HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-10-07, Page 5WEN Mrs. loyd Lovell is a a- nt in St, ;Tosgows gaspi. Lenden, having elltlergone sur- gerY last TWAY. IVir. and We Clarence Frio, tap, Mitchell, visited SelidaY Oth the latter'a father, l-. b4 Thoreecon, qortlen Wren who bee been bOVA041444:1 St, JeSepit'S I-10%AI*, London, 'the eaStfeur weeke s reperted, to be im- proving. OharlesTaylor, Stoney Creek, seent Sunday afternoon. with Acir, and Itfee, Korillan Long, 4,11ICIL The Nember Two MI:Ten Girls club held its first meet- ing Monday at the home of qarrY Triebner, Tile election of Officers Was held with Gael Hendeleon Pearl" ed eivsident; Donne Clifton, treaserer; Linda Workman, pianist, end Karen Henderson, prose reporter. Each girl's measurements: Were takee; and sAmPleS of materiel suitable for pyjamas .werre shown. The next meet- eng will be held at the home OVer-1500 Clinton -:$000.1 Pupils KO* Their Sabin Polio Vacate FePile Clinteelibll •5000 and Central HurenSeC- endere School TVIestlaY reCelifv- ed the first feeding of Sehin oral polio vaecine. A team of nurses, and aseistants from the Huron Coellty Health Unit handed pet erclinery 'sugar cute es treated With Seloin to about 1,500 ttuderits with 193 young, stets at Calvin Olvistlan School al'id St, 11100011'S Separate Scheel getting their first dose last Thursday, It is ee'Peeted thet 13,0(X) studente le tile ?Melte Will be vaccinated ie. the program which allows for a second feed- ing six weeks following the first dose. Although studies en Sabin have not been going on long enough to give .ae =meth eet- imate of the length of 'immun- ity, it is believed that the oral, - type vaccine offees the best protection possible eg Ain s t of Mrs. Cliff Henderson. Previously, vaccination ag- MINK 19'1 Portable $199.95 2 year picture tube guarantee inetent Picture and Sound Pre-set Fine Tuning Front Mounted Speaker SE ROGERS FOR '60 AT Merrill Tv • 215 VICTORIA ST. Overload Switch Air Cooled Chassis Sturdy Metal Cabinet Service PHONE f182-7921 -ainat polio was accoMpleshed throUgh the use of $alk vaccine Whioh WAS administered by by PO4411* inieetion. It Wee the fleet real breakeheengh in the fight to combat the cripplieg, lliing disea,s, feet affects OW, droll And adults. Health efficiele note Se.1311‘ Yeeeine lnay beadininistered safely to youngsters who have bean eneeilleted recently With Salk eacOree Phildren are Perefulle watched dreekie the feeing to Prevent any VeneeePeark hand- ling ef the "pink candy" which Actually eenteins live virus. They are asked to pop the sugar cubes into their titoeths and chew them dawn quickly. "Most childree, enjoy the ex - eerie," says Mrs, Vera Ted - or, public health nurse. Adults too may receive the Sabin oral vaccine, but only after the' have been treated with the Sellc,type pole) pre- ventative, 0. Fred Sloman New President Cancer Society The Clinton Branch of The Canadian Cancer Society held its annual meeting in Wesley - Willie Swivel Hall on Septem- ber 30. Attendance of thietyeseven included executives from Qadee rich, Seeforth, Blyth, Wingbern, Exeter and, Bayfielcl, Mr. De- laney of the Provincial Organ- ization was present to outline the progress and aims of the National Organization and to answer queries from the floor. , He mildly complained that it is still not well enough known by the pelblic that the Branch lies funds tollected locally toe be tiled locally for such things 'as patient transportation to clinics.; dressings, specified drugs', examinations, nursing, etc. Office= elected for Clinton Branch for 1965-66 were presi- dent, FX!eol! Sioneen; vice-presi- dent, Brigadier Morgan Smith; secretary, Mee Beecher Men- zies; treasurer, Kenneth Flett; medical adviser, Dr. L. P. Wal- den; director of women's ser- vices, Helen Bartliff; education- al secretary, Mrs. R, U. lefee- Lean; campaign-menager, Gar- net Harland; memorials, Mrs. A. J. lVfclkifurray. CHILD PORTRAITS 'JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 30tfb Mait • EDGAR LIBERAL CANDIDATE • FARM BACKGROUND Malt Edgar was born Mid raised in Morris Twp. 36 years ago on a farm noW -operated by his brother. He is a regular Visitor to the farm, where he assists in all farm activities, and thus is in close touch with farm ,preblerris, • FAMILY MAN Married to the former Mary ledwinan, of Brussels, he lives in 'Clinton with his wife and five childree. • TEACHER Matt Edgar is a teacher, first teaching in Goderich Township, Subsequently he taught in Mil- ton and at the Teepee:merit of National Defence Public School at Station Clinton;nwhere he Wae l-fe hos his leaeheletof Atte degree, and since 196/ has been.. the staff of the Central Huron Secondary School at Clinton. O. THE COMMUNITY ate serves his community mid his church. Matt Edgar is a member of Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton; a for- mer Sunday School seperin-. tendent, and now an elder. • ATHLETE Malt Edgar is a keen nth. bate, as a competitor, coach and referee in hockey and baseball. He has made a substantial ton, tribution to juvenile, sports Pro" grams throughout Hurn. • stitiitc Malt Edgar isinterested in peOple, broad training .hae been dieeeted, towards service to individuals and the eomin- tty Melt Edgar will work full time for the people of Huron. COMPARE THE QUALIFICATIONS OF THE CANDLDATES BEFORE .you, VOTE PiVe Huron4-Voite in a oMaidri+y. Liberal Government VOTE MAII EDGAR LiseitAL Ptibliohe4 by the ilittith Liberal Mtoekinott •C• Red. A• White •Cletk ins 0,00 At .Brown :•Motors MORI 'Chomieki, HR 4,' Waitol,,e, clerk at Carries Red and White Store, Huron Street, purchased A 1.90 le$5 Oclspio- bile two-door hardtop in Sept- ember, He drew on every AVON - able source to make his per, • But, i ..'ids' eveeing, hia enancial elicale was reeved by f109,. His name was picked out a draw box at Lorne rown Meters LW, used car let on Ontario Street, by Mayor Den Syneine TO stimulate sales during September Lorne prown Motors offered $100 e'esh to the draw winner who purchased a used car from his lot valued at $500 or more. The car was sold to Mr. Chomicki by Orland Johnston, Salesman at the Brown lot. Mr. Qhosnieki, who is single, lives with his perente, Mr. and WS, Alex Kalichuk at RR 4 Walton. Ontario St. UCW Met Wednesday Unit Two of the United Ch- urch Women of Ontario St. United Church met Wednesday afternoon when devetions were conducted by Mrs. E. Mittell and Mrs. Ray Fear, - Mrs. M. Wiltse gave a report of the Goderich Summer School meeting held September 11. Mrs. W. E. Radford enter- tained with piano selections, A closing prayer was offered by the president, Mrs. A, Lewean. Pictures of Japan To Be Shown At UCW Meeting The Starlight Circle - of the United Church Women of Wes- ley -Willis United Church will meet Monday evening, October 11 when Mies Kate McGregor will show pictures of her trip to Japan, The next afternoon, Tuesday, October 12 at 2;30 p.m., the Fidelity Unit will enjoy their Thanksgiving program. Deter next week on Thurs- day afternoon, October 14, the Woelie-Lo Unit will have UCW president Miss' Kate McGregor as the speetel speaker. Roil Mil will be "Thanksgiving". For information about arth- ritis and the Other rheumatic diseases rail your Canadian Arthritis And Rheumatism Sec- telty. RCAF' '.Sergeant .Awarded tertifkole, For 4peci01: poly in. Germ • Thuirs4.9cio.berlf. 1..944,c1;opp SpwsApcor04,P0199 .4 • Sergeant Lester P. Priest- ley 30, of Radar and Com- munications School, ' RCAF Clinton, hes earned a "Cer-- tificate of Outstanding Ach- ievement" far special ceity at Ramsteln, Germany 1962,65, Group Captain E. B, Green- away CD, Commanding Of- ficer RCAF Clinton present- ed the certificate at a Sta- tion Parade on September 29. Sgt. Prieeeey earneebis award for liaison with the, German an French in the inetalletieri of Microwave Units in Europe, He is pre-. sently d Staff Instru.otor at R & CS, Clinton Sgt. Priestley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Priestley live at 27 Dencae- ter St., St. Catharines. His wife Denyse and three chil- dren live at Adastral Park, Clinton, Cpl. Don Hurst Receives CD Medal From CO At RCAF Station Parade Corporal Don Hurst, 29, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hurst, 438 leer Avenue, Vieteria, B.C., was awarded the CD (Canada Forces Decoration) at a recent RCAF Clinton • Statioe ,Parede. POP CaPtehl.K R. Green' away CD, Commanding Of- ficer of the Training base made the presentation. Cpl., - Hurst is an Eqtdprnent Train- ing Instructor at Radar & Communications School, Clin ton. His wife Martian and daughter Deborah Ann live, at 34 Vitoria St.: Clinton, Ontario. ` Penny Sale Prize (Continued, from page 1) al arrangement, Uptown Flower ShoppeeRuth Crick; Small tray, Simpson -Sears, Mrs. Cam Proe- few;"' Pyeex teapot, Mitten's (Brumfield), Mrs. Bernice Hearn Iiteeliel of apples, Fred Mid- dleent Mrs. Fib:gland; auto* ac-, cesseises, Lorne Brown Motors Ltd., Mrs. Chas. Hutchins; RR 3 Clinton; auto butler, Scraton's Buy your: Canada Savings, Bonds at, the Royal, Mk tor applicant* farm at your nearest branc14' }My for task of by higitaK 'netts. Canada 'Saings Bonds never fluctuate hi *Au; Can be cashed 04 time for full face vallts; phis interest. ROYAL BAKK Firestone, Mrs. Hereld Gib- bings; five dozen 'eggs,' C, 'J. Livermore, Mai. Gallon; one suit cleaned, Gliddbn Cleaners, Mrs. Harvey johtn.stare • Grease job and oileChan.ge, Wells Auto Electric, Miss Freda Schoen $2 worth of gas, Fina Service Station, Mrs. James Cox; two smorgasbord amerce Hotel Clinton, Harold Pickett; ' two steak dinners, Ruby and Bills', Mits. Grace. White; two steak dinners, Elm Haven Motor Hotel, Alex Had - Two subscriptions (2 draws) Clinton News -Record, Mrs. John Radford, Londesboro and Mrs. IX Crozier; $10 credit, Counter's Builders' Supply, Mrs.' Gallon; $2 worth of gas, Harold's White Rose, Glen Mc- Donald; two prizes of one. doz- en turkey pies, Wallace Turkey Products, Mrs. George Walker, Mrs. Harold Howard; oil change and grease job, Dory's SUper- test Garage, Lorna Crich. Three free games, Crown Bowling Lanes, M. Owens, Brampton; hair dressing, an- nonymous, Adolph Littmann; cream hair. , tonic, VaxiAltena, Barber, Mr. Zableeld; two cups and saucers, Cassidy's, Mrs. J. Young;. $50 bond, cash donors, Lorne Brown. Package of underwear, Miss Lovett's Specialty Shop, Miss Billie Stewart; toilet seat, Heem Wholesale Ltd., Mrs. Fred Reid; flight bag, Salada- Slohiff CO. Mrt. Harold Frem- iin; overnight bag, Abbott Lab- oratories, Ionia Bates; timer, General Electric, Mre Orville Oke, Seafortle Toy 'Id/actor, cash dames, Bill Fleming; record player, cash donors, Mrs. telt Lyon, Auburn; groceries, Pattensen't (Betheetield) hian Little, Lon- desiyoro; $2.50 lead drycleaning and Si free Nitashing, Trene's Lainidrorna.t," 13ett Lobb; sett.belts, 3. and ,r. Murphy Ltd., John Irwin; elude DominiOn Metal War k Mrs, Margaret Heard, Consolation prize winners: Lawrence Elliott, Brticefield; Walter Buttell, Blythi MI's Geo.' Welker; MA'S, Ada. Maint GeV leirs. letbenieCAM D. M. Hyde; • Classified Ads. Britig Quick Roil* • Stratford; Mts. Bert Lyon; Audrey Van leaven. Grace 'Castle: Heather Darl- ing; Mrs. M. Tienkamp; Mrs. Fred Miller; C. Davern, Lon- don; Ma's. L. Rutherford; Mrs. W. Beck; -Mrs. 'M. Clark; Mrs. S. Farquhar; Mrs. Roy Pickard; Mrs. Harvey Ranking, Londes- boro. RI there,. The most important thing Any Clinton' teen should have to say this week is "Thank YOU", liret to (Recr qaron and then to eteve Cook, Since Mr. Germ was god, enough to donate the use of the Baefield Pkveilion 'to the Clintell TOM. Town, this _pleb cap stand un and Make some efforts 'toward rorgalwatm without being held, back 'by la* of funds, Sincere thanks go to Steve because he was the only mem- ber on the Teen Teeel Mee" tive. who devoted any amount of 'thee to that dance, The doer 4 the Pay. on Friday night was a pretty chilly place to spend almost three haiirs; and it was necessary to 'stay there three hours! Since the hand was a few minutes late, the dance went right theough 1;30 a.m. At 12;30 there were still peopled coming in: The crowd was tremendous! I'sn sure that Mr. Game was Pleased and I know that Steve was Thrilled. The total profit made by the Teen Town was $2mo0. Though there are pre- vious debts to be paid, there will still be over $150,00 left, Pretty fab, eh? The band, called "t'ake' Six" from Lanclen, were really some- thing. They consist of drums, guitars, piano and sex, making up ex geys . . . . a swinging bunion Incidentally, they will be playing at the pay. this Friday night, and this Sunday (a spe- cial mienight dance). Also this Friday night there will be the first Student Coun- cil dance featuring another Lon - den group, "King Lear and the Playrights", Best thing about this is that It's free!! No pay- ing I!! How about a good turn out to support "school spirits"? W01.14 thAt's it for next time, Your swinging Pal, PAX $1.. Andrew's WM$ Holds Meefing Mrs, Scott had charge of the devotional exercises for the September meeting of the WMS of St. Andrew's' Presbyterian 'Church, Mrs, Blacker read the topic proppred bylYfids. Mao Lean on t-Iceonesses• mro, M, Lohb gave a, short report on the short course She attended At 1301evft Roil call was 'answered by a Bible verse containing the word courage. For Spring Flowers Plant Now - HYAelleTHS -- DAFFODILS — CROCUS - TULIP - NARCISSUS --- POT PLANTS -- ARRANGEMENTS — CUT FLOWERS A Large Assortment of Choice Bulbs SERVICE WITH A SMILE J. SMITH UPTOWN ' FLOWER SHOPPE 50 Albert Street Phone 482-7168 FOR 'COLD WEATHER AHEAD CHOOSE FROM OUR FULL RACKS OF •PLAIN and FUR TRIMMED COATS Ladies' Sizes from 6 to 22Y2 There is a COAT here for you. Car Coats • Every Color -- Every Size •• PLAIN WOOLS • FUR TRIMMED COATS • CORDURo • TWEEDS' • CAMELS' We have the Biggest Range of Best Buys you will se 'anywhere. VALUES FROM 1%95. to Sizes 8 Easy Payments can 3,9.95 toiW • be arranged at CLINTON... HENSALL EXETER ' Ladies' Wear and Dry Goods 4 Now On Display at Beattie Furniture CLAIRTONE The APOLLO Cabinet of Greek Mediterrantan design in antique fruitwood finish (Cherry). Detailing includes fluted columns and softly pleated silk grilicloth overlaid with basket weave. Storage spate for 25 records. Centre lid opening. IIIIMIW 4 .0111: 3i.'4111;, 4 1414:. eeeeeeeee *"edeeeeeeeeeeee.eeee.eeeee . Solid State T8 Chassis . Unconditional Guarantee . Garrard 3,000 'Changer T8 SERIES As shown eon° An Starting at %Mi./gaga:FIJI The SIGNET Contemporary styling with louvered end panels and matching vertical centre panele domes in tiled welnut or teak. Centre -opening lid for access to AM and FM stereo tuners; record changer and storage 'area. Solid State TO Chassis • Unconditional Guarantee • Garrard C,000 Changer T9 SERI ES As shown— $49900 Starting at - • erneere....k..eeeee come it andittferi. to +6S6 -eltd6nOtti SierOdt $EATTIE .FURNITURE Albert StrOet CLINTON hone 4824521