Clinton News-Record, 1965-09-16, Page 4-7
by Bill Smiley
By Proc"s Of E
1111. To A Fr1eqd
INTON town council, the CHS$ performance pf its d ties w ere the hi,
uj*h and school is c erned, In a townthe After A copplp ()f thousand phone ca
om alls.'.frpm remotp ou
board, and Principal Rolbert 14 ong size 'if . t
rN --$ of tr4Vel1ng,, thgresnoth- posts to learn whether $on
his staffare concerned about pomplaints of Clinton, a, fw_r-m4il police f6rep haq
la ic , w -h Ing lio defthtfPl as;- to sit in Pawed b -Is year. Hugo relief to
.1 by some Clinton residents. o. -live s e. ha . e w
gut o t-
vor, t re.eeighthlowa day e's a Ci
on wn bApkyard,
:a�a con� lelpxp, th4t h 4 dbu 011
in the vicinity ofthe hi lshift; �ta 6y' provid]
gh school that s is at. its limi ing a i template t thb w o yis duggh
H s 4r he. fo! ly of wid, sunclay Jaunts t it
fi��v C tuc 11 are of the o
lepit e mAl outim patrol 1 the A
�ing 4 r a �l
lrd t
.hgV.g what I'm dOi,4g right ter at le, gowg With, greO
-iQon during the noon receS amp,
nuisance -of themselvps du g� the A now, gobs p tin
Tt Could A o f gopaes, sit g :aroun.q.
hour. be noted here that the authority of the TWo, li.4tons are -.rope- for tWo hours trying to #ib*
-police -is bound by s010 limitations in wan5j4g e api� fence, .ois of something to ta*,
�Jot 1)
i- cl jj�terdly be
kCerll Wj . . . . . . . .
. U , marlyincidenlits, I'll , " I
shared by thp. b arents who ha grave'and cautious as Blqndin turning with load ne scummy
_ulk of p:. C,
The teachers -and the board at crossIng Niagara Falls. They, camp � -othe
children attending CRSS, It is even CHSS t , b . e attentions son, claiming an . -yeiax,614
are primarily respopsiblp for th havo, survived of
possible that a large percentage of the . , � e .
education, of the students and the Wilson, our two-year-Adla neigh- can get 41m.k on fo-W hours
,students will beadult enough to rpcpg- bor, who has a utilitarl
discipline of the student body w on an Ap- sloep, and trying to prove it,
mP1.jQAt , b
nize the seriousness of the i .1 'Constr"0110a Rorted ILast Weli ach to picking up. eats, ears
so'hool'property. Certainly dally,gtern- pro . Daughter bustink out idl over,
ta, N dh Ws as fourto6ns are worrt, to do,
�Iowever,, it is toma vfur, or whatey
safe t -bat only r e
ay t ominder's th tea Premier John Robarts. iciate d at a ceremony marking t Wi
ch rs'will mak !a t
a smQ, minority of th 1,300-plusstu- the _e. he offic I heares
Wife like th cream bo
students more w4re of -their resw. start of construction at Qntarig H Q -m ause I haven't been away
ydr �s,$266. jilion. Pickering nuclear po Th
dents at. CHSS iixe directly involved,in wer le. garage sits there, broq&
ponsibilities toward public property and stoionv$a�day, Sept. 11 at 1*1 a,m. La
rgest D s kind rom her -side for more
of it on the corikinerit the �ng. Whon surruner bega, , it f than,
this situation, and as ui�u;ill,y the case, citizen?s rights,.�but theteiche
rs? jurl$� -ate almost twice the power requ em, n a city the size of was a faded blue. TCun began four hours all summer. Father
plankwill gener ir L� ts of
A is unlikelythat this group is parti�!,
aiction al, 'ronto, The twin nuclear reactors are bousO in domed struct�res: adjacent
ularly worried . about a soWtion, 'It May so has limitations, painting it as a stholol project PromtWma to wrlite abook, and
Action by Clinton town councll,!� to the nine-torey gener4for buildin two-tpne, half faded barely able to -find time -to,
Structure ngargst the lake is d pressure It 'is now
even the true that the parents _of this, warranted hpre if the number of formal relief vessel. (Ontario Hydror Ph bluo, half dazzling green. Wrlte,4 column.
.part, of thp,otudent -body will never be" �66i� laint I -in the ppoper manner Peering t1wough the picket Qoqdbye, Summ.., you seduc-
come anything more than indignantAt fence on the left'a" the TAttle tress. There'% never be another
y citizens is. sufficient to necessitate'
the suggestion thattheir son or daugh� fihrth�.i 1,0, Horrors. There -are five of thmn, like you.
study land the possible expe 11:?�z
ter maybe,misbehaving. I'll swear theylale all the same
ture of public funds. From' '.Our Earl. Ft es 0 age, about two and a half. They
Thus, while the home is the lo.gical When and if this time arriVes,
lurk like indlains vatcliing a
starting point to end'the,confliqt,�it is "town council might investigate the a wagon
more than likely that anotfi6r means visabiuty of pressing. into . . . frzain. The rr)inut� we The, Bihk TWay
service one 75 -Years Ava 40 Years'Ago 15 Y rs 0 leave the place oven to go shop -
will have to be sought. t),%F ea Ag
or All -of Clint6n's f�& trained'auxi
liary ping, they bat down the loose
It has been suggested that Clin- e hool area all
polic topatral thehigh so board in the Once and sack The Salvation Amy through.
Tlic C11ilton Now 41 �,, a CLINTON NEW$_1tEC,0RD CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 4e -
out the world bafs been cL
ton's police -force his been lax in.ithe through the noon haur. Friday, September 19,1890 TburSday, September 17 19?,5 the placq. They use our lawn
ay, Septernber 14, 195Q 'Ing its bogInnings one 1run,
i -as
chairs , trampollnes and the brat
In Blyth News — Exeterg Mr. R. A. Cl�fff, barrister, in- mountai dred years -ago. At the In%ug,
and Brusselites were very green tends ft . D move to, SwaVord . in AIVIX. Hugh, Campbell Sch- PycrAc table for n eofing held Albert
the near future, and practise ool,, nCAF station Clinton climbing, dismantle my power Ural 1Vf 41
Dattle 'Almost VVITIon when such faMils as "Mevican his prolfession there,. do4biled th-eir enrollment- of pu- mower and eniploy our hose to Hall wecently to mark the
Mr. Cluff pils over last year. This is part- squelch civil demonstrators centenam Her Majesty -Queen
Charlie" could take them -2n On is well known in that city as he
the watch, racket. They didn't is the ion of Rev. Canon ciuft Y due to the influx of famillios among each other. Elizabeth spoke some approp,
A QUIET "battle" ihvolviliag the Ate. And educators often urge that, to the new touses at the base. Across the ktreet, where tihere. riate, word's4
question,of driver education classes in with the increasing demands- of get a chance.hdre, but Were OLE Stratford, are two teen -lager -is, sWirls the "The service conducted' by
Q ay Rumball'bgs been, trans, 'Clinton stanifootb of Gww-
Ontario's high schools has been going academic subjects for curriculum time told to 'Iget!'. R daily ballet, a kaleidoscope of WdIllarn Booth in a tent on a
I rich is our new6st businessnian, -e
on 17 years. 'In 1948 Kltchener� in�trb- thereiig'no room in the school program At -a meeting of the official ferred from .the Windsor to having purchased. the Churchill sound rand color, Nids arriviirg di§used. bur114 grormcl in th
due6d Canada's first Driver E�ucation for a 'frill" like d . river , instruction. and tusitee Boards of the Meth- the London off�qe. of the Bell Shoe Store on - Albelit Street, and departing; swirri suits and East End of London in July,
odist church in Brussels last Telephone Company. He A now - - shorts and pyjam4s; motor- 1865, was the star� of one ot
Mr. and Mrs. SvantiMrth -Y�411
course. Ever since then safety lauthori- Countering,. safety officials �oint out week, it was decided to grant divisional plant equipment su- take up wesidenc bikes land sports cmt, tennis the great worldwide'religiolus
ties have been pressing to get,mo-re land -there -is no practicable alternative to i*;. palvisor. Mrs. �Claira Rtimball e here as soon rackets and golf clubs and foot- prganizatlons,, su-pported . and
a iiallse in pay toltev. Mr. Sell- as they pan secure acconano-
more high schools to accept, this. life �.atruotiian in.high schools, to,give ypun.g,- elry, ]E�is vailary will be $800. a of town is Ray's- mother. balls. respected everywhere," she
savini program., Substantial new pro- sters the best chance. of survival on the From the Weat oaks spread- said. "In all its work for the
year henceforth. Harry Lawrence, son -of Mr. Enrollyi1ent at Clinton Ims-
gressis-now in §Ight. roads. No other method achieves the Brussels is to have electlic -and Mrs. S. Lawrence,* has been trict Collegiate, Instlt.ute fo
r ing over th6 house dxop the 'souls and r0he bodies of its
Last school year about 100 schools sam e degree of safety. lights in.'the, near future Im-0- transferred *om the Goderich this term will be 270 and the acorns, thvmoing the gro.und fellow men and women the
were giving-extra-cuMcular Driver In- If 16-yeax—olds learn their driving -vilding 35 custolmev�' -can be%'pro-' brapeh of the Bank of Mont- public Schotl will have 369 witha gentle irregular rhythm. -Army has ahown Christianity
struction courses. Credit for this strong in a high school program,- lives will be cured, in that place: reaq to that of Napounee. pupils, Two lazy pigeons have found in action."
an old starlings' nest under our dinadians, will be joindng
upsurge of interest goes to -the Ontario saved, injuriesavoided; it's as simpleas A sufferingnatepaYei writes: ' Miss Bessie SIQman left for Local couples making, a trip -th tile salvatboTA-stq v g
'i eaves land are slquashed� in w, dn gi in
,Department olf, Transport, who'se High- that. "Is there no lawin Clinton to New Ydrk last Week aftw to 'the altar include — Doris
pro _�Hng the' past few Weeks Maii McCool, of Londesboro and there, purling their throaty tribute to the courageous be -
way Safety -Branch, actively promotes Further, the course has character-* t0ct us from having Ow 6�pel
fruit trees robbed inbroad day- VWiling In- town, Roy Green of Toronto; also growl, ginning's of William Booth. The)
the benefits of Driver Insb7detion t6 building val�es--' it helps develop traffic Ight as well as after dark. It The Clinton � The lawn sprinkler is tvmed Army, s record
1 2 Evaporator will of , service is
school boards across the p'roviAce.. courtesy, sportsmanship, undeestandffig would be a. great befieff to, the be opening this fall and the, Verna Qxtherine Mllbr of off, but therel's a dribble fxom known to, all, and r%pe-cted
Godewidh and James N. Lobb, it, and a young robin Is revell- everywhere.
There.are' two main obiections-, ad- and -niaturity. And,as regards money, people of Clinton and also to highest prices will he paid for of R.R. 2,. Clinton.
vanced by those who oppose Driver In- the initial cost of the course is recov- the yqvng people If -a law;were apples. Town and, Weeks are, ing in a shdWer, doing every- it ft useful it be r.eminde'd
struction in so I hool. Adminis'trators' ered many times �over by the lower in- passed, that the boys, and girls operating- �h-e qvaporator this 0 thing but souping W9 ariMplft- C)
of William Booth's comments
often baulkatth& cost involved; it costs surance premiums -available to igi%adu- of under 15 could be arrested Yew. Up a maple tree, twice concerning the Bible. "Thel Sal -
about $35 for each high. school gradiu- ates, and reduced collision e:�pectancy. if they were- fauzrd wand ' eving Barbara Smith around the trunk, along the vation Army claims for the
the streets without good reason hydro wdre, jump to the cedar, Bible," he wrote, "that it con -
25 Years Ago leap to the vine, scrabble, UP tains a revelation -of the feel -
after 9 p.m.',
Showered the i -sidle of the h o us e =1d ings of God toward usand of
CLINTON NEWS-111ECORD straight dhto- my attdr,, licketY" I -Xis wishes as to our conduct
44The,.G0'0'& Drive�r"" split, hurtle two -black 'squir- toward Him and our fellow -
Thursday, September 19, 1940 rels. Object, either love or wax.
55 Years A f) Isaac Marwood of Hulleitt By Neighbours Backyard smells,, -new - out men. It -gives us everything
"Ta�e - the dangerous driv- have been. compared to safe tre Says* "There is na scien- Township :�epcnits he has a cab- Miss B b a a th,, eld g. ss , in tbe way of a wi1tten revel-
ers off the road!", is a fr.6 drj�ers *i1threspect to vision, titic evidence of which I am . CLINTON Nu W4106ORD W ar S Mi est ra. an the lawn; fTegh-wash- ation that is necessary to ml-,
quent demand (Drom the mem- :depth perception, g' Thursday, September 1(5, 1910 bage, grown ft*ni his garden, daughter of Mr. and Mit. John ed sheets on the line; cedar
lare re- aware that the scores Qn the Wdigung 8 . Y4 lbs. Smith, RR 3, Clinton, a popu- and spruce frlom -tire trees,; and vation. The very least You can
11yers of ithe public who have covery, reaction rdme, manIp- written and driving exanlih� Dora Greaus, ten -year -cold 'Good pmogress is being made lar bu-,ide-eJect, wag the, guest gently' stealing thrrough the do witih. the Mble is. to read it!'
beenhorrUl ied by some spec- ulative skillls and krrawledgq ations . given to Xcence appli- daughter of W. -and Mrs. E d- at the Allen ifairm where dkilling of honor last Wednesday even- be-ek door, the excru Suggested Dally tible Readings,
taeWar traffic tragedy, re� c(C traffic -laws wlthaut'ftd- cants in any way whatever wawd'Grealq§ passed aiway at- for oil ds in progress. The drill- ing when, over 35 friends and waft tof coffee. aiatilng Sunday, Sept. 19, Matthew
sulting from criminal Male_ . I common denominialtom to correlate With their 'Subse- . L: 1-22.
Ing, , ter quite a long illneiss. Rev, X. er was down over 760 feet this neighbors, gathered for a rrAs- Color evei-ywhere. SLx shade's
h set the good drivers apart quent accident, violation and Greene and Mr, ForwaWd. c - p !t week. Monday, Sept. 20: Matthew
lassness. Bot -ow? Th& first on as cellaneous . shower at the home of green in spruce and cedar, 21: 23-46.
queStion &Ciftg lilcerrcin,- (au- from the bad -ones. the ac- conviction recowd.1' dulated the, services. Pallbearers mesisrs. Bruce, i3ertaiffj Phil- Of - Mrs. Arnold Miller, ehh and oak, inaple omd'wal-
thoritles,,and police is- -how to dident-involved driver may The search for the psychol- were Willie Leppilngton, Flresd lip Sperfing, and Albert Dinnin Amongdhose present was the nut. Vivid splash Orr ilit Tuesday, Sept. 21: Matthew
potentially'bad dri- Cook, Cre Caol��, Alex McIn- hiL�e jofired the- ROAF and `eg
deteict a scare better In all these Te, oigical test that will flunk the tiger 1 22: 1-22.
Ver' spects dien the driver who potential,bad drivers, goes on. e axe bride's maternal krandmother, yellow sun dappling trees and Wednesday, Sept. 22: Mat.
The Ontario, Safety Leagu I e has. never lr�d an tyre, Willie Rutledgeand Willie in training at the Galt Air- NLIs. 1-lavoild Morrell of Clinton. patching gmag, One delicate, thew 22: 23-46.
accident Some experts gay it will nev- Grealig, - craft school: I f"nn , The.Tlrst part of the evening pink rove and pale mauve of Tliursday, Sept, 23: Matthew
quloteis from an article by There has beenan unre- er be possible to c00strU.0t Douglas Stewart and Dean National Registration 6wds was spent in hilarious games phlox. Gay striped, jawn chain.
Don Ross mtot gays that the wlarding search for -the 'Iacdl� such a test, Other experts, say Caurbice, have received Word are beling put to,aanolther use— and corAests conducted by Mn. And what more pleasant plave 23.
driver is thle cheff myste'ry dent prone" driver. Chronic that even ff it were It Would that they have been granted new instructdons ft,,om the pro- Jdhn Gqg, I I to look,back over the Pattern BlAday, Sept. 24: Matthew
in tl'aJfdlc slafety. Yet his.ti- -4olators have , been found be politically impossible to Carter scholaraMps valued at vincial highways, department The bride -elect was then ta- of summer. Eariy-rnmmin 24, . 1-28.
g 'golf Saturday,. Sept. 25: Matthew
eidequades add- up to 90% of but it is estimated that they ladn-Aniister it if it flunked OMY $100 and $60 respeeblyply.. are to the effect that licences ken to a, seat of honor in, the with de�w_-ndck _4wpet Under-
aR traffic accidents.. amount -to nonlore than one large number Of voters'. . Markets reported wheat art will onay be issued to persons 111ving room made festive with foot lmd air like champagne. 24: 29-51.,
Por over,30 years reserch-. per cent of all drivers, and Tegthg -of woUld-'be drivers 90c a bushel, oats 32 to 36c; producing proper "reigistilation sefaigonal summer flow6rswhite Beach aftemo=s,. warm, silky
, have alt1temPted to Men- that it all of thern -were re- is ess6ntial in the motor age, barley 42 to 50c; butter from certificates, % strelarners and a large White sand and hot zun,, the world
tifY characteristics common moved- from the roads, acel- and is a -first llne'of -defense 16 to '18c 1b. and eggs 16 and Miss Valena. Mfiott left on Wedding beli., a million miles away; water
to drdivers involved in acci- 'dents. would be, reduced by against incompetenc&.. But the 17c per dozen. Tuesday for Guelph where she , Miss Mary "Smilib little, sister like cool silver. Home for cold Wedding Pictures
dents and to'devise. tests that orily four per cent. The great Ont6vlo Safety League em- Clinton defeated Michell in is enriolled at MacDonald' Insiti- of the brdde, pullea, 4n a de -c- beer baTIbecued siteak, new,
could uncover these charac- majority of accidents are phul Izes that traffic safety the first of the, championship tute fbr a, two year course in crated buggy plied high with littj-� potatoes and juicespuit-
tevIsVics in applicants for li--, caused .by "average!' ir ivers will olways wemWh essentially baseball giame�s. Home Economics. gAt9. Wiss Elaine SrMth lassist- ihg corn. JERVIS STUDIO
cences, But the hope that ap- who'may have no more than a matter of human behavior. ed ber sister. I Luxury of botat =%�_- ab
lyficanbs, -found to posses such orre, -or two accidents in a Substantial progress towards Barbhk thanked all rupt- Phone 482-7006
her ly changed -to roughing it in
characiter[istics could, be pre- lifaimJe. a reduction1h, accidents and friends and: thb hostess servIed a tent, Tenska long-disttan�el
vented from &Iving hasn't Dr, NV%liam Haddon Jr., rhvagedles rAust (be tile iesPQn- a delicious, lundi.
Worked, out
ffirector of the, New York 01baUty Of the indhddL1a1-Ln0it 0
Acclident-dinvolved, drivem State'DAvers Research Cen- the licencing authorilitieS. Here's dn odd traffic !-ter.
from, the Onitam Sartety LVa- Business and Professional
gue,sflles�—Mn Melbourne, Aus-
OWN tryalka, a woman ftiver m&§twk
the lentrance of amine for that Directory
Clintion. Newsx!�Record of a tunnel. She emerged on
THE CLINTON NEW ERA Amalgamated T I HE -CLINTON NEWS -RECORD' foot sixhfaum later,
Established 189 . 1924 Established 1881 PHOTOGRAPHY miu"N�E
Published Every Thursday At The Heart
..too - dern f
Of Huron County ecory dock has be4-A. con -
Clinton.. Onfarlo, CAnad . a BY DOF90THY BARKER structed haig a rather romantic, HADD EN'S STUDIO K. W. COLQLIHOUN
If sad, history. Originally own -
19 Population 3,475
She%.ta, 'belautiful ship, the, Bocadse of the early morning dent of the Pennsylva.' =. Raii- and CkILDREN Pho'new Office 4894747
Signed confribulions to this publication . are the opinions CN'is Bar Harbor - yarm&ulth sailling frorri the, United States road, It wm later sold t6,'Ed- Ilia St.'Davldls St. ReiL 4LIZ7804
% of the *rifbrs only, and do hot noceitarily express, International Ferry,, 131u;enoie. port, we planned to reach -Bar waird T. Stotsibury, a tycoon. Dial 524-8787, doderich JOHN WISE, Saleman
#6 L 1% 06 ViaWs of fhe newspaper. She rides r&6 bosom of the, At- Harbor at ledst a, da:� and a connected with the 140w, e, -of
Phone 482-7266
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post.Office Department. oftawao and for Payment of Postaos-In cash lantic across the Maine Gulf, halt ahead of ouree§qr�elcj sall- Mw9m in : P adelphila. 8 Orin
hill, tots
0111SCRIPTioN kATM- Pa�ab116 in advance � Canada and Greaf. Eldfitnt $4.06 a yeame skirting -thi Day of Fund�, and inj Tor car and passengem bury's wM3 - e.\-travaga3itly kt_
Ualted States and toreign. 0.50; Single Coploit 10i Coots at a OMMURY K CAAWSON
berthing one round trip daily The island on, whloh it Is modWled -the "cottago"
at the ,xatomaic gangways In situated is claitned -to be "the costpf $450,600 sod fav� isank Imt Mortgaue money Available,
U.S.A., & the most boautifullisland in Amorl- $650,000 nu'We it the b-"tifi- J. E. LONGSTAFF lowest dn�nmt Intireft Rateg
harbour an the shlore%'of V&- ca.11 Perhaps this boast is a bit Oaition'161! its 80'rooms and spa- OOTOMETiiisir'
Every6odyinvited to dintons,. cond Ahnual b - INVESTMENTS
Mouth, XoVa Scotia. extmvagantand yet it cm eas- clous, grounds, The cottage (all Mondays and Wedhesdayi
voyage in mini �iong we '61-
ily be believedwhen one, stands, these huge . mani Phones. 0011ce 40-116".
All A"antle 20 ISAAC. STREET RdC 4824787
X� 1 1 Ion' aturo, the six hours, �board are at tho summit of' Cadillac �vays rqterted to As c6ftA96-0 � I I
pleasantly hHeld watching the Mountain and igd§ps, at the ehjoy;dd t few o lehtyears ub.- 4914010
pu 1 10
Hobby & (,aft E h0b,pito distant shore br the diopdng bdaut�df �he view below. It is till Wwas sold at,audtioTj for SEAFORTH 60-F E H. E..., H.ARTLtY
diving anfl6§ of the marw guR16 -not at 01 dx"traivIfthAt to slide $40,00b, -la-Ur W top a MM INSURANC9
1N C.IHISS, AUDIT.ORIUM and, CAPETER11k wW conbtantly follow the ship. that It Is breaflitaking, prIce.0it 0. CLANCY, 0i Planned Savings ...
�al� wait $5,000 and it &,dM up G' 0,
Aly voyage Was s0edt in h The moonling of our bowding, on ther booirs of the town, 0 i3o-e6METRIAT — EgFa*6 AfWyoft
Ve, &16s of small adventures the wn ldah6M on the Water Bar Haalbor Whfdh bioiukht it, For AppointniOnt COi
111 0 2445 w�i ASSURANCE
F in �E sat septs Ph gtlkrited With a re,661W of even a8 &noonbeams, bad as the only rtd fear, ft down to mlake
'is , §Ihon6 524-7251
000i OLU, Vigit tw Ba& 1-1dr-bbri pd�* Bluen&6 gilded, Aglow and tLm room. for thL�., CNIS mwin6 dock, GODERICH ClIntdil, OARrk
to b6arding, fhd� BltiencsoLl One gfift6ir into her berth tht night ' Demoliilbil alwayg depetsseis 38-tfb
Op6h, Frid6y EVefiffis —1:,0040-00 New on'd &0.1`4§1,�e cfaft ot the p1,d9Lqahtr1eq of travel Is beifore, Pulling &Why the next rho, but Trealize- 6A thl't cmtlt ALUMINUM PRObUtTS
load Was lecofibinjoal. X16W the
tofued p by Aftbffi6dn1t60.t 'S:36' �fidwlhgg tihd- . �Uniique th6thb)W PUL -68 turn out to be &TY, Wkh- its' capat-ItSr, prop_ BIELL
5u9t vis W-6 lmixtlne tbem. Bar Which numb&.4 150 cars ah4- erty gorvdg tile public Ri� W
a in atsdw Aluminum
Mtbor Mttlno was 1'6 ekeelt� 800 passenge we, watched tho Allmabhet. In a, li(dWorntooid, Doors and W1hd0#;SL
Sofur6y llythilin§ —4-.00-16,06 Hobby I h&A l P. T. ARMSTRONG and
-------- -------- loard. foe shoe,& dwIndid Mto �e% skyUrrei T. uce6pte'd" the iftivitation, of C Aockwell T01018
mahy,ytars iaboat the million- As 14dod �ythext0l,- the, seAt 'Ct'Ptain A. Collier' to * Watch
WhIp 'ng Itly froth Jhd,Whtd1.hoU j 6 ralie.
Pot The Plr�f Tlm6 1h. dlint6n airts' hoftds; sitillated along- the laden pi th e"teftlaeei 4`6DEMC ARVIS SAUS
A shores of M6unt 3>6teft. Xslabd cheeks, X rem0mbdreld th.ei WrIg', ndse, a a I t yawhbdffii Rvk- 5944661 it, L JdNl"g Alb6iii WA
Itfb Cllnton49�4996
The. Can"adasiWide "'Poster Festival Contest its sceh(h'y Was sombithlingof a gl,�filg ireett lobsters thtl�t bad :Akut,U�1' , Nova sdotla
pioturo4ycok variety dn nty em. been tossed Into, boiling watef, ie(26,11ngly sted6ched. 6hdlessly
ticipation, Of 01* Visit. Chi Y OJI VishCrMan�9 Wh,91'L W116JA towdtd ifihe- hoNL*6h,. ft, at a.
-o a brflUaAt red ploatant expaiLiftee It hbAbden R
Admitsloh: Adulfg 75t; High S6601 SfUdent� 50c; Publid we had plabned to take, the it was, cooked t A11111111KIII N
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906radred �y Stdill'ght'Urtle" of Wesley�wllllis Would ptow& to be a cwhbint., ittlo gpill,66,afs bob on th& sea,. afidually them, Mlauge 56-51 SOUTH STj TELEPHONE
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