HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-09-09, Page 7See The Western Fair London
FARE .-,from.:Clinton ,"1! •.$300
-children Under 12 Years ---ee .tinlf. Fare.
Pally 'Friday, Sept 10 to Saturday, Sept, 18
,buses :Leave Clinton' at 8,45 am, 11,00 am 43,45am
,From Brucefield' $2.55
Buses Leave Brucefield at 8.35 am, 11.10 am & 4.05 pm
From Hensall $120
Buses Leave Henson at 8,45 am, 17.20 am 8; 4.15 pm
has Dig arrivP0
'The finest, healthiest
• bulbs in the world are
here. They'll give you
'• the loveliest spring
'gklen you could want—
elf you plant them now,
All your favorites,
reasonably priqed.
A combination', of veteran
players and teenagers from the
Brucefield area have won their
way into the Western Ontario
Athletic Association intermedi-
ate girls softball finals. They
play Hanover in the finals.
The Brucefield girls put out
Exeter in the south group and
then put Brussels out in two
straight games to 'win the
group championship.
.Brucefield won 'the first
game of the Ladies' Intermedi-
ate "A" finals last Friday by
defeating' Bruegels 7-6.
Bev Wright with a triple and
a single led the winners with
Cleo Langdon and •Gwen Hen-.
Brick each picking up two
Brucefield — 210 013 0 7-10-7
Brussels — 001 100 4,6- 4-4
Graham and Jones; Rutledge
and Noble.
Monday night, in Hen:Sall,
Brucefield won the second
game ' 7-2. •
Winninge pitchet Bev. Wright
Wedding Held
At Dashwood
Dorothy Margaret Hymers,
daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Hamilton, and Elmer
John Frey, son of Mrs. Annie
Frey and the late J. Frey, El-
mira were married August 20
in Dashwood by Rev. William
A. Getz, pastor of Zion LUther-
an Church.
They were attended by Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson Seip, Einitra.
Mr. and Mrs. Frey will reside
in Clinton.
People who flatter.
Are the nicest kind!
They tell us exactly
What we have in mind!
Former Auburn
Lady Married
At Welland
• AUBURN — Holy. Trinity
Anglican Church, Welland, was
the scone of 'a wedding recently
oil' a former Auburn resident.
Mrs. Mary Ellen McNall and
John, J. Neville of Port Col-
borne. The marriage was sol-
emnized by Archdeacon A. E.
Hill of Welland.
The bridal couple was attend-
ed by the groom's brother and
sister-in-law, Mr, and' Mrs. 'Mi-
chael Neville of Buffalo, New
York. =
The bride, escorted to the
altar 'by her eldest son, Stan-
ley MONO. of Welland wore
a gold lame suit with matching
.accesSories 'and carried a white
prayer book crested with yellow
roses. Her attendant wore ,a
green suit with beige accessor-
ies and a corsage Of yellow
' Following the ceremony a le-
ception for fifty guests was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley McNall where her
three sons were hosts for the
occasion. The buffet table was
centred with a five-tiered wed-
ding cake and the guests were
served by her 'three daughters-
in-law. •
,Arriong the congratulations
received by the bridal couple
were those from Ellis Morning-
star, M:P..P. for Wetland and
Mayor Allan 'Dietz of Welland.
Auburn an d Di t is !Tic
MRS. WES BR.ONOCR,—correspondent--7Phgne 5 6-1495
• Thurs.", 80pir, 9,. :t.4.ews,7111.ec.ord., ...Page- 7
AXOTtf.101%. f)-9141)1s.PT. • we ve 0.14 WPM 0.
VNI.P.1-14Vst •1411iK 0140113'7
After lecturing ':her' Sid year.. The P.1110€ ter ;MAW fin's
Old ,Oonk. g the -Crolcleh Rule, the over' a .rnintite and 'ten 4Sical,
mother -PQ4C.IUOT.1410044Wally;. 'Well, what are the ,.ethers•
"Now laliway4 rompollaor rtihat toe xprv,
,BrOcofield Girls 74e S?fil.b*Ill 'Ties . •
William Cutting, Exeter, is shown presenting his trophy to,Bey. Wright,. •
centre, captaJn of the Brucefield girls softball team. The trophy is awarded to
the Winners,of the south girls softball. Brucefield this year eliminated Exeter
who had won the :frophy for the past three. years. Brucefield'has now elimin-
ated 'Brussels, the north group ehants, and will meet Hanover ih the - WOAA
.intermediate girls softball finals. Other Brucefield players in the photo are,
,left, Sherran Burdge, and Pat Rathwell, right, • (PhOto by W. D. Dinnin) •
Mr,. and Mrs, Ross Andrews`
and fanlily entertained mem-
b'enS of her family last .Satur-
day eyening when Miss Gesell
.MoDOWeli land her mother Mrs.
NOrtnall MODOWell show's d pica
tares of their strip to Western
Canada. The guests, were Mr.
and Ws, Ben Brown, Port Al-
bert, Mr, aid Mrs. Ross Paer
and Janice Auburn, Mrs. Bar,
Brown, Bql i Brawn and Jim
Brown, all of Port Albeit
Mrs'. Wes Bradnock, Sheron
and George visited on ,Sunday
With Mr, and Mrs. Ilk Ben:-
nett, John, Jill and Jim of Port
Albert. •
Guests with Mr, and Mrs.
John .Houston and family re-
oentlY' were Mr. and Mrs. John
Willock of Toronto and Bay-
field, 1VIrs, Gerclon V. Thomas-
on, Toronto, Mr,s. John C.
Thompson and lVfisses Donna
and Janet of Bala. and, London,
Mils. Waddell arid Miss Elaine
Waddell of Hamilton, Miss Gar-
vey of Kilsyth and Mrs. D.
McDermid, 'Nile.
Nit'. and Mrs; William Kruse
and Eiliabeth of Kitchener
Spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Oliver ,Anderson and tam-
ily and Mrse=Edgar Lawson.
Oliver McBitien, Mr: and Mrs,
Jasper McBrien and Mrs. 4ea-
Wee. Lovett of St: Catharines
visited last Sunday with Miss
Margaret R. Jackson.
Lynn Younghlut of Toronto
and Misses Marjorie and Mare
ian Youngblut who have been
in Kitchener for the summer
months spent the holiday with
their parents,, Mr. and Mrs.
Major Youngblut and family.
Mr. and Mrs, John Weir and.
Miss Joan of London spent the
weekend in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Wanner An-
drews were honored on the oc-
casion of their 35th wedding
anniversary at the home, of
their daughter, Mrs. Keith Ma-
55 Albert. St. Clinton
char, I.Vfaci101 and, family
on ClealCeSISiColl 1., 'East WaWarl,-
est eTownship Last Stkilday.
Mrs. Machan MO an address
to Mr, and Mrs, Andrews : and
Ross Andrews presented The
with gifts, A barbecue dinner
was served, .and a large coral
decorated cake was served
Those present were ,Mr, and
'Mills, Ross Andrews, Bradley,'
Darcy .4114 Brent; Mr. and Mrs,
Ross, • Owyrt and Gerrard of
GoderiCI; Mrs, Brown and
danghter Lori. Lynn of Gode,.
nigh, Mr. end Mns', "Tehn ,Seers,
Mr. paO.mrs, William Andrews
and, MiChael, Miss T.4yricla An-
drew. and Mrs, Margaret Ries,
eel of Toronto..
Over 40 neighbors ..a.,734 friends
gathered at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Lawrence NeSbit and
family last Thursday wetting
for a, Taillowel.l. party. .Games of
cards were enjoyed and. Dave
Mc:Clip:obey read an address.
Carl Qovier and, Jelin Lockhart
presented the guefsts of. honor
With. a pole lamp and a set of
four ash-trays, Mr. Nesbit
thanked. his friends' for their,
gifts and lunch • was served by
the ladies. Mr. and Mrs, Nes,'
hit and family moved to their
new home in Goderich on .the Mr. Weston.
weekend. • Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mead
Mr. 'and Mrs. Rebert Arthur of Mbunt .Forest Visited laSi
and Jayne spent the weekend week with Mr... and Mrs. Ed.
in North Bay visiting with Mr. Davies. • e
and Mrs. Lawson Meehan' Guests with, Mr. and Mrs,
Little Miss Carol Regier re-' Donald Haines, 'Miss Margaret
turned home' lait weekend after and Ed Hain,es were Mr. and
visiting her 'sister, Mrs, Donald Mrs. Nelson Rathbun and tam,:
Cartwright,- Mr. CartWright ily of Hingham, Mr. and Mrs.
and David and Derrick. Ray Thomson of Rockwood, and
Mr. and Mrs.. Reg _Asquith Mr. and Mrs. Al.. Lake of Tor-
and . Anne ,of Isliington spent onto.
the holiday lin Auburn. ' Mr. and Mrs. Colin Bird and
• • Murray. Rollinson of Toronto four Children of • 'Walkerton'
visited last week with his par- moved into rthe Imperial Bank
ents Mr. and. Mrs. Alfred ROL. of -Commerce apartment , last
linsan.• Saturday. Mr, Bird is the new
.• Congratulations to Murray manager succeeding ,. Lloyd
Klaas in obtaining, 76% ine his Humphreys who has been tran-
sferred to Dublin.
John ,Dent returned on the
weekend 'to Toronto after spen-
ding the summer months with
Mr.. and Mite. Donald Haines
and 'family. •
Recent guests with Mr. and
Mrs. jolhn Houston and family
were Mrs. Fred Boyce, Bruce-
field Mrs. Neville Forbes, Sum-
merhill, Lorne Brown, Clinton,
Miss'Jeen Houston, Toronto and
Miss Jean Jamieson of TorontO,
Mr. 'and • Mrs. Carl Mills,
Gwen, Heather and Connie of
Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs.' George
Taylor and Heather of London
and George ‘Wright. and John
Wright both, of London Visited
with Mr. and Mrs., Robert
Arthur and Jayne recently.
Miss Ruth Schmidt of Tavis-
took was a recent visitor with
Mrs. Orland Berle ,and
• Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Craig arid Brian and Stephen
Haggitt returned on Saturday
Prom a 'two week's vacation
spent at Beauty Lake in Nor-
thern Ontario.
We are buying at
.competitive prices
exams at Waterlog ,Pollege.
placed 17th in 'a Class of 200
Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Relick or
Kge4011er visited last week
with and Mrs, Wiliiaro
Mr. larO: WS, Gordon R,. TaY-
ler spent the holiday weekend
in Brantford with their (laugh-
;Kr. 4. Ronald Ra.thwell, Mr.
Rathwell, Michael and Janice.
Ed, Davies was 'taken by smr-
Priv week at the Canadian
Singles Malth held at the C.N,-
E., Toronto sponsored by the
Canadian HorSe-shoe Pitching
Association when he was pre-
sented With a ;beautiful trophy
for being, the 1.4est competitor
through 'the years ape, far 'being
the eldest active horseshoe pit-
cher in the province. Count
I2err of BeamIl'er won in his
qualifying group. Sid Lawson
and his. son Raymond of Gode-
rich also tolls part in the coin-,
petition. •
and Mrs. Alfred Rollin-
son left on Monday for Toronto
where they Will visit their dau-
ghter, Mrs, Alfred Weston and
WMS Presbyterial
Sept. 14 In oderich
AUBURN The Huron .Pres-
byterital Meeting of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society of the'
Presbyterian Church in Canada
will be held, on September 14
in Knox Presbyterieui 'Church,
God'entch, , with the morning
session beginning at 10 n.m.
SPECIAL B & W Aerator and Dryer
'Regular $86.50; NOW ONLY
Travel in Air Ride
Comfort by
Wilson, Drugs Bartliffs Bakery Dutton's Store
Ph. 262-2019 482-9727 482-3232
Barley Contracts
Seed Supplied
We also, have a complete stack of
SEED WHEAT on hand.
Phone 262-2605 Hensall, Ont.
Big Savings on 1965 Mercurys and
Meteors NOW
1964 FORD 2 DOOR 6 cylinder, standard, 981207
1964 FORD 4 DOOR CUSTOM, 6 cylinder, "standard, 47376E
1964 COMET, 6' cylinder, standard, 4 door, with radio, 33436J
1963 CORVAIR MONZA, 4 speed transmission, radio, A59400
1963 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP, 327 engine, stan-
' dard shift, sharp! A52891
1962 OLDSMOBILE 4 DOOR 'HARDTOP, with the trimmings,
21,900 miles, a local Clinton car, 60828E
1962 CHRYSLER 2 DOOR HARDTOP, V8, with the trimmings,
1962 STUDEBAKER 4 DOOR, 6 cylinder, automatic, clean, A53510
1962 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR, 6 cylinder,' automatic, radio, nice!
1961 MONARCH 4 DOOR SEDAN, power equipped, A6I972
1960 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio,
1960 METEOR WAGON 4 DOOR, 6 cylinder, standard, 91263X
1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP, 6 cylinder, auto-
matic, A52932
1959 METEOR 4 DOOR, V8 automatic, A5I300
1959 RENAULT, A53406
1958 METEOR 4 DOOR, V8, automatic, A52823
1960 FORD 1 TON, with good box, 4 speed, 6 cylinder
1959 FORD 1 TON, 6 cylinder, 4 speed
1957 GMC 3/4 TON
1959 FORD 1 TON, in good shape.
1949. INTERNATIONAL 1 TON ,runs like a top!
Brumfield Girls' Softball Team
Wins League; To Enter WOAA Finals
limited Brussels to just four
hits while striking out six.
Bev. Wright also led the
winners at the plate with, a
home ruin and a single, Winer&
Boll eollected three singles and
Bonnie Robinson, a triple. Gwen
Hendrick, Sherran Burdge, Bet-
ty, Graham, and Thelma Jones
each had one hit.
Brussels 100 010 0 2- 4-2
Brucefield — 230 011 x. 7-10-2
Rutledge and Cbultes; Wright
and Jones.
Our new Automatic Grain Handling
Facilities eliminate waiting!
There is no delay when you bring
your grain to Topnotch.
in the lie*
Playing Your Favorite Tunes
At The Electric Organ
At per Ton $42.00
Sea arth
Your Mercury, Meteor, Comet Dealer
Phone 262-2604