HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-09-23, Page 8Page ,--alleges News Recent. ''X' k►4Fee 1St. Ve Ygb$ BEAUTIFUL BREEZY .. .Ey E.E. -CHAM Ela; PERSONAL, :ITEMS * ClikIRCH NEWS. • GLUE ACTIVITIES • YIIJ AGE HAPPENINGS . CQrrespond,nt AUDREY EELLCH.AMBER PIIQ.I a Bayfield Svbscri:ptions, Ciossified Acivs,, Display .Adv$, and job Printing ,Ji accepted by the fiteyfinld correspondent Miss Della Len Ferguson. ie leaving on Wed'n'esday fqr :Peen - beep, Seek., to attend Millar Maegno¢1ia1 Bilkrle lestituu,te. Weekend guests of Mr, And Mrs, Ken Fea us!an were Masts Beth H'en'sh'aw of London, Mr, and Mrs. D. E. Fee gnns'on, Dirk, Debbie and l ail cif S'teat'hroy, Mr. Ferguson's uncle, Ragbert Ferguson of London spent the past tell' days: With them, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Ferguson were • hos!ts an Sunday to Mrs. RubY Molitor, Crediton, Mn. and Mrs, A. G, Molitor, Kathy, Jane and Patty of Strathro!y, Miss. D. M. Rayanaond of Tor- onto, Mr, and 11rs; J. W. Ray- mond of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. R•ayman, Doree and Billy from. Bir nin'gl;eni, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. K. R, Ferguson, David, Caroline, Judy and John, lVfrs. Hilda Kleshen and Mr. wand Mrs, Pete Mi•irtbi, all of London. Mr.. and Man. G. Wehlaan of London, spent the weekend with Mir, and Mrs, J. 0, Hughes.. Mar. and Mrs. R 3. Herold, Lendon, spent s'ever'al days at their'cottage last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Holmes and theft' four daughters were guests of the lady's sister and fannily, Mr.. and, Mrs. Bert WILLING'iREADY `• 174c''MIR SWAY Mugat/�� p OLKso DONT JUST SIT r e, FRET ' Jot down OUR NUMBER 6EFORE YOU !!! Eckert on Sunday; ¥r, and Mrs, Frank Ander- eon aiid famiily, of Spience• Hill, spent Sunday with, their Par- ents, Mr. end Mrs, Ed, S:tur- g. • Mars. B. Pike and Mr and Mrs, Feed Reevley of Strath- roy, spent Sunday with Mrs. Pikke'e nephew, G. N. Elvers and Mrs. Rivers. Mr. end Mrs. Fletcher Mc- Laughlin, Toronto•, and Mr, tend Mrs, Paul Moss, London, were guests of Mrs, J, Cluff for the weekend. Mrs, G. Hopson and Mrs. Fred Mote ''pent last Wednes- day in London. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Chaff, London., were at their cottage for the weekend. Irwine Pease and his m!o'ther, Mrs. Pease, London, spent the weekend at t'he'ir !home in the village. Miss Ellizaabeitli. Mcinerntid of Stratford was a guest of Mr, and Mrs. G. N. Rivers last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Grime, Derek an Barry, accompanied try .lion Cale of Guelph, visited ,Mr. and Mrs. G. Bellchambee on • Saattir'daay, Dennis Logan and Nigel Bell- chamber who attended U.W.O., London, last year, have this year been joined by Jim Robin-; son. George Lindsay has en- ro'lle'd at the University of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Scotch - mer, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scot- chrrneir, accompanied by Les Elliott, left for Melton on Sat- urday, where they •joined a peaty of Lions Club members on a charter flight to Europe. Mr. and Mrs, R. S. Roddick of London, visited friends tin the village on Saturday. Mrs. Marie Watson, Detroit, has • taken up resulenace inher new home one Puyll Street. Rev. A. G. Pease and Mrs. Pease and their four sons, spent Friday and Saturday in the village. Rely. Pease offici- ated at the Porter -Wright wed- ding on Saturday in St. An- drew's United, Church. Mr. end 1Vls s. E. J. Reid who have been in Detroit fpr the Mitchell Fall Fair Tues. >: Wed., Sept. N & 29 — $6,000 IN PRIZES — HORSE RACES — TWO CLASSIFIED RACES "THE BIGGEST LITTLE FAIR IN ONTARIO" 37-8b "past two weeks returned to the village on IViianday eteepeepan'i,ed by MA end. Mrs• L, li, Sn??ith wlio had been their gues!ls, Mr. and Mrs, J, B. Higgins have returned from a motor trip. The,Y v.:nil:ed. Port Dover and Hamilton where they were the overnight gusts of Mr, arid. Mrs. Waiter Mills, .!and also spent some time to Brantford visiting old friends. In. Sud- bury, they stayed oiyernightt With cousins of Mr, Higgins. Later they went on to Manitou- lin isleed as fpr a$ South Bey Mouth and meet the night at Huron Lodge, The followhig eltay Mr. and Mrs, ledggins took the ferry to Tobermoay and return;- ed home on Wednesday. Miss Kathy= Sparks return- ed to Asbury College in Wliil" rrkor e, Kentucky on Tues'd'ay to resume her studies, ' S/M P, Renner held the first meeting of the 1965-66 scouting year on Tuesday, September 14, with nine boys in attendance. Me. and .Mrs. Harold Kitty, Islington, called on Mrs. Oarl E. Diehl, •oaie day' last week, Mise Dorettlay Hart, London, was at her cottage for the weekend. M'rs. Wm. F. Buchan, Dun- vill'e, 2s the guest of her niece, Mrs. Di'eh1 and Carl E. Diehl, from Monday to Friday.. Mr .and Mrs. Armand Men- ness and Mr. and Mrs. David Manness-arid Deborah, were at the family cottage over the past weekend,,, ...:, Mrs. Leon Duggan, Stratford, accompanied by Mrs, A. Gin gras, spent Saturday at her Lakeshore' cottage, Mt'. and Mrs. Hugh. Gregory and family, London, spent the weekend at their cottage. 1V1-. and Mrs, R. E. Ashton of London were at their cottage this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. James Irwin, Kitchener were in the village this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. T. Orton Logan, London, spent the weekend at their cottage en Howard Street, Mrs. George Hopson spent Saturday and Sunday in Bnrl- ington. On S'und'ay she attend- ed a family clinner held in hon- our of heir sister, Mrs. Pearl Sharpe, who was celebrating her 81'st birthday. Fred Fraser returned home on Tuesday from Westminster Hospital, London, where he had _ been 'a patient. Mr. and Mrs. ,Jack Pearson and Douglas, London,, spent the BRUCEFIEID Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nelson, Mrs. Moffatt and Mrs. Keyes, Orll,ia vi'site'd a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Redd. Large Choice Of Engines Many New Safety Features on all fFe he '66 STUDEB.AKER 3 Outstanding Performance Proven .Engines. 30 Extra Values Features as Standard Equipment or your Comfort, Convenience and Safety e Body eitt f=rame tonstruotion 0 35 Anna. Alternator O tial Brake $ystern , i' Wincdshteld Washers e wily akdzled Dash O 15" Wheels • t=oot Operated Parking Brake O parking Brake Warning tight Altrminixect FtUstproofing • Bolt -tin F=enders 1966.MODELS NOW.ON DISPLAY AT a 'Hi Dalrymple [fiSt Son. BRUCLFIELD OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 404211 weekend at their Cottage, Mr. Peaa'sen, a, keen, angler was rewarded on,Sp day with a 23- 1001 pile caught while flishieg in Bayfield river. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murray, Toronto, spent the weekend at their cottage, Rev. E J, B, Haerieen offic- iated 'oat Trinity Anglican .Oh - arch on Sunday, September 19 at the 'baptism of the son: of Mr, and Mrs. C, K1audi off Wioiodstoek, The baby named Chr stian Albert, is the sixth of his line to bear these ("linen Ian names ,and the first one to be born in Canada. His father aid forbearers were born in Denmark. God -parents were his grandmother, Mrs. H. F. Baker, Bayfiakl, and grand- father, C, ,A, Mauch, St, Marys, A reception'was held later, at the home of his maternal grandparenits, Mr, aria Mrs. H. F. Baker. The top layer of his parents' wedding cake was served as his christening cake. Mrs. Mildred Toevs • of .Kan- sas City is vi'sitiing Mrs. George Liittle, BayfiehJ Methers To Meet Sept 17 lv there 0440.65.' And Brownlee are• -invited itet 'a Special MOOting iI! i?b TAM Hoz ai'eldl ori Monday, : Septenn'ber 2T At $ Pen, Vet discuss t'he fuitp et gglei ng i'or this 'term .?at the Village of Bayiiield, All persons; 41:Wrested win this movement ane etek 4 1)y M•rs, Fred Weston, seertar? Of the ljadieas' AGuc!4ii_ar r fee Guides and Brownlee to be peesent. 4.ft Homemakers elect cfflcers' The first meeting pf the Cline tom 4-1-1 genrernaking Glob was held an September 14 at the borne .of Me. N. Tyndall, There Were 10 m'ember's pres'emrt,. The following off -leers were elected: Preeident, Viola Cbl- lies, Vice president, Bonnie Tyndall; Press Retorter, Helen Good, The subject matter death with the different styles of gar -- merits! to be sewn, the quality and preparation of material purchaaS'ed, . 'Me next mee!nung wall be held at the home of Cheryl Tyndall on October 5, at 7:00 prn. 0 Arthritis damages Cana'dka•'s ecanon r because it damages 'the ,come of the nation's strengh Rambling With Lucy (Lucy R. woods) During last week, Luey's thoughts were frequently seven feet und'erground. It was that troublesome drawn from the cellar again! Last spring, it not only wouldn't run: 'but the water banked up into the cellar for the first time. "lMr." had the drain digged up where dit emptied out on the bank across the road. Some water carrying mud with it ran out, ,Lu!cy had suggeisted digging it up outside the garden fence, but according to her spouse, mid -way 'to the ebka,'d was no place 'to start. Due to the fact that there is a stretch of quaihk sand where the basin on 'the cellar ennipities, it could not be touched at that end until it dried up. When the rain commenced this month, Lucy stated to worry for fear it wouldh't be -done in time, Stix years ago' when 'it was digged up for the second time, Lu(ey had wanted closed tile installed. But it seemed that it would take time to, procure it since it was five inch tile. It' was more or l'es's a s'pec'ial size (the only ciliay fide availalble in 1946 was five -inch, and the required amount for the drain was obtained as a great favour from a farmer). The argument for clay tile six years ago was that it was just as good i!f wrapped With tar paper and more easily installed in the six-foot widthof ground between house and fence in which to work. Beeides, so much digging had been done and skunks would be apt to fall into the hole if left open. So Lucy gave tin with the remark: "I don't care how you lay it, as. long as it doesn't have to be digged ug again in niy lifetime!" Thistime Lucy was adamant (against "Mr's" advice that four-in!uh tile was large enough, backed up by the Haar.dw'aree merchant, and, the plumber who stated that it would have been better, she insisted on halving her way •this. time) Five -inch no -corrode tile was to be lapid in the trouble area! "Mr." had a whole dd:gged inside the fence (to which flowers became casualties). It seems one cannot dig on the street now without permission from the village authorities, and the Trench Inspector, John Lindsay in attendance. Wiithl the use of "a snake" from this point it was esti- mated that about 48' would take it into 'clear tile. The tile axvivcd but the 'next problem was to find some- one to install it. 1VIechanical diggers have replaced hand labour, but there was no room for such a machine to operate. Finally two l'o'cal young meri consented to help a plumber do the job. They worked hard and ran into all sorts of problems — the drain from the gutter being one of them.. Some of the clay tile 'ha'd' to be laid in cement .on .a curve from the house. Then the eight -foot length of new tile had to be cowered up as they proceeded, for want of space to pile the earth: Sudid'enJr, it wee discovered that the old tile was naming up hill! There was no'thin'g to do but go on, When "Mr." reported the dilemma to Lucy, she coulthet understand it. She .knew the tile had been: laid previously with a level. Then it name to her — the clay tale had sunk in the cllzioksan.d and it was out of Mt at about that point. Lucy had triieid to teal "Mr" about the curve of the drain out from the cellar. And she'd told him that about 20' to the north it gat out of quicksand. But after he'd ±bund out for himself, "Mr." told her that she hadn't told him anything winch made sense! (Lu'Cy thinkshe wasn't listening. She won't quite believe that her d'estrepti''ve powea^rs are ab- solutely nil.) Me second' day One of the men was not 'able to come and the ether for only half a day. So Luey's husband was really 'busy h:eipiuig. Pembaps that is the reason Kim came to supervise. She is a friendly :sena who greets people at the Post Office, "Mr." thought she Was lost but a telephone tali to Smith - E,b'ltaxio elicited ,the infermatien that 'shed find her Way home. (Per- haps she did ruin off once or twice just to check and sect that everything was alright at home) For the Most part she sat close to "Mr." and when he brought her :into the house to see Lucy, she was. aloof. Xt is possible that she felt Lucy should have been Outside "bossing the job" instead of issuing orders iron the dining toren table! Perhaps Krim was a little frightened Tor the men in the deep trench, just as Lucy had been when she pulled asai'de the Window shade arid looked •at them working outside her bed- room, window, Once Kim leaned over the trench and gave one of the workmen an afitectienaate caress on his bare back to express her encouragement in a difficult situation. At any rate, the men worked on laying the new dram two' iiithes below the level of the. old tile. "Mr." breathed a great sigh of relief when jua.'t at the end of the new part, the old level dropped two inches and itt was aiipa ent that the road would not have to be croas'sed — for: the time being at least, A test with a hote showed thaat the water rat through from. that point. Kini, the little black and tan terrier of No special pedi- gree, sensed the relief and she Was hbppy tet. liadn''t slihj . " " the btml stzperv�ised it and followed "Mr." book and forth to It was surppttoing the things which were found in the barn to aid the pro'ces's of constructing a good drain After the open diitch on the street had been duly filled "lVtr:" came Into the house, Idhn may have been hurt. that she w,asti't invited in after all she'd contributed to the pro- ject, She wanted tentin'd to see the trench leside the fence levelled, When it become apparent that no moire Welk was to be dome that night, the lett the scene, �t.. Indy and her e ottse joined hi the e elan atioit W'ee11, 1 Bene that .drain doesn't have to be dibged up again in our life-timMI" And yet a little grenitin reminded Lucy one a the rovolrlt� teen "saying whrri the basenient wag •batilt din gUiCksabd an 1946: "Yeti knOW, 'Mrs, Wtdds, you'll just float down to the Ialte nruiels'and," tri tai dire rri a tli than poetry hi that ste,temeat End of Summer .Peacefulness End of 'the season -- and Bayfield Barbour presents a peaceful scene, A busy shall -boat haven throughout tlz e surniner, the mouth of the Bayfield River has many opportunities for the camera fan to produce 'variety in waster- front views. (News -.Retard Photo) Bayfield TipChurch n a Auxiliary Makes$69 OnSummer Bake Sale BAYFIELD — Trinity Bran- ch Women's Antxdliar y rer.uume,.d regular meetin'gs following the sumrmerr Intei`'lude, at "The Hut" last T'h'ursday, Mrs. J. B. Higgins, presi- d'en't, was in charge and eon- ducted the devotional period, assisted by various members. IVlirs. R. H, F, Gairdner gave the treasurer's statement and reported the proceeds of the July bake sale as $69.37. Mrs, Higgins expressed thanks to all who worked so hard. The sum. of $10.40 was voted to the World Mission Fund. It was decided to order 100 church calendars to be sold for 55c each. A letter wtas read extending an invitation to members to attend a session an "Church Teaching Relevant to Everyday Living" in St monies Church, Westminster, Londbn, on September 25. The next meeting well be held an Monday, October 18, instead of Vhe third Thursday in the month. Mm's. F. H. Paull reviewed Mrs. Ben Riley Funeral Held Rev. C. G. Park of Wesley - Willis United Church oafficiated_ at the funeral held Tuesday, September 21 for Mrs. Benja- min (Selena) Riley, 118 Isaac St,, who passed away Sunday, September 19 in Clinton Public Hospital in her Bast year. The deceased was born Au- gust 11, 1885 in Hullett Town- ship and was a daughter of Henry and Hannaih. Glazier. Irl April of 1909 she was married to Benjamin Riley who prede- ceased her do 1934. She had resided in Clinton for the past 20 years and was a member of Wesley -Willis ' Un- ited Church. Sumviiving are shat sons, John, Ben, Alec and Archie of Hui - lett, Percy of Outdated), Robert of Blyth; three daughters, Mrs. Ernest (Mary) Dale of Hulleatt, Mrs. Elmer (Ettd.e) Hugrill of Clinton and Mrs. Laverne (Is- abel]) Porter of London; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Hesselwood of London and Mrs. Mervin (MVIyrt!le) Hodges, Port Albert; 48 grandchildren and 17 great- grandchildren. Funeral service was from Beattie Funeral Home with in terment in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Donald Hugill, Doug Riley, Ken Riley, Arnold Riley, Lloyd Dale and Ralph Heywood. Floiwer'besrers were Larry and Leroy Hugilll, Milton Dale and Wayne, Laverne and David Riley. another chapter from "Five Pioneer Women of the Anglican Church in the Yukon-. A d'is'cus, icr+. of possible pro- jects for the year took place. It was decided to leave any de- cision until next meeting. Mrs. F, H. Paull closed tie. meeting with prayer. Mrs. Wm, R, Elliott, hostess was assisted by Mrs. F. A. Client in serving dainty refres'hmeprts,. Now Is The Time To Get Your Canning and Freezing Vegetables Tomatoes -- Cauliflower -- Cabbage Peppers—Sweet Corn --3 Kinds of Squash JAKE REDER RR 1, BAYFIELD PHONE 482-9166 1 mite east 1 mite north of Bayfield Clinton Golf Course With so much at stake... CAN YOU BE LESS THAN SURE? Call 482-7681 For Expert Brake Service PASSENGER TRUCK and FARM TIRE SERVICE Scruton's Tire And Auto Service 238 ALBERT STREET NORTH Alignment and Wheel Balance Beginning Monday Septerbee 27, 'We are putting on ,extra staff to winterize yaw. car PHONE 482-7661 For Appointment efeene MCA 1'; 1\ Oil Spraying for Winter Leave your car here in the evening and pick it up Eh the morning Symonize and Polish Your Car For Winter Shorty's Phone 482-7661 for Appohitmer* ViCTQFt1A Stt,