HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-09-16, Page 11HARRY WILLIAMS HU.2.6633 RP1CLINTON HEATING OILS-GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOR.OILS- WHITE ROSE Peter Thompson • Enters Queer's Peter Thornpson, son of Reeve and Mrs. Duff alhomp- .son, Clinton,' has entered his first year of mechahical engin- eering at Queen's. UniVersity in Toronto. Peter 'is 'a graduate of CHSS. WE'VE THE GASOLINE FRIEND YOU SHOULD KNOW-THAT WILL GIVE YOUR TRUCK 4 TRACTOR TWAT .rop"&o 1' - A Brucefield man is Making a name for, himself in the field of gladioli hYbridizing. Murray Tyndall began the endeavour in earnest 1943' and, since that time has registered more than 35 new, varieties • of the- popular flower. A Tull story of the Tyndall operation was a feature in the London Free Press dated Sat- urday, September 4. The story dealt with a new strain of glad- ioli bulbs developed by Mr, Tyn- -dall and named "Sherwood Fox" after a famous Western Ont- ario naturalist, Dr. W. Sher- wood Fox. "About eight years ago ho was sent- some bulbs from the, University of Saskatchewan to try out. in this area, They were called the Walter 'C. Murray variety, maned after the late, first president of the university. "That 'summer he. discovered among this group that one mu- tation or sport did not follow true. to the pink Shade with the off-white throat. This one little bulb produced an, almost purple shade and Mr. Tyndall has worked up sufficient stock since then to put it on the market this past spring as the Sherwood Fox variety. Mr. Tyndall and his wife are Kinette Club To Again Sponsor March of Dimes The first meeting of the Clinton Kinette club' far this year was held September 14 in the IOOP hall with a 100 per- cent attendance. President Mrs. William Flem- ing ' conducted the meeting which declded to canvass one ward for the' March of Dimes campaign with Mrs. Clarence Denornme as, team captain„ The Kinettes will be respon- sible for the hospital cart in November, Anniversary night is to be celeibrated Septesnber '28 at the Iroquois Hotel, London ;Motions to tell Christmas Cards and to run a "Hobo Tea" we're pasised. Plana for a dance to be held sometime in NOV - ember were begtin. Follolvving adjournment lunch was Served by Mrs, AniclY Peterson and Mrs. Perey. Pugh. EVERYONE REAPS AND RISES offers a complete selection of wedding announeentonts styled for the discrim- inating. ask for Big Wrestling Show GODERICH ARENA = 8:30 P.M. Saturday, apt. 18 Featuring The GREAT ANTONIO 465 Lbs. The World Strong Man — Who Will , Wrestle 2 BIG MEN Gerry Sparada 41Q lbs. from Italy European •Charnp. AND , Black Marvel 380 lbs. from Germany 6 More Bouts An TV STARS EVERYBODY WELCOME RELAX,TOLK! OZZIE'S FOUND THE GARLIC! Oil- Furnace Cleaning Now is the time all oil furnaces should be cleaned and inspected for next wint- er's heating season. Arrange now to have this done on a day that suits you. We are doing this work now every-day. DON'T WAIT FOR THE FALL RUSH A. G. GRIGG & SON PHONE 482-9411 CLINTON Two Government Licensed Oil Burner Mechanics 24tfb WO-Adis Strongest Man To Wresile In Goderich The Great AntoniO," who ,claims he is the world's strongest man, and freely boasts of his powerful feats of strength, cap be seen, wrestling two other huge wrestlers in Goderich this Satur- day night. He is , shown above, left, with Jack Dempsey, former world champion boxer, and on the right, lie Great Antonio's wife, Jeanine. Mr, and Mrs. Antonio Banichievich paid a visit to the News-Record Office early this week. • TRUE TEMPER TH1 LAWN KE FOR \AA PENNY ))))))))))0' AT YOUR HOME HARDWARE . WHEW YOU BUY 12 'LIGHT BULBS 1940 Battle of Britain Remembrance Parade Still Held at Minton .28 EA. CLINTON .Mr. and WS. ,HenryICIaas of Toronto spent the weekend With Mr. and M's, G. Klaas, John Hamilton returned last week from a motoo,vyele trip to California with a friend. OM- gratUlatlellS tr," John in: obtain- , tag honors in his year at Wat- 'orlo9 University, ° Donald Haines, Arthur Youngblut, ICenrieth Scott, Ma- jor Youngblut and.. Wagner attended the weekend retreat for Presbyterian Men at 'Kimball eamp, Mrs. Rose Herman of Strat- ford visited last week with her sister Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son Mr. Sanderson, and family. 11;11/ Ss Gwen McDowell of Stratford, MiSs Margaret R. J,ackson, Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. Howard Campbell both 'of Westfield attended the weekend session at the United Church camp north of Gode- rich. Ed. Davies; end. Court Kerr of Bent-miller took part in the horseshoe 'Piltohling competition at the Galt Fair last Saturday and won second 'place for the doubles. They also took part in the Elmira fair last Monday. The librarian iequests all book's 'to be in on Saturday September 18th at the Auburn Public library for the Huron County exchange truck. • Mrs. Marguerite 'Chopin and u , .r MisS ARMS Williamson of Wilighaln visited last SatnrdaY with Mrs, W. T, Robisen at St. Marys, Recent guests with Miss Mar- garet R. jackSon, were Mrs. Beatrice Lovett, Stf Catharines, Mrs`, Karol(' SPrung, Atwood and Mr$.11targlierillte Chopin of Wingharn. Mr, mdi mxts, Lloyd HumPai- rays • were honored last. Week prior to their deParture by the :Presentation of a gift by Mrs, George Hamilton on behalf of neighbors and friends, lVfrs. Wes Braiinock gave a short ad- dress and Mrs. Humphreys on behalf of Mr. Humphreys and hei:self thanked -their friends for their thotightfulness. Mr. and'Mrs,. Ed. 'Davies vis- ited'last 'week in StreetgVille with Mrs; Albek Doers. Mr. and •Mrs. Torn. jardin W'ingham Visited last week with her parents', Mr. and. Mrs. Straughan. Mr. Straw. ghan celebrated his 80th birth- day. Congratulations! Mrs. Garrett of Clinton is simply teacher apt USS 5 Hul- lett, due to the illness' of the teacher, aVIrs. Agnes MacKin- non. Begirmers at school are °Elden Chamney, Bobby PaWell, Douglas McCliinchey, ' Sylvia Riiitkowicz and Cathy Bere. Grade 2 is based to No. 9 and grade three IS also bussed to the school on the 10th of Willett. Mrs. Wes Bradnock and Mrs. Frank Raithby attended the Leader's Training course for the 4-H fail project, "Sleeping Garments" at Clinton last week. .Any girls interested in taking this project please con- tact these leaders soon. Miss Margaret Haines left on Tuesday to enroll at the Stratford Teacher's College. Harvest Home Anniversary services will be held next Sun- day, September 19 at St. Mark's Anglican Church. Services Will be held at 12 noon and 7:30 pm. with the 'minister, Rev. G. E. Packenhain, in charge. Watson„ Chin of Columbus, Ohio, is vacationing with. Mrs. Mary Johnston. ' Mrs. lVfary Crawford of Lon- don spent the weekend with her brother, Andrew Kirkcon- nell, Mrs. Kirkconnell and. Miss Diane Kirkconnell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kirk- connell, Donald, Ronald' and Gregory visited on Sunday istric1 With •Mn and Mrs. ' Andrew Xiriceennell and, family. They Cal visited. their sister, Mrs, CharieS Snelling In Clinton Hos- ManY from, here attended the Thresheman's reunion on Zat- graqy. Former Local Girl Rose kubOthei' OntariO: .Stholo. Rose i3rubacher, daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs, Rgentn: Bru. beefier, Galt, ,attained nine firsts, in the ,Tune Grade 13 .examinations which she wrote at Glenview Pk-erne Secondary School and, has been Selected as an Ontario Scholar. Miss Bruhacilier, now 18, attended high school at CASS up until two years ago when she moved with 'her family to Galt. Mr. Brubacher was a foi"nner Clinton Grocer. At CHSS, 'Miss BrUbacher 'was a consistent Qver-80 stu- dent and also found time to participate on CUSS Volley- ball and basketball teams. She plans to enter Sick Hospital in Toron- to for training as a regis- tered nurse and is seriously considering a year at inlayer- Silty' following her graduation in order, to become an in- Structor of nursling. The accepted average requir- meat of eight hours sleep a night is no more applicable to a particular individual than an average-size hat or shoe would be, according to Reader's• Di- gest. Some people have real need of ten hours a night, oth- ers find four hours sufficient. Although the world is geared to eight hours' of sleep at a stretch, some people would ben- efit 'from taking sleep in a number of small doseS. MURRAY TYNDALL Twenty-five years ago . on September 15th, that part of the- air war 'called the Battle of Britain reached a clintax. All through • July and August of 1940, a great number' of Can- adian 'airmen were first tested in combat, won their first vic- tories,. and' suffered the first .of their seventeen thousand casu- alties In the war.' The' Battle of • Britain was fought in the late. summer ,oaf 1940 at a time when the for- tunes .of war had „not - been, well known and sell bulbs from coast to coast in Canada as well 'as many states in America. They have even had an order from .Soottand! There are bulbs for sale at the Tyndall property in Bruce- field but many are being closely watched fOr possible new var- ieties. One in particular that holds promise is an 'orange-red spedie 'and with 'any luck, ft will be available, soon. HENSALL NEWS Rally day services will he held in Herisall United Church next Sunday morning, Septem- ber 19 at 11 a.m. This is a com- bined service of the Church Sdhool and the morning congre- gation. The teaching session will be withdrawn so that the Children may 'attend the morn- ing worship with their parents as a unit: The' churCh school' are given an opportunity to contribute at this 'service toward the Mis- sion work of the church throu- gh their speeial Rally Day en- velopes. The congregation of Hensall United Church are deeply grate- ful for the beatitifnl Pulpit Drape presente.d by the Pater- son family, Mrs,",Robert Pater- son and Mr. and Mrs. Ray pat- erson at the morning worship • last Sunday =Ailing in mem- ory. of Mr. Robert Paterson. Walter Spencer, Clerk of Session on behalf of the' family presented th:e drape for Dedi- cation by Rev. H.. F. -Currie. running 'in our favor, - A :Vali . year was to elapse before we .were to, receive outside aid. It "was fought 'at i a time' when even our staunchest friends and sympathizers had • conceded our ultimate defeat. England was blacked out, and even the es- sentials of life were strictly rationed. Waves of heavy bom- bers attacked the city of Lon- don each night; humanity hud- dled in air raid shelters, and the London tube stations deep underground - were occupyed each night by those who Sought respite from the nightly bom- bardments 'above; invasion fleet was Massing along the French . coast — air defence forces were on the alert for weeks without rest, weary td the point -Of exhaustion, and suffering from heavy casualties in men and equipment. A few pilots aided by devoted ground creW,s, without whose unselfish help -they could not have persevered, 'forced the ene- my to cancel his plans for an all-out air war, . and thereby, Changed the tide of history. It is cominemorate the memory of the deeds of , 'these. gallant men, those 'who sacrificed their lives and those who lived on to_ contribute their selfless cour- age and 'devotion — it is to honor them that we hold the Battle of Britain Parade each year. A't 0800 hours- on Wednesday, September 15, therefore,,the of- ficers and -airmen of RCAF Station Clinton were drawn up in parade formation, to pay tribute to these gallant few. The Station Chaplain offered. prayers, during the parade to commemorate those who/ did nr.xt return. Clinton News-Ricord 56 Albert St. 482-3443 clinton News-Record Sept. 16, 1965, Page 111 World Strong Man: Tolthestieln• Goderich .On. Sat. The Great Antonio' Barieli- levich caused quite a Stir when he visited the News-Record' of- fice on Monday. Crowds of chi], clren pressed closer to the doors for a 'better look at the bearded 465 lb, strong man who stands about six foot seven inches tall and claims to wear a size 70 suit, He and his buxorn but' at- tractive wife of three yars, Jeanine, were, in town to ar- range publicity for the big ,wrestling show,to be staged in Goderldb this Saturday, Sept- ember 18. The Great Antonio will take on "two big men at theLsame time" in the persons of. Gerry Sparada, a 410-1b. and the Black Marvel, a °German - Who weighs 380 lbs. On the same wrestling card is Mr. Wonder, the only legless wrestler in the world, He will take on a "jumping killer kan- garoo" from Australia. LUES SALE The Official Opening Si: Dedication of Hensall United Church NeW Christian Education Building will be held Sunday, September 19 --3 p.m. Speaker -- Rev. W. C. Winlaw (former minister) Dedication — Chairman of Huron Presbytery Special Music including Junior Choir Reception following Service. 36-7b Attention Knitters DOUBLE KNITTING WOOL Approx. 2-oz. - - -59e a ball Start Your Knitting Now Look First At CLINTON KNITTING CENTRE . At AMSINGS STORE ' 55. Albert Street Featuring . — 20 hitch classes including 4 horse hitch Calf Roping Contest Greasy Pig Scramble Flag Race FLIPPY & FLOPPY Canada's fessional Clowns will be on make sure their isn't a dull „ Their will also be a large midway and refreshment booth the ground.' HORSE SHO TUESDAY. EVENING SEPT. 21st AT 8:00 P.M. BLYTH COMMUNITY ARENA Durham Girls Trumpet Band will play periodically during the show. only pro. hand to moment. 140, WEB. B.RAPHOCK: .correppmhpro.,,,,Phone 5.04494 Brucefield. Gladioli Fancier Making Name Fot Himself Entertainment - Nightly THE . QUEEN'S 'HOTEL savoitTo SUTTER-PERDUE 'Eugene MCACidthi Proprietor 40, 60 OR 100 WATT OF YOUR CHOICE IfirlHome Stores Hardware GREY WHITE . BLACK YOUR CHOICE PRESTO Pressure Cookers 3 1/2 Quart 5 Quart Reg. $16.95 Reg. $19.95 $14.57 $16.95 tiz' 54c FURNACE FILTERS 15 Sizes Special plastic pointed tip cuts to fit any size crack. Also ideal for boats. TUBES 'CAULKING 482.7023