Clinton News-Record, 1965-09-16, Page 2.. ... ...... ... ... ........ . . . ........ -Pvlt 11MrRq, :9PPFIN !7�. w r th. W C 1_$ ,e oft .. lom orlil ,,,e .. .. . ...... 'oil De n -ThatTe -vo 0 EDITOR tr, ..... ..... . UTUR 'T .�,e. J!M won -hool _ma ds .4chers L ,,earn T W/ 1V Us, u- "Wa zippot our tm-diors in C tting 011=0 k% June graO biblicAl TT C.'ststc, ley .$V'$ ',.'QMMJ9,.tte,-� 0 back 10 the, sc�hooj. p4q, of th rou%rio has got some, Q 9� four-ygpr vmatlonal be lounue and- lie teiilikl -was, w4tten b prq, �p� r th.e I grow In t �comr%,Q, 'at cl-Iss has - gone to f41th,"' 0PAd Qoldon Cyrtl tie*-- -STI krgIi OX r. 4 .4el CliVtOA 'te" thin Y4 Blao - A � London Where be bto$ entered Editor for the 001100% Toronto,, Xt,, 13*4, eml have pqMe .111), 44 sklik v "W ' a two -Y -oar course in meph4n M_ t z e r c t.i n New Alat do you tht015" of til Dllhed Plafl, bol" 1A VOAMAQ40), thi$? and that?" 041 &Afting at the Ontarify Vol. C& "A. 4 e �Irdh Of C, 0% 10 the hQ as 'a P, apm a To the Mton ixille soath of Br000tield. Bwvows that n-ames oA the this aga �t loy Qational Centro. liat Ifuds 11 Classws .4nd Ancient, MosQr, Clinton NIL4Dws4Record This Plan ac mid4l;g to, Xr. p4don meAnt. 41 J �, I r '. nothigg, 1�y to, the siolid.re- ViO14 CdlUns, wbo'conipletea 01, PgAr Slr-, 130MMIS, $011001. A118PMt0r. IT44 $tA079 OnVhattaally th, I' a , eon -cl, b. two-year odurse at CIHS� �Q 'al t u Deforo �mnlng- prosent A$ a ta.Vp0,,yer �n ljorioll been accepted 4y TmvAto, in who si�gned 0K so, the 'Teea Town went I.ATkae Is now employed At Chlntwi ingooq �mtb 'but'lt"9 "Cornling bAek, "L Professor -0 Now t J ,, ggadry, and 'Dry Cleo Cop'Oty $ch- nqmb uTd Would -stand behf�pd theqr - ers, Testament L �er spite Of the ftct t44t i hAd _a if how can we u itera d �..tuee anti .).E _g_ 7. not been to the ly, A seems. urgent t latjAres �11 a sw Wh 4m tie 004reu of Mr. E nlrnanud 40, P, 4ee Ay a on ed :served- -,,as a,oppireg4tior0l rn� QueanO a member of the West West Stanley SOS -Coninlittee,; nee sort of Itepli, cl *ftolit feeling as, if we e Aud UV&'$t`&A C041 AR 31 n '$tW�ey SO,$ QmvWttep, I at-: TIlls oilli$0 V wqT J(yn from,, the n�lil_ s 4177. 3ratef 411y agla We mu -1)0.w, to impolsing oil smneboiV? $ ister in E , nd� ta m the 'he U �edr q XeurthelVWre, he emphasized the, Legion an and -4 tile Uons teT.idea a me a tes was rectif f the b aetlnK of ar St g-0.5tion.; :Row ahQ41, an open =,ai 5ernh.i, les in the i�) ,t that We -h -"r . st staailey other gropp, w� t '0 1py Township School Board last est of Z4,. dea�,e Mr.' I s: � Q ve 'Mooting. of all, I te6m led by t1l Q nd t(4d .3 Var4WI ge London, in w§jdng that theli childr Was fludie- IJ5;:: was a director of tb4 London rcnv%, Who appore P* Parents liad be e the wo, via t 15 Tani Town �exooativ*?. ptly had n. o belp, But th 0 .4tu4tim for, tend,oa, -the prOlo . 4s meeting be $9ciety, yona 'A'eqV anymore' '"Va ,Surq, 'Teeo t The ropeting Was, called Tftn,,ha q ohm' k� ast, rMjy;fj)Ve was 41sQ reported tq have qvij atten4 fm evlarg%l Bayfield Tip*' dpvelope .4 Q A: stage,of 4ge of ynone S i#piw All t gt SS 49 1 _ , id t t y� re t 'hem fgidoPl vTr,. Bla mw . gl,jhigs had re- roslidents, or Wpi�t &a ty thot the SOS 1��4 school �Abftpr than hi�y, 'but that seems,.qs pou -m�*, In idea ? somq m ongy ,g V yi , And articles ppbl ay in taken by buls to the prop L - -I Hold" ew..s. ish�(l in osel It bas l�one. funeral Towns�41,p And -a fow Imm Bay- responsible 'fqr Me del 'T Without hay�ng- 4 lJut 4. lot of' sever4l joPrnaJl4..axjd b.a.s writ - field, all men -ib 4tral school south Of Brucefid1d..'*, he most perfo qM SOS building tile propptod- ce. money Jinto th�e pr6ject at fl -n tllo toliqwmg books: Mar� pf t1hL pt IrrTge, T4ylor, and his majoulty of o4e. MPOt would be to gink: a couple CW=0aeq, 41 the me 'roo-m gdbool'. even h o(I is , plon. and Nis Infteoce A�cWeX , Mb erl hao, nothingr t eet, of thousand dollan i4t - C , o say. The m ffi�` 00hool We were lcelA waiting. 'During discil 411�. lub siale'� could be- Used'% a fow T Faith We Pivaxt (1953);, ssion, In Ole p ,hu.m,44 )��Oiel for Qy,,w a7i hour., Three mem� lod of business arWng ftom the ing jadi�ourned after a. f-Pw 4pin, house of sor�s Inot 04,1Y 'Opr ',Y� qqr, femqAq hoffxw e Interpretation (1957) Vers of the Board and the reddIftig of the thinutes-,, W Or 1. point4 P'f busin;es�p were 4041t Teen Town, but for , pbo ts, g Townsen.0 Street, passed gwq -y on the 1��istle of Guides, Qqbs, BroWpiets, c JQnd(> 1.1c4tR>n of the s6c�nd yea Pe�- Cornimprital P're, S.�n Paul Steick� St�;nlp y., brought With. finger in some !PjeS, in V�OtMft -Board Secretary were, etc, , An, ddbia� from P _ 1 '04.4`46 (f6a7 , t one -teen re - the sch0QL Siqqe that meeiting T have This is of coume, pmo#pally qn,Sanday, September 12, 1 Mary, Te James (19,57), cTurraig t1jis w,44jnk ri to the attention, of cently was, for %e opei��-ng of aq �was. �05 �Ohe�s 74Y. drq�!A­ 6.,,. 7'.. Una. cause, let'0' f4c6 a coffeehoL -serving. The 4� , 6 been exanuping the price list Impossib ygara old. TN,� *chalrman, Mr -John, Tay- board a page from the London, !be 1,W of schools and additions as. re�- it, Qihtull doesn' Oasod was borg in year4`c.of.age). Mr. Freer stoess- y- doa"I h, Townpilip Qp,. 14avch ta -y 'tant t. bayq that �eftlembdr cakoe, ed' the, f, ppawend relW Ito Frqe Press � (Monday �90t, 6) cos, and Wind of M aci that a most import - .s ithou s s and purttod Un the Free PreL oneY tp-dump on a pre w4ulA hameto be'a pro- 3 � 19 ie Te4q s 6 .taxt the meetbig w blis giving a list of new chool been found that iChUdVam bad, built ',,risk',. Which jusi'nl�ght 1� Th 00 a son of id� M- 0A part of'q hqr'� Guide p sorts, r0aybet Mary 4udle. Hi* widow, the WJalicol b4ckground aft which , ba�,e rietor of built %,l are iii L the procoss, Uor $50,00.0.0% a' two room ad� as' 'Teen Town c the was 41d 60dre- converisiprt pf = a - Besides the risk, you also former -Vera Co* Whom, he written to the Mhty 41�mb,&rs The re - h d�don plus tftcher as Over sw. cates -,that meetings called flor througibolit Otif ario. a gekiem* purpose bPL4dQjled 'building Aikl* take. rnarr$ed I Deed to undleir�Und - �he I . i , OT Ole 14am ly met 'on a pevtain. 1�oq should start ot The prices, quot6d, in all in- n,,,a a ' Ad of :bills forplumbing, some moneyl but x t m all, if _:�er 29, 192.6, An adult -larvey lAinking that our v�ben . a stance0but oiiii.q., A�ere a;*ay be- ro m �fjcQ. have to fa it1h' at the',h-ome of Mr. d 10:b IldIn (Tpr 050,- treating, electrical and main- the 'teenage Artistes of f6fir areas Of th�i Gtn-�ian& Cal Sunday 0 t g certain, h %?gh 000, 00� IV Mr. Hudlo farmed in Gode- Ml� Oiey will be presenting Mrs. Harvey 1�-unkmg. Mrs. A. quam is p� low thb cast, of .#it sixteen. a e e Voom sebocd Aarice costs W.Joh: are bound Olintan donned 4 smo*5 drid qsent. ::r s.dihool PI to co, , e .�Olth a boildip r1ldh Township -until his,ratize- to the childre in the Sunday Wilson, Torbato and Miss 1�11y -WIlen t1le, fifth member of 0,,6in anst whilch Mr. plus l4boary, multi,,purpose for. chapeaux and's"ped a -bit of n mprxt to Clinton, . Be was a church odhool., the Buard, tinfally appmeed 0, Burwqws said fil jYeen aicce room, health WomOnd teachers thl� purp6s6.- it's qluite ol�j Lavig of Clinton were weekend ad,, pted VU6 '�iodern art tat the , m4lls. Don. nember Lf St. James' Chu that I . T '' , '' , rch, I ,; a quarter to t6n th meeting by T6rontc?, in spite o� protests roon', you just cWt- throw up -ging of, old Mr' ar'd T_v1rs,"Ku3*_ A � I ations � and� §qr�nm was ol5ened With thb,reading -of of the SO.45 'OPM These two AgureS cpalbined four walls -and a; roof.fdr' less' boat MfOdleton, Mttee. up pac"ket, novel-.% -coul, d line -UNiving besides, his i Runking's father, sO po , lnte� that wo Chrl Black i"g- th I o Minutes of ", th t out total $300,000:01), or $275,00.0.06. th, $WQ Oana uld in- S Mrs. Lorne.] e, Auguf.!�t Mr. Site.cldie a] home-made (in 'other �are 'two brothers, AMm(T an Ur. Bell, passed aWAy in I Clih- in a rac&d, less 'than the $575,000-00 Obc- QlUde al� economy,dir ..,d that th�� -.allegation t floor).. wor* - n(*t �, muoh '­ -but r Fred, both 4f'014 on M.'ter the; TgUading, Mr. Xa�l,oq letter, to. the CTintcdi News-: teen 000m scho6l - pkessiry :for Really, I iton; and . e (t - ton Public �Hospital las Satur not the money there) bookshelves. It would, be the sig uTes of the 170ite�r of W6st StRn� that we need.. -ter sistpr, Mrs, VdO4 McDonald, Pro,moted after a lengithy allne_�S. Clqave, l�pO4 r�jjiea%�tive Record thaft nat in . esting to flop on the floor' RR 4 0intua, day 'feom, West.S.W. 1ey: q aoa*4i, One :4, forced First pf 411, we need ty The Beroan Unit met at the qy drew tothe W6st Stan r �14,qdts on the ley'& ed! so f and birbw . on ancient copy o Funerd-1 service was Alum the -me of Ms. Bot Shobbrobk ihe Secretary.tb&t peitition favarlhk the Ba�n ($ -'Com tention -of fteld to the following coriqlUsfibuns. ho at ­ I I . The andherbs" or even Bell and Mutch Funeral Home, he peo t', t ilpew on Thursday *1nezi the presi- no mention hao -boen, 'n-jsde, ot School addition h&4, ?ds�o.bqen If t ple in E6,s 8 ardey 0, 11 Clinton, �n Wednesday* Sept- en,- emd, mWnbers of the, School ton, 101ac&'!, dent 6anducted the devoiional the price wotsOlon gf'$580,000 gained under pres;sWe, Was lerlion Aux" Ther6would have to! be some ember 15, with the Rev. E. J. (later chang4d,to *575,000) for tirely false4 lie' alL,*. refuted Boa0d frion'! East Stanley Uy I pry admittance, 'ifee, og course, 7 pel�.kyd, Ws� Robert Fakservace be- B, liarrison, )3ayfield, offtdiat- gave a splendid paq e by Mr. REALLY wanted to croate the cause_evgryun Interment w ppr on tie the pi�opused 16. room scjhoo a th� atatement rilad 100 0 e Un- ows that Of - best possOhle zcho&l. faci.lities Gives fee &sn?t. the cheapest covimod�- as in Bay life of Dr. Albert, S chweltzeW. for aal concerned Xrom the Fu. at d if local tiela Cemetery. 1* - �ft. Plpe a190 gave an inter: stun osts t) . bc the tax- Ay- On the Mark . An Pallbefavers we r e Wilmer as�tlng reading. doclht bf C. had the oppqAunity, to Riddl Ray Cox, Dariald Hax- payers and 6a.6e and 6 . c6homY Cenotaph nd talent ow Mr and Mrs Duneart of De - strum of�, fa .-few veries on -his ris, D'Arc�y RathWell. Ed. S, Of tr"pcait�atleh o�'the 61ld- Tht Ladles Auxiliaxy to the, guitar, he woulld'deserve a feW erby -trolt spent a ii�v days Int week and George Hudie. Six -ed h� Webster. S EA. could �.4ave-- been start ear first f . all, meeting on Monday, Sounds Swing[ing, eh -7 2 Cxadg Cox, Brian Cox, Wdli Govier e With their cougfns� FOR COPLk DAY AM 0 D "en' �a' twc4ve TM sOhP-01 Royal :Canadian Leigionheld fts pefnlies in, his, little * tin PUP- h ws, Jim Carneron, John and Mrs. OUL'' fill; 10.C' 6 - d� h 13rucefield, long, ago, 'bit ,4 Isen- Septeniber,13 Mth I&.%. Doug� Mawbethis- d3e's' seem i little Afiss Allie Toll of, BlYth is alba,� tigure of ardund'$300,000. lm� A7idbr.ewg pregiding. GreepwicW Vdalage-ish, G6rdl McDonald and. John Nftliting vAlth M�. and Mrs. Gor- r P, e ooi e but' Edgar were flower-bewers, At the oamebmea: two rootri A number of �6901 aeuvitlies then, Jook at the populeattY OT 0. VRII don. Sb1obbrook.- Woo'Is Cottons ­,De"hims Corduroys addlliftn' A116 'e`xtva� Could' be were d ssed, end it Was noteid that plate!. 0 on th0 way in Bayfield at a, that 'several bariquets a;e up, Another' suggese-on was fo 0 Sifks . Synth6fl"C's 0,000.00 for th "Clinton Pupils ies, round $6 e use Of doming. A. mixed bowling tour, looking ahead'tojust one eveA­ the pupils in the -west side of nament is to be blald ln'Walk� ing — New lkear`s�. Hospital Lad the Tawnsldp.'The edsts- of the elton. on lber 25 and a "Wouldh't it he x ng'Access-ories. two undertakings. would -still be lacliesp tournamient in Walgharn mented' .,a bursting-wlth-midelas Septen leat", com- Sew!., well below . the expensive Win Separate Leading Aircr 'man Christ Plan Penny Sale Plan h Octdlqer 6. teen, "to reni an old ',hall for Thread -- Tapes Buttons, that a-,fe* people'ekid"Mr- BIW- or Motions Were s recently promoted. want M pa a band, and to, the �anit of Cor tober 2 zip. qrs ssed to'co.n� one night. have, ever54body Schbol Awards Black wa BUTTERICK. PATTERNS IN STOCK rows to'fo e on the 'tax- tribute $100 to, tile, Cenotaph decdilate,it ll�re On Oc payers and voting public, -re-� fund and -to have the Zegllon havea teenage formal, with With the. beginning Of the clerk at Station Clinton gardlLess of how the Xna]'Ord,ty 11bill l4tchen repainted. Auxiii-Ilong gowns. I pmch bom4 and fall. term the names, of the Headquarters, Cpl. Black, At the September meeting of, feel about it. This isva dentOl ax;y Members will sell tickets all!,!. ed -at this station brq Oc- he Clinto-A Hospital liw. winners, of tb�e Scholarship a- urr'lv t Auxi y DRAPERIES: Ready. to. hang of Demo&at1_c,r1g4ts. M a fine, set of kitchen knivos Of course. it would be neat. ward& have been releas:ed this, tuber 1964 fwom Station the ladies made plans for the th eb he Y Instead at 'hlarrling., WeI§t this fall ''It wpuld be'abgolutely fob! and week by the Fa, er. Stephen Whit Orse An t ukba�. annual Penny Sale to 'be hold Single Widths PR. Stanley and -payfield for delays, FollZing a discussion re- lots of fun to. boat. And'You Eckert Council, XnIghts of Col- A native of Timmins, Cpl. an October 2 at the Town Hall L I NED as A(fir. Burrows , apparently gari:�ng payment of diles and pawantg who alre' shaking. your 'umbus, Seafcdith and district. Blacic �resides dn Married with.a $50 bond- as�Arst rwl2e. SPECIAL ................. 4.9 took it upon'itift . n9eff todo, why reinstatement of members, to heads — this Would get Your Winners of the awards: St, Quarters at RCAF S-tation The sewing committee has Double Widths doinftthe PaT&O and takPayers th�,, Auxftry, , a Motion was' kf& -off thestrejetsand 6ff-, the JosepWs Separate School, Clin- Clinton with his wife Jen- made four p4r of drlape� for' SPECIAL .................... . $29.9113 L,.INED in bast Stanley Townzhip,'�QhO . -to the country ropuds, with an illegal tan, Lyn Garonand Victor Syt- niber and thedr three child - passed t6, strkotay adhere use in the hospital and Mm bills,,, do a c)n8bitution Will be tooting the wbic Fing n ftia, f ur is h reads, 'bottle well Md'den in suaieboWs nick; St. James? Separate, Sch, ren, Dedn, Chrisstopher and F: gla d 'do t d o p - little soul-searching and think- ',Members who have resigneii 'car an New Years Eve. ool, Seaforth, * Dawna Reynolds Nimbeiley. He is well known Uires tolbeh=g in the private WINTER COATS �ing for: thems&ve�s? or have been in arrears of So how about it,'peoq�de? and Birlan Leonhardt; St. Col- throughout the axela as the, rooms of the.hospital. WINTER CAR COATS Delays aire not the Tiault of Branch ftes foi� a �ear or long- 'Let's got. together and do umban Separate School, Bar- leadet of his excellent dance � Mlvs, Bfieeri �Ga�ett who won' the West Stanley SOS Commit- er rnay-join the Branch Awdli- something. We can�t sit back bara Staples -and Thomas Me- band,. the Chris Black Combo,. the bursary given by the AtM- DRESSES — JUMPERS tee alone, nor are the inflation- ary only as a ne�w member." and wedit for it to be dDne by lady. Mary ;has begun 'her training SKI JACKETS and SLINIt ary trends that axe inflicted on Mrs. Stewart Dick won th-6 our parents for us:. I St. Patrick's S evarate. -Cchool in Woodstock General 11aspital. the whole continent. The Unr mystery pize, and Mm Harold Besides, don't ever tell them, Dublin, Kathleen Stapleton ana y T�e Au,611ary has extended ISTerS 0 reasonable attitude of a few Black the attendance draw, but we've got more 16ps, and Alan, Russell; S:V Bodface se,_ Henr T an unMitation, to Mrs. Oliver They, are here now Select now while people (wh%',,apparently we Themext meeting Is schedul- more energy, once we'really 'arate School, Zurich, Joenne 1, regional president to -at- nameless) is, prini'mr.13 Y to ed tar Wednesday evening, Ott- get going. Lansbergen and Peter Regler; Further Studies tend a meeting this fall. She selections are,, at theirbesf blame. 6b6r 13 when, a Penny Sale,will Do me a favotc, wiU you? Mt. Carmel Separate School, wffi"be present at the� Novem- West Stanley and 33ayfleld be heild, Think about it. Anne Hall and -Peter Reving- Sheila and Sandra Henry, ber meeting. have openly and by name ma0e ThaV's all for now. TM next ton. daughters of -Mr. and Mrs. Rob- . The next meeting will behold a reasonable TeqUeSt, for fair is satisfactory to all., Ohilffi%h time, your sm—aging pal, St. Petefs Separate School,. art Henry, Blyth, are recent on October 5 at the Nurse's play'and have sWgested prac-, spItes carried aver from �the PAM St. Joseph, Gerft)ude Creses gradttates, of CHSS, Clinton. Residence and all ladies inter - ton 11% W.. I N -tical solutions. thiat will be less Past aire fooligh and expensive and Francis Vermont; Hibberet Sheila is in tAhining at St. ested in this Wovk We cor'chall5f custly, Now'10 thd Tefir minded for everybod�?- Separate School, Jamme E. joseph,s I-Jospdvhal ' in Guelph invited to attend. LADIES"WEAA & DRY GOODS people of Eak Stanley speak Sincerely, IrMY all' I's J. Burke; where her classes began last up and call for a soWtlorl,that MRS. E. W. ODDLJ�IF90N McNillop ' Separate School, Tuesday, �gqptembieir 7. Bayfield, Ontaxio' HE-NSALL Beechwood, * Patsy Ryan and . Sandra Deg 'es Classified Ads. September 11.- 1'965. Harry Roy atiended, the fun- Xenny.Flanagaz. an studi at al of his brpther, Charles Hoy ':�he schalarshibs totalled $90 Stratford Teachats' College on mi. Tuesd4y, September 14. Bring Results CAI I urnRATwc TIJAF at Kitchener last Saturday. end was divided' among the �fr. and- Mxs, Laird Nflekle, nine schad1s, with five dollars B6b and Ann, visited Sunday going to the highest girl and DURING OUR 'With the tPormer's daughter and boy in each school. son-in-law, *Mr. and Tdrs. Ross The council will contlinue MacMillan -and family% -in Mt- this- project again this school C �chener. I I yearand may include one; more ESTIVAL OF at the librae of Mr!s. -s&haol, Further plaw, will be Vloiet-Sdhwalm and Pay ove made in, the future in this re - the weekend were Mr. and Mxs., gard and there is a Plotts.burg Paint : , �i poss$b1lity VALUESHarold Hansen, of 'st:ratfopd; thlat the awards. will, be bi­ Alfr. end., 26s. Geal.ald Hans -en creased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Sandra,, Kitchener- Mt, —0— and Mrs. Arthur 0111ama and ON iNT-ERIOR PAINTS Peter,. London Mr. and, Mrs. Austin. Schwalm and $us=, of Ste Two Ontario Stratford and Mrs. AlTred P.faff DE SATINHIDE* WALLM' K of Zurich. They edso vidited Mr. Gro Church ups, Pfaff who is a patient in South LO -LUSTRE LATEX Mullion Hofftwtbl, Exete�r. T qeth Robert Mickle rebuerned the M Qlne-C6at Interlairi eet o er to attefid ENAIWE L begifling of the week West OTAW& 0141 Wednesday, September 8 Paint with cNp* Urilvenfty of ern: 0 merdbers of Ontario St. TJCW wh.ere he wilfl, -be a re;sMent of SydenhaM AW] agailn this Yelar. and' men -s club. opetied thear 1LA fall meeting m4th a rx'kt luck 'SEAFORTH. FALL FAIR SEPTEMBER 23 ald 24 OFFICIAL OPENING Thursday Evening, Sept..23 at 9 p.rn. with, Kdith Riddell, f6tmer Agriculture Ropreslent- ative for Middlesex County FRIDAY Patode Corarnercial Exhibits 3 breed Shows Midway 37-8b inme A.Mltrle� anicio I 'am -L 'septe suj�p Mai. Lb& Merrill play - b 6W 6 N=14 where he ed sev ton Oft,�S­ will .,begin hi's kourth yew of Us Waiwilk c eval piodo solo�s.' tl Re§. $12 pondont Jameg, , V. f4infift teaching at Weitdhle 8000nd- . vollowdng , ie supper Mrs .60 041. Re'. $0.85 Gal., has been,-bdpc&t1n9, paid, an, h Oiarmen McPherton predtd-ed at St 001; The Clint6o'Disttiet C giate Institute Reg. $3.86 Qt� ftegi alytlhig Amerl life for Jack. Chipohtge 1eft Tuesday fh T_TCW m6etink. Mrs. Cecil V e - Unit :� cchducted the 4 Vocat' all 6&6 MO and, foir th�� W tkhat,6f Board and its Advisor Wn �:n4O MI 'e aple, Leelf a f to CAC Camp at. tfevotlb0al -period and tobl< 'tfee� 11111 offer 'NOW N6W, Loving ldindntss of Confiffil W 0 th: trrr. "MA, Chdrle� G�ites 04MAIM t;ead the sci�ptiire and Iftd, in $1.87 olf.� 2.219 9f, burifilk .,the bork leS9 S�essibnl 96S 1966 MW Ro*sk� TnVarthh repottW c0o. enng Plalis, ' , COU ...... ...... '0000 o A -r-, 'Zoir, tak bazaar on T R-- -SATURDAY HtdVit Deicembe�r4,lrhetfiw' ff bA CINO EVE Y N Q, RSS Will 'he -October 24. and nien, a Also 61LOSS ohd. 'SEMI GLOSt tHls wttk fh6 cofiVftation tire ftmfddl Rog, "The Roull0t6t," Ith Le a 'a, 6� i1w1fittl are being selit, to 0AL $10-3'5 $9.40 bfid WW's i4t; 0&yhbld Tuiti. at Cehtral Huron Secondary Adastral Clinton 6?6, Dhhc1ng �Nol PaAc and, We�sley,' X' '12! Plastic Utility Sh6dfor I G a! I'd ti SEPTWOft. Il Willis Clintoin. T�e �Ve8t gpealt. School' E Plastic, umify'Pciil With your purchase F & will be MW cuwe Tziylot. Go0bri LaMit and Rob6kt Academic, Techh' at, it Cornm6rcllal PLUs -A NF.W t�RdUO� Xa:V ontertairied the ladies with and Agricultural Su6ic-ofs, se4ecdofts dn theb! electric "TH9 MYSTICS" of London- galitts, COt"niell-d1ho In October, Th6 next genW9 meeting , 'S to #ull tfetalls 0 sg Dt As KAY. & SON -0 1 estehOoh " night* tind coOrqe�, Now bookind fall and whitdi- blub- o6inoAny oelvl�te �Allhe dt6b& 19, TJnit6t 'Will to he pab d l4tde this in6ifth. parties, Weddig etc. c6nipleto'caterihil g rV1 �bb ild 6hvo- of the reklif 31 HURON STj 014614E 462,out Wall or'44,711 ., Utat _�� 4evotilobs. aMnd 2 044264 ' '�e 1 1 . .10'' .1, C I / I