Clinton News-Record, 1965-09-23, Page 1tAy $14rip3= I eiIor) IF THE, upcoming- election serves no .other laurpoSe, it wxli stimulate conversations for the next month or so, TbtTe is. albsolutely notth'irng like an elec- tiara to eliminate boring talks ery and end; at least tempor- may, some of the gossip to which we blow we shouldn't about the weather and the seen listen but ,l$ so exciting to hear .. , , , and repeat. Most popple aren't, jumping up and down with ;joy do an- ticipadQn of this eleedon but It has certainly set Canadians a-b,4zaing over the stupidity of p'olr'iidans and the folly of our governmental set up, And everything points to a dirty election, comnplete witai charges and countearoharlgies that only sicken or confuse the voter. I WAS interested in the coon= anent of a dear little old lady who has voted for many more years. than many of us romper. lam. She is a staunch Liberal .. or has been , . maybe even, "was". She is from the old gehool when Conservativets moan t "dorscrri(ption," a nasty wird to the mother of three war-elligiible sons. This woman departed from her twulally sweet self when she spoke of the pending election. Her word§ were bitter and her atTtliltudo was dif'fer'ent. "I'm wt even going out to vote," .she told me "I've mark- � edl 'more +ballots in the last dight .years than I heave ever marked iin my We. I'll not -mark another this November. They don't came what I think away," THIS' LADY !Wt the only one who wall grove up the -Bight to vote in this election, Sure it is the wrong attitude . worsenow pemrhaps than at airy other time since- confederation. But how do ,you explain, to people that their franchise is their most precious possessdom as a .Canadian citizen? THERE IS to be a Commun- ist repre's'ehtaftve listed on the ballot in London this election. No one expects him to be elected this, his-irlrst-time out. And everyoiae 'see15 `-hs -'legal entry in the race as another point in. favour of the d'emo!c- riacy in which we are fortunate enough to Live. There d,' bound to be a great deal of controversy over the subject because those who be- lieve It is better to have com- munists out 6n the open than snealdrig mysteriously 'about in the confines of darkened corn- ers and :those who ad;V'ise than particular party shhbuldl be snuf- fled out Wore it gets a chance to spread. It wall be interesting to see how Londoners retact on No- vemtb'er 8. fl/ill ' aC aide Clinton Sweats This Season The 1st Clinton Lions Scout Troop started the season with a full .quota of scoutmasters and troop leaders, The Scouts are meeting in the auditorium of Clinton Public School every Monday evening. At the first meeting this week, nearly 50. proficiency badges were presented. Above are the leaders, front row, left to right: Gordon Merrill; Perte Bourret, assistant Scoutmaster; Bob Reid, Kenneth Hamilton, troop ,leader; back ro-w, Jerry Lobb; and Dave Harvey, assistant Scoutmaster. Scoutmaster Low Ludlow is picrtured with a group of Snouts on page 2, (News Record Photo) Native Of Clinton Won DFC and ,AFC Thomas Cooke 'Appointed ChieF Lances & Forests /fir Services Thomas Cooke, son of C. pair sermi;ce when tuibine en- Clrref continued. V. Coolie, Toseph. Street, and gins; are replacing the. older The Bekatverswith the new the late Mrs. Cooke, has been piston -type ones. engines carry nine passeng- appointed chief of the, air, "We tare just starting to ers, compared with seven by service with the Ontario De- convert over to+ the .578 'h.p. the former Beavers, and par'tmen+t of Lands and For- tusrbo-Beavers," said Mr, cruise at 140 miles per hour. ests, Cooke. "The Turbo engines These planes can be equipped Mr. Cooke was with the are smaller -than the stand- ,With wheels, skis or floats. Royal Canadian Aar Force and ones but carry more Mr. Co'oket, expects the ten ft= December 1939 until power, performance and pay- Otteis will be equipped with 1945, during Which time he load." twin turbSrne-ergines In time, was ,awarded the Distinguish- Tera, of the turbo -engined Mr. Choke, his wife and Rd. Flying Cross and. Air Beavers were obtained by family will make their per, Force aoev. He returned to the air service during the mranent home in Sault Ste, the Jl oyal Bank of Canada in. winter. Four have been ail- Marie, leaving Ghapleauwh+ore Clinton and joined the -De- d'ed since. he had; been district forest par tment of Lands and For- "That leaves 24 stall to be protection supervisor for the gists as a pilot in 1946. converted," the Air Service past year. The now chief will -be tak- the IND public school at the most eloquent speakers in Pzrty, ing over ata history time in the 41 yeiar history of the HOBBY AND CRAFT EXHIBITION Prominently mentioned as FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT CHSS He served with the RCAF for hive and attended candidates are two Who have Edgar was governor of District 1' of Iirsm.en Globs; ..5 <"f Clinton Legion Pipe Band convener of the Hobby and, glade Hall. He has practiced Will be on hand this l+' iday Craft Exhibition, srponsored law in Br mtllord since 1.957, night to pipe dignitaries to by the Starlight Unnit of the 4. the platform in the auditor- UCW of Wesley-Wr1Lis Oh - fwd Bar Association and serv- euro of Central Huron; See- urch, and, Miss Eileen Hes- ed on the board of the Salvation •ondiary School for the official sion; Baiyffeld, who will intro- " opening of the Hobby and duce her Poster Festival. al Institute for the Blind.: Craft Exhibition at 7:30 p.m. The show is set for two W * I + Among those w,ho will take days, r+umming- from 7 to 10' MAYOR DONALD Symons � . �� � part in the opening are Clin- p.m., Friday, September 24 and Reeve W. Duff Thompson bon Mayor Don Symons, and from,1 to 5 p.m. and 7 to may not have to worry about Group Catatalrn- X. R. Green- 10 p.m. Saturday, September an election this tall but they away CII, Commanding Of- 25. have been issueda challenge ;,. Raer Station Clinton; John All RCAF exh+ilbits and the ; :. •- .and quite a clrtallengea Davis' n chakmw of CDCI Poster Festival may be s'e'en � ., � Reeve . Charles Hooper of Board; Rev. C. G. bark, min- in the 'aud %orlumn while the Markham Township tial, invs'beld ester ca! Wesley -,Wills, United, balancip of the dilsplays will (Continued on Page Seven) I Thomas Cooke Church; IV.firs. Milford Durst, be sot .up in the cafetea"ita.. , To Cost Over $550,000 Waiting List of Patients _ r H oAdditionurnvrevSlated to St rt t Early'Next in (By W. E. Elliott)-ablange, and W. Snider said: plan and blueprint. The ground the existing roadway, with man - "We have increased it, but how floor will donbain the a,dm5.nis- or alterations necessary in the GODERiCH — Conaruotion much it is difficult to Say. We tration office, nurses' station, parking bort. of ars addibaon to Huronvtaw its hopeen to build early in the yetar eleoaitor sand staph tower, The Superintendent Harvey John -expected to commence early in whcostes mare not as great as second, wir+tual4y the same; will stare reported 44 admnis'sions to ishe new year. The Ontario Mu- at the Present tirmare." roWde nnxrS'es' stations doe- date the +tamed Board lens a proved txrte p year, with 30 deaths '!� P Adjoining Buildings tbr's' exalartination xoom, lector's and three discharges: . plans, !arid authx�xnze'd CountyCloMhuttee chairman Thomp- office, nurses' oi>g1 % sitting Waiting List; Council to call ,for tenders. son said the department had a- room and board room. "A large -umber of appli- The board of management re- greed with a recommendation 'Ilhe entrance, Mr. Snider ex- cations is on my desk, and Mr. port, presented to county court- that the addition be tied to- plained, will be at the, end of (Cokitinued on, page 12) oil on Monday by Reeve Agin gether with present buildings 74iamp on, fi tckerktllth, rec- by mean's of arm ,admWsfrataoi omlimalemrded and obtained lap' or ryWing. IWO e l for tihe wrhlteot>s to proceed 'Sy having rt&L-adminis-tra- ount`�/ as,Sukp rydth specIficatftons and workiimg ttOn area located in such.., . drawings, `Pointers wild be pro- piton," he; Sued, "it 'was Oat sented at the Janu'an°y session, feeling thRt We Would save conte ',t'hc bx'eliatects care Snidfer, Hu. siderable money as far a5 of - At End of Half Ye-ar get and, M=11, of Waterloo race staff as c6nic0hod, also d,t and Godex7ic'h. makes lit much more donvenlent (lay W. E. Elliott) and you 'will then ham to dL- Cost of the ad'cUtion, W pro- for the .general public, who will. GODERICH - rl0urintg t h e dide if you ate agw hg to oak ry vide 75 Meds, Was set last JbAt bav>✓ onhy bne main, efitrabce on 'with the resHaivio fund for current year, $50,000 will be to go into wlierir they visit the hospital pruitpo-ses; sari if so, on 00ttwy at $55d,00a. Reeve ' A. H,mv. Thais .joint link 16 a wont- ada'ed to A -draft C bnty Court- what ibaks ' Clift, T if tbor enlg Beed ono The clerk flrea�uicer rcelpbmrt� 1Vlonclay if there bad been ariy' der8ul U(>md5gc eel's hospital reSertte" fumad, nnw "There has been grca',1; dns- standing ;at $102,000, find also a nominal surplus of $29, c"91brl rogardmhg 9tkrimetfte, of there twill be a, de&wtdon owing at the end of June of which Tho Weatho the k'oof, ;3n vdeW a poor re- to paying a portion to ii jng, $14,143 t ,Prom highway' at-, sults aver pelt years,: We looked ham G'arrexW Hbspittal: count, province patio in ulghuw HnghLow at a 'lot' of kod.- fiat the past "We erre Alsb expecting, ex- $3$3,569 bit highway account, 1$65 1964- week. Our prio'posed 'ttrattbre' pendli,tures to the Gblderirlh and county nates amounted to s�pc 1t' 14 57 57 W is basi'oali a,:root .....itched from hospital" clerk -treasurer &hn $290,048, 'Whiule `h ivay outlay 16 5$ 41 62 ` M oautsxde to denrtre on a scale of Gs Berry told council, "butt -no tdflaltg $639,'474. Tn the #'en ... 40 � accdUht , dituk`a has! 17 73 46 74 4� appx�oxlmttt�lly eight inches to definite dates have been xnen ,. expel .. 18 86 62 71 49 20 &dt the centres core area toned," totalled $307',V , fbr the irate' r 19 8& 62 61 49 ha7vaty" mi 611 itch frb6t the l hr, Be %y' axldeid tfihti `'is�ri yel�`r against a budget estfrnatte g_.. . 26 86 69 6$ $1 i ldrciiniiiasrtria 6i'o�iu to riotrtii j,967'' Wd W hove eJonrupleted for the Aill year of $627;753, 21 85 Io„ 79 fig ah 'extromAtio6,1 bilis a'blfgardb is foe the, pittent > T irodi aew odpendit ki& w;a s. Range: ,%V A -Ain., a8” Don Snider" ghotvdd 6, relief bihxTd, to t"hb v'axyid )Wsotals', (06 it'i red 'dQk Page geft) D 0, 04ty Reeve wench On TV This Afternoon 1 ePUtY Reeve George V_ onch wiii, arppelar on CKNK TV from 3,3p to 4:00 pm, tlhis a -noon. (Tftursday) and will .display his rimtiquo 'recorder$ • which will be i shown at the Hobby and •c -raft ,Eib'it on here in Ciro- t0ni ties 'weekend.. Appeaatimyg with Mr. Wonch wvl bo 112rs Milford Durst, convener of the exhilbitxbn Huron County ro p Report p 71Caood' weather . of early p'ai't 4f last week allowed the threshing of sprang grain to be almost completed." said D. H, Miles, Agricultural Representative for Huron County, '`About 209o' of the bean harvest has been completed with above expected yields. Only. the odd glo bas been filled -- corn its maturing slowly. Wet weather of the, ltist few clays and high hu- Wldlty has slowed hav'esting of Crops." Libera"Islo'No-minate Tonight and Inina,ging all manor sports. le Affairs, He has been ` Mr, Edgar is a former rein- chairman of the Banking and Conota.ph Sner of the Mike . Weiichel tro- Finance committee, phy, for the person contriabwt- H'e was appointed Farliamen- ■ ing most to ii-Anor sports hn has Lary Secretary to the Minister communityhis is a, Western 'of Ftinarce in June 1,964 and Ce"remony � Ton ht at 715 , `TOntario Athletic Association . Was 4PPO rated Solicitor General A start is being made on Clinton's new cenotaph project with ' sod,-4turning ceremony in Library. Park tonight (Thurs- day) at 7:15. - Mayor Don Symons will turn the first sod before members I: of Clinton and. District Conn" i taph Committee, guests and any Itizen who, wishes to 'at- tend A Minton firm, Davis Con- tracthx C;o, iA'd" will do ex- cavatiirg wprlc as their dona- tion � the. project. The Bot ,Contracting CO., Oakville; who are tl }e general ' contractors. on Highway 4 and 8 road recon- struction jobs here, are giving their sendeps for pouring of the conerrete base; and. Pa etor and Redfern, consuiting"engin- eers on the road jobs, will as- sist with a, cash donation. The cenotaph fund was in- creased by $456.88, the profit from last Week's stag and award. I In July 1965, games right at Ci moon Legibn Hall, This brings the total to. over $1,700 from canvas's, do- nations and the stag. The committee, headed by Deputy `Reeve George Woneh, will hold another meeting early next week, 0 Ho key Banquet Tomorrow Night The. Chris Black Combo -from RCAF Station Clinton will provide, the music for dancing following the banquet in Clin- ton Legri+on Hall Friday night honowIng CIinton's Junior "D" hockey champions. .A,11area; '.teercnagers are wel- come to attend. Parents and spares, flans will attend the banquet and presen tation of jackets. Dinner is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Mait Edgar Likely Candidate ,Larry Pennell, MP Tonight's Speaker Mr. and . Mrs. John Fisher Enthusiastic Collectors Clinton Couple'' To Disp,layHo661mes At CiaFt Exhi6ition This ,Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. 29 Winner Court, are busily preparing for the Clinton Hdb- by and. Craft Exlvibiitlon which is scheduled for Central Huion Secondary School this weekend . •anda vkalt to the Fish er home proves there is much to be made ready for display, Both Mr, and Mrs. Fisher are avid collectors of many things. Much to their pleasure, they have had ample opplortunity to indulge in their hobby for they have 'travelled extensively. Dur- ing Ma FmsheM''s sltint in the RCAF, the fan qy, saw most of Canada as well as Britain and the Continent. As to result, their hornet is a veritable, hobby land, fulled to the brim with treasures it oil, china, glass, metal and leather which have bem purchased ow' `'discovered" -throughout their 20 yen's of marrril+age . and prdba bly more important, kept andgiven prominent place ori wales and fin cabinets for others no enjoy. Coins and Bottle Openers ,Mh".fisher, author Of "The Coin Collectoa", a �c6iumn which appears in this newspaper, has a fine Cbll'eotlbn of colm to be shown at 'the '14bbb(y and Craft Exhitbiibi'on this 1 rid+ay and Ste- uedlaty', qx mnsoted by the Star- light UCW of Wesley -Willis United Church and ocdWened jyy Mrs 1Vlalt on d Durst. The cob -18, meticulously main - ted err i`alder , or plastic cakes, have been gloaikuerd ftotnn -'parity sburceg, ,-Mr, -Fresher admits Ire i sorts. through almost every: cent � Of change, that oomnes wdnbin his reach, 'alw'ays width the Hope he will fano somnedi Mg of value, iArnblthte of his prize dolloot- ions is ra, set al' dbzens a lyaRlc openers ,' , . some Y10i & ordift- aty, oflwe s beauubt 'ax11y or'na'te: ,112x'. Fisher is also a painter and ',bbath he and lilts wife dbl= lent paintings by, turtle ldadWn liwt talented btUsIiT, buttoa>,s, klaters Vases W9, f sb'er has been coalCct- ing buttont since "shb was, a thild aAd filets b 1ab_�e po AM same a ithe hibst t"Liw1w butte tI tong evee Sirilahufaetured', Irliese rare beauties are mounted and new Red and White store an held those titles only from May framed for display at the Hob- Huron Street. to November of 1901 .... der- by and Craft Exhibition. For instance, two conmemm ing . which , time they made" a She also, will show a few orative lapel pans picturing the world. -tour and visited Canada, lovely lapel pins, some of which Duke and Duchess of Cornwall Mrs. Flesher believe, these la - were found in the former Mrs. and' York were discovered on pel buttons are at least 64 Cox residence which was demod- the +premnis'es•, These are partite years old ...: a real collector's ish'ed to make way for Corrie�s ularly valuable since the couple (Continued' on page.5) Ciint6o Nbbbyists I To Display thein' Collections . and Mrs. Sohn F`isf & `Winter CWA, Clint6h, . are sfit�vv�' here iii . .,.. ,_ ._,_. ,. fihelf, thin �o� displaying two of thou ,lnahy hobby eb}lectidns, _ Alt the trip and in the ipehnant in d6htre are ;part of Mb's. > l§her's button etitle6tiariy W Vishexµ isfkdhig art o+f kris chin callectii ih. These and Wham mord jhterest, p t a irig„ 4fid unusual hobbies will bo, on display at the Robby �and Craft 8xliibitiorl; II GTS auditorium and &hteria on PridaV evoi:lii g Wid SAUI—day dtornobil ohd eV) (gei0S-96661'c Photo): At for Duron Perth; and the pays.i-. Born on a fqarm neap' Wjpg, Cli.M} neon N Teacherf dellt -of the Humn Liberal As, ham, 36 years ago, ATr, JDdgap, soacraticrn, Wm, Elston, of RR 4 his wife and family now live Edgar p WSrvgham, in bhedr own home on Town, !�� 'Malt During the past few days, send Street, ClintonH SLocoBackinglViaitClinton's'popular a I ,The teacher -athlete -service e l u. b keynoteaddress will be delivered by the Honourable �°' worker, ba:s been p!r'omn;ine�ratly Darily Pennell, A'i.P., S,ollcitox- auditorium of the Cerr- Theerals menti as the choice of Lib- General in the Pearson Govern- in this area, nment. Mr., Pennell is the Lib- tial Huron: Secondary School, Mr. Edgar leas just begun his oral Member for the federal Clinton, is the designated lova- fourth year as a geography zrding of Brant-HOdimandi. He tion Mien Liberal delegates teacher at CRSS, He began his resides in Brantfard with his from the 148 Polls of Huron, 'teaching career at Ti'pperaa°y wife and two children', where Riding .elect their candidate School in Godeei6ih, Townsbip, • he is also a membw of the law f hni of Pennell, Watt and Pur - this Thzursd'ay (tonight) at 8:30 then. part of a term at Milton public school and rive yeol at ceA. He is regarded as one of p.m. for the 'for+thcorn;ung Fed- the IND public school at the most eloquent speakers in Pzrty, eral election. RCAF �S+ttiartion Clinton. �,e Liberal Prominently mentioned as From May 1964 to May 1965, 'drstriot He served with the RCAF for hive and attended candidates are two Who have Edgar was governor of District 1' of Iirsm.en Globs; years, McMaster University and Os - indicated their wiiIngn'ess to he has held most offaaes anal glade Hall. He has practiced accept the nominati+on in the has been the back bone of Clin- law in Br mtllord since 1.957, persons of Gordon McGavin, ton Kinsmen activities, • Fie is president of the Brant - successful farm implement He is a former superintend- fwd Bar Association and serv- dealer frown. Walton, and Mait ent .of Wesley -Willis . United ed on the board of the Salvation Edgar; CHSS geography teach- Church Sunday School a: n d Army and the,Canadlam Nation- er. presently on the board of stew- al Institute for the Blind.: Others mentioned as possible ar ds of that church.Since being elected to the contenders are E. B. Menzies, In athletics, the .aspiring House of Commons, Mr. Pen- , barrister 4f Clinton; A. Y. Me- politician has done everything nell 'has served an several commi- Lea'n of Seafort+h, former M.P. from active player on Clinton such as Privileges an mnintees d' and dil striot teams, to, coaching Elections and 'Trade and Econ - and Inina,ging all manor sports. le Affairs, He has been ` Mr, Edgar is a former rein- chairman of the Banking and Conota.ph Sner of the Mike . Weiichel tro- Finance committee, phy, for the person contriabwt- H'e was appointed Farliamen- ■ ing most to ii-Anor sports hn has Lary Secretary to the Minister communityhis is a, Western 'of Ftinarce in June 1,964 and Ce"remony � Ton ht at 715 , `TOntario Athletic Association . Was 4PPO rated Solicitor General A start is being made on Clinton's new cenotaph project with ' sod,-4turning ceremony in Library. Park tonight (Thurs- day) at 7:15. - Mayor Don Symons will turn the first sod before members I: of Clinton and. District Conn" i taph Committee, guests and any Itizen who, wishes to 'at- tend A Minton firm, Davis Con- tracthx C;o, iA'd" will do ex- cavatiirg wprlc as their dona- tion � the. project. The Bot ,Contracting CO., Oakville; who are tl }e general ' contractors. on Highway 4 and 8 road recon- struction jobs here, are giving their sendeps for pouring of the conerrete base; and. Pa etor and Redfern, consuiting"engin- eers on the road jobs, will as- sist with a, cash donation. The cenotaph fund was in- creased by $456.88, the profit from last Week's stag and award. I In July 1965, games right at Ci moon Legibn Hall, This brings the total to. over $1,700 from canvas's, do- nations and the stag. The committee, headed by Deputy `Reeve George Woneh, will hold another meeting early next week, 0 Ho key Banquet Tomorrow Night The. Chris Black Combo -from RCAF Station Clinton will provide, the music for dancing following the banquet in Clin- ton Legri+on Hall Friday night honowIng CIinton's Junior "D" hockey champions. .A,11area; '.teercnagers are wel- come to attend. Parents and spares, flans will attend the banquet and presen tation of jackets. Dinner is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Mait Edgar Likely Candidate ,Larry Pennell, MP Tonight's Speaker Mr. and . Mrs. John Fisher Enthusiastic Collectors Clinton Couple'' To Disp,layHo661mes At CiaFt Exhi6ition This ,Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. 29 Winner Court, are busily preparing for the Clinton Hdb- by and. Craft Exlvibiitlon which is scheduled for Central Huion Secondary School this weekend . •anda vkalt to the Fish er home proves there is much to be made ready for display, Both Mr, and Mrs. Fisher are avid collectors of many things. Much to their pleasure, they have had ample opplortunity to indulge in their hobby for they have 'travelled extensively. Dur- ing Ma FmsheM''s sltint in the RCAF, the fan qy, saw most of Canada as well as Britain and the Continent. As to result, their hornet is a veritable, hobby land, fulled to the brim with treasures it oil, china, glass, metal and leather which have bem purchased ow' `'discovered" -throughout their 20 yen's of marrril+age . and prdba bly more important, kept andgiven prominent place ori wales and fin cabinets for others no enjoy. Coins and Bottle Openers ,Mh".fisher, author Of "The Coin Collectoa", a �c6iumn which appears in this newspaper, has a fine Cbll'eotlbn of colm to be shown at 'the '14bbb(y and Craft Exhitbiibi'on this 1 rid+ay and Ste- uedlaty', qx mnsoted by the Star- light UCW of Wesley -Willis United Church and ocdWened jyy Mrs 1Vlalt on d Durst. The cob -18, meticulously main - ted err i`alder , or plastic cakes, have been gloaikuerd ftotnn -'parity sburceg, ,-Mr, -Fresher admits Ire i sorts. through almost every: cent � Of change, that oomnes wdnbin his reach, 'alw'ays width the Hope he will fano somnedi Mg of value, iArnblthte of his prize dolloot- ions is ra, set al' dbzens a lyaRlc openers ,' , . some Y10i & ordift- aty, oflwe s beauubt 'ax11y or'na'te: ,112x'. Fisher is also a painter and ',bbath he and lilts wife dbl= lent paintings by, turtle ldadWn liwt talented btUsIiT, buttoa>,s, klaters Vases W9, f sb'er has been coalCct- ing buttont since "shb was, a thild aAd filets b 1ab_�e po AM same a ithe hibst t"Liw1w butte tI tong evee Sirilahufaetured', Irliese rare beauties are mounted and new Red and White store an held those titles only from May framed for display at the Hob- Huron Street. to November of 1901 .... der- by and Craft Exhibition. For instance, two conmemm ing . which , time they made" a She also, will show a few orative lapel pans picturing the world. -tour and visited Canada, lovely lapel pins, some of which Duke and Duchess of Cornwall Mrs. Flesher believe, these la - were found in the former Mrs. and' York were discovered on pel buttons are at least 64 Cox residence which was demod- the +premnis'es•, These are partite years old ...: a real collector's ish'ed to make way for Corrie�s ularly valuable since the couple (Continued' on page.5) Ciint6o Nbbbyists I To Display thein' Collections . and Mrs. Sohn F`isf & `Winter CWA, Clint6h, . are sfit�vv�' here iii . .,.. ,_ ._,_. ,. fihelf, thin �o� displaying two of thou ,lnahy hobby eb}lectidns, _ Alt the trip and in the ipehnant in d6htre are ;part of Mb's. > l§her's button etitle6tiariy W Vishexµ isfkdhig art o+f kris chin callectii ih. These and Wham mord jhterest, p t a irig„ 4fid unusual hobbies will bo, on display at the Robby �and Craft 8xliibitiorl; II GTS auditorium and &hteria on PridaV evoi:lii g Wid SAUI—day dtornobil ohd eV) (gei0S-96661'c Photo): At