmans, xis'. gcPOPMR to law, the last 4aY f0V Appegl being- the 21st sino co r4 at b 19,(;5 Di,� _u All N 4111 Wightmagi An th; , 411 1 rpmches, make th0k 0 Mrsi-I 40 Of _Oot.obpp, 0, girls �4v -now on their own and q4ja:� xnombers, of fl.re �-TipV.iq Ertmerson 1:�,qdger. 4? Co=ty gst<wipaj, Society, and Rafs 311ioelepi r doing wet Dated #ij A,1rs Qeci ao- then Oul have Oireot �s 6th day Of October, 1-�65, -,..I 13.1ahe of Dung they w , d 35 Huron St rloi� w,11R, a sX d to take, Mrs act y Mrs, 9 C Contac 4,h mwis, ".44 4, Johns! place on the CAS board 4*pa tha.� local hhstor], 5 o ON , D'ES80 R .0 - our mo,.r000a soo?)s be sir= P.49p 10 -e -"Clint ed and also :any pioneer ceme,- _NqW;-Re;qr4—,Th4rP.,, Q;t; -14,J965 teries, in. �,�e and Codd News nship-of T qHuron, W! Fresioeftts�at Annual �.Rallr Tow u-4rernith. A A I 4W museum at Goderlch. Mpebng in 1-h OrAndinothets Dine out e Waltqn. Community. I all 're- The�,LondeL �fts. 3plane Li0diard',- Clin-, Womien's, In-, J • t( home go nornist for Hurion �ently, 31 Women's Instttuios were repre$eritupd at met On. Thursday, VA=1. munty, T0ported on her work the armual7 i�ally,- Shown here- arp;. front row, left d was served to the coml m and c then cL diseqgpi ',S, gr dmotbem who. Y04 A' invited ,oh took to right, Mrs., Otto .Popp, Godericb, secretary - place re, the catering 'to the treasurer the rally, and. M-rs.'F Walters Wal- were guests. A 'bake �,slale 4101- N� low 1906 ploughing match which lowed 4jj6mr. To See and Hear will be hold near Seaeorth. The ton, president of East Huron MM back row, left, . g the bvsiness period,. Purin th Fruron, County WI: groups will Mrs.. Fred Beer, Hensall, president South Huron it IV -Is decided to, ffil three paiter to the offic, at Wil '!and XTs. Tonybee 1�amb, RR 3, Goderl�h Christmas stockings for Ul- males, of the Ontaxia miplial. this matcb. A m== be president West Huron WI: Over 100 delegates an-" Dun - held on October 19: at Carlow, An, Y. Dun- toarran swered roll call, (Ph6to' by Mrs. )3rad?i0ck) .on op tteid meeting Syl Apps . ge for the booth . on 0 whid1 wW- be, in the I-lurop 26 Was accepted, booth. Mrs Toynbee The area convention I be in Rr, And The H Comity`Word, November 2 1spoke for the held olm. * Talk he Peter'Westerhou Landscaping and 3. Mrs. Jim I-Towatt will on convsent:ener, Mrs; Wilmer Har- dy t who. was imabqe to be preL. as a delegate, A bus trip, thas I Feature of Auburn Meet "tend gr Charles Mrs. Stanley Bride of Ford- urn ed to the Royal wich. 2ohe on the Chnaxlla Food in Toronto on NaveMber Council. She outlaned the,, ptlr- , AUBURN — B6uquets orf .and Mr.%. Arnold Cj1ajLg. With, a, shopping ork- pose of,this Council and spoke chryshi4hemurns braeby A nomination. cc ttee coni- d1affe Plaza included the ag-, ght , posed of Mrs. Ed. Davies, XTs enda. of the traits pracUses and mar- the members decorated the Au- Norman McDQweai and -Miss The November- meeting VMI keting procedure wbloh the MacNaughton'. consumer aW buyer should burn�Community VemorialIT6,11 V10ja Thompson, were named be cancelled. , I _ know., when. the Hwdcultural. Soderty to 'bring in the slate of 1966. Xrs� TOM Allen gave A re - The highlight. of the after- held its October rheeting. The of at . the ppxt weeting port oh the, Huron, County rally Speisking In Support -of noon session was the presenta- meeting was in, 41arge of the whtdh uffill be held on Nevem - hold r6cently, in, Walton. tion of the Huron -County schol- pte8V "t, ATM Wes jrlor�cak� ber 29. It will- be a pat luck Personals Irrs Miss Joyce Procter of with Am, Gordon R. supper -for nwmbet$ and, thOr Mr. •and Mrs, Nqlsoa Lear Be She Was im, ble to ft- piano. After a welcome t ramahes, Tjj& committee to be arnp med by Mr. and be present so her mother, membevs and friends, the rn-1 _ in charge - of the dinner are Jahn Scott Sr. spent the Thanks�- -Robert' E 0 utes were adopted as read by Mrs. charge Watson, ` ing holiday with Miss. Doris ard received it. or Mrs. Rob-- g1v her b e1W, f from Miss ffd&An�d. Mrs. Ed. Davies and Mrs, Bert ext Turned;. and Ms. Thomas Lear in Hamilton. Mica Procter 11�5 at. present Craig gaye,the financW­ state- nuggW­ *i. Bert Craig will ' Ma's's. Vino Knox OT Toronto takinea. general -arts course at ment showing a balance of gk4e j;� - the spent the weekend with her M and coffee and nivemty,6f $65.94 and 50 members, McK'wnl the Western Ont- program will be'arranged' by parents, Mr, -and Ws. Thomas ey The door prize', a, Japanese Mrs Frank Raithby, Mrs. Gor- M,?S. Higg-kibotharn. of Wal- Yew tree, Taicus Cul id Up- don * R. Taylor and Miss Mar- and Aft. Wayne, Jackson ton led - the dovollonal ser- t' Jack GMCe garet' R. Jackson. Lunch was and Brillancof Ridgetown! spent YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE: vtceand 3-14 �nembers answered rthe raetMg Pam Gode, served by Mrs. Arthur Grange,, the •holiday'weekend with Aft, CANDIDATE FOR HURON the roll call. - rich was wbn by Mrs.' LlWd Miss Elma Mutch and Mrs.• and Ws. Tom Allen and fam. An interesting -address was Humphreys of Clinton. She pre- Norman McDowein., In the November 8 Elecfion given, y seated it to the Hortacq1tural Shaddick 'son of M�?, by Mrs. ka�n Barr. h�om the Department of Tr4nW­ Society to !1�e planted hi the and Mrs. Allen Sh3ddiek 'Lon - port. ileo"' tapir was an "Satetty Manchester Gardqn,. desboro, has'kecelved an: • At The People". Hew in The evening's programa son Foundation 'Bursary valu- 1fanned1b was Miss, Betty Moss P y aft. Robert Arthur, ed at $400. PAbhaTd is enrolled y 4 � the, dF7 ac- MTs. Ralph D. Mur" and Mrs. CLINTON LEGIONALL in tl'e th"mr science course C1, 11 n our RobertTurner, Mrs SJd,Lans- New Pre's'Went at the, ,univerAlty of Waterloo. lugh , Pet& esterhout of Lon- 0 TUESDAY OCTOBER 19, %e, t - ;96i •inig introduced the guest .speak, all, drivers in nta'do d 0. gave an. interestmg"IT will lweAo take tests!. - Of - Auburn, Lb Bring Results At 8:30 PIM. Aft, Toynbee Lamb invited account , Of. IM&eaPing 'and the ra•lly to West Mnbn for fl'OrIcWltwe :in wNch he had AUBUAN — The first rrieet-, Classified Ads. next October the place to be specialized in Holland' before ing of Auburn CGIT-was held decided on� coming -to Owmda. In the Sunday eldhobl'Toorn. of I With a blackboard he Arew Knox Presbyterian Church with 0 plans jw Landscaping and, gave the leader, Mrs. Wes Bradnock PENN in -charge, and Betty • Moss I at r they could carry their the' Piano. All, repeated the BAYFIELD :many wor"le tughtts' that ..own homes -and gardem. His Lord's prayer anal .the Purpose, faimn home on the Base Line;The leader welcomed new mem- an a cerci and scripture lesson was north of Clinton' has be� NEWS show -place for the past few reed by Joyce Leatherland. A We started with jj 1 .1 years. and many have praised Bible Quiz Wals gWen by'Marion Mr. and Mm F)%nk Ander- his work. Youngblut. -and offering recel�e- sem 'and - f anffly of Slaience Hill, After hisWormative talk he ed by Margaret Youngblut. The spent Thankggi�g width their answered many quesitions.- Mrs. minutes were mad by Gadl M1111- MO Pioneer Professional Power, parents, Mr. • and Xn-Ed- Stur- Bert Doran -thanked, the speak- er. gebm and Mrs. C. McCrae of �y and presented hirn with a The election of officers took `�.M gift. s 'I's by Mrs. Wes was sung by Miss P= ed, by Miss Byron were at their cottage A sdo, B d n assisted' on. Howard Street for the week- jane Dorian accompahied by Jane Doran and Miss, Laura end-, Ps, u-Tudy Afthur. Mrs. Mph Ph� and Miss Munro "Ipsimw Miss M. Hodgins conducted a dolatest he officers are, •pa�t fir M. Macdonald SP6nt - Ftldhy on, flowers m4th their botanii2all president Jane Doran ;.'presi- Val until Monday at "Stonehlaven"j, names. Mrs. Ruistel Brindley deht, Beity Moss; flfst,vicel- former's summer home the was the winner and received a presidenit, Gail Miller; second and were joined by Mn. N. -B, proze; second paize went to MTs. voce presld�i_vt, Joyce Leather- Warmith, Mm, M. 14. McLeod Pearl Watson and third to Mr, land; secretary Uhn"on Youngay - and Mss Bessie MacKay, au Westerhout. blut; pianist, Judy Arthur` pro- of Toronto. Other W13111OLS 03. prazes were gram committee; MrM FE/00/ Miss Margaret R. Jackson, Mrs. neider, DO nnell Gordon R. - Taylor, Mrs, Bert -Linda Baechlet, Nancy Ander- son, social, B NNI/11. Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs renda Ball Shel.- Jackson., Mrs. Orland ley Grange, Sheeon ba"'ns, * James En N Bore; Mrs. William Straughan Mazggaret YbungiNut; lunch, I 17/1 Nan Lapp, Kathy Schneider, ap plied it to., farm needs DreftdaAXchambault and Brag- J011/11o, 0�� -BRUCEFIELD itte Seblichting, Doran, NO. Jane Dora'conducted, a 10011111. giss Wandix Boughen visit- Bible drill and the meeting Was 10/10,ticOR - man". - ed this w0ear with her friiend, closed by Singing A hymn and "� a Taps. 814-riboxa, Swan, It•� 4 Ia. • �4 319M gga OTEL (LINTON, FIRM/ KIM,. A- LE 'A n Featuing'`CLOUD 9"" Root and here is the tesuft NIA Al rE SC�RGAS"ADP1014EER & JJ s: Every Sunday l.hIMM. ON ME O EMN, ENER, bnco sigairt, tho OciverArhight of Canada it; Oftering'this s0ec(61 incentive to increase winter ern oloyrneht bV dricouraging the conitructidn of Wlnteraftilt houses, Any, house certified "Winter -Built" by Federal governtnent inspection Will Wn you a 4500.00 f�bate, Y9 hghl, with all the �ug expe ged slurdhiogs yo u fc, ,n a Pioneer chainsaur. A'a fornwizi , V&safile, londed it cot, Jr. M& reduce kv66d-cqtUng dh6rag 4hd keep it operating ybid-fred HERE'$ NOW YOU QUALIFY HERE'S WHAT YOU 00 pryears., ,Yet I reeighs only 12 p6rinds, Ito •0 You Can Wfd your oven h ' bMq Yda can pick up a pan1phlat containing full, a W , e' did away with the choke and put In'a orinide pump. Assured & You can have it built for you d6tilld, and registration forrhs at yout Natlolial Instant slatting In any kind 6 f Weather 0 The'rievi Pi6ne6r 11,10 has 4 You can buy and toady -built Ertipfoyrneht Oftice, My Cefitr6l Mbrtgagd a6d 31t/Ml(t6ter fuel And oil capacity than previous sMall chain Saws, You Eft SAWS 4 It Chn be 6 single dWellffig dr multiple stt0d4 Housing Cbrpotatjoh dtf1ce, or 16.0ost bfficesi MDAY SATMAY 0911 L dUt Mork, In tens' firne' Arnazing in A small 12 pou'rider lo SUstalnied INEURVIX lugging power throughout the entire operating MAge. Pioneer saws don't bob of not Mote than four units (loch Unit where there aro no N. t.9, oY t M.14.0, offices. '114 OUR DININO 900M dIeundeeload * Every PW66011.10 comes egulpobd with a Sure bard cllualifies for tM $600 thtentivb). Or, your buildbe can d6 this for yoliti Ybu'ji bi so6tychbinastfandardequlornent 6 PlofieordeO6hdabifity�Adtbrvitd, 111 your new h6rno by gorlhtf. save rent... We stand behind ev&Y saw we sell, *eVd been doing it for the oatt 1 95 4 Wotkin(ist not or6coed beyond thb firstflo& make yourself ssoo.00. Ibneer leads ther profestion4i chalh saw field. as YtW&- Tfi�et 'Why Pi 1616t Ata'96 hAtO 'N0V6Mbdr 16, and the a k USSIDIARY Of 00190ARD MAPINE ORMAN 0 CANAA (TO, c6i 11fte Must be CbM0106d bdor6 April 16, Foiday-46i*ed troth OL :',30 p.m. tor 12.,30 d -ht, 1666, 'dkcbpf for outtfdd 0alritli I !§ trid sito turdoy-��Sei*bd troth 0:30 on. to MUnight So es RO,BERT GL':EIN 001 NL1W1XV#y0#rh, 0106'WIM-r-guilif lluno•'-4824421. ,for it: ervotforks 492-9292 autliority of Hd6iAiloh X'Mactec W4 ditteo. U b1filibe 01ketwe iind WOM"d A 666i.iliCLINTON