HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-10-14, Page 6Page O—Clinton Npwp-Record,—Thurm, Oct, 14, 190 ACC OMMOPATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT 6 ROOM huase on Townsend SMALL I Bedroom iinfqrnj4h� $t, P e 482,7984. 4Qtfb ed apartment. All utilities paid. FOR'RENT 3 1 bedroom A- AvMjableL Oct, 1. phone 482-3837, 15tfb, parjjnenit. Phone 482-6070.37M 2 BEDROOM '—t . ta— . on I out APARTMENT 4 , T for - rep skirts of town, Phone 482,9512. \ , . w I . . I -,­ 41b 3 .bpi b - * d,' phone, OFFICE or small Store 94 Al- bert St. Available in 06.16ber Phone 482-9095. 35tfb HOUSE for rent at 157 .Batt ter bury west., -Call .482-9216 38 n1shed ed, ly. Hiuron St. 34,tfb 4 BEDROOM home, Close tc air school, low rent, oil heat.er� $i1pl)lied. Available Nov. 1 Phone 482-7567s NEWLY Decorated 2 be duplex easfiy, heated, lArdurn j,sh,ed "`central lacation,'avail ablo 'now. Phone, 492-7779, 41tA BACHELOR unit available R modem apartment building a 65 Princess West. Apply J. W. Counter Bldr-s. Suliplies & or Phone 482-e687 evenings. 4111 SEi,F.oO111TAINED 2 bedroon miles south o Highway .21., Appl gq�NM 3, Bayfield 27�6 UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom a partment, centrally located, am ple parking, available now Phone 482-7661. . 35tf1 SELF-CONTAINED, apartmen for rent on John Street, Chn trn.-A�pply to D. A. Kay, Phon 482-9542 or residence 482-9607 24tfl LARGE farm horne, . I nail from, ACAF - Station, oll; furna6e bath, sWtable for lenge family Phone' 262-5045. 40, 1-1 3 BEI�Room house on I No. � gmodern a 4 east of Clip tori., Yd : n miles ;�M=ce, III w ' ton mo ' 0 car e new OR ly c ae' 8 8, oug Phone 4 2 D Hugill 38tA UNFURNISHED three bed room downsitairg duplex with basement, garage and garden Phone ,482-9005. 46 Princes St West. 35tfb Lo Y inodern countn home, f1reshly redecorated, on< mile north of Hengall on No 4 Highway. J. C. Saffil lie, Pts 362-5141. - 38tfk FURNISHED and Unfurnished heated &poxtments availabl( now, Phone 4-82-3329 at noon or after 5. tft 3 . SEDRCIOM°' unfurnishet house for rent on -,highway E between Se6torth and Clinton modern conveniences, Pre-sdll ool age children preferred; 61 stoKr_-, rent $35.00. Phone 482 9358 or 482-9647. 40tA FOR RENT furnished ground floor apartment, heated y M furnace.. Available now Phone 482-7855 or .482-9479 36,7ptft OUSE for rent, 4 beldr&MS, ropips, sou contained, UIILW'A Istel, centm _lly located, .1 n e Tent,' free Parking, lea Phone'482 T -9477; 35tfb HOUSE FOR RENT I alle 'by east of Brucefield, served ­ Habkirk Bu 'e. to RCAF Station, 4,yailfble Oct. 11 Haugh Brothers, Brucefield 527w09V, LARGE 2-13edrooni, completely self-epTi:tained apartment, free latindry room faciliti p.qLup". ped with automatic =her and dryer.,Apply - 201 King Street, blit Apt, 1 or phone 482-=7. 17tfb LARGE TPAMER for rent, ful- ly furnished. Apply at Becker.s Trailer Court Wtfb UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom, groundfloor apartment, heated, avainable Oqfi?bej L Phone 4K,3837l 35tfb 1-12. ATED %APARTMENT, suit- able for Couple, I bedroom, law - mg raT, =Joitdhen and bath. Apply ck ts Store. 34.tfb 4 ROOM HOUSE, rent reason t able, with stove and .rafriger- ator,, available Immediately; oil Ys heated. Phone 482-6663 or 482- 9568 after 5. 22tf,b FURNISHED, . electric heated f and newly decorated; also Una furnished; 2. bedroom. Phone 482-9928, Roy' Tyndall- 8tfb FURNISHED 4 room apart- ment, heate ' d, Phone Q, Van- Damme, 482-6685, 351W — 7 FURNISHED or unfurnished aq'­­ent- utilities paAd, 106 t Kiang St,' boarders wanted. - Phone 40-7254, 36tfb e TWO 'BEDROOM furnished partly furnished apartment - e Central location. Phone 482- 9005, 46 Princess St. West. 35tf� 2 -BEDROOM uptown &part- ment, furnished; 2 bedroom .house in,�AWage of Hoamesville. Phone 482-6694. 1 .32tfb SMALL ONE -BEDROOM a- partment, unfurnished, redec- orated 136 Huron St.; Phone 482-1f62 or 482-950. " 29tf-b APARTMENTfor rent, 'heated, rent, he private entrialice, self contained,. $50.00a month. Phone 482-6663 ar 482-0568 -after 5. - 22tfb 4 ROOM Apartment 'AuM 3 - piece modern kitchen, storage, room, gas heat, unfur- nished. immediate POssms' Phone 482-9649. tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW POTATOES for sale, Phone 482-7578. 29tfb SIMPLICITY Washers now a- vail6ble at T. A. Dutton ApPli-, ances, Brucefield. Open even - I ings. 38tfb BABY . Cianorlage for s in good condition. Phone 65. 39bfb COLEMAN Natural IhOat- e automatic with fen, pipes included; luded; nearlY new, no, longer .required. Phone 482-9667. 39,40,1p ARTICLES FOP. SALE ARTICLES FOR �SA McCLARY Jewel coal and wood stove, Phone, 482-3 _qiip ve, . 814. 41b PIANO f ca, -sale., Ph 9740, ,PUMPKINS fim, sale. R.J. Semple, Phone . 4$?44 41 , 2b IRV,, beige w IQ $ weal winter P size14, never Worn, houghl 0p; ?L44A_Jj.UV1L4AV`k10 � Lj uwl,, stole and .2111 console, both in good, condition,PI ime 482-9577. 40,:.Lb QIRLIS bro v wn, nintpr o4t, size 12 like new; only worn a few times, %Qne,'40-3211 Clin- ton. 41p. 9 WOODEN $,TO= wln6w�s 32"x74" and 28"x684. phpde '482-3290, Wim, Jenkins. 41b Is or green - ­'. �4 I ivA , "'" a IX&'! ane ye -r. Ladies Ll�s winter .coat, $1,40 WOM, QIA's, white' .9MW -size 5, Apply 4212 'Victo , ria to% or Phone 482-994,4. con - HELP WANTED. ..ALE. .BREAD SALXSMAN — Mw9t ))p peat 4ndl,M.Xable,, AP.P1Y In person to B artliffs Bal=ew Ltd, 41b APPRENTICE to #Whas aix- or,aft mechattic. Must be Inter- ested "A learning to fly' Pre- fprence given -to farm bOyS. Apply to. Sky Uarbour Air Ser- vice's Lip *J Pox 130,',Gnpde- rich, Ontarlb. 40,1,b YOUNG person to train ale air- craft spray painter. Apply to SIVY HVI:�O= ,MT Services LIM- itod, BOX 13Q, GodenBqh, Ont- ario. 40,1,b PET STOCK 2 BEAGLE :and German 49h - herd crass, Dupe, S. weeks, 0 Will, gave Away free Street,Phone 482-3814 416 GOLDEN Labrador retrievem Good h festlale, spayed, Good with dren, .00. Phone 489_11T after 0 jxm, M UA4 0TAT,, V, OR SALE, or RENT — new home an 09bprap -Street, op., cuplod for only 6 months; _ ths; a- vallable November 1, Phone 44.N71- 40,1,2p 14Q ACRE FARM 41, Vamp area, ship, good., Stanley Tpm buildings, qlay �joani $and - immedi'ate� possession, Apply Ham- - old Jackson Realtor, , SeAfOrthl, Ontario, 410? FOUR BEDROOM Red Brick house with 3 piece bath tip ;stairs, 2 , piece powder room ,downstairs. Large living, dim.g and kitchen areas. Can be used ,is two ,apartments... Situated in Clintf�l 4- 1,1� 1'. centre on, 1� t? V... 400,6,5"onn ""um"ree, �'4'1'0t't'%� BOARD AND ROOM 1a corner lot with I at 62 Or- rg double ' garage. oubl COMPLETE set of trap drums AOCOMMODATIOI%T for one a- ane S . or ho 4$2464 cymbals,, torn -toms. $75. Apply lone 6y 2 sharing.'Privale. home. tgtm Flowers, Phone M Bayflp(ld. Phone' 482-7093,* 40,1h ONTARIO 2 BEDROOM winterized cot ONTARIO ,DEPARTMENT tage, kitchen, living room, 3 -pe. I PAIR H OF -HIGHWAYS baith, large lot, For EP waders, size 10; quick.sal I hunter's coat, size 38; 1 pad.r 1314TRICTNa. 3, STRA FORD $5,500, fender skirt% will tit 1962 Pan- BUSINESS �T FOR RENT I bedroom, FOR W tap. Phone 482-9.649. 41p OPPORTUNITY ANTED winter - CHROME, living room, 3 -pc. bath, ter_ room, -modern kitchen, CHROME table and chairs,also o work with Forestry Crew .zed cottage, close t6 stores. .on tree, removal program, Oct, ize il I small 'UniveTlsa cooler re rig- erator, 1958 Vauxhall Victor. FOR SALE 1965 to Apr: 1966,LAU="REAL ESTATE Phone 482-7692 or 482-7046 Ruby and Bill's Restaurant, 8 Please -apply I Flowers in Person or In after 6 p.m. 4% 41P HurEal -St., Clinton. Good loca� writing to Phone 84 Bayfield 41b tion, fully equipped, low over- J. G. Tillcock, RED XNIJ WHITE cabbage head. Must sell, any reasonable District Engineer, for sale, 5c per I.b. R: KOSkarnA offer considered. Phone 482- P.O. Box 8p, RR I Blyth, I mile north and 3443 or 482-9747. tfb Stratford, Ont, TENDER$ WANTED 2 1 miles east (9, Landesboro. 41-b Phone 523-4459. 40, 1, 2b TENDERS BEAUTIFUL red dmi, CUSTOM WORK Millis Mac's' 'to pick up, $L50 per TOWN garderit; ploughed. Tenders will be received by bushel, Bring your own con- tainer. Stewart Middleton. Phone 482-3436. 41,2b MISCELLANEOUS Goderich Township. School Area Board for: Ph -one 482-7525, 40, 41, 42b WATCH REPAIR is a job for GUITAR Le$Lgons, rental and 1., Sale of building, contents LARGE Coal and Wood range, experts. Our work assures your sales, Phone 4-82-7166 or call -at and -site known as No. 1 school in, good' condition. Phone 482- atisfaCti011. COUnterS Jewellery. HI­Fi Cabinet Shop, 75 Huron d concession of Goderich Oil 3r 9287. 41b Huron County's Oldest Esta- Street, Clinton. 40tfb Yown hip; blished Jewellery Store. , tfb 2. Sale -of building, contents .Potatoes for gale. Harold Yeo.- DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea- and of No. p, school Phone 482-946. l MASONRY Service, chimneys hool known 41P inted, sonable rates. MCGEE'S Gode- as Taylor's Corner on No. 8 . repaired, revo -stone work, rich. Phone 524-8391. ' 3tfb Highway, Goderich Township; GIRL'S winter coat, magenta, fireplaces built, no Job too size 141, girks all weather r;_2 small. All work guaranteed. LET US REPAIR AND MAKE 3. Sale of building, contents versIble coat, green andbeige, Ray Squire, Phone 527-1332 or Your rings and jewellery like and site of No, 5 school known size 14. Phone 492-3355 or 492- Box 335,$eafforth. 34tfb new. Diamond ringsrenewed an o s Porter 's 11111 on 6th conces- , 9089. and stones safely seconded—don't fGoderich Townships3 ORTHOPEDIC and general take chances. Expert work done 4. Sale of building, contents .BOY SCOUT shirt, hat and Shoe Repair. Our Clinton, De- reasonably toour satisfaction-, and site of No. 9 school known belt, newly., new, Cub's sweat- pot art 55 Albert Street at Watch repairsyand pearl reas Tipper�aLry School on 10th er and cap girl's red hat and Anisings Store. Henk'.s Shoe -stringing. W. N. Counter. concession of Goderich To*n- coatset, size8,. Phone 482-9548. Repair, 71 Hamfiton St., 38tfb Gode- tfb ship. 41b rit. A certified che4ue.of 10010 to CAREFREE HEATING —'For REMODELLING, renovations, accompany each tender, -balance the only fuel oil insured against roofing and floor laying, expert- PIANO TUNING -in 30 day's. explosion, we give free burner, ly done. All odd jobs aroundHighest or any tender not service. A. G. 6RIGG & SON, the home. Kitchen cupboards " necessarily accepted, - phone 482-9411. tfb a specialty. Phone 482-7676. YOUR PIANO should be Ken McNaim. 23tfb and checked for moth damage Tenders to ' be in hands of DRAPERY PULL RODS — and other defects regularly. I Sec.-Treas. by Oct. 27, 1,965. Track, curtain rods, venetian SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED appreciate the continued priv-' For further particulars can - blinds, bamboo, draperies, win- Modem equipment used. fl Fege of servicing many of the tact Fi;ank Yeo, -Secretary- dow blinds. Free` estimates All work guaranteed. 1hfiruments in this area. George Treasurer, AR 3, Clinton, Ont. given. Irwins Dry Goods; , Write or phone W. Cox, phone- 482-3870. 41-2b tfb LOUIS SLAKE RR 2, Brussels VACUUM CLEANERS Phone 442 W 6,.Brussels Sales and Service 37-50p ATTENIAP 'A 0 AN Repairs, liosv- and bags for all makes of vacaLva cleaners and JACK'S FURN1117CRE REPAIR polishers. Recciiniltioned mech. SHOP. FurrAture and other' 'nes e of all makesfor sale. wooden articles. repaired; At FAIRMERSON' BOB PEC.K,, Varna, rear of No. 84 Albert St. Phone -bone Henst.01 262-5350 Plumtree. 21tfb SPRAYED -apples, King, Tal- We Specialize In LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE man'Siweets, Delidlous, MacIn- Furnace Installations Cosh; Snows, 0reenings Bald- Hedting'Service 30 8 -WEEK old pigs for sale. JUBILEE tractor with loader win Wolf Rivet etc. Free de- livery an Clinton, .and RCAF Electric Wiring Phone 482-9177. 411) and snowblower L, G. Winter, homes. Phone 482-3214 Fred Appliance Service 1 200 High Street, phone 482- I Plu ar�c 10 6 -WEEK Old Pigs, James 6692. 40,1b M-oclymont, Sons, Varna. mbing Installations Storey, 482-'9258. 41b 41,2,3b Eavestroughing FARM for sale in Varna area, PICTURE CHUTER Plumbin18 DURItAM and Hereford 95 -acres clay -loam - 5 'acres g, stocker steers for sale. Phone bush; good water supply; well FRAMING Heating, Electric 482-322.1. 41,2b : 'built on; terms. Apply Alf Johnston, Paq Line, Phone SALES & SERVICE 9 DURHAM stocker steers, 262-5323. 41,2b AT 46 King Street Phone 482-7652 600-800 lbs: Robert Glen, Clin- Beattie Furniture.- INA IT VnIIPqFI 9 ton phone 482-9292. 411b PIONEER and P.M. Canadien 611 furnace, bath aluminum d storms, and 'screens, attached BARTLETT Pears, goo gas ale, 'on Hithway 8 near for eating or canning. Priced Holmesville. $45-00 M01*11-13 rea�,angbly. phone 482-9652. Phone 482-7093. 39,40bis, W. McPherson. 41b Ph ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT OW R E N T I G - 41 NTS NUNN.,, APARTMENTS North Str�bt at Cowper NEWLY CONSTRUCTED — 2 8EDROOM, i GAS HEATED — MODERN ! BALL-MACAULAY LTD. 482-9514 tfb BARTLIFFS ENRICHED 'BREAD r 4 Oeow SAVE MO.N�EY RENT THESE MACHINES FLOOR SANDER FLOOR EDGER HAND SANDERS Belt Finishing Duo Type LARGE POLISHER -SCRUBBER JIG SAW SKIL SAW RUG SHAMPOO MITH WET -DRY VACUUM CREST'HARDWARE BALL & MOTCH Ltd-. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 tib T.V. ADRJAL Sales and S -, Phone 482-9859, 38-4cheries �10 STEERS around 600 Jbs-; also 17 heiters around 500 lbs. Wayne Taylor, Varna, Phone 482-9837. 41b claun. saws and parts now a- vallAble. Chains, bars and sprockets for most .saves. Apbt Glen, 482-9292 Clinton,_o Ont: 36 47 p FOR SALE walnut 9 piece w dining roocrii,sui Ite, 3'plece,bed- room, suite with spring and matteess; library table, , love seat, chest of drawers, Holly- wood bed, dressers, several othew pieces of funiture-, ex- tension ladder, steel wheelbar- r .. ". Phone 5234298. 41b. STANDARD BRED congign- meet sale at Do Little Stablen; South Street, Goderich on Sat- urday, October 23 at I p.m. — quipment horses and e 41,2p JUST ARRIVED Another Shipnient of —TRACTORS —SWATIAERS —COMBINES — MOWERS — RAKES —TENDERS —WINDROWERS — BALERS — ELEVATORS —WAGONS —GRAIN TANKS And Many Other Farm Machines ' We stock over 1,000 Belts, Hundreds of Pulleys, Bearings, Spark Plugs; Plow Shares, Cul - tivator Points, Bolts, Guards, Sections, Hydraulics, etc. Huron County's Largest Form Equipment Depot Phone 527-0120 I JOHN BACH 1.14. Dealer — Seaforth 23tfb SERVICES 3 HEREFORD •helfers approxi- mately 600 lbs. Also' 20 gallon hot water tank: in good condl- tion, reasonuble. Phone George Wise 482�7536. 41b SPECLAJ, while they last, Snow apples for HalloWe'en, $2.00 a bushel.; a few windfalls clearing at $1.25 a -bushel; also in stock — Courtlands: Delici- ous, Macs, Kings, and Spys. Bring cont. ers., Follow No. 8 Highway to Holmesville � turn left and follbw signs. Art`9e11's Fralt Farms, Phone 524-8037. 41,2,3b SERVICEABLE age. Landrace and Lacombe boars, from regds- tered stook. Apply N&m!an Me- Clinchey, Phone 526-7789, Au- bum, 40,1�b DEKALB Ready lay ptWets, call'McKinleylg Farm and Hat- Ltd., Zurich. Phone 262-28.31, 44tfb ers, spring- DAIRY cows and heifers, efrs and Milkers', We have on hand at all times a good selec- tion of heifers and mature cows. Convenient terms arranged. "The Home of Better Dairy Cows". George Nesbitt, Phone 523-9439, Blyth, We deliver. 9tfb ARTICLES WANTEDMensall WILL PUMP out septic tanks at refteed, vateg, 5 miles radjus of Clinton. Phone 482-9426. 41p, WOULD ,likt-td buy large ba;I>Y crib and play pan in good con- d1floft. Phone 482a7138, 41b ALL SIZES circular and hand sawis sMxpened, gunirned and set, Edge tools sharpened, Ra- dio and TV r epodes. Art Ltvdtt, 1-39 trile St, S., Clinton. 39tfb T ALTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE — 1964 classic 550 Rambler 4 door 6 cylinder; 13,000 miles. Phone 482 720. 410 FOR RENT EMPLOYMENT 85 ACRES good land. Phone ATTENTION FARMERS Marlatt Bros Dead q+,I, R,,_ Re, Tsl�hanz, Ma -WANTED 1960 VOL�WAGEX in good ed kebsohab . le. 482-1558. 41b condi eianietuZ 262_5.332 - afterWOULI) like to, take Cate of 8 p.m. 41b babies or toddlers in crown '1057 FORD 118W, durAp track, home, the day or Week, Call good tires and boxi very' , asonm 182-9738. 41p able, must go,.Phriiie 249214. 41b HELP WANTED 1959 PLYMOUTH, metallic The Ere Fest Tastiest green 001dur, Val whitewbuiX MEN or WONEN full or pailt fudlb 4 heMr tires, phone 49Z time. 'No ekpe�ieh66 necessary. 9W7i' 11P We train YoU.' Na &Westftient, IIA Broad in Town Wbite., Raw 101 - Dept. J-169- 1937 PLYMOUTH in 'teal good � & hbn �h Nix, 4005 Rr&&tt S.t,, St. Clintofi Commuloity Try Some Today run,"'Ink condition. P e H( - Renty, Montreal., 41b t&11262-W�44fter6p-ml 41b Auction Sales CREVACILE T, 8 cylirider 2 door, excellent motor. Phone HELP WANTED EVERY FRIDAY Bartfiffs Ba�kery 482 HM 41p FEMALE 1069 Chnso 4 door a 0-30 P*M;a Ai Vol, -go-04 con altionTerritories Umited 16hij Afay be seen W� M open Wath AVON Cosat6tics 1T& St. orbil , 1 48�-7iO7, 46,1b for�oderidh, as 56169 fit Tucker- Government ffisPected Scale* Bakery and kestburdrif 11lor '91111'ett Cattle 6old by WeIg, ht 482-9121 CLINTON 1951 PLYMOUTI-1 V8 auto- towX6 obligation, .00 TthMfil CASH Matic, neddIg oxt;nslve body weningi f6v itifmnation,. Mrs. Iwbtk, m6ch'Weally'soun-d', $95, Millsori d6U&t 451,0541 1.6ft- JOE COAkki Sales ut� -16138, 4i)2,3bl N% iagex Filo, Dgyt 4i,2k dbh, I moval. Highest cash prices Paid for dead or disabled Owl and horses. $5.00 and up for Weight over 1000 lbs, Please phone promptly. phone 'collect 133 Brussels, 24 linterVide. License 396c651 35tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL w bEA6 or DISABLED ANIAALS Call, CoHeet DARLING, 8( Company Of Chna& Limited Phone 01inton 492-7969 Licence 350-C 65 7' WANTED WANT E D a, place. J6L Winter a herd -6f ii &tttld. Pfi,(Xie 482-i 3812, 41b STORE. FOR RENT CAR0 Of THANKS STORE and, office qn. x4a' aw tharil all ;tb W* street Phone, t fjgW4 who, �$04 ,5, Car, STORE On Main copaor of.1fth-, gifts tad me WM16 is •,='4,0 Public Hospital. ­$pQc1A1 thanks ways §and 4 l[,A0,Wn.a.s,Red and White Grocery. Apply to Roy to Dr. Oakes and the nacres. Tyndall, Phone 4$Z-994 194b STEP i HON I Wish to thank all those UR who WPXo InV In At, Jpsis epal ELE CTROLUX QapAcI4 Ltd,, fm, V1410, flaw%ls and ca,p,_% Also special thanks to, ­ than Sales and Service. Alvinvin Riley, Re, Tsl�hanz, Ma 1241114 -153 j,.1i;hthpwp St., AD4 I w'ilsh W Viank all those wboremembqrea me with ilpts, TRAVEL SERVICE AoWors, cards and, visits whUO STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser. �� 'W''.0w -pA% in Clinton Pu.bl­ Pub - Wpllfi­ L' S-, vice, 32 Wellington . t., Stratr I'le, Hospital, Also special thanks r For all 'airlines, steam '0 4 'to the ZIPM.es, Dr. W41 den 'Dr. ship;, rail hotel reservations, t.ours, Low bank.'rates oribine Newland and R­ 1 ev, VRED TAYLOR 41p payments... Prppaids arranged fpr relatives visiting1rorn We wish to thank qurtnendls -Was. Call =dneigii1bours''bt the s ixteentli .271-5710., and Maitland c6liceiqs*1on for Clearing -the. lovely gifts we received since moving to c3iptori. They AUCTION SALE dappre h ciated-. I � are 'Very m"d I MR, an' WILFRFED MRS. Clearing,Auction Sale of MGM.' 41p Farr Stoc, Machinery, Hay, Ora n and Household Effects;I wish to thank my friends 'lot 14, con, 9, Stanley Twp., 11/4 and neighbours for cards auld miles west of Varna and ;�mljei; 'flo.Wers while I Was. 9 pati atient south on . ., In Clinton Public, Hospital. Tuesday, October 26 Special, thmAw to Dr Waldbn, at 12 o'clock . Dr. Addism ,and, the nursing Full List Next Week staliff. — ms, PEWIR WEST- ERHOUT. 41P Terms:,Cash Farm Sold Pro�p, Elmore A. Keyes Aucti�neer, Harold Jackson I wish to I thank my friends Clerk George Powell' and neighbours for cards flow - ers, treats and visits: VVe I 41b was a patient ing Clinton Public HoWtalL Special thanks to the. nurses and Chris and Wayne ,Estate AUCTION SALE Kennedy. NORMAN WRIGHT. 41P OU Tractor, Automobile and Power Tools, etc., for the Wal- Tools, for I Wish to thank 411 friends . ter McGI Estate 0 and relatives who sent cards, gifts, flowers and viWted -me. Thursday, October 211 while a p4tient in Clinton in the Blyth Arena at 4 pain. Public HMAtal.Spebial thanks . Ferguson 20-85 tractor in new to, Dr, Addison, the nursing condition; 2 furrow wide bot- staffand helpers on the &%t tom Fon. plow; Choremaster floor. —MRS. WILLIAM PIC -m garden tractor and cultivator; KEIT. 41b 2 wheel trailer with racks; 1961 Volkswagen, like new condition. I * would like to take' this Power Tools- Skilsaw, wood means of expressing to my lathe, planer with motor, rip friends and nedgighborurs sincere. saw with motor, electric drill thanks to those Who visitedme with router head, coping saw, and to those who sent cards, electric drill, emery and motor, flowers and treats when I Was paint gun, etc.I ar patient in Clinton Pubkc All the "above power tools are Hospital. I shall always be as -good as new. Some have AUDREY THOM- never been used. PK36%' 41b 'Alluminum. extension ladder, tool boxes, 'lumber, liand tools, I&. an.d,Ms. Back Yeo and lawn mower, car rtop carrier and, daughters' would like to ex - many at -her articles. press their , sincere thanks to, .TeFms: Cash relatives, friends ndlghbOUTs, 3% tax in effect, Rev., C Park and Beattie Fun - George Nesbitt, Auctioneer eral Home, who were so kind Props., Executors of Estate, and thoughtful in so many ways J. R. Henry, Win. R.'Henp in their recent sad bereave- Y2b ment. Your thoughtfulness will Iloog be remembered. 41b Antique The family, of the late Albert AUCTION SALE Pickard wish to thank friends, relatives and neighbours for Auction Sale of Household flowers,,and all assistance giv- Effects at the Village of.Varna en them during their recent (former residence, of Dr. MOf- sad bereavement. Special fat) on . thailks to the doctors and all Saturday, October. 16 menibersof the staffat Huron - at 12 noon . view. — MRS. PICKARD and: Settee & 2 wing chairs, rock- FAMILY, 41p ing chairs; occasional chairs; kntique flat -top desk; office .The flan ly of the late Mrs.- desk; 6 antique occasional chairs; oak sewing table; lalige John, McCowan wish to express their thanks to relatives, neigh - round dining room table, 6 chairs; curved antique walnut bours and friends for every expression of kindness shown sideboard; bookcase and writ- them during the. long illness, and passing of their mother. - Ing desk; organ; drop leaf table; 3 ft. x 8 ft. gold frame mirror Spelci I thanj,15.,t a 0. Rev. R. Mae - with marble base; 2 large mir- Lean' the staff at the Huron- view Home and -the Ball and rors; pictures; paper rack; chrome kitchen table, 4 chairs; Mutch Funeral Home. 41-p 1radio; couch; wicker set; spin- ning wheel; 4'.complete bed- room suites; bedroom china; 4 AUCTION SALE slop jugs; beer -stein set; antique dinner bell; bird cage; verandah , Auction tale of "property will furniture;- lawn chairs; Victro- be held on the premises, Part Lot 18, Bayfleld Road North, la; kitchen cupboard; wicker lawn set; General Electric frig.; adjacent to the Village of Varna, rugs; white enamel annex wood ,and coal; 4 burner white enam- on Friday, October is el gas stove; washing machine- at 2:00 p.m. dishes; kitchen utensils; seal- A grass farm consisting oV ers; medicine cabinet; cutlery; 55 acres more or less,with a electric rangette; electric lamps; never -failing spring fed pond. ,antique dishes; china vases; sil- Fifty acres is workable land. ver; pair Girandole; lawn, mow- Terms.- 10 percent on clay of ers; ele6tric mower; garden. sale and $2,000 cash dawn pay - tools. Other articles too num- ment in 30 days. Owner will erous to mention. hold a mortgage for the balance Terms: Cash if required. No Reserve --7- Property -told Sold subject to a reserve bid. Proprietor, HARVEY TAYLOR HAROLD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, Proprietor .HAROLD JACKSON EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Clerk, GEORGE POWELL Auctioneer 40-1b 40-1b OCTOBER VALUE. 0 TOPCOATS 0 OVERCOATS 0 ALL . WEATHER COATS SHORTS, REGULARS or TALLS ALL WOOLS, LAMINATES, POPLINS, ETC. See Our Large Selection Now, From . S 1 935 up CASUAL' -JACKETS,'.- SWEATER's We are proud of'ouf showing for this s'edsdh,. Some of the finest gartndritg ftoeh Canddd's better makers. Choose now, USE ,OUR CHRISTMAS LAY AWAY 'PLAN 'd & C e �iCke AI timi et - Main Coonde, Clinton; Odfdrid, Phone 491.012