Clinton News-Record, 1965-09-23, Page 60 � �'age b�--1�lontan: Ne�s-Re�o �cc�Mop�T�or� �OI� RENT - 2 BEL�ROOM; k�ause ce;r�taMa11� ' �aa€utcd. Phan� �82-9540. 3b�� .I FOR RENT — 2 bed.raam. a- � - 8 . 37 b n 48 6 7 � •tmenx. Fho e _ 2 �5 . fi,� �aa _ . _ pFFTC� or �sma11 S�toi e on Al beri; St. Avai.lable m OctobeT, }.'hane 482-96J5. 35�fb 2 13EDRQO�yL ga�ourid flaar a- pax��m.ent, �.Yail�ble naw, 'PS�'ome �k82-7$45, . 38b �3'OU�� fa� renit at 157 Rait- ` �enlbux'3' West, Ga11 48�-�nfl SI1VP�:T..L $I'AR.�ENT, fun- n�is�ec� an�d 1��ated. Agply 93 #-iuroai St, 3�tfb �'U�RNISHED 4 room apa2*�- ment, �heaated. �''�hane C, V�an- D�amme, 482-6�85. 3�t,fb ETGHT R(30M h'au�e, ail fur- na�oe vv�i�6h peri�e,ter ih�a�ting, gaod l�acat,ion im Clintan. Avanl- albqe n�aW. Phone 482-3221. 37t�tTb MODERN 2 Bedroom Apart- merut, wvfui�LishQd. Ayailable now. Rer�t $40.00 mor�Gh. Phone 482-6677. lStfb UNFURNISH�D 2 bedroam a.- panbmen�, c�nbra.l3y loca�tecl, am- ple garkirLg, avaxlable notiv. Phone 482-7G61. 35tfb FUR�NIS�HED 3 be�dhoom house 1 un�ile� fiam Cl�i7etbn, with siove, rcfri��ema�tar �ain�l vsasY�i�ng m'a.- ck�line. Ap�ly Ro�be�^i: H, Wels'h. Phome 482-3344, 37, 8� S�EIJF�CON�AINED a�aar�tment f�ar sent an Jahn Street, Cl�in- r ton. AipPly ��o D: A, Kay, Phane 482-9542 ar re�sidence 482 ��60�7�. 5 R,OO�VI furrni�hed oatba�ge con- tai:nin�g new retri�gc�aUax, ga�s 5tav�e�, �d' hea�Uin�g sy��tem; TV ac�ni�a1. PhorLe 52�k-8152, 38t�:1b 8 BEDROO•M �lvause an iV'o�. 8 h�igku�ay, 4 miles east o�E Cl�n- . tan, mod'ern c�at�veruiences, n�ew- ' ly decora�t�d, new o�ll' fiw;n�ace. P1�one 482-7548, Do�ug Hugill. ' 38t�b UNFU�RNTS'HEI1 tllte� bed- z�oom downs�t�irs duPlex with basemerct,• , g�rage and garden. P,hone 432-9005. 46 Pnince 35 fb West. i ' 1"ri COUIPL VE3LY m�ade tx'Y LO hame, firesthly i ec��coa�ated, o�ne mile n:oa th o�f �3E,isa11 an N�, & Hiv�hv�ay. 3. C. S7nfi4Lie, Fh,cr,n,�e $62-5141. 38biib IN� SEAFORTH, 3 be�lroom �a- parbm�e�n� (i/ hou�se) sc-�lf-can- �ained, close i:o sc�hools and shapPin!g �area. �Fhone Das+hwoa.d 2 after 6, pm�. _ 37�tflb FU�2:NTS�iED and Unf�urn�isSled; heated a�a�rtments available now. Phone 482-3329 at no�an ' ar aEter 5. �tPb One B�DROOM APAR'I�MENT furn�isned o�r unfurmished, �hea�t-. ecl, pzlivate b�abk�. L. G, Win�e�, 200 High St,, Pho�n,e 482�6692. 34tfb �OR RENT — • �ur,n;isl�ed ground Plo�o� -a1�arl;men�t, lleated by oil furnac�. A,vailala'le naw. Ph�one 452-7855 or 482-9479. 36,7p�fb APARTM�NT for rent — 4 rooms, self containecl, unfurn- ished, c�tnall,y looa�Ced. Rea- sonable ��ent, free parl�ing. T'hon.e 482-9471. 35tfb SMALL 1 Bed�ooin unfurnish- ecl ,apartmervt. A11 u�ilit�aes paicl, Available Oot. 1. Phone 482-7676. 15.tfb HOUS� �OR R,ENT — ]. mile eas�; of Brucefield, served liy Hablcirl: Bus Semcniee �to RCAF S�;ation. A�ailable Oct. 1, H�augh Bra�hers, Bruee�ield 527-Q927. 35f�:�b L�GE TRATLER for rent, ful- ly furnished. Apply at Beckex's ', Trailer Court. 20tfb UNI�'URNTSHED 2 bedroom, i ground floor �apani:mexnt, heated, ava�ilable Oc�ober 1. P�hone 482-7676. 35tfb HEATED APARTMENT, suit- a�Je fax cauple, 1 bedroam, l:iv- ing raam, Iairt�c�em a�d bath. Apply McEvcraal's S�are. 34tfb Hi0I3S�E b"OR R�NT— 3 b�d- . room un�furnlished �h:ouse on 1 highway 8 bc�bwecn Seafarth an�d CJlimban; Nloderri con�veni- ' ences, �pre-schaal age cQ�ilclren •' preLerred. Oil stove, re�t $35. Phene 482-935$ ar 482-9647. 36tfb cd,--Thurs„ Se�h. 2;3, 1 �6� ,A►,ICCt�MMO�ATpqI� �4R RE[�T ..�.��, �,.. _ , 2 $EX?7i,00112 D�IFT�F,X, ut�fux' �n�is�hcc�,. 'lzear�ed W'uthi g�. Ay�ail- ak�le Augus� lc:. Fh�one �82-7779. 30tfu FLIRl`ZISHI'''rD ar ur�.FurniShea a'Part,ment, u,ti'lities �a,id, 10G ��in� S!t.,� boarde�rs v�rar�ted, �h�one 4$2-7254. 36t�b `PVVq BEDRGO�M Du�plex oa� Quc�'ex�. St, 4iri Cli,nhan, .Oil hea�t� ad, all coarven2encas, s�'pexaite �ntrance. I�qw re�nt, Cauple �xre- ferred, aivail�aule n!aw. Ftuo¢ie 482- �536. 36tfb TWQ BEDROONI fui�is�hed ar par6ly furnished a�ant�raerut. Cenbral locaal;Lon, Phone 4$2- � �005, 46 �'ni2�cess S�t. Wes�t. 35�fb SEDR001V! u a ant- I' 2. pGown P � meazt, funr�is�hed; 2 bedu�'pam hause in. �vli�lla�ge of H�'lmesvllle. Fhan'e 482-6694. 32tPb SMALL ONE-$�DI�.00M a- par6ment, un�Eu.rxui�sh�ed, rede�c- ara�t�d, 136 I-�uran S�t., Phone 482-7702 or 482-9502, 29�Ph AFAI�,TM�NT ic� �t, �heated, pnivate entriance, self coaitained. $50.Oa �a month. x'1i�ane 482-66G3 p7• �82-9568 �afte�r 5. 22t�1� MOD�RN apartmient bu�ilding at 65 Princess West has ava+il- able immed•iaiely a 2 �bedroozx! unit. O.ne bedroom bac�heio¢ uni�t av�ail�able Qct. 1. Apply 3 W. Counter Bu'vlders Supplie: �ar phpne ever�i�ngs 482-6687. 38( 4 Tt.00'M .p.,partmerut with 3� piece Uath, mpd�exn lcatc'h�en sto�age raam, �gais heat, u��fur� nished. Imm�duate poss�etssian, Phone 482-9649. tfk SEI�F-CODiT�N�D 2 bedroorr: aR�a�trcnen�t; 2 rrvil�es south o1 Bayfield on Hi.ghw�.y 21. Apply Melvin Gree�r, RR 3, Bayfield ' 27tfk 4 RODM HOUS�, rerrt � reason• able, wi,th stove and reLr.iger- ator, available immediakely; oil h�aarbed. Fh�ane 482-6663 om �k82• 9568 aiter 5. 22tPk FCTRNISHED, electi�ic �hea,tec and newly decorated; also un- furnished, 2 bedro�om: Phone 482-9928, Ray 1�mda11. 8tf� T.ARGE 2-Bec�+oom, co�npletely se!l�f-conba,ined a artment free n , laumdry room faciliiies equ2p• ped with automatic washer and dmyer: Apply 201 King Stree�t, Apt. 1 or phone 482-9227. 17tfb AC�CaIoAA010D�4T94N �AVANTED AV WANTED IMNL�D�ATELY — 3 or 4 he�d�r,aom hause or ap�a�t- merut, ail he�arted', equipped wi�Gli electric stave. Re�aka,bde �arnily, 4 schb!al clri[LcUre�. Call F/S J�o11n Del�cellie�, Paxlier Hotase 1VGate1, Cl'rnton, P;honz 482-7727.. . 38p � �4itT6���S FOR S�LE � D13_ESS��D dh.icl�er�s, re��,cly far Lieezing. P'�oaie 482-7515. 38p NEW POT.ATOES for sal�e. Ph'one 482-7578. 29tfb USED FURNAC�, co�al �r wood, che�a�p ior' quick sale. Call '482-9006 �aiter 6 p:m. 3$p 3/� LENGT,E3 mouton coat, ex= ' oelen�t con:d�:tian. Phone 482- ?3G2. . 33, 39h WILLOW GR.E�N farmal, size 13-14 Sa�ta�pgau .m��terUal. Wrnn only ance. Phone 482-7371. 38�b CHIDT3.EN'S c1o��hing, wp �o ancl �includlin�g s�ze 5, A1so� girl's green wir�ter caat size S, I'�h�o�ne 482-6683. 3&b SIMiPLiCiTY Was�he�'s no�w a- v�aili�Uble �a,t T. A. Du�tion A,�ppli- ances; Brucc�ii�eld. Opern eveui- ings. 38ti1� S�COTT McT3A•L�'S recandiit- �vaned slh�es $4,00 pe� paia� at R�,y'�s Shoe Re�p�vir, 35 Hux,on 5��., Clintan. 38b FdR .S�A,LaE -- �ew Han�d�a "50", ned' in cal�or, rca�s�oa��bly prli�cad. dWm Kyle�, P��one 262-5510. 3$b I3ABY Si�+.dller, �b�by b:ath, taile.� s�a�t, coll,aips�ible g-a�t� amd srrvall rocici¢ig 1��omse�, gixl's red w1in�Ucrr caart, slize 7.4. Fhane 482- 9912. 3$b GH�STFrR.F�LD s�aBa bed iin ��,'QQCl� �C421C�Ilii1L011. B'U:'l:l:t 1T1 1{L�'Ci1P.1'7_ cwp�dard abaut 5 ft. wide, al+s�o a use�d f�ig. 1yn�an�e �482-9005. TO RENT 3$p , NLbOS� and DELR �303 NLank ' C o 1 d W e a� h e r 4 ri�fle, vari�alb�l� scone, 21/z 1;0 3 pat�✓er, nais'eKl s�to�ck, re�coh] A p p ro a c h i n g 93�,� �a gvl�n�, �75. F�hane, 4�� AR � YO U W l► R M?--r A R E ST. LA�NF�E+NCE �amd .Co�ol�uig YOU COMi=ORTAB4.E? �p1e�s. Free deLivemy �in Qlintian I have one 2 large bedr�opm, an�d i�C.A.F' hauses. P��ane 482- luxurY, ground floor, Siv�ng, ac- 3214. Fred N1cClymem,t & u�pns, commodatit,n, i:ompletiely� equip- v�.;��,, 3gb ped moc�erri kntahen. �lectrical- - - ly �hea.�ted, 1Vius� b� seeri �to be BRAN1� N�w refmiger�,torcs trom ag�areciateci. Call or Cor�fiact �i: $99.95 �iaw c1n c�i�splay. T. A. C. I.awson, re�al�tor, �phone 482- Dw6t�;�i A,�pli:an�es, Brucefue�d. 9644. 38tfb Dpen even�irLgs bi1] 9 p.rri. 25bflb A�coMMo �� .� DAt10N ACCtJ�V1�VIODATItfN FOR R�NT FCf� RENT _, NU'� �ENT�NG , I��RTHVl�W APARYM�N�'S North Street a# G�awper D --�-+ B�DRt�Olvl U T� 2 E _ LY �O S�"R � N W hl �A� �-i�ATED � Mt�D'�RN BALl.-1viA�AULAY LtD. � �82-951 A� A�tTIGLE$ �Qt� S,Iq►L� BFLI,, FIA„NO ��n eale. Fhone 523-4�87• __ _ 3$� S, I2�7�2I�IG'PC)N ty+penv'r�tex, me- c�rutly �econc�utianod, $25,00, �. l�a�tc�t y .ala��7ated .ta�e� r�*oop�cier an ,gaad po�d�bl:ion, �15,OQ, A,�ly � rdo � •i � 1VIu M�oa x son V na � , �' F'hane 482-7487. . 38,9�p sr�a�nar�s _ � �� FREE GC�LD�ISH �ip ibhe f�t 100 childme� �a:ccompa.nied by a�n adul�, � Saturday, Se�t. 25 Only 38p QHI7..D'S Ctm�xue �alble �and 3 ahairs, laxg� dlall ca�mi�a,g�e, sx�va�ll d!all ba�aige, s�rruall Jm; bed, lilfe jacl4elbs, �i!� siize be'd, NTiary be sc�ein �art 36 Edmo4iban I�d, 1�CAF S�Ua�tuan aftar 5 p.2n. S6.tfib A�PPLES far siale. C`r�a jtucy NDa�oTnibas�h�s. Also gaad gavliavg i pn wind'Palls, Srp�cial � end a�P rnan,�h, 6 qua7+ts af M�;cs, 70c. I B!ring cambainar, Fia]ll,aw N�. 8 k�iiglvwlay �to �-LalnLesvall�, turn le�f� arnd fallaw s'igzLs: W`iyl pa[y 15c for :bus�el 1��a�ers. Ax�t �ell'�s Fxui�t Farxn — 524-8037, 3�t�ib FREEZER C��anam�ce, 2 omly, 23 au. fit. aluin5:n;wr,n 12ned cus- -tom zxLdd�, Beattty Farm Ser- v�ian �Ccnrtre, 17 R�vttembury St. E. Phane 482-9561 Par sesvice on a11 mvalkes� af gum�ps an�d pre�s�sure sygbeirr�. Dmc�rg�cy �ervi�ce a1�a,ys a,vailalble. Pn!oa�e 482-722p a�tex 6. p.m. 3$L QN�� DOU.��LE SET OF �DIV- ERS TANKS. 1�,e�gula�tar Packs a;nd at9ler �divia�g gc�aT. 263 Wa�r- ron S�t. Godera+c'h ar call aft�s 5 �.,m. 524-6224. 36-7-�u VACUU1Vi. lC;LEANETtS Stiles alzd Service Repairs, haser �nd bags for a77 m,al��s af �racut��n clea:ners and poli5hears. Rec�:;zditioned mach- `nes of all makPs fnr sale. 730I3 PEp.(�fi, Varna�, 'Phono TIensa�l.1 2G2-5350 DRAPERY PULL RODS — �rack, cu�rta�n rods, vene�tlan biinds, bam�bao dra:perie�s, win- daw blinds. Fmee es�t9mates given, irwin's Dry Goads. tfb CATZEFREE H�ATING — For the only fuel ai1 insured aga�i�r�t explosi�on, we give free burnex se�rvice, A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. tfb 'PYRAMID" for sale, daluxe makriie home 52' long by 10' vvide, w�i�th 16' vv�ide ea.�ando living rornn. Ap�ly Becker'� Trailer Fark, No. 16 or Phone 482-6614 a?ter 5 n.m. 27tfb USED F�IR���U�� 3-pc. Chesterfield Suite, excel- fent condition, for den or rec. room ............. .................. �30.00 2-pc. Ches#erfield Suite, con- struction goad, has slip cov- ers .................................... �10.00 2pc. Wine Velour, excellent con� dition .............................. $35.00 Sleeper Lounge, with Sealy Posturepedic �nattress $40.00 3�pa Sectional, 2 yrs. old, ex- cellent condition — Malce us an offer, � Severa! spare living r o o m chairs. 5-pc. Walnut dining r o a m ' set ................ .......... ... .... $10.00 Walnut Vanity with mirror and � bench .............................. $15.00 4-ft. Metal Be�l with spring $15.00 Five 4'6" MeEaf Bed Springs, and two 4' Springs from $5.00'ta $7A0 AIf above MUS'T be cleaned out this weekend .., to make room for new fall and Christmas Furniture. g��TT[E FI�R��iURE CLlN70N 482-9521 ARTfGLES WAt�fTED BOATS, 1.0 �t�o 12 f�dot. P,h�one 482-3221, 38b U�SED matromome �ah�ted. . Mws't be in go�ad. concli�i:om.. F1wme 482-665? o�r �82-7023.� 3$p COAL ar WOO�D range wan,ted, miust be �im gadd' condibion, F3iane 482-9244 a�Eter 6 p.�n. 38x eusiN�ss , OP�ORTU�VITIE5 FbR, S�AL'E OFl. I,.EAS�, rea- satia�l�Le — go�o�l ifarcnuly yea+�. round biasiness, gas sbaiL{iozz �d sn�� cl� barc � wafiih living qua;ntei�s and cal�ins. Zf rimterest�d ca11 at xV�'av4r'S Ce�ti�r GravA. �he11 Sex+vdice S�t��:itln,. Tiigh�vay �1 �,i sout�herly tlwtsl�rts �f Bayfti��d: 36,7,�8b , cust�o�►�woRK ; ,i ''r�'V'. .AEf�TA,iL S�aleS �d �i�vi�c� I 1'1�a�� ��$2-9859. �8,9b tN.4TCki fi.'h]1�'AIR. is a�ab far A�erts. Our vvorl� �titrecsyouur a��sfacbion. naun�tem's J�ew�llesy�w � ' h�b YIu�on Coi'a.nt�"s Oltles� Es�ta,- �;_, . ,, _ __ �—,— blis�ed J`eu�ellery Stoz�e, tfCi ' CUS'�GrIV� ''WORK x�D�os,� Tv��, �•��o�a n���s; sm�ail a�pl�arLce� x��.ired, Saw s'haaqaeryng. Am't L�ye�L, 139 pn�e S�t. �4tf b 1V�['A�t?N�,Y SerVi�e,. c�in��ey� re�pali�c^ed, 2•e�osr��ted, s:tane w�omk, iiregl2ces bu�i�, x10 �ab 1;00 s�}all, �,�il wor1� guaxan�eed. l�ay a�gui2•e, Pnqm�e 527-�.332 !or Boa� 335 Sealfoa-th. 34tY�b O�RTF�IO�.'I7IaI�C an�l �eneu�:1 S�h�oe Repair, Otan Cl`�mton D�e- ixrt �is �vt 55 A�.ber�t S�t�t �t Amsin�gS �tor�. H��lc s S�h�ae , � , " , d'e- Re+pair 71 I-Iiamuvt'�n S�t. Cra ��ch. 38t%�b �,P112pDELLING, re�o�afuons, xoofing and floo� laying, expert- ly done. All add jabs au�und the hame. Kitchen cupboa�ds a spee+i�aity.. Pk�one 482-7676. Ke�n MeNa�n. ` 23� SEPTIC TA�NKS CL�ANED Mad�sn equi�xinen� u'se�d. A11 wo�k guk�an�teed. WrSite or p�hoaie LOUIS BLAKE RR 2, Brusse�s Rhone 442 W 6, Brussels 37-50p JACK'S FU13.N1'�'URE REPAI� SHOP. Furr�ture and athe� w�ooden articles repaired; A�1 xea,r• af No. 84 Alber•t St. P,hone �82-9695-John Plutrntree. 21� We 5pecialize In . . . Furnace Installations Hebting Service Electric 4Viring Appliance Service Plumbing Instaflations � Eoves#roughing ChfUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALL+'S .� SERVICE 46 King Street Phone 482-765: DO IT YOURSELF SAV� 6vlONEY I�ENT THESE MACHINES FLOOR SANDER FLOOR EDGER HAND SANDERS Belt ' Finishing �w Duo Type LARGE � POLISO-IER-SCRUBBER JIG SAW SKIL SAW RUG SHAMPOO MiTii WET-D�iY VACUUM CREST ��RD � � WR BALL & lNUT�H L�td. 69 ALE�AT ST., CLINTON Phone �a2-9505 t� �M��.oY�ENx � � WA�ITED B�ABXSITTING by the clay o P�A.I�4 T��II�G YOUT�t, PI.l�.NO shauld be tµne�d an.d cliecked fpr r�ath c�ax�age a,�'d at'hem de�ects regtil,a�l�.. �' appreaia:�e bhe �or�ti�,tied priv-. ilege af sea�vao��g xnany of the in5tx'�rcn�r�ts in, ili5s area, Gearge W Cox nhane 4 2- S 387Q. �, �tEAL ESTA'CE , 2 STQ�Ij;L•Y briicl� dwelli�g, 4 I bed�raams, 3�pc. '�a�h �u�, livin� �oQm �yvit�l� broadlaozn,, diinqrig room, maderm kh�dhen, detn, 2> pc, baUh dawn, large sun porch, qiil �h�ating (n�ew �963), dona�b�e gar�age with vsrorks,hap. Lat ap- p�. 180'x132', Gpod resi�den- tiial •se�at?;ouz, cLas'� �t,o schao(ls. Om BiA�.'FIEJ�P ROAD, south af Ol,in,�or�, approx. 9 acres, sui�ialksle Fcm �ind.usbry ar m�us- ing devela�xiner�t, I's+ice $3,000, BUSiNESS BLOCIi 2 sbqrey brdek, sibua�te�d dm �llim- tan. � s�taxes �¢�, graund �baar v�nUh sxCeilc�n�t leases; 4 ap'amt- men�Gs �an 2rud flaar. Camplete liruiYrrnvaii�an an reque�sit. 2 STOREY �}�rack stare, ap- prox. 18'x55'; 2-1 bedraoan a- pa�ttm�eri�ts �an �s�e�cand �l�aor: A- v�aila�ble naw. i STOREY Ranch �y�pe (2 y��airs ,o7d'), 3 'bed ro�oarns wirh clat�hes �oTas'e�ts, ]i�img raam witt� n+atruma(1 �f»¢�� place; cli�ing room, rrnade�n lcvtch�em, full basenxient wl�bh lauavcl�y �tubs, gas furnace, �u11y i;msul�ated, vcrc�ll ;landsscaped l�at 66'x132'. 'Ph,i,s praperty as in excel�lervt candi�i!an. �.1/z STO,REY, f�rame, 2 bed- noorrvs, 3-pc. batth up, living room, �dinir�g raom, den, mod= ern kitchen, 2-pc. bath down, Ar�,tac�hed �gar�age, full basement, h laundry �tubs, c�il heating. Loc- a�ed ,nt�ar sdhools. Lo�C 82'x�.65', Pnice $9,000 — down payment �2,000, �balance on morit,gage, Early �possession. Ha �� ��A@'� V�� ILEAL �STAT'E - INSUIi.ANCE Phone 482-9644 ''-� 38b , R��►� �Srq��� �T'�R� FQR REMT ' Ii'OUT�i. �EDR4p11� I;ed Bricic STCQT�,� a,nd o,Pfi�e at� ma�n h�lase Y�'lth 3 pieae ba,�,h up- st�,� P,ho�ne 4$2-�69�, �2tfJ� st�irs, 2�iece powder roozn S�OI�� or� mttin corne� of I�igh, do�vns�airs, L����e livi�g, dinixxg y},aYs 8 a�d 41�npw� �.s Red a�d and �Ite,he� a�re�s. �an be usecl Whtt� G�ocez�y. .APP1Y �+? �aY as two apartz�ents. �itu�ted in �ynd�.l�, P.hone �k82-9928. �.9t�b Clintpn, two ..blo�i�s frqm centre o,f howr� qr� �arg� corner lot with ' doub.le �arage. Call at 62 .O�r- _ _ ang� st. ari �ahq�e 4$2-7��9tfb TE�fQ�RS W14N'��D I�OUS'E FUli, .SALE +pr Rent-- � �p�d.raams, acibc�hen, liuun�� aaom �an�d� �lyabh, ciil tXeatin�. Uaw p�tice for .oash, Pizan�e 482- 3269. 36R7�St� _ , . ._. . i 1 I L0�'S u idn �� � P'OR SAX.E � APP1Y L, G. WINT�R. 2p0 Hi�h St, Phone 482=6692 49tfb . ___ � _ — s�av�cEs SERv7,C`E to a.11 u�alces af l�un- dry e9�Fmer�i. S�keltirrn Agrili- amces, 1'hane 524-7871, 36-39� ELECi`ROLUX G'anada Ltd, Sales a�n,d Serv�vice. Al�vin Riley, 52�-6�14, , 153 X.ightho�.ys� 8�� Gnderioh, � 1 TENDERS Townshi of Ste hen Tenderspfor Hok-Mi� Asphplk Sealed �:enders, cleamly mark� ed as to cont�r�hs, wi11 be re• ceived by �the ur�dersi,gned un,ti: 12' o'clock noon on Septerrnbe? 25, 1965. �k'ar +bhe supply, �hauling anc layir�g of approx. 650 �tons oj type H.L. h,ot-mix asghal�t i7 Uhe vilLages of Credyton anc CenUnaLua. Doparrtane�vt a� H i�g h w�� y.: speo'v£ioation Fo�m No. 37.0 L to apply. Any ,fwnthcjr infoxma� tion may �be ob�t�ed from thc undersign,ed. Tenders mus�t �be �accam�an ied �by a ce�rtified cheque fo� 5 ipor cent af the total tender pay.a�bl� to the clerk a� Lhf TawnShLp of Sbephen. Zowes or .any �tender nat necessaril3 accepteci. Lawrence Hill, Road Superintendent, Township of Stephen, Box 213, Crediton, Ontario. 37-Sb ATTE�ITIO�i FARMER�! FOit SA►LE TALT30T Seed whe�;t for s+a1e, g•ro�wn fram iia~st ge;n. seed. IDill Ca�lern�a:n, Kip�esi, 262-5031. 38b r week. Monday �to Fr.iday in my 1955 FORD 1-�on pi�ck-u�p, wu�th �own home in town. P.hone 482- i�acks, 4=speed �hrans�nssaon ancl 7329. 27bfib 8 ply tiires, Jiim Miller, Woo�d- h�amz. P�11one 229-6326. 38p 41�l��,P �'a/a4N9TE� pzaNr�z� ,�a �:M. c�aa�eri cha,in sa�ws an�d �parts sLow �a- HE7 P WANTED — 2 men for �'�'ablE�. Chain•s, bars aatid sales posi,L�ion for Clinton and �'�`rocltets for most saws. I3,�abt. surrounc�ing area. Above aver- Gle�n, 482-9292 �Clint�on, Oxa:t. age ea��nvrgs for 40 hours worlc. 36 to 47 q� Also 2 ladies part �ime. A,pply to 73ox 352 Clin�oi� 1`tews-Re- cord. 35-3J7 �E�.I� �@/A,�9�'E� �����,.� LADY to do cleatviil�g, 3-4 da,ys a weelt. Phane� 482-7761. 38,9,Ob RECrIST�RED nttrse frou �a�rt- time, also girl or woman fom niirsi;ng auUies, p1�t time o� Lu'I1 �ime. Apply Queensw!ay Nwrsirvg H�am�e, Hensall, Phone 262-2830. 33b CONII.'ANION �or elderly lady, free roorn �ancl' board, �luS xe- mnznea atiom. Apply Box 360, Clix)�an News-TZecord. 37tFb HELP MlA�ITED MAtE HR,�AD SALESMAN — Must be sieat and meLiable. Apply in person �o Bartliffs Btikery Ltd. 38b PAR.T-TZME euenin,g he�lp nr full time c�ay help. A�ply Caok B�rabhe�'s Mu�llii:ng CJo„ Ltd., T�e1vs!all, P�hari�e 262-2605. 38b FUI.iL or part iuQne ome�drtgs for �:ea�t appe�ing men w�ilt'h caxs. Expesliemce� wnnece�s�s�arcy. Age �no �lran!d�ca,p. We1L ]tm�o.wn Praduots. Ws�ite R;a�w4eagh, De1�t, 1-169-KK, 4005 R6,c�eli:eu S�t., S�. Henly, 1Vlarniareal, 3�b $12,OOb IS N`OT TOO 14LUCH f�om bhe man we w�t iati the GUin�ton area. SVPran aver 90, witth rar, to tal{e s�ho¢�t 2,uto trips: Ccvn�tact he�a�y �equipan2m��t and �lee+t o�vne�rs. ,Aiinmail P. H. bicl�emsan, SW PetrtYleum, 534 N,• 1Vlain, Ft. Warth, Te�s. 36-3''Jb WItSCELLA�IEC'�1�� GUI�A;'R L'�;SSOIVS, Ren�a] and sales. E�roll xiaW a�t Pul- si�er's M�lsiC Sti►din, izpstadTs over S�aml�,ng's Hard•ware or Ie�:ve na:me at Hi �'ti Ca'�Snet S+hop, 75 Hurori St:, �lirston. _ 35�bfb I •DAII,Y C,A.i� �.ENT.A.�, rea- I sortable , rates:. 1VIcGE�'S, C.�orle- rich. Phone 524-8391, 3t�b x.:F�T 'US �-Z�`AST�, .�Na n�tAii� ,y�our ritlgs a�ntT 3h'w��ledy 1it�e hevv. DI�anlo�ia x5a��gs renew�a �n.d s�on�s s�fcly sacu�red�o�i't tal#e eri�ices. �aciiert wo�l� dbrcie �"oastirtably �o yo`ur sa�isfactiom. W�,tot1 repa�irs and �m1 rc��- stx�.n�gia.�g: '�V. N': Cottnt�r, t!b ,�UST ARRIVEi� Ano�4�er Shipmen�h o� — TRAGTp RS -- SWATHERS ,—COMB3NES -- MOW ERS -- RAK�S -- TEDDERS -- WINBROWEFt5 -- �ALERS ,-- ELEVATORS -- WAGONS �--GRAIN TANKS And Many Other Farm Machines We stock over 1,000 Be1ts, Hundreds oi Pulleys, Bearings, SparIc P1ugs; Plow S,hares, Cul- tiva�tor Poin�ts, Bolts, i�uards, Sections, Hydraulics, eta Huron County's Largest� Farm Equipmenk �epo4� Phone 527-Oi�O JOHN BACH f.H, Deqter --- Se�afort� 23tf:b FOR SALE OR RENT 55 ACI�t,ES wath 7 roam f�onase c�osvt�;inar�g i�a�t��, iLun�:ce; a1- umir�wri strnms and s�cree�r�s, an �highw�ay 8 ne�m HalmeSn�lille. Phone 482-7093. 38,9U 8� ACRE farm; 55 worlia�ble, balamce �ti�amdw'ood bush; a�um- ming warte�, no bwildis�gs. Paar h��altih as reasan f�r seLlin,g: .A,�p- ply fio B�ox 362, Cli�tosi News- Recard. 36,7,$p LIVE5TOCK FOPt SALE IaUREBRED �IereTard Bull, 1� mbn,�hs ald, Pl�.�an�e 482-3221 38k DEKA.LB Ready to lay pullets call. 1VIcKinley's Farm and Hat• cheries Ltd., Zurich. Phonc T3ens�all 262-2837. , 44tft DAIRY caws and heiEers, spring• e�rs and milkers; We have or. hand at all times a good selec� tSon af heiiea�s ancl mature cows. Convenieat terms arranged `"'I'he Home of Bctter Dairy Cows". George Nesbitt, Phone 523-9439, Blyth. We deliver. 9tfk 5������� CUSTOM � silo �i1li�ng, I'homc Mervyn Falcon�r 482-9858. 331 CUSTOIVI � plotlghing, Howarc OarL-wrighrt, Phone 523-4�05 siytn, s7-�or f�TTEN710N FARMERS Marlat�t Bros. Dead Stocic Re- moval. H�ighesi; cash prices paid for dead or disabled cows and horses. $5.00 and up Sar vveight over 1000 l�bs. 1'lease phone promp�tly. P:hone collec� �33 Brussels, 24 hr. servsce. License 390c65. 35�ifb COMBINING and swathitig of gnain, �beans and Corn. We have new equipmeni io handle youx cam;plete jab., P;hane Geo�,ge I 'h'aye�, 262-5282 0� 236-4072. 30,�Ok D��D ANlMA�.+ REMOVAL For D�AI) or AISABL�D ' �NIMA.LS -- c�,u co�i�� aI�RIING � /� & Company Of Cax►ac1a. �imited 1'l�.ane Cltn�on 482-72fi9 Idcence 350-C-85 II .���:��. 7bPb ' WANTED I�ARM, 750 �:cres om� m�oxe�, gaad buil�ddngs• A,pP7Y Bax 380 Clin� tirn IVews-Rec�ard. 3$p �linton Communit� Auction 5ales �1�E�tY �R1DAY a� �:�0 p.m. �bverrtm�nL tnapect�d Si�fea Galtte Sotc! by W�tglti# 'I'E ° W FiMS. CA8 �'b� CbR'�'SZ`; Saleis 1�2a�a�er � YVe are shipping cattCe � ever� Monda�+ for Un�it�d Cd-ope�a#ives of Ont. We will pick up at your �drm. Phone collect nat l�t�r thde Satu�de�y ni�hlk. � S�A�ORTH FARM�RS C�-OPERATf�E �a2T�d7�0 , �RAN�C�S H�Nt' ' 5�7-'� 94l� 3deo�u 13�partrr�en� of Public Works 4f dCanadg TENC�ER� SEAL�1? TENII�RS acldcress- ed � o�Secr iiarv D� artmeni pP Public Wr�xks of G�anad�a, R�oom B32G, S�im Gi�ar�es Tupper Buiid- ing, Qtl�awa t�, and encicrrsed "T E�T D� R b"aR R,L7��RS ur�til 3:00 I'.M. (�DS',P), WEp* N�SDAi', OG`rQB�R 6, 19,G5, Tender do4�iments can be ob- �bained througti; Chief Engin-� eer, Ropm E-443, 5ir C7hamles Z�urPp�r Bu:i,ldin�g, Rive�rsifle Dniv,e, 4trGawa, Ont.; ll��i�Grict En�gineer, 457 ;Ft�chxnond Sti�t, London, Orvt.; antl can be �een at �the Past Office at Bayfield, Ont, 'Z?o �be cons�iciered each �tender mu�t !be submitted on �the forms sugplied by �il-ie Dqparlment and mu�at b� �,ecompan2ed by the seGumuty s�peaifded in �the �te�►der doeumen,ts, '1�4ie Lowest or any tendpr not neceas�ari�ly accepted. I RUS�RT FORTfER, SeCreXary. Notice To Creditors iQnd t�fihers In the �st�ute of J'OHN ADAM SUTTEIi�, Ltita of OliTt- ton, Ontario, Itetued Ha•rcl�vare Morcliant. All p�rsans �hav�ing c1aimc aga�'vnst �he a�bove estate a�re requwred' to� �sen�d fu12 particu• lars af swc'h oYaizns to bhe un- dersigned Execuhar on or be- fare �he 4t-h day o�f Octabe�r 1965, �aft�r whieY► dat�e th�e esbate's asscts �v�ill be distri,b- uted, +h�aving re�gard aniy tc c�lainrs tha�t �h�ave tihen be�z re� caived. THE CANADA TRUST COMPA,I�TY Landon, On�ario, Exccutar by �. B. Mesrzies, S�alicirtoa Cl�inhom, Onba�rio. 37,8,9x Notice Y� �red�tors And Others Tn the Estate of WILLIADI EILN�S7C PERDU�, late oi �liuiton, Ontario, 7tetix•ed �I�rd• �y�,re mce���r�ti�t. A11 pewsbn�s having ciaim: a���tinst �t'he �a�bov� es�tate �e � eqw'vred to 5emd fu11 parbi�ou• �a�rs as such a1a' . zms �o the un• der51� ed Exe�tt�or on ar �be� fore �l�e �i� day of Octauer 1965, �afUc-�r �v'hicah �clarCe t�he �5t�te's �a�ssets wi�S3 be disitr�;b• wte�d, liav�ing �cgard o�1y tc c1�a�i�rr�:s� �tltia�t �h�ave tih�e�n; b�eem re� ceived. TPI� CANADA �R,UST C01VIlPANY Loaix3on,, Ontamia, Executor �y E. B. N1e�nzies, Soli�citoa• Gl�in�tan, Ontai�io, 37,8,91� AU�TION SAL� ��' +�'attle �� be .o�ferec� f.4�x sa�e �.t ,3 P.m. �.LV�N' W��'�R, Fhane X�.9. ]7�shW. ood, �;GIi,GX 'WRIGH',�, Aucbione�ms ROX F'.. �.'FPP�R I?iroip, Rl� 3, Sea�omth, On�amio, 37,�t� AUCTIAN SALE At�etioii St�le �t �V7eT.,ell�,ncls, �3oxvio, EvOry I+'ridi�y pf�iit • At 8:30 'Iiwo laacils o� weTl ��irEd ��h �aa�d sltiringing da�iry carvs ar�d heiPe�tis Sn.o�'Uly Ha��tezn. Mo,n�e+Y av��lil�abi� �at 6%a. � yQu wis'h may Ibe 1�aught �riv�ate an �ie7xl at �a,ny time> Ir� in�t��ested ir� ap,en or l�r�d �he3!fett+s wriUe . ELTQN MeLE�LLA�I'D, R4 I�ivnoat+dine, Onrt�. �7,81� AUCTION SALE Clotiring Auction Sule ot TIousehatcl Effects and pro�►erty L+'ast Willim-m Stree't, SeafortL on�at�urda Se tember 25 � _ Y. P . at 1 p.m. CJh�tzrfkeld suiit.�, plaifarm racker, Wc�sti�gl�'o�use� ieleVi6ibar, b�e�drooqn �su�ites, ch�st a€ �]ravv- ers, �i.�vgem porbable s�n�vlim'g mma- ehine, m'ad7o; fern�*y, Fr'igid'a�^e A�wtama�ic wa5her, dryar, re- fx+igeratar, W�'�ti¢�h�ause �lec- bric stave, Miaceite, ua'an:isug baard�, s�te�am iran, �ahro�ne ba�le, 4 chairs, enrl table�s�, cur- �ali��s, la2n�s, dishes, lcit�hem ut�msils, l�an�. mawe+r, tricycle, taa!s�tem, �pillavc^s. Property -- 3 bedro'am hau:se w�ii�fi a�d�jaimin.�g 1 badraom a�'�.mt- ment. Eas.t W`�1]imin� Stre�est, S��a�£6�'th. Exice�llemit s;t,a.�te dP r'e- palur, terxrL�s �av+a�ilable, �mr�ed2a�te passzSsican. Oha"ttels Cash Prop. JACI� MOORE Aaet. HAROLD JACIiSOl�i Clerk GEOILGE POWL�, 37 Sb CLEARING � AUCTI�N SA,LE� Clearing Auction Sale of Household Effects in the ,town of Seaforth, John Street, on Wedng�d�;, O�tab�r ( �t 1:OQ p.r�t. ''""s F'ull 1i.ne o� modern fut�rin- tiuTe in exCe�71eJ'1� eoYT�liimon; chesbcnfiielci. and cha�, t1U9;tess cha,ir, swivel chaur, end tab1�5 and matching cof�ee �table; elec- iric �lamps; lom�g �vall mi.rcrvr; living .na.om mirror; consale din- ing room �able, 4 chains; china calainet; �ugs, sca�tter mats; bookcases;,Singer se�ving mach- � bl � chai�rs � v ta e ine; k �chen , , Norge .e,lecbrie stove; I�elv��a�tor frig.; se�rving table; rall-away bed; 2 ohesrts of drawers; wa�d- robe; electrical appliances; sil- verware; combirna�tion rac�iodec- ord iplayer. 4ther articles too numer�ous �to men�ti�n. Terms: Cash Proprietor, Mrs. Georgine Smith Auctioneer, Narofcl Jackson C{erk, George Powell 3$-9b SEC���'A��', Terri�ic oppor�unifiy fmr Clin�on Area gir� �o si�ar�Y a� the t�p as se��etary fa •�he �/ice Preside�� o�i�' � lo�a! �Firm. ,;�1'`�l M* �� Same �irrn requires a recep�ionis} s�fienc� �2bQ.00 a manfh. 5ave travel i�ime and enjoy a prestige position in your own area. �ALL ��A�� �ERSd���l 36l �tici,moerd St., i.ondoe� Plaone �33-539�` No fee fo appficant. NE1N �OR • x SMA��' SUITS � • New S�}yles • New 5ha�es • New Materials The New Fall Sui�s �re in and they are 3mart. Cu# fo pf�as8 even the most d'iscriminate buyer. � C�oose To�a� FA�� co�ars We ar� now s�owing our complete ra�nge of ,All V1/eafher at�d Wint�ew Coat�: , SEE T��M NOY'�/'. • , * � ._ Cm �� m��e d Pic� � 8� a ll e t b� p Main Co�nerr Clintoh, On#drid, Phone d8�-S17�Z ��i�iii�uY�dii�wwlwnn`uiiw�rwYr-: �_: � . . ` , .., .,. . . . ; ..