HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-09-16, Page 12Noe !Sows,R9cor+,,,,,Thurs, Sept, 'I6, 190: c Game Down aseball inals juvehiles 111 io Brucefield Girls Softball Team With League Trophy Hugh. Hodge, convener of . the WOAA inter- mediate girls softball league this area is pictured here' presenting the Irwin Ladies Wear trophy. to members of the Brucefield team, This is new trophy given by. Robert N. Irwin, Clinton, owner of -ladies' wear stores Clinton, Hensall, and. Exeter, Members of the WOAA league champions, are from the left, Mrs. Douglas (Thelma).. clones, catCher; Miss Kay Sharp, coach; MiSs Bev Wright, pitcher. and team captain, and. Mrs. Mel (Betty) Graham, The Brucefield team defeated Exeter to win the southern part of . the group and then. eliminated Brussels, northern section winners, in three. straight games, Brucefield are now in a series with IIanoVer and lost the first game on Tuesday evening. (News-Record Photo) FALL FAIR DATES ANNOUNCED rIto follswbg is a list of time' upcoming fail fairs ..md their 04%; 1347fiolti .......... ....„ Sept. 28, 2 151$4.4 SePt, 21, 22' Pri.m.$s ..... ._ Sept, 00, Oct, 1 pongarnen .......... ;...,,..„,..,. Oct, 1 Exeter .Sept, 22, 23. 13anover ...., ......... . Sept, 2, - 3, 4 Harriston Sept, 15, 16 NIII,e4r.clIme. Sept. 16, 17 M4.404 Sept, 30, ,04t. 1. 1,4,stovel Sept, 7, 8 1..orkloxl :Sept.. 10 te. 18. Lugltrelaw - Sept, 17, 18. :11/1001-04y Sept. 14, 15 Mllverton Sept. 24, 25 Mitchell .Sept. -8, ',29 PAlinerston Sept.• 27, 28 Sept. 17, 18 Port Elgin , St, 'Marys .................. .Oct. 5, 6 Segforth Sept, 23, 24 Stratford ,:.„,., Sept, 20, 21, 22 Teeswater „.„,,..,„. Sept. 24, 25 Walkerton Oct. 20, 21. Wiatton, ,„...,..,., .... Sept,' 14, 15 Zurich ,,„,,, ..... .. Sept. 25 and 27 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Children Under 12 In Cars Admitted Free Box Office Open at 7:30 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT 3:00 THURSDAY and FRIDAY Setpernber 16 and 17 — DOUBLE FEATURE "HOW To Murder Your Wife" JACK LEMMON VIRNI LIST' Color (Adult Entertainment) PLUS "STOLEN HOURS" Susan Hayward, Michael Craig Color Cartoon SATURDAY ONLY — Sept. 18. — DOUBLE FEATURE — THE BIG TEENAGE TALENT REVUE THE BEACH BOYS THE BARBARIANS CHUCK BERRY JAMES BROWN AND THE FLAMES and a cavalcade of performers from the U.S. and England. PLUS "MOTORCYCLE GANG" John Ashley Cartoon MON., TUES., WED. , THURS., Sept. 20 to 23 This Summer's Biggest Hit! (Continued from Page One) the tOvvn water main. Reeve Duff Thompson re- quested' Mr. Labb to put his request in writing and would be seriously considered by .the council. Another ratepayer who wait- ed on council „ was J. S. L. Cummings, ,. operatOr el the service station at the eastern end Of Ontario Street. He re- quested council to take anoth- er. look at the east entrance to his service station which he feels is not in a safe situation. Mr. Cummings had previously entered complaints with the Department of Highways en- gineer :and streets chairman Jim Armstrong over the en- trances to station. The town appointed A. M. Harper & Co., of . Goderich, as. auditors at a fee of $1,650.00. In the police committee' re- port, given by Mayor Don Symons, it was revealed that $1,331 was spent in wages dur - ing August, ,.This, was due to the use of aux'ilia'ry policemer while members: of the regular force were on hodidays. The auxiliary men are paid' at the rate of $1,35 per hour. Of a police budget of $23,500 for the year there is $7,005 left. Councillor Lawson asked why policemen were not- on. duty at the main corner While the Stop light at the corner of Albert and Ontario Streets was being moved last week. Councillors Armstrong, Law- son and 'Cameron, Proctor all spoke of- their meeting with CDCI board -last Wednesday. Coun. Proctor said he was "quite , disappointed at the 'board's attitude." Reeve • Thompson said, "If a. nuisance factor persists, we must use our bylaw's and enforce them strongly, -possibly make examples out of some:" The mayor .said, "This' is not a. new problem; we just have more students.", He also said that the reeve came up with a good thought. The reeve suggested that the problem be further resear- ched at police committee level and report back to council, The -mayor suggested that the town's representatives' on ;the school board (W. C. Newcombe and George Beattie) be con suited on 'the matter. Deputy Reeve George Wonch reported that dog catcher Dal- ton of Seaforth, was paid $41 in August and that this Services were terminated as of Sept. 1. Councilor Norman Liver- more presented four applica- tions for building permits which were passed: Jack Irwin,. car port, $450; Lloyd Carter, garage, $200; Earl' Doucette, welcome s as a member of You are ASSETS INCREASED 1/4. MILLION DOLLARS I.N. ONE YEAR AT HOME ll OR ON THE GO RCA VICTOR "THE PICK OF THE PORTABLES" GALBRAITH Radio and Television Your Service Dealer 482-3841 Philishave RAZORS $19.95 ONLY $5.00 DOWN. Anstett JEWELLERS LTD. CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED New 21" Portable TV mW...-§NOWMFM.Mima: WIN $100 IN C SH We are giving away $100 to some lucky winner. It could be you. Buy any car on our lot priced at. $500 or over, and your name goes in the box. Draw will be made at 8 p.m. October 1st. Come in today. Look over our selection. The cleanest line in Huron County. 'A price range to suit most everyone — and no reasonable offer will be refused during our September Cleanup Sale. ornefrown Motors Ltd. Your Friendiy Chevrolet, Oldsmobile & Envoy Dealer. Ontario Street ---- CLINTON Phone 482.9121 ilosonimmommomirraff 'Hockey Banquet To Honour Clinton's OHA JUNIOR "D" CHAMPIONS CLINTON LEGION HALL • Friday, Sept. 24 at 6:30 pont Piesentation of Jackets — Guest Speaker Parents 'and Hockey Supporters Welcome Tickets Must Be Purchased at K. W. Colquhoun Insurance Office before Monday, September 20. TEEN TOWN DANCE TO FOLLOW BANQUET. • .4NIVOUNCEMENTS • INFORMAn • diCCESSORIES aimori News Record 56 Albert Street Yeti nty tolect your wedding invitations, annourtoomoOts and otoossovks 'with Colo. elete totdmichcb as to qoality and cofreOtOoss of form, Wediveinnodricements 4 TitAtYrrioXAL ImAtty 4 CLASSIC ritsfirictION o sOcrAt, ComtgamtEsS rernonsiiiixt ‘Sec1d;og nOpItirid, blotches ata cao tdot also avoifsMot Clinton FOR 791E, DISCRIM1 A7ING fh; CLINTON LIONS CLUB SECOND ANNUAL RUMMAGE .SALE, And Auction of Used Articles Arend: Saturday. Oct,. 16 Arena Open from Monday, Sept., 20 to Thurs. Sept. 23 from 7 to 8 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 25 from 9 to 12 a.m. to Receive Used Articles for Rummage Sale. ITEMS WAt!ITEb' CLOTHING—Ladie, Men), Ch, ildren',5 and Eaby's All Clothing Will Be Dry-Cleaned Prior to Sale • ;DISHES and KITCHEN UTENSILS AUTOMOTIVE' ACCESSORIES SPORTING EQUIPMENT • HOUSEHb1.1) Othaniture, Small 'and Major'. ApplItinces, FOR PICKUP CALL: Bus. Res. Maynard Cottle 7758 SitewaA Taylor ......... 7871 Mad, Grigg .0411 958 Ootgo Ltods 604 0705 C‘Ittyt4 Dixon .. 7084 600G CdthUtt -IVI6PfietsOli 0363 3404 3ohti Nediget ................ .8451 6600 iTheVtatOry ........ 004 Iii. 13. Menzies 3475 Clinton Council Engages Engineers For Victoria Street Reconstruction SrundaY afternoon at ' the Clinton, COnlinuntW Park the TWIT and Gai ,spons.ored juvenile halt •team 4 dropped the Opener of the .211ta-Ilo T3aSeiTali• ,Association .Juvenile "!$>' • fan' is to the Milton -crew by the -score of 44. The win guts .the Clinton}, lads' 14 An uneolnfort, oable position the fiiganls, 4s• the next game iis.scheduled .fOr Milton .next. Sunday afternoon, and if ta third is required, it is also slated for Milton, elope .magee,- -011,4ten's top hurler far the .-last three ar four years was the .starter and loser in this •contest.. There was runs. Irc the Dirst.inning three sin gles 1?),VdOeed on run AS. Bob: Stualcle,.Milton's sanoOth field- .intg third haPPM41.1,1cligeked in the game's first run. Singles 1\fcI4etloand qetstais hail set up .Stik*fle's situ4ion. Milton kept hitting every-, thing Clare threw .acid in the third Milton' picked up tthree singles aid a triple of ititagC'el this was good for two more Aftor rho third .iontrig Glare finally gained ins form hack:: but the lee* were 'Mai* to battle hael5 and get she nin$ for Magee as Noylor olloglwd the-Clinton team on a total of liiVe hits, In the hettom of, the fifth Clinter PlfelFed up their only run off the 'hard VI-Owing left hander as Calm McPonaiki start- erl the rally off by reaching first base on an .error by the sheet- SOP After Jim Livermpre had struck on,t, Bob PearSon Piekek1 up Clinton's Ord hit .off ior, a lone ,single to eentreol3'(1'h Batkin followed Pearson's 1114 with another single, scoring McDonald. Clinton had runners on sec- ond and third in the ,sixth but were unable to score as Jiro Livermore popped up le the first basentan.• In the eighth inning it look- ed as though• it was going to be Clinton's lucky inning again as it has been in the past few games; but the threat ended with runners on second and third again as this time Jim Livermore was jaratned on the first with an Inside curve ball and he popped it up to the shortstop. Laurie CelquItcam had singled and Cain McDonald doubled to give the locals their threat. On the ninth, Milton man- aged three more hits off Mlagee for one there insurance run. On going the distance Naylor struck out ten batters, gave up five hits, walked two batters and left nine Clinton batters stranded on base; while Clare Magee, losing only his second game in two years, struck out only five batters, gave tip .12 hits, didn't a.11ew a walk - and 'left seven batters stranded on base,, The second game of the series is slated for Milton next Sun- day afternoon. Game time is two o'clock. R H E Milton I... 102 000,001-4 12 3 Clinton ., 000 010 000-1 5 1 Clinton, Magee and Liver- more; 'Milton, Naylor and Ger- Vais. Clinton AB R H Larry Pickett, ss 4 0 0 Clare Magee, p 4 0 1 Laurie Colquhoran, lb 4 0 1. Larry Peason, cif 3 0 0 Cam 1VlaDonalcl, 213 4 1 1. Jim Livermore, c 4 0 0 Bob Pearson, rf 4 0 1 Bob Batkin, 3b 4 0 1 Chuck Switzer, If 3 0 0 Milton ABRH McLeod, cf 5 1 1 Bertasson, rf 5 1 2 Dawson, lb 4 1 2 Gervais, c 4 0 2 S'trckle, ab 4 0 1 Naylor, p 4 0 0 4 0 1 4 1 2 3 0 0 Huronview Ladies To Meet Sept. 20 Huronview Ladies Auxiliary will meet on Monday, Septem- ber 20 at 2:30 p.m. in the Arts and Crafts Room. The meeting wtnll discuss the resident's ba- zaar on Wednesday, October 6, All ladies welcome, Lighted candelabra and bas- kets of yelkiw gladioli formed the setting in Hensall United Church at 3:00 p.m. Saturday, September 11' for the double ring marriage of Dorothy Lila Parker and Douglas Ray' Dai- ley with the Rev. Harold. F. Currie officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and, Mfrs. Harold Parker, RR '1, Hensall, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dailey, Slarnia. The bride was given in mar- ridge by her father. • Mrs.. Douglas Wein of Inver- garage, $1,000, and John Mae- hay, garage, $500, for a total of $1,150. Mier a very brief report by health and . welfare chairman 'Coml. Proctor, Mayor Symons remarked on • how fortunate the town is in regard to wel- fare. The mayor spoke on this at a previous meeting after he returned from the Mayors and Reeves convention in Kitchen- er, where many delegates were quite concerned with their huge relief accounts. - Reeve Thompson, chairman of the towies industrial com- mittee, reported on having had a meeting with a party look- ing for an industrial site. The reeve said, "Clinton could ..end up with the beginning of - hav- ing some economic expansion." Arthritis research in Canada is an integral part of the world-wide movement to con- quer arthritis. ness, Nova Scotia, a's matron of honor ' for her sister; Miss Karen Fraser, St. 'Marys; Miss Colleen Dailey, Sarnia, sister of the groom and Miss Patsy Parker, Sister of the bride as bridesmaid's were gowned alike. Bruce Dailey, London, bro. ther of the groom was best man and Don Cott, Alex Hogg, London, and' Riekey, Parker, Hensall; nephew of the bride ushered, Mrs. John Turkheirn previcled traditional. wedding muSic and accompanied the soloist, Mr. Eric Ross of Stat- fa, who sang "The Lord's Pray- er," Mrs. Harold Parker enter- tained at her home previously for a 'trousseau tea in honour of her • daughter Miss Dorothy Parker. Guests were received by Mrs. Parker, the bride, Mrs. Ray Dailey, • mother of the groOm. Misses ,Cirttly Parker and' Kathy Parker, nieces of the bride, were in charge of the register. In the 'afternoon Mfrs. Edna Corbett, •grandinoth- er of the bride poured tea and Mrs. Ralph Holland, 'Clinton, Miss 'Patsy 'Parker and Miss Ruth Ann MacDonald, Bramp- ton, served. COMING EVENTS ThUrsday, Sept. 16 —BINGO at Clinton Legion -Hall, 15 reg- ular games for $5.00.2 share- the-wealth games. 1 • special game for $25.00, the first letter "L" and first letter "T" applies on this game for $2.00 each, 3 share-the-wealth games, jack- pot- applies on those 3 games $56.00 in 56 numbers, 2 door prizeS for $2.00 each. Admission 50c., extra cards 25c or 6 for $1.00. tib Friday, Sept. i7 — Cash Bin- go in Legion Hall, .-Seaforth. Sponsors Branch / 156, Cana- dian Legion. 3713 "The monthly inutunization clinic, sponsored 'by the Health Unit, will Commence again on Friday, September . 17th, -1965, 10:00 - 12:00 a.m., at the Clin- ton Public Hospital, south wing; use door to left of main en- trance." 3713 Tuesday Sept. 21 — BINGO at the Huron Fish & Game Club. Jackpot $55.00 in 55 numbers. Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. Tuesday,- Sept. 21 --, Noon luncheon, Wesley-Willis United Church, '11:30-1:30, $1.00, aus- pices of Mary and Martha Unit. 35-6-7b Wedneaday, Sept. 22—Dessert Euchre, Orange Hall, sponsors L.O.B.A. — 2 p.m. all ladies welcome. 3713 • Friday evening-and Saturday afternoon and evening, Sept. 24 and 25, Clinton Hobby and Craft Exhibition 'CHSS Audi- torium; sponsors, Wesley-Wilda UCW Starlight Unit. 32-4-6-713 Friday and Saturday Sept 24 and 25 — Teeswater Fall Fair— Bands —• Chuckwagort races from Calgary — Performing Buffalo act — Hydro cocking show's — Big Al from CKCO-• TV — Rides — County 4-H Show — Regional Shows — Horses — Cattle — Swine — Poultry. Exhibits. Hall open Friday evening With local tal- ent entertaining. Variety show and dance Saturday night. 37;8b "A series •of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, Septem- ber 29th, 1965, at 2:00 p.m. at the Health Unit Office, Clinton Public Hospital, Clinton.• These Will be held, at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Th•oseinterested are invited to attend on the above date, or phone the Public Health Nurse — Clinton 482- 9661, 'between 9:00 *- 9:30 am. or 4:30 - 5:00 p.m." 37,8b Wednesday, October 20--Sec- ond annual Fowl Supper, Wes- ley-Willis United Church, 5 to 8 .p.m. Adults, $1.50; thildren under 12, 75c. Everybody wel- come, 37,40b Wed., Oct 27—Dessert Euch- re and Bake Sale, Lodge Hall, 2-4 p.m. sponsors Huronic Re- bekah Lodge. 37b R ESTRICTED TO Novato is moot AOR QRG pt ABSOLUTEY NO CHILDREN Color Follow us! . . and find the answer to the comedy question of the year. Peter Sellers, Romy Schneider Peter O'Toole, Capucine TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY AT 8:00 ,!?e. 10:00 P.M, Special Admission: $1 per adult Pink Panther Cartoon COMING NEXT: "THE PATSY" and "ENSIGN PULVER" never ,and .doubt: an the Ntialtors' runs, mind that they v.:44W here, With the attitude IP$Ing eause they tan-tpea.en Magee, in the- Th'st three .irgityig.s.iv, ing out PAgilt tits for three &Was, If RarnshaW, ss Duncan, 2b Cloverdale, ph in 9th ,.., 1 0' 1 Stover, 21313 in; 9th ..... 0 0 0 Dorothy Parker and Douglas Dailey Exchange 144arriage Vows At ilensall `What's New, Pussycat?' ADMITTANCE